E-governance: Website Of Ministry Of Education Of Pakistan

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  • Pages: 74
E-GOVERNANCE Website of Ministry of Education of Pakistan

Group Members:  Kiran Afshan  Huma Naz  MBA ITM 13  International Islamic university Islamabad


 E-governance is the interaction between

government and citizens and government and businesses, as well as in and government and businesses, as well as internal government operations.

 E-governance refers to the process of using

information and communication technology for automating internal operations of government as well as its external interactions with citizens and other businesses

Why e-government is important to us E-government work is intellectually,

emotionally, and ethically challenging. Government clients often have political agendas as well as financial constraints. Information is powerful. Making government sites usable can help citizens understand how their government works how to access services how to change the laws and policies under

which they live.

E-governance in the world  Europeans and Americas region get the lead

in e-governance whereas Asia, Africa and Oceania still trying to get huge success in egovernance  Developing and developed countries faces the problem of digital divide and design- reality gap.

E-governance in Pakistan Electronic government directorate is wing of ministry of information and technology of Pakistan is responsible for   Preparation of e-government projects Implementation of federal level e-government projects approved by government. Preparations of standards, guidelines. Providing technical support to the federal, provincial, and district department.

Count…  Pakistan is developing country and faces

many problems and issues with e-governance. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE    The objective of this research is to analyze the Website of

ministry of education of Pakistan with respect to its design, model, internet marketing, legal ethical and social issues and computer and network security. Also conduct the SWORT analysis.

Importance of Government websites:  Importance of Government websites:  Making government sites usable can help

citizens understand how their government works how to access services how to change the laws and policies under

which they live.

Characteristics of good egovernment sites: The informational (institutional) side, which

explains: Policies. For example, when the garbage is

picked up, which pets need licenses, etc. Political structure. For example, who reports to whom and who is elected versus who is appointed.

The actions (services) side, which lets people

do such things as:  Pay taxes. Get a license renewed.

E-government information architecture  Information-oriented:  Includes institutional policies, politics, and procedures.  Organized around citizens’ lives, not government


 Action-oriented:  Online services.

 Accessible:  The site has to work for everyone.

 Navigable:  Understandable navigation, search, index with synonyms, site


 Private and Secure:  What information is used for. How information is protected.  People don’t want hackers getting their ID numbers and data

from government sites, or data from one government site showing up on another.

 Easily maintained and added to  There are no million-ruble budgets for maintaining government

2 sides of good egovernment sites The informational (institutional) side, which

explains:  Policies. For example, when the garbage is picked up,

which pets need licenses, etc.  Political structure. For example, who reports to whom and who is elected versus who is appointed.

The actions (services) side, which lets people do

such things as:   Pay taxes.  Get a license renewed.  Check who owns a building or factory.


Pakistan, e-governance is near to complete the embryonic stage


E-Business Model

E-Business Model Used by Ministry of Education for their Website:   This website is based on portal

model. where citizens have access to a

variety of information and

Internet Marketing

Domain Name http://www.moe.gov.pk/  Its domain name is short and easy to

remember. It is the short form of Ministry of Education.

Website Design  Combination of blue and white color is used.

This color scheme is good for professional website.  Multimedia and streaming video and audio are

not used.

Make things easy to find • • • •

Make the navigation simple & consistent Use A to Z indexes Use site maps Include search options

Make the navigation simple & consistent

Use A to Z indexes

Use site maps

Site maps are also good for search-engine optimization (SEO)

Include search options

One-way information  Provide access to policies, budgets, and reports  Explain who does what

Provide access to policies, budgets, reports

Explain who does what

Two-way information

Encourage participation, listen well

Public relation Methods used by Website of Ministry of Education: Provide media cell

Give all Publication on the website.

Provide curriculum and forums on the website

Special events and functions on the website.

Policy scope A policy is a collection of high level

statements of intent and procedures  It should be reasonable, enforceable and auditable. Restricted to the single website or web application but must encompass all components and related services.  Mandated by the Chief Information Officer (CIO), or equivalent

Website security policy Defining a security policy can be a

complicated task Web content should be protected through content validation tools, digital signatures and digital rights management The policy should be broad enough to include all development, laboratory, test and production systems

A web site security policy would normally include Data classification scheme Security rating scheme Constraints on data based on the schemes Authentication requirements Authorization requirements Encryption requirements System architecture Security testing scheme Logging requirements Relevant regulatory and legal requirements

Privacy and Security Only 14 percent of examined sites have

some form of privacy policy on their site, and 8 percent have a visible security policy Need for Standards Areas of Network and Information Security Standards

Areas of Network and Information Security Standards Data protection and Retention Back up and Recovery (Including Disaster

Recovery and Service Security Appliances (Firewalls, VPN Gateways, Content filtering Electronic Mail SPAM Prevention Anti Virus Password Selection Early Warning Systems (Intrusion Prevention) Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Digital Signature Electronic Commerce

Web Privacy Policy Ministry of Education website policy is simple. They collect no personal information about

visitors unless visitors choose to provide that information. They do not give, share, sell, or transfer any personal information to a third party

Links to Other Sites

Non-personal Information they Record    

The type of browser that visitors are using. The type of operating system that visitors use The date and time visit website, and the web pages that visitors visit on their site. The address of the previous website were visiting, if visitors linked to MOE from another website. The Internet domain for Internet service, such as "xcompany.com" or "xcompany.net" if visitors use a private Internet access account, or "yourschool.edu" if visitors connect from a college or university domain.

