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  • Pages: 48
issue 1 June ‘09 Comenius multilateral partnership

G@t it!

The European Feeling

EDITOR IN-CHIEF (Coordinating School)

IES BAIX CAMP, REUS, CATALONIA Project Coordinators: Mónica Fernández, Miquel Arcas


Noemí Gomis, Miquel Ávila, Dolors Calabuig, José Miguel García, Pilar Aguilera


Stéphane Mor Miquel Ávila, Mónica Fernández

e-journal EDITOR

College FRANÇOIS MAURIAC, Léognan, FRANCE Project Coordinator: Fabienne Pouget-Imbert


Dominique Saint-Hilaire, Jean-Louis Vuotto


BESSENYEI GYÖRGY, Kisvárda, HUNGARY Project Coordinator: Juhász Gyöngyi Press Club Bessenyei György UMBERTO SORACE MARESCA, Catanzaro, ITALY Project Coordinator: Antonietta Pugliese Assistants: Ileana Veraldi, Maria Pane Press Club: Vitaliano Mancuso, Mariantonietta Scalese,

Marilena Placido, Luana Durante, Patrizia Mancuso, Valentina Greco, Federica Argirò, Emanuela Fabiano, Simona Santangelo, Jessica Tomaino, Roberta Soluri, Consuelo Marullo, Elettra Nigro, Jessica Cosentino, Roberta Monteverde, CarmelaFratto, Veronica Santaguida, Giusy Critelli.

JOSEPH LAGROSILLIERE, Saint Marie, MARTINICA Project Coordinators: Mylene Ngo Assistants: Nathalie Cancel Press Club: Latouche Leslie, Emilie Bousquet; Céliane

Romany, Annie-Claude; Jehan-Fabien Denis-Jean, Gaetan Joly, July Myrtil, Rachelle Renard, Youri Melicine, Ayla Mongès, Rachelle Drané, Julie Sylvanise, Vincent, Johnny, Yanis, Alexis, Coralie, Anthony, Mélissa, Mathias, William.

V LICEUM OGOLNOKSTALCACE JAKUBA WEJHERA, Wejherowo, POLAND Project Coordinators: Michal Obrocki, Lukasz Maj Press Club: Karol Sroka, Bartosz Lokaj, Maciej

Gryglewski, Asia Leyk, Patrycja Lipska, Barbara Szymanska, Magdalena Muzyka, Aleksandra Taciak, Aleksandra Tempska, Karolina Lademann, Patrycja Maciejewska, Aneta Lehmann, Robert Zajac, Aleksandra Arendt.

LISA MEITNER GYMNASIUM, Neuenhaus, GERMANY Project Coordinator: Irmgard Schöffel Assistants: Marcus Pfeifer Press Club LISA MEITNER GIMNASIUM


Letourneur Marine,Freret Pierre,Benoish Charlotte,Oliveira Marine, Adèle M.,Clémentine M.,Sonia D.,Coralie J.,Léa C.,Valentine Dupuy,Solène Delmas,Anais Foucher,Amanda Foucher,Aymée B.,Roxane Merx,Maylis D.,Ingrid E.,Anais D., Géraldine B.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: For sharing their time and experience with all of us, supporting, helping and believing in turning the original idea into a real project: Stéphane Mor, Josep Lluís Queralt (Advisor) , Maite Solé, Carme Sáiz, Pere Martorell, Conxita Sardà, Josep M. Òdena, Mairie de Léognan, Mr Zara (établissements Leclerc, Léognan), Mr Coifard (option i)

Another special thank goes to the long list of people from here and there who have shared time and hope and have contributed with corrections, ideas, interviews, photographs, articles, and much more!

ADYAMAN ANATOLIAN HS, Adyaman, TURKEY Project Coordinator: ErcanYücetaş Press Club: Sıla Nur Kumru, Gazihan Kolat, Eda Hazal



Free time and happiness


at low cost for young people Where to go... Discovering Martinique Walking across Europe


One man, one passion, one tradition


Hip Hop, the universal street poetry Listen to music from Martinique Music at our schools

37 TOP 5

Arbun, Cumali Aydın, Ayşe Akın, Filiz Baykuş

38 INTERVIEW VECHTDAL COLLEGE, Hardenberg, NETHERLANDS Project Coordinator: Marja Ritterfeld Assistants: Marianne van Beuzekom, Michell Matteman Press Club: Vera, Janet, Jenet, Anouk, Jazmine, Roy. ZDRUŽENÁ STREDNÁ ŠKOLA, Levice, SLOVAKIA Project Coordinators: Imrich Laco, Oµga Remiaová Press Club ZDRUŽENÁ STREDNÁ ŠKOLA

Make the most of your hobby as a living


Free time around the globe




Des peuples différents, des passions différentes

Różni ludzie, różne zainteresowania

Dis-moi ce que tu fais de tes loisirs et je te dirai qui tu es. Est-ce vrai ? Tous les adolescents du monde sont passionnés par différentes choses dont la variété, même au sein d’une école, est surprenante ! Dans ce numéro nous avons l’occasion unique d’en savoir plus sur nos amis d’autres pays, comme ce qu’ils font de leur temps libre.

“Powiedz mi co lubisz robić wwolnym czasie, a powiem Ci kim jesteś.” Czy to prawda? Nastolatkowie na całym świecie interesują się różnymi sprawami i ta różnorodność, nawet wtak małej grupie jak klasa jest niesamowita! W tym wydaniu naszego magazynu mamy niepowtarzalną możliwość dowiedzieć się więcej o tym conasi znajomi z różnych krajów lubią robić w wolnym czasie.

Mais plus nous connaissons de personnes intéressantes, plus nous avons l’occasion de faire des choses intéressantes

Im więcej ciekawych ludzi poznajemy tym więcej niesamowitych rzeczy możemy się dowiedzieć i spróbować.

En Pologne nous avons beaucoup d’occasions pour nous distraire et même d’accéder aux loisirs les plus étranges. Il y a des gens dans notre école qui font du judo, apprennent le russe, le japonais, font de magnifiques photos sans jamais quitter leur appareil, dessinent, font du foot, s’intéressent à la mécanique, à l’informatique, font du shopping etc… Mais plus nous connaissons de personnes intéressantes, plus nous avons l’occasion de faire des choses intéressantes. Passez un bon moment à lire le nouveau numéro super intéressant de notre magazine euopéen.

W Polsce mamy dużo możliwości spędzania wolnego czasu i poszerzania swoich nawet najbardziej szalonych zainteresowań;p. Są w naszej szkole przecież zarówno ludzie którzy trenują judo, uczą się rosyjskiego, japońskiego, robią świetne zdjęcia i nie rozstają się ze swoimi aparatami;), rysują, pływają, grają w piłkę nożną, interesują się mechaniką, komputerami, modą, zakupami;.Więc im więcej ciekawych ludzi poznajemy tym więcej niesamowitych rzeczy możemy się dowiedzieć i spróbować. Życzę miłego czytania naszego nowego numeru europejskiego magazynu.



Time Machine

JUMP INTO OUR TIME MACHINE Hold on tight and discover how children and teenagers used to have fun in the past!

the trade of singing or poetry reciting. They also liked the round dances and hide-and-seek. A very popular pastime was memorizing a role from one famous paly and perform it. Children especially liked the games which required skills, so invented new games with gravel and cheap buttons. These children were so creative because they made their own toys often made of maize. The girls made dolls with spuned hair or animals and musical instruments.

These children were so creative because they made their own toys

Small children played in the sand with their friends where they built sandcastles. PICTURE: Rufino Mesa

Take a seat, close your eyes, relax and let us show you the entertainment facilities in the ages of our grandmothers and grandfathers. First, let’s imagine a world without TVs, computers, modern electrical appliances, discos and nowaday’s amusent facilities. The question is that: how can you entertain yourself?





40-50 years ago it was a completely different world. Normally, hard physical work dominated children’s life. They usually helped their parents in their work in the fields and around the house. Small children played in the sand with their friends where they built sandcastles and „cooked” sand cakes. They also had a jumping rope which was made of long strings. 4 · Get it! The European Feeling

Ball games were also popular. In this time they made their balls of rags and the hair of cows. Older girls taught younger children with pleasure.The students learned the trick of drawing in the sand and

40-50 years ago it was a completely different world. Normally, hard physical work dominated children’s life.

On Sunday evenings the young people played traditional games like „I fell into the well” A girl went in the middle of the circle where shouted: „I fell into the well” Just a boy could help her with a life-saving kiss.

To the “disco” with your mom!

