Raspunsuri Lb Engleza Alfab 1

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48.Mark the correct meaning of the sentence: Betty sold her uncle’s boat after his death. b. Betty’s uncle died 49Mark the correct meaning of the sentence: Not one football player has bought enough insurance. a. None of the players is sufficiently insured 50.Mark the correct meaning of the sentence: George gets better grades in sport than he does in English. a.George’s grades in English are not so good as his grades in sport 45.Testing comprehension. Choose the good answer after you read the conversation: „Could you please book me on the next flight out to London? - I’m sorry, Sir. Continental doesn’t fly to Boston.Why don’t you try Delta or Lufthansa?” c.He will probably get a ticket for a flight on Delta or Lufthansa 125Testing comprehension. Fill in the blanks in the following text with the words listed below. Modify their form if necessary: Anxiety, communication, needs, aggressive, wishes, assertive, passive, feelings, negotiate, win, self-confidence Over the past few years, many people have learned another way of behaving, a middle course between being (1)….....PASSIVE.......... or (2)…..…AGGRESSIVE….….., the (3)…….... ASSERTIVE…....... way. It is a way of communicating clearly one’s (4)……… NEEDS…....,(5)...........WISHES…….....and/or(6)...........FEELINGS…...... while at the same tome respecting the needs, wishes and feelings of others. It is not about (7)...........WINNING……... all the time, rather more about (8).............NEGOTIATING.............. life without constant (9)............ANXIETY……... or lack of (10).............SELFCONFIDENCE……...... It is usually a more appropriate and a more effective form of (11).........COMMUNICATION……….. 60. Testing comprehension. Match the elements of communication with the types of communication: c. using your hands, body, voice and face to send messages 61. Testing comprehension. Match the elements of communication with the types of communication: Technical jargon a. being able to chatter in any situations, understanding and being understood 62. Testing comprehension. Match the elements of communication with the types of communication: Learning to take turns in talking d.conveyance of meaning in unfamiliar contexts requires practice in the use of the appropriate register or style of speech 63. Testing comprehension. Match the elements of communication with the types of communication: Assertiveness trening b. practicing to speak fluently, clearly and confidently when stating views 42. Testing comprehension. Read the text below and specify what type of holiday the speaker likes and the reasons why: „Well, my perfect kind of holiday is a walking holiday in beautiful, sunny hilltops around the Mediterranean…I’d say the South of France or…er…perhaps Spain or Northern Majorca, p’haps the hills round Tuscany. Beautiful, beautiful countryside, walking, drinking, sleeping, lovely…”b. walking holiday, beautiful countryside, walking, drinking, sleeping 43. Testing comprehension. Read the text below and specify what type of holiday the speaker likes and the reasons why: „I go to my friend’s cabin in Northern Vermont

near the Canadian border, park the car, walk about five miles. Nearest civilisation is a little country store with a wood stove, storekeeper with a check shirt, and you have to really go out of your way to see people.” c.cabin in the countryside, being away from other people and from civilisation 44. Testing comprehension. Read the text below and specify what type of holiday the speaker likes and the reasons why: „I like contrasts, so I love sailing and being completely isolated, just the wind blowing and the sea and the colours of the sky, and then arriving somewhere in the evening and joining people and then being able to get away from them again so you can relax in two different environments......” d. being isolated on the sea; arriving somewhere in the evening and joining people 31. Testing concept review -Most social scientists today agree with the statement: c.Genes and environment interact in the process of human development -The agent of socialization that functions to remove young people from the idea that whatever they do is special is: c. the school -One of the primary differences between peers and parents as agents of socialization is that: c. peers and parents have different, conflicting values -The looking-glass self consists of: a.how we image others see us -Young people „play” at being mothers and fathers, cops and robbers, Hollywood stars and sports heroes. All of these examples of role playing illustrate: c. anticipatory socialization -Some researchers maintain that the female equivalent of the male midlife crisis is: c.the empty nest syndrome -Which of the following is NOT one of the problems associated with prime-time T.V.: c. TV alters the traditional influences of the family,friends, and school -Studies of unfortunate children who have been reared in near-total isolation show they: d. catch up with others their age if given proper nutrition and tender care -Some sociologists saw one of the major psychological tasks of childhood as achieving a. identity -A major difference between human cultures and other animals’ „designs for living” is that culture: c. is transmitted through learning -T.A particular communication is successful if the others are willing to understand and decode a message as well.T -F.Almost all contemporary sociologists saw socialization as a cooperative effort in which the individual develops a sense of self in relationship to others, and society is recreated as a generalized other in the individual’s mind. -F.Assertiveness supposes being anxious and passive. -T.Body language is another way of conveying meaning to people around us. -T.Contemporary psychologists examined systematically the changes people undergo following adolescence and they viewed several stages in life as presenting new crises that require new adjustments. -T.Contemporary sociologists interested in social development, try to determine how social interaction shapes the individual’s identity or sense of self. -T.Contemporary sociologists see development as a results of the interaction of genetic potential and socially derived factors. -T.If human behaviour were genetically determined, children would develop characteristically human behaviour

