Guardian, Letters, 12 January 1935, P9-1

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What Britain Escapes

To the Editor of the Manch ester Guardian. To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian. Sir,—I have seen Mr. Arnold-Forster'3 Sir,—" American Listener " reminds letter in your issue of the 8th, and in m e of a n ightmare train journey I

the . workers." But I cannot help observing that SIts. Gould's party has just sent a deputation to the Soviet Embassy to protest against the recent execution of counter-revolutionaries by a Government that even Mrs. Gould would not deny not only had behind it tihe "moral right " but the overwhelming majority of the workers, whose Government it is.—Yours, &c, HAHRY PotllTT. 16, King Street , London, W.C. 2, Januarv 7.





mU^Bb ^KS?

t^^^^^ BB B \^Bb^^^^^ Bi^^^ B^B^^^^^ BI^^BS^ ^^^ SSB ^BSBBB^^^^ m/Bfu^^^ BB ^BK^^ B^^^^ u^^^^^^^ B^m^^ ^^^ BB^BS^^KI^^^ ^ reply thereto would say that I have made two or three years ago through ^^^* j tEr JBK^^^BBBB ^g ^S^^ B^^^ B^BSB ^BB ^F^ OGJ By Percy Redfern . little to add to my original contention. most glorious scenery in Western A Motorist's Indict ment of BUBS ^EBB&M BB ^BbB £fc!~ ^^ HB^^^^ H3^^ B^HB^ BBB If an evil is to be renounced it must America. It was a moonlight evenBjg m Two great and kindred movements, HHH ^^B BL ^BSSS^SSBmSB ^^ mOB ^^^^ BJH ^^^^ BKBB ^ ^ ^^^^B ^^ Bk&a Pedestrians !^B^^ H^^ B^^ Rtj^B^H^^^^^^ H^^ S^^^^^ b be renounced regardless of the conse- ing, and to watch the mountains from quences, and the employment of an the observation car should have been To the Editor of the Manchester Guardia n. both intimately linked with Manchester, evil to overcome a particular evil (war) a perfect experience. In fact, _'t was Sir ,—The Minister of Transport appeals hold simultaneously their annual is illogical. made quite dreadful by the voices of for the co-operation of the general public meetings to-day—the Co-operative Because the KeHogg-Briand Pact has two back-chat comedians coming in his efforts to reduce the casualty lists. Holidays Association at Leeds and the !wJ!^!! ^^^!Ev SB^^Bt^B ^^559^S^^^4 ^9^^^BI^a^^v^.^^^^B^E^^^^^^^^^^I^^^^^^^^^^^^H^B^H^BF^^^^B^B^^^^^BK^^^^ ^^R^^E^r m ^^ !T HBBA^BBbhv ^^^^^B^^H^^^KKB^^D^^^^^H^I wBB^EI^^^tom^B^^^^EJ ^^B^^n^U^^UBBK^^^^ BB^^B P ^^^ t een ignored the matter of "defence " "over the air." One was supposed If he sincerely wants this lie should Holiday Fellowship ai York. The I^B^HI^y^p^^y& ^ BBBe^^^^ S^B m ^hHk^^^h^bw^^B^B^Hh^h^b^Bh^h^B T &B&fP^rl ^ BBBB ^B ^^^^^^^^^^^ SBB ^^ M^^^^^^^^^ S^^ BB ^^^^^^^^^^ ^H^^ ^^^^^ v ^B^^fl^^^ BH^^^^^^ H association, with guesthouses througharises and with it the rearmament of to be an Englishman. You could tell treat, every section BeBB F of the community out these islands and in Europe, has the -vvcrld, and because the League of that from the way he used idiomatic Nations failed' to curb Japanese phrases like "Ai say , you priceless with impartiality. All his efforts, all maintained headquarters in Manmilitarism in the East a sense of bally old bean. " I retired in despair the abuse of and vicious attacks upon the increased insecurity arose throughout to a, stuffy bunk wondering if ever in motorists, will be more or less ineffective chester during nearly thirty years. until a really fair attempt to tackle the The younger fellowship has its offices the world. The Japanese-Manchurian the world there had been such problem has been made. The motorist in London, yet at York it will look failure of the League of Nations is, vulgarity as the broadcasting of already has so niany laws to obey that he unfortunately, a better example of tenth-rate music-hall stuff in a is -utterly bewildered, and so are the back over twenty-one years to an failure to bran d the aggressor than ib national beauty-spot. police. the poor fragile origin in the neighbourhood of Mr. Arnold-Forster's Greco-Bulgar A coast-to-coast journey in the pedestrianMeanwhile allowed to go his own sweet illustration to define the aggressor or United States this summer convinced way. The is motorist is hedged round with Manchester. stop a wa r. In addition , the failure me even more strongly that radio is a laws and prohibitions. The pedestrian The movement indubitably began in ^^BBBfsB ^ Bl y ^BKKR ^BnB ^r of the victors to disarm in accordance major peril to transatlantic travellers. has his private footpath , upon .^^ Mfc^. ^^BB ^^ B^^^^^^ B^b which Lancashire, when the Key. T. A. w ^^^^^ w B£ ^^ B^^^^^^^^ K^^^^^^ B^^i^?'*BE ** Si with their pledged word to tho In d eed , it was about the only snag in the motoust dare not encroach; he has Leonard, in 1891, led the Colne f J ^^Bmw ^B ^^^ BBBB ^^BBBBBXiV^y w^Bm ^B^B^^B ^^ mm ^B^BIB vanquished has thrown the world back a visit made delightful by pleasant his beacons, lights, and police crossings, pilgrimage to the lakes. That story wB^mB B^^^ H^v •*• ^^B^^B^^^^^H B^^^^^B^^^^BM^B^^^^^B^BB^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^BB^B * .