God Is Asking Each Of You To Be More Loving

  • May 2020
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Internet Archive Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ & Our Blessed Mother To Locutionist Little Mary The Blessed Mother first came to Little Mary in a dream in August of 1994 and has received over 3000 messages from Jesus and Mary. She wrote the first message on January 11, 1995 and writes the messages in notebooks and shares them with her spiritual advisor. January 11, 1995, Wednesday ~ Be Silent and Hear My Words. My daughter, I have protected you. You were a virgin but then chose to become a mother. Look to the highest and crown Him with many crowns. Jesus reigns and is above all the earth. Cast away all your doubts and remain with us. This earth is so full of sorrow and doubt. Look to the skies because God can fulfill your every need. He had promised to keep you, hold you and protect you for He is your true Father and I your true Mother. Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice. Be silent and hear my words for I am with you. Look at my heart as I am in yours. January 12, 1995, Thursday ~ From the Lord Jesus: Look inside the Flower. Look inside the flower. There was once this tiny seed. Now your petals will open and you will blossom and grow in me. Keep your yes open and beware of dark times. Blessed is the fruit of the womb, Jesus. Stay close to me and you will see the glory and power of eternity. "From the very beginning my spiritual advisor was chosen by the Blessed Mother. My job as a messenger is to write and relay the messages. I have to ask God everyday for the strength and grace needed to do this. This is not always easy, it is not like writing a letter, and every word I write is embedded in my heart. Some messages are very strong and you feel Jesus' and Blessed Mother's pain."

In 2004 Fatima Priest, Fr. Robert J. Fox's wrote a book called "Messages from the Heart of Our Mother" that contains messages from Jesus and the Mother of God, given to Little Mary. Our Blessed Mother and Jesus gave these messages with a note of urgency, stressing they are for the world. The Blessed Mother uses a certain style directed to all for as a good Mother, she desires to have her messages touch each and every one of her children. Mother Mary speaks in simple words and phrases so that her teachings can be understood by anyone. http://virginmary-messagebook.excerptsofinri.com/ It is to be noted the messages are not designed to lead souls to Mary, or replace Jesus with Mary, but it is always our loving Mother Mary leading souls to Jesus, to the Church, to the Sacraments through sincere prayer.

Single Messages Concerning Love

"You must each be an example so that love and peace flow from your hearts." Internet Archive Messages From Our Lord and Blessed Mother through Little Mary MESSAGE #2615 from the Blessed Mother April 20, 2004 All must ask themselves, is there love in your hearts? Is there love in your homes? This love of knowing Jesus must be spread across ... to enter your hearts. You must love God more than your desires. You ... Be merciful, humble, gentle and kind. Love unconditionally. Love all your brothers and sisters and ... God to help you be more loving. Turn to God each new day

MESSAGE #2255 from the Blessed Mother December 19, 2001 Are you willing, dear children, to forgive and love, love your enemies? Are you willing to turn ... time now to perform works of mercy and love. The way to do this is to keep ... that you say and do. Be merciful and loving and strive to be more like Jesus. Be ... prayers because they do not know how to love. Many today want to receive love, but they do not know how to

MESSAGE #2173 from Jesus June 28, 2001 You must each be an example so that love and peace flow from your hearts. As ... so that fear and worry will be removed. Love, love with your heart, for then there will be no room for hatred. Love My Mother as I do and she will ... intercede for you if you live the love that I give to each of you. ... I am with you. Trust in my love for you. Trust and allow Me to

MESSAGE #2434 from the Blessed Mother January 22, 2003 Without love in one’s heart, hatred will exist. Without love in one’s heart, peace cannot reign in this world. Dear children, evil cannot exist wherever there is love. It is time now to truly love, love one another. Through genuine acts of love and mercy, darkness can be removed all around this world. So, today I ask that my children reach out and love

MESSAGE #2399 from the Blessed Mother October 30, 2002 No matter what one’s position they hold, they must be loving, kind and compassionate towards those ... s heart, conversion cannot happen. Without love in one’s heart, the Gospel ... must ask themselves, is there love and peace in your heart ... all my children be more loving and kind toward their brothers ... your hearts to overflow with love and joy. Do not judge

