Government Of Pakistan Ministry Of Information And Broadcasting

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  • Pages: 8
DRAFT Government of Pakistan Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

NATIONAL MEDIA POLICY The National Media Policy provides broad guidelines and framework for the promotion of a free, independent and a responsible media in the country. The Policy not only upholds the freedom of expression as a supreme guiding principle, as enshrined in the Constitution of Pakistan, but also seeks to augment efforts to develop and strengthen media institutions as an essential pillar of the new democratic dispensation in Pakistan. While on the one hand, the National Media Policy provides a fair and workable framework to safeguard the cultural milieu of the country from the relentless onslaught of foreign media, on the other, it visualizes growth of informative and entertainment programs for the development of Pakistan society as a moderate and enlightened people within the scope of Islamic values and the peculiar Pakistani ethos. This Media Policy clearly renounces the state monopoly of the media and provides equal opportunity to all the media players from the private world. This policy enables both print and electronic media to play the role of a catalyst to impact social and economic development of the country. This policy also aims to protect the ordinary citizens from the excesses of media and to provide awareness for their problems, rights and obligations. The National Media Policy has been framed in consultation with inputs from all the major stakeholders. More importantly, all the major stakeholders have been brought on board for the smooth implementation of this policy through the proposed National Media Coordination Committee. This Committee shall comprise representatives of public and private sector media organizations, professional media associations and important members of the society. This Committee shall not only coordinate and supervise the implementation of this policy but also meet on quarterly basis to review the implementation status as well as suggest ways and means to achieve objectives of the Policy.

(Secretary) Islamabad: dated 29 May 30, 2006


NATIONAL MEDIA POLICY In pursuance of the constitutional provisions, the Government of Pakistan has already promulgated/notified a new set of media laws and rules governing the operations and development of media in Pakistan (Annexure-I, II & III). This Media Policy is essentially a brief enunciation of these laws/rules in a concise manner. This policy also attempts to fill up the gaps which may be there either in the law or the rules. More importantly, this policy spells out the framework for evolving policy instructions for the development of Media in an inter-active manner with all the stakeholders. 2.

Vision National Media Policy aims to employ communication as a dynamic continuum--guided by the past, responsive to the present and geared for the future. It upholds the principles of national unity, cultural diversity, equality, freedom of expression, access to information, fair media competition and futuristic planning to confront the emerging challenges in the development of media in Pakistan.


Mission Statement National Media Policy (NMP) is to promote a free, independent, dynamic and public spirited media in Pakistan.


Policy Guidelines – General Provisions 4.1

The freedom and independence of media shall be upheld and protected in consonance with the provisions of the Constitution and the media laws/rules. While creating greater awareness of the constitutional provisions on freedom of expressions and press, the responsibilities and constraints laid down under the constitution need to be brought home to all the stakeholders.


The media shall, while promoting and protecting cultural norms of Pakistani society, uphold the Islamic values as a supreme concern of our society.


The media shall support the mass awareness efforts on national issues.


While encouraging participation of the people in freedom of expression this policy shall also provide for a workable mechanism for the accountability of the media organs both in private and public sector. Contd..p/3




All the public sector media institutions and regulatory bodies shall frame/update rules and regulations and develop standards to ensure implementation on policy guidelines and media laws.


All words, terms, phrases etc., shall have the same meanings and connotations as contained in the media laws/rules.

Policy Guidelines - Electronic Media. 5.1

Political, sectarian and religious organizations shall be precluded from owning and operating, expressly or in disguise, any broadcasting station.


A comprehensive frequency allocation strategy shall be separately developed for all broadcasting operations by the relevant government organs i.e. PTA, Armed Forces, PEMRA and M/o I&B.


The National Frequency Allocation Plan shall clearly define the geographical coverage areas of broadcast/telecast stations.


Violation of conditions governing frequency allocation or other provisions of this policy shall constitute grounds for withdrawal of a frequency. 5.5


Foreign broadcasts shall not be allowed to be distributed/viewed in Pakistan unless specifically allowed by PMERA in consultation with the M/O I&B.

Policy Guidelines - Electronic Media Programme Content 6.1

The National Media Coordination Committee, as constituted in Section 10 shall generally decide the percentage of local and foreign content to be allowed to be aired by various channels.


The Electronic Media shall always devote a specific percentage of its time to public affairs programs, including national, local news and community information;


The Electronic Media shall ensure that program content reflects Pakistani cultural norms and supremacy of Islamic values;


The Electronic Media shall promote the use of Pakistan languages spoken in the coverage area of the station; Contd..p/4






The Electronic Media shall produce programmes that fully protect consumer rights.


