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5 - The MASL


TMS 7 User’s Manual


5 - The MASL



The MASL Detail window displays specific information about a course identified in the Military Articles and Services Listing (i.e. the MASL). Information available includes the Course Description, Course Prices, Location of the course, Length of the course and much more. The following is a complete description of course information that can be viewed in the MASL section of the TMS program.



► From the TMS Main Menu: ¾ Click, “MASL and Location Information” dropdown box. ¾ Select, “MASL Data”

TMS Main Menu

¾ “Training MASL Selection” criteria window will appear. ¾ - (Optional) If known, enter MASL ID and click “OK”. - If MASL ID is unknown, leave blank, click “OK”. - (Optional: Enter location code in the Location field and leave MASL ID blank to see only Courses taught at that location.)

“Training MASL Selection” window

¾ The “Training MASL List” window will appear. ¾

Double click the MASL for which you wish to view the details. “Training MASL List” window

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¾ The “MASL Detail” window will open.

MASL Detail window


MASL Detail Window - Buttons at the Top

Additional Information button: -

This button only appears if there are “Prerequisite” or “International Notes” that exist for the course being displayed. [Example, see MASL ID B141806 in TMS 7] o Prerequisites: Training related information which details the actions a student must take prior to attending a specific training course offered at a U.S. Military Schoolhouse. This information is provided by the MILDEP. o International Notes: Notes provided to assist an international student prior to attending training at a U.S. Military Schoolhouse. These notes are provided by the IMSO at the schoolhouse.

Note(s) button: -

Displays Additional Notes about a (Navy) course. [see MASL ID: P114001] Also, displays standard notes providing information relevant to the curriculum or conditions of training.

Change MASL Effective Date ↓ dropdown box: -

Since MASL details can change over time (i.e. desc, prices etc.), each new “iteration” of a MASL ID will have an effective date. Use this dropdown box to select an effective date and view the MASL details that were in effect during that date.

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The MASL Detail window is defaulted to open to the most recent effective date for the MASL.


MASL Detail window

Field Label:

Description of Field:

Exp Dt •

Expiration Date. If a date is present, this means the course is no longer offered.

Implementing Agency (“B” for Army, “D” for Air Force, “P” for Navy)

IA E-IMET • Location •

Indicates if the course qualifies as Expanded IMET. (“A” = Yes All, “C” = Yes Civilians Only, “N” = No) Identifies the Location Code and School Name of where this course will be held.

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• •

Double click the “yellow” Location Field to see IMSO Point of Contact information as well as detailed information about the schoolhouse and surrounding area. (Refer to Location Information section of this manual.)

Analysis Code • Identifies the training analysis classification of the course. This allows courses to be grouped and classified by category. (“AB” for Professional Military Education, etc.) Training Type • Identifies the Type of Training. (“Course” for Course, “OT” for Orientation Tour, “Team” for Team Training etc.) Team Type • If the MASL is for a “Team” event, this will identify what kind of team event it is. (i.e. “MET” for Mobile Education Team, “RTS” for Requirements Survey Team etc.) Penalty Rate • The penalty that will be accessed if the course is canceled less than 60 days from start date. (% of course cost) Waiver •

Displays type of waiver required (Waiver Code and Title of Waiver required).

Language Requirements • SET: Specialized English Language Training o A = Set Advised o R = Set Required •

ECL: English Comprehension Level – The lowest score a candidate can receive on the ECL test in order to attend the class.

OPI: Oral Proficiency Interview – A value in this field represents the lowest score a candidate can receive on the Required OPI test. (i.e. 2 1+) . No value means no OPI is required.

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language – The lowest score the candidate can receive on a required TOEFL test. No value means no TOEFL is required.

GRE: Graduate Record Examination - The lowest score the candidate can receive on a required GRE test. No value means no GRE is required.

Sensitive • • Security • •

Checkmark indicates that the training course content or training is sensitive. (It is possible that not all countries have been cleared to attend this course, check with your MILDEP CPM for availability.) Security Classification required for the course. “C” for Confidential, “S” for Secret, “T” for Top Secret, and “U” for unclassified.

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Prerequisite Course(s) • List of prerequisite courses that must be taken prior to attending the course being displayed on the screen. • Double click this field (in yellow) to see the prerequisite course details. Description • Detailed course description • Click the View button or click inside the Description box (and use scroll bars) to see the entire course description. Prices •

Displays course prices for the various Price Categories (i.e. Full FMS, NATO, FMSI, NRC, NRC NATO, IMET/Grant).

MASL Prices


Cost Header (see MASL P114001) o Blue Bar: indicates the most recent effective date for the prices of the MASL being displayed. o

Category: Category of the training. Identifies whether the training is considered a Formal Course, Simulator Training, or Flight Training.


Type: Further defines the Category of training. (i.e. If it is Flight training it will identify the type of aircraft, for example T-34 etc.)