MESSAGE #2555 from the Blessed Mother November 18, 2003 Light will be present around those who have love and joy in their hearts, so be loving, ... hearts. I am here today to remind you to love, love one another. I am here to remind you that love will bring warmth to a cold heart. Love is ... God is commanding of each of you. Lack of love will only cause much more division. Lack of love is why there is so much turmoil in

MESSAGE #2423 from the Blessed Mother December 27, 2002 Jesus has for each one of you. Please, dear children, love Jesus more than your desires. Love Jesus and please take time to truly ... my Son to fill you with peace, love and joy. In order to move forward ... include Jesus wherever you go. You must love Jesus and allow yourselves to be loved ... peace, unity and harmony by truly loving one another. You must not allow

MESSAGE #2860 from the Blessed Mother February 16, 2006 Jesus with their whole heart. This love of knowing Jesus will then shine, shine through you. Without love, love in your hearts, nothing can be ... say to my children, pride destroys love. Pride, gossip, anger and hatred will not become pure love. Be loving children and imitate my Son’s ... this earth and that is to love, love one another. If you do penance

Single Messages Concerning Love MESSAGE #2509 from the Blessed Mother July 29, 2003 My daughter, I truly love all my children, even those who are ... I am asking of each of you. Love one another and pray for those who are on the wrong path. Love one another and pray for those who are ... ask God to help you to be more loving and compassionate. Trust and obey God and He ... God is asking of you. God is love, so please believe and trust in His

MESSAGE #2483 from the Blessed Mother May 26, 2003 God, so please tell my children to love, love one another. Tell my children to love all their brothers and sisters, and to be a loving family. Each person is so precious in God ... judge one another. Unite in harmony and love and respect each other. Love and joy must be present in your ... help you open your hearts so that love and joy can radiate from you. Today

MESSAGE #2567 from the Blessed Mother December 19, 2003 He will truly show you how to love, love one another. This is a time where love and joy must be present in your hearts, so please ... of this earth. Await, dear children, await His coming with love, joy and peace, peace in your hearts. The spirit of Christmas is love, so please love Jesus above all else. Please love Jesus and allow Him to fill you with His love

MESSAGE #2461 from the Blessed Mother April 1, 2003 God is asking each of you to be more loving and forgiving. Will you please listen ... Him for guidance so that true love can flow, flow from your hearts. ... to know the true meaning of love. War amongst my children is caused by lack of genuine love. Please understand that in order for ... Join hands and work together and love all your brothers and sisters. Increase

MESSAGE #2173 from Jesus June 28, 2001 My child, Love as I love; with mercy, forgiveness and compassion. You must each be an example so that love and peace flow from your hearts. As you allow Me to come into your heart, I then am able to take you into Mine. Love and accept My love so that fear and worry will be removed. Love, love with your heart, for then there will be no room for hatred. Love My Mother as I do and she will lead you closer to My Most Sacred Heart. She will intercede for you if you live the love that I give to each of you. Much joy you will give to My Mother if you love and live the Beatitudes. Today, I give you My strength to persevere. Trust and believe I am with you. Trust in my love for you. Trust and allow Me to be your heart so that My love and mercy flow through you. Embrace Me and I will give you the strength to love. Embrace My Mother, for she is love and she is here to be with you. My peace I now give you. Live in peace and love one another.

MESSAGE #2255 from the Blessed Mother December 19, 2001 My daughter, God is asking that all His children go forth and make the Gospel known. So today I ask that you go forth in love, and allow this joy of knowing Jesus, to shine forth from your hearts. I ask that you forgive those who have hurt you in any way. A heart full of love, and compassion, is how others will see Christ in you. Are you willing, dear children, to forgive and love, love your enemies? Are you willing to turn the other cheek, instead of seeking revenge? Through your willingness and actions, more will come to know our dear Lord, Jesus. It is time now to perform works of mercy and love. The way to do this is to keep focused on Jesus and His ways of love. Imitate Christ in all that you say and do. Be merciful and loving and strive to be more like Jesus. Be loving and pray for all your brothers and sisters. So many today need prayers because they do not know how to love. Many today want to receive love, but they do not know how to love in return. Until one truly comes to know Jesus, one will not know how to love, or be loved. By your example, dear children, you can help others come to know Jesus. Allow the Blessed Trinity to direct and guide you. Allow God’s love and mercy to reign in your hearts. This love will then flow unto others, and many, many will then have a change of heart. Now let us pray that more will be loyal to Jesus. Let us pray that more will serve Him unselfishly, with a kind and generous heart. Let us pray that this love of knowing Jesus will be spread throughout this world. Now please go forth in love and humility, and be loving and forgiving to those around you. You can make a difference in this world, so please respond now and apply all that I teach you in your lives. Amen.