The Electronic Media shall significantly contribute to enhance the dignity and respect of womanhood and the rights and needs of the children.

Policy Guideline - Landing Rights 7.1

While granting landing rights to Indian origin Satellite TV Channels, the principle of reciprocity shall be observed subject to the conformity of their program content to national, cultural, religious and social values of Pakistan;


While granting landing rights to multinational Satellite TV channels showing Indian content, PEMRA shall ensure that these channels conform to our religious, social and cultural values. They should include atleast 20% Pakistani Content in their program chart which should gradually increase up to 50% by atleast an annual increment of 10%.


Pakistani Satellite TV channels licensed by PEMRA may include certain percentage of Indian content, which should normally not exceed 10% of their total program content.


PEMRA shall frame Rules and Regulations for implementation of guidelines in para 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 above with the concurrence of the National Media Coordination Committee.

Policy Guidelines - News Agencies 8.1

News agencies in private sector shall be encouraged to operate.


Private sector news agencies shall avail the concessions/incentives for their development, as allowed to print media on such terms and conditions as determined by the Federal overnment/Provincial/Local Governments

Police Guidelines - Advertising 9.1

All advertisements by print and electronic media including cyber shall be designed in conformity with the laws of the country.


Production of culturally appropriate advertisements using local talent shall be encouraged. Contd…p/5




The formation of consumer organizations shall be encouraged.


Production of infomercials providing sufficient information to the consumers on products shall be promoted.


The M/o I&B shall regulate the placement of public sector advertisement in print and electronic media.


On behalf of the Government of Pakistan, the Secretary, M/o Information and Broadcasting shall have the exclusive right to impose ban on operations of any broadcast media. Such like restrictions shall only be imposed if such broadcast media is found involved in any anti state activity or working against the interests of Pakistan.

National Media Coordination Committee 10.1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

In order to ensure effective coordination and implementation of National Media Policy guidelines, there shall be a 24-member National Media Coordination Committee in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting comprising the following: -

Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Chairman Secretary, Ministry of Interior Member Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Member Secretary, Ministry of Defence Member Secretary Ministry of Culture Member Chairman, PEMRA Member Managing Director, Pakistan Television Corporation Member Director General, Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Member Managing Director Associate Press of Pakistan Member Director General External Publicity Member Director General/PIO, Press Information Department Member Director General ISPR Member Director General, Cyber Wing, M/O I&B Member Secretaries for Information and Culture, Punjab, Sindh, NWFP, Balochistan and AJK. Members President, APNS Member President, CPNE Member President, Pakistan Broadcasters Associations Member President, All Pakistan Federal Union of Journalists Member President, Pakistan Advertising Association Member Director General, Internal Publicity, M/o I&B Member/Secretary Contd…p/6

6 10.2

The National Media Coordination Committee shall meet quarterly basis in each calendar year.


The National Media Coordination Committee shall formulate recommendations for submission to the government for development and growth of media industry in the country.


The National Media Coordination Committee shall also report progress on the implementation of guidelines contained in the National Media Policy to the Federal Government.


The National Media Coordination Committee shall also regulate the advertising industry in consultation with the stakeholders. -----------

7 Annexure-I

Constitutional Provision Article 19 of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan “Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restriction imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam

or the integrity, security or

defence of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality or in relation to contempt of court or commission or incitement to an offence”. _____ Annexure-II

Provisions of Rules of Business, 1973 In order to ensure freedom of Press and promotion of responsible Print and Electronic Media in the country as envisaged in the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Federal Government entrusted a number of task to the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, as provided in the Rules of Business 1973. These are: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x)

Policy relating to internal publicity on national matters; Broadcasting including television; Production of films on behalf of the Government, its agencies, Government controlled Corporations, etc.; Press relations, including delegations of journalists and other information media; Provision of facilities for the development of newspaper industry; Policy regarding government advertisement; control of advertisement and placement; Audit of circulation of newspapers; Liaison and coordination with agencies and media on matters concerning Government policies and activities; External Publicity; Training facilities for Radio and Television personnel.

8 Annexure-III

Media Laws a).

Press, Newspaper, News Agencies, and Book Registration Ordinance-2002.


Press Council of Pakistan Ordinance –2002.


Freedom of Information Act – 2002.


Defamation Ordinance – 2002.


Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) Ordinance – 2002.


Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) Rules - 2002


Condition of (working journalists) Services Act, 1973;

Note: The draft National Media Policy is placed on the website for information, comments and suggestions before finalization. Please send your comments, suggestions to: [email protected]

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