^BHSIB^^H^^^^ID^^^^H^Hfi^^****••* •.••• ! B^^^B to 1914. The question is truly one of places and charming people. Before and can always call upon a policeman to hel p him cross the road . Does he has been told. The Co-operative utter realism, as Mr. Arnold-Forster I got farther west than "Washington I or take any notice of the Holidays Association, which| resulted , BKBBBs ^BBBvBH ^Sk ^^^ s^^J ^KBB M ^BBP wB7J ^B^HflflH s£R*Vr suggests, but I hold that to bo real one had learnt to pause warily on the appreciate !- *i** : provisions made for his safety ? Not a was the first organisation to stretch must not adopt the pose so admirably threshold of lounge or restaurant for bit of it. BHEflA Mr * out a friendly hand to the would-be described by Mr. A. A. Milne as "Not fear of having to eat to the crooning In the two weeks preceding Christmas flVHr ^^^^\^B^^^n^SHK&Kr 69B^BMB^H8I^ ^SbKhHT ^^*"t**' * *' of the hired men of some lipstick- we in Manchester had a wonderful adventurous among all sorts and contoo nacifist. I hone " ! , and welcome them to house With failure after failure ; failure to maker or what-not. Aeroplanes were, example of unselfishness and ditions !! ! ! ! ! !! !! !! ! ! ^! !!! ^! ! !! ^! ! l fBBHlBH^HBA ^B^^ ^-^t r parties of both sexes amidst the !neari-ii ^B ^^ ^ ^^^^ !^!!^!^!!^BHb^HIBIH ^BIBv ^HI B S^'^V^S^^ "C • * • " * * disarm, failure to check Japan, failure so far as my experience went, about co-operation of the VS'^^ the pedestrian. At the to respect or believe in the Kellogg the only safe p laces. In the air one High Street-M arket Street corner there mountains and moors. Mr|. Leouard XJj nder his Pact , failure to keep our promise t* dod ged the voices on the air, and , are traffic lights ; less than a hundred became the secretary. the dead, I am content to take insp ira- believe me, the noise of the engines yards higher up, opposite Tib Stieet , generalship, an emerging generation tion from the one historic case which was music compa red to some of the there were two policemen specially learned to nail and cil bootsj—the men posted to help pednstnans to cioss the attended to the boots ; the Rirls waited involved not failure but complete radio programmes. victory and which set the Christian Advertisers in the United States road. They might just as well have at table—and to climb, singing, to the Bargains been otherwise employed. I had occasion fell tops in the best or worst kinds of standard. I am not alone in my have been known , I was told, to ring to drive along that section of roadway contention that the way to peace lies up private houses (taken at random Wonderful times eacli day and on every British summer weather. through the Kellogg Pact , a strong out of the telephone-book) and then many occasion dozens of people, , , men women League of Nations, the Internationa to ask the occupants a string of ques- and children , attempted to cross the ^SS^SBBB SBBB ^SS^^^ S^} C TILL further The Cleavage and Reductions Bank , and the Court of International tions about when and why and to what traffic stream between the two crossing in all deparfments. Save now on Furniture and ?-5 !: . ' Justice, for no less an authority on the th ey listened-in. Few .cnglish house- places, too lazy or too selfish to walk The movement had completed its ^fSxJjSSf^MHgg^^^^^i??^. *^ : : ;iv "' ' : ? subject than Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, holders would throw themselves into less than a hundred yards where they first twenty-one years when the annual : :: : Furnishings,Drapery, Fashions and Men's and Boys' S !! k^5s^^^ ^V'f-V->:•V'{. :-' president of Columbia University, of the spirit of such an inquiry if dis- could cross in safety. When the traffic conference of the C.H.A. in December, ^• ! . .^">r^%X\^;: .V.SS'i:.^-:;-: ' ' Wear. Shop early in the day if possible. the League of Nations Associations of turbed from their firesides b y , a ring was stopped the situation was chaotic. 1912, learned with some dismay that " • * :! * -" •* - " •:- " « "* *" " V " ., -• .•• America, and of the Carnegie from the B.B.C. Equall y it is doubt- In between the vehicles were scores of the leader had resolved to go out into Endowment for 'International Peace, ful how far the somewhat naive people dodging about in an effort to get states in " a letter to an American endeavours of American radio adver- across before the traffic started moving the wilderness and foundj a new To drive -ilong this etretch was Senatorial Committee : tisers to arrange a marriage between again. A committee of inquiry a nightmare , and if one daied to suggest organisation. was immediately asked for and elected. A War Department is an anachronism art and the sterner business of sales- that people should use the means proand a breach of gooii faith whe n war , as manship would be appreciated in this vided for their safet y all one got was