Gdn, 15 Dec 1934,p6-1

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News f romAbroad

SERIOUS FRENCH FINANCIAL? OUTLOOK Finance Minister's Fears '£40,000,000 DEFICIT EVEN IF THE ECONOMIC OUTLOOK IMPROVES (From our own Correspondent.) Paris, December 14. The Bourse to-day did not react as favour ably as mi ght have been expected to JI. Flandin 's success at the Chamber last niglit when his Wheat Bill was p assc d by a substantial majority. It is probable that it was depressed by the Budget discussion at the Senate, which cleurly showed that the fin ancial outlook in .France is still far from promi sing. The 3935 Budget bill shows a deficit of 460,000,000 francs (£6, 120 ,000) at current rates), but, as M. GermainMartin , the Minister of Finance, himself admitted, i t is o nl y a "paper deficit," and the real deficit would be between 2,500,000,000 and 3,000,000,000 "if there is a certain improvement in the general economic situation," and much larger if there was no such improvement. 3t. Caillaux, the chairman of the Finance Committee of the

Senate, went so far as to say that the deficit would probably be no less than 6,000,000,000 francs, and that if. one added to this the deficit of the railways and some other items, it looked as if the Treasury would have to disburse during 1935 between 11,000,000,000 and 12,000,000 ,000 francs more than the estimated xevenue. Another speaker eaid the fundamental vice of French economy, was the enormoiis fall in wholesale prices ' and tiie altogether insignificant fall in retail prices and in the cost of living.



Mr. Filson Young , and Effort to Stop Them a Prayer -V-

NAZIS ADOPT NEW MEASURES (From our own Correspondent.) .Beklix, December 14. A "law for . the - protection of the State and the- party against insidious attacks rand for the protection of the party .unifoirn " is included among a batch of legislative measures decreed by the Cabinet, last night at the last meeting to be held this year. The law, ""which replaces a similar Nazi law,'is" characteristically general and elastic,' and therefore capable of extremely wide fscope. Prosecutions under it, in so far as the Nazi party only is regarded as being involved , are expressly , made contingent on the appro v al of .'Herr Hess, the deputy of Herr Hitler.. It prescribes imprisonment up to two years for making or circulating statements J " of untrue or greatly distorted character " in the guise of facts which damage the wellbeing of the State or the prestige of the Government, the Nazi party, or its organisations. If such statements are made publicly, or publicly circulated , the minimum punishment is to be three months' imprisonment. Offending statements which are made through " gross carelessness," however, may be punished with a fine onlj ', or by imprisonment not exceeding three mnntlis. Statements regarded as malicious or disturbing in respect of leading figures of the State or of the Nazi party, its measures, or its institutions , or statements capable of undermining the confidence of the people in its rulers, are also 1 punishable by imprisonment

British Model

COMMONS DRINKS LEGAL "Bulk of Provisions of Licensing ct . Inapplicable to House " ^ -Lord neiYan

THE FOUNDERS Mr. Filson Young was the senior steward and Mr. T. O. Dugdale the junior steward at the 135th annual dinner of the Old Mancunians' Association, held at the Ueform Club, Manchest er, last night. In the cours e of his speech to the toast of "Prosperity to the Sc h ool," Mr. Filson Young touched upon many reminiscences of his school days and his early life m Manchester and reproached the High Master for a failure to carry out Hugh Oldham 's wishes in one Tespect. He also made a comparison between day and boarding schools, from which the boarding schools did not emerge favourably. His strictures on corporal punishment were stroncr.



The French League- of Nations Association has decided to organise a peace ballot on the same lines as that now being carried out in -this country. , The meeting !which carried ' -this decision was presided over by M. Justin Godart, senator and former Minister o£ Latiour. The ballot will "start immediately after the Saar plebiscite is over. It will be organised by the French League of Nations Association and the Union Federale des Anciens Combattants, which has 950,000 ex-service members.

