Hajj & Umrah Handbook (2008) - Book 2 Of 5: Preparing For Hajj & Umrah

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  • Pages: 81
BOOK 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH Compiled and Edited by Asma Abdullah Ph.D and Azian Ali October 2007 InsyaAllah this free handbook is updated yearly, so please e-mail your suggestions/contributions to [email protected] or [email protected] Disclaimer: This compilation is based on the experiences, opinions and limited knowledge of the editors and contributors. Please refer to your Ustaz/ah as you go through this handbook.

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Part 1: Spiritual Preparation 1.1 Correct Intent 1.2 Purification 1.3 Improving Solat 1.4 Reading The Qur’an 1.5 Making Supplications 1.6 Practicing Modesty

4 4 5 7 8 9 12

Part 2: Mental Preparation 2.1 Mental Conditioning 2.2 Study & Research

14 14 15

Part 3: Physical Preparation 3.1 Get fit, stay well 3.2 Check Medical & Dental Health 3.3 Manage Menstrual Cycle

25 25 26 26

Part 4: Financials


Part 5: Logistics 5.1 Who Will Accompany You? 5.2 Timing 5.3 Travel Agents & Services 5.4 Accommodation

31 31 32 33 34

Part 6: Social Obligations 6.1 For those Who Need Extra Care 6.2 Involve Others 6.3 Performing Hajj on Behalf of The Deceased

36 36 37 37

Appendices 1. So That Our HAJJ May Be Accepted 2. What To Do To Make Our HAJJ Be Accepted 3. Hajjee with No HAJJ 4. Ask Forgiveness from Your Lord 5. Supplications Before Departure for the Holy Land 6. A Quick Overview Checklist 7. Medical Preparation 8. Checklist for Packing/Purchasing 1

41 42 49 52 62 64

66 69

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Narrated Abu Huraira (May Allah be pleased with him): The Prophet

was asked, "Which is the best deed?" He said, "To

believe in Allah and His Apostle." He was then asked, "Which is the next (in goodness)?" He said, "To participate in Jihad in Allah 's Cause." He was then asked, "Which is the next?" He said, "To perform Hajj-Mabrur. " (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 26, Number 594)

1276. `Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: I said: "O Messenger of Allah! We consider Jihad as the best deed, should we not then go for Jihad?'' The Messenger of Allah said, "The best Jihad for you women is Hajj Mabrur (i.e., one accepted by Allah).''[Al-Bukhari]. The call to visit the Holy Land was made by Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) when Allah commanded him to do so. The call reached all souls whether born or unborn. Not all, however, answered to the call. Those who did are then selected to visit Makkah, as many times as they had answered the call. The truth is that those who are able to perform the Hajj or ‘Umrah are those whom Allah has chosen to do so, whether they have the time, health or money. Many without the financial means have been able to make it to Makkah, yet many with the means were not able to do 2

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

so. Therefore, we need to beseech to Allah perform this Hajj or ‘Umrah.

to permit us to

The essence of Hajj, and thereby ‘Umrah, is humility and piety, which is what is required of a slave of Allah . As such, as Muslims, we need to pattern our lives after the model of the Hajj. Apart from making du’a to make this significant journey, we can make the necessary effort to prepare for the journey spiritually, mentally & physically. As we go through the preparation and performance of Hajj, find connections between the journey of Hajj and the journey of life. InsyaAllah we can then gain a life-long vs. short term benefit of our Hajj.

Source: To be identified 3

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 1: SPIRITUAL PREPARATION 1.1 Correct Intent Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him): Allah's Apostle said, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intention and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended. So whoever emigrated for Allah

and His


and His

, then his emigration was for Allah

Apostle . And whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his emigration was for what he emigrated for." (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 2, Number 51) • Start with your intention (nawaitu) and constantly reaffirm it. Remember that our goal is Allah ; everything and everyone else are a means towards Him. Be completely sincere (solely for the sake of Allah ) about this. Check for sincerity every now and then because Satan will find ways to divert our intention. Hajj/’Umrah is a form of sacrifice – a sacrifice of material and emotions. The journey requires tolerance of less than comfortable conditions and patience with others, to name a few. As a result of such hardship, we are able to gain feedback about ourselves and thus choose to improve. All this is to be done totally for the sake of seeking Allah’s pleasure. Thus the intention for hajj or ‘Umrah is to perform it totally for the sake of Allah and none other. 4

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

“Why I'm stressing on this point is because in a lot of circumstances, there's always a hidden agenda. For example, en route to Europe for a holiday; there's a wedding ahead and there's some shopping to do (Makkah and Medinah are a shopping haven for exquisite materials); to show off that we can afford the first class trip, to name a few.” “My husband wanted our hajj to be a “honeymoon” and it was. Ironically, he who all these years has been strict in adhering to non-mahram restrictions has become interested in another woman several months after the hajj. On hindsight, perhaps his intent for the hajj was not appropriate.” “This time I made it clear to myself that I wanted to purify myself and get closer to God. AlhamdulIllah, what became apparent to me during my trip were the personal development areas I needed to improve in. Additionally, I am very grateful to Allah for granting me the ability to have more faith and confidence in Him. SubhanAllah!”

1.2 Purification (please see Appendix 4) • Learn how to purify yourself through istighfar, solat taubat, etc. from your Ustaz/ah. • If we have declared our intention to perform Hajj or ‘Umrah, we need to repent and ask Allah embarking on our journey.

to forgive us before

Say: “O ‘Ibadi (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: verily, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is OftForgiving, Most Merciful. (Az Zumar: 53). 5

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

• Call up or visit those you need to seek forgiveness from. …and ask forgiveness for your sin, and also for (the sin of) believing men and believing women... (Muhammad: 19) • IMPORTANT! Know how to perform istinja’ (cleansing self after going to the water closet) and perform the purification bath (mandi hadas besar) the proper way. Please note that if these are not done properly, then the wudhu’ is not acceptable and as such none of the deeds thereafter may be acceptable, including solat and tawaf. If tawaf is unacceptable, then the Hajj or ‘Umrah is incomplete. • Know how to perform ablution using a small cup of water and/or using a spray bottle. •

“I filled the spray bottle with clean water (used Zam Zam in Makkah/Medinah) and carried it with me everywhere – very useful for ablution when there’s no tap conveniently available or when there’s shortage of water.”

• Note doa to preserve wudhu' found on the wall of one of the hotels in Medinah

Courtesy of Faziatone 6

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

1.3 Improving Solat • Seek the advice of your Ustaz/ah on how to atone and make up for years of missed solat fardhu, if any. • Know the many types of solat sunat: tahajjud, witir, taubat, hajat, tasbih, etc. Useful to bring a guidebook. “I find the book by Mohd. Yusof Hj. Ismail, ‘Panduan Lengkap Sembahyang Sunat, published by Percetakan Putrajaya Sdn Bhd, extremely useful in guiding me to perform solat sunat especially dhuha, tahajjud, taubat, hajat.” “If we seldom perform solat tahajud, now is a good time to practise, in preparation for Hajj.. For me.. I started to talk a bit less than usual.. reduced loud laughter, did more of fasting, solat sunat taubat.. doa.. for Allah to purify my soul.. and of course read the Quran.. I’ve observed pilgrims not making the most & the best of their limited time in the Holy Lands. I think we should prepare for Hajj as if we’re taking an exam.” • Know how to perform solat on a moving vehicle (e.g. the plane and bus) or just about anywhere (we don’t know where we could end up on transit), solat jama’/qasar, solat jemaah, solat jenazah, what to do when entering/leaving masjid.

Source: To be identified 7

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

As the illustrations demonstrate, there is no excuse for not performing solat anywhere, particularly so on the Hajj/’Umrah journey. “I noted that some of the male jemaah did not even solat in the plane, thus missing their solat fardhu.”

1.4 Reading The Qur’an

• Begin to read the Qur’an and if you haven’t already, learn the tajwid. “This is the easiest act to do yet will bring great reward. If you are the type who usually starts the Qur’an in Ramadan and then leave it without “khatam”, try to make an effort to “khatam” before you go. If not, try to khatam during pilgrimage. InsyaAllah, you may be successful in continuing reading the Qur’an when you return to Malaysia, compared to continuing to go for solat jemaah in “suraus”.” “I wasn’t so good at reading the Qur’an so I attempted to “khatam” the English translation. Speaking of which, I found THE NOBLE QUR’AN (available in the Masjids) very easy to read and helped me tremendously in strengthening my faith and confidence in Allah, alhamdulIllah! It was also useful to have my own pocket size copy which I could highlight and mark.” “Reciting the Qur’an is a PLUS in ibadah especially if you are able to read it in Masjidil Haram or Masjid Nabawi. Learning how to read it before embarking on the journey would help you not waste 8

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

a single minute of your time in the holy lands so that you can fill it with solat, reading the Qur’an and other ibadah. But if unable to, the supplications are provided with translation. Read the translated part. I personally read both not just because I can read the Qur’an, but because reading the translated version means more to me as I understand every word that I am saying. Allah understands any language we speak, even if it is in our heart.” “It would be nice if we could learn to read Qur’an before we go as a spiritual preparation. Qur’an is NUR – a gift from Allah to us, a pity if we do not read it in our daily lives especially if we are going to visit His place. I remember Ustaz Harun Din saying, if we want to attain Hajj Mabrur, it begins from home from the time we register.”

1.5 Making Supplications (please see Appendix 5)

• Start to make supplications with istiqomah as early as we can. Narrated Abu Huraira

(Radhi Allah Anhu): Allah's

Apostle as saying: "The supplication of one of you is granted if he does not grow impatient and say - I supplicated my Lord but it was not granted." (Sahih Muslim: Book 35, Book Name Kitab Al-Dhikr, Number 6594) 9

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

• For protection (e.g. the memorizing and understanding of the potent Ayatul Kursi, etc.) We need to safeguard ourselves against jinns and humans. Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said," Whoever says: "La ilaha illal-lah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahu-l-mulk wa lahul-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shai'in qadir," one hundred times will get the same reward as given for manumitting ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it (his saying) will be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed except the one who does more than he." (Bukhari, Book 8, Volume 75, Hadith 412) `Uthman bin `Affan (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah said, "He who recites three times every morning and evening: Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru ma`as-mihi shai'un fil-ardi wa la fis-sama'i, wa Huwas-Sami`ul-`Alim (In the Name of Allah with Whose Name there is protection against every kind of harm in the earth or in the heaven, and He is the All-Hearing and All-Knowing), nothing will harm him.'' (Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi) • For ease of ibadah “Make Du'a during every solat once we are confirmed for Hajj. I always made du'a to ask that Allah make the Hajj easy (mudah) and complete (sempurna) and alhamdulIllah my wish was granted.” ”My ustaz recommended reading the following supplication for quality and ease of ibadah” (The first one was taught by Rasulullah (saw) to Muadh bin Jabal. You may want to read it with istiqomah at least once after every solat fardh.) 10

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Courtesy of Fauziah Sanad

" Just speak in our own language. Remember we are talking to Allah. The supplications in the books are merely suggested readings. The danger is, you spend too much energy in memorising, but lose the spiritual attainment which is more important." 11

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) said that when the Messenger of Allah was faced with a serious difficulty, he would always supplicate, "Ya Hayyu, ya Qayyumu, bi-rahmatika astaghithu (O the Living, O the Eternal, I seek help in Your grace). (Tirmidhi)

1.6 Practising Modesty • Learn how to cover our 'aurat properly and without tabarruj (i.e. wanton display, e.g. attracting attention, showing off or going “overboard” with colours, “frills”, accessories, etc.). It is imperative to keep ‘aurat well covered especially while in ihram. We also need to avoid clothes that look like those of the kuffaar or the opposite gender. • Check on the transparency of our clothes. You can stand in front of a mirror with the sunlight behind you and ask a friend to tell you. Ladies may want to bring loose camisoles and full slips to wear underneath your garment. Note that a jubah/abaya is usually transparent – it is meant to be your “overcoat.” “One thing that I observed to be very prevalent among Malaysian female pilgrims was the use of very transparent pantyhose-like socks. Sometimes I cringed when I passed behind a row of Malaysian ladies who were in the 'sujud' position as I could clearly see every single toe on their feet through the transparent socks.” • Check on the tightness of our clothes. If wearing pants, is it loose enough not to reveal your body shape as you bend and prostrate? If need be, ensure the shirt/telekung is long enough.


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

• For ladies, please check your sleeves to ensure that you are covered all the way up to your wrist. Some sleeves tend to fall when we raise our hands or are just too short, so be sure to wear arm gloves, as in the picture below.

Source: To be identified • Those who are well endowed need to plan for better coverage. “I saw one female jemaah’s assets moving underneath her ‘telekung’ as she briskly walked down the steps. I thought to myself that perhaps she needed a brassiere with better support and/or a heavy outer garment”


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 2: MENTAL PREPARATION 2.1 Mental Conditioning The journey to the Holy Land requires mental conditioning – it is likely that we will be given lessons before, during and even after the journey, in becoming sincere "Abdullah" (Allah

's slaves).

