Gibbering Mouther Level 10 Controller

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 226
  • Pages: 1
Gibbering Mouther Level 10 Controller Medium aberrant magical beast XP 500 Initiative +7 Senses Perception +4; all-around vision, darkvision Warped Ground aura 3; enemies treat the area within the aura as diffi cult terrain. HP 110; Bloodied 55 AC 22; Fortitude 23, Refl ex 16, Will 19 Speed 5, swim 5 Bite (standard; at-will) ✦ Acid +15 vs. AC; 1d6 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends). C Gibbering (free, once on its turn before it takes other actions; at-will) ✦ Psychic Close burst 5; deafened creatures are immune; +12 vs. Will; the target is dazed until the end of the gibbering mouther’s next turn. M Gibbering Feast (standard; recharge ⚅ ) ✦ Acid Close burst 5; unnatural mouths appear on dazed creatures in the burst and bite them; +15 vs. AC; 1d6 + 6 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends). Alignment Unaligned Languages — Str 19 (+9) Dex 14 (+7) Wis 8 (+4) Con 22 (+11) Int 4 (+2) Cha 18 (+9) Gibbering Mouther Tactics Creatures approaching the gibbering mouther are hampered by the creature’s warped ground aura. During the first round of combat, it uses its gibbering power to daze enemies and then uses gibbering feast to cause biting mouths to appear on them. It continues gibbering each round, biting the nearest target until its gibbering feast power recharges.

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