@greetums Favorite Tweets Published Nov. 29, 2009

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Download & View @greetums Favorite Tweets Published Nov. 29, 2009 as PDF for free.

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Favorite Tweet Book Compiled By Kat Caverly.

Greetums Kat Caverly I make greeting ecards, love cats and Tom. I am passionate about food, fitness, and fun. New York http://greetums.com

All content © Kat Caverly. All rights reserved.



Friday, 11th of September. 16:13:13 I've been asked which is my favorite birthday cartoon, and I love them all, but this one is right up there http://bit.ly/Skfve  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 11-September-2009


Sunday, 25th of October. 13:46:41 @Greetums Wow. Thank you!!! Good to hear that! I love you, your character and funny style. You are my funny super-hero who makes my day :-).  By:Daniel_Barta

Friday, 30th of October. 10:39:34 @greetums You might like this too, based on our earlier convo http://bit.ly/3vtZaw  By: ShellyKramer

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 30-October-2009


Monday, 2nd of November. 12:55:42 The Dalai Lama laughing http://bit.ly/32j6qH  By:Greetums

Tuesday, 3rd of November. 22:20:13 well Tweetniks, stick me with a fork I think I'm done!  By:Greetums

Wednesday, 4th of November. 07:19:18 In the words of @yokoono Imagine Peace. Think Peace. Act Peace. Spread Peace. http://www.imaginepeace.com  By:Greetums 07:43:19 Instant human being. Just add coffee. ~ unknown  By:Greetums 07:49:34 good morning @MrsWhich If it weren't for espresso I'd have absolutely no personality whatsoever  By:Greetums 07:56:28 I am up like a pup @bonnie67 my blood type is espresso!  By:Greetums 08:09:29 For All You Coffee Lovers: Balzac's essay on coffee http://bit.ly/l4WpR  By:Greetums 08:15:52 It was the kids @MrsWhich that drove you to drink...coffee!  By:Greetums 08:30:39 There may be no evidence that human beings can be positive all of the time, but that does not mean it is not possible ~ Kat Caverly  By:Greetums 08:33:00 My natural paranoia protects me but it is my natural ebullience that saves me. Both are with me always. ~ Kat Caverly  By:Greetums 08:36:04 RT @liliradloff: I hate it when people do this, but…last night i killed a lot of people in my dream With a gun & then I ate all the tomatoes  By:Greetums 08:37:21 @eleesha you inspired this "it may be free but it's priceless" and for the first time I understood FREEconomics  By:Greetums 08:44:38 @yokoono is following me but where can I lead her?  By:Greetums 08:45:41 Is Twitter just one big, excuse the expression, Polish Parade?  By:Greetums 09:09:27 ¸.•*' '*Twiggles*´`*•.¸ @crystalbutterfl: good morning ¸.•*' '*Sunshine Lollipop*´`*•.¸  By: Greetums 09:26:53 you are so right sir @GourmetLawyer I drink coffee, therefore I am…awake!  By:Greetums 09:40:20 I could live without drinking coffee, but why would I? ~ Kat Caverly  By:Greetums 09:42:00 lucky lady RT @MrsWhich: Today talking with my 3 yr old is like charades with words  By: Greetums 09:45:26 I feel about chocolates how I feel about coffee; give me chocolate and no one gets hurt.  By: Greetums 09:53:02 @crystalbutterfl oooh yum, I could make a cafe au chocolatte, YUM  By:Greetums 09:54:05 @MrsWhich amazing to watch children grow, enthralling; maddening. you slowly get your reality altered & see things again for the first time  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 4-November-2009

09:56:34 @LippyLauri twoodles, have a great day  By:Greetums 10:34:37 to Tweet or not to Tweet, there is no question, but parting is such Tweet sorrow  By:Greetums