Early in 1913 the committee reported an instrument of national policy, has b oeu backward country. to a special meeting of the association, abuse. solemnly and formally renounced . B.B.C- program mes may deserve at The only logical solution is to make held in the Milton Hall , Manchester. least three-quarters of the rude things the pedestrian equally liable and punish Members attending heard one or two And again, in his book " Between "American Listener " says aboiit him equally severely with the other guarded references to differences of Two "Worlds " : R.S. P.C. A . OFFICIALS SUMMONED them ; but sponsored programmes " road-users if hf> transgresses the law. policy within the governing body of " We simply must insist upon havin g worse evils from which a One hears that people are absent-minded the association. There was some conGnverninents act in accordance with the bring That the B.B.C. is and forgetful on the roads, but one never fession of disagreement about carpets solemn profession v.hich sixty-two of them monopoly is free. Biff Increase Last have united to make in the Pact of Pans , often amateurish and tame is partly its hears of the=e people being so absent- on guesthouse floors ! A spirit oi that war is rennuuTd as an instrument of own fault and partly that of * the minded or forgetful as to step on to the luxury appeared to be creeping in! railway line whilst waiting for their national policy. This declaration has monstrous system under which Year But the conflict, in so far as it really lipomiB the hurh law of this land and of State filches the lion's share of the its trains.—Yours, i-c,R. Thomas-Evelyn. existed, remained behind closed, or si xty-one other lands. It is not revenue. Figures issued by the Ministry of onl y imm oral bnt law-breaking for any . A chance to set both these Ingleby. Chester Road , Poynton, almost closed, doors. Gm crnment in the face of this declaration things ri^ht will arise shortl y when January 8. A somewhat puzzled meeting recon- Transport show that th e gross amount the charter comes to go forw ard with preparation s for that up for renewal. ciled itself to a second beginning. And received in payment for motor licences war which it has reno unced. The B.B.C. could, if it were jriven a the wisdom of avoiding any shadow of issued during the twelv e months ended Homicidal Hurry new deal financiall y and a vigorous Mr. Arnold-Forster may say that this professional open discussion proved its character. November 30, iaT4, was £3-J,587,5S9, com- Two officials of the Royal Society for on one side by a wall on which peaclie a direction , be the best dues not preclud e '" defence. " It sjstem in the world. Let us mobilise To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian. The Holiday Fellowship came into pared with £29,201 ,133 in the correspon d- the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals grew. Mr. William Charles Harrison , the appeared at Epping Tolice Court yester- owner makes defence superfluous (apart from public opinion being in ' of comp lete ing period of the previous year. of the hor su , fcai d it was a grey to that end rather than Sir,—It struck me the other day that I goodwill. an atmosphere The total number of motor-vehicl es, day on a summons alleging that they mare. He paid £12 for it. He thoug ht ordinary police activity) if we give to waste time on being The old association led up the garde have been twenty n years excluding tram-cars and vehicles requ.ra holder of a other nations that credit which we of commercialised radio by the siren befriended the new. Both bodies caused unnecessary suffering to a horse the field was a dangerous one for sick trade licences , was approximately assume for ourselves of keep ing our (and enormously feed) \-oice of Eddie motor-driving licence. May I be permitted agreed to assist and in no way hinder ing , Chigwcll , animals , 'the re was no cover , and hia 2, 116,532, compared with 2,013,817 in the at the Society 's Home o£ Rest -was -used to cover. " I thoug ht th e to communicate the other. word. The a few impressions of the rank and file, indeed, corresponding period of the previoJS Eases. The def endants were Richard mare Cantor.—Yours, &c, world of the horse /' he said. He saw no road, with reference to its dismal toll? saw nothing about -which to differ. To- year . It does not seem to be known that , Williams, Buckingham Koad of WanLondox Listener. food in the field—only thistles . Someone the association and the'fellowship The total number of mechanically prothe sixty-two Governments who have London . January 11. I am not in the least a pro-pedestrian, day are widely regarded as identical in pelled road vehicles regi stered for ilia stead, and Ivy Eveline Jones, of Snakes complained to him that the horses were siunpd and i a.tified the Briand-KellogR for I think I have suffered from every- character Lane, eating hay from the stacks. Woodford Green and aim. lirst time in November , 1934, was 27,710, Pact represent the whole civilised g that the motorist experiences at On a Sunday Mr. CasSL'ls: Did you know how old in May, 1913, the compared with 23,815 in November , 1933, The summons alleged that by omittin s this population of the world which has pro- COMMUNISTS AND THE thin the hands of this particular occupant of pioneers horse was when you bough t it ?