Green Tea Lose Weight

  • June 2020
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GREEN TEA LOSE WEIGHT If you’re looking for an all natural way to lose weight using a product with chemicals that have been used safely for centuries, then watch this presentation titled “Green Tea Lose Weight “. Green tea is one of nature’s miracle products. And it could be just the solution you’re looking for. First, let’s take a look at the problem, current attempts at solutions, and why green tea should be included in your daily diet. It’s certainly no secret that Americans are overweight. In fact, some are even calling America’s current overweight problem an obesity epidemic. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the percent of non-institutionalized adults age 20 years and over who are overweight or obese was at 67%. This was in 2005 to 2006. Current studies are pending, but are unlikely to paint a better picture. (Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention – ( Overweight Americans are costing this country enormously. In a recent article on CBS News Health, CBS quoted the Journal of Health Affairs stating that overall obesity-related health spending reaches $147 billion, double what it was nearly a decade ago. The new Health Affairs study also found obesity-related conditions now account for 9.1 percent of all medical spending, up from 6.5 percent in 1998. During that time, the obesity rate rose 37 percent. Obesity has been linked to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal and digestion related diseases, high blood pressure, stroke. Overweight people put more strain on joints and tendons which can lead to problems down the road. Besides disease, it’s commonly known that being overweight can cause one to feel lethargic and tired. Many overweight people complain that they look and feel unattractive. These same people also claim that their physical appearances are often judged by family, friends, coworkers, peers, customers, prospective customers, and even bosses. So what have been some of the solutions for weight loss and how good have they been? Survey said…. • • • •

Diet Exercise Pills Surgery.

First, let’s take a look at diet. All you have to do is look around to see that most diets fail. Why is that? Well it seems logical that when you diet, you deprive your body of important nutrition. Diets that force you to cut back on food put your body in starvation mode. “Starvation” usually leads to more cravings. Jumping between starvation and purging can cause a Yo-Yo affect in blood sugar and insulin levels. Not eating proper foods can cause a lack of proper nutrition. Dieters of are often left hungry and weak. And at the end of the day, it’s believed that dieting actually slows metabolism – the body’s natural fat burning process. Next, let’s take a look of exercise. Again, all you have to do is look around to see that most exercise plans fail. This, despite the billions Americans spend on home equipment & gym memberships. Although we don’t have the numbers, it’s logical to assume that without proper training, many exercises can cause injury. Those with disabilities or medical issues may find it difficult to exercise. Those who do exercise at gyms, often discover the cost in time and money. Many gym goers flat out quit going after discovering the time involved driving there, changing clothes, exercising, showering, getting dressed and driving back home. The fact is, most people’s busy lives limit the amount of time they can exercise. And let’s not forget the fact that most Americans are just flat out tired or lazy. The last thing we don’t want to be accused of suggesting, is that you shouldn’t exercise. On the contrary. If you can exercise, then you should. But part of the purpose of this presentation is to show the current weight loss solutions and understand why they seem to fail. With that in mind, let’s look at the next current solution, which is diet pills. Once again, just look around you, and ask yourself if diet pills are working. Logic dictates that most diet pills fail. Not only are most not effective, but they’re costing Americans millions if not billions of dollars. And, some diet pills have been proven to be flat out harmful to your health. Remember the diet drug Fen Phen? In August 2000, the Court approved a $4.75 billion settlement for persons exposed to the drug Fen Phen which was known to cause heart damage. This is only one example. And it’s also only an example of a known case. One has to ask themselves how many cases are un-reported? And how many people are walking

