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Innocent (n)

Not guilty of crime.

Naïve, Artless, Guileless, Ingenuous.


Guile (n)


Hoodwink (v)

To trick or deceive


Shyster (n)


4. 5. 6. 7.

Circumspect (adj) Retrospect(n) Introspect(n) Specious(adj)

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Spurious (adj) Equivocal (adj) Conspicuous (adj) Perspicuous (adj) Perspicacious (adj)

Nocent, Artful, Deceit, Chicanery, Disingenuous, Mendacious, Deleterious, Shenanigans, Wile, Pernicious. Beguile, Bluff, Dupe, Con, Hoax, Hornswoggle Conman, Quack, Charlton, Mountebank. Wary, Chary, Caution. Review. Self-Scrutiny. Misleading, Fallacious, Deceitful, Beguiling, Meretricious. Dubious, Bogus, Counterfeit. Deliberately, Prevaricate. Obvious. Crystal Clear, Manifest, Overt. Wise, Prudent, Sagacious.

Opposite words. ‘noc, nic’= harmful.


Gregarious (adj)


Egregious (adj)

15. 16.

Thrifty (adj) Spendthrift (n)


Stingy (adj)


Insolvent (adj)


Perjury (n)

20. 21.

Adjure (v) Abjure (v)

Very cautious To look into the past. To look within Appear to be true but false. Fake Mislead Easy to see. Able to see clearly. Showing an ability to understand. Enjoy company of others. Very bad and easily notice. Economical Spend too much money, wasteful. Someone who hate to spend money. Poor, not having enough money to pay Capable of paying debts. The crime of telling a lie under oath in court. Request earnestly Give up under pressure

22. 23.

Precarious (adj) Paucity (n)

Dangerous Less in amount


Plethora (n)

Excess in amount


Construe (v)

Translate, explain

Solvent (adj)

‘Spec’= look, see, observe.

‘Spic’= look, see.

Sociable, Extroverted. Conspicuous, Flagrant, Blatant. Frugal, Sparing. Extravagant, Prodigal, Profligate, Squanderer. Miser, Parsimonious, Scrooge, Skinflint. Destitute, Indigent, Penurious, Impecunious, Impoverished.

Opposite words

Opposite words

Violation Of Oath. Beg, Beseech, Entreat. Relinquish, Renounce, Resile, Recant, Retract, Forswear, Disavow Parlous, Perilous, Dicey Scarcity, Dearth, Deficit, Famine, Lack, Measured, Meagre, Exiguous. Plentiful, Abundant, Glut, Plenitude, Plenteous, Copious, Surfeit, Profuse, Bountiful. Interpret, Illustrate.

‘Jur’=related to law & order Opposite words.


Dogma (n)



Dogmatic (adj)

Expressing opinion


Dogged (adj)

Hard to control, Stubborn.

29. 30.

Contumacious (adj) Docile (adj)

Stubborn to authority. Easily controlled.

31. 32.

Habitual (adj) Esoteric (adj)

Done regularly. Hard to understand.


Malign (n)



Sacrilege (n)


Sanctimonious (adj)


Sacrosanct (adj)

37. 38.

Consecrate(v) Iconoclastic (adj)

39. 40.

Insipid (adj) Loquacious (adj)

An act of being disrespectful towards holy place. Pretending to be morally better than other. Soo holy that can’t be violated. Making sacred Attacking cherished belief. Dull. Talkative


Taciturn (adj) Elegy (n)

Tending to be quiet. Song for died people.

42. 43. 44.

Eulogy (n)

Praise. Formal praise. Excessive praise.

45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.

Bolster (v) Enervate (v) Clamour (v) Neophyte (n) Inchoate (adj) Immure (v) Demure (adj) Demur (v) Inured (v)

Strengthen. Weaken. Protest. Beginner. Just formed. To enclose within. Quite, shy. Strongly object. Cause to be less affected by something

Canon, Doctrine, Tenet, Credo, Principle. Authoritarian, Dictatorial, Imperious, Peremptory, Doctrinaire, Opinionated, Tyrannical, Despotic. Recalcitrant, Obstinate, Obdurate, Adamant, Intractable, Intransigent, Refractory, Tenacious, Pertinacious Rebellious Tractable, Amenable, Obedient, Compliant. Chronic, Inveterate, Incorrigible. Arcane, Recondite, Cabalistic, Inscrutable, Cryptic, Enigmatic, Obscure, Occult, Profound. Besmirch, Calumniate, Libel, Slander, Vilify. Blasphemous, Irreverence, Profanation, Impiety.