We have to learn to control our tongues, suppress our egos and get rid of arrogance. We are not expected to see ourselves as better or having more than others, hence Hujjaj dress alike in Ihram, regardless of who they might be in this world. All are slaves in front of Allah, be they royalty, corporate executives, the poor: begging for His mercy and forgiveness. We will meet with people from various corners of the world, be in close proximity with strangers 24/7, queue for food, transportation, restrooms and encounter other physical inconveniences. These have an impact on our mental well being. We must be prepared to “shrug off” these challenges and focus on completion of the rites to the best of our ability. We need mental discipline and will power. Hajj, in general, has become easier physically due to the various modern facilities and amenities. What is more elusive, however, is the attainment of spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. To get the highest rewards from Allah SWT, we need to aim to do our very best and beseech Him to help us.

• Be prepared for challenges even before one reaches the Holy Land. While on Hajj, we need to consciously give up the usual pleasures and conveniences of life. We need to endure rigorous obligatory disciplines. The ultimate aim of all this is to attain and retain an intensified state of devotion (taqwa) to Allah. 14

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

“We arrived at about 3 a.m at Jeddah airport and were still waiting to clear immigration 2 hours later which meant we needed to find a place to solat Subuh ‘anywhere’. I was glad I had on covered clogs so that it was easy for me to perform wudhu (did so at the water cooler) and had my solat paraphernalia in my carry on. Bringing bathroom slippers in a carry on is also helpful if you're wearing shoes on the journey. On hindsight, I wish I had my sejadah in my carry on, since I had to solat on the bare floor.” “Pray for a smooth journey, accept rough moments with a smile.'

2.2 Study and Research • It may be useful for you to make the following table as you go through your study and research: Do’s


• Attend regular classes on Fardhu ‘ain, i.e. Tauhid, Tasawwuf and Fiqh so that you are familiar with what is rukun, wajib, sunat, harus, makruh. Should you feel overwhelmed at any point in time, you know what you MUST do and what you CAN omit. It is imperative that we study from a qualified and certified Ustaz/ah whom we trust and have confidence in. If you have more than one, better still, then you have resources to cross check teachings. If you don’t have your own, you may be confused by the different interpretations of the other pilgrims’ ustaz/ahs offering different instructions/opinions regarding the tasks involved. “The Ustaz advised us to not simply follow what others are doing in Masjidil Haram – they may be following different mazhabs or deviationist practice. I noticed that some were not even following the imam as we performed solat!” 15

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

“Please use this opportunity to have most of your issues addressed, preferably, by the same ustaz (teacher). From my own experience, I tried to prepare myself as much as possible with Ustaz A, then I use his information to proceed. This way, I avoid confusion and minimize my doubts, uncertainties (“was-was”) when I get to Makkah, with others offering “advice” based on what they were taught. Nonetheless, we should not shut out others from sharing with us what they have learned.” • Attend specific classes provided by Tabung Haji/travel agent/organizer on the rituals and meaning of what we will be experiencing. Do read the books they provide and ask friends to relate their experiences. Find out in detail how Rasulullah performed his Hajj -- check out books on “Manasik Haji.” Learn about Hajj Tamattu’, Ifrad and Qiran. Learn the do’s and don’t’s when in ihram from your Ustaz/ah. • Attend "Kursus Perdana Haji". Find out from Tabung Haji the dates. This one-day and one-night (subject to change) orientation cum simulation session can provide you with the physical and mental readiness to begin your preparations for the trip. If you are going with a group of 3-4 friends/relatives, this is a good time to get to know one another. “You'd be surprised to hear some comments made...like "O..I was not informed of the condition in Arafah and Mina..I am shocked!!" Another is "had I known the Hajj was like this...I wouldn’t have come!!" • Check out current publications and media that carry articles/features on Hajj and ‘Umrah. • Video (Note: You can download videos from You Tube by purchasing Tube Sock at USD15)


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

• This one can get you in the mood for hajj. And if you watch with an open heart, you can cry… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6t7_HLTRkk • Join Yusuf Estes and Yvonne Ridley for a show which takes you through different aspects of Hajj. Dec 12 & Dec 26, 2006 www.islamchannel.tv http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3580036049862740891 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6795542116368595950

• A national geographic documentary on reverts to Islam and a journey to Makkah for pilgrimage. This video can be downloaded from the following link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=75927WAT or viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuOjFjcWvM4 • Hajj seminar parts 1-4, by Abu Muneer Ismail Davids, Lecturer and author of the book "Getting the best out of Hajj" This one day seminar includes “everything you need to know prepare, plan and perform your Hajj.” Part 1 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6000419692844613048

Part 2 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1476075363709640676

Part 3 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2277664859440268146

Part 4 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4435699266718715646

• This film, produced by the Ministry of Hajj, helps the pilgrim to perform the Hajj safely. It contains much useful advice and explains the arrangements the Ministry has put in place for the comfort and security of all pilgrims. It will also show you the main rites and sites of the Hajj. Hajj Safety - Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiqbQV4xejQ Hajj Safety - Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGNAUUcDrRA 17

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

• Good tips in preparation for hajj. Also visuals of Raudhah as well as significant places in Medinah. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An2c-7pDP5s •

Audio Hajj & Umrah. This classroom is dedicated to lectures covering both the inner and outer aspects of Hajj and Umrah, from waiting for the days of Hajj, to preparing for the Hajj and the journey, to the Hajj itself, to carrying over the benefits of Hajj & Umrah in our lives. While these lectures were focused on Hajj and Umrah, many of the lessons and principles discussed are relevant to everyday life. All lectures are in MP3 format. http://www.sacredlearning.org/classrooms/hajj/index.htm “The CD by Ustaz Daud Che Ngah is very informative. I went through the set for my preparation for Hajj 2002. I have found it helpful as it explains the do's and don’ts.” • Publications • Ethics and Significance of Hajj -- excellent material which includes fatwa issued by the prominent Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi and quote from Ibn Qudamah Al-Maqdisi’s book Mukhtasar Minhaj Al-Qasidin http://www.islamonline.net/servlet/Satellite?cid=1124781357691&p agename=IslamOnline-English-Hajj_Umra%2FHajjE%2FHajjE

• Hajj - Not a two-week vacation


• An excerpt from 'Introduction to Islam' by Dr. M. Hamidullah. Short and punchy article – read with an open heart and let the points “hit home” http://muslimcanada.org/hajj.htm • The Book of Hajj Parts 1-4 with over 230 hadeeths on the subject of Hajj. A useful reference point for those wishing 18

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

to return to the proofs for the Hajj rituals. • Rites of Hajj and ‘Umrah From the book and Sunnah and Narrations from the Pious Predecessors. An excellent guide to Hajj and ‘Umrah. Concise and to the point with full Arabic text of all supplications http://sahihmuslim.com/sps/sp.cfm?secID=IBD&subsecID=IBD11&l oadpage=displaysubsection.cfm

“There is a set of books called FATAAWA ISLAMIYYAH, the publisher is Darussalaam. This set contains fataawas by the reknown late Grand Mufti of Saudi Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz, Sheikh Ibn Uthaimin, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al Jibreen together with the Permanent Committee & Decision of the Fiqh Council Of Saudi. We suggest to buy at least volume 4 of the set. Volume 4 of Fataawa Islamiyyah contains many questions and also it explains in great detail about how our Rasullullah his ‘Umrah & Hajj.


Another book that we’d like to suggest is the awardwinning book of the biography of Rasullullah . This book gives a detailed account of the last 7 days of our Rasullullah

’s life & his last words, last breath before

he returned to Allah . The book is THE SEALED NECTAR ( AR – RAHEEQ AL MAKHTUM) by the late reknown Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman Al- Mubarakpuri Of University of Al Medinah Al Munawarah. This book also gives a brief account of The Farewell Hajj which is described on pages 538-546. It also has the sermon of Rasullullah sallahualayhiwassalam at Arafah and it is indeed heart warming to read it for it is an 19

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amanah to us. Do copy & read it when you are in Arafah. By the Grace of Allah, the Ustaz that led us for Hajj read the sermon with utmost passion when we were in Arafah and it made grown macho men cry sobbing... T h i s chapter also mentions where & when Rasullullah shortened & combined (jama’ & qasar) his prayer while performing hajj and the night stay at Muzdalifah. Please do not miss the overnight in Muzdalifah, it’s never the same when one just stays for a few hours in the bus…the ustaz that led us told us while in KL that we will sleep under the “million star hotel”. Indeed it was a beautiful night and to be there in Muzdalifah from Maghrib till Fajr – an unforgettable experience indeed. Lastly, a pocket size book, HAJJ, UMRAH & ZIYARRAH in the Light of the Quraan & the Sunnah by His Eminence Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz, the late Grand Mufti Of Saudi.” • “I wish I had read this EXCELLENT book FIRST: Hikmah & Fadhilat Haji Umrah & Ziarah, Muhammad Zakariya, Darul Nu’man ISBN 983-046-250-1” • Hajj Pocket Guide by Dar Al Khair Publishing House. • “Bought a very good book in Medinah which I would like to recommend especially to those going for ‘Umrah the first time or the first time with kids Title: The Ultimate guide To ‘Umrah (based on the famous book 'Getting The Best Out Of Hajj' With special chapters on ‘Umrah in Ramadan and visiting Madinah. Author: Abu Muneer Ismail Davids Darussalam International Publication Ltd 03-77109750 109A Jalan SS21/1A, Damansara Utama, 47400 PJ” • Check out “Renungan Sebelum, Semasa Dan Selepas 20

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

HAJI” by Hj Hanafi Hj Zainuddin & Lukmanul Hakim Hj Hanafi • Browse the following websites for more information and then refer questions to your Ustaz/ah(s). http://www.saudinf.com/main/b635.htm Definitely worth exploring, for news, issues, facts, etc. on Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. http://www.hajinformation.com/ This website is designed to provide English-speaking Muslims with comprehensive information about the Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam. Check out the FAQs for local info. There’s a flash presentation on Hajj day by day at http://www.hajinformation.com/flashdaybyday.htm http://www.islamonline.net/English/hajj/ The newly revamped website containing a wealth of info related to Hajj including news, fatwa, rulings, reflections, multimedia. http://www.hajtips.com/ A site worth exploring – abundant tips, well organized format. http://www.sacred-destinations.com/saudi-arabia/sacred-sites.htm Sacred Sites of Saudi Arabia – Lots of photos to accompany text on Makkah, Medinah, Hajj, ‘Umrah & more http://www.dalil-alhaj.com/en/travel.htm Worth clicking on Preparing, Visiting Madina, Return Home, Advice, Photo Gallery. http://www.pbs.org/muhammad/virtualhajj.shtml A simplified overview of hajj logistics. http://www.geocities.com/al_hajj/AlHajj.html 21

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

A comprehensive. multimedia rich hajj & ‘Umrah info portal, offering downloadable items – worth exploring! http://hajj.al-islam.com/ Basic info, including those on the 2 Masjids, Also available in various languages, including Bahasa Melayu. Includes details of the Farewell Hajj -- a map of the route taken and an account of Rasulullah’s journey from Medinah to Makkah and then back to Medinah. Rich multimedia – picture album & videos www.islamicity.com/mosque/hajj/ IslamiCity.com - Hajj Information Center. Offers guides, articles, audio-visual resources, and accounts of the history of Hajj. Also includes old photos of the Hajj sites to use as screensavers. http://www.soundvision.com/info/hajj/ The free Handbook of Umra & Hajj is definitely worth printing. The flow diagram for Hajj within it received 5 star rating from various parts of the world. • To help internalize the hajj/’Umrah experience, read the stories about Prophets Muhammad , Ibrahim (as), Ismail (as), Adam (as). You can obtain these from some of the websites mentioned above. • Obtain






Prophet’s companions interacted with him and lived their lives from “Hayatu Sahabah” by Sheikh Yusof Qandalawi, available in English & Bahasa Malaysia.


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

• Get Familiar With The Territory

It may be stressful to encounter differences in language, food, and social habits. In addition, attitudes of other hujjaj as well as officers, agents, taxi/bus drivers, hotel staff, etc. can cause major stress. Be prepared to face those who may be abrupt or commercial. • To appreciate the Holy Lands, read about the history of Makkah & Medinah. You can obtain those published by Darussalam Publications for about SR20 each in Makkah. • Ustaz Abdul Basit of Medinah has written two books: “Makkah Al-Mukarramah Kelebihan dan Sejarah” & “Medinah Munawwarah Kelebihan dan Sejarah”, in Bahasa Malaysia. The publisher is Dar Al-Maathir. almaathir@yahoo,com, tel: 00 966 4828 3864. You can 23

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purchase them for SR15 each from the local bookstore or your mutawif. • In addition, you may want to look for these 2 books in Medinah: “The Prophet’s Masjid” by Khaled Muhammad Hamed, and “Memories of the Luminous City”. These books contain colour pictures and are in Arabic & English. • Learn at least some basic or conversational Arabic. Know some simple words in Arabic.