Web Security Policy For security purposes MOE site use special

software programs for monitoring network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information Programs collect no information that would directly identify individuals, but they do collect information that could help them to identify someone attempting to tamper with this website. If visitors use website, visitors should understand that all activities may be monitored and recorded

WARNING If such monitoring reveals possible

evidence of criminal activity, monitoring records may be provided to law enforcement officials. They only use raw monitoring data logs for determining trends in usage patterns and in diagnosing system problems.

Number of visitors

Cookies A cookie is a small piece of information that is

sent to visitors browser when they access a website. There are two kinds of cookies. A session cookie A persistent cookie On those pages where MOE uses “ session cookies" to facilitate visitors use of site, do not collect personal information about visitors and the cookie is destroyed when visitors exit browser. There is no information stored on visitors computer and no unauthorized files are written onto visitors disk drives. Do not collect information about visitors, but only about their browser "session."

Information from e-mail send to MOE If visitors decide to send us an e-mail message,

the message will usually contain visitors return email address. t will be destroyed when they complete their return correspondence. e-mail addresses are not sold, leased or shared with any non-governmental or commercial entities without the user's consent. e-mail address for purposes of communicating Visitors are advised not to pass on any personal and confidential information such as security passwords and credit card numbers Government of Pakistan shall not be liable for any misuse or loss of any such information.

Voluntary Submission of Information

Security Measures  safeguards have been employed to

 3. 4. 5. 6.

ensure that any personal information is secure from destruction, corruption, unauthorized access and breach of confidentiality. These steps include Individual authentication, The security of transmitted data, Security monitoring, Auditing and encryption of visitors information.

Is User Information Shared? Except as provided by applicable laws, they

do not collect, use or disclose user information without the user's knowledge and approval. They do not share user information with third parties unless they have informed users about the disclosures or have prior consent.

Access and Correct Personal Information Users concerned about information

contained in their personal records should contact the custodian of the record visitors may request changes or annotate their personal information if they believe it to be inaccurate The Government of Pakistan does not collect any personally identifiable information other than what you provide. The automatic data recorded is not matched with any of that personally identifiable information, therefore information cannot be provided about visit.

Policy Revision and Notification of Changes The Government of Pakistan may at any time

revise or update this policy without notice. They may inform their users about policy changes through notices on this page containing a version number and date.

Legal and Ethical Issues related to E-Governance

Ethical Problems for E-government:

 The  issues,  which  arise  in  e­business  and  e­Government,  are  intrinsically 

linked.   The failure to develop appropriate ethics for a virtual society may result in  disorder  overwhelming  democratic  dialogue  and  in  mistrust  undermining  commerce.

Technology And The Workplace:

 Most (75 percent) medium and large companies use technology to monitor 

employees’ email and Internet activities  Conversely, only 57 percent of employees think employers should have the  right to monitor their email at work.    Despite  employee  concerns,  sales  of  email  monitoring  software  are  expected to grow significantly, from $139 million in 2001, to an estimated  $662 million in 2006.   Reasons cited for monitoring include:             potential  legal  liability  (68%),  security  concerns  (60%),  and  employee  productivity concerns (45%).

      Websites Privacy Pledge:   Website makes the following pledge to heir customers:  o o


They are committed to protecting the privacy of Users at all times.  They  only  shares  Customer  Information  and  other  Personally  Identifiable  Information  with  third  parties  as  described  in  their  Privacy Policy.  They maintain security standards and procedures designed to protect  Customer Information and other Personally Identifiable Information. 

Consent to Use Information: 

By using any Product and/or by accepting the License Agreement or  this Privacy Policy, each User consents to the collection and use of  all information that the User provides to a website.

   Policies Regarding the Collection of Information:  The  primary  reason  that  they  collect  and  maintain  Customer  Information 

and  other  Personally  Identifiable  Information  is  to  serve  Users  and  administer customer relationships. o Information  Users  provide  them,  such  as  information  Users  provide  to  them in the registration process.  o Information they receive from a Customer that purchases Subscriptions  for Users, such as registration information.  o Information  about  Users  as  part  of  the  Products  or  other  User  experiences, such as the information they receive when a User submits a  question  through  a  search  box  in  a  Product.  They  collect  Customer  Information  and  other  Personally  Identifiable  Information  in  a  number  of ways, such as the following:   Registration Process o In order to use their Products, each User may be asked to complete  a registration process, which requires providing certain registration  information to Internet companies or ISP’s.