Thursday, 5th of November. 07:28:23 There are three musts that hold us back: I must do well. You must treat me well. And the world must be easy. ~ Albert Ellis  By:Greetums 07:37:31 yes @markhundley I have been blessed with great teachers; Marcel Marceau, Albert Ellis, Leo Burnett, Victor Skrebneski  By:Greetums 07:54:38 @markhundley I have chosen some amazing teachers and some pretty bad ones too. The trick is figuring out who is who!  By:Greetums 07:59:25 It is no easy task @markhundley first you must open yourself up 100% to the teachers, this can be very painful even =>  By:Greetums 08:00:30 @markhundley => even if they prove to be excellent teachers. If they are bad the first thing you must do is stop bemoaning the lost time  By:Greetums 08:01:36 @markhundley and realize that every learning experience has value. but the secret is putting their teachings into your own actions  By:Greetums 12:57:08 Love is the poetry of the senses. ~ Honore de Balzac  By:Greetums 14:07:20 funniest thing I've seen today RT @Jason_Pollock: #LOL = The Human iPod = http://bit.ly/HumanIPOD #ViralVideo  By:Greetums 14:27:19 My favorite scene from Les Enfants du Paradis http://bit.ly/1Benrs  By:Greetums 15:03:41 RT @chadfu: testing testing testing testing testing testing ....I done tested enough. < say outloud in a Jerry Lewis voice, hysterical  By:Greetums 15:21:38 Twitter Singups @paul_steele I just listen to the Twitter Singup 5 http://bit.ly/35Pwq4 LMAO Funny http://bit.ly/2WHUhT  By:Greetums 19:24:21 Victor Borge - Inflationary Language http://bit.ly/4B2EXL  By:Greetums 19:28:03 Phonetic Pronunciation http://bit.ly/3wpvNR Victor Borge  By:Greetums

Friday, 6th of November. 08:25:14 If you think dogs can't count, Try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them. -PhilPastoret  By:Greetums 09:06:59 Funny Birthday Song ♫ http://blip.fm/~fy8ix  By:Greetums 10:43:35 Twitter is "just a bowl of cherries, don't take it serious, it's too mysterious"  By:Greetums 10:46:49 Greetums are just sunshine lollipops, do something sweet for someone today http://www.greetums.com  By:Greetums 17:59:49 OMG @clementyeung this post is amazing "How to open a bottle of wine with a shoe" http://bit.ly/3vC7oE  By:Greetums 18:30:33 "To all my sweetie sweetums http://twitter.com/Greetums/sweetums #followfriday" ♫ http://blip.fm/~fz6fk  By:Greetums 18:32:14 "we got another bucket kicker... hAPPY BirthDay my olde friend" funny funny funny ♫ http://blip.fm/~fz6iy  By:Greetums 18:39:21 RT @Blanquis26: ♥**Tweet others like you would like to be tweeted♥**  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 6-November-2009

19:26:26 @crystalbutterfl dripping with sugar, hysterical. I imagine this dour serious old codger singing this song!!  By:Greetums 19:42:38 @StefanPostulart birthdays are so good, and remember YOUR birthday is kinda your mum's birthday too?  By:Greetums 19:50:24 RT @iamic: "It's funny - most places I've been to have weather. Go figure" Most?  By: Greetums 21:49:50 RT @peacepilgrimfan: Those who evoke wrong reactions in you are out of harmony, and especially in need of love. ~Peace Pilgrim  By:Greetums 21:54:38 “Don't curse the darkness: light a candle.” Chinese proverb via @CatherineGrison  By: Greetums

Saturday, 7th of November. 11:11:40 OMG hehe RT @AlexGoodall: I think animal testing is a terrible idea; they get all nervous and give the wrong answers.  By:Greetums 11:13:54 Amazing phrase => "audacity of imagination" ~ John Dewey via @mlomb:  By:Greetums

Sunday, 8th of November. 08:25:41 If you're HAPPY and you know it *PING* *PING* *PING*  By:Greetums 17:00:32 STREAM no1  By:Greetums 17:01:42 this is what Kerouac said  By:Greetums 17:02:29 tweeps weeping sweet tweets  By:Greetums 17:04:10 connected yet isolated in the collective dream state  By:Greetums 17:06:03 updated every sixty, feel like I'm rolling 80  By:Greetums 17:06:38 sometimes I think I lost the ability to understand the written words  By:Greetums 17:07:05 out of context, beheaded chained to 140 characters  By:Greetums 17:07:54 space is a character  By:Greetums 17:08:21 lost in the spaces, lost in the context  By:Greetums 17:09:08 In word.  By:Greetums 17:09:18 In thought.  By:Greetums 17:09:57 smiles RT from the outer space  By:Greetums 17:10:10 feels like it is right next to me, here  By:Greetums 17:11:32 Inevitabky. Indubitably, In the affirmative. yes.  By:Greetums 17:11:59 are typos a form of poetry, or of temporary insanity?  By:Greetums 17:12:59 is this like prayer or like self-mutilating screams of ME ME ME YOU YOU YOU  By:Greetums 17:14:26 this is like a seedy Times Square bar, Eighth Avenue, nothing but colorful.  By:Greetums 17:14:52 you're either the bartender or that obnoxious drunk aobut be 86'd.  By:Greetums 17:15:09 all of us our loud. the din is deafening in its silence.  By:Greetums 17:16:10 Life is an alley.  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 8-November-2009

