Group B Seminar Presentation

  • November 2019
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A203 - People, Change and Management Seminar Group B Group Member Name 1

Michelle Loon Joyz Sim


Shandy Poh Caroline Lim


Sheena Poh Tan Xiaolian


Karin Goh Joyce Liu


Brendon Chen Kang Kai


Chew Yang Daniel Koo


Yin Qunyao Jann Teo


Jacqueline Tan Zhang Ruixian


Peter Ng Daniel Lin


Joshua Chen Wilson Lim


Tan Hwee Cheng See Yong Ren


Lee Wei Zhi Roy Teh

A203 - People, Change and Management Seminar Group B SeminarTopic 1

Taylorism and Fordism


Exam QnPresenters

Taylor, P and Bain, P (1999),

5, 7

"An assembly line in the head" Work and employee relations in a call centre

Shandy Poh Caroline Lim

Industrial Relations Jounal, 30, 2, 101 2

Weber and Bureaucracy Thompson and Mchugh (2002) Taylor, Weber and the Bureaucratisation of the Workplace

8, 9 , 6

Daniel Lin Peter Ng

Ritzer, G "McDonaldization and its Precusors

10, 11

Sheena Poh Tan Xiaolian

Gabriel, Y (2005) Glass cages and glass palaces : images of organization

12, 13

in image conscious times, Organization, 12, 1, 9-27 3

Human Relations

Jacqueline Tan Zhang Ruixian

Roberts, J (1984) The Moral Character of Management Practice,

14, 15

Journal of management studies, 21, 3, 287

Karin Goh Joyce Liu

Rose, M (1988) "Reassessing Human Relations" (102-112)

16, 17

Joshua Chen Wilson Lim


Organization Culture

Smircich, L (1983) Concepts of Culture and Organizational

18, Analysis in Administrative Science Quarterly, 28, 3, 339-358


Yin Qunyao Jann Teo

Van-Maanen, J (1991)

21 Michelle Loon "The Simile Factory: Work at Disneyland, in Frost, P et al20, (eds) Reframing Organizational Culture, Newbury Park, Sage 5

Labour Process Theory

Braverman, H (1974)

Joyz Sim

22, 23

Labor and Monopoly Captital, Intoduction and Chapter 1 Knights and Willmott, (1990)

Kang Kai

24, 25

Labour Process Theory, Introductory chapter 6

Brendon Chen

Chew Yang Daniel Koo

Critical Management Studies Parker, M (2002) Against Management, Chapter 6, 115-133

1, 2

Lee Wei Zhi Roy Teh

Contu, A. Grey, C. Ortenblad, A. (2003) Against Learning, Human Relations, 56, 8, 931-54

3, 4

Tan Hwee Cheng See Yong Ren


Diversity Organizations

Cooke, B (2003) The denial of Slavery in Management Studies


Journal of Management Studies, 40, 8, 1895-1918 Sturdy, A J and Gabriel, Y (2000) "Missionaries, Mercenaries or Car Salesman ?


MBA teaching in Malaysia", journal of Management Studies, Vol 37, No 7, pp 979-1002 8

Rethinking Management Student bring examples of current issues in management and society and subject them to critical analysis and investigation


Approaching the Classes ● Two Readings/Presentations in each class ● Describe; − Main points of Reading − Relevance to Topic − Strengths − Weakness ● Seminar Leader acts as Facilitator for debate

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