Opposite words

‘Sacr, sanct, secr’=holy

Moralistic, Self-Righteous, Sententious,

Inviolate, Sacred.

Maverick, Heretic. Lacklustre, Vapid. Garrulous, Wordy, Voluble, Verbose, Prolix. Reticent, taciturn, laconic Lament, Dirge, Threnody, Requiem, Jeremiad. Laud, Extol, Exalt. Paean, Encomium, Panegyric. Bootlicking, Servile, Sycophantic, Fawning, Obsequious, Grovelling, Myrmidon, Ingratiating. Support, Buttress. Undermine, Debilitate, Subvert. Noise, Uproar Tyro, Fledgling, Greenhorn. Nebulous, Amorphous, Shapeless. Imprison, Cage, Enclose. Coy. Challenge, Complaint. Hardened, Accustomed

Opposite words

54. 55. 56. 57. 58.

Ossify (v) Callous (adj) Spearhead (n) Gloat (adj) Opprobrium (n)


Mollify (v)

60 61. 62. 63.

Alleviate (v) Scintillating (adj) Tutelage (n) Zealot (n)

64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

Debunk (v) Exigency (n) Atavism (n) Clinch (v) Hone (v) Aberrant (adj) Ostentatious (adj)


Anoint (n)


Incessant (adj)

73. 74.

Sporadic (adj) Deign

75. 76. 77. 78. 79.

Balk (v) Claustrophobia (n) Occlude (v) Preclude (v) Cloister (n)


Indifferent (adj)


Indiscriminate (adj)


Savage (n)


Allegory (n)

84. 85.

Omnipotent (adj) Vivifies (v)

To become bonelike Hardened Insensitive. Hardened, Inhuman. Leader To improper way to show that you are happy with the past. Strong disapproval of a Shameful, Contempt, Reproach, person from public Ignominy, Disgrace, Unseemly, Obloquy, Pillory. Make less angry Soothe, Pacify, Appease, Conciliate, Propitiate. Lessen the pain Mitigate, Placate, Palliate, Assuage. Sparling performance Guidance. Mentorship. Committed to a country Chauvinism, Partisan, Drumbeater, or a group. stalwart. Expose the falseness Disprove, Discredit, Belie Falsify Emergency. Crisis, Zero Hour. Re-emerging. Throwback. To make Deal Settle Sharpening the skill Edge, Grind Deviating from normal Abnormal, Exceptional, Odd, Peculiar showy . Flamboyant, Pretentious, Portentous, Pontifical. Ceremony of making To Put Oil On Forehead. someone sacred. Continuing without Ceaseless, Perpetual, Uninterrupted. stopping. Irregular Intermittent. To descend to a level Condescend, Humble, Humiliate, that is beneath one’s Lower dignity. Avoid. Hesitate, Eschew, Shun Fear of being alone To close up Conceal, Isolation. Prevent Forestall. A place where monks Hermitage. live Not interested about Apathetic, Disinterested, Insensible, something. Nonchalant, Perfunctory, cursory, Callous, Impassive, Stolid, Phlegmatic. Not careful in making Unrestrained, Random, Eclectic, choices Mixed, Heterogeneous Cruel or violent. Atrocity, Brutality, Enormity, Iniquity, Wickedness, Depravity. A story in which the Symbolism. characters and events are Symbols Having all power Almighty, All-Powerful. To make something Energize, Stimulate, Animate, more lively. Invigorate.

‘Claus, clud, Clois’ =shut way

86. 87. 88

Edifying(v) Luddite (n) Malingerer (v)


Bereft (adj)


Belligerent (adj)


Indisputable (adj) Exacerbate (v) Ameliorate (adj) Exculpate (v)

93. 94.

Solicitous (adj) Cynical (adj)


Pique (n)

96. 97.

