Mepo 6th Grade Poems

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  • Pages: 14

The sixth graders in my reading class hav& just finished writing some poetry. Since a lot of the thoughts and words that they chose to use are so interesting, I thought that it would be fun to put it into booklet £orm so they could read what their fellow classmates had written and so you as parents could read some of their work. I feel it is really quite good for students of their age. There are four types of poetry here. The first is haiku which is a form of Japanese poetry. Haiku have three lines,

which are usually in a five, seven, five syllabic pattern.


They are often written about some aspect of nature and present vivid images. The second type is called cinquain which is a 5-line verse. The first line names a subject of scene. second line describes the scene, third line uses three -ing words to describe the scene, fourth line is a four-word prepositional phrase, and the last line is one word that sums up the scene. The third type is called Diamonte' which is a 7-line verse in diamond shape. The fourth type that we did was looney limericks which are strictly for fun. We did have to observe a rhythm pattern and a rhyme scheme where the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme and the remaining third and fourth lines rhymed. We hope you enjoy reading them! ~ITS. Baal


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HAIKU Night The still of the night Peace and stillness stole the day The time of night comes. " Arrival of Winter The green leaves fall again Winter's cold snow breaks through The ground becomes white. The Rainbow Colorful rainbow The sun shone throug~ the rain clouds Lightness took over. -Ryan Heiniger First SnGw Cold snowflakes settle On the blanket of snow A world of white. -Ryan Heiniger The Forest Beautiful Forest For everyone to enjoy Leaves, tre~s, bushes, and grass -Kara Enke rj~orning


The wet dew settles Down on the grassy fields Softly, quietly. -Shannon Bartelt Summer Heat The grasshopper jumps Onto the brown, crackling grass Scorched by summer's sun. -Shannon Bartelt Autumn


Autumn leaves falling Glistening red, golden hues, Shedding from the tree.







The dove s in the sky Fly over the biggest trees And soar like eagles. -l\Tike Nollen Snowfall The snow settles down The bright stars twinkle above The world is peaceful. -LI>ri o'Hanlon The Pond The still waters lie A duck ripples the water All is silent now. -Tricia r-Ietzger A Visitor A fawn looks at me With its beautiful brown eyes It glides to the bush. -Tricia J\letzger Snowfall

I saw the snow fall. It fell in And landed

big. but softly.

. . soft




Snowy f-i1orning As the morning awoke On the newly covered snow The world was peaceful. -Tenile Luttenegger Rainbow of Life The rainbow of life Has many different colors



yellow. -Tenile



A Summer Day Crispy, clean breezes Blowing in the grasse~ Keeps you cool today. -Stacy Housman The Night Snow Slowly to the ground The night snow fell silently Everything was still. -Lisa Shinn The Pine Tree As the pine tree sways The pine comes fall to The needles fall, too. -Brian






The Sun


The brilliant sun Rises in the ~orning at dawn To start a new day. -Brenda Vose Christmas Tree A tree of greenery In the winter's great snowflakes, Is a Christmas tree. -Darcee Chase




Nightfall The sun sets slowly The shadows fall silently The birds hugh their songs. -Kirk Spring



The bright sunlight shines, Upon a midget flower The small flower blooms. -Christina Stafford Snow Ficture It began to snow With the Wind at a light blow It frosted the trees. ':Josh Coppes

Winter Snow The snow gently falls Over the tree covered land Everything is white. -Erica Nixon The Birds The birds flying in air Will go south for the winter Where it is warmest. -I"~issy Thomas

The Snake Today



The snake will come out and play Just watch where you walk! -Hissy Thomas



Home Loud, happy Laughing, sharing, supporting With contented people Love -Mike Nollen

Hunting Early" chilly Boomingr flying, falling In the boat Water -Brenda Vose

Rainbow Beautiful, sensational Fascinating, wondering, beautifyi At the ~andy beach Excellent -Darcee Chase Basketball Baskets, basketballs Exciting, interesting, exhausting In an old gym Fun -Josh Coppes