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 3: PHYSICAL PREPARATION The duration of the Hajj, including its rites & rituals require much strenuous physical activity. Coupled with harsh desert climate, this intense exertion can take a serious toll on the body.

3.1 Get fit, stay well • Do regular stretching exercises for flexibility and regular aerobic exercises to build stamina. Develop your physical strength to perform all the rituals by starting a daily habit of brisk walking prior to departure. Seek professional advice if under medication or medical treatment. •

Read “Getting Into Shape For Hajj” at http://www.geocities.com/al_hajj/Hajj_Fitness.html “a simple regular training activity that will give all of those contemplating Hajj this year, an adequate level of fitness before you embark on the Holy Pilgrimage” InsyaAllah.

• Seek prevention and prescription from a holistic perspective. Allah’s ‘ilm is not limited to the medical sciences. Check out various forms of alternative treatments (e.g. reflexology, acupressure, iridology) and alternative medicines.(e.g. homeopathy, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements). “Contrary to what we were told, last year (2005) the immigration wasn't strict about the medications we brought with us. They had no problem with the panadols, cough and cold medications, gastric and diarrhea medications that I kept in the sling bag Tabung Haji had given us. Although Tabung Haji medical teams are equipped with all the necessary, up to date and expensive drugs, the line you have to put up with just to see the doctor can be very discouraging and exhausting. (I had to see the medical team because I did not bring antibiotics -- only over the counter drugs.) 25

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By the way, I found the vitamins at the pharmacies in Medinah and Makkah to be more expensive than those in Malaysia.”

3.2 Check Medical & Dental Health (for more details on medical health, please refer to Appendix 7) • Obtain the Medical booklet from Tabung Haji and make sure to follow up on issues per the compulsory medical check up required for Hajj pilgrims. • Visit your dentist three months before going.

3.3 Manage Menstrual Cycle • Ladies need to know the do’s and don’ts of Hajj/’Umrah should menstruation occur before or after passing the meeqat. It’s also important to learn how to stipulate a condition when entering ihram such that if something happens to prevent us from completing Hajj/’Umrah, we can exit ihram without blame. Please review with certainty the rules with your Ustaz/ah. • For ladies, we must know how to handle our menstrual cycle and do seek advice from the medical profession. Please note in some cases even after taking the prescribed medication, you may still menstruate. We make plans but Allah decides what is best for us. Discuss alternatives with your gynaecologist so that you can at least PLAN to be able to perform your ‘Umrah/hajj in a state of purity. “I was overconfident and paid dearly for it. I was on the pill the last 3 times I visited the Holy Lands and had no problem. So this time around I didn’t make extra effort to stock up on provera and wasn’t very conscientious about taking the pill on time everyday. At the same time, I verbalized to a friend that I had no problems so far with the pill. To cut the story short, I was not able to solat for the better half of my stay and needed to consult the mutawif to determine which portion of the time was “istihadah” and which portion was “haid.” 26

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“ I would like to share my experience on the payment of dam. Two years before performing the Hajj, my sister joined me on a special ‘Umrah trip, which was meant to prepare me for my true journey. Even though we were both experiencing the onset of the menopausal period of our lives, we were hoping that we would be blessed with full dry season, to enable us to smoothly perform the ‘Umrah. I had been more fortunate than my sister, whose anxiety may have caused the reverse effect, with the flow being erratic and uncontrollable. When we were in Medinah, a kind soul offered her some medication intended to temporarily halt the flow which allowed her to solat in the beautiful Masjidil Nabawi, the Prophet’s Masjid and resting place of our beloved prophet (saw). From Medinah we proceeded to the holy City of Makkah. Upon arrival and after a short rest we visited Masjidil Haram and immediately after solat, performed the Tawaf, the Sa’ie the Tahallul, completing our 1st ‘Umrah. Unfortunately, the very next day her flow returned and I guess with vengeance, as it was suppressed by the medication. It was quite a challenge to her, to keep on cleansing herself long enough to have a solat window in Masjidil Haram between the flow. One evening she was happy to note that the flow had stopped and after performing the cleansing bath the next morning we visited Miqat Al-Taneim, wearing our Ihram, with the objective of performing another ‘Umrah, the second for her. We returned to the Masjidil Haram in time to hear the Iqamat to begin the dawn solat. Hurriedly we found a space to join in and as I solat I was looking forward to continue with the performance of the ‘Umrah immediately after. We then proceeded to Baitullah to perform the Tawaf. At the end of the 6th round of the Tawaf, my sister whispered to me that she was feeling uncomfortable. Although she continued to accompany me to complete the 7th round, she knew that her Tawaf had to be aborted. She waited for me to complete my Sa’ie and Tahallul before we returned to the Hotel. At the hotel she related her condition to another pilgrim, who assured her not to worry and that 27

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she should wait a while, and when the flow stop to immediately take her bath and to revisit Baitullah to re-performed the Tawaf. This was exactly what she did and I accompanied her to complete the Tawaf. However, whilst performing the Sa’ie she experienced a slight flow but she was able to proceed and complete the Sa’ie and then the Tahallul. We were happy that she completed her 2nd ‘Umrah, and as the next day was time for us to leave for Malaysia, she once again cleansed herself and managed to perform the Tawaf Wida’, to say goodbye and solat that one day we would return with better health. Regretfully the flow continued on the flight until she returned to Malaysia. Even though she completed the ‘Umrah, both of us felt that something was not right but we were not able to identify it. Before my departure for the Hajj, she visited me, and offered RM350.00 to pay a Dam on her behalf. I could not accept the money as we were both unsure what the payment was for. Dam could only be paid for specific reason and infringement of the key rites. During my recent Hajj trip I asked my pilgrim friend why she could not just take a bath and join us to solat and perform a mini Tawaf (tawaf sunat). She then told me that to perform a Tawaf she should wait for at least 24 hours after her flow had dried to ascertain that it truly ended before taking the cleansing bath. She could solat in between but the waiting period is a condition for performing the Tawaf. At that instance I thought of my sister and what happened during the ‘Umrah trip. I then consulted our group’s Ustaz, who reluctantly opined that my sister may still be in her Ihram. He however advised me to seek the opinion of Tabung Haji nearest to her home. Upon my return to Malaysia, I immediately visited my sister in Kota Bahru and related to her the doubt that was looming in me. We went to Tabung Haji’s office in Kota Bharu and as the Director had some doubt, he contacted the Mufti at Pusat Islam in Kuala Lumpur. Dato’ Mufti confirmed that she needed the 24 hours waiting period for complete stop to the flow and given the account 28

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of her story, she was still in Ihram. Therefore, she needed to immediately adhere to the rules of Ihram and to pay the Dam by slaughtering a full-mature goat. In addition she should, if circumstances allow, return to Makkah to complete the ‘Umrah. Fortunately, she is a widow, otherwise the Dam would have been a camel. All this while, we did not know why we had the feelings of uncertainty and doubt and Alhamdullillah, events happened to clear the air and release her from the serious weight of still being in Ihram after leaving the Holy City of Makkah”.

• If and when you menstruate, all is not lost! Some of the ibadat you

can do when menstruating are as follows: o Read the translation of the Qur’an – this can have a powerful effect on you – not to be underestimated! o Do dhikrullah, e.g. read up the 99 names of Allah and the meaning of each name. o Find those deserving of charity and do sadaqah. o During Ramadhan, stand near the gate/door just before adhan maghrib and hand out dates/rutob to those coming into the masjid.

• Use Zam Zam as another means to manage your menses -- make supplication regarding your period and ability to perform the necessary rites without interruption when you drink Zam Zam. Face the qiblat when you drink Zam Zam. “My period was due anytime around wuquf, so upon advice, I took a miswak stick, broke it into pieces and soaked it in zam zam. I drank the water a few times daily, asking Allah to delay my period until I’ve completed my tahallul. I repeated this when I went for ‘Umrah later in the year. With Allah’s permission it worked both times!” Editor’s note: You can also do the above to shorten the duration of menstruation, InsyaAllah. 29

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PART 4: FINANCIALS • Check and Cleanse Our Personal Assets • Ensure that the money you use for this journey is HALAL! • Settle the amount due for zakat, which can offset income tax. Pay all dues. • Make adequate provision for the journey • Ensure you have savings in Tabung Haji. Please note that ONLY DURING THE HAJJ SEASON you can withdraw from Tabung Haji in Makkah and Medinah. What you withdraw in Saudi Arabia is transacted in Saudi Riyals. Usually there are Tabung Haji counters at various hotels housing those on the Tabung Haji package or muassasah. • If you are coming for ‘Umrah, then bring adequate cash for dam, sadaqah & small retail items • Make adequate provision for the period of our absence • Sort out all debts and clear them. • Prearrange for payment of bills: electricity, water, internet, phone, house rent, school/tuition & related fees, groceries, healthcare.

• Prepare an Islamic will.


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 5: LOGISTICS 5.1 Who Will Accompany You? • Decide who to go with as well as rooming arrangements (eg. 4 to a room is less expensive than a suite of 2 rooms, 2 to a room). “It is good to go with a group of friends. Try to listen to others before deciding what you think is best for yourself. Please bear in mind that in Makkah, friends also need time to be alone and you cannot demand much from them. Spouse and children, however, have a direct obligation vis-à-vis the spouse or parent, so if you are traveling with close relatives, you are expected to be interdependable.” • Plan for Male Mahrams. Obtain information from an established travel agent specializing in ‘Umrah/hajj. Stay close to your mahram, especially at Immigration. “A single parent-female can perform ‘Umrah or Hajj if accompanied by 2 trusted female companions. In Saudi, the authorities strictly adhere to this rule, as they do not wish a female jema'ah to be stranded in Saudi. For ‘Umrah, however, travel agents normally arrange for someone within the group to act as temporary ‘Mahram’ to accompany the single female to enter Makkah. This is checked at Immigration point in Jeddah/Medinah” “I learnt from a few Ustaz/ahs that it's okay to go with female thiqah if you're going to perform hajj/’Umrah wajib; but for hajj/’Umrah sunat, you must have a male mahram accompanying you.” “My girlfriend was my thiqah and I was hers when we performed our Hajj in 2003. We did, however, obtain the blessings and written approvals from our respective husbands for the journey. For ‘Umrah you need to be accompanied by a male Mahram. Personally I agree that we should plan our trip well to ensure that 31

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we have a true Mahram – as I feel that the temporary Mahram as assigned by the travel agents would cause us to start our journey on the left foot. The reasoning given was that this is an immigration requirement….but still the willingness to perjure oneself on a holy journey may not be a good choice.

5.2 Timing Narrated Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: He who intends to perform hajj should hasten to do so. (Sunan Abu Dawud Book 10, Number 1728) Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas: ….. He said: She has also requested me to ask you: What is that action which is equivalent to performing hajj with you? The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Convey my greetings, the mercy of Allah and His blessings to her and tell her that ‘Umrah during Ramadan is equivalent to performing hajj along with me. (Sunan Abu Dawud Book 10, Number 1985) • Decide on the timing. If you’d like to stay in the Holy Lands for the whole of Ramadhan, you may need to inform your travel agent 5 months in advance. “Going among the last flights for Hajj has its advantages: - We can perform Haji Ifrad (around 10 days in Ihram before Tahallul Awal) - We don’t have to rush back to Makkah while in Mina since we have many days more after 13th Zulhijjah in Makkah.. - Decrease in the volume of people (people leaving for home or people going to Medinah), we can perform tawaf ‘Umrah/sunat and Sa’ie with ease. Even kissing HajarulAswad, insyaAllah.” • Obtain information on weather conditions in Medinah and Makkah “Weather will depend on which month you are performing your ‘Umrah or Hajj. December & January are cold at night in Medinah 32

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and Makkah (including Mina and especially Muzdalifah). The hot season starts in June and temperatures can exceed 40 deg C. During winter, the cold can sometimes go to negative degrees at night. Bring along your cardigan & thick socks to wear during night solat.”

5.3 Travel Arrangements & Services • Select your travel agent. Check with your family and friends their experience. “An agent with 20 years of experience cannot guarantee that he will deliver. Watch for signs. If you can, shop around for people who make the promises with “InsyaAllah”. From my own personal experience, my group had it tough without “InsyaAllah”. • Choose the travel option that suits your needs. You may want to perform solat istikharah on this. a. Muassasah (please refer to personal accounts in Book 5) “You need to be more tolerant as it is often very cramped. But it is a good way to test your patience and you'll appreciate your hajj more as you go through some "hardship". Amongst the hardship is having to walk about 6 km to and fro passing through tunnels. You'll get to mix with people who are very old and who have never traveled before, and often you end up taking them to clinics (which is a form of amal jariah).” “Although I did not go under the package, I must admit that the "Maha Susah [Muassasah] was not necessarily “susah”. Food was always available. At Masjidil Haram, however, I met a few teary-eyed ladies who claimed that when they went back to the hotel (NOT muassasah) a little late, there was no more food.”