—I provide a fit and suitable place for a mised to renounce war as an instruour highways ; but I am compelled to Matlock toof the fellowship met at the figures for tho several classes being : to was tcld it was eight years old. sick and aged horse to live in, to provide decide the name, define Nov , N' «v ment of national policy—i.e., not to admit that the pedestrian has a real K» LABOUR PARTY agreed that the society offered to suitable and sufficient food, and to give ] 'J53 . grievance . \Ve know that opportunity is the objects, and give instructions to a Cars taxed on horse power 1ID,'334 attack ; but they do not appaientl y 231 ... 16,403 the animal necessary care and attention len.f him another pony "for a fortnigh t small drafting committee. The the most insidious latter of all tempters, and believe each other. Yet when any war Cycles 1.952 ... 1.714 they caused the horse unnecessary suffer- while his was being looked after. He 455 ... conies to an end soldiers sign the What Does Socialism Mean ? modem engineering has placed speed met in Mellor (Derbys hire) at the Hackney vehicles 280 ing, contrary to the Protection of Animals did not know that Miss Jone s had seductively in the hands of the motorist. house designed for Mr. Leonard by Goods vehicles 5.610 ... 5.067 Act , 1011. Both defendants pleaded not brou ght sacks of iiay on the field for the armistice without hesitation and trust The result is Other vehicles 432 ... that everyone is in a Mr. Barry Parker, and then }inr5R = 351 guilty. each other not to violate it, while non- To the E d i t o r of the M a n c h e s t e r Guardian. hurry. It is a frequent as W alden , and now as Graigue.known Mr. E. B. Knight prosecuted for the The combatants throw their hats in the an- Sir ,—Mrs. Gould' s Mtor exhibits how desperate Total 27,740 ... 23,315 police ; 3Ir. J. D. Cassels, K.C., and Sir occurrence to find one 's car hooted and new constitution aimed at diffusing "Neighed About 100 Times" as a sign of relief and rejoice for peace strong the illusion still is in this country passed by what one imagines to be an the financial George Jones (instructed by the control by the because it suits them ! David Harold Fenton , a hriekmaker, that , whatever revolutionary change or ambulance or a fire engine, onlv to shareholding amongst 'allspreading R.S.P.C.A.) were for the defence, and the users of And , to be, absolutely realistic. I am event may tuke place in any other discover that it is the car of a brothersaid he went to see what was the matter "Sir. P. watching R. Hollins held a brief the new organisation. This aim has motorist , who ends by pulling up at, a told by competent military men that if MISS DAISY GUTH for ilr. Harrison, the owner of the horse. as the horse " neighed about a hundred succeeded. At York it will be there was to be another " League country in the world , in Britain no house fifty yards beyond the point at largely times." It was lying in water , but there he has executed the pass. This lepor ted that 15,643 members— an War " it w ould not differ from 'Jie last revolutionary change is either necessary which A 20-Year-Old Horse was no food near. He fetched hay from, kind of thing is becoming almost normal increase during the year of 987—are Crowded Audience for Her save in its greater intensity and, which or advisable . Everything will work on roads to-day. Outside my ho use now assisting to finance their own Mr. Kni ght said that Mr. Williams his own field as the hay in the field was is much worse, that the Lcagri army, itself out all ri ght if only " a community is athe dangerous crossing, lying on " a main mutual organisation . Manchester Recital was an inspector of the R.S.P.C.A. and bad. The horse remained in the field standing in the name of liberty , might re gistered , on a geographic basis , an 'bus route. Many times an hour 'buses In. informal connection with the t»j »11 lip lipfit on ! "What then ) Miss .Tones the local secretary of the for four days and no one seemed to overwhelming vote for a fundamental anil whirr over this track for all the association many local ramblimr clubs At her rpcitn l yesterrtay Miss Dnisv until West It is easy to argne anything, but the Socialist lecoustruction. " All that is like trains over a level-crossing, world Essex branch of the society. The come to it. He went to a house , and a with had sprung up. (To-day the C.H.A. demo nstrated to a generous and laree Manone unarguable fact is that Jesus wanted is a little wore time and educa- but a solitary hoot to herald the rambling clubs numbe r nearly horse belonged to Mr. Harrison , an Ilford woman there got in touch with the police. cheste r audience that .it the age of fourteen 70). ' tion ; we ve won the trade unions , the n-iventure. Sergeant Groom said he found Twice in recent years I Christ was right.