patterns, with or without social interaction; and males and females in one culture would behave in much the same way as their counterparts in another. -T.Parents socialize their children into the world they know, the one into which they (the parents) have been socialized, and with which they are most comfortable. -T.Peers provide young people with their first experience with egalitarian relationships, opportunities to test what they are taught by adults, and group support for developing alternative norms and values. -F.People start to interact with those around them when they are teen-agers. -T.Reference groups (positive or negative) are used by individuals both as models and as measures of self-worth as they move through the life cycle. -T.School offers a systematic practice in a great range of communicative activities. -T.Social Darwinists (and others) argued that a person’s character and position in society is determined by experience. -T.Socialization is the lifelong process of social interaction that can transform an infant into a child thirsting for knowledge, perhaps a rebellious teenager, a worker, a spouse, and parent, and eventually into an elder member of society. -T.Some contemporary sociologists showed that our self-images are largely a reaction to what we see in other people’s responses toward us (the looking-glass self) -F.Television can never encourage pro-social behaviour and provide positive models. -F.The family is perhaps the weakest basic agent of socialization in that it is the last, and possibly the least impportant influence on the individual. -F.The mass media (especially television) represent the most important agent of socialization, never controversial. -T.The psychologist Erik Erikson was primarily interested in personality: how the individual develops characteristic ways of thinking and behaving. -T.The school does not give youngsters experience in dealing with a large, bureaucratic organization in which the same rules are not supposed to apply to everyone and individuals are valued in terms of their appearance. -T.There are five primary agents of socialization that operate both independently and interdependently: the family, school, peer groups, mass media, and refernce groups. -F.There aren’t too many changes that people undergo as they mature and grow older. -T.There is evidence that violence or primetime programmes encourages aggressive behaviour and that commercials promote sex stereotyping. -F.When interacting the meaning is always one-sided. 40. Testing concept review. Case study -Ms. Lara Brown is thirty-four years old and vice president of a bank.Her friends think of her as one of the most successful career women they know. Suddenly, she finds herself looking at babies and wondering if the man she is dating will propose. Ms. Lara Brown is: a. thinking about settling down -Jim’s father is a senior partner in a large London law firm; his mother is head of a school. Most of their friends are as successful and career-oriented as they are; Jim has no interest in what he sees outside his home; he wants to be a cabinet-maker.His parents and their circle of friends serve as a: d.positive reference group 68. Testing concept review. Match the words with the definitions: -absenteeism / c. frequent absence from work or school -agent of socialization c.An individual, group, or organization that influences a person’s behaviour and sense of self -anticipatory socialization a.Learning about and practicing a new role before one is in a position to play that role -anxious / b. troubled and uneasy in mind

-ego / b. the rational part of the personality that serves as a mediator -empty nest syndrome / a. the dissatisfaction and depression women may feel at midlife when their children leave home and their husbands are still engrossed in careers -generalized other / a. term for the internalized image of the structure and norms of society as a whole -id / b. the reservoir of innate, primitive, asocial, sexual, and aggressive urges with which a child is born -identity crisis / d. the inability to reconcile the image one has of her/ himself with actual skills, potential and activities, or with the image she/he has based on other people’s expectations -looking-glass self / c. the images we have of ourselves, based upon our observations of how other people react toward us -midlife crisis / c. the turmoil that may affect individual’s life during middle-age -negative reference group / b.a group that a person rejects and does not want to join in the future -personality / d. the individual’s patterns of behaviour or thought -positive reference group / e.a group that a person would like to join in the future -reference group / a. a group or social category that an individual uses as a guide in developing his/her values, attitudes, behaviour, and self-image -self b. The individual’s sense of identity or „Who I am” -significant others / c. people whose evolutions a person holds in high esteem --Socialization d.the process whereby one acquires a sense of personal identity and learns what people in the surrounding culture believe and how they expect one to behave -strain / e. pressure -stress / d. unable to relax, nervous -tense / a. Tension 51. Testing grammar. b. The duties of the new secretary are to answer the phone, to type letters, and to do the bookkeeping. -b. The members of the team are young, enthousiastic and talented. 57. Testing grammar. Choose the best tense to complete each sentence: 1. Sally TOLD/TOLD ME/WILL TELL ME/WOULD TELL me she had lost the catalogue. 2. This is confidential, please don’t SAY/TELL/SAID/YOU SAID anything about it. 3. This is confidential, please don’t SAY/TELL/SAID/YOU SAY anyone about it. 4. I SAID/TOLD/DO SAID/DO TOLD them about the meal, and they SAID/TOLD/DO SAID/DO TOLD they would come. 5. „You see”, TOLD/SAID/WILL TELL/WILL SAY Steve, „I always TOLD/SAID/WILL TELL/WILL SAY you would get a promotion. 53. Testing grammar. Choose the correct tense to complete the sentense: -Don’t hesitate! Buy these shoes! They . b…. are worn ...very well. -What did you tell the shop assistant when your turn.. c… had come...? -They (1).. c. said.....they (2)... c.were going...to leave for France at the beginning of August. 59. Testing grammar. Choose the proper verb: 1. You must / needn’t save a file before you turn the computer off, or you will lose it. 2. I’m afraid this is a non-smoking office, so you haven’t got to / can’t smoke in here. 3. You mustn’t / don’t have to come to the meeting if you have more important things to do.