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

b. Package: " This can be comfortable but it is not a guarantee for comfort during ‘Umrah/Hajj. During my Hajj, I saw the happy faces of the pilgrims in their tents/open air abode by the streets in Mina, and the less than happy faces of the pilgrims in what was then the most expensive package.” • Decide on the carrier. Saudi Air operates the direct route. Check with your travel agent if any other carrier does the same. • Check out your Mutawif (Guide) and their responsibilities: - What does a group Ustaz/ah do or is supposed to do? - Is he in the group with you i.e. in the same apartment/hotel or do you have to get to him, i.e. he stays apart from the group? “The travel agent will normally assign a Mutawif who can help you in performing your ‘Umrah//Hajj and serve as a resource for things you need clarification on. During Hajj, a group of Ustaz/ah(s) is assigned at every Maktab to assist the jema'ah and they provide talks almost every night.”

5.4 Accommodation • Select hotel/apartment and find out their proximity to which part of the Masjid – some parts are air-conditioned. Hotels or apartments near the two Holy Masjids (Masjid Nabawi in Medinah and Masjid Al Haram Ash-Sharif in Makkah) are more expensive than those further away. For the hotel in Makkah, ensure that there is little gradient, if any, when you are bringing the elderly or children. It is possible to stay at 4-star hotels at reasonable rates. Please note, however, that the farther you have to walk to the masjid, the more pahala you get, insyaAllah. Every step you take, you gain reward and your sins are forgiven, insyaAllah. 34

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• If you are sharing more than 2 to a room, do find out the number of sinks or WCs available in the room. It may be worthwhile to pay more for convenience. "Consider hotel distance to Masjidil Haram and Masjid Nabawi. We went with UTAS Travel & Tours, which to me, offered the most reasonable rates. Their location is very near to Masjidil Haram. Although our hotel in Medinah was about 8-10 minutes from Masjid Nabawi, we didn’t mind it because the length of stay in Medinah was only 9 days. As Ustaz Hj Daud Che Ngah once mentioned "Expect the worst, hope for the best!!" My husband paid for a room for 4 persons. Instead he got the room to himself. That somewhat provided us the privacy when we needed it and of course the space to put our stuff. Which was also nice for me who paid for a 5-person room. And after Jema’ah on early flights left, we got a room for 2 with the bathroom all to ourselves. That was a blessing!!” “In Makkah I stayed at Hilton Towers apartment three times and it was very convenient for families.” “What I like about Makkah Hilton is the glass bubble lifts – I get a sense of security in case I end up to be the only female in the lift.” "In Medinah, if you stay in a hotel of some distance the road is level so walking is not much of a problem. The reason for getting a hotel near the Masjid is to allow you to go back after every solat to rest or freshen up. If your hotel is far, it would be wiser to stay in the masjid and the solat times are quite near to one another.”


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 6: SOCIAL OBLIGATIONS 6.1 For those who need extra care • Children, the physically challenged, the elderly, those with heart, respiratory & other critical ailments will need able-bodied & healthy caretakers so as not to unnecessarily burden strangers. • If you are accompanying any of the above, discuss this with your travel agent. • Request for the following (it's better to pay more for convenience.)  A direct flight to Saudi Arabia, if possible, direct to Medinah. Make sure your travel agent does not arrange your flight through airlines which need to make stopovers and transits. “Some agents simply go for whatever's cheaper in cost. They will only inform you of the details when things are already confirmed. The group I went with recently had to go via Yemen Air, stopover in Dubai, transit at Sana’a, then only to Jeddah. There were many elderly people in our group. Needless to say, by the time we got to Makkah, most of them were too tired to immediately complete their ‘Umrah.”  Travel from Medinah to Makkah by plane via Jeddah. From Jeddah, you will need to travel by road to Makkah, which takes about one hour.  Please note that many travel agents now arrange for bustrips for the Medinah-Makkah route. This may take 6 hours or even up to 8 hours during peak season. (If you're going for Hajj, most likely you will have to travel by bus). While the younger ones may not find this a problem, the 36

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elderly people may be too tired by the time they get to their destination. Alternatively, you could arrange to travel by GMC (an 8cylinder, 4-wheel drive), which could get the trip reduced to about 4 hours. A GMC can seat up to 7 pax. • Arrange for hotels near the two Masjids and convenient enough for elderly people/young children. There are hotels, which are considerably quite near but are built on hilly areas which may not be too convenient for elderly people, especially those with back or knee problems.

6.2 Involve Others • Inform family, relatives and friends and request for them to supplicate to Allah for the journey. • Offer to make supplications for family and friends, and if so entrusted and accepted, we need to perform and fulfill it. • Anything in our possession that belongs to others or anything that has been entrusted to us need to be returned to the rightful owners.

6.3 Performing Hajj on Behalf of The Deceased A Duty Owed To Allah — An Outstanding Debt Commentary by Adil Salahi — Arab News http://ourdialogue.com/answers/articles.php?action=show&showarticl e=1132 When the pilgrimage is mentioned in the Qur'an, it is described as a duty owed to God. Thus the relevant verse goes: "Pilgrimage to this House is a duty owed to God by all people who are able to undertake it." (3: 97) This is a special form of phrase which is not associated with any other act of worship, not even prayers which we 37

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offer everyday at specific times. Why is the pilgrimage given such a status? To start with, the pilgrimage is the fifth pillar of Islam. This applies to all Muslims wherever they live, including the people of Makkah who, needless to say, find it easier to perform the pilgrimage than all other Muslims. Nevertheless, when they offer the pilgrimage, they receive its reward in full. We must not forget that a person may live in Makkah for 70 years and still not perform the pilgrimage once. Hence, a resident in Makkah who offers the pilgrimage acknowledges its status in Islam. People may suggest that a person who comes from a remote area spends more time and money in performing the pilgrimage: Will he receive the same reward? We can only say that God is the most just of judges. While the basic reward for the pilgrimage is earned by all pilgrims, God may multiply the reward of any one He chooses. None will be treated unfairly. Yet why is the pilgrimage owed to God? God gives His message in the clearest of terms. He has described the pilgrimage in a way that makes it similar to a debt. Since the pilgrimage can be offered only at a particular time every year, a delay in offering it once it becomes a duty is similar to the delay in settling a debt when a person has the money to repay it. The Prophet, peace be upon him, says: "Deliberate delay of settling debt by someone who has the means is an act of injustice." Moreover, if one dies without offering the pilgrimage when he has been able to do so in his lifetime, it remains outstanding in the same way as a loan given to the deceased which must be settled after his death. It is important to know first of all that once anyone is able to undertake the duty of pilgrimage, he or she must do it without delay. If, however, a person dies before he offers the pilgrimage when the conditions of ability have been met during his lifetime, then before his estate is divided among his heirs and indeed before the execution of his will, if any, a portion of his money should be set aside which must be sufficient to meet the expenses of the 38

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pilgrimage and Umrah, so that someone else may do these duties on his behalf. This applies whether the deceased had been too lax about the fulfillment of his duty or had every intention to fulfill it but was prevented by circumstances or by an illness or some other legitimate reason. A person who offers the substitute pilgrimage on someone else's behalf should have already performed his own personal duty of pilgrimage. When the Prophet, peace be upon him, did his own pilgrimage, he heard one of his companions saying that he intended the pilgrimage on behalf of Shibrimah. The Prophet, peace be upon him, asked him who Shibrimah was? "A brother of mine," the man said. The Prophet, peace be upon him, asked him whether he had already offered the pilgrimage on his own behalf. When the man answered in the negative, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Offer the pilgrimage for yourself first, then offer it again on behalf of Shibrimah." It is perfectly acceptable that a close relative, such as a brother or a sister, does the pilgrimage on behalf of a deceased person, man or woman. It is also acceptable that someone is hired for the purpose. Some scholars maintain that what should be paid to a person who is doing a substitute pilgrimage is only the expenses incurred in doing so. He cannot have a fee for doing the pilgrimage. Yet, this is a point over which scholars have differed, with some of them maintaining that if a fee is paid, it is perfectly legitimate earning. On the other hand, if the relatives of the deceased tell the person undertaking the substitute pilgrimage that they will pay him an agreed amount of money to cover his expenses, but he is entitled to take for himself what he saves of that amount by spending less. It is also perfectly acceptable that a man does the pilgrimage on behalf of another man, or on behalf of a woman. The opposite is also true: A woman may do the pilgrimage on behalf of another woman or a man. The pilgrimage is binding only on those who can afford it. If the deceased was never able to pay for his pilgrimage throughout his life, due to his poverty, then such a duty was not applicable 39

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to him. Nevertheless, if one of his children does the pilgrimage, or arranges with another person to do it on his behalf, it is perfectly acceptable and greatly rewarding to that child of the deceased. It counts as an exceptional act of dutifulness to parents. It ensures the reward of the pilgrimage to the parent as well as a most gratifying reward for the child. We often speak about substitute pilgrimage as undertaken by a close relative on behalf of a deceased person. The question arises whether we can do it on behalf of someone who is unrelated to us. The answer is that we can. We have already said that the relatives of the deceased may hire someone for the purpose. The person thus hired need not be a relative. Should someone who is unrelated to the deceased volunteer to do the substitute pilgrimage, this is perfectly acceptable. Someone wrote to me that his fiancée died and he wanted to do the pilgrimage on her behalf. No formal relationship existed between the two. There was only a firm declaration of intent to be married, made with the consent of her family. The engagement is a real relationship, even though it was not formalized with a marriage contract. This was the next stage which the two would have reached had she remained alive. There might have been much discussion between them about their future and the family they would raise. Now that she is no longer alive, thinking of doing something to please God on her behalf and ensure His forgiveness of her sins is highly commendable. If her fiancé does the pilgrimage or the Umrah, or give money in charity on her behalf, or pray for her to be admitted into heaven, God will accept what he does and answer his prayers, if He so pleases. He will also reward him according to his intention. When we undertake some act of worship on behalf of someone else, all we need to do is to declare at the beginning of the action that we want it credited to that person. If it is a pilgrimage or Umrah, we declare it so at the time when we enter into the state of consecration, mentioning the name of the person on whose behalf it is intended. God will accept it that way and will credit it to that person. 40

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Appendix 1 So That Our HAJJ May Be Accepted By Faysal bin ‘Ali Al-Ba’dani Al Bayan magazine, Translated by Islaam.com _______________________________________________________ Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala has assigned a great reward for Hajj Mabroor, as evidenced by the saying of the Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, “…There is no reward for Hajj Mabroor except Paradise.” (1) The meaning of birr (from which the word “mabroor” is derived) involves the following: 1.

Good behaviour towards people, fulfilling one's duties towards others and giving them their rights. In the hadeeth, “Al Birr is good behaviour.” (3) In the Musnad, from Jabir, marfoo` narration states, “They said: 'What makes Hajj mabroor, O Rasulullah – sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam?' He said, 'Providing food to people and spreading (the greeting of) salam'.” (4)


Doing much worship and the trait of taqwa, as opposed to sinfulness. Allah ta`ala says, “Do you order people towards albirr (righteousness) while you forget (it) yourselves?” (2:44) AlQurtubi said, “Sayings mentioned in tafseer of this verse are close in meaning, that is, (birr is) performance of Hajj in which its rules are fulfilled and which is done in the most complete manner.”

Not everyone who makes Hajj will have his Hajj accepted. As Ibn `Umar, radhiallahu `anhu, said to Mujahid, when he said, "How many Hujjaj", "How few. Rather say, how many riders." (6)


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Appendix 2 What To Do To Make Our HAJJ Be Accepted By Faysal bin ‘Ali Al-Ba’dani Al Bayan magazine, Translated by Islaam.com http://www.islaam.com/ _______________________________________________________ I will highlight here some matters that help one ensure that his or her Hajj will be accepted, in shaa' Allah.

