Gfu Ed Tech Seminar

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,313
  • Pages: 20
Emerging Technologies --- and their potential impact on education MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogging, Texting, Instant Messaging, Wikis and Mobile Computing have created a generation of students who no longer seek out technology simply as a tool to do research, write papers, or even email. Many of today's students are digital natives whose very culture is embedded in emerging technologies. To successfully educate these students for the digital future, we need to become effective at educating them in their native culture. Barry Jahn [email protected]

Workshop Agenda 1. Prepare our mindset o o

The 4 R's: Relationships -> Relevance -> Rigor -> Results Shift Happens -> so Pay Attention :)

2. The new Oregon educational technology requirements o

Technology literacy for all students (it's the law)

3. Web2.0 - emerging tools for you and your students o

Examples and demonstrations (personal and classroom)

4. Demonstrations with: o o

Derek, Trevor, Carly, Ryan and Josh  Collaboration (Docs, Blog, DropBox, Skype, & more) Josh (WiiRemote - $100 alternative to $2500 Smartboard)

5. Reflection

I'm no longer able to say I don't know Sheldon's blog post reflection states: Take my iPhone. When I bought the thing shortly after its release two years ago, I simply lost the ability to say "I don't know" (much to the chagrin of my wife, I can assure you...) Any information I could possibly want or need is literally seconds away, and with tools like Google Search or Maps, and the whole internet in my pocket, I simply cannot offer that excuse any more! What it has forced me to do, however, is sharpen my critical thinking skills, and anything I pull up I must pre-screen: Is this valid?

Is it accurate?

Is it biased?

Ordering a pizza in 2010 What are the risks of calling in a pizza order? "Pizza." section of pizza. 2 Mar. 2009. 1 Jan. .

Critical Thinking: • What is the purpose of this video? • What inferences are being made? • What are the assumptions behind the inferences? • How might a technologically literate person reflect on this compared to someone who is not tech literate? • What organization is behind this ad, and what are their biases?

r u connecting 2 students in their world, addressing their needs & their learning styles? • Are your lesson plans dynamic and interactive? • Are you achieving relevance, rigor & results? • • • • •

Relationships Collaboration High level (taxonomy) Project based Web2.0 Tools

• • • • •

Engaging Social networking Empowering eLearning2.0 Dynamic content

• Rich, varied learning experiences • Students Create/Edit/Share

Shift Happens (video link) • Todays' learner will have 10-14 jobs by the age of 38. (Dept. of Labor)

• The top 10 in-demand jobs three years from now did not exist three years ago. • As an educator, you are preparing kids: • for jobs that don't currently exist • to solve problems that have not been define • to use tools and technologies that have not yet been discovered. What impact might this have on you as a teacher?

Shift Happens


• Information doubles every 18 months. • Much of the information learned today may be obsolete 3 years from now. • Over 2.7 billion searches performed on Google each month. • Over 3000 new books published every day. • Pay Attention (short video response to Shift Happens). What impact might this have on you as a teacher?

Official Google Blog (2/16/09) Post by Jonathan Rosenberg • 120,000 blogs created daily

• ½ of blogs -> people under 19 yrs old • US: 40% of Internet users upload videos • Globally: 15 hours video uploaded to YouTube every minute • Social networking: one of every six minutes spent online • Copyright, 1997. Do not redistribute. • Copyright, 2009. Click here to send to your friends.

"All students ... technologically literate " It's the law 1. CIP

Oregon Performance Standard #8


All students will have access to, and develop proficiency in utilizing technology to improve their academic achievement. (NCLB) o o

addresses all subject areas . by the end of 8th grade

2. Oregon Diploma

Standard #6


Use Technology to learn, live and work." o

Often referred to as the 2012 Essential Skills

"All students ... technologically literate " It's the law 3. new Oregon Educational Technology Standards  Creativity and Innovation  Communication and Collaboration  Research and Information Fluency  Critical Thinking, Prob. Solving and Decision Making  Digital Citizenship  Technology Operations and Concepts

Aligned to NETS*S

Tech Literacy for Teachers NETS*T (National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers) (Updated 2008)

– Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity – Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessment – Model Digital-Age Work and Learning – Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility – Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership

What is Web2.0 ? "... a web-based platform for applications and services“ o

Create / edit / publish / share --- it's social  word processing, spread sheets, presentations  audio, video, images


Instant software updates. No downloads. Not proprietary!


I predict within 2 to 3 years nearly all major software applications will be web based.


Nearly all my data and software applications await me from any computer, any where in the world.

Web2.0 Tools --- for everyone • Blog - Blogging vs webpage • Google Docs o

W.Proc, S.Sheet, Presentation


Share (co-edit, co-view)


Publish (as URL or to Blog)


Revision & tracking

• Google Sites o

web design

• Social Bookmarking o


Google-Images, Flickr


Dabbleboard, Lunapic

• Social Networking o

Google Reader, Bloglines

FaceBook, MySpace

• Podcasting o

iTunes, Podomatic

• Video o

Google Video, Ustream, TeacherTube, YouTube

delicious tagging

• RSS (Reader) o

• Images

o, TokBox

• Audio o

Skype, Tokbox

Web2.0 Demonstrations Google Sites demo (MAT Ed Tech web site) • Picasa (Google Photo) class pic • Calendar, Gradebook, Lesson Plans, Intask/Tspc • Attendance, Student blog links, Team Project list • Tokbox (webcam/audio) • Shaun's elementary PE class

Web2.0 Demonstrations with Carly & Ryan Before


Web2.0 Demonstration Google Sheets Demo (web-based Excel)

Heart Rate Activity (health, PE, science, math, any age level) • Rest -> aerobic -> anaerobic • Table and fun graphs Height vs Arm Reach (any age level) • Hyphothesis • Collect data • Chart results Foreign Language (any age level) • Vocabulary, Phrases

Wiimote'ing with Josh $100 Wii-Remote & Pen or $2500 Smartboard • Required Hardware and Software o

PC Bluetooth device, IR-Pen, Wiimote


Download and install free sofware

• Setup o

Quick Calibration


Whiteboard vs Presentation mode

• Live Demonstration o

Compare Dabbleboard using Wii

Teaming with Derek .

• Skype and Teamviewer to collaborate (student & teacher) • Ed-556 pedagogy and student teaching

• Google Docs (quick overview) o

Lesson Plans, Work Sample, Assn’s, Worksheets

• Google Forms o

Surveys for action research and assessment.  Demo 'Using Technology' survey

• Derek’s Course Website o

Calendar, Desk Crits, Scrolling Pics, architecture, Daily Assn's, Student work samples


Student Blogs (Staci's)

Teaming with Trevor Skype & Teamviewer • This is how we communicated all term • Shared Lesson Plans, work sample, action research

Video (student teaching) DropBox o

Files home <-> school <-> printing, sharing

Google Docs o o

Only use when collaborating is necessary Stick with Microsoft Office (math functions)

4shared o o

Store video clips (student teaching) Store any large files (original photo images, .PDFs)

Demo a warm-up Activity (math)

Reflection: Quickly jot down the first thoughts that come to your mind for each of the four topics in today’s session: 2. Shift Happens 3. Ed Tech Standards --- It’s the law 4. Web2.0 definition (in your own words), and examples 5. Student demonstrations

Describe two personal technology-related goals that will help increase your ability to successfully educate today’s students for tomorrow’s world?

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