Teenagers often went to balls: the girls wore beautiful dresses and the boys dinner jackets. They danced all over the night, while their mothers were looking after them (especially the girls). You can compare these balls with nowaday’s discos. How would you feel, if your mother watched you during the night, while you were going out? The answer is strangely, despereatly, anxiously. So, these were the entertainment facilities of our grandparents. You can now come back to the 21st century : there are computers, discos, laptops and mobile phones here. You can go out now and your mother won’t keep a close watch on you at the disco. Kinga Maklári and Renáta Ragá HUNGARY

Old times We did not have playstations and we did not need them! Leisures: a comparative study from the 40´s up to now by Corinna Gerst, GERMANY To find out how free time used to be spent and how it is spent today I made an interview with different people from different generations. First of all, there are my grandparents, who are 70 and 75 years old. In the same way, I interviewed the next generation, my parents, who are both 44 years old. Afterwards I asked some adolescents for their opinions, and, in addition, I included my own experiences.

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Get it! The European Feeling · 5

Time Machine When my granparents fell in love, 1958 By Corinna Gerst, GERMANY

My grandma did not have many things to play with, like we have today; she just had one doll. This is because of the Second World War. My grandma and her parents had to flee from the attacks and bombs. When they arrived in our county of Bentheim (Laar) they lived in a barn of a farmer. There were animals to play with and to fondle. On top of the doll she had not had any toys. She had to search for things to do outside. In the 40’s my grandma played many different ball games, did rope skipping and the so-called ‘Hinkekästchen’ . For my grandpa, who had always lived in this area, things were pretty much the same. In 1958 they got to know each other and fell in love. Together they made bike rides, swam in streams or went on holiday, where they liked hiking very much. One time they went to Munich by train; they started at 06:15 am and arrived at 10:15 pm (they have a really good memory), so it was a 16- hour-journey. Today the same journey only takes 8 hours. Definitely, those were other times!

Television in 1962, with only 3 channels.

6 · Get it! The European Feeling

In the 40’s my grandma had to search for things to do outside: Hinkekästchen, rope skipping, ball games, etc.

My grandparents liked bike rides, hiking and swimming in the streams.

Time Machine Pastimes in the old days: three accounts By Céliane Romany and Mathias Pancrate, MARTINIQUE “I interviewed Mrs Solange PERNOCK (married name RANSAY), nicknamed “Manman Doudou», who is 102 years old. She enthusiastically told me how people had fun in the 40’s and 60’s. She liked gardening, going to the market and sewing better than parties and cock fights which were the usual ways of amusing oneself at the time. Then she said that she preferred life in the past because, in her opinion, « [it] was easier, people were more responsible and pastimes were healthier ».” “In her childhood my grandmother used to sew a lot. She made dresses for herself and for her dolls. Outside the house she had other activities. Indeed, she liked to go fishing with her friends. She said that the boys played with hoops in the street and they played football too. They made their toys themselves. She remembers that boys played more than girls.” Mathias Pancrate, 3ème, interviewing his grandmother.

INTERViEW with Dr Pierre Aliker, 102 years old, a strong figure in Martinique. When you look at the world today what thoughts come to your mind? I can only say that parents are giving up. Martinican teenagers are going off course. What do you think of today’s pastimes? Today’s pastimes are more varied and attractive. How did you have fun in Martinique in the 40’s and 60’s, without television, the Internet and videogames? We had fun in very simple ways. We played the sports offered on the “Savane” in Fort de France which was then THE meeting place for young people. In your opinion, in which era did they have a better time: in the 1940’s-1960’s or now? In my opinion, playing was much healthier in my time; therefore I stick to my first statement: it was healthier and more fun before. Get it! The European Feeling · 7

Time Machine Slovakia : how our parents spent their free time A special school chronicle of the years 1971-1975

In that time Slovakia was a part of Czechoslovakia. It was not a democratic state because there was just one political party, The Communist socialist party.

Compulsory school activities

A that time all students at secondary school had to be members of a group called “ SZM “ which means “socialistic group of the young”. This membership was compulsory for everybody, nobody was allowed to refuse it. Some of these activities were held during the classes, some of them were also after that. Students were organised in many activities including compulsory brigade work, regular SZM meetings, groups of interests in the afternoon or sitting by the Russian tea kettle.

School Trips

The last month of the school year was a trip time. If students worked hard all year according to ideology of the socialism they could go for a trip with their class teacher usually for one, or two days. These trips were oriented to know our beautiful socialist country: Sightseeing old castles, palaces, ruins, monuments, manor houses, hiking and camping in nature.

8 · Get it! The European Feeling

Old Times

Playing Chess

Shooting was popular among boys

The school photographic team

The school music band

A popular sport: table tennis

The school athletics team

Long jump into the sand

The “pioneer” uniform

School groups of interests:

Besides all this compulsory activities and events students had to be interested in a few spare time activities organised by their school. Students could choose from lots of activities, for example: playing an instrument, a lot of kinds of sports, and many others. Furthermore, skilled students had to represent school in many various competitions

Get it! The European Feeling · 9

Time Machine

BACK to the Future

Let’s imagine what our free-time activities will be like 50 years from now! There will be flying bikes and skateboards. They will be solar-powered because there may not be petrol any more and they are less polluting as well. With brain-controlled video games, we’ll be able to connect to virtual worlds where we’ll meet people from all over the planet. We’ll also be able to choose an “avatar” if we don’t want to reveal our real identity. In these worlds, we’ll talk, dance, play games, visit countries or even participate to fantastic quests fighting dragons with laser swords, travelling to extra-terrestrial planets or getting involved in big battles with the other players. We’ll have special shoes which will allow us to walk or play games on water. The Future is a wide open space where everything is to be invented, but we may also regret some of the toys and games from our past.

French Press Club

Poster by Tommy Kopp

La machine à remonter le temps, Les élèves de la classe de 5°A ont imaginé, avec leur professeur de français Mme Kreitel , une machine à remonter le temps... C’est un dimanche comme les autres : mon père consulte ses mails sur l’ordinateur, ma mère trie ses photos numériques, mon petit frère affalé sur le canapé joue avec sa console tandis que ma grande sœur, allongée sur son lit, joue elle aussi, mais avec son portable. Nous sommes en 2009 et tout va bien! Dans la maison non plus on n’arrête pas le progrès. On vient juste de nous installer une cabine de douche ultramoderne, avec sauna et jets multifonctions et c’est à moi que revient l’honneur de l’essayer. Pleine d’enthousiasme, je me dirige vers la salle de bains et entre dans la douche. J’ouvre les robinets mais l’eau ne coule pas. Je réessaye plusieurs fois, en vain. Je veux sortir pour avertir mon père quand

10 · Get it! The European Feeling

la douche se met à bouger. Elle tremble encore et encore, je me cogne contre les parois, fais tomber les savons sur ma tête…puis elle s’arrête. Un nouvel accès de folie de la “machine”. Je sors avant que la douche n’en ait un autre, et je cours en direction du salon. Et là, que vois-je? Ce n’est pas possible, je rêve! Mon père transformé en un John Travolta aux cheveux longs et aux bras musclés, porte un pantalon à pattes d’éléphant et danse sur de la musique disco. J’ai du mal à le reconnaître, mais c’est lui, c’est sûr. Puis j’aperçois ma mère : allongée dans un fauteuil à bascule, jupe longue fripée, colliers interminables autour du cou, foulard indien dans les cheveux, elle tricote un grand pull de laine pour mon père. Je les appelle, mais ils ne m’entendent pas. Un coup de klaxon leur fait tourner la tête. Derrière la baie vitrée, un combi

8 French Press Club Volkswagen décoré de grosses fleurs jaunes et roses vient de se garer. Une bande de copains chevelus et armés de raquettes de tennis débarque. Ca y est! J’ai compris. Je suis retourné dans les années 70, “années du rock, des Beatles, de Pink Floyd et de…la liberté!” comme disent mes parents. Peut-être bien, mais moi, ce qui m’intéresse c’est de retourner en 2009. Je me précipite vers la douche, j’ouvre les robinets (évidemment rien ne coule) et c’est reparti pour le tremblement de terre. Je me cogne dans tous les sens, les savons qui avaient survécu tout à l’heure me tombent sur la tête…puis tout s’arrête. Je me dirige directement vers le salon et je retrouve enfin ma famille livrée à ses loisirs habituels. Finalement, ce n’était pas un dimanche comme les autres!