Price Effective: Prices can change throughout the year or years. This will display the date for which the price being viewed became effective.


Duration and Unit: When combined, they identify the length of the course. ƒ Duration identifies length of time. ƒ Unit shows the definition of time. • W = weeks, H = Hours etc. ƒ Unless otherwise annotated by the Unit, always assume duration is in weeks.

Prices Shown o Price displayed per Category and Type of training for the MASL being viewed. o

Hint: - Keep in mind, for one MASL, there may be more than one cost which you must addtogether to arrive at the Entire Cost of the MASL. Costs are broken out and identified by Category and Type of training. ƒ

TMS 7 User’s Manual

i.e. MASL P114001 illustrates multiple costs which will determine the final price. Page 5.5

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• • • • • o

$ Cost of the Course Instruction + $ Cost of the Simulator Hours in 2B37 + $ Cost of the Simulator Hours in 2B47 + $ Cost of the Flight Hours in T-34 $ Total Cost of the Course

Prices shown are broken out for each Category and Type combination. (It is not the final overall cost of the Course/MASL ID. You must add the individual costs together.) ƒ ƒ ƒ

Cost Rate: Cost of training per the duration. Total: Total price for the Category and Type of training being priced out. • Total = (Rate * Duration) + Cost

Hint: – Double click “yellow fields” in TMS to see additional information concerning that field. (i.e. the Location field on the MASL Detail window.)


Double clicking the “yellow” Location field will take you to the “Location / IMSO Information” window which will identify POC information for the IMSO(s) responsible for International Military Students at this location.

Clicking the Additional Information button at the top of the “Location / IMSO Information” window will display general information concerning this location and the surrounding area of the schoolhouse. (i.e. Billeting, Dining Facilities, Climate, Servicing Airport etc.)

Searching the MASL

The “Training MASL List” window provides various ways to search the MASL and identify courses meeting criteria the user is looking for.

Navigating to the “Training MASL List”: ► From the TMS Main Menu: ¾ Click, “MASL and Location Information” dropdown box. Select, “MASL Data” TMS Main Menu

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¾ On the “Training MASL Selection” criteria window leave MASL ID and Location blank. ¾ Click, “OK”. Training MASL Selection, window

¾ “Training MASL List” window will appear.

- See the following sections of this chapter for instructions on various ways to search the MASL from this window. -

“Training MASL List” window

5.4.1 Title Search: Use the MASL Title button to locate MASL Titles that contain a specific word you are looking for. ► From the “Training MASL List” window: ¾ Click, MASL Title button. ¾ Enter a word that you think may appear in the title of a course you are looking for. ƒ i.e. Enter: log ¾ Click, “OK” ¾ “MASL Keyword Title Form” will appear, listing all the MASL courses with a Title that contains the word you are looking for somewhere in it. “MASL Keyword Title” window

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ƒ ƒ

Hint: A search for log will find titles with: LOG, LOGISTICS, PSYCHOLOGICAL etc. The word can exist anywhere in the title.

¾ Double click the course name to see detailed information about that MASL.

5.4.2 Category Search: Use the Category button to search for specific categories of courses. ► From the “Training MASL List” window: ¾ Click, Category button. ¾ “Training Categories Selection List” window will appear listing all the various Categories of Courses that exist in the MASL. ¾ Place a checkmark in each box next to the category(ies) you are interested in. ¾ Click, OK button “Training Categories Selection List” window

¾ “MASL Training Category Results” window will appear. Containing all courses that fall into the category(ies) selected. ¾

Double click the course name to see detailed information about that MASL.

Training Category Results window

¾ Hint: To print a list of the category results: Either ƒ Place a checkmark next to the individual courses you wish to print. Then click the click Print Selections button.

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Or ƒ

To print all course in the results list, click the Select All button Then click the Print Selections button.

5.4.3 Course Description Search: You can search “Course Descriptions”, “Prerequisite Descriptions” and “International Notes” all at the same time in order to locate MASLs containing a specific word or words in these fields. The steps below illustrate how to perform a Text Search. ► From the “Training MASL List” window: ¾ Click, Text Search button.

¾ “MASL Text Search List” window will appear. ¾ Click, Search Options button. MASL Text Search window

¾ “MASL Text Search Criteria” list window will appear. ¾ Enter the word(s) or phrase that is you are searching for. ƒ If you are searching for words that may not appear next to each other in the description, enter each word separately on its own line. • (i.e. medic, rucker) ¾ Click, Search button.

MASL Text Search Criteria window

¾ The “MASL Text Search” list window will appear again. This time it shows only courses with course descriptions, prerequisite descriptions or international notes that contain the word or phrase being searched for. ¾ Double click the appropriate course from the list to see the detailed information for that course. ¾ The “MASL Detail” window will open for the selected course.

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5.4.4 The Find button: The find button lets you search through a specific column on the “Training MASL List” window.

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