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  • Words: 899
  • Pages: 3
When the word France is mentoned what comes to mind? For most it's berets, croissants, class and style. It's that and more, filled with hard working people who's culture is admired throughout the world. From fleeting images of top class chefs to stylishly dressed women in expensive clothes, the possibilities are endless. Paris, "City of Lights", views are an absolutley breathtaking sight. In France there is something for everyone; music, food, literture, art and architecture. Come learn about France ther's bound to be something for you. France is located on the southern part of the continet of Europe. To it's northern border there is the North Sea, England, Belgium, the English Channel and Germany. In France's southern border is Spain and the Mediterrian Sea. Switzerland and Italy are to the East. France's west is the Atlantic Ocean. The climate and seasons in France are like ours here in the United States. The range of temprature in Paris is 37 degrees farinhight in January and 65 degrees July. The hottest month in France is July and the coldest month is January. Paris gets an average of about 24 inches of rain per year. The seasons France has are fall, winter, spring and summer. Major land features of France are mountains, rolling plains river valleys, ridges and hills. The major mountain are the Alps and the Pyrennes. Some rivers are the Loire, Rhine, Rhone, and Garonne. The Alps are lcated on the south eastern corner bordering Italy and Switzerland. Located in the south are the Pyrennes. The Pyrennes border Spain. France is not rich in natural resorcues. Scattered throughout France are deposits of coal, iron ore, bauxite and other minerals. France is not rich in natural rescources and makes most of its money through manufacturing various products. The population of all of France is 60,656,178. In its capital Paris about 2,218,000 live there. Some of the major cities are Paris, Orleans, Toulouse, and Reims. Orleans is the site of "Siege of Orleans". This battle was important to France as a turning point in the 100 year war, fought against the Brittish. Toulouse is home to many museums. Touloise is

located in southwestern area of France near the banks of the Garrone River. Reims is northeast if you go from Paris. Reims is an old city dating all the way back to the time of the Roman Empire. Reims has a role in French history also since this is the site were the kings of France were crowned. Paris is the country's heart of economy. It's location is on the Rhine River. As many European countries do, France uses the Euro. For each U.S dollar it's about seventy-five cents of the Euro banknote. The coins all look the same on the front, but on the back they have different countries. No matter what country is on the back of the coin it'll be accepted in all countries that use the Euro. Euro coins can come in 8 different ammounts. These ammounts are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 cents. Before the Euro France was known to use the French Franc. People make money in France by manufacturing a variety of products. A large part of the industry is making cars. France has the 6th largest automobile industry, after the United States, Japan, China, Germany and South Korea. Minning is a part of the economy too, 20 miilion tons of steel are mined each year. Weaving wool into cotton, silk and synthetic fibers into cloth are popular jobs. Banking and insurance is the job of choice for some. While others prefer farming. Another major industry is perfume and fashion.Some familliar fFrench names may be Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Yves St Lauren, and Chanle. France is also one of the world's leading agricultureal countries. Tourism is a large part of the economy. With people coming at all times of the year to ski the Alps and see the sights of the cities. Cosmetticare also a strong part in France's economy also. Trade made about 23 billion dollars in 2004. Being the 2nd largest trading industry afteer Germany, in Western Europe. The agriculture of France is large.Each region of France produces its own cheese. A leading producer of milk and cheese. In northern France there are many wheat farms. Dary, pork, poultry, and apples are grown in the west. Beef is mostly found in central France. Fruits, vegetables, and wine

are produced from central and southern France. France follows the United States as second in agriculture. France's government is a semi-presidential unitary republic. The head of the state is the president for a five year term (it used to be seven), unlike our president's four year term. There is a council called the "Constitutional Council" which ensures the ellection of the president is fair. The president appoints the prime minister. Who in turn chooses the Council of Ministers. France is also a democracy. Cuisine of France is world renkowed. With 365 cheeses and 450 wines it has a large variety of tastes for a variety of pallets. A typical day begins with a light breakfast, lunch is then served between 12 and 2 PM, and children are allowed to go home from school to enjoy this main meal of the day with their families. Dinner is then served after 7in the evening. Some famous French dishes are crepes, escargot, frogs legs, and goose pate.

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