!" It appears to me," said Lord Hewart yesterday, giving ju dgment in the matter of 'drinks being- sold in the House of Commons without a licence, "that the bulk of the provisions of the Licensing Acts are quite inapplicable to the House/' The Lord. Chief Justice and Justices Avory and Swift discharged a rule nisi that called upon. Sir Rollo GrahamCampbell, t)he Bow Street magistrate, to show cau se wh y he should not issue summonses (at the instance of He. A. P. Herbert, the author) against, members of the Kitchen Committee of the House.of Commons. Sir Rollo had refused to grant them on the ground that he had no jurisdiction in the matter, and their lordships, sitting as a King's Bench Divisional Court, upheld the magistrate's decision. Mr. Herbert said he had been served with drinks in the House of Commons on two occasions. Once he ordered and paid for them himself, and the second time an M.P. -who was with, his party ordered and paid for a round of drinks. Mr. Herbert's ease was that the sale, without a licen ce, was illegal. Mr. W. T. Monckton, K.C., air. H. G. Strauss, and Mr, B. J. M. illackenna (Bull and Bull) represented Mr. Herbert, who sought to have the rule made absolut e, and the Attorney General (Sir Thomas Inskip, K.C.) and Mr. Wilfrid Lewis represented the Kitchen Committee.

by tliei r lcsislatho . linra cter which they l,e:ir as the -r^, ih, n .'* the nation. All the pnuS'V "!?««!«b»l

lie required lor ihe eiier..,,; r tllJl tin ' th e duties

inherent m ,ta, fnclf^

"The magistrate , 1 ' j ,,,,i u., tmued, •' was entitl-vl to «» v -i co* House of Commons w,k ,iclin/r.nii lta in a matter fallin g », t l.i fh '' elI e a2 the internal aftair * of the Hon«T w mons, and , that h<..i n~ sm ^n. , .liiOimay well feel , upon ,he authoU " 1 S' only an almost invincibl e l,n, ' "'" invincible

relu ctanc e ife"-"f appears to me that tlie *bulk of" tlie J' visions of the Licencing P