First: Sincerity and Following of the Sunnah Sincerity to Allah and seeking His reward and pleasure alone. Allah says in the hadeeth qudsi, "Whoever does an action for other than me, I will leave him and his shirk." (7) The Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, supplicated, "Allahumma hajjatan la riyaa'a feeha wa la sum`a" (O Allah, (enable me to make) hajj with no riya' (show-off in the sense of desire that others witness one's good acts) or sum`a (show-off related to desire that others hear about one's good acts) in it." (8) Following of the Messenger, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, in all matters. He said, "Whoever does an action not in accordance with our matter (Deen), it will be rejected." (9) Also, “Take your rituals (from me), for I do not know whether I will perform Hajj after this one.” (10) The Sahaba, radhiallahu `anhum, comprehended this matter well. `Umar said when he kissed the black stone, "By Allah, I know that you are a stone, you neither bring harm nor benefit, and if I had not seen the Messenger of Allah - sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, kiss you, I would not have kissed you.” (11)

Second: Preparation for Hajj A servant's preparation for Hajj is one of the most important factors in helping him perform the pilgrimage in the legislated manner and ensuring that one's hajj is insyaa' Allah accepted. To prepare for Hajj, emphasis is given to the following: 42

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a. Examining and rectifying one's relationship with Allah Ta`ala, by sincerely repenting and fulfilling the well-known conditions of repentance. b. Seeking His help and guidance, manifesting one's need of Him, fear of Him and hope in His reward. This is most important, for it is not permissible for a person to rely solely on his material means. c. Relieving oneself of one's obligations towards others, one's trusts and debts. d. Writing of one's will, as travel exposes one to various dangers. e. Preparation of provisions for those the pilgrim is responsible for until he returns, advising them with good and appointing someone to take care of their matters, so that his concern and attention be devoted to performance of the pilgrimage. f. Taking a convenient journey and good, halal provision. For provision obtained through haram is from matters that cause one's worship not to be accepted. It is related from At-Tabarani in a marfoo` tradition, “When a person leaves for Hajj with good provision, places his foot in the stirrup (of his mount) and calls, “Labbayka Allahumma Labbayk” Here I am at Your service, O Allah! Here I am at Your service], he is called from the heavens: “Labbayka wa Sa`dayk [may your call be replied and happiness be your reward], your sustenance is halal, your journeying is halal, and your Hajj is accepted.” And when he leaves with corrupt provisions and places his foot in the stirrup (of his mount) and says, “Labbayk”, he is called from the heavens, “La Labbayka wa la sa`dayk dayk [may your call not be responded to and happiness not be your reward], your provision is haram, your sustenance is haram and your Hajj is not accepted.” (13) Today we live at a time when haram earnings have become widespread, and when questionable wealth has increased, except for those that Allah has mercy upon. So let every servant fear His Lord 43

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and remember his saying, “Allah is Good (Tayyib) and does not accept except what is good.” (13) It is recommended for a servant to increase one's halal provisions according to his abilities, so that one does not depend on others and in order to show kindness to the weak (by giving money in charity). g. Selection of a righteous company that will help one in moments of weakness, remind him when he forgets, teach him when he does not know, order him to good and forbid him from evil. So let the servant be aware of the following two types of companies: a corrupt company that leads to sinfulness and falsehood, and a company that spends its time in what brings no benefit in the hereafter. h. Learning rules of Hajj and its manners, as well as rules related to travel, including al qasr (shortening solat), al jam` (joining solat), at tayammum, al mash (wiping) etc. The Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said, “Whoever Allah wishes good, He gives him understanding of the Deen.” (14) What helps a person in this is obtaining books and tapes by people of knowledge, and accompanying them while performing pilgrimage. Likewise, accompanying people who are familiar with places and times of different Hajj rituals.

Third: Servant's awareness of the true reality of Hajj and wisdoms for which the Hajj rituals have been legislated. This is similar to khushoo` (humble submission) in Solat, for whoever has greater khushoo`, chances of his solat being accepted are greater. Likewise with Hajj, the more a person comprehends the reality and spirit of Hajj, the wisdom and goals for which it has been legislated, and takes that as a means of correcting one's creed and way, the more likely his Hajj is to be accepted and the greater his reward. One will not be able to achieve this except by preparation and drowning in contemplation and research about true realities and 44

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wisdom of Hajj. As for one who is not like this, it is feared that his action is a mixture of tourism and hardship.

Fourth: Warning against sinfulness and falling into error A servant does not earn Hajj Mabrur except by leaving sins. While falling into sin is prohibited at all times, Allah ta`ala gives a specific order to the pilgrims to leave sins. He says, “Hajj is [during] wellknown months, so whoever has made hajj obligatory upon himself therein [by entering the state of ihram], there is [to be for him] no sexual relations and no disobedience and no disputing during hajj.” (2:197) This is due to nobility of the time and greatness of the place. Allah ta`ala says, “Whoever intends [a deed] therein [i.e. in the Haram] of deviation [in religion] or wrongdoing – We will make him taste of a painful punishment.” (22:25) How could there be reward for one who commits sins?! Contemplation about the state of people during Hajj causes one to realize the many evil deeds and mistakes, which are the result of: weak fear of Allah, lack of consideration of the sacredness of the time and place, ignorance of the Shari`ah and following of customs. Perhaps from the most widespread evil actions and mistakes in Hajj are the following: intentionally committing prohibited acts while in the state of ihram without a valid excuse, harming Muslims with one's sayings and actions, leaving of mutual advising and ordering of good and forbidding evil, delaying solat from its due time, backbiting, slander, vain talk, argumentation, hearsay, extravagance, miserliness in spending, wasting food, bad behaviour towards others, negligence with regards to sins, such as listening to what is not allowed, uncovering what is not allowed to be uncovered, hurry or delay in performance of rituals, lack of observance of spatial limits which may not be overstepped in performance of actions of Hajj, etc. Who is more deprived than one who sacrifices his soul, his wealth and leaves his previous state and his adornment and then returns with forbidden actions and the anger of the Merciful? 45

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A poet said, He went to Hajj so that Allah forgives his sins And returned with even more sins

Fifth: Striving hard in obedience of Allah and proper use of time In the verses about Hajj there are signs that exhort the servant to make a lot of righteous actions while performing the pilgrimage. From it is the saying of Allah `azza wa jall, “And whatever good you do – Allah knows it.“ (2:197) Perhaps from the most important righteous actions which the servant should do plenty of and keep busy with while at Hajj are the following: a) Actions of the heart Sincerity, love of Allah, relying on Him, fear of Him, hoping in His reward, glorification and respect of Him, submission and surrender, expressing one's need of Him, truthfulness in supplication, repentance, patience, being pleased with Allah, tranquility etc. are from the most important actions of the heart that the servant should occupy himself with in his Hajj, for Islam is centered around them. Ibn ul Qayyim said, “Whoever contemplates the aims and means of the Sharee`ah will know the correlation between actions of the body and actions of the heart and (will understand) that the former are of no benefit without the latter.” (19) b) Recitation of the Qur'an, remembrance of Allah and seeking forgiveness Allah has ordered the pilgrims in the verses about Hajj to engage in remembrance (dhikr) and seeking of forgiveness. It is related that the Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, was asked, “What Hajj is the best? He said, “That in which there is most dhikr (remembrance of Allah).” (20) c) Goodness towards people 46

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In the hadeeth, “It was said, 'O Messenger of Allah, which people are dearest to Allah?' He said, 'Dearest people to Allah are those who are the most useful to (other) people.'” d) Calling to Allah `azza wa jall Ignorance, innovations, evil actions and mistakes have widely spread among the pilgrims, and from what is obligatory upon scholars and callers is guiding and advising others, ordering them to good and forbidding them from evil with wisdom, good exhortation and arguing in a better way. Shuja` bin al Waleed said, “I was making Hajj with Sufyan, and his tongue hardly ceased to enjoin good and forbid evil, both while going and coming back.” (21) e) Supplicating to Allah and asking Him Hajj is one of the great occasions to ask Allah Ta`ala and to supplicate to Him, it is an occasion that requires usage of the opportunity and submissiveness before Allah. The Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said, “The best supplication is supplication on `Arafat.” (22) “Those making Hajj and `’Umrah are delegates (guests) of Allah, He called them and they answered, they ask him and He gives them.” (23)

Sixth: Steadfastness…Steadfastness (after Hajj) The evidence of Hajj Mabrur is steadfastness of the servant after Hajj, his practice of righteous acts and leaving of the sins. Al-Hasan al-Basri said, “Al-Hajj al-Mabrur is to return abstinent from this world and desiring the hereafter. This is witnessed to in His saying, “And those who are guided – He increases them in guidance and gives them their righteousness (taqwa, fearful awareness of Allah, care to avoid His displeasure).” (47:17)


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So beware, my brother, of destroying what you build, dispersing what you gather, eliminating what you gain, regressing after guidance, and deterioration after refinement. Remember that Hajj nullifies what precedes it from sins, and that because of Hajj you return in a state like that on the day your mother bore you. So beware of opposing Allah with sins after this blessing. Open a new page in your life and fill it with righteous actions in steadfastness upon His Deen. References: 1. Al Bukhari, 1773 2. Lata'if al Ma`arif, p 410 3. Muslim, 2553 4. Fath al Bari 4/446 5. Fath al Bari 3/446 6. Musannaf `Abdur Razzaq 8836. See al Hajj by al Qari, p. 55 7. Muslim, 2985 8. Ibn Maajah, 2890. See Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah 1718 9. Muslim 1718 10. Muslim 1297 11. Al Bukhari 1610 12. Al Mu`jam al-Awsat by at-Tabarani 5224. Majma` az-Zawa'id, in it is Sulayman bin Dawud al-Yamami and he is Da`eef, 10/292 13. Muslim 2/703 14. Al-Bukhari 71 15. Al Bukhari 1549 16. Al Bukhari 1671 17. See Lata`if al-Ma`arif, 411 18. at-Tirmidhi, 902 19. Badaai`ul Fawaa'id 3/330 20. Al-Mu`jam al-Awsat by at-Tabarani, 7775; declared Hasan by alAlbani in Saheeh al Jaami` 5569 21. Siyar A`lam an-Nubala' 7/259 22. At-Tirmidhi 3585; see Saheeh Sunan at-Tirmidhi, 837 and alJawab al-Kafi, p. 101 23. See Saheeh al-Jaami`, 3173; al-Albani said: Hasan. 48

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Appendix 3 Hajjee with No HAJJ Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation _______________________________________________________

THE HAJJEE WITH NO HAJJ!! That is the Hajjee who crossed the oases or the airspace or the waters but did not purify his intentions to Allah azza wa jall. Instead he came either to be named Hajjee So and So or because his acquaintances performed Hajj or to ask people for money or some worldly desire. That is the Hajjee that called and sacrificed but whose funds were haram in whole or in part or who did not avoid the questionable and did not familiarise himself with those things which concern the pious.

THE HAJJEE WITH NO HAJJ!! That is the Hajjee who knows that the Prophet (Saw) said, "Take from me your Hajj duties" but in reality did not require himself to follow the one who said that, 'alayhis-salaam, so he does not pursue his sunnah nor the characteristics of his Hajj but rather settles for what his companions are familiar with, even if they are lay people, with no knowledge and perhaps even when a question arises he does not carefully consider whom he asks about it. Some even will ask a good person, even if he does not possess the required knowledge, and Allah ta`ala says, "Ask those with knowledge if you do not know."

THE HAJJEE WITH NO HAJJ!! That is the one saying, "Labbayk Allahumma labbayk, labbayk la shareeka laka labbayk." {Here I am at Your Service O lord, here I am. No partner do You have, Here I am}, however, despite that does not observe His Oneness properly and is not moved to purify himself from misdeeds and perhaps he takes blessings from where they 49

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should not be taken or seeks refuge in a human when refuge must be sought from its grantor, subhaanahu wa ta`ala, or he swears by other than Allah, ta`ala, as swearing by the Prophet (Saw) or swearing by other than Allah has been forbidden by the Prophet (saw) as he said, "Whoever swears by other than Allah has disbelieved or become a mushrik, attributed partners to Allah, subhaanahu wa ta`ala".

THE HAJJEE WITH NO HAJJ!! That is the Hajjee who does not protect his Hajj from dirty, false, evil and vain talk and sexual desire and committing sins so he releases his tongue from its bridle and does not harness his eyes and does not even give up any of the sinful acts that should be eliminated by performing hajj. That is the one who does not protect the Muslims from his shoving and aggression and perhaps even aggresses the rights of his brothers in their lodgings or their parking places, or aggresses with odours or garbage as if proper manners are not required at certain times or places.

THE HAJJEE WITH NO HAJJ!! That is the one who says There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, which requires him to worship Allah only by the means revealed and by what the Prophet (Saw) has shown, but he worships Allah subhaanahu wa ta`ala by means not revealed: Perhaps he ascends the mountain in Arafat and tires himself thinking he is in worship is not the case, or perhaps he expends great effort in stoning or used wood or his shoes to stone thinking he is doing the right thing whilst in fact he is abusing his worship and his brothers’ rights.

THE HAJJEE WITH NO HAJJ!! That is the one in the state of ihram whose day of Hajj coincided with his day of recreation and his day of ihram with his normal day and did 50

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not feel the worship and did not lower himself to Allah, subhaanahu wa ta`ala, and did not struggle to avoid even on the day of Arafat when Allah subhaanahu wa ta`ala approaches His creation in a manner which is worthy of His Highness and Greatness, subhaanahu, when He Boasts to the Angels and He Saves from Hellfire whomever He Wishes by His Grave and Generosity.