—Yours, &c , greengrocer , and was about twenty years theActing London County Council , a large number have received in my house injured The fellowshi p pioneers gave a larger bhe possesses a technica l dexterity which mare a «=pace five feet by eighteen H. J {. L. Sheppard. place olu. It was in the street last August inches andin about , constitutionally, to local groups. most gift ed young peop le cannot hope to of district councils; we've made our mark pedestrians who were foolhardy enough a foot deep, she had Thr Pavement , Hersham on Church and press—a little longei , a to vie with these engines of death for a One proposal was to create them as obta in before they are eighteen. The when Sir. Williams examined it and scrat/ed a hole in her struggles to get up. Road , !\Ynlton-on-Thames, branches ruling, little more foldin g of the hands in right of way. through an annual Houldsworth Hall was crowded; many in thought it unfit to work . He told Mr. Water had drained into the hole. " She Sometimes I get the January 10. illusions and dreams , and so will impression that the motorist imagines delegate meeting, a national society t he audience wer e probably listening to a Harrison he would like to take it for a was in a terrible condition , absolutely 1he blast of air from his horn to interested in local recreation al activi- midday concert for the firs t time , a n d wou ld fortnight , and the society would let him helpless," he added. Socialism come to Britain . This is the fanciful picture which is be powerful enoug h bodily to blow ties just as much as in national guesthave another horse in the meantime. Il Mr. Knieht : Do you think it was .a THE O.T.C. IN PUBLIC being used by Labour leaders like Mrs. pedestrians out of the way, for he fre- houses. Though .t his idea was not probabl y no more think of attending one of was sent first to the society 's field of rest suitahle place for horses?—No. sir. the ordinary midday recitals tha n they at Woodfor d Wells and then to a field There was not enough food .there to keep Gould to deceive workin g men and women quentlv treats it as entirely adequate to wholly adopted , there are now 81 local would think of reading Kant. SCHOOLS and which only results in their light for clear the road of stragglers awaiting tram H.F. groups—two in Germany Chigwell. It did not get on very well, and one Miss Guth began her programme with the at power becoming harder and greater r\r 'hu e and Mr. Williams suggested that it Replying to Mr. Cassele, the officer in Jammu and Kashmir—and the and suffering being necessary. How are we going to calm down this Jritish groups send be destroyed , Kut the owner =aid that he did not know that other delegates to liaison E minor Concerto of Cho iiin; Professo r should " Harmless, but Useless " sacrifices I do not say that such a vote would not homicidal hurry ? It has gripped the thought it could be made fit for work horses had been there for eight weeks Schuncht played an arrangement of the be democratic , but it would not give the motoring public like a devouring confe r ences, designed to bind together and that two of them belonged to Miss again , and it was allowed to remain. orches t ral part on another piano —to the To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian. workers that political power that would pestilence. And it is not entirely their the national and the local efforts. On November 13 the horse was seen Jones. The other horses were not the concerto 's 's adv antage: for Chopin scoring , enable them to confiscate the main indus- fault for it is part of a general by some workmen. They heard a horse subj ect-matter of cruelty. letter of " Assistant tries Sir ,—The was pathetic. The young p ianist did her n'eich and found it on ihe ground among of the country, suppress the attempts acceleration of life that goes deeper than Ideals Renewed Schoolmaster " in your issue of to defend " their " property on the part the individual responsibility work intellig entl y. Her tone is clean , some withy stumps. It was apparently of anyone. "P ractically a Skeleton ' January S gives good reasons for of the employers , bank ers , and landlords , May I make a suggestion " that might Over and above the problem of though without much light and shade. And unable to rise from between the stump3 Mr. Alexander Arthur Wilson , a " begin Socialism in Britain. appear a little sordid ? Unfortunately it replacing old cr^t'cism by new con- if she seems at pres ent in the time-beating The men tried to get the animal up, but regarding the school O.T.C.s as use- and But what does Mrs. Gould understand is a defect in human nature that you struction