MORE BRITISH RESULTS si inapplicable to tlie House Uls o f Como!!!"' The results of the Pe'ace Ballot at of which most of ,,s liavc somt & Romford, Essex, and Truro, Cornwall, I am clearly ot tin- opinion th« i !r!l tlus were announ ced yesterday by. . the nisi ought to bs dUclidreed. 'that ° ' National Mr. Justice Declaration A\orv Committee., . The . ^ lin aTpnj The Founders Prayer FINANCE MINISTER'S PESSIMISM Slld questions on which the voting is taking that, in. view of the -encral Describing a visit made to the old place are— M. Germain-Martin said the deiicit the Licensing Act . ft «V mm; SSu,? to apply the provisi ons i Grammar School buildings on Thursday, 1. Should Great Britain remain a member would be relatively unimportant if 2 intoxicating_Miior withoutabout (Mr. Filson Young said : "Illy whole mind of the League of Nation6 1 economic conditions improved, bu t he without having reR ard to all a S! 2. Are you in favour oE an all-round has been illuminated b y memor ies, and reduction theTo added nothing to suggest that he really t provmons o£ Hie Act . Those in ul I liave tried to make clear to myself agreement ? armaments by international believed in such an improvement. He visions could not be applied to other fin th* of Commons assuimnc it wero L - f * what the school means in my life, and I 3. Ate you in favour of an all-round concluded by complaining against the of national military and naval that either the Hou- of QomZ T ' think the most emphatic thing that abolition demands made on the Treasury by the aircraft by international agreement % some official of the House of £ ! national defence Ministers. stands out in my memory is a certain 4. Slioulrl the manufacture and sale of could be licensed u,i,ler the Act * 1 armaments for private phrase in the founders prayer—Hugli profit be prohibited Ifi J tue seiieral provisions o f il,» i., by international agreement 1 could not be appheri it wai Oldha m, Hugh Beswick, and Joan " 5. Do you consider that if a nation insists impracticable and impossible to^5 Beswiclc. Why do we miss out Hugh on attacking another the other n ations one particular piovj sioii. Once it Z Beswick and Joan Beswick; what is the should combine to compel it to stop by made clear that a par ticular « (a) Economic and non-military measmatter with thein ? We t alk about not be applied to the particularActsuW u res 1 matter, no court of law had j uri=S Hugh Oldham, although we know very If neeessaryj <1>) military measures t such an application T little about him. I hope the next prayer Mr. Strauss declared that Mr. Herbert to entertain, to the magistrate. Sir asRnir to the pious memory of Hugh Oldham ROMFORD had not brought the proceedings as a made (From our own Correspond ent.) Graham-Camnbell was- therefore mil r will have added to it the pious memory humorist, as a citizen, to test a ver y Eaymg he had no juris diction . The citizens of Romford displayed a important but of Hugh and Joan Beswick. They were question which, in his belief , Mr. Justice Swift Paris, December 14. to prohibit any increase in the acreage concurred. united in founding a keen interest in the ballot. Many of was well worthy of being school tor the tested. or the production of piquettes * and " The Chamber began the discussion ' promotion of godliness and good learning, them made full use of the space allotted Lord Hewart : We assume, for the purlow-grade wines. Question of Costs of the Government' s Wine Bill to-day. other lovely, isn 't it? What could ever be comment and even overflowed on to poses of this case, that he is quite serious. The rapporte ur of the bill observed im rlni1 +Vio lnw better than that " The school has always for LauehterO The wine-growers are suffering from that Prance was the only wine-growing When Mr. Wilfrid Lewis, for y,, supplementary sheets. Some thought attended to good learning, but I don't (hat poison gas and submarines should members of the Kitchen Conmiitw! over-production and from a* slump in country in Europe whe re no measures REASONS FOR know about godliness. " THE LAW have been added to question 3. The Lord Hewart's Judgment asked for costs, Lord Hewart obstiva prices which is even more disastrous had yen been taken to limit acreage. Referring to the diversion of endow- figures are— There is some speculation as to ments from objects for which the Giving judgment discharg ing the rule "Do you really ask for costs in tbj than in the case of wheat ; while the Quc'tina 1 H .Z8-V _ S6t whom this ' law is directed against founders of the school cared, most , nisi. Lord Hewart said in liis opinion the case ? We have had , and I expect joutoo Qiic'tton 2 retail prices of wine are as high as THE ALGERIAN COMPLICATION 9.026 525 .„ Mr. J'ilson Young said that Hugh Qucitirm 3 B.323 particularly, .. 