Discussion Forum

How could they possibly have fun without all the new technologies? Posted by Nathalie Cancel on February 11, 2009

Hi! A friend of mine was joking the other day and told me : “how could they possibly have fun without the internet, msn, blogs, playstations and all the new technologies? Well, I think WHEN you were born doesn’t determine whether you have more fun than the other generations or not. To me, how much fun you have probably depends on how creative you can be or on how fun the people around you are. So maybe a more relevant question could be: “Are we satisfied with what we do in our free time? Or are we on the lookout for something special that we don’t have?” As to whether my grandmother was happier than me in her free time? I really couldn’t say!!! I didn’t live her life! What do you think? Let me know? REPLY TO THIS.

Reply by

‘’FENNAND, NETHERLANDS, February 12, 2009 I think that if you have a hobby, which is not gaming etc., you can be verry satisfied without internet, xbox, msn etc. Look at me, I’m obsessed by listening music (does that still count?) and I have a total addiction to drumming :D

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Reply by -JAZZ,

NETHERLANDS, February 17, 2009 Yeah, I agree ;) I play football myself, and it’s great. Most of the time I’m totally stressed about school or such likes and when I’m on the football field I’m a totally different person. I can totally forget about all the troubles I have and just have the time of my life.

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Reply by Nathalie Cancel on February 16, 2009 It’s great when you really go for something! ‘Cause when you’re completely into it, you forget about all the rest and you just let go and that’s really good for your system! Your forget all your trouble if you have any ! So hobbies can be very healthy and helpful; they help you keep the balance in you! Anybody feeling that way about their hobbies?

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A d r i e n n Szakszon, HUNGARY, April 3, 2009 Hello! I think you can be s a t i s f i e d w i t h o u t the modern technologies. I don’t watch TV, don’t use the internet, I don’t talk with my friends on the msn since I’m at the students’ hostal. I spend my time with my friends. We live together and I don’t need anything else. We always have fun together. I have got an interesting hobby. It is the archery with a traditional bow. I’m interested in the ancient Hungarian culture and one day perhaps I will be a leather goods maker. It is a wonderful feeling when you daw your bow. I couldn’t live without it. It is an intellectual occupation too not just a physical work. It is feeling,energy and practise. You can find the target inside. All in all I agree “when you’re completely into it, you forget about all the rest and you just let go and that’s really good for your system!” I like swimming, skiing, mountain climbing, reading, listening to music, jogging, painting too and I feel the same about these. I hope u can understand me... :)

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Get it! The European Feeling · 11

Discussion Forum Nowadays young people only think of computers, play stations and not studying or making the minimal effort and this is all because of the new technologies, which make us use them all the time instead of doing what we have to do at our age, which is studying and playing or having fun with responsibility. Sara Acosta 3r ESO B Catalonia

Now kids don’t have so much fun than the ones in the past, because now they can’t play in the streets and they spend too much time using electronic devices: play station, computer, TV, mobile phones, … Children shouldn’t have so many electronic devices and should go out and play in the streets, then, they would have more relation with other people and would have as much fun as our grandparents. Judith Fraile 3r ESO B Catalonia

Nowadays kids do less exercise because we don’t play in the streets. However, we need to point out that there are children in the world who don’t have toys or friends or childhood. We can not complain. Cristina González 3r ESO B

Today kids have got everything they

want but they don’t know how to have fun. There is always something they want, which they don’t have. In my opinion, childhood in the past was more original than nowadays. Cristina Pérez 3r ESO B Catalonia

12 · Get it! The European Feeling

A MOVIE AFTERNOON IN THE 50s during the dictatorship Júlia Gomis Cos 3r B, CATALONIA My grandfather lived in Reus, but not in a rich neighborhood. Young people did not have much money to buy toys but they had lots of imagination. They used to play with pieces of wood they found in the streets and they made balls out of newspapers. They used to play in the streets a lot more than now. They didn’t have consoles or computers and they rarely went to the cinema. When they went to the movies they used to sit at the back upstairs and they used to buy pop corn. Downstairs, in the arena were the ones who could pay some more money. Then, my grandfather’s friends would throw pop corn down to the “rich” sitting downstairs and when the usher went upstairs to see what was going on, they would pretend they were good boys. That’s the way the used to spend their time till the end of the film. In some scenes, mainly when there were horses in westerns, they started to stamp their feet on the floor and whistle and the other people complained. When there was a kiss scene, since there was censorship, they would cut the scene and the next one had nothing to do with the one where the actors were about to kiss. And then my grandfather’s bunch used to whistle and hit the floor. But this time, the people in arena would whistle again, though on the sly. They didn’t lack imagination and were all like little angels.

Boys and girls Zornitsa Vladimirova Donova 3 ESO B

When my grandparents were my age, they didn’t have many options to amuse themselves. Boys and girls lived very different kind of lives. My grandmother told me she used to go for a walk from one side of her town to the other because there were no discos, coffee shops, bars or theme parks and this was one of the main options to have fun. Once a week they used to go to the school dance. Sometimes they stayed in at a friend’s house, but usually girls were separated from boys. Boys and girls at that time only used to look at each other. They were very shy. In the summer boys used to help their parents at work and girls their mothers at home. They learned how to cook, saw … because they had to be ready to get married and join their new family.

Philosophy TEMPS LIBRE ET BONHEUR Ecrit par JOSE MIGUEL GARCÍA LABIANO, PHILOSOPHE Toute l’histoire de la pensée humaine est centrée sur la notion de bonheur. Les grecs l’appelaient eudaimonia et réfléchissaient souvent aux moyens appropriés pour l’atteindre. 2500 ans plus tard, nous en sommes toujours au même point. Le mot bonheur a plusieurs définitions et il y a autant d’interprétations que de lecteurs.

Est-il possible d’être heureux ?

Les épicuriens disaient que plaisir et douleur forment un équilibre chez l’homme : par nature nous sommes constamment attirés par le bonheur et rejetons la douleur. Notre société est hédoniste. Il y a une recherche du plaisir, du bien-être et même obligation de s’amuser. De plus notre société est une société de consommation et elle répond à ce besoin naturel en offrant un large catalogue de plaisirs à la carte. Nous ressentons tous le besoin de combler notre temps libre ainsi et jouissons alors de la musique, de l’amour, du sport, de la nourriture, du sexe, de nos marottes, de la lecture, de l’amitié, du cinéma, de l’argent, des voyages, du pouvoir, de la paix etc … Nous passons tous notre temps à rechercher des plaisirs censés nous apporter le bonheur. Nous pensons même que c’est une question de quantité : toujours plus, toujours mieux, et dans notre société de consommation c’est souvent lié à la notion d’argent. Quand on a demandé à Woody “Le bonheur n’est pas obtenir ce que l’on veut mais vouloir ce que l’on a” Rabbi H. Schachte Allen, célèbre réalisateur américain de cinéma s’il préférait l’argent ou le bonheur, il a répondu avec son humour subtil et pessimiste : “Je préfère l’argent, car la plupart des choses qui me rendent heureux coûtent très cher.” “Le bonheur est intérieur et non matériel donc il ne dépend pas de ce que nous possédons mais de ce que nous sommes” Henry Van Dyke Le plaisir est-il le bonheur ? John Stuart Mill fait bien la différence entre satisfaction (plaisir) et bonheur. Un plaisir comblé répond à un besoin momentané alors que le bonheur remplit toute une vie. On peut imaginer une vie pleine de moments de plaisirs sans pour autant qu’elle soit heureuse. Etre heureux est un sentiment propre à l’être humain sur lequel chacun de nous a besoin de travailler personnellement. Cependant être heureux n’est pas ressentir une joie constante mais se sentir concerné par chaque détail de notre quotidien, en fonction de l’émotion que chaque moment nous apporte, en étant à l’écoute de ce qui nous arrive, en réagissant à chaque situation en osmose avec ce qui nous entoure. En d’autres mots vivre et apprécier l’instant. C’est pourquoi il est plus adéquat de parler de moments heureux, d’instants de plaisir, de bien-être, de joie ou de satisfaction. Un moment de bonheur, expérience exceptionnelle est quelque chose que nous provoquons. Les réels moments de joie, riches en sérénité et paix intérieure ne sont généralement pas dûs à des causes extérieures. L a vie est longue, complexe et variée car il y a aussi place pour le dégoût, la mauvaise humeur, les soucis, la douleur, l’amour, la joie, les plaisirs… une liste sans fin de sensations, de sentiments et d’émotions. Oublions la notion abstraite de bonheur et concentrons-nous sur l’instant. “Vivre chaque moment comme s’il était éternel.” Nietszche. Enfin quand je pense au bonheur, la première image qui me vient à l’esprit est celle d’un enfant prenant du plaisir à jouer. Peut-être sommes-nous vraiment heureux lorsque nous ne pensons pas au bonheur et que nous cessons de l’être dès que nous le recherchons. SOYEZ HEUREUX ! Get it! The European Feeling · 13

Unusual Hobbies

Extraordinary people BROADCASTING, Being a radio chat-show host Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium, Germany

What? A live broadcast programme called Lise Live. Lise, because of Lise Meitner, our school’s name patron, and live because it’s a live broadcast programme. Who? Matthias Nickl and Timo Völkerink.