17:16:19 Don't end up in the gutter.  By:Greetums 17:16:33 I'n the Queen Pin. I'm standing here.  By:Greetums 17:16:49 Spare me the details. I'm STANDING HERE.  By:Greetums 17:17:01 gotta strike out on my own.  By:Greetums 17:17:11 the ball is heavy man…  By:Greetums 17:17:27 don't BOWL.  By:Greetums

Monday, 9th of November. 08:18:33 Good morning we've tweeted the whole night through > http://ow.ly/AGyG  By:Greetums 09:09:19 Life. Love. The Laundry. The irony of it all. ~ Kat Caverly  By:Greetums 12:58:11 [video proof] my husband can really be as silly as me http://ow.ly/AMlj  By:Greetums

Tuesday, 10th of November. 08:06:55 My blood type is double espresso.  By:Greetums 08:34:35 I consume chocolates for your safety. ~ Kat Caverly  By:Greetums 08:45:19 If at first you don't succeed, let's hope you're not my doctor.  By:Greetums 08:45:45 If at first you don't succeed, you must be a programmer.  By:Greetums 09:33:57 Allow JOY and Laughter into your life.  By:Greetums 09:40:01 Never under-estimate the power of doing silly things to help you celebrate life!  By:Greetums 09:53:37 Love is conditional. Practice unconditional acceptance. ~ Albert Ellis  By:Greetums 10:07:20 we human beings require 3-4 hugs daily to thrive and be healthy, and yes you can {{{HUG}}} yourself  By:Greetums 10:09:01 "Not letting gay people get married is like telling people they can't use crayons cuz they're not a kid." ~Alethea /6yrs old  By:Greetums 10:11:46 I see the condition of people's lives and know that they just need to laugh more  By:Greetums 10:12:37 You can't have everything. Where would you put it? ~Steven Wright  By:Greetums 12:45:27 if we are not suppose to laugh all of the time why did God make people so funny?  By: Greetums 12:50:00 Everything I learned about dressing like a girl I learned from drag queens! ~ Kat Caverly  By: Greetums

Wednesday, 11th of November. 08:51:29 As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~JFK #veterans  By:Greetums 10:21:43 I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity - Dwight D Eisenhower  By:Greetums 10:22:16 If God had meant for us to be in the Army, we would have been born with green, baggy skin. ~ anon  By:Greetums 10:23:53 The difficult we do at once, the impossible takes a little longer. - U.S. Navy Seabees  By:

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 11-November-2009

Greetums 10:26:38 You, you, and you: Panic. The rest of you, come with me. - US Marine Corp Gunnery Sgt  By: Greetums 10:28:13 If it moves, salute it; if it doesn't move, pick it up; and if you can't pick it up, paint it. --Anonymous (1940's saying)-- #veterans  By:Greetums 10:30:18 Some people live an entire lifetime & wonder if they have ever made a difference in the world but Marines don't have that problem~ R Reagan  By:Greetums 10:34:30 I can't say I think much of war but I bet all of our brave men and women in the military agree with me.  By:Greetums

Thursday, 12th of November. 07:06:04 I get up with the sun. On cloudy days I may stay in bed all day!  By:Greetums 07:22:30 Showed hubbie my new video http://bit.ly/vNaSP he said "they'll think you're insane"  By: Greetums 08:22:45 life is a parade @pillpushera and I lead the clowns!  By:Greetums 08:43:54 some folks sit by babbling brooks. I sit by the babbling Twitter stream to meditate on human nature.  By:Greetums 08:45:28 "An apple a day keeps anyone away, if you throw it hard enough." ~ Steven Colbert  By: Greetums 13:20:33 LOL RT @girlzoo: http://twitpic.com/p8k3y - this card is made specially for @Greetums with luv ♥  By:Greetums 15:45:44 Ever realize that you have gone through a fundamental CHANGE of life? like I am a new person!  By:Greetums 18:38:04 I think just about everything is funny. Don't be hating.  By:Greetums