around with medical problems related to diet pills that they’re unaware of? We hardly have to elaborate on the last current solution, which is surgery. Anyone who has had the surgery of any kind, has signed an acknowledgement that surgery carries risks. People die from surgery every day. Granted, surgery may be the only option currently for some and the risks are certainly something for you and your Doctor to discuss. Does surgery work? Perhaps. But wouldn’t it be nice to explore natural options as well? Options that could be used in conjunction with any of the other solutions discussed, without taking anything away? Remember, the title of this video is “green tea lose weight“. To understand why green tea is an important option to consider in supplementing your program to lose weight, let’s look at a common paradox. Here’s the paradox… Many fat people don’t eat much, yet still gain weight. Many skinny people eat all they want, and don’t gain a pound. So the logical deduction of this is… Losing weight must be about something more than just calorie consumption and the types of foods eaten. Well, it is… Here’s the secret… Metabolism. The body’s internal heat. Metabolism spends 24 hours a day processing calories into energy. A high metabolism burns calories faster than a lower metabolism. So in addition to looking at food consumption and exercise, wouldn’t it also make sense to look at ways to speed up your metabolism? So what kind of things speed up metabolism? Unfortunately, the studies are a little sparse, but research seems to indicate that exercise and certain foods can have an affect on one’s internal metabolism. Exercise can build muscle mass. Muscle is said to burn calories faster than non-muscle tissue. But we’ve already looked at why exercise hasn’t been working for many people. Again, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise, it just means that you may also want to consider additional options. Certain foods such as hot peppers are believed to increase metabolism. One should look into eating more metabolism burning foods, as long as those foods are replacing

current foods and not being eaten in addition to them. Otherwise, it’ll just mean more calories. Also, some of these foods may cause bloating. What good is losing weight if you just look and feel bloated? But what if you could ingest a form of food that: • • • •

Has little-to-no Calories. Is not known to cause bloating. Is easy to prepare. Is believed to burn 70-80 calories a day.

Well of course the title of this presentation: “green tea lose weight” gives away our secret: Green Tea. How does green tea do this? Green tea contains polyphenols. It actually contains a lot of it. For example, the level of polyphenols in black tea is about 3-10%. In green tea the level of polyphenols is about 30-40%. Other active chemicals include Epigallocatechin Gallate – also known as EGCG for short. Additionally, green tea contains natural caffiene. These chemicals have been shown in studies to increase thermogenesis – which is internal heat generation. In other words, an increase in metabolism. In addition to the potential benefits that green tea has on metabolism and weight loss, green tea comes with a host of potential benefits: • • • • •

It’s believed to contain anti-oxidants (egcg). Anti-oxidants are believed to be possible blockers to the growth of cancer cells. Some studies suggest green tea may support lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Green tea may also increase energy and mental alertness. Best of all, we know that green tea has been used safely for centuries.

It’s time for some legal disclaimers. These statements are not approved by FDA. We haven’t submitted this presentation, nor this website to the FDA for any kind of approval. Moreover, neither this website, nor the content on it, nor the content on nearly any website discussing natural remedies, has been approved by the FDA. Unless it’s a drug with a patent, it’s unlikely to have been approved or reviewed by the FDA. What we’re talking about here is green tea. Also, we’re not suggesting that green tea, green tea dietary supplements or anything else discussed on this website is meant to diagnose, treat or cure a disease. Always consult with your doctor before trying any new weight loss programs or dietary supplements. At the bottom of this page, we have put some sources for material discussed on this website, but the information has not been verified or guaranteed and it’s subject to change any time without notice. Some people ask… Why not just drink coffee? • Green Tea is more environmentally friendly.

• Coffee requires that the beans are roasted which actually uses a great deal of electricity. • Also, look and anyone who drinks a lot of coffee and look at their teeth. Green tea is less likely to stain teeth. • Green is far less acidic than coffee and is therefore much less likely to cause bloating. • Green tea doesn’t leave a lingering smell on your breath like coffee. But for those of you who would like a little more kick from green tea, we have something special for you. • • • •

This is also for anyone whose goal is to burn more than 70-80 calories a day. It’s for those who don’t want to drink 5 cups of green tea a day. Who still want to stick to something all-natural. Who want to get all the health benefits of green tea which is been used safely for centuries.

If this sounds like you, then click the banner or link below to get your special risk-free trial offer. Go ahead click a link right now and sign up for your risk-free trial offer. You have nothing to lose, yet you have potential to change your situation, appearance and lifestyle in dramatic ways. Hurry and do it now because this link won’t be up forever. In fact, supplies are limited and it may already be too late, but give it a try anyway. Go ahead and do it now. Thank you for following this at green tea lose weight.

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