came surgeon , of Woodford Green, veterinary were unable to do It had made a =0. the stage of rhythm—well , most young fol k urge of the chief less from an educational point of view, Socialism to be? Is it Mr. Morrison 's cannot easily reach people by collective hole where it had strugg led to rise. The described finding the horse in an osier never grow out of it. Her treatment of •nen fetched some hay " and water, but but that they do harm by fostering " treat the employers as a man and appeals in the matter of good behaviour. founder of both organisations to renew ornamentation was often charming; " It was practically e skeleton she has the animal was unable to eat and drink. bed. " brand ? Is it the London They are repelled at once by the and reinforce the old ideals. These m ilitarism is, I think, not true. If the brother covered by skin and hair," he said. Had Passenger Transpo rt Board model ? Does suggestion of what Mill aptly called a are represented refinement of manner if she has no considerThat horse, continued Mr. Knight, " " to-day by the garden able musical sensibility, so far. Xow and "remained there for four days. The he not killed the horse with a humane O.T.C.s inclined boys to regard war as it mean the end of the rule of employer, " goody morality." But you can reach , and landlord, the end of exploita- the sensorium through the pocket. If houses , holiday camps, and inter- aeain. like a heslthv . honest schooleirl , she men went to 'it each day and did what killer it would have died of inanition. In "a glorious venture to be prepared banker and of rent , interest , and profit? the person found to blame in every national hostel of the fellowship, and could do for it. They looked to Bee mud and for early in life," why do not the tion Her treatment of ifthey It is just because Socialism, to be of «ny accident had to bear 5 per cent of the equall y by the holidays on foot the enjoys a good thump. anyone came to it , but Eaw no one, the horse's stomach he found the Andante in F major of Beethoven was and eventually they went to the police. rubtish. majority of them try to join the army use to the working class, must endwealtn, damages himself , irrespective of insur- simple-life centres at home , and privilege, and luxury and produce to ance , I think the consciousness of the abroad, the reunions, the domestic surprisingly naive; her playing in the Mr. Wilson, a veterinary surgeon, found " I consider this field a most disgracewhen tfiev leave school i sairt The influence of a kindly home and satisfy the requirements of the workins motorine public would be reached.— helpers' schemes, and the comradely Chopin concerto had at least led us to the horEe in a shocking state. Its flesh ful place in which to put horses ,horses C. H. Ross Cahmichael. assisted and free holidays arranged by look for some signs of sophisticated culture. nas gangrenous, and its foot had Mr. Wilson. " There were other the fact that no school lacks masters population that the ruling class will Yours , &c , its shoulder. Mr. Wilson found there which refused to eat hay from , tiie whose teaching and guidance aim at never voluntarily give up their power, 116, Princes Road , Liverpool, both organisations. Each body bas She made the Andante in F sound even more indented the more effectively it is challenged January 7. it hopeless to do anything for it, and stack. They included one old animal promoting peace and goodwill form , to and of a. " piece " th an usual; I almost got ready maintained these first aims, each i n its mare more they vill throw off democratic did the only humane thing—he which would have died, a bey horses my mind , quite adequate safeguards the Miss he own way ; and there has proved to be for the Distributio n of Prizes. pretence blind , and three other destroyed practically and display the iron heel. it. " against any infection of militarism. If in Britain the rulins class are just Guth' s dexterous fingere have not yet , Safety Tracks for Cyclists room in abundance for each. which were stronger. They needed food AVith this confidence when I sent my sheep, patiently waiting until the workers When in 1913 the now retired first appa rently, conves-ed to her temperament the "Abominable Neglect " and I gave them oats and chaff. I have two sons to big boarding- schools, I get power to exercise the power Tinder the Act of Parliament to do shears, why is To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian. leader of the fellowship was found sole joy and excitement which , no doubt , they did not object to their joining their it that when Sir Stafford Cripps "talks " Sir,—It is possible gTeatly to diminish occupant of a small office rented at feel, a9 they set about their probl ems and 0Ir. Knight described the field as a that and charg e the owner with the respective O.T.C.s, and now that they about a Socialist Government involving a the terrible toll of road casualties by the