Friday, 13th of November. 10:06:12 Trouble hates nothing as much as a smile. ~Irish Proverb  By:Greetums 10:12:57 Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light. ~ Jean Giraudoux  By:Greetums 10:16:23 A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. ~Irish Proverb  By: Greetums 10:20:56 Ordinary Miracle Today http://bit.ly/4svR3R via @rmilana (Milana you sure know how to celebrate Friday the 13th)  By:Greetums 10:30:39 I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work ~Thomas Edison  By:Greetums 10:36:01 "Never allow your fears or the expectations of others to set the frontiers of your destiny" ~ Celtic Proverb  By:Greetums 10:56:11 If you believe everything you read, better not read. ~Japanese Proverb  By:Greetums 11:16:50 Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the entire weekend. ~Zenna Scha  By:Greetums 11:54:23 Gravity. It's not just a good idea. It's the LAW.  By:Greetums 12:27:47 The magical season is upon us. Starting for me on American Thanksgiving and going to Little Christmas (Jan 6)  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 13-November-2009

Saturday, 14th of November. 09:12:37 It takes time to really get to know anyone, so please just give me some TIME and help me get to know you  By:Greetums 13:07:00 I hate it when I can't even spell my own name right. #justsayin  By:Greetums 13:45:08 You can count on me NOT to feel sorry for you. I would not disresepct you that way. I believe that you can handle it all!  By:Greetums

Sunday, 15th of November. 09:11:39 What if we celebrated the little things too?  By:Greetums 09:25:18 A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song. ~Lou Holtz  By: Greetums 09:28:41 How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains! ~John Muir  By:Greetums 09:31:16 I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could not ignore its beauty. ~Georgia O'Keeffe  By:Greetums 09:33:42 I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind. ~Leo Buscaglia  By:Greetums 09:50:50 Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. ~Roger Miller  By:Greetums 09:52:02 Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there's really no such thing as bad weather… John Ruskin  By:Greetums 09:54:56 There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew. ~Marshall McLuhan  By: Greetums 10:00:17 You can't be suspicious of a tree, or accuse a bird or a squirrel of subversion or challenge the ideology of a violet. ~Hal Borland  By:Greetums 10:22:26 hahahahaa RT @FizzyDuck: They call it golf because all the other four letter words were taken ~ Raymond Floyd #quote #golf  By:Greetums 11:20:22 Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. ~Kin Hubbard  By:Greetums 12:01:33 Earth laughs in flowers. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson  By:Greetums 15:10:20 I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don't notice it. ~Alice Walker  By:Greetums 16:01:02 In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. ~Aristotle  By:Greetums 16:35:19 In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. ~Albert Camus  By:Greetums 17:15:21 Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. ~Albert Einstein  By: Greetums 18:45:22 The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. ~John Muir  By:Greetums 19:05:17 There are always flowers for those who want to see them. ~Henri Matisse  By:Greetums 21:03:10 A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. ~John Barrymore  By:Greetums 21:07:23 Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. ~Edgar Cayce  By:Greetums 21:10:26 All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. ~Walt Disney  By:

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 15-November-2009

Greetums 21:15:34 Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you. ~Marsha Norman  By: Greetums 21:22:01 Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. ~Carl Jung  By:Greetums 21:35:21 The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~Eleanor Roosevelt  By: Greetums

Monday, 16th of November. 08:02:07 Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain. ~Joseph Campbell  By: Greetums 09:03:01 Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls. ~Joseph Campbell  By:Greetums 10:04:42 I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive. ~Joseph Campbell  By:Greetums 11:02:42 Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging. ~Joseph Campbell  By:Greetums 12:41:44 One cannot be deeply responsive to the world without being saddened very often. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 12:45:40 We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. ~Joseph Campbell  By:Greetums 13:05:53 The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. ~Joseph Campbell  By:Greetums 13:21:33 There is only one meaning of life: the act of living itself. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 13:32:38 Only the person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others. ~Erich Fromm  By: Greetums 13:46:22 There can be no real freedom without the freedom to fail. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 14:31:53 If I am what I have and if I lose what I have who then am I? ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 14:46:19 The capacity to be puzzled is the premise of all creation, be it in art or in science. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 15:16:15 The psychic task which a person can and must set for himself is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 15:35:48 Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.' ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 16:06:14 Greed's a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need w/o ever reaching satisfaction. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 16:21:07 The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 16:40:45 Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 17:31:18 Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 18:40:56 "you're cuter than a speckled pup under a circus wagon" things once said to me  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 17-November-2009