How long?

The first broadcast was on 12 th of December, 2005.

Why? The broadcasting time is from 6 till 7 pm on Tuesdays, every four weeks. You can listen to it on the Ems-Vechte-Welle (95,2 ; 96,6). The topics are chosen by ourselves but also each student can be a part of Lise Live. We often talk about topics referring to school, for example Amnesty International (there is a group at our school) or our Comenius project. Greetings or wishes along with favourite songs are welcome. If you want to know more about the programme or get the next broadcast date, visit the homepage of the Ems- Vechte- Welle FENG SHUI, Vent et Eau France


Le Feng Shui porte sur l’aménagement du milieu de vie d’une famille ou d’une entreprise dans le but de faciliter la circulation de l’énergie vitale à l’intérieur de la maison. La maison a un rôle important : elle “ nourrit ses habitants !” Aussi, la décoration, le choix des couleurs, des formes et des matériaux ont leur importance. D’après la tradition chinoise, tout ce que vous devez faire est de rassembler les cinq éléments. wood, earth, water, metal, fire

Who? Alexandra Dupuy. Experte et formatrice en Feng Shui Why? Pour transmettre cette passion aux personnes qui en ressentent le besoin. 14 · Get it! The European Feeling

satches collecting Italy

What? She collects hundreds of sachets of sugar, coming from bar, cafes, restaurants of all over the world. Some of them belong to series representing zodiacal signs or animals or flowers or have particular shape or size… All these sachets are contained in a very big tinplate box. It is completely full of them! Who? an 25 years old-girl How long? Since she was a little



It is only a hobby it does not have any practical use.

Unusual Hobbies COLLECTING DICTIONARIES IES Baix Camp, Reus, Catalonia What? Dictionaries collecting

LIONS BREEDING Village Pukanec, Slovakia.

and languages studying

Who? Ariadna, student Why? Because it is very important to learn languages. It helps you to improve your ability to remember. And what´s more, it helps you to meet and speak with people from all over the world using their own language. When I was small my marks of languages at school, were really good. When I was 11 years old I decided to start studying more languages such as Japanese and Russian. I had a Russian friend, so she taught me, but I started to study Japanese on my own only with a dictionary. Then I could only learn vocabulary, but not grammar. Later, when I was 13 years old, I had 4 books about Japanese, so I could study it, but also without help. I know also Chinese, because my Chinese friends teach me and I teach them Catalan and Spanish. I can speak Greek, Egyptian and Italian. Now I am 14 but when I will be thirty I will know 15 languages or more! It is hard, but never impossible. One thing is clear: I will never stop studying languages. How long? since I was a child How much money? I have 14 dictionaries, but for me it is not enough, I will keep buying more dictionaries!

COCK FIGHTS, Martinique What? cock fight, they devote their time to it once a month. Who? Some older people. Where from? How long? It

is a typical hobby of Martiniques ”grandparents’ generation. We don’t like it that much. We are in favour of the protection of animals.

Why? Cock fights take place

at the weekend in what we call “pitts”. “Pitts” are small arenas around which supporters encourage their favourite cocks. A few hours before the fight the two opponents arrive with the fighting cocks that they have bred and trained to fight. At the beginning of the fight owners and supporters bet on their favourite cocks and encourage them to win!!!!

What? Breeding a lion called Max. Who? An uncle, 40 years old How long? His lion is not the only

animal on his farm, he also keeps cows. First, he kept laboratory mice and later he had the snake Python. Then he intended to buy the white lion, but since this type is very expensive, it costs 6 640 €, he decided to buy Max. The cub is only 5 months old and he was brought on the farm when he was 3 months old. Of course he has got a legal permission for the breeding of such an animal. Since Max is very young he stays in the house and he is able to run freely around the house too. Just to prevent him from losing, he is wearing GPS on his body. When he gets older, he will stay in a cage.

Why? “We like him very much, he is our family darling,” said his wife and kids. As every animal-baby he is very playful and though he is not dangerous yet, he causes light scrapes. How much money? He bought him for 2000 EURO. Well, for breakfast he eats 2-3 kg of meat, but when he grows older, he will need more about 50 kilograms a day. My uncle he said that in the future when he saves more money, he will buy a female lion to provide the companion to Max. Get it! The European Feeling · 15

Unusual hobbies 2 Interviews about hobbies, Holland Marly Warnier – Top Model

AVEC LE SOLEIL, Turkey We were able to interview 2 students at our school. These 2 students are both very different, but are both special in their own ways. First I will tell you something about Maryl Warnier, a 14 year old model. When Maryl was 13 she decided she wanted to become a model, so she found a model office where she could sign herself in. She got an assignment right away for the Cosmo Girl (a girl’s magazine) and after that went to Paris. She regularly does modelling assignments and also wants to carry on modelling for her job later. Models like Marly also watch Holland’s Next Top Model (HNTP) and she says that HNTP depends on the watching figures. By a real model they also look at the length of the model, the thickness of the lips and how the model presents his/herself.

Joas Muilwijk – Wheelchair Hockey The other student we interviewed was Joas Muilwijk. Joas is also 14 years old and plays wheelchair hockey. Joas was born with a muscle illness and since his 8th birthday he’s sat in a wheelchair. He trains once in the week and to train he has to travel 40km to get there. Because there aren’t very many wheelchair hockey players they only have matches 3 or 4 times in a year. A difference between hockey and wheelchair hockey is that if you play wheelchair hockey you play with a ball and not with a puck. A wheelchair hockey team also only has 4 players. The wheelchair does most of the work for them so that it isn’t too exhausting. Joas doesn’t want to become a professional wheelchair hockey player later, but wants to study law. He’s also a member of the MUN (Model United Nations). Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about civics, effective communication, globalization and multilateral diplomacy. In MUC, students take one roles as diplomats and investigate international issues, debate, deliberate, consult and then develop solutions to world problems. 16 · Get it! The European Feeling


Je vais vous parler de l’un de mes professeurs qui s’appelle Mr Hüseyin. Il a 30 ans et il est professeur de mathématiques dans notre collège. Il a une saine habitude: se lever tous les jours à six heures. J’imagine que la plupart d’entre vous trouvent cela difficile et désagréable. Qui ne souhaite pas dormir une heure de plus ? Pas mon oncle. Il se lève à 6 heures tous les matins en semaine comme en weekend. D’ailleurs, il dit tout le temps : «La plupart des gens dorment beaucoup plus que nécessaire; six heures c’est bien assez pour un adulte. Quand j’en ai parlé à mon oncle, il m’a cité cette pensée d’un célèbre écrivain (Robin Sharma) pour me l’expliquer. « C’est une douleur à court terme pour un bienfait à long terme. On se sent toujours un peu mal à l’aise quand on change d’habitudes. Se lever avec le soleil peut paraître extrême. Tout à fait ! Le soleil me revigore : quand je suis fatigué, il m’aide à retrouver ma bonne humeur. Dans les anciennes civilisations orientales, on pensait que le soleil avait une connexion avec l’âme. Les gens le vénéraient parce qu’il permettait aux cultures de pousser et à leur esprit de s’épanouir. Les rayon de soleil libèrent votre vitalité et restaurent les vibrations émotionnelles et physiques. C’est un médecin bienveillant à consulter avec modération bien sûr. »



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by plane

Find your lowcost flight. Some web sites:

Accomodation Youth Hostels

The first youth hostel was founded by Richard Schirrmann around 1909. The idea caught on very quickly, and by the 1930 there were more than two thousand hostels in Germany and in Europe. Hostellers, referred to also as backpackers are people who travel on a budget, often changing city every few days. They tend to travel for long periods, with the minimum equipment they require, since after all they have to carry it on their shoulders. They usually are more keen on learning about the actual lifestyle of the people of the country they’re travelling in, rather than just sightseeing. HOSTELLING INTERNATIONAL


Camping is an inexpensive form of accommodation which is particularly enjoyed by people wanting to get away from the domesticity of life in flats and houses. Many campers like the lifestyle of large campsites where apart from being able to live in the open air they can take advantage of the site’s eating, washing and sports facilities. For information on the European camping sites go on:


For added flexibility and independence there are hop-on-hop-off, circuit pathways by luxury buses connecting different city with a guide on board who brings the next destinations, and information and tips on what you can do, see, eat, further than to classic guide. Indeed we want to stop and then restart without limit (the pass-ticket lasts at least 4 months) and without additional cost. Get it! The European Feeling · 17

