Gus Outline

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Gus Outline Smallpox was a disease brought into the new world by the Spanish during the Columbian exchange. Smallpox raged through the New World and was probably the most deadly of the diseases brought into the Americas. It was one of the main reasons for the fast decline of the Indian population. An encomienda was a temporary grant of land and indigenous labor given to a colonist. The colonist is then responsible for the welfare of the Indians and for keeping a priest on the land. Although it was not meant to be a bad system it was really hideous slavery. The population of Hispaniola dwindled from several million to 29,000 within two decades. The Requirement was a document written up by Dr. Juan Lopez de Palacios Rubios. Comquistadors were “obligated” to read it to the natives before making war on them. This document called on the natives to acknowledge the supremacy of the church and the Spanish monarch. The conquistador was not allowed to start war unless the natives rejected this. Most conquistadors did not follow these regulations and waged war anyways. The Council of the Indies was originally a standing committee of the Council of Castille. The council stood at the head of the Spanish imperial administration almost till the end of the colonial period. Court favorites were appointed to the council which consisted of mostly lawyers. It was the supreme legislative, judicial and executive institution of the government. Cabildos are town councils in which the members consisted of rich land owners, mine owners, and merchants. They "ran the council as an exclusive club". They generealy had no salaries, but used their positions to award themselves lands and native labor. They usually only served the interests of their class. They were essentially an oligarchy. Francisco de Toledo= He was the viceroy of the Peru region. He established Spanish royal authority in Peru. He instituted the system of mita, which forced the natives to work in the mines. Toledo imposed a form of local government with two levels of authority, which include an alcalde or mayor. He reduced the encomienda to obey the Spanish crown.

Hacienda A hacienda was a large landed estate that developed from the Spanish Encomienda. By the end of the seventeenth century, the Spanishowned hacienda was responsible for the bulk of agricultural commercial production.

The Chiriguanos The Chiriguanos exploited efforts to best suit their needs. Jesuits unable to settle them. Franciscans converted them with numerous concessions. Shows that everybody wanted to help them, manipulated colonial system Capsicum Peppers These peppers are a new world crop. This pepper is the ancestor of all the peppers today. (that is pretty much it for this if he asks this it would be a douche move) Bartolome de las Casas o 1484-1566 o Dominican priest o Former encomendero o Turned against the institution o Advises everyone to give up their native slaves o Prompts "new laws" • Laws to prevent native slavery • Compulsory service • Regulated tribute • Encomienda's would lapse upon death of owner o Ends up supporting African enslavement o "Defender of the Indians" Repartimiento repartimiento is a basically a labor system that was imposed by the spanish and what it basically forced the indians to work on their plantations for low wages and sometimes for no wages. This can be compared to mita, which was an imposed tax for a certain period of

time. This is what repartimiento was an imposed tax to work out on the fields. Viceroy Francisco Toledo He was the viceroy of the Peru region. He established Spanish royal authority in Peru. He instituted the system of mita, which forced the natives to work in the mines. Toledo imposed a form of local government with two levels of authority, which include an alcalde or mayor. He reduced the encomienda to obey the Spanish crown. Maroon communities • Everywhere • Palenques in cuba/columbia • Cumbes in venezuela • Quilombos in Brazil • Palmares→ largest • Signed treaties w/ colonists for freedom in some cases Colonial Time and Space Have no idea what he means by this so nobody wrote anything… Creoles Creoles are the native-born descendants of early French, Spanish, and Portuguese settlers in Latin America, the West Indies, and the southern United States. The term came into use in the 16th century to distinguish persons born in the New World colonies of European parents from New World residents of European birth. Later, the term designated persons of European descent, whether white or of mixed blood, as distinguished from those of African or aboriginal American descent. Sugar Sugar was an important crop. It was grown in the Carribean, especially in Espaniola. It was one of the many crops that required slaves and many indigenous people were exploited for its production. Potosi Spanish city in the mountains of North Peru containing one of the premier silver mines in the New World, providing an extraordinary stimulus to the European economy. Discovered in 1545, it was run with

exploitation of the enslaved natives that worked the mine in conditions considered "a thing of horror". Used the new technology using mercury to separate the ore, due to the lack of fuel in the mountains. Involved in a scandal involving fake silver and bronze coins that cost the royal treasury 20,000 ducats and immediate inflation. When the Crown slowed funding, production severely slowed in 1650. Congregacion congregacion is the same thing as an audenica, basically it was a group of men. otherwise known as a tribune, and they served to give judgement on decisions made by the spanish government, along with the colonists Visita the visita were inspections of an indigenous town which yielded information concerning its resources or capacity to pay, which was needed to determine its per capita quota. the visita was an investigation of official conduct, usually made unannounced by a visitador specially appointed by the crown, or by the viceroy in consultance with the audiencia.