Flowers Colorful, fragrant. Loving, smelling, coloring In the Outdoors Beautiful -Erica Nixon

Basketball Winning, losing Shooting, che€ring, exciting' Into the basketball hoop Fun -Ryan Heiniger


Boys Onery, uncooperative Outgoing, hurrying, never-ending On the run' Energetic

Icy, slippery Slipping, freezing, catching On the icy pond Fun -Brian Carter

-Kaci Klenk

Flamingo Fluffy, feathery Nibbling, pecking, staripg At the red dawn Pink -Kirk Wagenbach

MonopoJy Slow, jail Renting, moving, buying At Park Place square Bankrupt! -Tawn Hansen

Homework Endless, frustrating Working, thinking, writing About every single night Boring -Kara Enke

Winter Snow, ice Wondering, sliding, falling On the frozen ice Excitement! -Stacy Housman

Outside White, peaceful Refreshing, mindclearing, breathtaking In the chilly air Winter

Baseball Game Loud, colorful Hitting, running, pitching In the huge stadium Exciting -Deborah Honson

-Lori OtHanlon


Game Loud, suspense Exciting, roaring, scoring In a large gym Fun. -Lindsay Berkmeier

Parade Colorful, fun Exciting, marching, waving On a wide street Happiness -Jennifer Patterson

Snow Peaceful, quiet Drifting, blowing, snowing In the cold forest Peace -Christina Stafford

Playground Loud, wild Bewildering, boring, hating In theMediapolis city limits Fun -Hichael Dehner

Sleep Dark, quiet Resting, lying, dreaming In a soft bed Peaceful -Michelle Nusic

Basketball Effort, exhaustion Running, shooting, passing In the big gym Fun

Football Excitement, colorful Running, passing, catching At a large stadium Touchdown -Lindsay Berkmeier

Bike Riding Alone, carefree Racing, coasting, wind-blowing Down the gravel road Fun!


Home Comfortable, relaxed Sleeping, playing, working Where the family lives Castle

Hot, sunshine. Swimming, laughing,


At the swimming pool' Fun! -Stacy Housman

-Je~ifer Patterson



-Kara Enke

Softball Tension, exciting Cheering, scoring, batting At the softball diamond Homerun -Tawn Hansen

Friends Helpful, trustworthy Caring, comforting, willing With you all the time Friendship -Kaci Klenk

Arcade Noisy, packed Exciting, frustrating, challenging In most large malls Fun! -Mike Nollen

Rainbow Pastel, colorful, pretty Feeling, mesmerizing, interesting In the heavens Beauty


Tree Trunk, leaves Blowi~g, growing, shading On the grassy ground Peaceful -Deborah Honson

Bloody, terrible Terrifying, frightening, wondering Out of St. Louis Confusion -Darcee Chase

-Tricia Metzger




Winter White, cold Sledding, sliding, skating Hats, mittens~ boots, coats Freezing, snowing, blowing Ice, snow Frostbite -Deborah Honson

Unicorns Magical, mythical Mystifying, electrifying, unbelieving Stream, Trees, rocks, sky Beautifying, amazing, imagining Legend, unusual Fantasy -Darcee Chase

Summer Hot, steamy Exciting, thrillihg, sizzling Sun, flowers, trees, breeze Laughing, swimming, sunning Sunny, carefree Kot -Erica Nixon

Winter Cold, Fun

Football Exciting, interesting Passing, catching, running Players, coaches, referee~, fans Blocking, intercepting, kicking Game, different Fun -Josh Coppes

Dripping, freezing, sledding Icicles, snow, coldness, no school Building, sharing, sleeping Wonderful, carefree Wonderland -Tricia


Ragbrai Hot, enjoyable Challenging, thrilling, exciting Camp site, road, towns, people Riding, suffering, aching Fun, hard Work -Brenda Vose

School Noisy, informative Thinking, studying, learning Teachers, rooms, pupils, books Tiring, amusing, boring Loud, chaotic Wild -Hike Nollen

Fishing Summer, boat Reeling, casting, catching River, worms, tackle, quiet Baiting, snagging, waiting fun, cooking Eating -Ryan Heiniger

Arena Bright, neat Interesting, exciting, surprising Stands, food, shop, court Eating, walking, selling Talkative,



-Brian Carter



School .