Travelling WHERE TO GO...


volunteer working in organic farms

By Patrik Krammer, Levice Our country, Slovakia, is beautiful and offers almost everything except the sea: high mountains with deep valleys, lakes, rivers and brooks, green lowlands, caves, castles, spas and- wonderful people. It is really worth to see . There are several ways how not to spend too much money: A very interesting possibility is “wwoofing” ( WWOOF – World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) what means: working 4 – 6 hours a day for accommodation and food, free weekends. You have enough time to travel throughout the country. (

Cycling and ice-skating in the Netherlands Travelling in the Netherlands is not very cheap. But you can go with the train or take a bus. It’s not cheap but it is very easy. They take you everywhere you want to go. The cheapest way to get around in Holland, is the bicycle. It isn’t very fast and when it rains you might even get wet, but it’s free! Would you like to do something you haven’t done before? Go to ‘De Scheg’ in Deventer, north-eastern part of Holland. Here you can go ice-skating. In this typically Dutch winter sports you glide on two small blades. The first minutes may be a bit scary, but after that it’s just more fun! If you would like to know more about the Netherlands, go to:,


many options

Historical and cultural past

In Poland we have lots of tourist agencies which provide access to many attractions and give helpful information to foreigners. Near Wejherowo, in Gdańsk, there is an organization named “ GOT”. The people who work there have introduced a special “ tourist card”. The project popularises tourist attractions within Sopot, Gdynia and Gdańsk (Tricity) . This card should facilitate getting know about historical and cultural past of our region. It also helps people from abroad with the urban transport. The organisation gives its clients information about artistic events too.

Holidays in the mountains

For those who want to spend holidays in the mountains , there is a great agency in Zakopane called “ COT” (Center of organization tourist in Zakopane). They have big selection of celebrations and events for foreign guests. They also organize meetings for people from different countries so they can share the knowledge and ask for advice.

Something really original: see the advantages of village life

The people searching for something really original should be satisfied with the agro-touristic resorts which offer quite specific attractions. They called “ Srebrna Góra ” and they want people to see the advantages of village live. They like to acquaint their guests with local traditions.

Modern places: our capital, Warsaw

Some of you who prefer more modern and commercialised places should visit our capital - Warsaw. There are many festivals, sport and artistic events especially in summer. If you just want to meet young people from other countries and get to know them and their lives better, you should definitely go to Warsaw. You shouldn’t have problems with finding an organization which will help you make the most of your holidays. 18 · Get it! The European Feeling


DISCOVERING MARTINICA Written by Leslie latouche, Rachelle Renard, Ayla Monges, Yanis Geneviève, 3ème2 to stop a car; you don’t stick your thumb out. Car renting: It’s the most expensive but most reliable and pleasant way to visit the island without any disadvantage. But the best way to discover Martinique is to walk!!!!!

LOW-PRICE ACCOMODATION IN MARTINIQUE Youth hostels: There is one at Morne Rouge at the foot of Mount Pelée (the famous volcano). Temperature there is a little fresher and comfort is very basic. The hostel is a little far from everything. There is a brand new hostel near Fort de France… It’s more modern and more comfortable.

GUIDE FOR VISITING MARTINIQUE: Travelling options for young people at low cost If you come to Martinique, the best thing to do is to fully enjoy yourself: don’t try to get a job here, but go out and meet people, communicate and learn French and Creole!


Camping: The biggest campsite is located on one of the most beautiful beaches of the South (in Sainte-Anne, “Pointe Marin”). Camping in the wild is forbidden.

The ideal solution:

Just get in touch with us on and we will put you up with great pleasure. With happiness and a very good sense of humour!

Individual taxis: How expensive!

Collective taxis: These mini buses called “taxi-co” ensure connections between the capital and the other towns on the island. They are a good option but they operate only from Monday to Saturday. Buses: There are a few bus lines, but only in the surroundings of Fort de France (the capital). Sea links: A pleasant and inexpensive way of travelling! Sea shuttles cross the bay from Fort de France to TroisIlets and back. They are very touristy and nice too! Hitch-hiking : It’s very easy and it’s free! But you have to be very patient. And unlike in Europe you raise your arm

Get it! The European Feeling · 19

Time Machine

Carnival in Martinique A Seasonal, popular and touristic pastime By

Rachelle Drané and July Myrtil

Carnival is a special event in Martinique. From the middle of January it becomes the favorite pastime for the inhabitants of the island. There is a big and wonderful show of colours with music and a lot of fun. In the street everyone is in a party mood: you hear drumming sounds, steel bands, trumpets and trombones for 4 days in a row. For Carnival each day has its theme:

SUNDAY: everyone parades in their gorgeous costumes. The queen and the mini queen take the throne on a float during the parade. They display their beauty through their costumes.

TUESDAY: the Red Devils are on the streets with their horned-bearing masks and their blood red costumes . The costumes are decorated with small pieces of broken mirrors. 20 · Get it! The European Feeling

MONDAY: people get up very early and go out on the streets to parade in their pyjamas. At night we play the cross dressing game: men (dressed up as women) and women (dressed up as men) parade as couples.

ASH WEDNESDAY: For the last day of Carnival, crowds dress in black and white and parade along with his majesty Vaval. As night falls, this poor puppet, a king of 4 days, gets burnt in the middle of the crowds .


A pilgrim reaching Moratinos, Palencia, after a good day’s walk.

WALKING ACROSS EUROPE The pilgrim’s way to Santiago Saint James’ Way is the pilgrimage to the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia in northwestern Spain, where the remains of the apostle Saint James are said to be buried. Origins The Way of St James has existed for over a thousand years. It was one of the most important Christian pilgrimages during medieval times. It was considered one of three pilgrimages on which a plenary indulgence could be earned; the others are the Via Francigena to Rome and the pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

The Way of St. James extends from all corners of Europe on its way to Santiago de Compostela and Finisterre, Galizia, Spain.

The way Traditionally, as with most pilgrimages, the Way of Saint James began at one’s home and ended at the pilgrimage site. However, a few of the routes are considered main ones, for example, The French Way. Get it! The European Feeling · 21

Travelling Where to stay Along the way, pilgrims find accommodation at hostels, where they can stay at a cheap rate or even for free. Luggage Pilgrims are recommended to travel with the smallest luggage possible. 10% of your body weight would be the maximum suggested in your backpack if you don’t want to hurt your back. Reasons to go Apart from those who take the way due to religious reasons, it is nowadays a very popular tourist option for people all around the world. It is also a very nice way to make friends from other countries and practice foreign languages. There is a general feeling of cooperation among pilgrims, who help each other when needed.


Above, pilgrims from Germany and Corea sharing wine from Irache’s free wine fountain in Estella, Navarra. Left, a place to take a rest in the middle of nowhere. Right, a young Dutch pilgrim cooking his morning breakfast on the way.

22 · Get it! The European Feeling


AT THE MOVIES... A fine selection from different countries

La Vita è Bella/Life is Beautiful, 1997, ITALY

Life is beautiful is Roberto Benigni’s masterpiece. The story is romantic but dramatic. Guido Orefice, a Jewish man, was married with Dora and after some years they had a child ,Joshua. Six years later they were taken to a concentration camp and Guido convinced his child that the camp was just a game in which the first person to get 1,000 points would win a tank. He had to be quiet, hide from the camp guard and never cry or complain if he wanted to earn points. At the end the boy will win the game but his father sacrifices his life for him. The film had a great success and today it is still the film with more spectators in Italy. AWARDS: Grand Prize of the Jury On in 1999, Cannes Film Festival 4 statues at Academy Awards: Best Actor, Best Foreign Language Film, Best Original Dramatic Score and Best Music composed by Nicola Piovani.