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Appendix 4 Ask Forgiveness from Your Lord Shaykh Ibn Baaz, Majallat al-Buhooth, issue no. 34, p. 142 From As-Sunnah Bimonthly Islamic Newsletter _______________________________________________________ Shaddaad Ibn Aws (radhi allahu anhu) reported: "The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "The (Sayyid al-Istigfar) noblest and the most excellent manner of seeking forgiveness is that the servant says: "O Allah, You are my Lord. None has the right to be worshiped except You. You created me, and I am Your slave/worshipper. And I am faithful to my covenant and my promise, as far as I am able. I seek Your refuge from the evil of what I have done. I acknowledge before You all the favors that You have bestowed upon me. And I confess all my sins to You. So forgive me, since none can forgive sins except You." The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "Whoever says it in the day, with firm conviction in it, and dies in that day before evening then he is from the people of Paradise. Whoever says it in the night, with firm conviction in it, and he dies before the morning then he is from the people of Paradise." [Saheeh alBukhari] The scholars count this hadeeth as a Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) that should be said in the day, as well as in the night; in the early morning between dawn and sunrise, and at the start of the evening. Imam Bukhari (rahimahullah) records this Hadeeth in two different places, once under the chapter: 'The most excellent manner of seeking forgiveness' and 'What to say when one gets up (early) in the morning?' It is also reported in the Sunans, like Nisa'ee and atTirmidhi etc. with wordings which show the importance of learning 52

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this manner of seeking forgiveness, for example in the above mentioned Hadeeth the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) entitled it 'Sayyid al-Istigfar', which literally means, 'the Chief of all Seeking Forgiveness.' One of the most important aspects of a Muslim's life Is to seek alIstagfar (ask forgiveness for one's sins) from Allah. Various texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah command and encourage al-Istagfar, show its excellence and the excellence of those who are constant in it, from them is the saying of Allah: "O My servants who have transgressed greatly against themselves through sins! Do not despair of the Mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins to those who repent. Indeed, He is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful." [Soorah az-Zumar (39): 54] Some pious predecessors commented on this verse saying, this verse gives the most hope to the one who seeks forgiveness. Allah encouraged seeking forgiveness and clarified its excellence and rewards in this worldly life and said: "Ask forgiveness from your Lord. Indeed, He is the Oft-Forgiving. He will send rain to you in abundance and He will give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and rivers." [(71): 10-12] Thus, this verse promises numerous benefits for those who seek forgiveness constantly. In the Hereafter, the benefits are much greater. Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "Allah the Most High says: 'O son of Adam! As long as you supplicate to Me and hope in Me, I will forgive you what you have done. O son of Adam! If your sins were to reach the lofty regions of the sky, then you ask Me for forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of Adam! If you were to come to Me with enough sins to fill the earth, but you met Me not associating anything with Me I would bring you the like of it of forgiveness." [Saheeh al-Bukhari, vol: 8, no: 319] The great importance of al-Istagfar is seen from the practice of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) that all his past and 53

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future sins were forgiven even though, he would make al-Istagfar more than 70 times a day. Abu Hurayrah (radhi allahu anhu) reported: "The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "By the One in Whose Hands is my soul, I certainly ask forgiveness more than a seventy times each day." [Saheeh alBukhari] Umar (radhi allahu anhu) said: "We used to count that in a single gathering he (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) would say: 'I ask Allah's forgiveness and I repent to Him', more than seventy times." [See as-Saheeh, no: 556] The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "By Allah! If you did not commit sins, Allah would have taken you away and brought a people who seek Allah's forgiveness and He would forgive them." [Saheeh Muslim vol: 4, no: 6522] This Hadeeth shows the extent to which Allah loves that His slaves ask forgiveness from Him and He loves those who ask forgiveness from Him. Allah loves that we call upon Him by His Beautiful Names And worship Him by that which His Names demand: "And Allah has the most excellent and perfect names, so worship and invoke Him by them" [Soorah al-A'raaf (7): 180] The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "Allah has ninety-nine names, a hundred except one. Whoever memorizes and is mindful of them (ahsaaha) will enter Paradise." [Saheeh al-Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim] Here, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) uses the word 'ahsaaha' coming from the root-word 'ihsaa', which does not only means to recite these names, as is the practice of some, Scholars have explained that 'ihsaa' of the names comprises of three levels: • (A) The first is to memorize the Names of Allah. • (B) The second is to understand their meanings and • (C) The third is to call upon Allah by these names and act as they demand. Let us understand with an example, At-Tawwaab is from the names of Allah, it means 'He who guides His servants to repent and accepts their repentance.' Thus we understand that Allah accepts His servant's repentance, guides them to repent and grants forgiveness 54

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to them. We also understand that He Alone is the One to grant forgiveness. Having understood this, we act as the name demands by repenting to Allah alone from all our sins. Similarly, the Names 'alGhafoor' - 'the Oft-Forgiving' and 'al-Afuww' - 'The One who pardons', demand that we should constantly turn to Allah in repentance. This is how we should understand and memorize all the Names of Allah, away from the corrupted innovated ways. Explanation of Sayyid al-Istagfar: The supplication starts with the word: "Allahumma..." means 'O Allah!', It is a word whose meaning is found frequently in both the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The scholars have explained that Tawheed (the Oneness of Allah) falls in two categories: • (a) Tawheed al-Ma'rifah wal-Ithbaat - To know and affirm the Oneness of Allah and, • (b) Tawheed al-Iraadah wat-Talab - Establishing the Oneness of Allah in one's intention and acts of worship. The initial words of the supplication: "O Allah, You are my Lord. None has the right to be worshiped except You. You created me, and I am Your slave/worshiper", comprises both these meanings. Let us first analyze in brief the meaning of Tawheed al-Marifah walIthbaat, it comprises of: (a) Tawheed ar-Ruboobeyyah: The Oneness of Allah's Lordship. It is to affirm that Allah is the Creator, the Provider, the One Who grants all blessings and the One Who controls all affairs of His Creation. (b) Tawheed al-Asma wa-Sifaat: The Oneness of Allah's Names and Attributes. It is to affirm all the Names and Attributes of Allah as mentioned in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Thus, one must know and affirm that Allah is the Creator, the Provider, One Who grants all blessings, and the One Who controls all affairs of the creation. One must know and affirm all the Names and 55

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Attributes of Allah mentioned in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. This knowledge and affirmation is illustrated in the saying: "O Allaah, You are my Lord…. You created me…" The second aspect, Tawheed al-Iraadah wat-Talab, is the Oneness of Allah's Worship, which demands that all worship is performed sincerely and purely for Allah, the saying: "…None has the right to be worshipped except You, You created me, and I am Your slave/worshipper" proves the Oneness of Worship. If the servant knows that Allah is the sole Creator, then it is binding upon him to worship Him alone, this occurs in several Qur'aanic verses: "I am your Lord, therefore worship Me alone." [Soorah alAmbiya (21): 92] "O mankind! Worship your Lord (Allah), Who created you and those who were before you so that you may become alMutaqoon. Who has made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the sky and brought forth therewith fruits as a provision for you. Then do not set up rivals unto Allah (in worship) while you know." [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 21-22] Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu) commented on the last words of the verse: "…while you know.", saying: "So do not set up partner with Allah in your worship while you know that you have no Creator other than Allah.", and this defines the meaning of the supplication: "You created me, and I am Your slave/worshipper." Thus, since Allah is the sole Creator, we do not direct any worship to anyone besides Him. We supplicate to Him alone. But today, we see some who claim to be the followers Islam, and apparently acknowledge, "La ilaha illa Allah" (i.e. none is worthy of worship except Allah) still to be found at the shrines and tombs, supplicating and requesting the engraved to fulfill their needs. They worship those regarding whom Allah says: "Say (O Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam), to those who invoke those besides Allah): 'Call upon those besides Him whom you pretend (to be gods). They have 56

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neither power to remove the adversity from you nor even to shift it from you to another person." [Soorah al-Isra (17): 56] And: "Say (O Muhammad r): "Call upon those whom you assert (to be associate gods) besides Allah, they possess not even the weight of an atom, - either in the Heavens or on the Earth, nor have they any share in either; nor there is for Him any supporter from among them." [Soorah Saba (34): 23] Thus, this declaration which is also the first pillar of Islam (La ilaha illa Allah - None has the right to be worshiped except Allah) comes at the beginning of the supplication and states the purpose of the creation, which is servitude (Uboodiyyah), Allah says "I did not create Jinn and mankind except for my worship" [Soorah ad-Dhariyaat (51): 56] Servitude is also the right of Allah on His slaves, this affirmation of Allah's right and that the creation is His slave is mentioned in the statement, "You created me and I am Your slave/worshipper." Servitude of the creation is of two types; servitude to Allah's Lordship and servitude in worship to him. 1 - Servitude of Lordship means that the whole creation is brought into existence by Allah alone; He created them and He provides them with their needs, He causes life and death and none shares with Him any of His Dominion. Therefore, none in the creation can escape this servitude of Allah, and Allah says: "All (Angels) in the Heavens, and all (men and Jinn) upon the Earth will come to the Most Merciful on the Day of Judgement as submissive slaves." [Soorah Maryam (19): 93] 2 - Servitude in Worship is something, which Allah has granted to some of His creation in particular. They are those whom He has guided to the obedience of His Commands, and upon whom He has bestowed Eemaan. So these are slaves of Allah who worship Allah, obey Him, comply with what He has legislated, and carry out His orders and obey His Messenger… Therefore, Allah ascribed them to 57

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Himself, like His saying: "Ibaad ar-Rahmaan - the slaves of the Most Merciful…" [Soorah al-Furqaan (25): 63] In this supplication, the servitude of Lordship was mentioned in the previous statements: "O Allah, You are my Lord… You created me." "I am Your slave/worshipper", confirms the servitude of worship meaning; I am a worshipper of You, one who carries out Your Commands and one who complies with what You have legislated. Thus, the supplication commences with these great and comprehensive matters pertaining to Tawheed. "And I am faithful to my covenant (to You) and my promise (to You) as far as I am able…", By this statement, the servant makes a covenant with Allah to abide by everything he previously said (i.e. Tawheed) meaning he will truly believe and remain upright upon the obedience to Allah, just as he makes a promise in every Rak'aah of his prayer saying, "You alone do we worship, and You alone do we seek help" The saying, "As far as I am able…" makes worship dependant upon the slave's ability and this is from the Mercy of Allah to us. Some scholars explain that this statement is an acknowledgment of one's weakness and deficiency, whose meaning is; 'I am not fully able to complete Eemaan and attain its highest level and most perfect form. I acknowledge my weakness and shortcomings, I am not able, so do not hold me to account for my weakness, deficiency and shortcomings' and Allah says in His Book: "Allah does not place a burden on any soul greater than it can bear." [Soorah al-Baqarah (2): 286] And it occurs in a Hadeeth of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam): "If I command you with something then do as much of it as you can, and whatever I forbid you then leave it (altogether)." [Saheeh al-Bukhari, vol: 9, no: 391] Here, the scholars explain that when he (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) mentioned the command (al-Amr), he made it dependant upon the ability, since 58

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there may be some commands that a person may not be able to carry out, or which he may not be able to carry out fully. So, the performance of the command is made dependant upon the ability. Therefore, the supplication is: "As far as I am able…" However, when he (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) mentioned the forbiddance, he said: "… and what I have forbidden you from, then leave it (altogether)." He did not say "…as far as you are able" and as the scholars say, forbiddance means to refrain from doing something and it is within the ability of everyone. Everyone is able to refrain from fornication, theft, murder and all matters, which Allah has forbidden. Therefore, leaving forbidden matters are not made conditional on one's ability. Next the saying, "I acknowledge before You all the favours that You have bestowed upon me. And I confess all my sins to You" , is both affirmation and confession, "I acknowledge…", here the statement is not restricted to any specific favor of Allah, rather, it is left unrestricted meaning, I acknowledge and affirm all favors with which You have blessed me with, the blessing of Eemaan, the blessings of health and children, the blessings of crops, the blessings of house - all blessings. He, the Perfect and the Most High, is the One Who grants and bestows them: "Whatever blessings you have are from Allah." [Soorah an-Nahl (16): 3] After having acknowledged the blessings, it is necessary for the servant to give thanks to Allah for them by his heart, his tongue and his actions : "And remember when Your Lord proclaimed, 'If you give thanks, I will give you increase in blessings, but if you deny the favors and are thankless, then I shall punish you severely." [Soorah al-Ibrahim (14): 7] Then the supplication mentions, "I confess all my sins to You…" This sentence, since it immediately follows, "I acknowledge before You all the favours that You have bestowed upon me.", it means, 'I admit that I fall short in giving thanks to Your Favors.' Some scholars explain saying, "I confess all my sins unrestrictedly, that is 59

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all my acts of disobedience and every sin that I have committed" By this admission, the servant acknowledges that he has fallen short with regard to Allah's Right upon him, which is 'worship' This acknowledgment of the servant is the beginning of the road to repentance. However, if he commits acts of disobedience and yet does not feel that he is a sinner, then repentance is something far away from him. Thus, the servant's being sinned must lead him to seeking forgiveness and this is the core of the meaning of the Hadeeth. The pattern of the statements, "I acknowledge before You all the favors that You have bestowed upon me. And I confess all my sins to You", indicate to another wisdom; it is that the servant, in this life continuously passes back and forth throughout the day between two affairs; these are either blessings granted to him by Allah, which require that he gives thanks to Allah, or he falls into a sin and this requires him to repent and to seek forgiveness. Therefore, some of the Salaf used to say, 'I enter the morning in between blessings and sins, so I want to put forth thanks for the blessings and seek forgiveness for the sins.' Another point which is manifest from this Hadeeth is that, whatever sin the servant committed, if he acknowledges the fact that he has sinned and then truly repents, Allah accepts his repentance, whatever his sin may be, and forgives him. The supplication ends with, "none can forgive sins except You", indicating that Allah alone is the Forgiver. Therefore, the servant turns to Allah in repentance, obedience and seeks His forgiveness. Explanation and clarification of this Hadeeth testify that Tawheed and al-Istagfar are from the most important aspects of a Muslim's life. These two matter are combined in a number of Qur'aanic verses and the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam), Allah says: "Then know that none deserves the right to be worshiped except Allah, and ask for forgiveness for your sins and also for believing men and believing women, for Allah knows well your 60

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actions whilst awake and whilst in your places of sleep." [Soorah Muhammad (47): 19] Likewise, it is mentioned: "None has the right to be worshiped but You (Allah), far removed are You from imperfection! I have been one of those who have wronged themselves!" [Soorah al-Ambiya (21): 87] "So make your worship purely for Allah and seek His forgiveness for your sins." [Soorah Fussilat (41): 6] To Summarize The supplication comprises of: (1) Knowing Allah's Lordship and His sole right to be worshiped. (2) Affirmation that Allah is the sole Creator and thus He alone deserves to be worshipped (3) The hope for Allah's Mercy (4) Seeking refuge with Allah from being transgressed (5) Attributing all blessings to Allah alone and (6) Attributing all sins and mistakes to one's oneself (7) And this supplication contains the slave's desire for forgiveness and his acknowledgment that none can forgive except Allah.


