Guiding Spirits

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,003
  • Pages: 5
“Guiding Spirits” Author, Justus After a pleasant weekend among friends and family, it was time to get back to the old grind of business. It was June 21st.1993, a day that would change Al’s life forever, a crippling accident, twelve near deaths and dying, the loss of everything , reduced to a no man. Gifts from God would come in time, healing powers, the ability to see past, present and the future, gifts that very few on earth have. While walking through a parking lot of a shopping center, across the street from his office, a sewer grate collapsed, causing him to fall to the ground and all of his strength couldn’t prevent this tragedy. The steel bars from the grate felt like a sharp knife penetrating his back. As he lay on the ground in incredible pain, it felt very cold. A blinding white light appeared, then Gods voice spoke. “It’s time to bring you to your knees, you’ll be fine in time, shown what few have ever seen, you will be sent spirits to guide you along your path.” In a flash, an angel appeared as clear as day, she was beautiful, blond hair, stark bright blue eyes, a smile that went right through you. The angel was the spirit of Princess Diana; she’d be his guiding spirit from this day on, but at the time seemed like a dream, not real, but it was. As he came too still in a daze, he literally crawled to his office and soon afterwards saw his doctor in the same shopping center. He was immediately given shots to ease his pain and tests were ordered; the news wasn’t good. Three bulging discs in his lower back and nerve damage to his leg, there wasn’t much hope; he’d only get worse in time. The pain continued to get worse for two years, then he experienced twelve near-deaths more than anyone in modern day history; on the twelfth one Al died at a hospital, during the entire time, Diana was at his side in spirit. His listless body was lying on the floor; his spirit was floating around above looking down at his body. Suddenly his body began to move, at first slowly shaking, then his eyes began to roll around, a bright white light appeared and was now shining down on him from above. He was shaking uncontrollably and could actually see another spirit taking him over, his eyes weren’t his anymore, his body belonged to someone else; an Indian spirit had taken him over, the Great Spirit of Joseph.


As he came back to life, his body, his vessel was no longer Al, the pain was gone, he was no longer crippled. His back and leg was completely healed, he walked out of the hospital, but never the same person again. Doctors couldn’t understand what happened, it was a miracle. His family couldn’t understand and asked repeatedly when he was coming back as his old self. It took its toll on them, there was no longer any control of his life, the spirit of Joseph was now in total control. Soon afterwards he walked away from his old life, a life of having it all, a wonderful wife and family, a nice home in the suburbs, even a motor home. He’d been reduced to a poor man, a no man, eating out of dumpsters, freezing in the cold; loneliness was his new way of life. All alone except for God, his guiding spirit Diana and another spirit he’d met as he went through the tunnel over and over, all the way back to dust, the creation of all of us. The Great Spirit was none other than Albert Einstein. Money came in strange ways. While standing in the welfare line with twelve cents to his name, his lawyer called on his cell phone, another gift. He asked, “Where are you, how much money do you have, do you feel spirited?” “Of course I’m always guided by spirit I’m fine, twelve cents in my pocket standing in the welfare line.” He laughed, then explained. There was a clause in his disability policy that he’d taken out on himself some years ago; being crippled they paid him, but when he wasn’t crippled anymore it stopped. His lawyer had a check for over six thousand dollars and they’d pay him twenty four hundred dollars a month for the rest of his life because he claimed he spoke to God and heard spirit voices. This was the only Insurance policy like this, he’d no longer be poor, God had provided for him. Another gift from God was sent, the gift of healing. As people took his hand they felt intense heat, then it traveled to where their pain or sickness was; all pain or sickness went away, no matter what. Cancer, Aids, tumors, any pain, it disappeared. Al got sick every single time as he asked God for their pain. This continues on today, more than twelve years later and is even stronger. From the first time this gift was given to Al, he realized that it was priceless and sent from God. It wasn’t actually him, God sent him back as a messenger to be used in any way when he died. From the first person with Cancer that was dying, then got better, three women with Aids, one in her final stages after seventeen years, all three got better, he knew this was Gods power within him.


