Gmbc Minutes 081909

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Gymnastics Michiana Booster Club Minutes Date: August 19, 2009 Meeting called to order by Mark Marchi at 7:35 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

1. Carleen Quinlan discussed committee work for the coming year a. Sign-up sheet posted on bulletin board b. Some committees have combined this year due to the size of the team and fewer families c. Each family should sign up for one spot (there are enough spots for each family) 2. 2009-2010 Meet Schedule passed out to all present a. Schedule & Meet Key are posted on the bulletin board (near boy’s locker room) b. Amy Jo reminded everyone that if they do not plan to participate in a meet to please cross off their gymnast’s name on the signup sheet – this will save everyone effort when we start to compile the entry forms c. Explained the difference between Compulsory (levels 4 – 6) and Optional (levels 7 – 9) levels, how the different levels may have different meets to attend and all will have ample opportunity to qualify for their respective State competitions. d. There will be an intra-squad meet for the compulsory gymnasts e. There are sign-up sheets posted for a few meets already f. Please pay attention to the due dates for all meets as the meet board fills up rather quickly this time of year g. Note – Joy’s spring meets are not specifically listed on the meet schedule; however, there is the likelihood that we will compete in those meets as we have in the past (typically one in April & one in May) h. Parent question – what is mini congress? It is not a meet; it is an opportunity for coaches to learn about changes to the rules & regulations and various aspects related to conducting a meet and judging criteria i. Parent question – if changes occur to the meet schedule will we be notified? Yes, the bulletin board is the main method of communication – any updates will be posted there 3. Fundraisers a. Hacienda Gives Back i. Date = Sept 8, 2009 ii. The club will receive 20% back of what we spend iii. There are tokens posted on the bulletin board and attached to the email version of the minutes 1. Please be sure to follow the rules /procedures as described on the token Page 1 of 5

4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9.

iv. Ana Han offered to coordinate the purchase of gift cards (yes, they qualify if purchased on Sept 8th) – there are forms posted on the bulletin board for this purpose; contact Ana if you have questions b. Between the Buns i. GMBC is an ongoing participant of this fundraiser 1. We currently have $80 credited to us ii. The club receives a percentage back on every dollar spent iii. There is a card you should present when you place your order (food only) 1. Mark will pick up more cards for distribution c. Other ideas i. Drive & shine ii. Chick-Fil-A Corrie Klimek passed around the club directory draft – indicate if you have changes; the directory will be published as soon as information is collected, validated, and changes made Parent question – will we send out notes regarding practice changes? The bulletin board is the main method of communication regarding any changes to the practice schedule – please be sure to check the board as any updates will be posted there – historically, if the gym does not have Saturday classes, the team will practice early Treasurer’s report – Ana passed around the current report (attached to the email version of the minutes) The travel bags (part of team uniform) were passed out to those in attendance – if you still have not received yours please see Carleen Quinlan Distributed warm up pants to those in attendance Andy Poe presented his idea regarding an exhibition team & is trying to gauge the girls team interest in participating a. This team would present at schools, private groups, etc with the idea of promoting gymnastics and gymnastics Michiana in particular – attempting to reach our target audience i. Parent suggestion – we should look at showcasing the exhibition team at the various summer camps in the area; parades, too b. Gymnasts would work on mini-tramp skills i. All the normal safety measures will be employed & the gymnasts would start off utilizing the resi-pit ii. Traditional skill progression c. Currently, the boys team devotes 20 minutes each Tuesday i. Andy estimates that this equates to approximately two hours per month & the cost would be $5 per month (estimate) d. Parent question – is there a schedule of practice times & exhibition dates? Andy is currently working on a schedule e. Andy indicated it would be ok to start mid-season f. Andy indicated he would mention to Optionals i. Parents should speak directly to Andy if their gymnast is interested g. A couple of our team parents volunteered to assist with any marketing effort related to the exhibition team Page 2 of 5

10. Parent question – will Andy offer an advanced tumbling class? He is open to holding a class if there is enough interest from gymnasts with appropriate skill level 11. Amy Jo modeled the new team shirt a. It is available in a couple of styles (t-shirts & sweatshirts) and in white or grey b. Order sheets will be posted on main bulletin board 12. Parent question – will Amy Jo continue to hold privates in the same fashion she has the past few weeks – yes, Mon/Wed at 4:30 & perhaps Saturdays; please check the meet board for sign up information 13. Parent question – how are the girls doing & how is the coaching rotation working out for everyone? a. The girls are making progress b. Coaching rotation is working out well from coaches’ perspective – several parents confirmed their gymnasts felt the same way c. Amy Jo commented that she is “charging” the Optionals a “penny” for toes that are not pointed d. The girls have goal sheets that they should work on e. After the intra-squad for Levs 4 – 6 the girls will receive critique/feedback of their performance 14. Parent question – judging is so subjective will the girls receive some type of feedback during or after the meets? Yes, they should receive some type of feedback regarding meet performance; typically this occurs during the meet or just after the meet - coaches generally make it a point to discuss how they are doing and what may have contributed to the scores they receive – keep in mind that it is subjective and sometimes the coach will not be privy to specific deductions

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Gymnastics Michiana Booster Club Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance (7/15/09)


Booster Club Dues


Coaches' Clinics


Competition Clothing Expenses


Fundraising Income (Yearly)


Host Meet Expenses


Interest Income


Participating Meet Expenses


Payroll Expenses




Ending Balance (8/19/09)


Distributed by Ana Han 8-19-09

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