1,140 magistrate came to a correct conclusion have had , a rare and refreshing div«r«im Tbo Himster of as distinct from its general Finance said the ever. Question 4 8,670 Oldham asked for onl y one thing for .. 53R Onost inn S-i 8,539 on the sufficient material before him . "I from the ordinary routine of this court trouble was largely due to the vast purpose of enforcing stricter silence in himself . He had read {lie charters caie.. 545 Question 5b 5,636 ... 2,314 I add that you may think it nrti AL-coidinsr to 51. Bartlte, the chairman increase in the wine output owing to- th e widespread full y, and it was tha t the Higli Master do not propose to review the long line of May Algeria, the country to bear in mind that , in a sense, fc *,, which was referred of the Wine Committee of the Chamber, which was now producing of 20, discontent to in and the Usher should leading cases w hich h T RURO a ve bee n ci t ed to 000 ,000 every evening sing question has remained open for Ihirh1he cost ot production of a hectolitre ol hectolities a year. a previous message. In its particular a "D cus miserea t ur " us,", continued Lord Hewart, "nor indeed eix years." a n d . a " Salve Truro voted as follows :— app lication the law is possibly intended Keeina " for his smil wine amounts to 80 francs, on the average, After a consultation with tlie Treasury the t-oo short line of 'misleading cases.' The rivalry between Algeria aud tbe to stop dis-cussion about the relations Ten Kn I ask you , Mr . High Master," said solicitor, Mr. Lewis pointed out that he while in the present slate of the market south Question 7 "It seems to me that 3.64B the authorities .. ]c^ of Franc Mr. Filson e in the production between the Young, of Nazi party turning to Mr. Miller, QihxIioii 2 tlie wine-grower cannot sell it at more . 's semi-inilitary 3,383 - S57 ... relied upon by the Attorney General, are was in a difficulty as he did not apptnr tfiiwlmn 3 3.041 . 603 "ordinary " wine for the Fren ch formations and the State's defence have you carried out Ins wish ? Has than 40 fiancs. much in point. It was manifest to the for an official body but for indiviiwl! Ouer lion 4 _ S.oSS ... 252 market creates indeed for the Govern- forces proper. It is therefore connected any mas ter ever done it? I think it is Question 5a 3.168 ... 270 learned magistrate, from the documents who had been made respondents. Huts As in the case of wheat , the Govern- ment a complication which did riot with Major Fbrtsch' s recent speech on a thing that should be repaired. I Question 5b 811 1 , .. 924 before him and the argument offered to he could not £ay he would not ask fm ment proposes to buy ui> the surplus exist in. the case, of wheat. To prohibit the defence forces and the party look to see the Hi gh Master and his him , that he was called on to deal with, Costs. SABD E N of 14,000.000 hectolitres at a cost of the imports of Algerian wine into formations, recently reported, which chief assistant singing 'Deud the House of Commons acting by means Lord Hewart: We appreciate jtroi "Vcf. 500,000,000 No. francs (£7,470,000)—an France would be altogether contrai-y redefined authoritatively the division Misereatur ' and ' Salve Kcgina. '" of its Kitchen Committee and the difficulty, but we have come to flu Oueo lion 1 „, , 772 9 At this there !imount to be recovered by means of to the " Greater France policy—all between them on the basis of Herr was some laughter in the Qndinri 2 ... .... 731 . 37 manager of the refreshment department . conclusion, in view of tlie remarks o! " _ . dining-hall. Qtics'i on 3 607 . . 1 1 5 special taxes on the production and the more so Algeria , with her annual Hitler's principle that "the Reichswehi- "Hugh "Passing over many other matters which Lord Eussell of Killowen thirly-six years Question 4 68B . 51 Oldham would not have Question 5-» transport of wine and through the sale purchases ofas3,000, ... , S13 appear to me to be sufficient, I think ago, that, although this rule aist ought 45 000,000 fraiics, is the alone is the bearer of the nation 's thought it funny or a joke ," the speaker Question 5b 325 .. 183 of alcohol to be distilled from the most important buyer of French manu- st.rinc IJ the decision of Lord Deninaa, then Lord to be discharged , there ought to Ire no added . "There are empty cliantiics in burplus. At the same time, it proi>oses facturer] goods. Chief Justice; in a case many years ago costs. May I add the expression of turns Exeter and Manchester cathedrals R EAD is sufficient for the present purpose. In to put it no more than that—tliat tit founded and endowed by Huch Oldha m s of the Kitchen Committee nay h his judgment in that case Lord Denman fund Question 1 435 .. 3 that the Jund of spiritual benefit he used and , if not tiiose funds , petiitps Question 2 said : 427 6 wanted for himself should be said for Question 3 . , " the matter ultimately may not provj .... 