"JesuitsThe Jesuits came in the second wave of clergy. They were willing to make compromises with native people. They were learning and teaching in native languages. The Jesuits were more likely to study and understand native religion and culture then other groups. The Jesuits established more than thirty missions; these formed the principal field of Jesuit activity in America. Strict discipline, centralized organization, and absolute control over the labor of thousands of docile Gurani producing large surpluses enabled the Jesuits to turn their missions into a highly profitable business enterprise. A royal decree expelled the order from the colonies in 1767."

#20 – Mulattos Mulattos were the people living in the colonies that had a Spanish (white) parent and an African (black) parent. Usually, mulattos were born into a low socio-economic tier in the hierarchy. However, if they

had enough money or prestige they could change their birth certificates and make themselves “legally” white.

Slavery is the use and exploitation of a man or group of people in the form of harsh, unfair, mandatory, and inescapable labor without pay. As the New World began being conquered by Old World countries during the sixteenth century, the need for slave labor was deemed necessary and extremely profitable. At first, native peoples of the area were being exploited and used as slaves. As time passed, and laws such as The New Laws of the Indies were passed, which restricted Native American encomiendas, a new form of slavery was needed. This led to repartamientos and later hacienda labor. As it began getting more difficult for Native Americans to be used as slaves, Africans were being brought it and sold. About 70% of all African slaves ended up working on sugar mills.

Essays 1. Explain the Columbian Exchange? What were its impacts on the New World? What were its impacts on the Old World? Be specific and provide clear examples of what was exchanged between the New World and various regions of the Old World. What were the consequences of these exchanges? The exchange of disease, ideas, food crops, populations, and cultures between the new world and the old world after the discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492. Negative aspects -Bad culture - Spanish culture in an effort to wipe out native culture -Crop famine -Disease -Old world to New Small pox -Old world to new Syphilis Top 12 diseases Now treated with penicillin STD→ European men with native American women

European soldiers sleep with prostitutes, and it spreads with prostitutes -Good aspects -Crop trading -New world to old Maize Cassava, manioc Sweet potatoes Potatoes Tomatoes Golden Apples, Originally yellow Capsicum Pepper Spicy, relative to Jalapeno, an d chili peppers Paprika Cacao and Vanilla Luxury items Vanilla means "Ordinary, plain" Tobacco One of the most significant Smoked, normally for rituals Cash crop Coca plant Leaves used in tea Not yet used for cocaine, that started in 1800's -Old world to New world Crops Sugar rice -How many people in Americas? A 1939 estimate stated that there were only 8 million By 1966, number revised to 110 million 80-90% Death rate means that anywhere from 88 to 99.5 million people died from disease 2. Describe the social and political institutions of colonial Latin America. What did these institutions mean for the various groups that we have discussed? Provide specific examples as you discuss the realities that faced native people, Africans, and different groups of Spanish settlers. Consider how different groups of Spanish interacted with one another as well as how they interacted with non-Spanish people? Political classes from greatest to least: King-Absolute power Council of the Indies

Viceroy Audencia Oidores Corregidor Cabildo Racial/Social Classes, not necessarily from greatest to least Spanish settlers-Conquistadors, royal officials, artisans, poor whites Mestizos-Status depended on money Native people-money divisions within native society, urban divide Mulattos-Status also depended on wealth Africans-free and enslaved

3. How did the Spanish clergy carry out their project of Christianization during the colonial era? Did the clergy’s strategies undermine their stated goals in any way? What obstacles stood in their way? Provide specific examples from both class notes and your textbook. •

Christianization important part of Spains colonial enterprise o Justification for ruling the Americas o 1 or more clergy on each ship o The clergy were often forced to make concessions o 2 waves of clergy  1st wave of clergy • Elite group • missionary zeal and social conscience • bartolome de las casas→ well know o Did have some success in prompting legal change  2nd wave • Willing to make compromises with native people • Learning and teaching in native languages • More likely to study/understand native religion and culture o Religious orders  Little christianizing to do in the carribiean  Franciscans • 1st to arrive in mexico (1524)  Jesuits • Last to arrive in mexico (1572)

• Forced to leave because they get too powerful  The chiriguano exploited conversion efforts to best suit their needs  The jesuits cant settle them  Franciscans have better luck • They make numerous concessions o No communal labor o Supply them with tools, seeds, and gifts o No punishment or violence o They tolerate old beliefs as not to annoy them o Obstacles  Resistance, old beliefs • Our lady of Guadalupe o Seen for the first time in 1531 by Juan Diego o Possibly Christian incarnation of native goddess Tonantzin  Crown Restrictions  Language •

there was no real way to record how many natives were converted o Does sprinkling water on 1500 people count as a baptism o Priests would lie about how many they actually converted because of pride

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