Transfer Deed Government Of Pakistan

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 989
  • Pages: 3
GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN (TRANSFER DEED) For the quarters in the Refugees Colony at Rathian, District Jhelum This Conveyance Deed made this _____________ day of _____________ Between the President of Pakistan through the Officer Incharge / Assistant Administrator Officer, Jammu and Kashmir Refugees rehabilitation Organization Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, herein after referred to as the “Government” which expression shall mean and include his duly appointed officers, representative, successors and assign, of the one part and Mr. Muhammad Muzaffar Hussain Adult, son of Qazi Abdul Rehman caste Qureshi Resident Quarter No. A-90, Kashmir Colony Rathian, Jhelum referred to as the “transferee” which expression shall include his/their/her legal heirs, representative and assigns of the other part; WHEREAS the Government had constructed quarters at Rathian District Jhelum (hereinafter referred to as the “said quarters”) on the land belonging to the said Government AND WHEREAS the quarter fully described in the schedule hereto, had been allotted to the transferee by the Allotment Committee, Jhelum for Rs. 4500/(Rupees Four Thousand and Five hundred only ) and it was agreed parties that in terms and conditions prescribed by the transferor

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consideration of a sum of Rs. 4500/- (Rupees Four Thousand and Five hundred only) the Government shall transfer the quarter to the transferee the quarter to the transferee; AND WHEREAS the transferee has paid to the Government a sum of Rs. 4448/- (Rupees Four thousand four hundred ande fourty eight ) as stipulated, the receipt whereof the Government hereby Acknowledged; AND WHEREAS the transferee has requested the Government to transfer the quarter to him; AND WHEREAS Government has agreed to transfer the quarter to the transferee; Now, therefore, this conveyance Deed witnesses that

In consideration of the said sum of Rs.________________paid by the transferee to the Government hereby transfer the quarter to transferee and do hereby warrant for ever the transferee to have and to hold the quarter subject to the exception that it would not be further sold to a non-J&K refugee before the expiry of five years and reservation to itself all mines, minerals, coals, gold washings, earth oil and quarries in or under the quarter and also full rights at all time to enter upon any part of the quarter and to do all acts and things that may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of searching for the working of any mines or coals, gold washings, earth oil or quarries in or under the land without leaving vertical or lateral support for the surface thereof or any building material etc. for the time being standing thereon, Government making reasonable compensation the transferee for all damages occasioned by the exercise of the right hereby reserved and further subject to the following conditions which the transferee hereby covenets and agree / agrees to abide by and both bind their / his her executors, administrators representatives, successors and assigns to abide by;a)

The transferee shall not make any alteration in, or addition to, the building constructed over the land according to the approved building plan either externally or internally without obtaining the permission of the competent authority in writing.


The transferee shall not have any concern, right share or interest in the open land in front of the said quarter as well as all other quarters in the said area, and the transferor shall be entitled to utilize the said open space in any manner and at any time it chooses.


The transferee shall not have any concern, right share or interest in the open land in front of the said quarter as well as all other quarters in the said area, and the transferor shall be entitled to utilize the said open space in any manner and at any time it chooses.


The transferee shall be liable to the payment of Municipal taxes / levies, water and electricity charges to the Local Bodies and in case of default in payment of such charges, the Government shall have the power to cancel the Transfer Deed after giving the transferee a notice of 30 days. In writing to clear the dues.


The transferee shall at all reasonable time and after written notice of not less than 24 hours delivered or pasted on the quarter permit representatives of J&K Refugees Rehabilitation Organization to enter upon the premises and insect and view the condition thereof.


The transferee shall comply with the reasonable instructions of J&K Refugees Rehabilitation Organization.


If at any time it comes to the notice of the Government that the transferee acquired/had got the quarter by fraudulent means or misrepresentation, the transfer deed shall be deemed to have been terminated and the possession of the quarter shall be recovered immediately.


On the termination or cancellation of the transfer deed, the rights of the transferee shall extinguish and quarter shall revert to the Government fee from all encumbrances.


The transferee shall not sell/transfer/mortgage/lease the quarter to a no-A&K refugee.


The transferee may with the prior approval of the Government in writing sell, transfer or lease the quarter after the expiry of five years to another J&K refugee not possessing any quarter or a residential plot in Pakistan or state of Jammu & Kashmir. k) The subsequent transferee under the Transfer Deed shall step into shoes of the Original transferee and shall have the same rights, duties and liabilities. SCHEDULE

Quarter No. A-90 situated in J&K Refugee Colony Rathian, District Jhelum shown in the attached site plan bounded on 1)

North Road


South Quarter No. A-81



Quarter No. A-89



Quarter No. A-91

In witness whereof the Officer Incharge/Assistant Administrative Officer J& K Refugees Rehabilitation Organization at Rathian District Jhelum for and on behalf of the Government has hereunto affixed his seal and his signatures on this ______________day of _________________(one thousand nine hundred and ___________________. The transferee has hereunto set his hand.

1. Transferee__________________ 2. Transferee__________________ 1. Witness_____________________ 2. Witness_____________________

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