Gn-12 - Local 773 Meeting Minutes 1206

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MINUTES OF TH E MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE LOCAL 773 PLUM.BERS AND STEAM FITTERS APPRENTICESHIP FUND HELD AT THE MONTCALM RESTAURANT LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK ON WEDNESDA Y, DECEMBER 13,2006 The Trustees presents at the meeting were: Chairman Larry Bulman, Terry Brown, James Bulman and Ronald Gordon (Douglas Brockway was absent). Also in attendance were Coordinators Edward J. Furr and Scott Whipple , Organizer Scott Martel, Retired Training Coordinator Glen McKernan and Secretary Beth Russell. Pinnacle Investments, Inc. was repre sented by John Bianchini, Sr. Vice President and Dan Maffei.

Chairman Bulman called the meeting to order at 5: 10 pm. Minutes of the previous meeting held on April 7, 2006 were read. Motion made to accept the minutes by Trustee Brown and seconded by Trustee Gordon . Motion Carried unanimously.

Chairman Bulman introduced John Bianchini to the body. Larry told the Trustees that Smith Barney's returns 00 our investment had not met expectations. John Bianchini started his presentation by giving the Trustees some background on Pinnacle Investments then proceeded to present their Target Focus Four portfolio for the Apprenticeship Fund's consideration. lnvestrnents would be split 2/3 Fixed Income and 1/3 Equity. Diversification is the key. Trustee Gordon asked about the fees. Mr. Bianchini stated the fee is only one-half of one point. Chairman Bulman asked whether statements could be sent to the Trustees of the Fund as well as to the Apprenticeship FW1d Office. Mr. Bianchini answered yes. John Bianchini and Dan Maffei were excused from the meeting so the Trustees could discuss the proposal.

A fter discussion, Trustee Gordon made a motion to engage in the proposal wi th Pinnacle Investments, Inc. based on the Y2% fee. Trustee Brown seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Coordinator Furr reported on the current school year at the Plattsburgh Training Center. He mentioned that the 1;1 Year Apprentices are eager to learn and doing well. There are some absenteeism issues but overall there are fewer problems this year that in the past. Apprentice Keith Purick will be finishing school at the end of December. Jim also mentioned that some journeymen have attended welding class to learn Heliarc Welding. Jim will be setting up some journeyman welding classes when there are enough members interested . Chairman Bulman explained the requirement that all Apprentices will have to pass a six inch carbon steel "veld test. Throughout the entire United Association, welders are in short supply. The Welding Instructors are preparing the apprentices to pass this test. .Chairrnan Bulman and Coordinator FUIT both commended Instructor Jesse McDonald for his dedication to the program and the great job he is doing. Coordinator Whipple reported 011 the current school year at the South Glens Falls school. There are no absenteeism issues. He is having a hard time, in the welding class, getting the apprentices motivated to weld. Trustee Gordon suggested to Coordinator Whipple that the apprentices be graded for the Welding Class

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Participation. Scott told Trustee Gordon that the apprentices are graded for participation in class. Trustee Gordon state d the welding students must put forth an effort and want to be there in order to pass the class. Coordinator Whipple is to enforce this rule . Trustee Gordon reported that he was told that Instructor Chris Powers was not using the welding book provided and that his class has been leaving the shop without cleaning up and putting the tools away. The next weld class has had to clean up prior to starting their class. Chairman Bulman suggested to Coordinator Whipple to bring Instructor Powers aside and talk to him about classroom procedure. Trustee Gordon stated that we are losing tools in the South Glens Falls school. The tool boxes have not been locked up after using the tools. Chairman Bulman displayed the recent tool inventory from the Plattsburgh Training Cen ter. Coordinator Whipple will perform a tool inventory in the South Glens falls school. Chairman Bulman asked both Coordinators if there is a need for any particular tool in their training centers. Coordinator Furr answered that the Plattsburgh Training Center will need a plasma arc later in the school year. Coordinator Whipple did not require any more tools at this time. Organizer Martel reported on the high tech training he is coordinating. Somejoumeyman members have already taken the C1eanroom Safety Training and Cleanroom Protocol Training with M&W Zander at the Watervliet Arsenal. M&W Zander will advise Organizer Martel as more classes are scheduled. More members will be cycled through those classes as they are scheduled . Orbital Welding and Tube Bending classes are being scheduled and will be taught in-house. Chairman Bulman stated he has arranged for a representative from NlBCO to perform a Seismic Bracing class. The class will be taught at the Plattsburgh Training Center on December 19 and again at the South Glens Falls school on December 20 . Coordinator Furr mentioned that Haun would be teaching a class in Ward flex natural gas piping on December 15 at the Plattsburgh Training Center. Chairman Bulman also mentioned that he would like to schedule a class on the operation of a Vitallic machine that grooves pipe. He said there is a lot of call for this skill now. Trustee Gordon said his business owns a machine and that Trustee Brown could teach this class. The Budgets for both the Apprenti ceship Fund and the lATC Building Corporation were distributed . Chairman Bulman reported on the line items and stated that we are in the black and doing well. The Pinnacle Investment representatives, John Bianchini and Dan Maffei , were asked to rejoin the meeting. Chairman Bulman announced the Trustee's decision to engage in the proposal with Pinnacle Investments, Inc. based on the ~2% fee. Chairman Bulman and a contractor trustee have been authorized to sign all necessary paperwork to open the account. Pinnacle Investments will also help with the transfer of monies from the Smith Barney accounts. Trustee Brown stated he understood that natural gas had been brought to the Plattsburgh Training Center and asked he they heat with it. Coordinator Furr stated that, at this time, the center is heated w ith oil. Trustee Brown would like a cost evaluation on heating with natural gas V5 . oil. Chairman Bulman read a letter [rom Ken Aurrechia, Vice-President of District 1 about the United Association National Apprentice Competition. The letter was inviting the Business Manager and one other representative to attend an initial meeting to discuss testing procedures and apprentice selection. Page 2 of 3

Chairman Bulman said that the North American Training Conference is going to be held in Toronto this year. There is a wealth of information to be gathered at this conference and representatives of the fund should attend . Chairman Bulman announced that the Local 773 Apprenticeship Fund has been approved for a $100,000 grant to expand training centers. The grant was written to offset wages and purchase new equipment. Edward Bartholomew, Majority Counsel/Program Services, from Senator Joseph Bruno 's office was invited to this meeting to make this announcemen t, however he was unable to attend due to a special session of the NYS Senate and Assembly this evening. Within two days, the Department of Labor will be submitting paperwork to the Apprenticeship Fund to complete. Trustee Gordon stated that Apprentice Joseph Wilbur has never had a bluebook. Chairman Bulman stated that all apprentices enrolled in the state program must complete blue books (Apprenticeship Training Records). One will be issued to Apprentice Wilbur with instructions on completion .

Motion to adjourn by Trustee Bulman and seconded by Trustee Brown. Chairman Bulman adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm.

Beth A. Russell, Secretary

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