Cursuri Lb. Engleza

  • June 2020
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UNIVERSITATEA SPIRU HARET Departamentul de Limbaje specializate LIMBA ENGLEZĂ, Anul III, sem. I Facultatea de Drept şi AdministraŃie Publică, Specializările Drept şi AdministraŃie Publică Manual obligatoriu: Lavinia Nădrag, Manuela Stroescu – English for Law Students, Ed. FundaŃiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti, 2002/6. Modul de stabilire a notei finale: ÎnvăŃământ cursuri de zi: test grila Blackboard ÎnvăŃământ cursuri ID/FR: test grila Blackboard Titularul cursului: Seria Zi/ID/FR: Lector univ. dr. Ruxandra Vasilescu, [email protected] ConŃinutul tematic al cursului: I. Unit 4 – Criminal Procedure (p. 48-72) • Do civil law and common law systems have the same approach to criminal procedure? • What is the inquisitorial system and respectively the adversarial system? • Which are the main differences between the two legal systems – the common law and the civil law in terms of criminal procedure? • What is the difference between indeterminate sentence, determinate sentence and presumptive sentence? • How does probation work? Who can obtain probation and under what circumstances? • Look up the following legal terms in a Legal Dictionary: criminal, offender, felony, misdemeanor, homicide, murder, manslaughter, jail, prison, etc. (p. 60-61) Exemplu de grilă: Choose the correct sentence about the two legal systems: common law systems and civil law systems: a. Civil law and common law systems have the same approach to criminal procedure. b. Civil law and common law systems have entirely different approaches to criminal procedure. c. The legal systems in England, Canada and the United States are based on the civil law tradition.

II. Unit 5 – Courts (p. 73-94) • What is the difference between courts of record and courts not of record? • What is the structure of courts in United Kingdom? • What is the structure of courts in the United States? • What is the structure of the United States Congress?

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Define and make sure you understand the difference between federal courts, constitutional courts and legislative courts in the U.S. Look up the following legal terms in a Legal Dictionary: petit jury, grand jury, trial jury, bench trial, petitioner, respondent, etc (p. 83-88).

Exemplu de grila: Choose the right answer: The United States Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate, represents the …......................... of the government. a. executive branch b. legislative branch c. constitutional branch

Unit 6 – The British Constitution and Government • What elements does the Constitution of the United Kingdom consist of? • What is the difference between the House of Commons and House of Lords? • How do you translate the following British titles: Lord Chancellor, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary? Exemplu de grila: Choose the correct answer: The House of Lords is …………………. a. the upper house of the Parliament of the United States of America. b. the part of the British Parliament that consists of politicians who are not elected by the people. c. a synonymous term for the House of Commons.

Unit 7 - The United States Constitution and Government. • Compare the Constitution of the United States with the British Constitution (elements, structure, nature – written/unwritten, etc.) • What do the three parts of the U.S. Constitution consist of and what is their function? • Express in your own words the meaning of the main important Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. • What is the structure of the American System of Government? • Which are the main important American political parties? What do you know about them? Exemplu de grila: Choose the right answer about the American parties: The …................... are mostly interested in establishing social programs for people in need, such as the poor, the unemployed, the elderly and they oppose military spending. a. Republicans b. Democrats c. Conservatives

Grammar: Reported Speech, Idioms, Phrasal Verbs. Exemplu de grile: Reported Speech: Turn the following Direct Speech into Reported Speech, by making any necessary changes: ‘I think it is extremely unlikely that you will be asked to testify’, said the lawyer. a. The lawyer reassured me that it was extremely unlikely that I will be asked to testify. b. The lawyer reassured me that it is extremely unlikely that I will be asked to testify. c. The lawyer reassured me that it was extremely unlikely that he would be asked to testify. d. The lawyer reassured me that it was extremely unlikely that I would be asked to testify. Choose the right answer: The policeman asked the old woman why ................. to identify the mugger the previous day. a. did she failed b. did you fail c. she has failed d. she had failed Idioms: Choose the right answer: In the sentence: Losing the trial means more money down the drain., the idiom more money down the drain means: a. more money spent for a good cause b. more money spent well c. more money wasted in vain d. more profit obtained Choose the right answer: The attorneys can talk until they ................ but I don’t think they’ll convince the jury that this guy is innocent. a. turn blue b. are blue in the face c. scream blue murder Phrasal Verbs: Choose the right phrasal verb: The Constitution of the United Kingdom is .......... of statute law, common law, and conventions. a. made up b. made out c. made over d. made by Choose the right phrasal verb:

The attackers threatened to …… me ….. if I didn’t give them my wallet. a. beat in b. beat down c. beat up Bibliografia minimă obligatorie: Lavinia Nădrag, Manuela Stroescu – English for Law Students, Ed. FundaŃiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti, 2002/6. Ruxandra Vasilescu – Commercial Correspondence, Ed. FundaŃiei România de Mâine, Bucureşti, 2006. Vladimir Hanga, Rodica Calciu – DicŃionar juridic englez - român şi român- englez, ed. Lumina Lex, Bucureşti, 2007. Onorina Grecu – DicŃionar juridic român-englez, englez-român, Ed. C.H. Beck, Bucureşti, 2008. Bibliografie facultativă: Marcella Chartrand, Catherine Millar, Edward Wiltshire, English for Contract and Company Law, Thomson, Sweet & Maxwell, London, 2003. Jacqueline Martin & Chris Turner, AQA Law for A2, printed in Great Britain for Hodder Education, first published 2004. Blackstone’s EC Legislation, Sixth Edition, Edited by Nigel G. Foster, BA, LLM, Dip German, Blackstone Press Limited, 1995. Collins, L. – European Community Law in the United Kingdom, 4th edition, London, Butterworths, 1990. Weatherill, Stephen and Beaumont, Paul – EC LAW, Second Edition, Penguin Books, 1995. A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet – A Practical English Grammar - Exercises 1 and Exercises 2, Oxford University Press, 1986. Georgiana GălăŃeanu Fârnoagă – Sinteze de gramatică engleză – exerciŃii şi teste de evaluare, Bucureşti, 1992.

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