Bane (n) Baneful (adj)


Temerity (adj)


Timorous (adj) Eclectic (adj)


Banal (adj)


Nettle (v)


Vex (v) secondary meaning


Soporific (adj)


Ephemeral (adj)


Salubrious (adj)


Enlighten Build, Uplift. Someone who is opposed to technology Pretend to be sick to avoid work Sad because someone is died Angry and aggressive , Pugnacious, Contentious, ready to fight. Controversial, Bellicose, Combative, Debatable, Polemic, Agonistic, Divisive, Quarrelsome, Discordant, Truculent, Discord, Dissension. Without any disputes Unquestionable, irrefutable To make worse. Exasperate, Aggravate, Complicate Make better. Enhance, improve. Free from charges. Exonerate, Acquitted, Vindicate, Absolve, Remit. Showing concern. Worried, Concerned Seeing in a negative Pessimistic, Misanthropic, way, believe people are Curmudgeonly. dishonest. Sudden feeling of Irritation, Anger. annoyance. Source of harm. Curse, Nemesis, Scourge, Malediction. Causing destruction. Pernicious, Baleful, Sinister, Minacious, Ominous, Minatory, Prejudicial, Nocuous, Wicked, Detrimental. Quality of being Audacity, Nerve, Effrontery . audacious, confident. Scared, fearful. Timid, skittish, shy, tremulous. Including things from Miscellaneous, Assorted, various sources. Indiscriminate. Boring or ordinary Hackneyed, Trite, Commonplace, Mundane, Overused, Humdrum, Prosaic, Platitude, Pedestrian, Clinched, Quotidian, Petty. To disturb the peace of Annoy, Bother, Rile, Vex, Nark, Chafe, mind. Pique, Exasperate, Mortify. To Puzzle, baffle. Confound, Confused, Perplex, Bewilder, Befuddle, Nonplussed, Flabbergast, Flummox, Discombobulate, Embarrass. Causing a person to fall Drowsy, Opiate, Slumberous. asleep. Short lived. Temporary, Evanescent, Fleeting, Fugacious, Transient, Transitory, Momentary. Healthful. Healthy, Salutary, Sanative.

‘Belli, pug’=to fight. Opposite words Opposite words

Opposite words


Jargon (n)

Language used for particular activity by group. Pleasant words instead of harsh words. To defend yourself To follow A long and often angry speech Verbal abuse


Euphemism (n)

108. 109. 110.

Parry (v) Espouse (v) Screed (n)


Inveigh (v)


Coax (v)

113. 114.

Ferret (v) Regicide (n)


Truculent (adj)


Lethargic (adj)

117. 118. 119

Lethargy (n) Stifle (v) Assiduous (adj)

120. 121.

Spurn (v) Jaunty (adj)

122. 123. 124.

Brusque (adj) Epitome (n) Pejorative (n)

125. 126. 127.

Earthiness (adj) Remorse (n) Remorseful (adj)

Vulgarity. A feeling of being sorry


Apprehensive (adj)

129. 130.

Descry (v) Restive (adj)


Hegemony (n)

132. 133.

Pristine (adj) Procrastinate (v)

Afraid that something bad is going to happen. Find out. Feeling bored while waiting for something to happen Dominance over group or a country. Untouched Delay .

Force to do something by talking in gentle way, convince. To search about The crime of killing a king. Easily annoyed and likely to argue. Lack of energy, lack of interest. Suppress. Hard working To reject. Lively in manner or appearance. Talking in harsh way A perfect example. Insulting to someone

Argot, Lingo, Cant, Language.

Inoffensive Dodge, Circumvent, Deflect. A Long Harangue. Invective, Vituperative, Diatribe, Tirade, Philippic, Rant, Jeremiad. (Secondary) Blandish, Cajole, Sweet-Talk, Wheedle, Inveigle, Fawn, Palaver, Blarney.