MESSAGE #2399 from the Blessed Mother October 30, 2002 My daughter, No matter what one’s position they hold, they must be loving, kind and compassionate towards those around them. Without love in one’s heart, conversion cannot happen. Without love in one’s heart, the Gospel cannot be spread. Today my children must ask themselves, is there love and peace in your heart? Does Jesus’ love shine through you, or are you angry and controlling? Is the Holy Spirit working through you, or are you turning others away from our dear Lord, Jesus? Today I ask that all my children be more loving and kind toward their brothers and sisters. God's love must first shine through you in order to make a difference in this world. Please, dear children, allow your hearts to overflow with love and joy. Do not judge or ridicule one another. Be more loving. Let others see Christ’s love in you by being truthful and charitable. Your actions must imitate Christ. Your words and actions must be that of love. Please turn to Jesus each new day and ask, ask Him to guide you so that only love and peace flow from your hearts. Please turn to Jesus and trust and rely on His guidance. His love, mercy and strength will allow you to be victorious in all that you say and do. Now, please put into practice all that I am teaching you. Be loving, loving children and keep your focus on Almighty God. Amen.

MESSAGE #2423 from the Blessed Mother December 27, 2002 My daughter, Jesus truly loves each child and how He waits for each child to come to Him. If only my children knew the love Jesus has for each one of you. Please, dear children, love Jesus more than your desires. Love Jesus and please take time to truly come to know Him. Do not wait another day. Open your hearts and allow my Son to fill you with peace, love and joy. In order to move forward, you must come to know Jesus. You must love, love Jesus with your whole heart and soul. You must return back to my Son through the Sacraments so you have the grace needed to stay strong. You must not try to walk alone. You must pray and include Jesus wherever you go. You must love Jesus and allow yourselves to be loved, loved by Him. You must allow Jesus to heal your wounds with His tender love. Today, I plead with my children, for I am the Mother of God, the Mother of Your Savior. I am here now for each of you to lead you closer, closer to my Son. I cannot help you if you refuse to make time to pray. I cannot help you if you refuse to take time to come to know my Son, Jesus. I truly want each of you to be happy, but you in turn must trust in God’s love and guidance. You must place your confidence in Him alone. You must obey God and seek to do His Will. You must strive to live in peace, unity and harmony by truly loving one another. You must not allow any pride, hatred or jealousy to rule your lives. You must repent and stay close to Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Only through God can true love, peace and joy exist. Please do not avoid God’s mercy and love, respond now and give yourselves entirely to Him. Respond now and use each new day to truly, truly come to know Jesus. So please turn to Him lovingly and allow my Son to guide you on this earth. Allow my Son to teach you so you do not give in to the world’s ways. Believe and trust, for God will never mislead you. God will dwell in you if you truly, truly open your hearts. Now, please do not delay, come to know my Son in a personal way. Come to know my Son, for He truly, truly loves each one of you. Go now in peace and accept God’s love, mercy and grace. Amen.