Joking, talking, working Desks, teachers~ books, fuilding Laughing, studying, reading Quiet, peace Everyday -Kaci Klenk

Classroom Quiet, relaxed Studying, sitting, reading Chairs, desks, papers, pencils Rattling, squeaking, shuffling Large, spaceful Organized -Kirk \.vagenbach

Kitchen Busy, cozy Cooking, baking, brewing Stove, sink, refrigerator, table Comforting, welcoming, relaxing Warm, exciting Food -Tawn Hansen

Country Peaceful, quiet Walking, riding, tiring Horses, sheep, cows, pigs Helping, feeding, growing Home, family Love -Stacy Housman

Locker Relaxed, familiar Showering, laughing, talking Dull, dirty, uglym gray Smelling, yelling, changing Full, casual



Recess Active, fun Running, chasing, playing Friends, playground, basketball, Talking, sharing, caring Comfortable, freetime Playtime -Lori O'Hanlon


Winter White, icy Berkmeier Shoveling, playing, skating. Frost, icicles, sno\~an, snowdrifts Sledding, snowing, freezing,

Old House Forgotten, leftaway Rusting, frighteni"'g, aging Stairs, bugs, mice, dust Breaking, creaking, haunting Broken, scary Lonely -TfJ.ichelle

School Children, teachers Teaching, learning, playing Desks, pencils, books, chalkboard Writing, talking discussing Interesting, exciting Education -Kara Enke


Cold, snow Pretty -Jennifer Patterson



Classroom Noisy, confusion Talking, walking, thinking Desks, - chairs, pencils, paper Writing, testing, learning Comfortable, homelike

Cozy -Nichael Dehner

Birthday -

Football Cold, freezing Running, catching, passing Players, fans, field, bleachers Exciting, entertaining, stimulating Offense, defense Touchdown -Christina Stafford

Singing, presents

Exciting, celebrating, partying Candles, cake,. ice-cream, games Opening, surprising, eating Friends, family Fun -Deborah Honson

Town People, cars Talking, visiting, sharing Bank, library, friends, houses Playing, working, helping Familiary, usual Comfortable -Kara Enke

Carnival Loud, noisy Riding, eating, walking Rides, people, stands, games Exciting, thrillijg, frightening Enjoyable, fun Excitement -Christina Stafford

Home Cozy, familiar Comforting, relaxing, working Rooms, pets, food, decorations Living, loving, lounging Country-style, roomy

Grandma's Familiar, nice Playing, talking, sitting Tree, relatives, basement, presents Exciting, filling,relaxing Friendly, homey Christmas -Brian Carter

Welcome -Lori O'Hanlon

Mountain Whi te, cold Glistening, skiing, sledding beginners slope,ski lift, cross-cQuntry ski lodge Climbing, exciting, crunching Snowy, trees Peaceful -Brenda Vose

School Books, teachers Reading, writing, studyi~g Desks, chalkboard, pencils, notebooks

Learning, expeY'imenting, thinking Homework, tests Education -Jennifer Patterson




Once there was a guy named Jack Who woke up for a midnight snack, He opened the cupboard And pulled out a small board, Thinking it was a Big Mac! -Christina Stafford There once was loony named Josh, Who wore the pants, Osh-Kosh-B-Gosh. There was a rip at the hip And over a cliff he did trip And now he looked like a big bowl of squash! -Kaci Klenk There once was a guy named Mack He lived in a dusty old shack. His hair was curly, But so unruly So what he did was smack his hair back! -Tina Warth Once there was a small boy Who was mad at his brand new toy, It wouldn't type Or make apples ripe But he still had to yelp with joy! -Kirk Wagenbach There once was an old alligator Who swallowed a big calculator. When asked 5 times 5 He replied ~wenty-five, Then burped and said, "See yhu later! -Brian Carter