Defiantly Aggressive, Contentious, Bellicose. Sluggish, Torpid, Inert, Slothful, Inactive. Torpor, Lassitude. Choke Diligent, Sedulous, Industrious, Fastidious, Meticulous, Punctilious . Rebuff, Refute, Negate, Deny. Fashionable, Raffish, Dapper. Curt , Terse. Quintessence, Apotheosize. Derogate, Belittle, Demean, Denigrate, Disparage, Deprecate, Discredit, Defame, Revile, epithets. Raciness, Robust. Regret, Rue Contrite, Penitent, Repentant, Ruthful, Reproach, Guilt. Cognizant, Conscious, Mindful. Ascertain, Discover. Restless, Unquiet.

Supremacy, Dominance. Sovereignty. Brand-New.


Magnanimous (adj)


135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141.

Misanthrope (n) Equanimity (n) Sanguine (adj) Sanguinary (adj) Clemency (n) Inclement (adj) Saturnine (adj)


Bacchanalia (n)

143. 144. 145. 146.

Expedite (v) Expedient (adj) Agog (adj) Proclivity (n)

Hatred to mankind Calm under pressure Hopeful. Bloodthirsty. Kindness. Rough. Very serious and unhappy. Wild and noisy celebration. Speed up . Advisable. Full of excitement. Inclination

147. 148.

Ambivert. Ambivalent



Picayune (n) 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155.

Champion (n) Infringe (v) Feint (n) Perfidy (adj) Epicurean (adj) Epicure (n)

Hedonist 156.

Glib (adj)

157. 158. 159.

Deride (v) Derisive (adj) Jubilant (adj) Disparate (adj)

160. 161.

Xenophobia (n) Foible (n)

162. 163. 164.

Ponder (v) Ponderous (adj) Gestation (n)

Generous, Munificent, Magnanimity, Philanthropy, largess. Phlegmatic, Sangfroid. Buoyant. Homicidal, Blood-Minded. Mercy, Charity. Stormy. Gloomy, Melancholy, Lugubrious, Doleful, Dolorous. Wild Revelry. Dispatch, celerity. Desirable. Expert nature.

Propensity, Predilection, Predisposition, Penchant. Having both characteristic introvert and extrovert. Mixed feelings. Fickle, Whimsical, Mercurial, Capricious, Erratic. Comes from rural or Rustic, Arcadian, Parochial, Provincial, countryside. Campestral, Insular, narrow-minded. Picayune(secondary). Something of little Trivial, Trifle, Paltry. importance. Support. Against rule. Flout. Mock. Trick. Dishonest. Disloyalty, Infidelity, Treachery Fine dining. Gourmandize. A person who Gourmand. appreciates fine food and drink. Someone who is Debauchery. indulged in pleasures. Lacking depth of Superficial, Light Weighted. knowledge. To make fun of Ridicule. Ridiculous, ludicrous, lampoon. Expressing great joy. Proud, Rejoicing. Different from each Discrete, Different, Distinct other. Fear of unknown people Fault in someone’s Weakness, Shortcoming. character To think about Cogitate, Mull. Very boring and dull Arid, Banal, Humdrum. Time period required for animal to develop inside its mother.

Opposite words


Muddled (v)

166. 167. 168.

Obliterate (v) Reprehensive (adj) Untoward (adj)


Obsolete (adj)


Sectarian (adj)

171. 172. 173.

Frantic (adj) Vacillate (v) Admonish (v)

174. 175.

Lucid (adj) Circumlocution (n)

176. 177.

Inane (adj) Subliminal (adj)

178. 179. 180.

Hypochondria (n) Frivolous (adj) Deadlock (n)


Hide bound

182. 183. 184. 185.

Tardy (adj) Unseemly (adj) zealous (adj) Flagging (v)

186. 187. 188.

Pertinent (adj) Impertinent Boorish (adj)

189. 190. 191. 192. 193.

Facile (adj) Euphonious (adj) Cacophonous (adj) Comely (adj) Avant Grande (n)

194. 195.

Circuitous (adj) Syllogisms (n)


Synergies (n)

unclear, To create confusion in, Wipe out Insupportable Not proper or appropriate Outdated Related to religious or political sects Feeling lot of fear. Waving To scold

Very clear speak more than required Stupid Perceptive. Imperceptive Concerned about health. Not serious A situation in which agreement can’t be made. Not willing to accept new ideas. Slow in moving. Shameful. Fervent Going down, weakening. Relevant, Appropriate. Rude. Rude behaviour

Becloud, Obfuscated, Befuddle.