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Appendix 5 Supplications Before Departure for the Holy Land By Ustazah Maimun Ali _______________________________________________________ Start your supplications with the praises to Allah & Rasulullah SAW in Arabic Segala pujian bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam kerana dia banyak mengurniakan ni'mat dan membalas baik lebih daripada kadar amal yang dikerjakan. Ya Allah kami datang kepadamu dengan tangan-tangan yang penuh dosa, hati yang berbolak balik, amal yang sedikit, kealpaan, kejahilan yang banyak, namun kami sesungguhnya menggantungkan sepenuh harapan dengan segala keikhlasan kepada rahmah, maghfirah kasih sayangMu memohon Engkau menerima taubat nasuha kami, mengampunkan segala dosa dan kesalahan kami yang terdahulu dan yang terkemudian, yang nyata dan yg kami sembunyikan serta yang kami tidak tahu. Ya Allah tiada Tuhan melainkanMu yang Terawal & Terakir sesungguhnya kami sentiasa menzalimi diri dengan dosa yang banyak, ampunilah kami kerana tiadalah pengampun selain Engkau, kurniakanlah maghfirah dari sisiMu dan rahmatilah kami wahai Yang Maha Mengasihani lagi Maha Penyayang. Ya Allah kami mensyukuri ni'mat terpilih menjadi tetamu Mu keBaitullah dan kami memohon kepada Tuhan yang Maha lemah lembut, lemah lembutlah kepada kami dengan perjalanan yang mudah dan sejahtera, pekerjaan serta akhlaq Haji yang sempurna yang melayakkaan kami menerima Haji yang Mabrur, Dosa yang diampuni, usaha yang disyukuri dan perniagaan yang tidak rugi.


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Ya Allah sesungguhnya aku memohon kepadamu diadakan perjalanan kami kepadamu, hidayah yang berterusan serta takwa penuh keimanan dah adalah yang diredhai. Ya Allah jadikan perjalanan ini mudah seolah-olah satu perjalanan yang dekat dan menyenangkan. Kaulah teman diperjalanan dan wakil yang memelihara serta melindungi anak-anak, harta dan kaum keluarga. Ya Allah cukuplah bagi kami Kau sebagai Penyaksi, Penolong, Pemelihara dan Yang Maha Mengetahui yang terbaik bagi kami. Sesungguhnya kami redha Engkau sebagai Tuhan kami dan kami berserah diri kepadaMu Ya Allah. Semoga Allah merahmati kita semua, salaam dan do'a. A shorter version……… Ya Allah Ya Tuhan! Limpahkanlah rahmat dan kesejahteraan keatas junjungan Kami Nabi Muhammad (saw) Rahmat yang dengan Nya menyampaikan Hajat Kami menunaikan Haji kerumahmu BaitulHaram dan mengunjungi Makam kekasih mu junjungan Kami Nabi Muhammad. (saw) Kepada Nya dipohonkan kelimpahan rahmat dan sejahtera semoga Kami dikekalkan didalam sihat walafiat, selamat dan lemah lembut serta kesopanan segala hajat kami dan kurniakanlah rahmat dan sejahtera keatas keluarga serta sahabat sahabat Baginda


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Appendix 6 A Quick Overview Checklist (please see attached mind map) By Haizara Ismail _______________________________________________________ Below is a short checklist you may want to use for your trip Set Date: Set package…..Set budget Spiritual Literature: Read anything…….read on rituals…...read on history so as to better appreciate the historical sites Physical: Workout and exercise to be fit before trip Medical: Check menstrual cycle… timing………Prepare oneself with vitamins….bring ample supplements and medication Vaccinations: Menses…influenza (get advice from doctor) Visa: Have agent in charge to obtain photos…ladies only with black tudung and males no headgear in photo……ensure the size of photo is in accordance with Saudi Govt regulations……..Tabung Haji will issue letter…..Tabung Haji will prepare HAJJ visa. For ‘UMRAH can use international passport and Visa done by agent. Toiletries/Medication: Get panadol…..medicinal oils…..Band aids…..Vitamin C for children medications…..Toothpaste…..Brush…..Shampoo…..Soap…..Deodor ant…..Cream……Face cream….. Pumice stone……Ladies may require period pills…..Keep calendar handy 64

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Clothing for ladies: Jubah(3)…..sleeping attire(2)…..Cotton Long pants (3)…..Undergarments(3) Socks (3)…..Shoe bag/pouch …..See through bags …..Telekong and mini telekong (2/2)…..Gloves and half gloves…..Towel (2)…..Batik sarong(1)…..Underwear…..Panty liner (1 small box)…..Pads (1 box)…..hair accessories (1 pack)…..Small mirror/brush to bring everywhere to ensure aurat fully covered. Men: Ihram cloth…..…unsewn pulicat ….. Shaver Food: Rendang…..3 in one Milo, Cocoa, Nescafe …..Plastic mugs…..Buy thermos if needed Toiletries Detergent powder…..Plastic string with hooks at the end for clothes line/hangers…..brush for washing clothes……Rubber slippers for masjid, the ones that are easy to slide …..Small air spray……Hairdryer…..Hair Brush…..Shaver Nail clippers…..Small scissors…..Chapstick…..Alarm clock…..Small face mirror…..Small packs of tissue to bring to masjid for sneezes and nose bleeds due to dry weather Miscellaneous: Sunglasses with string for convenience…..Sewing kit (small travel type)…..Charger…..Notebook/post it notes…..Pens…’Umrah Doa book…..Marker/masking tape…..String to wrap stuff…..Plastic bag to bring everywhere -- it comes in handy…..Small Tupperware for drinks with compartments for food and meal times when there are a lot of people…..Plastic for food…..Tissue paper/toilet paper…..Small padlock and key…..Umbrella optional…..Clear plastic bag which is easy to see when entering masjid to facilitate door inspection …..Money change in Malaysia…Bring small change, more convenient


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Appendix 7 Medical Preparation By Dr. Tg. Zurina Binti Tg. Ubaidillah _______________________________________________________ 1. For ‘Umrah (10-14 days except Ramadhan maybe more than 2 weeks) Recommended vaccination: a. Quadrivalent Meningococcal vaccination (ACYW-135) b. One dose for either adult or child (above 2 years of age) Provides period of immunity between 2-3 years (Mencevax by GlaxoSmithKline vs. Menomune by Aventis Pasteur) 2. For Hajj (duration of stay is usually longer than 2 weeks) Recommended vaccinations: a. Meningococcal ACYW -135 vaccination (see notes above) b. Influenza vaccination (VAXIGRIP) For high risk individuals: above 60 years of age, other chronic/long term medical illnesses, lower immune status (body resistance) Provides period of immunity of only 1 year c. Pneumococcal vaccination (PNEUMOVAX 23) For high risk individuals (see notes above) Provides period of immunity for 5 years Tabung Haji provides medical booklets for pilgrims wanting to perform their Hajj. They are required to undergo a medical examination and to record their medical information systematically. It would also be useful for those who intend to perform ‘Umrah to do the same especially if they have significant medical conditions. A family GP/friendly physician or a medical officer in a government medical outpatient clinic would be able to assist you with the medical 66

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examinations, your needed vaccinations or fill in a prescription note for you. Medical Drugs/Supplements All pilgrims are advised to bring their prescribed drugs for their present medical condition. Always bring extra supply/and or a prescription note for refills. They can also get other extra drugs from their regular doctor. Condition • Fever • • • • • • • •

Suggested cures Paracetomol (Panadol/Dumin/Uphamol, etc.) Flu Non sedative antihistamines e.g. Clarinase/ Cirrhus, Clarityne/Zyrtec Cough Kistures are usually for a dry (no phlegm) or wet (with phlegm) cough Stomach upsets Antacids for gastric e.g. Gelusil, Maalox, MMT Antidiarrhoea Imodium, Lomotil Gas & nausea Maxalon Constipation Dulcolax, etc. Travel sickness/giddiness Stemetil For pain (musculo-skeletal)NSAIDS e.g. Ponstan Voltaren, Brufen, Feldene, Mobic, Vioxx, etc. Also bring: - Ointments for rubs, plasters & bandages/guards may also be useful - Rehydration salts/Lozenges/Gargles - ANTIBIOTICS: Please get your regular doctor to advise you on this as it proves to be useful and usually necessary. It would help you save time and money as it can be very costly to get them in Makkah and Medinah. Although there are many pharmacies (APOTEK) available at every corner from your place of stay, the cost of drugs is not cheap. 67

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TABUNG Haji clinics, though easily accessible, are usually crowded and they have a limited supply of drugs. Please remember your drug allergies before consuming a new or unfamiliar drug. Special Notes for Women There are usually various categories of women involved when it comes to our menstrual cycle. If we choose to especially be free of any menstruation during critical periods of our Hajj/’Umrah rituals, the safest guide is to consult your own doctor or gynaecologist. However, these general principles apply if you have decided to commit to the prescription: a. b.

You are best advised to take progestogen only pills as opposed to the combined pill (oral contraceptive pill) Never MISS your pills………..danger is there will be breakthrough bleeding, do not panic. When you remember, take them; then do it immediately. If not, take double the dose. You maintain this until your critical time is over.

Remember, we can only plan but our destiny is determined by our Almighty God, Allah SWT.


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Appendix 8 Checklist for Packing and Purchasing _______________________________________________________ Caveat: Please note that the top priority is to prepare yourself inwardly and spiritually for Hajj/’Umrah, for “the best provision is taqwa.” The following items do not make the real equipment for Hajj/’Umrah. The real equipment lies in getting oneself ready with all the information needed to perform the rites and in the acquisition of inner fitness which insyaAllah facilitates one to receive the rich spiritual benefits accruing from the Hajj/’Umrah.

Travel documents 

Tickets (ALWAYS keep in a safe place – hotel better than on your person) Passport or Hajj passport, if performing hajj (if in your possession, keep at the hotel, unless you are travelling to Jeddah, Medinah, etc.) Health booklet (meningitis shot, etc.)

Financial documents (please check on foreign currency limits with your bank)  Saudi Riyal – have at least SR650 to pay for ‘dam’ and qurban, several hundred for wheelchair service, and enough cash if coming during other than hajj months  Some Malaysian Ringgit (money changers are plentiful in Makkah & Medinah)  Charge/credit cards “I find card with VISA sign as the most reliable because I can easily obtain Saudi Riyals from Cashpoint ATMs”  Tabung Haji savings book

Communications Paraphernalia 

Hand phone with new battery (arrange for international roaming) 69

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     

NOTE: Hand phone with camera may be confiscated if you bring into the Holy Masjid, especially Masjid Nabawi. The female guard may do a body search. Hand phone charger with 2-prong adapter (Saudi Arabia uses same voltage as that in Malaysia. You can also purchase a charger locally for SR5.) Extra battery Telekom’s Ring Ring or iTalk card Address book containing contact numbers/e-mails Notepad/post it notes Pen Business/personal contact cards

Medication/Supplements (please see Appendix 7) Check with Tabung Haji for their panel doctor list, as some doctors do provide a medicinal package, depending on your needs and ailments. “I bring a lot of medicine not so much for myself but to dispense to whoever around me who seem to need it. The VICKS inhaler is very rare in Makkah, so I bring extra to give to people who suffer from flu.”  Prescription items (bring more than actually required in case of flight delays.)  Doctor’s Prescription note, in case you need refills  Vitamins and supplements you normally take, especially Vitamin C.  Paracetamol or other pain/fever medication  Dehydration tablet/salts  Small first aid kit including plasters and bandages  “minyak angin” or your regular rubbing ointments for aches and pains, muscle cramps  Cream for skin irritation  eye drops  Anti-bacteria lozenges, e.g. Diflam for sore throat (some people use raw honey and apple cider vinegar, others tamarind and sugar).  Small container of salt for gurgling and prevention of sore throat 70

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Fisherman’s Friend. “Price rather steep but by far the best cough tablets. Share in the masjid and maktab. InsyaAllah you yourself would not be needing it.”  Cough syrup  Something for purging/vomiting  Surgical masks if you are allergic to dust – also available in the pharmacies in Makkah/Medinah  Diarrhea tablets Editor’s note: You can reduce items to pack by getting habbatussauda oil, easily obtainable in Makkah & Medinah, insyaAllah, which can be used internally for general health & to relieve other ailments. It can also be used externally for headaches, sinus, skin disorders. 