269 . 24 ... 8 Question A , 3B6 , him. We take the money from. Mm. The Commons of England are not beyond the scope of a supplementary '' Question 5a. . , 350 15 invested with, more of power dij mity SAVING MORE IN but we do not do it. " He also suggested estima and tes-. uuestijn 5b 22.^ B7 I ha t on commemoration day, in addition to the saying of matins, t h ere might be a BLACKBURN an memory of Hugh Oldham A Frigid "Welcome " celebration He had t wo ,boys of own at ABYSSINIA AND THE boarding schools no w and his onp of the tinners tha t horrified him about the M INISTE R 'S RE TOR T TO ordinary public school was the place LEAGUE given in it to beating. The beating of Paris, December 1J. (From our Correspondent.) UNION ioys by other boys or the beating of boys The search in London for a diamond by their masters wa s a short Blackburn, Friday. tut s Attitude bracelet, stated to be worth £5,300, by JI. " unpleas like 1he use ' of the birchAn increase of more than 5,000 in Mr. Hoie-Behsha,- &I P., the- Minister rod in antly Seror, the Stavisky jewel exper t, has the old dame of Transport , yesterday opened ribbon 's school. In the . depositors, who now number almost one Rome, December 1J. whole of his time in Manchester lie only been successful. It was learned to-day tracks for cyclists along the grass swards once saw a boy caned, and he was never "It is almost, certain that !the that the bracelet, the property of Mile. in two of the entire population of the oi Western Avenue, Ealing. There are caned himself. That " t own , was reported at the annual meetsomething. " Abyssinian Government will appeal to Oottillon , lias be en, found in a London one "up " an d one " down." They managsd to teach said in Manchester, the League of Nations if the Italian ins of the Blackburn Savings Bank to- two tracks, chop. and they did aie They 8fi. 6m. wide , and have been it still, IF BRITAIN BROKE HKR FAITH without beating. If Government does not agree to arbitraday. A man named Jean Haub ard yesterday constiuctcd if concrete at an approxi- corporal puni shment wore administered tion or to g ive my Government satisfacSir William .Forrest, wh o presided it should , said mate cost ol £7,000. They extend for two be administered by a hi gh cou rt tion told the examinin g m agi st ra t e in P ar is Lord Beaverbrook' s advocacy of only policy which wnultl bring a uaitei , in. regard to the attack on our that the number of was now and a half niik-s, fiom Hangar Lane to of the school , it should be a solemn ritual forces that he had pawned the bracelet in 53,471, and the funds accounts on December 5 at Ual TJal," said Britai n's withdrawal from the League of world in arms against us. busi n ess, not a casual explosion by somehad increased dur- (ireenford Road. London for £000. Mile . Cottillon denied ing the year by .£2S3,000 to £4,80G,UOO. one whose breakfast was not properly Negadr as Asework , the Abyssian Charge Nations was attacked by Sir Austen, "I agree with Mr. Churchill that tie After declaring the cycle tracks open by di gested. "A schoolmas prime cause underlying the present unwho cann ot d'Affaire s here. that Haubard gave her £450 of this Iiade throughout the country was better cutting a tape , Sir. Hore-Belisha pre- leach without beating is t ear failu " There will be no other -way open to Chamberlain on the wireless last night rest in Europe is the spirit which i= no? re. money. Mile. Cottillon has made charges and the outlook brig htei. Railway traffic sented thb . . . when lie summed up the series of broadbicychi leeently given to him Beating ought not to' have any place in us of maintaining our rights unless it is at work in Germany. When a nation ol of extortion against Inspector Bony, the returns continued to improve, and Biitish at th'i iM otor Cycie and Cycle Show to education. Where that, method is not by war, and we do not want war. Signor east t alks on " Causes of war. " 70,000,000, to whom discipline is nslun! police officer who figured in the Stavisky exports of cotton piece goods were higher Mr. V. P. Chant, a member of the Noith Mussolini lias always stated that lie is and easy, deliberately exalls case as the discoveier of the swindler 's than last year. For the third quarter , Itui&lip branch ot the British Legion. used learning ia better and pleaaanter for a man of peace, and my Government does " Lord Beaverbrook does not deign to war organisation in the teaeliing of its youth, dentH to India alone, there had been an those who aie learning. " no t ice," said Sir Austen, "that tho inissini* chenue counterfoils—Keuter. Christian morals, and exalts pag"1 increase from. 91,000,000 square yards to With representatives of the National Mr. (Filson Young then described his not believe that he desires war either. 