Criticize, Censure Indecorous, Intractable, Improper. Antiquated, Archaic, Moribund, Superannuated, Antediluvian.

Panic Oscillate, Fluctuate. Reprimand, Criticize, Remonstrate, Reproof, Berate, Rebut, Chastise, Castigate, Upbraid, Chide, Lambaste, Rail, Excoriate, Censure. Lucent, Limpid, Pellucid. Loquacious, Verbose, Prolix, Periphrasis. Vacuous, Obtuse, Asinine, Fatuous. Understandable, insightful. Stupid, obtuse.

Opposite words

Light Heartened. Impasse, Halt.

Rigid. Sluggish, Late. Disgraceful, Ignominious. Passionate, Staunch. Waning, Languishing. Germane, Apropos, apposite. Insolent, Impudent. Churlish, splenetic, irascible, bilious, choleric, crotchety, peevish, petulant, peppery. Simple Dulcet, Mellifluous, Harmonious.

Easily accomplished Pleasant sound Harsh sound Attractive. Winsome, Pulchritude A group of people who Van Guard, Pioneer. develop new idea in art Tortuous Serpentine, Sinuous. A formal argument in logic that is formed by two statements and a conclusion which must be true if the two statements are true. Combined action

Opposite words

197. 198. 199. 200.

Pernickety (adj) Corpulent (n) Venal (adj) Venial (adj)

Picky. Fat. Corruptible Small mistake so can be forgive. Quick and ready insight. To appreciate. Remedy for all difficulties. An angry feeling of hatred, unfriendly.

201. 202. 203.

Intuition (n) Tout (v) Panacea (n)


Rancour (n)

205. 206. 207.

Gaiety (n) Eviscerate (v) Voracious (adj)

Happiness Gut. Not satisfied.

208. 209. 210. 211. 212.

Expatiate (v) Bedizen (v) Puerile (adj) Bicker (v) Extemporize (v)

213. 214. 215. 216.

Agitate (v) Allusion (n) Paramount (adj) Urbane (adj)


Effusive (adj)


Misogynist (n)

219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224.

Canny (adj) Salacious (adj) Egalitarian (adj) Propitious (adj) Felonious (adj) Odious (adj)


Esculent (adj)

226. 227.

Maxim (n) Avarice (n)


Empathy (n)

229. 230. 231. 232.

Dictum (n) Digress (n) Color (n) Covert (adj)

To speak in detail Decorate Childish To argue. To speak without preparation. To stir up Indirect reference Very Important Showing worldly manners. Expressing a lot of emotions. A person who strongly dislike women. Very clever. Lustful . Equal status for people. Favourable Serious crime. Causing hatred or strong dislike. Edible or treated as food. A well-known phrase A strong desire to get money. The ability to share someone else’s feeling. Order. Off the topic Impact Secret or hidden

Finicky Bribable, dirty. Forgivable, condonable, excusable.

Glorify, Trumpet. Cure-all, elixir, nostrum. Animus, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, gall, grudge, hostility, enmity, jaundice, splenetic, churlish. merry-making. Rapacious, insatiable, ravenous, gluttonous. Harangue, discourse. Caparison, embellish, emboss, beautify. Juvenile, immature, callow. Squabble, brawl, controvert. Improvise. Agitate, Foment., Disquiet, Affronted. Implied, oblique. Salient. Sophisticated, debonair. Unrestrained .

Shrewd, astute, prudent, savvy. Goatish, Randy, Wanton. Democrat. Auspicious, benevolent, advantageous. Sinful, lawless. Hateful, abhorrent, abominable, hideous, despicable, noxious, noisome. Comestible, palatable. Proverb. Greed, cupidity, rapacious.

Tangential, peripheral. Effect. Covered, hideout.


Prudish (adj)



Mordant (adj)


Harbinger (n)

236. 237.

Heuristic (n) Meagre

Expressing harsh criticism in a funny way. Something that shows what is coming Trial and error.

Priggish, Prudery, Puritanical, bluenose. Pungent, burning, caustic, trenchant, acerbic, satiric, sardonic, acrimonious. Forerunner, precursor, herald.

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