October 112008

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KKS Lecture Bhagavad Gita 12th May 1997 (PART 3) Of course, we may not dedicate Krishna because we may have all of our time to chanting Hare other duties, that are assigned to

us by our spiritual master and that must be followed but still amongst the associates of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu there was one vaishnavi who was always chanting and she once went to a Bhagavatam class by a certain speaker and even during the class her tongue just went on chanting”Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare” so at one point the speaker became annoyed and he was going like “ Can’t you stop chanting, during the class at least?” And she said like “Actually, it is not at all interefering with my listening it’s just that my tongue does it automatically, I can’t stop it it just chants on its own, it can’t stop it just goes on all the time chanting and therefore my tongue goes on chanting, what can I do , but no mind I can carry on listening to the Bhagavatam very attentively , no problem” This speaker didn’t appreciate it so much and later got spiritual difficulties because of it because she was a very exalted devotee. So it will come to this point where one can not stop chanting, where it automatically the tongue keeps chanting this is the perfection as one becomes more and more absorbed in serving the sankirtana movement, the taste for chanting increases and increases until chanting becomes

an activity which is so enlivening that one cannot stop-so this is the sledge hammer right, the blacksmith hammer. It is so powerful that anyone who comes in touch with this movement, all his inpurities will be changed, perfect qualities will manifest in him and in due course of the time all the contamination will disappear and the true nature of the Supreme Lord will manifest again and a particular relationship with the Supreme Lord will manifest at advanced stages of devotional service and in that way our swarup will be returned to our constitutional position….any questions or comments..so Ofcourse, there’s a nine fold process of devotional service and we may engage in any of these nine processes as long as they are preceded and followed by the chanting of the holy name, Jiva Goswami expains, but certainly it is important for us to deeply read the books because within this books we find so many transcendental descriptions of Krishna and they are very enlivening and that will bring us to the transcendental platform because the mind is compared to the devil’s worshop because it is the mind where all evil thoughts appear and although we walk around in holy clothes in a holy building chanting holy names and acting very holy that mind is not as holy. The mind is thinking all these devious things and of course

we look saintly and will not speak of these matters in too much in public but the mind is cooking it up all the time, devil’s workshop so therefore this mind is a great disturbance and one must read these books and read about Krishna in all His aspects and in such a way that gradually one begins to think about these books, not only that just reads them but gradually that one becomes absorbed in them and that affermentation process begins and that mind starts thinking about what you have read and how does this work and even after the reading it still stays in the mind and in this way gradually they take over our thought pattern and gradually the mind becomes engaged in thinking of Krishna and instead of thinkng of all kinds of materialistic plans that lead up to no good the mind becomes purified so this is very important and we have to do this otherwise if the mind is full of impure thoughts sooner or later we have to act upon it, we have to act upon it we can not because sooner or later one has to act on it, we have to act on it, because sooner or later one develops some attachment…sanskrit… one begins to dwell on things develop some attachment for them and gradually the mind is pulled down to acting upon this degraded thinking and suddenly one may to everyone’s surprise break loose in some inappropriate behaviour, in some unexpected

wild behaviour sinful behaviour or anything like that, something that no one had expected but because in the mind the dwelling was there for a long long time, so everyone in this material world is the same type of mind : “a devil’s workshop” and Prabhupada said unless we engage the mind in the service of Krishna then there is no way. So we must engage mind, body and words in the service of Krishna, the words by chanting Hare Krishna the mind by reading these books in particular and making plans in service of Krishna and our body by working for Krishna and in that way we will be purified and we will gradually come to that platform where the mind becomes less inimical but if you are not engaged then …Sanskrit…means women and gold, for women men and gold right sex and gold that is what will come up in the mind if you don’t engage it, a devil’s workshop, ok one quick question? Devotee speaks : So mind is telling us some crazy things and sometimes we wander what are these different ideas coming from and it looks like it is a completely different person, so can you explain what is the nature of the mind? Maharaja: The mind is engaged in thinking feeling and willing , in the Bhagavad Gita in the 2nd chapter vs 17 there is a

description…sanskrit…it is explained that the mind is just like an ocean where a river is coming in, and the rivers are desires, so it is like a big reservoir, senses are connected to the mind and within this mind the various impulses from the senses are coming in, generating so much desire and mind has previously stored all this previous information and can also from the previous information develop desire so thinking feeling wiling are these functions of the mind. And the mind is constantly engaged in accepting and rejecting, in weighing everything is this good is that good is that bad, accept this reject that so that is the main occupation of the mind. Now the mind is just taking different fragrances just like the wind that is blowing over a paticular field, it gets a particular fragrance due to false ego. False ego or false identification with matter gives us different identities in this material world so this false ego manifests through the mind and will cover the mind in a particular way and therefore the mind has a particular taste according to the state that one’s false ego is in. Like if one, to stick with the sailor example, if one in the sailor mood, one’s taste may be for heavy tobacco, beer and whisky and you know fights…right? And going to bars, where as if one’s false ego develops in the mood of a poet ,

you know, all these things are considered to be abonomible but the same living entity may go through all these changes. The same living entity may be a rough sailor and in another life may become a ballet dancer. All these moods are coming and the false ego in particular fragrance and colour and the mind is then having the standards of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable……cont tomo

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