Tuesday, 17th of November. 09:07:41 Drinking heavily is not a sign that you are celebrating life.  By:Greetums 10:08:32 Along with ancient wisdom there is ancient error. ~Thomas Hudson Reeve  By:Greetums 10:56:34 RT @girlzoo: RT @Greetums OMG is it wrong to be so amused by myself? RT @girlzoo: http://bit.ly/cqoya {not as long as i can watch} *HA*  By:Greetums 11:02:12 Life doesn't have to be fair; it is just that fabulous!  By:Greetums 12:51:10 When I was liitle I had one BIG eyebrow (until my make-up artists got a hold of me) and now I think I am growing Andy Rooney eyebrows OMG  By:Greetums

Wednesday, 18th of November. 09:07:35 Thank YOU RT @paul_steele: Thanks for feedback on latest Singup http://tinyurl.com/ycheyal it's the top folk in them that make the smiles  By:Greetums 09:09:30 Making fun of Christmas has always helped curb the anxiety http://bit.ly/2DDVDv  By:Greetums 19:25:26 the nicest thing ever said about me "Some people have a knack for decorating our lives with their smile. " ~@AlphaMares (I adore you Debi)  By:Greetums 21:00:09 my #cats are stoners, sleep all day, always have the munchies ~Kat Caverly  By:Greetums

Thursday, 19th of November. 06:24:49 Selfish persons are incapable of loving others, but they are not capable of loving themselves either. ~Erich Fromm  By:Greetums 06:41:56 An optimist is a person who starts a new diet on Thanksgiving Day. ~Irv Kupcinet  By: Greetums 06:52:23 Give thanks for the Joy of Living!  By:Greetums 07:03:34 Give thanks for what you have now.  By:Greetums 07:11:01 An attitude of gratitude is its own reward.  By:Greetums 07:13:11 I discovered that self-service is not possible. The more you quietly do without any thought of yourself the more you benefit.  By:Greetums 07:24:38 Real gratitute is difficult to express in words yet flows freely in actions.  By:Greetums 07:26:47 Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude. ~Joseph Wood Krutch  By:Greetums 07:55:18 (it) is a wonderful day set aside on the 4th Thurs of Nov when no one diets. I mean, why else would they call it Thanksgiving? Erma Bombeck  By:Greetums 07:59:14 If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace. ~John Lennon  By:Greetums 08:02:07 A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality. ~John Lennon  By:Greetums 08:05:51 Reality leaves a lot to the imagination. ~John Lennon  By:Greetums 08:47:10 Give thanks for your ability to enjoy the good things in life.  By:Greetums 09:32:26 Thanksgiving dinners take 18 hrs to prepare. They're consumed in 12 minutes. Half-times take 12 minutes. This isn't coincidence~Erma Bombeck  By:Greetums 09:56:37 As we express our gratitude we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 19-November-2009

words but to live by them. ~John F. Kennedy  By:Greetums 10:12:18 My hubbie told his mother that he was thinking about tattooing Reggie hair (Archie comics) onto his head complete with reflection panes  By:Greetums 10:13:56 There is nothing more satisfying than a good dump. Just look at a baby's face when they poop! #gratitude  By:Greetums 11:17:52 It's a sign of mediocrity when you demonstrate gratitude with moderation. ~Roberto Benigni  By: Greetums 11:18:32 The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude. ~Friedrich Nietzsche  By:Greetums 11:23:48 Why am I so ebullient? I got alot of gas! ~Kat Caverly #quote  By:Greetums 11:29:43 Who does not thank for little will not thank for much. ~Estonian Proverb  By:Greetums 12:42:16 One forgives to the degree that one loves. ~Francois de La Rochefoucauld  By:Greetums 12:45:22 The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. ~Mohandas Gandhi  By: Greetums 12:50:55 Irish alzheimers: you forget everything but your grudges.  By:Greetums 12:54:47 There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness. ~Josh Billings  By:Greetums 12:56:35 @cookerguy you obviously have not been in as many Irish bars as me, we never FORGET  By: Greetums 14:30:50 A lot of Thanksgiving days have been ruined by not carving the turkey in the kitchen. ~Kin Hubbard  By:Greetums 14:33:51 How many cooks does it take to stuff a turkey? One, but you really have to squeeze him in! ~unknown  By:Greetums 14:53:56 Outside of a dog a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too hard to read. ~Groucho Marx  By:Greetums 14:55:32 Isn't it strange that I who have written only unpopular books should be such a popular fellow? ~Albert Einstein  By:Greetums 14:56:22 Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ~Mark Twain  By:Greetums 14:57:15 You don't have to burn books to destroy a culture. Just get people to stop reading them. ~Mohandas Gandhi  By:Greetums 14:58:05 I wrote a few children's books... not on purpose. ~Steven Wright  By:Greetums 15:01:07 "In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they're content with burning my books." ~Freud (for you @elissastein)  By:Greetums 15:02:31 Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood? ~Carl Jung  By:Greetums 15:06:04 Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. ~Francis Bacon  By:Greetums 19:41:49 Are you Happy and you know it? #PING #PING #PING  By:Greetums 20:01:56 I call everyone 'Darling' because I can't remember their names. ~Zsa Zsa Gabor  By:Greetums