La famille de Vic est une famille ordinaire, son père est dentiste et sa mère crée des bandes dessinées. Vic a du mal à parler à ses parents car ils n’ont jamais le temps. Elle vit sa première Boum et tombe amoureuse de Mathieu. Vic se confie à son arrière grand-mère. La mère de Vic apprend que son mari a une maîtresse (Vanessa). Les deux adultes décident de se séparer, du côté de Vic, c’est pareil. Mathieu la trompe. La mère de Vic a elle aussi une aventure avec le prof d’Allemand de sa fille. Finalement les parents de Vic se réconcilient et c’en est de même pour Vic et Mathieu. Pour son anniversaire, elle peut organiser sa première Boum chez sa grand-mère. By Florian LEON, Thibault PIGEANNE

Kochaj i tańcz, POLAND

This is first Polish romantic story about dance and love. The producers show that the most beautiful language of love is dance. The male character is a young journalist Hania, who has a ready plan for her life. The girl meets a hothead street dancer Wojtek who dreams about career on Broadway. He helps Hania understand what is important in life. In the production take part dancers from popular TV programme „You can dance”. Hania is a figure played by Izabella Miko, who nowadays works in Hollywood. A handsome actor - Mateusz Damięcki plays Wojtek. American director Bruce Parramore takes care of the film. The promoting composition is the song „Pray for love” sung by Afromental - a new band, which plays music combining different music styles. I think that this movie is a really good production. „Love and dance“ is a great combination. I recommend „Kochaj i tańcz” to all people who like fun, music and look for love. By Aleksandra Arendt Get it! The European Feeling · 23


“G@t it!” After the successful publication of Issue 0, there came a time when a number of representatives of the participating schools met up again. This time, the south of Italy, The Calabrian region, was their meeting

24 · Get it! The European Feeling

gets growing!


place. It’s much more than complicated to summarize such a great experience in a couple of pages. A hearty welcome, an unforgettable stay and a hard farewell. Catanzaro memories will never wane/fade!

Get it! The European Feeling · 25

Cinema Biguine, 2004, MARTINICA

Martinique. End of the 19th century. Hermansia and Tiquitaque, a couple who are also musicians, leave the plantation where they have been working to move to Saint Pierre. The city is then the capital of the island and a cultural place in the Caribbean. Our heroes think they will be able to earn their living with their music. But they soon realise that in Saint-Pierre people are more interested in Western music than in the quaint music of the plantation. *Biguine is a traditional West Indian dance.

“It is a romantic and musical film that tells you a lot about Martinican traditions.” Gaétan Joly, 3ème2 “With this film, you can learn how to dance “Biguine”. Alexis Germany, 3ème2 “It depicts life in Saint Pierre with its overlooking volcano at the beginning of the 20th century just before the eruption.” Jehan Denis-jean 3ème2 “A film filled with sensations and emotions: love, tenderness, joy and sadness.” Graziella, Cindy, Cémiane, Cynthia, Sonny, Mathieu, Joshua… 3ème4

Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona, 2008 SPAIN Perinbaba, 1985, SLOVAKIA

Born in1938 in Kojšov, Slovakia and he is the most famous and esteemed living Slovak film director. Some people compare him with Fellini or Bergman and call him “Slovak Fellini”. In his movies he describes life with the most beautiful colors, with the poetry behind the ordinary but he never forgets his roots. For us the most favourite is the fairy tale story Perinbaba (1985) (with Giulietta Masina). It is a story about Perinbaba, who sits on high and watches over humankind and the seasons and one day adopts young Jakob as her assistant. But back on earth, a certain Elizabeth is being persecuted by an evil stepmother and two sisters, and Jakob is intent on turning that situation around. To achieve his aims, he becomes mortal and returns to earth - but now Death stalks Jakob. It is up to Perinbaba to save her former ward and see that his mission is completed. We can watch Perinbaba very often on TV mostly during the Christmas holiday. We can not even imagine this season without it. By Monika Hoľková

26 · Get it! The European Feeling

Warm, alive lighting. A nice number of scenes on the terrace. The melodic sound of a Spanish guitar. Cocktail cups with a pinky liquid always dancing inside. People. People of all kinds. These are just a few of a handful of ingredients that Woody Allen used in his film, Vicky, Cristina, Barcelona . It’s a Mediterranean taste claim. He has enough with three well defined characters in an unstable love circle to draw a variety of psychologies. Again, Allen insists on the topics: love and sex. Love and sex which will create certain interference between Vicky and Cristina. While one is immersed in the small world of a stable, conventional couple, which apparently has nothing to envy any other; the other is all feeling, all passion, completely captivated by instinct, expressed through her poems and photographs. And at this point is when Juan Antonio appears. An attractive painter who will act as a link between these two very different currents. He will be the shelter for two desperate souls during their summer stay in Barcelona. However, the trigger of all this certainly is the unbalanced character of María Elena, which gives the coup de grace to the triangle. The film is a portrait in pieces of Barcelona from the perspective of the director, and everything flows at a good pace.

By Janet Monreal Amorós

Cinema German Cinema: an overvieW DRAMA The lives of Others

This popular movie, which was awarded an Oscar and was directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, is set in EastBerlin in the year of 1984, when Germany was still divided into the Federal Republic of (West) Germany and the Communist German Democratic Republic. It deals with the topic of the Stasi, the Communist secret police that spied on anybody suspected of sympathizing with the West or just not conforming with the ideology of the Communist government of the time. One man who has this destiny is the playwright Georg Dreyman. The Stasi captain Gerd Wiesler (acted by Ulrich Mühe) who is assigned to spy on him soon finds out that one of major motive for this surveillance is that a Communist government official named Hempf desires Dreyman’s girlfriend. By Corinna Gerst

SCI-FI Die Wolke (The cloud)

The German movie ‘Die Wolke’“ is about the 16- year-old girl Hannah, who lives in Schlitz, a city in Germany. After meeting her first love Elmar, her class mate, a big disaster breaks out in the city. The alarm at her school is hooting because of an accident in the atomic power plant not far away from her city. A gigantic, radioactive cloud comes to Schlitz and all the people are trying to escape. After her brother dies on the way to the crowded railroad station, Hannah is whacked and wakes up in hospital. She is completely exhausted, many people die. But then Elmar appears. He’s fit and decides to stay with Hannah. The background of the movie was the nuclear accident in Tschernobyl in 1986. The producer wanted to show what could happen if such an accident happened in Germany. By Svenja Voet

Die Welle (The Wave)

Would a dictatorship still be possible today? During a project week a teacher discusses types of government. His students believe that dictatorship could not be established in modern Germany any more. The result is an experiment which shows how easily the masses can be manipulated. The popular German actor Jürgen Vogel is the leader of the founded group called “Die Welle/ The Wave” and introduces a lot of aspects which strengthen the sense of community, like common t-shirts or a ritual for greeting. Convincingly he shows how his project develops and ends in catastrophy. “Die Welle/ The Wave” is absolutely worth seeing because it makes clear how the dictatorship becomes important for young students by representing cohesion, identity and self-confidence. In the end there is violence and death.

ADVENTURE The Shoe of the Manitou, 2001

The story is a parody of the old Winnetou novels by Karl May. The main characters are Abahachi (a redskin) and his friend Ranger (kind of a cowboy), who, at the beginning, are stupidly travelling through the whole country by horse. In his younger years Abahachi got a map to a treasure and divided it into four parts to share it with his best friends. Now he needs this treasure to pay back his debts to the chief of the Shoshone. If he doesn’t do so, he might be killed. But the man who is the reason why Abahachi is in trouble, Santa Maria, wants the treasure for himself, so a mad chase for the pieces of the map begins. Who will be the first to discover the treasure, Abahachi or Santa Maria? Will Abahachi be killed by the Shoshones? And with which man will Uschi finally fall in love? Find out for yourself by watching this extraordinaryly funny movie, you won’t regret it. By Michaela Saß

Get it! The European Feeling · 27

Any plans for the Weekend? Going out with friends, partying, surfing the net, playing sports, watching TV... what else do young people for the weekends?

Friday afternoon. Cindy, from Martinique, phones Paula, who is in Catalonia. PAULA: Hello? CINDY: Hi! It’s Cindy. Is Paula in? P: It’s me! How are you, Cindy? C: The weekend is coming up! P: Oh, yeah! Have you got any plans? C: I’ve got a Spanish test on Monday. Will you help me to translate a text ,please? P: Of course I will! We could meet in “getitstudent” but not very early… C: Sure! I also tend to get up late on weekends. Then I’ll go to play tennis. P: Because of time difference, we could meet up late in the afternoon for me and at about midday for you. Afterwards, I’ll 28 · Get it! The European Feeling

head for the centre of Reus with my friends. Guess what? We’ll go bargain hunting! C: Lucky you! Here sales are already finished. So after chatting with you, I guess I’ll go to the beach with my friends. P: Wow, you’re so lucky! It’s still cold in Catalonia! But I am hoping for good weather ‘coz tomorrow we’ll have a cool party and we’ll raise a “castell”, you know… C: “Castell”? No idea P: Yeah, those human tower we raise on the occasion of some town festivals. C: That must be amazing! Can kids participate? P: Yeah, sometimes they are as

young as five years old. Usually a very few women hold up in the upper levels and a couple of young kids for the very top. Finally the “enxaneta”, who is the last kid, climbs up to the top and raises one hand as a sign of an appropriate assembly. C: Is there any “castells” competition? P: There’s an annual competition where all the “colles”, the teams, try to break a record. That’s an absolute must-see! C: Wow! Send me a picture! P: Sure! Ok. Now I must go. C: Ok! We’ll meet on the students’ ning! See you soon. P: Right! See you later! Bye!


