Greetings of peace! When I assumed office as your Bgy Chairperson, I had envisioned our community as a progressive, transparent and people oriented community. Towards this end, we have led by example tasking myself and all our bgy officials to be transparent and accountable in all our actions. Apart from efficiently and effectively delivering the basic services to our constituents, I believe that such transparency and accountability is needed to inspire our constituents to all contribute to the welfare of our community. Through active volunteerism, you, the residents of Bgy23 have empowered yourselves to both actively participate and support our programs. You are now reaping the benefits of that involvement, a clean, peaceful and progressive community. This is how society should be; government and the people working together to make their community a better place. I thank you all for your support. Rest assured, this administration is committed to serving you with dedication and innovation. We also ask for your continued support for all of our barangay programs. After all, we are all the beneficiaries of such continued cooperation.
Together let us continue our efforts for a better barangay, our community, our home.
BARANGAY ORDINANCE NO. 19 Series of 2018 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE 5% OF THE BARANGAY REGULAR RESOURCES OF THE BUDGET YEAR SHOULD BE SPECIFICALLY FIXED PREPERABLY TO THE DISASTER MANAGEMENT OF THE BARANGAY DUE TO ANNUAL BASED EXECUTION. Section 1. 5% of the Barangay for the Fiscal Budget Year amounting to “Sixty Seven Thousand Two Hundred Twenty One Pesos and Sixty Centavos (Php. 67,221.60), shall be sectorized and appropriated to be different PPAs for the Pre-Disaster Risk Reduction. Section 2. Sectionalization of the 5% Calamity Fund for the Budget Fiscal Year with the amount of Sixty Seven Thousand Two Hundred Twenty One Pesos and Sixty Centavos (Php. 67,221.60) Section 3. Fixed Sections. 70% Php. 67,221.60, 5% Calamity Fund with the sum of Php. 47,055.12 shall be utilized to the procurement of the relief goods when the barangay is declared as on time of the State of Calamity Whereof based on advisory, pre-disaster preparedness may allowed to be executed, due observance to quick/early responses objectives.
Section 4. The 30% of the 5% Calamity Fund with the sum of Php.20,166.48 shall be utilized to the implementation execution of Barangay PPAS exclusively for resilience, subjected more on pre-disaster preparedness and early response objectives. Section 5. Effectively. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval of the Barangay Budget by the Honorable Sangguniang Bayan. RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE 5% of the Barangay Calamity Fund for the Fiscal Year shall be utilized properly following the BDM-COA Joint Circular No. 93-2 dated June 8, 1993 in observance to R.A. 7160, Section 318. I CERTIFY to the correctness of this foregoing resolution this day of January 15, 2018.