Grace Notes 11-2008

  • November 2019
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Baptist Fellowship 338 North Park St. Lynden, WA 98264 360-354-2913

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Everyone Obeying God’s Call Everyone Sharing God’s Heart «AddressBlock»

November Making A Blanket Statement Thoughts on the simplicity of compassion 2008 I’m inclined to believe that my grandson’s Last week I was a witness to my 15-month Special Events This Month:

COMING UP THIS MONTH: 1 2 2 3 9 14 30

Saturday – PrimeTimers No-host Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. at Dutch Mother’s Restaurant.

Sunday - Daylight Savings Time Ends. Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour!

Sunday– Discovering Grace class at 6:00 p.m. Do you want to know more about Grace? This 3-week class is the class for you.

Monday - Bonnie Blankets Morning at 9:00 a.m. We have lots of work to accomplish as our blanket cupboard is almost empty. Sunday - Quarterly Business Meeting at 10:30 a.m. in the auditorium.

Friday - Awana Grand Prix at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Come support our clubbers!

Sunday - Thanksgiving Celebration at 6:00 p.m.

1 PrimeTimers Breakfast Savings 2 Daylight Time Ends Grace 2 Discovering Class Begins Blankets 3 Bonnie Morning


Quarterly Business Meeting

14 Awana Grand Prix 30

Thanksgiving Celebration

Details on page 4.

Grace Baptist Fellowship 338 North Park Street Lynden, WA 98264 360.354.2913

old grandson’s introduction to one of life’s perplexing relationships, commonly known as “sister.” When his parents came home from the hospital with Samantha Jane, she held his undivided attention until he spotted the red and blue tow-truck in the toy box. In less than a thought he was off to the next adventure, accompanied by his best imitation of a Cummins diesel. Davey was so engrossed in his play that he didn’t notice his mother get up from the sofa and put Samantha in her little seat in the dining room. I happened to see him look at the now empty couch and then furtively scan the room. His wide eyes said it all. No mom. No sister. What’s happening? “She’s over here, Davey,” his dad assured him. He toddled over, checked her out, and left. We thought he had gone back to the trucks and blocks, but he shortly returned, this time with her blanket which he “gently” (that is, as gentle as a 15month-old can) piled on top of her. We were amazed. Where did he learn that? He’s a basketballs and tractors kind of kid who scorns Barbie dolls and tea sets. Tenderness is very much in the embryonic stage. But could it be that maybe, just maybe, 15 month-olds are capable of acts of compasssion? (I’m sure there will be a forthcoming study in Psychology Today to dispute this hypothesis, but just go with me on it for now, okay?)

behavior was a brief reflection of the image of God in which we were all created. The Almighty declares Himself to be a “God of compassion” (Psalm 116:5) and the stories in the Bible are an irrefutable testament to His love, mercy and goodness. At Grace we have designated this month of November as a time to “Share God’s Heart.” There are several projects detailed on page 2 of Grace Notes that invite your participation, each one targeting those with needs that tug at God’s heart strings: the hungry, the lonely, the hopeless and helpless. But we are really counting on our church family to respond individually with compassion to those who God brings into their life every day. It may be as simple as bringing a blanket to some one who is incapable of getting it herself. Come on, if a 15-month old can do it, it can’t be that complicated, can it?

Samantha Jane Dunkin arrived on Friday, October 24, to the delight of proud parents, Dave and Tamara and big brother Davey.

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2008 Victori n Te

SUNDAY Worship..........8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Sunday Night Life ........ 6:00 p.m. High School Youth ....... 6:00 p.m.


in God Alone”

WEDNESDAY Awana ..................... 6:45 p.m. Prayer Meeting ........... 7:00 p.m. Junior High Youth........ 7:00 p.m.

MINISTRY CONTACTS PASTORAL STAFF Senior Pastor ....... Delaine Bailey Worship and Arts......Dave Dunkin Adult Ministries ...... Bill Cummins Student Ministries..... Brian Stuart ELDERS Teaching Ministries Jim VanDerSys Men’s Ministries ...... Darren Clark Missions................... Bud Strom Member Care .... Howard Heppner DEACONS Facilities .................... Ed Marr Facilities ................ Tim Telling Finance .................... Karl Bode Finance .................Phil Bogaard Scheduling ........... Keith Gilmore MINISTRY COORDINATOR Children’s Ministry..... Megan Clay


Just a note from the four of us to say... What does it mean to share God’s heart? God Himself provides the answer in His Word: to feed the hungry and give a drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to care for the sick and visit the lonely (Matthew 25:35-36.) It’s compassion in action. This month we want to reflect our Lord’s compassion to one another in our church and community. To that end, several projects have been organized to facilitate sharing God’s heart with those in need. Below is a brief description of four projects. Prayerfully consider where God would want you to be involved.

To our wonderful congregation: Thank you for the love and honor accorded us in so many special ways this past month: cards, cookies, candy, compliments and other caring expressions that don’t necessarily start with the letter ‘c’.

Saturday, November 15, 9 a.m.—Noon Contact: Pastor Dave, 354-4321, ext. 15

The burden of the ministry is delightfully lightened by the encouragement of our church family. It is our pleasure as well as privilege to serve our Lord and you here at Grace.

We are inviting widows and single moms to bring their cars by the church to have their car’s fluid levels, bulbs, and tire pressures checked. Car washing and vacuuming will also be included in the service. We also have a need for hostesses to supervise our hospitality room where the ladies can enjoy treats and a hot drink while they wait. Anyone (mechanics, washers, pressure checkers, hostesses, etc.) who wants to help should sign up at the Car Care booth by November 9.

Contributions due by November 23 Contact: Pastor Bill, 354-4321, ext. 14

It is our desire to provide a full Thanksgiving meal to needy families in our community by giving them a Thanksgiving basket. The basket will include all the food items necessary for a great meal. We are working with the school district which distributes them. Starting November 9, there will be an opportunity to sign up to bring specific food items, to donate money, or to be responsible for an entire basket yourself. The families who received the baskets last year were very grateful.

Flexible service times and dates Contact: Pastor Bill, 354-4321, ext. 14

We believe a great way to show the love of Christ to the elderly, and particularly, to widows is to provide services to them that they could not perform themselves. This will be done through our Helping Hands ministry. We will (Continued on page 3)

Pastors Delaine, Dave, Bill and Brian

(Continued from page 2)

let the community center know that we would like to offer our services to a minimum of 15 households. We are offering to go to their homes for a total of 2 hours to perform whatever tasks the individual needs done. We will have a helping hands tree up in the foyer which lists on the hands the particular jobs available. Stop by and see if there is a need you would like to meet. It is a great ministry for those with serving gifts.

Saturdays from 6 to 11 p.m. Contact: Pastor Brian, 354-4321, ext. 20

There are more people without homes or in very low income situations than you know just south of us in Bellingham. Salt on the Street exists to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus in Bellingham. Please join us as we participate in their weekly meal, clothing distribution, and worship service in Bellingham every Saturday this November from 6-11 p.m. Sign up in the foyer; spots are limited. Also please sign up if you would be interested in helping prepare food on Saturday afternoon.

WINTER WEATHER In the event of a stormy Sunday, please tune your radio to KWPZPraise 106.5 FM or KGMI 790 AM or call the church office for a recording to find out our service schedule for the day. You can also check on our website,

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Fri. .........9:00 a.m. - noon, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Bulletin submissions are needed by noon on Wednesday.

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