Rethinking Our Schools Using Web2 0 Tools

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 743
  • Pages: 11
Rethinking our Schools using Web2.0 Tools Hood River School District Curriculum: Janice Patton

West Sylvan Middle School Principal: Allison Couch

Presenter: Barry Jahn [email protected]

Workshop Goals 1. Prepare our mindset for: o o

Relationships -> Relevance -> Rigor -> RESULTS Shift Happens -> so Pay Attention :)

2. What is Web2.0? 3. Web2.0 Tools o

Examples and demonstrations (personal and classroom)

4. Hands-on Applications: o o

Every participant will leave with a gMail account and a personal blog Depending on the length of the workshop (1/2 or full-day), other skills may include advanced Blogging, Google Docs, or Google Sites.

R U connecting 2 students in their world, addressing their needs & their learning styles? • Is your curriculum dynamic and interactive? • Are you achieving relevance, rigor & results? • • • • • • • •

• Engaging Relationships • Social networking Collaboration • Empowering High level (taxonomy) • Relationships, Relevance, Project based Rigor, Results Dynamic content • eLearning2.0 Web2.0 Tools Rich, varied learning experiences Students Create/Edit/Share

Shift Happens (video link) • Todays' learner will have 10-14 jobs by the age of 38. (Dept. of Labor)

• The top 10 in-demand jobs three years from now did not exist three years ago. • You, as an educator, are ... preparing kids: • for jobs that don't currently exist • to solve problems that have not been defined • to use tools and technologies that have not yet been discovered.

What is our role as educators?

Shift Happens • Information doubles every 18 to 24 months. • Much of the information learned today may be obsolete 3 years from now. • Over 2.7 billion searches performed on Google each month • Over 3000 new books published every day. So what does this mean to us?

Shift Happens, so Pay Attention This is one persons response to 'Shift Happens'. Title: Pay Attention

What is Web2.0 ? "... a web-based platform for applications and services" I believe within 2 to 3 years nearly all major software applicatons will be web-based. o

Create / edit / share --- it's social

 word processing, spread sheets, presentations  audio, video, images o Perpetual beta (so get used to it) ex: Google o Gets better and better as more people use it ex: Firefox o Instant updates, no downloads, not proprietary! o Backbone: xHTML, CSS, W3C, XML, flash, AJAX

Web2.0 Tools --- for all of us • Images Google-Images, Flickr • Wiki - Wikispaces; CMS o

• Social Networking

FaceBook, MySpace • Podcasting - iTunes o

• Video o

Ustream, YouTube, Google Video, Netflicks

• Audio o

Skype, Yackpack, Jott, A/V Blog

• Blog - Blogging vs webpage • Google Docs o o o o

W.Proc, S.Sheet, Presentation Share (co-edit, co-view) Publish (as URL or to Blog) Revision & tracking

• Google Sites o web design • Social Bookmarking o tagging

• RSS (Reader) o

Google Reader, Bloglines

Summary: Most students love and embrace technology. Let's use some of these Web2.0 tools to tap into their world to address their needs and their learning styles. Let's use some of these tools to create the relationships, relevance, rigor and results necessary to prepare them for their future.

Hands-On Work Sessions • Post 27 contains tutorials for gMail, Blogging, and Google Docs • Create a school-based gMail account o Example: [email protected] o Email your partner -> reply -> attach file -> reply • Create a school-based blog (Google Blogger) o Example:  Create blog -> create Post 1 titled "Welcome to my Blog"  Add some text and a link to your schools web page  Publish and email URL to your partner  Partner will leave a Comment on your Post • Open Google Docs (Sylvan wksp) o Create new doc titled "My Classroom Rules" o Publish. Then Share -> Invite Collaborator (your partner) o Co-edit each others doc o Publish -> and link Rules-Doc in your Blog (Post 1)

Self-Assessment Return to Slide 2 to review the Workshop goals On a scale of 1 to 5, do a self evaluation of your skill-set for each goal. • 1- awareness, but no depth of understanding or skill development • 2- partial understanding, but need assistance to proceed • 3- understand, but actions are very mechanical and/or need to lean on notes • 4- understand, but need more reinforcement to skillfully apply to new situations • 5- thoroughly understand and can apply concept(s) to new situations

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