1G2.0OO.O0O. Expoits to ^yest Africa , Cyclists' Union j ie inspected the cycle life in an accountant's office in Man- It is now six days since I presented my Dominions and India are members of the ideals ; when it represses all ltbHiy Malaya, and t he "West Indies weie also trucks, and later cut another tape and chester and described how he save it up Govern ment's protest to Italy and asked League in their own right and iby their of speech antl thought and »ction; declared a new section of the Western to return to music and bes;<m to write. them to have the matter referred to own choice. Wha t warrant has lie to when it d-eclaics a racial w arbitration , but there lias not yet been speak in their name ? Will they, open. CHINA AN "OBSTACLE Mr. W. H. Whalley, th e act uary, said Avenue a part of its own citizens; ini Then the "Manchester G uardian " found anv too, against Teply. when, in defiance of all internati onal Mm in some way . He wrote for the that it was a remarkable fact that air. Hore-Belisha said Western Avenue leave tlie League, and if not will our "It may be true that the Italians have TO PEACE" comity, it attempts to impose its <« paper , first on music, then it &pnfc him although the population of Blackbmn was the most perfect example of arteiial in this country. It was to South Africa, and t hereaf t er his settled at TJal Ual for five or six years, going out unite the Empire ? system by every form nf attack exeffj had decl ined by 13,1)00 since 1314 the road construction but that does not give them the ri and its borders had been 120ft. wide, ght diiect invasion of territory on a snnll figures at the bank were almost five career as a writer was smooth , as far as "If such a policy would to the territo iy, which belongs to our safely, is it not all tliein fact securer neighbouiing State , thpn I say thaf otk'i A Japanese Opinion Man- Abvssinia."—Reuter. times greater than at that time. Even acquired to a further depth so that it any writer's career was smooth same rather not, be spoiled by building develop- chester was his university—the GiammsiT nations, and not least nc in fhts i-W; with lessened incomes people were saving might There were twin carnage-ways School, the Cathedral, and the " Man"Japan 's niilitaiy preparedness more and were entrusting their fTliis statement was made shortly before an ignoble position for a great nation "ike to whom liberty is as life it'elf , do ™ money to ment. the so that our own to divided by a central leserve, fake the anneal was notified.! up? But is it sound ? chester Guardian." Everything I " know harbours no menace to foreign countries/' the savings bank rather tlian hoarding it to look to our armour , for mcli a spffll risk of head-on collisions was virtually about writing," he added " I learned on I do not so read (history. is a danger to tlie whole world. decl ared the Minister of War, General in the proverbial "old stocking " jn the •eliminated. ' been Shaded footpaths had the 'Man chester Guardian ,' with Scott, "The United states are 3,000 miles Hayashi, in a speeeli at Tokio , in which fiome_ laid down for pedestrians, and a special C. E. Montague, 'end not least with my Other Danger-Spots p taff had been recruited for the care of the own br ot her , who looked after my doings MR. ROBERT CARLYLE from Europe. We are within gunehot ho made an attack upon China. Accordof the Continent. Yet the United States wavside trees. " The Hitler regime is firmly too'* and was the best teacher of English I ing to Eeuter'3 report he said: were drawn into a war which began with I do not expect it to be overthro wn- ~m have ever had. " " Peace which, rests on justice is the NEW GERMAN LINER the murder of an Austrian archduke. The Vulnerable Cyclist Leading Manchester safety of other nations depends «" foundation of the nation's f orei gn policy/' The High Master t racks Hitler 's power to develop in it a »'* The provision of the two cycling 3ie added, " but this love ol peace is not Tlie German Dancer Builder 's Death Replying to the toast of the prosperity spirit. We look to him F-r set* oi I»« would give effect fo r t he firs t t im e on a blind when the very existence of the " Lord Beaverbrook believes a fiesh outSir Austen said therp «mf other'M"'[ great traffic artery to the principle that of the school, Mr. Douglas G. Miller, the We regret to announce the death of nation is threatened. Japan is now conbreak of war to be inevitable in the near spots in tlie world , n n>I Ihn real lnnn ? IlulB foes in order to cope with neighbouring road accidents last year 1,324 were oftener. enemies. That this great obstacle remains at Bremen to-day in the presence of of which has been cairied on since in his safety of other nations, is perhaps the that he could not, hone ior ?uece-=-. pedal cyclists. Out of the 184,781 nonin the way of peace is indeed most Herr Hitler, the Minister of Com- fatal accidents pedal cyclists