HabeasCorpus, Friday,May I 4,2004 YosefS.Fraser
case:DP 04-47
This form is too disclaimingthe accusations set forth by D.C.F...The accusations of MedicalNeglect,and Abandonment. (Medicalneglect)medical-ofrelatingto, or concernedwith physiciansor the practiceof medicine Neglect-togiveslittle attentionor respectto: DISREGARD. When theseaccusations wereput into affect(medicalneglect)because the investigatorseemedto want to hurry the investigation.With what in that the dept.investigatorhad seemedto be a manipulationof processes the reportsinceFebruarybut choseto act on a laterdate.The investigatoris willing to vesther employmenton the accusations of an administrationthat hasshownnothingbut hostilitytowardthe Fraserfamily. When the allegationsof the asthmacouldnot be substantiated, the investigatordecided question to children,perhapseinfluencingthe thoughtof the children.To servethe purposeof the violationof personalrights.Theserights were methodicallyimpededon due to the manipulationof the legal systemas well as the forcedremovalof the childrenin orderto consciouslyimpedeon the rightsof the motherin question. Due to the fact that the reportwas enteredin Februarybut could not be acted on, due to the fact that my sonwas takento the Emergencyroom in orderto This to me shows, recantthe allegationof the schooladministration. its powersweeksafterthe initial Conspiracyin that the dept.expressed report then becausethe schoolmadethe accusation.Without proper inquiry, the deptwants this competentcourt to believethat all avenueswere explored in order to preventthe removalof the children from the home.This was accomplished throughthe useof law enforcementand the Courtswith the useof threats,and act of intimidation,againstthe rightsof the parentsand children.Rightsare givento peoplein orderto protectself andproperty.
With no concernon the Psychologicalimpactthis hasall causedfor my children,only a forcedmanorof investigationfilled with threats,which can implicatea plot in the makingdue to the fact that the reporttook placein February.My wife actedwithin her rightsto refuseaccessto the house. Knowing the hostilify expressed, and that theseaccusations stemfrom Sealy ElementarySchool.SheallowedMayo to talk to the children. Becauseshedid not get accessto the houseMayo got a court order,in order to takethe childrento the Doctor,no matterwhat the conclusionof the medical cameto be. The processset forth to protecthavebeenusedto retaliateagainstan innocentFamily,and I requestthat this CompetentCourt setthingsas they werebefore.And not allow this organizedadminisffation to usethis Court and The Dept as a gearof retaliation. 5\13\04this is an accountof our visitation.Rehniqua our daughteris not getting any help with her home work .Insteadthe Fosterparentsthat they residewith only has time for churchbut not the time to assisther with her homework.My daughterKiannahad DreadLocks down to her back side Know theyhavebeenbrushedout in spiteof the fact that it was part of her religion .Mayo calledto askhow to do the hair shewas told, But discriminatly,orby an intimidatingactionbelayedthe instructionin a discriminatorymanor which seemsgearedto intimidate.Know my daughter'shair is all frizzy and damageddo to the actionof taking out her naturalLocks.My son Obadiahhasbeenlashingout at everythingwitch is not his normalbehavior,He doesn'trespecthis sistersanymore,and forgot what it meansto share.I also concurthatmy son hasbeencoachedin the accusationof abandonment.Due to the fact that the children are sleeping when the sitter arrives,or they sleepacrossthe street.Their mother is home earlyenoughto wake them and seeto it that they get ready for school.My allegationof the coachingof my son stemfrom. We are not allowedto discussthe caseyet our childrenhaveaccessto booksaboutFosterCare,one titled "Why Me" telling childrenthat they are in fostercarebecausetheir parentshaveproblemsthey haveto work out; when in fact accusationsmade are false.All this intemrptioninto our lives is havingan emotional,mental, andphysicaleffecton our children.My daughtertold me that Ms. Mayo said to her that I left them by themselvesthat's why they are in fostercare.
(Abandonment)1: to give up to the conffol or influenceof anotherpersonor agent,to give up with the intentof neveragainclaiminga right or interest in.2: to withdraw from oftenin the faceof dangeror enchrochment.3: to withdrawprotection,support,or help from. At no time havethese allegations beenproved.This hasbeena ploy to retaliateagainstthe Fraserfamily initiated by SealyElementaryschoolin order to saveface.With the illegal useof the Court,DCF, and PoliceDepartment. 5l5l04I was requestedto be at my son'sannualvisit at the medical,at this time my son is away from my housein the careof DCF.approximately two weeks.Notedat the DoctorsOffice that my sonhascontracteda severecase of ring worrn,and hasalsobeenplayingon a trampolinein which he busted his mouth.Which leadsme to believethattherewould havebeenan attempt to perhapsblame thesefactson the Defendants.When the child was taken from the home for the reasonof respiratory,not for the factualevidence beingexpressed at the time of annualvisit which is the neglectof the dept. On this date5\5\04requestsweremadeto obtainrecordsconcemingthis casesuchas Writs, madein orderto obtainCourt Orders,Medical findings, and alegations.To this datethesedocumenthavenot beenfumished.This seemsto be Conspiretic due to the fact that the Allegationsare changing. Like therewas room for allegationsto be raisedduring the annualdoctor visit. Which was questionable due to the fact that Mayo statedthat,"that's why they were at the Doctors".I remindedher that we were therebecauseof the annualvisit and,the allegationof asthma. I Humbly requestthat the Court forgive my hastily act referring to hand written documentdatedand filed on May 3,2004.ThiscaseI am personally involvedin .WhenI believethat issuesarebeing deniedto my family I questionit I read the factsas accordingto what is written and like all other men interpret,for I also Have an educationin which to reasonand defend my rights.Whetherit be verbally,or written.Theseallegationshaveno basis and alsoare subjectingthe Fraserfamily to unjust,maliciousprosecution and investigationto servethe purposeof invading the privacy, alteringthe cultureof the Fraserfamily, and causingundueburden,and stress.Both mentallyand physically.The powersvestedon the Dept. and the Gracious Courtby the Congressin my beliefwereimplicatedin orderto protectthe innocentfrom maliciousProsecution.