Hafiz Ghulam Dastgir

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,170
  • Pages: 12
Leader Ch.Rahmat ali

Entrepreneurs ducan Bannatyne

Prepared for Prof. MISS SOFIA Organization Behavior SUPERIOR UNIVERSITY LAHORE

Prepared by Group of students MBA (2nd Semester) SUPERIOR UNIVERSITY LAHORE september 03 ,2009





Group of students MBA (2nd Semester) SUPERIOR UNIVERSITY LAHORE Entrepreneur and leader

On sep 03, 2009 Miss sofia that we submit our recommendations regarding the involvement in leader and enterpreneur. That repot is now finished and attached to this cover article . Our group has to submit this report in five days.


Table of Contents

Acknowledgement _________________________________________3 Executive Summary _________________________________________4 1.0 Introduction ____________________________________________5 2.0 Discussions ____________________________________________5 3.0 Reference


3.1 www.google.com 4.0

4.1 4.2 4.3

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duncan_Bannatyne http://www.storyofpakistan.com)

www.ciber.it www.nwlink.com

4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations______________________12


Executive summary

Purpose of the report is to gain better understanding of of the organization behavior and also to examine the relation between leaders and enterpreneurs We strongly supports the idea that that leaders and entrepreneurs are both different and some common qualities was arrived at after extensive investigation over past five days. We surveys in different articale and also visit websites of popular entrepreneur (ducan bannatyne) and leaders (ch.Rahmat ali) in all over the world website that what what is the similarities and different between leaders and enterpreneurs . As the result of our research we have come to that the great leaders ch. Rahmat ali done his great efforts for the achivement of pakistan and if we see that the great enterpreneur ducan bannatyne done his grat efforts for the establishing the business. Being a leader I very appriciate to my all groups member for the good efforts to making this report.. Our group is thankful to MISS.SOFIA for the opportunity to give us better understand the concept of OB regarding given topic.


1.0 Introduction Participation of sports in university education and what type of sports are being played in different universities these days.

2.0 Discussions After surveys in different universities and discussions with many students and sports managers of different universities our group has come to know the different advantages of sports. Most of the students strongly support the idea that playing games are very important for students. It is useful and fun, too. It is one of the most important ways to cope with the problems of business and daily life. There are several benefits of playing games for students. First, playing games creates leisure time that every adult must have to lessen the stress of student life. Its another benefit is that It can improve reflex, intelligence or health depending on the kind of the game ,and it also gives pleasure to the adults as well as children. Some students also say its one of the most important ways to cope with the problems of student life. According to some students the computer based technology actually made games more interesting and more complicated than were they before.Because of their visual and sophisticated subjects; the computer based games can easily contribute to maintain a student's reflex and intelligence thanks to their interactive skills. Moreover, brain gymnastics with these games are beneficial for adults to solve their personal problems. Another reason told by some students who strongly supports this idea that it teaches participants team work. In team games, the individual team members should not only play for personal achievements but for the sake of the team as well. Moreover, playing games teaches us cooperation, organization and loyalty to our team, which in turn affects positively our relationships with other students. Another reason tells us a by student of management sciences who is playing in cricket team as a captain that playing games teaches participants to have goals and to work very hard to accomplish these goals. In life, every one has many goals and he/she puts them in front of his/her eyes and tries day and night to achieve them. Thus, there is a strong relationship between playing games and learning about life. In addition, when students practice team sports they contact with players having different characters and personalities that may affect them.


According to sports manager of University of Lahore, Enjoyment is another factor that should be considerate while thinking of the relation between university education and games. It is certain to believe that many students get very much pleasure from sports. However a few of students argue that sports are not important for university. According to them playing games has not any effect on their life, as success in playing games does not mean success in life and vice versa. Moreover, most students play games just for fun and entertainment. In addition, they believe that learning about life can be obtained through reading, travelling or watching television.

3.0 Survey results of different universities I will also mention some survey reports which our group made through net of the websites of different universities, we have come to know most of the universities are participating in sports activities and providing valuable sports facilities to the students.


UNIVERSITY OF STIRLING(www.external.stir.ac.uk)

Sport at Stirling Sports Facilities

The University has a superb collection of facilities on a beautiful parkland campus. The quality of the environment is second to none. Moreover, there are lots of opportunities to meet your sports and fitness requirements.

Sports Hall


This is the size of eight badminton courts or two basketball courts. It can be divided into two or four activity areas. Squash Courts

There are three courts in the sports centre and they have a viewing gallery.

Swimming Pool

This is the National Swimming Academy. It is a six lane, 50 meter swimming pool which can be split into two 25 meter pools by a moveable boom. One of these 25 meter pools has a moveable floor, changing the water depth from 0 metres to 2 metres. There is a land conditioning room next to the pool, containing swimming benches and associated equipment. There is an Omega timing system and the full range of water polo fittings and equipment. Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Courts

These form part of the National Tennis Centre. There are six acrylic indoor courts, two outdoor all weather courts and two outdoor clay courts.

