Greenco Industries Foundation Scholarship (f)

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 385
  • Pages: 2
Greenco Industries Foundation Scholarship Greenco Industries, Inc. a private non-profit Community Based Rehabilitation Center provides vocational rehabilitation services to area residents. As a human service provider, Greenco is committed to the advancement of the profession and in enhancing the educational opportunities of individuals seeking additional academic training. Guidelines Greenco Industries Foundation will consider offering a scholarship to a high school or college student concentrating within the professional field of Vocational Rehabilitation, Special Education, Counseling or a related field. The student must be seeking a degree or certification which would result in their being qualified to work with person with disabilities. Other requirements shall include: The student will be attending a Wisconsin Institution. Academic achievement shall be considered. The scholarship recipients shall be permanent residents of either Green or Lafayette County. Candidates shall have attended a Public school in either or both countries. The Greenco Industries Foundation shall annually fund two scholarships for $750.00 each or one scholarship for $1500. Application may be received from participating high schools in Green or Lafayette Counties or at Greenco Industries in Monroe. Letters of support or recommendations from school officials are encouraged. Selections will be based upon information received from application and or personal interviews conducted by the Greenco Industries Foundation Selection Committee. The award will be presented during the school awards night. Scholarship funds will be co-written to the student and the educational institution upon verification a 2.5 GPA was maintained during the semester in which funds were requested and the student is enrolled for the following semester. An exception would apply if the student was involved in their last academic semester. Funds then would be disbursed upon verification of completion. The Greenco Industries Foundation scholarship recipients shall be eligible to work for Greenco Industries a minimum of 320 hours during summer, spring or other breaks at or above minimum wage for at least two years.

Greenco Industries Foundation Scholarship Application for Scholarship

Name: Address: Home Telephone Number: High School from which you will/ have Graduated: Scholastic Standing: Higher Education Institution you plan on Attending: Have you Applied?

Have you been Accepted?:

Academic year you plan on attending: Semester for which Funds are being requested: Intended Course of Study: Briefly describe your experience in working with people that have had or currently have a disability:

Applicants Signature:


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