Friday, 20th of November. 06:30:28 May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace! May your troubles grow less as your blessings increase! ~Irish  By:Greetums 09:32:28 Wishing you always…the love and laughter of those you hold dear. ~Irish  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 20-November-2009

10:04:27 May your heart be light and happy! May your smile be big and wide! And may your pockets always have a coin or two inside! ~Irish  By:Greetums 12:06:52 May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past. ~Irish Toast (cheers!)  By:Greetums 18:36:18 Give thanks for the joys of living.  By:Greetums 18:44:44 Basted again http://bit.ly/6BR0Xb I'm getting ready for a juicy Thanksgiving!  By:Greetums 18:47:49 Celebrate life!  By:Greetums 20:30:24 "Funny is always the right color" ~@funniness  By:Greetums

Saturday, 21st of November. 15:40:07 Live life like a sentence that ends in an exclamation point!  By:Greetums 15:51:58 Never underestimate the Power of Silly!  By:Greetums 17:09:14 If #funny had a scent it would be concord grape!  By:Greetums 17:27:46 Watch me play with myself http://bit.ly/7laCY8 (Rated:G)  By:Greetums 19:59:11 I tweet therefore I am.  By:Greetums 20:05:56 If #thanks had a scent it would be fresh Vermont maple syrup!  By:Greetums

Sunday, 22nd of November. 09:09:15 I would say we are always BEING ourselves, even when we are pretending to be otherwise. That's what makes the charade so painful.  By:Greetums 09:23:28 RT @obsrvationalist: If #jealousy had a scent it would smell like an onion.  By:Greetums 11:47:36 There is no wrong way to celebrate!  By:Greetums 11:48:12 Tis the Season to celebrate Joy and sharing! (sounds like they are talking about Twitter!)  By: Greetums 17:51:53 Some of us are Human Beings. I'm a Human Doing!  By:Greetums 18:08:12 RT @Deepak_Chopra: Happy people making other people happy will heal the world  By: Greetums 18:26:54 Stimpy was on to something "Happy Happy Joy Joy"  By:Greetums 19:20:40 I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day. ~Vincent Van Gogh  By:Greetums 19:25:56 Happiness... it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. ~Vincent Van Gogh  By:Greetums 19:27:24 One must work and dare if one really wants to live. ~Vincent Van Gogh  By:Greetums 19:28:13 The way to know life is to love many things. ~Vincent Van Gogh  By:Greetums 19:37:54 What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? ~Vincent Van Gogh  By: Greetums 19:52:29 Aristotle invented the pocket. He needed a place to keep his cookies.  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 23-November-2009