Castells, Human towers raised on the occasion of some town festivals all over in Catalonia.

Get it! The European Feeling · 29

Weekends My weekend By Thomas Gielians, Germany

My weekend is always full of appointments. Usually the biggest three points are working, football and partying. On Friday evening I often hang out with my friends and go to parties we organized by ourselves. Then we have a couple of drinks, party and if the party ends we go to the next one. Saturday is mostly the day to work for me so I work till evening and after that I go to bed or to other parties and meet my friends. Often my football games are also on Saturdays so I have to work on Friday or Sunday. On these days I often spend much time in my bed watching television or something like that. After that I change into my football clothes. After the match we hang around with the team, sometimes we have lunch together at a fast food restaurant. On Sunday I am usually at home watch TV or do some things for school. It’s a very boring day and I have the cruel premonition of having to sit in school, early in the next morning. Mainly I have a lot of free time on the weekend and I don’t have much obligations I have to meet. The weekend is the best time in the week because I can enjoy myself very much.

We all like the same!

By Italy and France

Les éstudiants français Les étudiants français et italiens dépensent leurs week-ends de différentes façons: En général, les français (entre 12 et 15 ans) préfèrent pratiquer le sport tandis que les étudiants italiens sortent avec leurs amis. En outre, pendant cette période ils planifient leurs activités sportives comme: aller à la piscine, jouer au football ou au tennis. Beaucoup d’ étudiants français ont du temps libre pendant le week-end et ils peuvent passer plus de temps avec leur famille pour faire des jeux de société, étudier, aider les parents etc.; D’autres, au contraire, passent le temps avec leurs amis (pizza, bowling, ping- pong etc.) Le samedi soir les jeunes français préfèrent regarder la télé ou sortir sans une destination précise mais il y a aussi des jeunes qui préfèrent aller au cinéma.

I giovani italiani

“Sunday is a very boring day cause I have the cruel premonition of having to sit in school early in the next morning.”

30 · Get it! The European Feeling

I giovani italiani hanno molto tempo libero. Chiacchierano spesso con i loro amici fuori o surfano su Internet; ballano o escono con gli amici. L’estate vanno a fare il bagno al mare e passeggiano nei giardini pubblici. Alcuni studiano o fanno sport per il loro tempo libero. Secondo noi, vivono bene perché hanno molto tempo libero e si divertono con gli amici e un po’ con la famiglia. In conclusione, i giovani italiani non sono tanto diversi da noi perché le loro attività sono simili alle nostre.



Football fans meet at the students’ forum and select the best players By Tamás Szabó, Miquel Avila, Erwin, Rick and Luigi

Get it! The European Feeling · 31


Every morning about 20 « yoles » get ready to start the day’s race.


We met with Mr Joseph Marie-Luce who loves “yoles”, our traditional sailing boats, and who told us about his passion with great enthusiasm. Can you introduce yourself to our readers? My name is Joseph Marie-Luce. I work at Joseph Lagrosilliere High School. You are fond of “yole” sailing. Can you explain to our readers what a “yole” is because the word is typically Martinican and it is difficult to translate into another language? The “yole” is a competitive boat. It’s a typically Martinican product. Martinique is the only country to practise this type of sport and to take part in this type of competition. A “yole” is made from the wood of a tree we call “Poirier” and from white wood. For the mast we use bamboo. 32 · Get it! The European Feeling

How did your passion for this sport begin? Well, I am from a village that is by the sea, where this type of sailing is practised a lot. How long have you been practising? I have been practising Yole for 20 years. What crew or team do you sail with? I only sail with GFA/DIGICEL. There are 15 of us on board trying to put the weight in the right place on the “yole”. Tell us about your training sessions. We train on land and on the sea. We

have three two-hour sessions during the week and a three-to-four-hourlong session at the weekend. Do you plan to keep sailing for a long time still? Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s a good question! Considering how old I am I think I’ll stop sailing next year. Young people will take over. What are the physical qualities required to practise this activity? You need to be physically-strong and supple and have a lot of stamina. Is your private life affected by this activity? To tell you the truth it is a very timedemanding activity and you have to make concessions.


Joseph Marie-Luce Age:48 years old Place of birth: Martinique Occupation: caretaker at our school Favourite sport: sailing on a “YOLE”

Every year at the end of Julybeginning of August, the famous «Tour des Yoles» takes place. It is a one-week sailing race around Martinique.

The ‘yoles’ are named after their sponsors. Mr Marie-Luce runs for GFA Digicel. Right, the sailors balance the ‘yole’. Get it! The European Feeling · 33


HIP HOP, the universal street poetry

A multicultural life style,

by Hicham El Hmdi, Ricard Farrés, OPT 3r IES BAIX CAMP, Catalonia

Origins of Hip-Hop Hip-hop is an artistic and cultural movement, which was born among Afro-American communities in the US in the mid 70s, specially in the poor quarters in New York, such as the Bronx. Although created by black youth on the street, hip hop’s influence has become worldwide. Hip-hop is not a musical genre or a fashion; it is not something made, but a life style. The 4 elements of hip hop Rap, the rhythmic vocal style of hip hop culture, was a way that urban black youth expressed themselves in a rhythmic form. Hip-hop culture consists of 4 expression elements: 1. DJ (Disc Jockey) 2. MC (Master of Ceremonies, that is to say, the singer.) The joining these two elements creates rap. 3. GRAFFITI; Graffiti is mostly drawn or written illegally on public property. Its artists’ purposes are usually for artistic expression, the marking of gang territories, and public protest. 4. B-BOYING; Break dance Fashion, put your pants up! Rap clothes identify hip-hop fans. Its origin is found, just like everything related to hip-hop, in places or situations of social marginalization. Prison convicts used to wear XXL sizes because there was only one size, which would fit anyone, and these clothes had no buttons or lace in order to avoid violence, suicide or attacks. Apparently ex-cons used them once outside to show they had been in prison and that they were capable of “solving” any kind of conflict.

INTERVIEW WITH... Ricard Farrés

Zeret mqp By Melani Martin, Fatima Acharao, OPT 3r IES Baix Camp, Catalonia

What is the meaning of your name? Zeret was my name when I used to paint graffiti. And mqp means “Más que palabras” (more than words), which is the title of my first demo tape. What is your contribution to hip-hop? I sing and make rap productions. I also have my own studio, where I record other people’s music and sometimes I organize small gigs. In addition, I design my own covers, as well as, covers for other singers. What would you like to do in the future? I would like to take vocational studies as a sound technician in Barcelona, in order

34 · Get it! The European Feeling

to continue with my training as a singer and as a sound technician. Do you get paid? Do you record demo tapes and concerts? I get paid for some concerts. I have got two demo tapes as a solo singer and I am preparing a third one with my band. Who is in your band? A DJ (dj-Alen) and two choir singers (G-minor i Link-c) Do you have a manager? I haven’t got a manager. I am a member of a rap association called Suicide People. We discuss together and prepare for the concerts in my town and other places in Spain.

Music What are your feelings when you are on stage? I can tell you in just three words: euphoria, happiness and freedom. How did you start in the hip-hop world? I started when I was ten. I used to listen to rap music together with my brother and then I started creating back beats of my own and singing my own songs. Later I had my own studio, where I recorded my first demo tape “Más que palabras” (More than Words). My second demo tape was recorded at one of the most recording studios in Spain, “Lebuque” in Sant Boi de Llobregat (a town near Barcelona).

I would like to take vocational studies as a sound technician in Barcelona, in order to continue with my training as a singer and as a sound technician.

LISTEN TO MUSIC IN MARTINIQUE from hip hop to traditional music Translated into English by Ayla Mongès, Johnny Bedot and the 3ème2

Although we listen to a lot of music from all around the world (reggae, salsa, Hip Hop, R’nB and Rap), Martinique’s musical tradition is strong and offers great variety.

This area of Martinique Sainte Marie - is “Bèlè” music territory. In “Bèlè”, drums, “ti-bwa” (a bamboo cane that you strike with sticks made of guava) and the strong voice of a singer give the rhythm to boisterous dancers.

Why hip hop? Because it is a protesting style and I like it because you can talk about what you feel. What do you talk about in your songs? My songs express my emotions and feelings in daily life about problems. I condemn sexist violence, nowadays politics, but also talk about adventures. Not everything is sad, we also need to laugh with funny rhymes!! Hahaha

I condemn sexist violence, nowadays politics, but also talk about adventures. Not everything is sad, we also need to laugh with funny rhymes!