There was once a man named Laine Who said he was always in pain. He went to Doctor Hatter To see what was the matter. Said the doctor, "It's only your brain!" -Lindsay Berkmeier There was a young man from France. He knew how to gracefully dance. He went to a party, Where he ate something tarty And all he could do was prance! .

-Tawn Hansen

I once saw a bird in a cage He grew to a ripe old age. The bird sits, the bird sings, He can't flap his wings And all he can eat is some sage! -Tawn Hansen





There once was a boy named Mike. He had his hair in a spike. He went to the zoo, And stepped in some doo, ~nd now he rides a bike! -Darcee Chase There once was a big Who sat upon an inch He let out a yelp--A call for help As he sat on the pin -Brenda

fat twin, long pin!

once again! Vose

There once was a moldy old cake That nobody ever would take. But then came Shane With his dirty old cane And smashed that cake with a rake! -Deborah Honson There once was an otter named Otto. That animal had won the lotto! He bought a new sub For a ride to the pub And he saw an underwater motto! -Lisa Shinn There once was a lonely cat. Boy! that cat was fat! I looked with surprise--I couldn't believe my eyes! That cat had eaten my new hat! -Lisa Shinn There once was a fat TV It was quite a sight to see. It ate too much-Do you get the hunch? It blew up on top of me! -Stacy Housman There once was a big chubby snake. He lived in a nice little lake. When swimming aboard His surfing board, He ate a whole chocolate cake! -Barry Grover Oh,

I once went into space

Because I was in a race And as the sun's heat

Melted my wheat, I came back a basket case! -Tenile Luttenegger





once was .a Christmas tree .

That came with a bumble bee. It stung a boy And broke a toy Then they sold it for ~ree! -Michelle


There once was a lady fit to be tied When she found out her little boy lied. She packed up her bags Which were filled up with rags And ran away and cried! -Chris Tieman


There once was a wicked old witch Who once had a terrible itch. She scratched it once They called her a dunce So she threw them all in the ditch

-Tricia Metzger


I once had a bratty brother Who refused to love one another. I slapped him hard on the cheek-I called hima pes~3ring geek, And now he is going to tell mother! -Tricia


I picked up a little brown bear With its pretty pink underwear. It had a big bow Attached to its toe. It was the prize, the best at the fair! -Tricia


There once was a dog named Rover. When he tried to walk he fell over. His legs were too short--But he was a good sport So he decided to lay in the clover! -Ivlike Hollen

There once was a man named Fred Who loved to stand on ~is head. He got so dizzy, he fell in a whizzy And he thought that he was dead! -Jennifer Patterson There once was a man named Jack. On his chair he set a tack. He forgot about it When he went to sit. He now has a tack in his back. -Shannon Bartelt

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There once was a cat Who was wearing a hat. He was very thin ~.

But then ate my dinAnd now is very fat! -Kara Enke




,.. ,",


These were handed in too late to be included with the original poems but we want them to be included. CINQUAIN

Robbery Panic, bewilderment Terrifying, amazing, threatening At the town bank Confusing -Lisa Shinn

Classroom Desks, chairs Teaching, talking, answering On the second floor Students -Shannon Bartelt

DIAMONTE' Christmas Noisy, busy Shopping, rushing, wrapping Presents, family, dinner, friends Caring, sharing, giving Exciting, suspenseful

Love -Shannon Bartelt

Park Noisy, children Playing, running, shouting Swing, benches, fountain, slide Exhausting, sharing, relaxing Fun, playful'

Family -Lisa Shinn











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