Credit Cards:  o They collect credit card information for billing purposes. For  convenience  of  customers,  they  do  not  store,  use,  or  share  credit card information for any other purpose  Log Files:  o They  track  information  about  each  User's  usage  of  the  Products in log files. They use this information as follows:  o To analyze trends  o To administer the Products  o To  track  statistical  information  about  how  Users  use  the  Products  o To  gather  broad  demographic  information  for  aggregate  use. o Websites  does  link  information  regarding  a  User's  usage  of  the Products to the User's Personally Identifiable Information 

   Policies Regarding the Use and Disclosure of Information       Information Use and Sharing:

 They may use and share the Customer Information and other Personally Identifiable 

Information to perform functions such as  o servicing User accounts o preparing reports regarding Product use o  market research, and promotional activities. 

 The  reasons  that  they  share  this  Customer  Information  and  other  Personally 

Identifiable Information include the following:   To protect Users.  o To provide superior service.  o To tell you about new or enhanced services and/or products.  o By  understanding  more  about  Users  and  their  use  of  the  Products,  they  can  better  meet  User  needs  and  determine  how  other  Product  features  could  be  of  value to Users.  o E­mail Updates:  o Customer Information  o Every  Product  feature  that  they  offer  is  designed  to  reflect  the  ways  Users  actually use the Products.  o User Information  o To improve and develop their information, products and services. 

  Information Confidentiality and Security:  Web site is committed to prevent any unauthorized access to each User's 

Customer Information and other Personally Identifiable Information.

 a) Security Programs  web  site  has  taken  technical,  administrative,  and  physical  steps  to  protect 

against  unauthorized  access  to  Customer  Information  and  other  Personally  Identifiable Information used to administer its customer accounts.

b) User IDs and Passwords.   Each  User  is  responsible  for  maintaining  the  confidentiality  of  his  or  her 

User ID and password, and is responsible for all Product activities that occur  under  his  or  her  User  ID  and  password,  including,  without  limitation,  all  related Customer Information and other Personally Identifiable Information.

  Tips To Help You Protect Your Information:

   If  any  User  suspects  that  someone  has  had  unauthorized  access  to  his  or 

her  account,  or  access  to  his  Information,  such  as  his  or  her  User  ID  or  password, the User should send an email to       [email protected]    immediately so they can take appropriate action  to  protect  the  User  and  his  or  her  Customer  Information  and  other  Personally Identifiable Information.   Users may want to consider if it is important to report the crime to local law 

enforcement  agencies  and  to  the  Federal  Trade  Commission  (FTC),  sign  onto  www.consumer.gov/idtheft.  The  site  also  provides  links  to  numerous  consumer education materials. 

 If  you have  any questions  or concerns  regarding data protection practices, 

please  send  an  e­mail  message  to  a  Web  site  administrator  at  [email protected]


Recommendations to Improve Design One way Information:  Show how decisions are made by ministry of

education like how to speak at a meeting, when and where meetings are held etc  Organize information by people’s life events, not by government organization charts  

Count… Two way Information:    Provide live and online forums where visitors can

share ideas and information about government education polices. Through online forum and live discussion it is east to check people response about government polices about education whether their response is positive or negative.  Accept proposals from citizens.

Improve public relationship by  Video clips about new, meetings, and press

releases should be available on the website.  With the improvements in one way and two way

information distribution public relation should also improve.

To be recorded as accessible to the disabled, the

site had to display features that would be helpful to the hearing or visually impaired. For example, TTY (Text Telephone) or TDD (Telephonic Device for the Deaf) phone numbers allow hearingimpaired individuals to contact the agency by phone. Second, the site could have web accessibility features consistent with standards mandated by groups such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) or local legislative acts.  Finally, if the site provided text labels for graphics or text versions of the website, it was counting as having some degree of accessibility.

Recommendations Foreign Language Access

Few city government websites have bilanguage features that allow access to non-native speaking individuals. By bilanguage feature, we mean any accommodation to the non-native speakers, such as text translation into a different language.

Takes help from standard companies Oracle is known to offer the most secured computing environment, and has been certified against 14 standards of security requirements in the government , defenses and financial services industries. Ministry may takes help from oracle for security in following areas Selective Encryption Evaluated Security Proxy authentication Three tier security


 To keep track of their visitor, the site should use

o A tailored web experience but at the same time its a violation of the privacy

 The site should avoid surveillance. Reasons for surveillance are: o Slower transmission times o Harassment suits o Low productivity 

 The  site  should  follow  the  stated  policy  regarding  the  collection  and  use  of 

visitor’s personal information by using Privacy policy services and software i.e. o PrivacyBot.com o TRUSTe

RECOMMENDATIONS  The ministry of education should be responsible for a fair use of copyright i.e. o The use of a copyrighted work for education, research, criticism o The purpose of the copyrighted work is examined  o The nature of the copyrighted work is taken into account o The amount of the material that has been reproduced is reviewed o The effect is taken into consideration

 The  site  should  promote  online  commerce  by  legitimizing  online  contractual 


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