were Of t he 1,180 boys attending the school name and that of his son. In the last 506 came from Manchester, 104 from thirty or forty yeais this firm has been derrtorahl e '' munications, and delegations of the involved in 43,789. A distressing feature Salford , 242 from Lancashire county, ex- engaged in the erection of some of the From time to time, the Minister conof these fi gures is that they disclose that tinued, the Japanese army had taken part army, navy, . and Nazi party .forces. about half of those who were killed were eluding two boroughs, 30 from Oldham , most important buildings in Manchester. ARMS FIRM WORKING DAY FRENCH ESPIONAGE in various conflicts, but they had always The vessel, whose engines develop under the age of 21. The evidence 23 from Rochdale in Lancashire There is scaicely a main street in the centre which does not contain some of the fought in defence of peace in the far 26,000 h.p., with a- top speed of 22 knots, before me shows that accidents to cyclists —(laughter),—202 from Cheshire county, AND NIG HT CASE excluding one borough, 56 from Stockport , fir m's work. In Deansgate it built NorthEast and that justice might rule—and lor was named the Scharnhorst. are increasing." cliffe 4 from Derbyshire, and—he thoug ht t his House and the front of Kendal, nothing else. Vir.N-.s v. IK< iub*« 14 In a later speech at a luncheon at the The launching took place in sight of Empire Stadium, Mr. Hore-Belisha. said ought to be referred to at Yorkshire Milne 's; in Bridge Street the Masonicc-.insi'U- *o ri>S '. ,| The Hirtenboii! ty dinners—5 from Yorkshire. Of Temple, and in the Parsonage Arkwrigilt Brother Horsewhips Witness largest armament.- :.u ' its sister ship, which -will be called there should be no complaint of ribbon coun "T 1I! '^""''.i! these 303 were receiving entirel free House. In Market Street it built Palace y development on the section they had the Gneisenau, and is expected to be opened that day. He was glad t ha t an education at the school in the spirit th at Buildings and the whole of Lewis's, in announcer! at tlie annual !-"'' |pral m , 1 U.S. COTTON CONSUMPTION put into service in the autumn of next agreement was in prospect whereby the Hugh Oldham wished them to receive it. Cross Street it built the extensions to the Belfout , December 14. ing to-day that a ' n P* r c A technical sentence of a week's im- for the year 1!TO had I/' d "'cla_ "\" adjoining countv of Buckinghamshire The Junior Steward ^ proposed "the " Manchester Guardian " building, and in vear. New York, December 14. -' acl l[a complete the most, difficult section pious memory of Huglf Oldham " and Corpo ration Street "Chronicle " Build- prisonmen t , suspended under a first.n- »' '^ ' The monthly report of the Census A third vessel intended for the Ear would of the Western Avenue,- so that it would ''The Old Boys abroad." Mr. L. du ings. In. Mosley Street the firm built the offender regulation , was passed by t he A considerable itiin tf Bureau shows that the consumption of Eastern express service, the Potsdam, join with the widened London-Oxford Garde Peach proposed th toast of offices of the Manchester Guardian Correctional Court fo-day on Major Jean, of the firm whs nr -ii-l . n n-l i' (Manchester, we," the Home a$ the "'»»""1: at, Society marl "Denham School nrWf -r , . for stated that lint cotton by domestic mills in November is on the stocks at Hamburg. the Protection of Trade, in Froge for horsewhipp ingJIajor Deranque, " to which Mr. Herber t \V. Lee, a past spring Ga rdens Lancaster House , and in the workpeople «i>re i.r in.' p mi *» amounted to 477,000 bales, against 520,000 president, of Manchester Chamber Oxford of -t«ua«-Street the considerable extensions who had made a statement to the magisHostility of Cyclists' Union bales in October and 475,000 bales in Comm er ce, responded. Mr. E. Of. Claydou to the Kefuge Building, and the tower of trate investigating the chaTge of espionage thre e shifts night and >U \ proposed " The Masters, past and the church of the Holy Name.- The iirm against his brother Georges Proge November last year. This brings- the NEGRO "GOODWILL Telecram. Mr. Hore-Belisha lefened to a state" FLIGHT ment issued by the National Cyclists' present " and Mr. J. Rivers replied . The has the peculiarity in the district of being , who total for the season to 1,714,000 bales, as toast of "The Stewards and the the only firm of building contractors was last month sentenced to five years' COMES TO GRIEF compared with 2,067,000 bales in the same Union after the opening ceremony. In Reco r der " was proposed by Mr. .W. H. which undertakes stonework, for which imprisonment.