Monday, 23rd of November. 04:25:15 All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. ~Pablo Picasso #quote  By:Greetums 04:35:34 Art is a lie that makes us realize truth. ~Pablo Picasso #quote  By:Greetums 04:37:01 It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child. ~Pablo Picasso #quote  By:Greetums 04:44:35 Youth has no age. ~Pablo Picasso #quote  By:Greetums 07:15:28 He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't… ~Pablo Picasso #quote  By: Greetums 10:42:48 "Let us rise up and be thankful…" ~Buddha  By:Greetums 10:44:31 "Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude." ~Denis Waitley  By:Greetums 10:50:14 If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart  By:Greetums 10:55:31 "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust  By:Greetums 10:55:35 It takes a long time to become young. ~Pablo Picasso #quote  By:Greetums 11:09:54 Thank God for _______ What would the world do without ___________?  By:Greetums 11:17:33 The chief enemy of creativity is "good" sense. ~Pablo Picasso #quote  By:Greetums 15:45:04 @crystalbutterfl it is difficult to really know what you want to do but the hardest part is knowing that everything is always changing.  By:Greetums 16:37:04 I am really impressed with how POSITIVE Twitter is as a whole, I have run across so very few kill JOYS, it's pretty remarkable  By:Greetums 16:42:54 @crystalbutterfl Keeping it positive since 1987, ain't no different online My momma don't let no one burst my bubbles  By:Greetums 18:26:45 Don't waste even one precious moment of your life being miserable.  By:Greetums 18:28:11 Give thanks for the joy in life. Give thanks for the laughter.  By:Greetums 18:29:55 Life is so short you got to make fun of it.  By:Greetums 19:44:41 Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. ~Groucho Marx  By:Greetums 19:53:04 A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five. ~Groucho Marx  By: Greetums 20:11:40 One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know. ~Groucho Marx  By:Greetums 20:13:22 The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made. ~Groucho Marx  By:Greetums

Tuesday, 24th of November. 08:14:07 My Love of Life is ignited by the laughter that makes my heart dance with joy!  By:Greetums 09:33:48 How Do I Thank Thee? Let me Count the Ways http://bit.ly/6jJDjm  By:Greetums 16:13:56 Dalai Lama lectures the New York State Senate on Compassion http://bit.ly/8AVo2y (good luck with that)  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 24-November-2009

19:12:03 "Blue Christmas" animation by NoEvil Productions | http://bit.ly/8pI7Oz #artwalk  By:Greetums 19:15:12 Trace Elements "patterns in the world" photographs by Thomas Hudson Reeve | http://bit.ly/3Jd0iT #artwalk  By:Greetums 19:27:21 #ARTWalk NoEvil Productions presents Subpoena Power, a civic action game http://subpoenapower.com/  By:Greetums 19:31:41 String Theories "structures of fractal dimensions" http://www.thomashudsonreeve.com/theories (fineart photography) #artwalk  By:Greetums 19:38:56 W.J. Cunningham | Painter "Adventures in Fine Art" | http://bit.ly/757HeQ #artwalk  By: Greetums 19:53:45 Elvis would roll over in his grave http://bit.ly/8pI7Oz uhh huh  By:Greetums 19:58:39 "Santa's Coming and he's gonna Kick your @SS" music by Arrogant Worms animation by kat Caverly http://bit.ly/6i5JL4  By:Greetums 20:39:34 NoEvil Productions 2006 demo reel http://bit.ly/62dQMv #artwalk  By:Greetums 20:49:05 The Queasy Chronicles: Weapons of Mass DNA http://bit.ly/8Ubueo pilot/animated #artwalk  By:Greetums 20:54:08 From the mind of Kat Caverly: a dream of producing children's TV | The Tic Tac Toad Show http://bit.ly/7ruhTu #artwalk  By:Greetums 20:55:04 I put the FUN in dysfunctional.  By:Greetums 21:10:56 I just heard a commercial suggesting that men should give their women a pap smear appt for the holidays! #strangebuttrue  By:Greetums 21:20:05 so what do you think of my new TV show idea: http://stupididiot.tv  By:Greetums 22:40:10 good night #ladyballs wherever you are  By:Greetums

Wednesday, 25th of November. 09:38:11 Give thanks every moment of every day and live in a state of grace.  By:Greetums 09:43:23 Life is an occasion; celebrate it!  By:Greetums 11:28:21 "there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist" http://www.newseum.org/yesvirginia/  By:Greetums 11:33:01 "A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand years from now [Santa] will continue to make glad the heart of childhood."  By:Greetums 11:35:28 Santa is a state of being like the gratitude we practice at Thanksgiving, Santa exists in our hearts.  By:Greetums 11:39:25 "…how dreary the world would be if there were no Santa Claus…" original clipping http://bit.ly/Tp9qd "Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus"  By:Greetums 12:06:57 "true strength doesn’t come from the body. It comes from faith, soul, heart and love." ~ Anissa Mayhew #prayersforanissa  By:Greetums 12:28:40 You got to see the Turkey Rap http://bit.ly/erudh  By:Greetums 12:34:08 What do the Holidays mean to you? http://ow.ly/EDPW  By:Greetums 13:05:31 the Turkey Hunt (a two brother play) http://ow.ly/FCDt  By:Greetums 14:57:04 A designer replies to a request to do FREE work for a deadbeat client http://bit.ly/6yDXfi (via a tweetie but lost in the stream) hilarious  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 25-November-2009