Mizpah, on Longhurst L ane , Mellor , obstacles. The Chopin Maznrka No. 4 of derelict one and quite unfit for sick and C aged horse3. "Someone ," he declared, °Mr. Wilson declared that the place was are on the point of leaving, I do not financial crisis the Executive Committee with a litter of "half-unpacked 17 is the most child-like and commonadding home of rest but a hell, from regret my decision , except for the of the Labour party, of which Mrs. Gould provision of safety tracks for cyclists. I stationery about him, tbe enterprise Op. "has been guilty of abominable neglect. not a ou»ht place of all the mazurkas ; ' Miss a get perfection to is a member, and the "Daily Herald " believe that in Holland these tracks are for which in middle-age he had left an "You B extra expense involved. They have frantically For a horse cry, " Fojr Heaven's sake, Sir laid down beside a great number of rOBds. established association looked cour- Guth. gave it with more expr ession, agony all this to have lain there in its soSie?y lfke th e kAp.C.A., who get found the drill tedious at times aad Stafford , don time is deplorable." enough money to pay the Nat.onal frighten off the voters ; What one nation has done another can ageous but forlorn. Twelve months than ' she put into anything else often rather meaningless, but they you know thai't Socialism The question, said Mr. Knight, was daring the concert. The familia r Fifth isn't going to do. It is not only the accumulation of grief have enjoyed their field davs (from hurt anyone 's interest at all later the Great War came to emphasise Mr. Cassels intimated that he wag "? Etude of the first book was also prettily whether the defendants were responsible. the picnic point of view) and learned Germ any and Austria disprove Miss' Jones had taken the field as a home •allinsr well-known veterinary surgeop? and traeic loss to relatives that should apparent folly. But soon the blast done. every Then she tackled Kosenthal' s a certain smartness and promptness assertion 'Mrs. Gould makes. Fascism be considered, but also the loss of man- merely filled the sails. As the late Sir for horses, which was just what it was for the defence who would say that o.her of movement, though , as your corre- is in power there not because there was power and earning capacity to the nation. Drummond Fraser, of Manchester, version of the hackneyed but for ever not. He did not think that there was any hnrus in the field were perfectly healthy. delicious D flat TValtz. Her limitation s of question about Mr. Williams'a responspondent says, this can be taught in not sufficient " education " but because I presume that widows, orphans, and gave disinterested help for the C.H.A., other ways ; but they have certainly Social Democrats deceived the masses by dependents have to be kept if a cyclist so other Lancashire business men touch fortunately prevente d her from taking sibility. He took the horse from the "Life Devoted to Animals" owner, and he ought to have seen that it the same policy of Parliamentary democ- leaves them in want. absurd , it at the customary pace ; Bosenthal' not, imbibed any bellicose notions. s assisted in detail the work of the , replying to Mr. Inspector Harmless then , but to a great extent racy and "the easy way to Socialism." Mr. Hore-Belisha in opening the ribbon fellowship. While the older associa- impedimenta -were defied, even if they did was put in a proper place and properly CaE«ls, saidSmith that Miss Jones was tracks for cyclists at Western Avenue, tion has not ceased to flourish, cared for. When he was told it had been !useless, would be my verdict on the Lhat ^frs. Gould sir ivopfiTMkeep the young lady'9 head down and her and receives Mrs. Gould's approval Ealing, said : destroyed Mr. Williams said: "I was honorary secretary to tne West E3=ex end O.T.C.s. Most people would admit Russia thev increased considerably last year , the eyes on the keyboard. had no other way— "the there on November 13 and it was all Woodford branch of the E.S.P.C.A. He Are not casnalty lists and the number that we must have armed forces as because "The applause was tremendous , and must right then." have not the democratic of accidents involving cyclists themselves fellowship is now reporting nearly ran a free clime long as armed ferocity is a menace, as Russians have done much to console Miss Guth for weapons of their own salvation in their arguments for the provision of experi- three thousand more guest weeks Mr . Knight continued. "How it was he did not know that she had devoted and that she on the Indian frontier; and parents hands , but we bave. for animals, th e treatment she has received from officialdid not see it afterwards I do not know. Is Mr. Pollitt tracks of thi3 kind ! Of the 7.202 booked in 1934. . Far more important who wish their sons to enter the army really unable to comprehend so elemen- mental But she would do When told he would probably be reported her