Solat/’Umrah/Hajj Paraphernalia 

spray bottle to take wudhu’ on plane or where place for wudhu’ is inconvenient telekong (at least 2, labeled Malaysia if available, and preferably with a colored ribbon tied at the back of the head so that family/group members can spot you) opaque socks, especially if you intend not to wear the sarong, i.e. wear telekong with jubah "The airline socks are good" Small mirror (for ladies) to check if any hair is showing through the “telekong” especially when in solat, tawaf & ihram. " May be confiscated if you bring to Masjidil Haram or Masjid Nabawi, unless part of your powder compact.” Face towel/small towel, preferably white. Carry it wherever you go. It comes in handy for catching drips when performing wudhu’ on the plane, bus, at your solat area. " My Ustaz said it’s sunat to sujud on plain white material. In addition, my doctor advised to sujud on a damp towel to prevent inhalation of dust. So I brought along a small white towel everywhere.” Solat mat, the one with plastic lining. Some prefer a small sejadah or thin cotton sejadah – one that is convenient to wash and dry easily and does not take too much space in your bag. 71

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      

Counter/tasbeeh Qiblat compass (in case you get stranded where there is no direction given for Qiblat) Small pocket size Qur’an (you can purchase this in Makkah/Medinah) Regular supplications, surahs, dhikr Book on solat sunat Ihram cloth, at least 2 sets Ihram belt Hajj/’Umrah guidebooks to read on the plane Foldable scissors for tahallul (in luggage and not carry on) Tote bag. “Very handy to carry all sorts of things to and from masjid.” Small packs of non-perfumed tissue – “handy to bring to masjid”

Clothing "Whatever clothing you bring make sure it is light and easy to wash, crease-free, 'airy' and hassle free when taking ablutions/wudhu"  Jacket/sweater/cardigan to wear on the plane, air-conditioned tent at Mina and if the weather is cold. “You may never know when it gets cold. If you do not need to use it, it can always be folded up to be used as pillow in Mina. You can get a good jacket at the 'bundles'.”  Change of clothes including undergarments  Maxi/abaya/jubah/baju kurung (sufficient quantity in white, sunnah to wear white in ihram). Note that you can buy maxis/abayas in Makkah & Medinah for as low as SR30 or less, fancy ones for about SR70 or more. “I went to Munawarah, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail (TTDI), to check out what they have and was pleasantly surprised that they really have some good designs. Also good quality arm gloves”  Long cotton pants with preferably zippered pockets to wear underneath jubah/abaya (plentiful in Medinah & Makkah, insyaAllah)  Cotton t-shirts with zippered pocket in front to keep cash and cards (available in Klang Valley shops selling ‘Umrah/hajj wear) 72

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 

Long shirts and pants for men 2 Batik/pulicat sarongs (for the men, at least one unsewn) 1 for hand carry. “Can be used in place of all sorts of thing – pillow, mat, blanket. Can also be worn to masjid.” "The batik sarong plays a very important part when we need something to cover our modesty when we change and also to take in the water sprays when we go to the toilet". Nightwear/pyjamas bathrobe

Undergarments  

  

Suspenders/boxers 3 Brassieres or “3 vests instead of bras – keeps you comfortable and can be slipped on and off more easily, can also sleep in them.” Knickers “ Bring plenty of cheap cotton panties (12). Watch out for offers at Makro, Giant or Carrefour. These sometimes cost less than disposables. They can, however, still be washed and re-used if necessary and can also be disposed of since they are cheap.” Camisoles to reduce transparency of clothes 2 Full length slips/ petticoats to reduce transparency of clothes Disposables (available in pharmacies)

Accessories  

     

Sunglasses Reading glasses (if necessary and also available in Makkah/Medinah for SR5-10) Mini telekong/large scarves Skull cap/’serkop’ Serban/songkok/kopiah hair tie-backs (also available in the “2 Riyal” outlets) comfortable scarf to wear indoors Arm gloves for women (good ones at Munawarah, TTDI) "Make sure they are of cotton material to avoid itchiness" Watch, preferably waterproof, so that you do not need to remove when performing wudhu’ 73

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH 

Minimum jewellery (remember ultimate intent of the journey) “I removed all forms of jewellery before going.” 6 pairs of 100% cotton sports socks and not the thin, slippery kind (thick socks if going during winter) "I find that wearing an extra pair of dark coloured socks over my white socks when doing tawaf, etc. keeps my white socks clean for solat" Sandals (preferably “well worn”, without straps, for ease of wear and preferably waterproof so that you can use them when performing wudhu’) comfortable walking shoes (especially helpful in Mina and crowded areas) - Covered Bata canvas shoes are recommended so that your feet/socks do not get dirty/dusty

Toiletries/hygiene items (Remember to bring unscented items, such as “Simple” brand. Label your toiletries.)  Small holder with hook to place your toiletries in the bathroom/over the toilet door "Check out the Deuter toiletry case – it’s compact, has many compartments and comes with a hook for hanging – I bought mine from a shop selling backpacks in KLCC."  Something to wear while bathing/in the shower, e.g. a mini slip.  Non-perfumed tissues - the ones in other countries may be rough  Wet wipes “Handy for Mina when you cannot take a bath.”  Towel, if not provided by the hotel or if you want to take with you to Arafah, Muzdalifah, Mina. Alternatively, Cheap towels (3 for RM10) that can be washed and dried easily.  Shaver (do shave body hair just before you don your ihram)  Non-perfumed soap (liquid soap may be convenient to bring around.)  Non-perfumed body lotion. “Use daily to avoid drying up.”  Cotton puffs  Cotton buds  Shower cap (especially useful to keep head covered when going to the toilet) 74

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Shampoo  Comb/hair brush  Moisturiser (get the water soluble kind so that you can easily remove it for wudhu’)  Cleanser "I find those baby wipes very useful in removing make-up. Check out those that are alcohol free and unscented."  Powder  Facial blotter (especially useful if you don’t want to use powder)  Non-perfumed water based sunscreen  Floss  Toothbrush (alternatively, you can use miswak – fresh ones about SR2 in blister pack at bookstores, department stores, some retail shops; dry ones much cheaper and sold on the street outside the Masjids) NOTE: MISWAAK - twigs of certain trees that are used on a regular basis by Muslims for centuries (and all Prophets, Peace Be upon Them) to maintain oral hygiene and gain the pleasure of Allah SWT. It is a "natural toothbrush." Not only does it provide spiritual benefits, but it is also beneficial to the everyday maintenance of one's mouth, gums, and teeth. See http://www.islam.tc/Miswaak/  Toothpaste (make sure you are confident the brand is HALAL)  Non-perfumed chapstick  Non-perfumed deodorant  Nail clipper, nail file  Waterless non-perfumed hand wash liquid  Sanitary pads/panty liners  Toilet tissue*  Small “gayong” or large plastic mug to wash oneself in WC  Bathroom slippers (soles at least 1 inch thick, to protect feet from najis) or wooden clogs Editor’s note: You can reduce items to pack by getting habbatussauda oil, easily obtainable in Makkah & Medinah, insyaAllah, which can be used for external application as moisturiser for face & body. 


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Foodstuff & Paraphernalia (Food is normally easily available around the masjids)  Water bottle carrier and plastic cup/small bottle (e.g. 500ml or 375ml) of water for drinking, to be taken with you everywhere. (It is better to sip 1000x rather than have a big glass and then needing to go to the washroom often.)  Plastic tumbler to store Zam Zam water and take back to hotel daily  Water flask if you want to keep drinks hot/cold.  “serunding”, “sambal ikan bilis”, bread, etc.  Biscuits, nuts, chocolates, goat milk tablets, drinks, etc.  Plastic bowl with lid, spoon, fork  Small electric kettle, cup, teaspoon, coffee, especially for those who need a hot drink before Subuh. "We stayed at 5-star hotels, yet there was no hot drink making facility"  Fruits, etc. to purchase locally to take to Arafah, Muzdalifah, Mina  Ziploc bags to store leftovers, etc.  Plastic bag for trash  Small knife (with cover/case, or the “Swiss Army” type) to cut fruits (knife to be packed in luggage for checking in)  Water jug. “In Mina I used this (a large Tupperware actually) to get hot water for tea in the morning and midday. Saves everyone, especially senior citizens, from collecting hot water individually. Can scald them.”

Miscellany  

Wish list of what you would like to ask Allah for Small backpack (check out the foldable Travelpak brand) for solat mat, snacks, tumbler, shoe bag to take to the masjid (leaves arms free) Ear plugs "I find these very helpful when I want to go into retreat and silence and need full khusyu' They are also helpful when there are uncontrollable crowds, fighting, swearing, etc at Arafah, Mina and the Jamrahs." 76

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH 

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Shoe bag (preferably waterproof and flexible. Some prefer batik design for ease of recognition). If performing Hajj, your shoe bag will probably be given by the sponsors. Otherwise, check out the Travelpak brand. Highlighter, if you wish to highlight items in the books you purchase. Post-it bookmarks, if you wish to mark your books. Paper to line shelves in cupboard Small torch light, especially useful for picking pebbles Small pouch for pebbles at Muzdalifah & Mina Umbrella Camera + film + battery (keep this out of the 2 Holy Masjids) House key Alarm clock, alternatively “Can also set your hand-phone.” (Or you can purchase the “Al Fajr” alarm clock in Makkah or Medinah.) Straw mat, in case you need to need to sit/lie down on the ground at Mina & Muzdalifah. You can also purchase plastic “hajj mats” in Makkah/Medinah Small folding chair with back (SR15-20) for those who are not used to sitting a long time on the floor. Needles and thread of a few colours (Never know when your buttons might snap). You can also get them from the “2 Riyal” shops. battery-operated personal fan Note book.

Laundry (please note that you can opt to send your clothes to the small laundry shops located among the regular retail shops in Makkah/Medinah)  String for tying things/hanging clothes  Small umbrella-like hanger with clips for hanging clothes  Foldable hangers* (very useful for drying clothes in your room)  'clippies' to dry your socks and underwear.  Travel iron, if preferred 77

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH 

Washing detergent (you can also buy this at the 2 RIYAL shop or local minimarket.) Small pail/basin (you can get this in Makkah) or get a strong plastic bag to soak dirty clothes.

Luggage Identify Luggage Clearly -- label all on the inside and outside with your name and contact number

Courtesy of Faziatone

How our bags are stacked every time we move “Most of the time we won't be able to hold on to our bags when we move from one place to another. To make it easier and faster for the workers to send the bags to our rooms and faster for us to retrieve them, have rolls of masking tape ready with you, The tapes are so easy to stick on your bags and can be labelled with a pen or marker. This is especially convenient for the bags that Tabung Haji gave us -everybody had one, exactly the same colour and design!!!!” 

Luggage bag, preferably with rollers and one that is flat and can be easily opened up for Customs inspection. Luggage with rollers would be most helpful when you need to walk to find your camp in Arafat & Mina. 78

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH 

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Luggage label – you can print your name, etc. in BOLD in A4 size paper and laminate or add plastic cover. Colourful/luminous luggage labels or ribbons, for ease of identification. Useful to tag your boxes and Zam Zam water with the same type and colour too. Luggage key/combination locks Hand luggage (Note: Tabung Haji normally provides a good size hand luggage. Be sure to clearly mark your hand luggage something not too big but visible from far because everyone else will be using the same looking bag -- suggest luminous ribbons or tags. Permanent marker for marking items/luggage Masking tape for labeling items/luggage Extra empty bag or two for your souvenirs. Note that luggage is low priced there. Alternatively, you can obtain boxes, tie with string and at the airport get them safety wrapped.

Camping Paraphernalia*    

Tent that can be easily set up and put away* Sleeping bag* Pillow camp stool

Linens 

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Light cotton sheet/rug rather than plastic mat (sweat sticks on your back) Blanket (may be applicable to all if using air conditioned tents)* Towels* Small/neck pillow Pillow cases*

* Needed if you are going under muassasah. Please check with Tabung Haji if there’s anything else to pack Note: 1. Items UNDERLINED are recommended for hand carry. Note that you may not reach your ultimate destination as scheduled. 79

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 2 of 5: PREPARING FOR HAJJ/’UMRAH

Do carry an extra set of clothing. Be prepared to solat ANYWHERE appropriate. 2. Bring as few pieces of clothing as possible because you can purchase them relatively inexpensively in Medinah/Makkah, insyaAllah.

Source; http://www.jannah.org/hajj/


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