—Eeuter. period last year. The exports for , the this it was explained that the -union (^annf. Port of Spain (Triuidad), purpose it set up its own stone-cutting accepted the invitation to send repreADVERTISEMENT IN DliX month are returned at 572,000 bales, December 14. machinery. sentatives to the opening of the cycle lit excluding linters, against 616,000 bales in Dr. Albert Forsythe and Mr. Alfred. paths believing it their duty to be present . Perhaps Major Carlyle's . strongest ' October and 914,000 bales in November Anderson,' two negroes who left Atlantic and hold a watching brief on behalf of made up their minds in advance that interest outside his business was in the EXHIBITION HALL PLAN FOR i Entertainments !!!!• • u ji Territorial Army. He had been' one of last y.ear, making 1,936,000 bales for the City in an aeroplane on Saturday' -with, cycIisTs. In the acceptance of the invita.- these cycling tracks are ari assault on the original members LIVERPOOL ' Situ ations, Vacant and Wanted ..* ftJ of the Volunteer tEe statement declared, it was their privileges and deprive them of Engineers, season to. date, again st 3,360,000 bales a scrolls signed by ' thousands of XJnited iion, ' a body formed in Manchester clearly stated that they did not thereby rightful use of the highway. rather later than other branches of the A plan for the provision, of one large 1 Lets !' ' J,< year ago. States negroes for delivery to the heads lend themselves in any way t o the their Sales it _ Nothing has been taken away from them, force, and he continued his service in and two small exhibition halls, reception Stocks in the h ands of manufac t urers of the Governments of the West Indies supTpSrt of the scheme. The statement but something has been, given. Auctions ' '" > 4 amount to 1,294,000 bales, against 1,140,000 and the Central American Eepublics, the Territorial Force when that was and refreshrnent zooms, recreation then set out a number accomof the objections •• "I do not see why it should be con- founded. 'When the war broke out he Shipping bales last month and 1,574,000 hales last to-day crashed into the backyard of a of the uniSH _ 4 To tlie provision of cycle sidered less reasonable to provide year, and in outside warehouses to house as they were taking 'off for British paths. jj a was an officer with a field company of modation; open-air swimming baths, and ! Motor Cars and O\ eles cyclist with _ a cycling track than ' a the parking places 9,795,000 bales, against 9,381,000 bales and Guiana and had .a narrow escape from •• was Shipp ing accepted by the " ' jj Manchester 42nd Division Royal Engineers, and Mr. Hore-Belisha said he had hoped pedestrian with a pavement. I have served 10,411,000 bales. Spindles active during death. 15 ™ "" Finance Boarduig1"" Committee of the Liverpool with them, throughout the war, Hotels and 4 the tracks -would have been given never 1 heard that a pavement is the month totalled 35,051,000, against They declare that they will now; have that a rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Corporation yesterday. Education , and unbiased and friendly trial. "I deprivation for pedestrians i 4 25.095,000 in October and 25,423,000 in to abandon the tour.—Eenter. of; the use His work in the Territorial Army was so observe that our cycling guests to-day— The whole scheme-will cover 32 acres Contract '' , 1 November last Tear. well known that after the war he was and the !at .'least those, who are represented by of the Bang's highway." ', S Legal Notices site is on the East Lancashire Xinters* consumptions in November was co-opted as a member of the East fOf the thirty-five persons . t he killed National Cyclists in the ' "Union—have used ' loans .. 51,000 "bales, against 59,000 bale s last year. Corporation t police area daring tie w«ek Lancashire Territorial Association. Golf road. It is proposed to reserve ten acres other guests as suitable receptacles Metropolitan ' .,^ ' Stocks at mills ' amount to 335,000 bales, A military seaplane yesterday; dropped their , Fashions December 8, eleven were pedal was one of his recreation s, and he was for parking accommodation for about for a circular in which they, eay that ended ia5ainst-.266,000 .bales a year ago 'and in three " cyelists. This is the Haulage t 'larcest number of keenly interested in his garden, blooms packages of food for the li ghthouse they come here -to hold - a -watching ! fcutside warehouses to 52,000 bales, '^ » pedal cyclists killed in. one week since an from which frequently won prizes at 3,500 cars: The city surveyor was asked Chri3tmas Gifts who have heen ;m.arooned for .eleven brief. They .who.hold a watching brief aeainst 38,000 bales. - ' • P ' ' staff was first published during the exhibitions in the district. ;to report on the capital expenditure the days off the Portuguese coast . .Tours and Cruises . . • • •"" J should watch for, results, have analysis last Tjeriod of " , Ife Jeavps^me son and thxoe daughters Deai"S !" "




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