16:20:42 Macy's had their first parade in 1924.  By:Greetums 16:21:38 The first character balloon to appear in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade was Felix the cat, in 1927.  By:Greetums 16:22:51 The only interruption in the parade's history was from 1942-44. Macy's gave their balloons to the war effort since rubber was scarce.  By:Greetums 16:23:26 The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade was first televised in 1945.  By:Greetums 16:24:04 I used to call it the "Macy's Day Parade" when I was growing up in Chicago.  By:Greetums 20:04:24 a NYC tradition, the pre-parade inflation party before dawn http://bit.ly/6Sg2J7  By:Greetums 20:06:46 Every wondered what a Macy's balloon might do on its off days? http://bit.ly/85iUbj  By: Greetums 20:21:11 here's to wishing you all googly gobbelies and a marvelous day of celebration no matter what country you are in #thanksgiving  By:Greetums

Thursday, 26th of November. 07:44:32 Being grateful is one of the most important life skills you can have; have a discipline of Gratitude.  By:Greetums 07:54:53 I thought I'd say Happy Thanksgiving now because in a few hours I will be "Basted Again" http://bit.ly/7WhMim  By:Greetums 07:56:31 Waiting for the start of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade or as my Dad called it "Macy's Day" http://bit.ly/6f7QPn family folly  By:Greetums 10:12:19 I love to eat Turkey…turkey is so good to eat! ♫ http://blip.fm/~gw9ym  By:Greetums 10:14:38 This song gave me chills of gratitude. ♫ http://blip.fm/~gwa1n  By:Greetums 10:17:22 Every day is a day of thanks giving children! ♫ http://blip.fm/~gwa53  By:Greetums 10:20:54 oh baby, a Beat Thanksgiving poem if ya can dig @katieschwartz warning: explicit, damn it IS William S. Burro... ♫ http://blip.fm/~gwaah  By:Greetums 10:27:18 with this song I realize that this holiday is all about HOPE. This year when I'm counting my blessing I thank t... ♫ http://blip.fm/~gwaj4  By:Greetums 10:32:00 this is how I remember my grandma's Thanksgiving, had to be a feast ♫ http://blip.fm/~gwapo  By:Greetums 10:36:51 I learned it as a Thanksgiving song too. It was colder in Chicago at the end of November! ♫ http://blip.fm/~gwaw6  By:Greetums

Friday, 27th of November. 08:57:38 RT @girlzoo: the countdown begins Kat Caverly aka @Greetums will rendezvous with @girlzoo in the Big Apple. BABOOM ✔  By:Greetums 08:59:52 @tweetamar @katieschwartz I definitely can dig #TweetBeat the 50s beatniks would have really grooved with Twitter  By:Greetums 09:06:07 42 Days of Gratitude: Day 2, I am grateful for the Abundance in my life. http://bit.ly/7s9a8g  By: Greetums 16:10:48 Calling all Lady Balls. Do you or someone you know have them? just add #ladyballsclub to your tweet  By:Greetums 16:35:10 RT @Iconic88: Have you seen "A Passion For Giving"? [video] http://bit.ly/7vdhKD  By:

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 27-November-2009

Greetums 16:38:47 Feel like you are part of a kind of miracle, who has a Passion for Giving http://bit.ly/4vfXTK  By: Greetums 20:29:15 @katieschwartz @BluePomGirl "Lady Balls" is an attitude "GoGo Gonads"  By:Greetums


Saturday, 28th of November. 08:32:53 @katieschwartz I have been thinking about #ladyballs and I think I could work on a 120 character mission statement =>  By:Greetums 18:44:10 thanks for the RT love @LoriMoreno it was such an honour to meet @girlzoo who has shown me that there is real compassion  By:Greetums 19:41:01 @maryellen1961 @girlzoo @belfastangel a dream is an excellent place to start  By:Greetums

Sunday, 29th of November. 18:05:33 Happy Christmahkwanzamadon or whatever you celebrate! http://ow.ly/GUlj  By:Greetums 19:17:14 A word cloud from my past 6,436 tweets http://ow.ly/GWuZ Fascinating!  By:Greetums

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Greetums's Favorite Tweetbook 29-November-2009

Created from tweetbook.in

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