He began to travel the east coast of the United States back and fourth in a van, then later in an old motor home, “The Love Bug”; the endless journey continued for twelve years. In the course of his travels, people sick or in pain came to him, rest areas, restaurants, campgrounds, even bars and hospitals, hundreds of them. God above was literally sending them to him at specific places and times. People would take his hand and say, “Welcome back Joe”, it was like they knew him and were waiting for him to come back. No one called him Al, he was Joseph; in time people began to call him Justus, the very name that so many know him as today. While in Pennsylvania visiting his son, he met a woman that had been in pain and could hardly walk, since the birth of her son eighteen months prior. Doctors couldn’t figure it out after trying everything and doing every possible test. She had marks on her legs and it was painful as she tried to walk. As he helped her, she began to walk with no pain, but doctors wanted to do surgery because of the marks on her legs. After a few sessions, the marks disappeared completely, she was fine, and no surgery was needed. She gave Al a big hug, and thanked him, his job was done, at least he thought so at the time, and returned to Florida with his wife Michelle. He’d remarried a few years before when God sent him this beautiful woman; she became his soul mate and best friend. They returned to their home in Florida with their motor home, they called it the Magic bus, and lived in it for years as they traveled. One evening after dinner Al received a call from his friend in Pennsylvania, she was upset and crying. Her eighteen month old son was very sick, he’d been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, and there wasn’t much hope. She continued to cry as she spoke, he was her son, so young, there had to be something he could do, he couldn’t die. She needed his help to save him, and knew he’d been given a gift from God to save his life. He’d worked with people over the phone, but never to this degree, this was a matter of life and death. As they spoke, he felt extremely cold; then chills ran through his entire body, then Gods voice told him exactly what to say to her. The doctors had ordered tests, she was to have them done, but something very strange would happen and her son would be fine. She wasn’t to worry, it was in Gods hands. She thanked him and began to calm down, she’d listen to him. He hung up with a very strange feeling going through him, she’d put her son’s life in his hands, what would happen, and did he give her false hope, only time would tell.


A few weeks passed, the phone rang, it was his friend from Pennsylvania. She was extremely upset and crying, something had gone terribly wrong was his first thought. Something did go wrong, she’d taken her son to the hospital to have an MRI done to see how his tumor was, the MRI malfunctioned. The test was finally done at another hospital. Doctor’s were amazed, no tumor whatsoever could be found, it disappeared into thin air, and he’d be fine. They cried together over the phone, she thanked him, don’t thank me, thank God, it was his power not mine, was his answer to her. Over the years so many have come to Al , each and every one is special in his heart, from people that had cancer, tumors, crones, even a woman that was anorexic and lived in England got better after a few sessions over the phone. Diana and Albert continued to be with him as gifts continued to come, all priceless. The gift of seeing the past, present and future wasn’t all pleasant at times. Diana was a constant voice in his mind, and people that knew him understood that she was his guiding spirit. Three months before her death, he became extremely upset and sick. Something was wrong, Diana and Dodi were going to be murdered; he could see how and where, even the ones that would be responsible. This horror lived within him twenty four hours a day. He told his friends over and over what he saw; wrote to various newspapers, the BBC from England interviewed him in person. No one listened except his friends. The night of the murders, he was extremely upset and went to a bar to have a few drinks; the barmaid knew he was upset. “It’s going to happen now; Princess Diana and Dodi are going to die.” Tears poured out of him and he couldn’t stop shaking, minutes later it came over the news, there’d been an accident, it was Princess Diana and Dodi. No one had listened, it was too late, but was no accident. He was distraught for months after this tragedy; then he heard Diana just as he does today. It wasn’t God explaining everything about the murders, it was Diana’s spirit speaking, she knew. Over the years, he’s hypmatized people, every person visioned the identical tragedy and where it all began, even though none of them ever met. One woman was from England visiting Florida, it scared her so much that she broke down and cried and never wanted to experience what she saw ever again. Three letters were sent to Mohamed Al Fayed over the years, along with e-mails explaining what he experienced and offering any help to


him to solve the murders. He’s never received any response. Perhaps one day in time people will listen, it didn’t happen the way some think; it all began in a far away land, a land of terror; sand people Another gift was writing, after his accident, Gods’ voice spoke, “You are to write everything that takes place in your life from now on.” His first thoughts were God you’ve made a mistake, you’ve got the wrong person, I can’t write. Soon afterwards he ate those words and would write until his hands bled. After wanting to quit many times, his first book was published. “Justus The Chosen One” available worldwide on the web. His endless journey continues on, writing and traveling anywhere to help anyone sick or in pain.


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