30. Testing grammar. Choose the right solution: 1. I regret they don’t take my- b. I wish they took my proposal into account 2. She often complains about- a. I wish she didn’t complain about everything 3. I don’t receive many letters- a. I wish to receive more letters 4. They didn’t attend the lecture- a. They wish they have attended the lecture 58. Testing grammar. Choose the right verbal form: 1. „When will you let us know your decision?” , they asked me. They asked me when I WILL/WOULD/WILL HAVE let them know my decision. 2. „Are you feeling all right?”, she asked me. She asked me if I AM/HAD BEEN/WAS FEELING all right. 3. „Do you know the author?”, he asked me. He asked me if I KNOW/HAVE KNOWN/KNEW the author. 4. „Why has it taken so long?”, he asked. He asked me why it HAS TAKEN/TOOK/HAD TAKEN so long. 84. Testing grammar. Match the actual sentences with the reported statements: -„I’m going fishing this afternoon said the boy. / d. The boy said he was going fishing that Afternoon -`It isn’t so foggy today as it was yesterday”, I remarked. / a. I remarked it wasn’t so foggy that day as it had been a day before. -„One day I’ll go away and you’ll be sorry”, she said / b. She said one day she would go away and they would be sorry. -„You haven’t paid me quite enough”, he pointed out. / c. He pointed out I hadn’t paid him quite enough. -`We like working on Sundays because we get double pay,” explained the buiders. / e.The builders explained they liked working on Sundays because they got double pay. 113. Testing grammar. Match the adjectives with the descriptions: -dramatic / a. a sudden, very large change -slight / c. a very small change -sharp / b. a sudden, large change -steady / d. a regular change (not sudden) 89. Testing grammar. Match the following commands and requests to the reported forms: -„Could you sign the book please?” / c. He asked me to sign the book. -„Could I have a cup of coffee?” / b. She asked for a cup of coffee -„Don’t use bent coins in a slot machine” / a. He told me not to use bent coins in a slot machine. -„Please don’t smoke” / d. He asked me not to smoke. -„Sit down” / e. He told me to sit down. 64. Testing grammar. Match the sentence to the corresponding sentences -I haven’t a clue about it. / c. If only I knew the definition -If he hadn’t been so impatient, he would have been better appreciated / d. If only he hadn’t been so hasty -I wish he would come / a. If only he would come -I wish I had met her before / b. If only I had met her before 107. Testing grammar. Match the words and phrases with similar meanings: -adverse effects / c. unfavourable changes -compact things / b. don’t take up much space -high stability / a. doesn’t fall over easily -low voice / d. not loud -portable typewriters / f. easy to pick up and carry

-robust construction / e. strongly made 117. Testing grammar. Match to the conclusions -My boss is looking for another job. / a. He is going to leave the company -The company is in serious financial difficulty. / c. It is going to go bankrupt -We should have left much earlier. / b. We are going to be late 26. Testing meaning. Choose the best synonym: -Better communicating means better understanding of ourselves and others; less isolationn from around us and more PRODUCTIVE, happy lives. a. Prolific -Formal TRAINING in the classroom affords us an opportunity to gain systematic practice in an even greater range of communicative activities. b. education -Whereas a baby’s cry will be enough to bring a mother running with a clean nappy and warm milk in one instance, it may produce no RESPONSE at all in another. c. reaction -We learn very soonn that the success of a particular communication strategy depends on the WILLINGNESS of others to understand and on the interpretation they give to our meaning. c. consent 46. Testing reading comprehension. What is the advertisement about? „During this Holiday Season you’ll be glad that you took pictures.Go, get your Kodak Color film to Foto-land; this week only, two rolls for $3.25.Remember,good pictures start with good films, and Kodak Color is the best! b. Film and film processing 120. Testing vocabulary. Match the adjectives from job advertisements with the good explanations to show your abilities: If you are: -bilingual / d. you can speak two languages -flexible / a. you can adapt to changing circumstances -logical / e. you can think clearly -persuasive / b. you can make others see your viewpoint -pragmatic / c. you can find practical solutions 99. Testing vocabulary. Match the words to the words to form collocations (words that go together) : -crowded / e. Airports -delayed / h. Flights -deeply / a. disappointed -family / f. Relationships -high / d. hopes -physical / c. Fitness -recharge / b. your batteries -vicious / g. Circle 47. Testing vocabulary. Replace the underlined word by a synonymous one: The coach CONCEALED his disappointment when he wasn’t invited to the party. b. hide

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