MESSAGE #2434 from the Blessed Mother January 22, 2003 My daughter, If hearts do not open to God’s love, many more souls will be destroyed. Without love in one’s heart, hatred will exist. Without love in one’s heart, peace cannot reign in this world. Dear children, evil cannot exist wherever there is love. It is time now to truly love, love one another. Through genuine acts of love and mercy, darkness can be removed all around this world. So, today I ask that my children reach out and love, love one another. I ask that you do not judge or criticize each other, instead pray for those who have hurt you. If you truly love Jesus, then you must imitate Him. You must make peace wherever there is disunity. You must teach others through your actions and truly live, live the Gospel. True peace, unity and freedom will then be present in this world. Without a response from my children, love and joy cannot be spread. So please respond to God’s call, for He is asking each of you to truly love, love one another. Through prayer and faith in God, you can make a difference in this world. Be willing children and do your part, for this is how you will truly heal Jesus’ wounds. Be loving, forgiving children and be an example to this darkened world. I am truly here to remind you that unity comes through prayer and merciful love towards all your brothers and sisters; it comes through obedience to Almighty God. Prayer, love and mercy is the way to unity and peace. Go forth now and pray for those who are choosing death instead of life. Pray each new day, for each soul is so precious to Almighty God. Amen.

MESSAGE #2461 from the Blessed Mother April 1, 2003 My daughter, Peace cannot exist if there is division in your homes, Church and community. God is asking each of you to pray and join hands and to support, support one another. God is asking each of you to be more loving and forgiving. Will you please listen to God and love, love one another? How I weep when I see so much turmoil all around this world; so much fighting and hatred in so many hearts. My children need to take a look at their actions in order for change to occur. Today, I ask that my children spend quiet time before our Lord. I ask that my children examine their conscience and then make a thorough Confession, God will then guide you and fill you with His Grace. God will truly help you in those areas where you are weak. Yes, God will assist you if you are willing to take the first step. Please do not distance yourselves from God. Turn to Him for guidance so that true love can flow, flow from your hearts. Turn to God and you will come to know the true meaning of love. War amongst my children is caused by lack of genuine love. Please understand that in order for there to be peace, you must each be filled with God’s love. In order for there to be peace, your actions must reflect the love of God. So please, please, please obey God. Join hands and work together and love all your brothers and sisters. Increase your time to be with Jesus so your hearts are filled with love. Increase your time to be with Jesus so you come to know the true meaning of love. Come to know my Son so you can live in peace, harmony and in love. Amen.

MESSAGE #2483 from the Blessed Mother May 26, 2003 My daughter, Where there is love, there is God, so please tell my children to love, love one another. Tell my children to love all their brothers and sisters, and to be a loving family. Each person is so precious in God’s eyes, so please do not judge one another. Unite in harmony and love and respect each other. Love and joy must be present in your lives, so please do not fight with one another. Be kind and follow Jesus’ ways so peace can reign in this world. Each of you need to be an example to others, so please imitate my Son in all that you say and do. Follow Jesus’ footsteps no matter how difficult it is for you. Ask God to help you open your hearts so that love and joy can radiate from you. Today, I ask that each of you turn to God for strength. I ask that you do this so you have the Grace needed to live holy lives. Now is the time to turn to God, so please respond and accept, accept His love for you. In order to live this message you must respond without reservation. You must keep your hearts open and truly, truly rely on God. You must love God more than your desires. You must allow the Blessed Trinity to dwell in you. Without sacrifice on your part, God cannot heal or mold you. Now, let us pray for one another so more come to know the true meaning of love. Let us pray and join hands and be one loving family. Now go forth, dear children, and light the way and allow your actions to bear fruit all around this world. Amen.

MESSAGE #2509 from the Blessed Mother July 29, 2003 My daughter, I truly love all my children, even those who are choosing darkness; this is what I am asking of each of you. Love one another and pray for those who are on the wrong path. Love one another and pray for those who are refusing my motherly assistance. Each person needs love and prayers, so please intercede for each other. Please, dear children, live your faith and be an example towards those around you. Be joyful and allow God’s rays to shine, shine through you. Each time you pray for others, many Graces pour forth from Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart. Each time you do good deeds for others, Jesus is truly by your side, so please be more loving and extend your arms to those who are furthest away from God. Be more loving and do not allow hurt or pride to enter, enter your hearts. Be conscious of your words and actions toward each other. Look to God and love, love all people. Look to God and He shall truly, truly guide you. Trust and ask God to help you to be more loving and compassionate. Trust and obey God and He will truly help you in all situations. It is time now to imitate Christ in all that you say and do, so please begin today and turn to God so you have the Grace needed to do what God is asking of you. God is love, so please believe and trust in His guidance, love and mercy. God is love, so please imitate His love that He has for each of you. Amen.