life to the cause of animal3. He was persons who died as the result of road are the wider results. Youth hostels, dom in *>"> country. should be able to get early training tarv a distinction ? '* All that I com- accid en ts last year 1,32* were pedal the many popular guesthouses of to- well to be warned that English audiences, for a summons, Mr. Williams said, There not aware th-t Mr. Williams had been for them. Three or four of our bit; prehend is that the Russian working class cyclists. Out of the 184,781 non-fatal day, hill walking by men and women. even in the Xorth of England , are capable has been no cruelty That horse has an-inspector of the society for twentyschools are known to offer special have become " the ruling clas>," to quote accidents pedal cyclists were involved in the democratic international fed and watered the same as the travel of sentimentality. It is to be doubted been A distressin g feature of these facilities for this. A, slight increase the T.TJ.C. report of 1934. that they own 43.789. others. The owner is responsible.' Miss f °MrTeEobert Eade said there was good figures is that they disclose that about plight have come in any case. Bnt it whether Miss Guth is at present ready for Jones said . 'I have every confidence in feeding, in the number of these would enable the land, indnstries, and banks , that they water, and shelter 'j n the field. of those who !were killed •were under is undeniable that in the general the platform , A concert tour , with its dis- Inspector Williams. He is a hard worker. , MrTbassels: conquered unemployment, that they half A police officer said there the rest to abolish their O.T.C.s with- bave the age of twenty-one. The movement of which these evidence modern gifts. , is no way to train natural tractions have carried through greatest conthe deny there was any-cruelty. The field was not enough food there for rabbits?— out incurring any loss of status in the scious planning of production before me shows tha t accidents to cyclists things are parts, the association and Indiscriminate appreciation will do Miss I and distriis suitable, arrangements and I had made I have seen rabbits there-myself. eyes of sensible people. Uselessness, bution the world has ever known ; that are increasin g. the .fellowship long have been pre- Guth no good at this stage of her develop- for the horse to be removed on November Mr. Fergap McGunn. chief secretary of afte r all , is a harmful thing in itself, we, with our charming democracy, ha ve Surely no cheese-paring policy of eminently the leaders. the E.8 "P C.A., said the rest fields came ment. Hard work in Vienna may in time 15'" and what is meaningless is deadening. capitalism and all that it means still with so-called economy should stand in the ' A Rent -Free Field under the local branches. ' There were bring to hei a distinction of art which Education should have its eye on the as; and that 17 yeaTS after the Russian way of making safety tracks for cyclists 1,800 local branches. M:s3 Jones., had all a of nobody will be able to deny—least Mr. Henry Higginson, the owner of the devoted herself to the care of animal* future, in which we hope that slowly Revolution I see no immediate prospects on our principal roads? II roads can be Ministr y ^. C. of £abour . of Socialism in Britain and draw the con- made safer for cyclists in Holland why A yotme woman walking on the footthe need for training juveni les in the field , said that he charged the E.S.P.C.A. and had made many sacrifices for tha that the Russian way is the only cannot this be done here? A forward path at Dean's Hill, near Armagh, was rlr use of weapons will disappear. clusion no rent for it Replying to air. Cassels, wn way. policy in the direction of road improvekilled yesterday when a motor-'bus "The case for the prosecution was con* and Thoughtful boys know well enough Lastly, I notice that if there is to be ment is -urgently overdue.—Tours, &c, a motor-Tan collided at a corner. She Mr. Joseph BenUey (70), of Gorse Koad, he said he thought it was suitable, for eluded and the hearing adjourned until that the glory has been taken out of violence "it is extremely important that Lancaster Surra. was Ellen King (24), a domesticservant. Blackburn, was changing trains at Black- horses. He had-seen seven horses there. Friday-of next week. The magistrates war.—Yours, &c., MEdway." • the Government in power as well as the Arcot Orchards,A.Sidmouth, She was caught between the 'bus and a burn last evening when he collapsed arid They had access to the Kiver Boding for intimated .that they would visit the .field Januarv 9. . stnnp wall which was. knocked down. died shortly "afterwards. moral right should be in the hands of water, and a haystack. It was sheltered •n tlip wnaantiTTM *

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Alleged "Abominable Neglect " of Old Horse at a Home of Rest

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