Fitness Centre


This is the MP Jackson Fitness Centre. It contains a fitness suite and strength and conditioning "super centre". They have some of the best equipment on the market and supervision by very experienced fitness officers. The fitness suite has over 50 pieces of cardiovascular and resistance equipment while the super centre contains five lifting platforms, various benches and the finest bars and discs. Sports Science Laboratories

There are three laboratories forming part of the MP Jackson Fitness Centre - an athlete assessment laboratory, a research laboratory and an analytical laboratory. Meeting Rooms

There are three rooms for lectures, seminars and meetings. Projection equipment is available. Athletics Track

This 400 metre, six lane track with an eight lane straight has a porous rubber, non-slip surface that is an excellent training facility. Grass Pitches

There are three football pitches by the sports centre and changing for teams in the sports centre. There are four pitches by Airthrey Castle. There are two football


pitches, one rugy pitch and one multi-purpose pitch. There is also changing for teams available in the sports pavilion overlooking the golf course.


OHIO UNIVERSITY (www.ohio.edu)

Ohio University focuses on sports, youth and Africa ATHENS, Ohio -- Scholars and educators will gather at Ohio University on Feb. 20-21 to explore the importance of sports in the development of young people in Africa at a symposium on “Sports, Youth and Africa.” The symposium will begin at 3 p.m. on Feb.20 and conclude with the annual African Heroes Celebration at 7 p.m. on Feb. 21 in the new classroom building rotunda. The building is located between Grover Hall and Peden Stadium. Sport in Africa is a theme that touches the core of the experience of African people. Beginning with pre-colonial African societies, sports played an integral role in rites of passage and social acceptance, and young people continue to make up the bulk of those who participate in sports. From the pre-colonial era to the present, sport in Africa continues to represent the strength, survival and challenges of African people. “Sport is an endemic part of African culture. When we compete and we win, you see the whole continent coming together,” said Kwaku “Nana” Owusu-Kwarteng, assistant director of the Institute for the African Child. Conference sessions will address the connections between sports and issues such as conflict resolution, media, culture, development, politics and gender. Featured speakers will come from across the United States, the African continent and Ohio University. The symposium will begin on Friday with an opening address by Rose Chepyator-Thomson, associate professor of Physical Education and Sport Studies at the University of Georgia. A native of Kenya, ChepyatorThomson is a world-class runner and was a 12-time All-American when she ran for the University of Wisconsin in the 1980s.


After a closing roundtable discussion involving symposium speakers and participants on Saturday afternoon, the African Student Union welcomes conference participants to the African Heroes Celebration, which will feature a dinner, fashion show, music, dance and more. “Sports, Youth and Africa” is sponsored by Ohio University’s Institute for the African Child, the Sports Administration Program and the Center for Lifelong Learning. Interested community members are welcome to attend conference

sessions. For more information, view the symposium schedule online at www.ohiou.edu/afrchild/sportsafrica/program.htm.


Dulwich university (www.dulwich.org.uk)

Dulwich University seeks to educate the whole person, and Physical Education and sports forms an integral part of the whole university curriculum. All pupils, irrespective of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, are capable of physical, athletic and aesthetic responses that extend and enhance their daily experiences. It is through Physical Education that many pupils can succeed and develop. The purpose of PE is to help pupils to: • Develop confidence and ability in a range of physical skills and activities in an enjoyable environment; • Learn to co-operate with others through the development of social skills; • Compete within rules of fair play; • Accept winning and defeat with equal dignity; • Value the contribution that PE has on their health, well-being and lifestyle; • Be aware of safety codes and react appropriately to any situation that may arise. • Encourage participation in physical activity after leaving school


Physical Education is a unique medium through which pupils can be provided with the opportunity to develop physically, socially, emotionally, and cognitively. We believe we must expose these qualities that are already within pupils and so develop the whole child. People must respect and value themselves so that they can respect and value others. There is a need for the vocational, the academic, the scientific and the aesthetic to be seen as working parallel to each other. Contrary to popular belief, success is not only measured by winning, indeed, Physical Education is not only for the talented: skills can be taught and learnt by all.

Physical Education should be challenging and enjoyable. Enjoyment often leads to a quest for improvement and, for many, a desire for competition. The aim is for all boys to develop a willingness to improve and to perform to the best of their ability, to work as part of a team, to recognise the abilities of others and to have an enjoyable learning experience which will lead to having the self esteem to pursue their chosen sport(s) after leaving Dulwich College. Physical Education fits well into the whole structure of sport at Dulwich university, providing the foundations for boys to make the best of the extensive games and co-curricular programme. Physical education is on the curriculum throughout Years 3 to 13. It is possible to study at Advanced Level where a multi-disciplinary approach encourages the development of different methods of enquiry. The focal points remain the performer and the performance and the interaction between the theory and practice of physical education and sports.


Our group also visits SUPERIOR UNIVERSITY and we discussed here with more than 50 students, almost 48 students support the idea that sports should be the part of university education. We also conducted meeting with Mr. Tariq Awan which is the sports manager and Mr. Yasir in charge of discipline of superior university. He told us that Cricket, Badminton, Table tennis and Kabadi are the part of our sports department and we are also


working to make football team. He strongly supports the idea that sports should be the part of university education.


Conclusions and Recommendations

After many surveys and discussions with a lot of students we strongly support the idea that playing games and sports are important for students of university as well as all human beings. It is useful, necessary, enjoyable and educational. Since life, itself, is a game in which the players are we, it is unavoidable to spend time without playing games at any age. So sports should be the integral part of university education.


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