MESSAGE #2555 from the Blessed Mother November 18, 2003 My daughter, God’s love must continue to shine no matter how dark it becomes. Light will be present around those who have love and joy in their hearts, so be loving, be joyful and live, live your faith. Live each day for Christ and peace shall reign in your hearts. I am here today to remind you to love, love one another. I am here to remind you that love will bring warmth to a cold heart. Love is the answer. Love is what God is commanding of each of you. Lack of love will only cause much more division. Lack of love is why there is so much turmoil in this world. So, today, turn to God and ask Him to help you be a more loving people. Turn to God and allow Him to remove any hate that is harboring in your hearts. God will touch you in a special way if you turn to Him with an open heart. God will show you the way if you have complete trust in Him. Now, please follow the example of my Son and be prayerful, humble, loving children. I give you my blessing of love. Accept my love that I have for each of you. Amen.

MESSAGE #2567 from the Blessed Mother December 19, 2003 My daughter, God’s love is truly pouring down upon His children. His mercy is great for those who repent and who turn to Him, so please turn to my Son and be grateful for this time of mercy and preparation. Be grateful for the gifts you have received and go forth and use them for God. This time cannot be wasted, so stay hopeful so you move forward with joy in your hearts. A joyful heart is how others will see Christ in you. Love and joy in your hearts is what God is asking of each of you. If you truly want joy, then depend on God and trust, trust in Him. Trust in God for all your needs and then rely totally on His loving assistance. Each new day, allow my Son to direct and guide you and He will truly show you how to love, love one another. This is a time where love and joy must be present in your hearts, so please turn to Jesus and believe, believe He is coming. Believe with excitement in your hearts and prepare your soul now. Jesus will truly come and through His mercy He will renew the face of this earth. Await, dear children, await His coming with love, joy and peace, peace in your hearts. The spirit of Christmas is love, so please love Jesus above all else. Please love Jesus and allow Him to fill you with His love, strength and peace. Amen.

MESSAGE #2615 from the Blessed Mother April 20, 2004 My daughter, All must ask themselves, is there love in your hearts? Is there love in your homes? This love of knowing Jesus must be spread across this world. In order for this to happen you must allow God’s love to enter your hearts. You must love God more than your desires. You must let go of any hate or bitterness and be forgiving children. It is time now to truly live these messages so that God’s love can truly shine through you. Please do not criticize or judge one another. Be merciful, humble, gentle and kind. Love unconditionally. Love all your brothers and sisters and forgive those who have hurt you. Begin today by asking God to help you be more loving. Turn to God each new day and receive His love. Love is the answer, so please obey, obey God and truly love, love those around you. Through your actions, God’s love will multiply in you. God will use you in many special ways if you love, listen and obey. Now, please love one another as a family and support each other in a loving way. Love God above all else and accept His love that He has for each of you. Amen.

MESSAGE #2860 from the Blessed Mother February 16, 2006 My daughter, Believe, adore, and trust in God’s love for you. Do all that I am asking of you so you persevere no matter how dark this world becomes. Today, I am asking that my children love Jesus with their whole heart. This love of knowing Jesus will then shine, shine through you. Without love, love in your hearts, nothing can be accomplished on this earth. I say to my children, pride destroys love. Pride, gossip, anger and hatred will not become pure love. Be loving children and imitate my Son’s ways. Be humble, loving and compassionate or you will turn others away. Let go of all that is evil so that light pours forth from your heart. You each have a mission on this earth and that is to love, love one another. If you do penance for your sins, you will grow in holiness. If you kneel down often and adore Our Lord, you will come to know the true meaning of love. Be thoughtful, compassionate children and pray, pray for those who suffer from hunger, persecution and illness. Pray for them and your burden will become light. Make reparation everyday for those who continue to crucify my Son. Now, please reflect on what I am teaching you so you truly blossom for Our Lord. Pray, pray often and you will feel the renewal of my Son’s love in your soul. Amen

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