How would you define nowadays young people? Young people nowadays are quite crazy, but this is good, because times changed and we can’t live like the young people in the past. We want to have fun and do different things.

Other types of music and traditional dances are “Biguine”, danced by couples, with its lively rhythm and “Mazurka”, a dance that alternates lively and languorous rhythms. Our grandparents loved traditional music but we prefer Zouk and DanceHall, which are more modern. If you want to listen to some extracts, you will be able to do so on the web version of G@t it. Get it! The European Feeling · 35


MUSIC AT OUR SCHOOLS We love music... AL!

Performing famous musicals, ITALY

We don’t have a school band or a music room but music plays an important role in our extra-curricular activities.....Singing, dancing and acting are the ways we use to communicate our emotions, feelings and to let our body speak…and all these art expressions are enclosed in a MUSICAL performance. At the beginnings it was hard to set up a group and to create a friendly atmosphere but then the things went better and we had a great success! Since 2003 we have been performing famous musicals such as NOTRE DAME

INTERVIEW WITH... SINEATER, POLAND “ Our biggest dream is to let the world know about us” Welcome guys. First, why don’t you explain the name of the band. Y e s , Sineater. We have come up with this after watching a movie, that we could really relate to the kind of music we’re playing metal hard-rock. How do you share the work in the group? Whose job is what? There are five of us in Sineater: Mateusz Kotłowski – (17) - behind the drum set, Michał Dopke (17) - electric guitar, Patrycjusz Janowicz, (17) – responsible for our basses, Mateusz Rihert – (18) a vocalist and Mateusz Ostapiuk (18) - also plays electric guitar. As rockstars, how often do you practice? A title of rockstars may be a little to much for us right now, but we really want to make this happen. We meet each day in the recording studio.

Above, Notre Dame de Paris. Below, Jesus Christ S. Star

DE PARIS; JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR , ROMEO AND JULIET or comedies as The IMPORTANCE OF BEING ERNEST or music comedies as THE SOUNDS OF MUSIC! We won some awards we are very proud of or work! In our Group everybody participates according his own attitudes …who loves singing…who loves dancing.. who prefers to create the scenes or mix the music.. or who has good manual abilities and works with hammers and nails.. We have some CDs or DVDs of our works and we hope we’ll see them together a day! 36 · Get it! The European Feeling

Do you get any support, is there anybody to look after you? Of course! We’re cooperating with two very important people for us. Tomasz Brzózka helps us with recording the demo, gives us lots of good clues. But we couldn’t do without our manager, Dorota Dopke. She’s always there for us. Do you have any experiences performing outside school? - Yes. We have recently performed in Łeba at the ‘WOŚP 2009’, Luzino and Wejherowo – during the concert in a mall. Guys, thank you for this pleasant conversation. We hope you’ll soon rock the stage international!!!


Member of a club?

With your family

With your friends

When you are alone

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sport Music Dance Drama Painting

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Shopping Watching TV Travelling Exhibitions Restaurant

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Cinema Shopping Going to disco Sport Concert

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Surfing the net Listening music Watching TV Reading Video games


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

None Football Other sports Classic dance Language

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Shopping Watching TV Swimming Travelling Visit family

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pub and disco Talking with friends Sport activities Walking Playing games

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Watching TV Listening music Video games Surfing the net Doing nothing


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

None Basketball Football Local dances Drama

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Visit relatives Watching TV Shopping Restaurant Travelling

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Playing games Cinema Talking with friends Concerts Party

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Watching TV Video games Listening music Reading Surfing the net

Sports None Music and dancing Charity Forum, youth club

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Watching TV Cinema Restaurant Play games Shopping

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Cinema Watching videos Talking with friends Sport Going to parties

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Surfing the net Listening music Watching TV Video games Nap

Sport Music Dance None Theater

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Travelling Cinema Games Watching TV Restaurant

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Cinema Sports games Party Talking with friends Shopping

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Surfing the net Music Watching TV Video games Reading

None Sport Dance Art Music

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Shopping Restaurant Watching TV Travelling Cinema

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Talking about friends Walking Going to parties Going to disco Meeting friends

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Surfing the net Listening music Watching TV Video games Reading

Sports Music Dancing Drama Youth group

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Visits Watching TV Sport Games Shopping

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Party Sleepover Play sports Watching TV Videos

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Surfing the net Music Watching TV Video Games Chat with friends


MARTINIQUE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FRANCE

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

CATALONIA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. GERMANY

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Get it! The European Feeling · 37

Press conference

Make the most of your hobby AS a living

Interview with David

Prats, motor racing journalist

By Anna Mercado and Judith Millán, Ies Baix Camp, Catalonia

How did you start in the world of journalism? As a journalist I started working for the local press when I was 18 and as a speaker in races 15 years ago. When I was a kid I liked motorbikes. Later, I realized I was quite good at writing and I ended up as a motor journalist. Now I’m a freelance. I do a very important part of my job in the magazine Solo Moto Off Road, but I also work for the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia and other media. What do you like the most and the least? What I like the least is that sometimes my ideas do not match the one of the magazine manager. Magazines economically depend on publicity, and you can not critize the brands. In general, what I like the most are 38 · Get it! The European Feeling

chronicles, because in them you don’t exactly report the facts, but you can also give it a personal vision. Interviews are also very interesting when they are like a conversation. I know most of the pilots and we talk, and later the interview has nothing to do with what I had prepared before. Which famous pilots do you know? Some of them are my friends, like Marc Coma (2009 Dakar winner) and Iván Cervantes (2007 World Enduro champion). I have known them for 15 years. I have also met Nani Roma, Isidre Esteve, Dani Pedrosa, Toni Elías, Joan Olivé, Marc Márquez and Pere Tutusaus. In Enduro I know everybody. In rallies I have met some people who influenced me a lot, like el Fabrizio Meoni, who won the Dakar twice and unfortunately died in 2005.

Which category do you prefer? I like all categories, but the one I prefer is enduro, because it is the one where I work as a speaker more often and I have lots of friends. Which countries have you visited because of your job? In Europe, Italy, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Andorra, Spain and Portugal. In America, Argentina, Brazil, U.S.A., Mexico and Ecuador. In the Dakar I visited Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Mali, Mauritania, Libya, Burkina Faso and Senegal. What woul you highlight of the Dakar rally? A part from the competition, which is exciting and the cooperation among pilots although they are rivals, I would point out the work of the

foundation Dakar Solidario, which devotes itself to humanitarian tasks, like, for example, delivering learning materials and medical supplies in the countries where the race takes place. Can you tell us an anecdote from the Dakar rally? Yes. For example, people set their tents under the planes because it is better to sleep on the road than on stones. But you need to choose a good place and it is better to follow the advice of people who know. A journalist, who is very arrogant, didn’t want to listen to anyone and chose a bad place. Early in the morning the plane took off and his 39 · Get it! The European Feeling

“I have fun and I get paid. I really have a good time.” tent with him inside flew away about 800 meters. But worst of all is that the next day because he wouldn’t listen it happened again. Have you ever taken part in a motorbike race? I’ve taken part in one in my life, but I was so bad I wouldn’t do it again. Keep it a secret, but I think I am too cautious.

We have heard you are a great showman. Me? No. I’m a bit of a clown. Everybody likes having attention, above all when you are doing what you like. The truth is I am very shy. Getting a microphone and speaking in front of 500 people is easier than talking in front of a small group of people face to face. Finally, would you say you work or you have fun in your job? I have fun and I get paid. I really have a good time.

Getting to know...

Free time around the GLOBE Travel with us to get to know how children and teens spend their free time in different cultures and countries from every continent

“In Equador people seem to enjoy life in a different way” Students from Martinica chat with Junior Roca, an Equatorian student living in Spain

My name is Junior Alexander Mero Roca. I am 13 and I come from Manta, a town on the east coast of Ecuador. School timetable Boys and girls in Ecuador go to school Monday to Friday. Classes start at 7.30 a.m. and finish at 1 p.m. They have 6 classes of 45 minutes a day. On Monday before classes start, it is typical for students to form a silent line and then sing the national anthem. Breaks last 45 minutes, from 9.30 to 10.15 and students have breakfast, play football, basketball, etc. After 1 p.m. students have free time. After having lunch at home they usually watch TV for a while, American series, soap operas… My free time in Manta When lived in Manta, I used to watch TV till 4 and then do my homework. Around 5 I used to go out and play football in the street with my friends. At 6 we had dinner and stayed in. At weekends I used to meet my friends and go to the beach or to a friend’s house. My free time in Spain Since I live here in Reus I spend more time in front of the computer, playing games, chatting, surfing the net, etc. than in the open air. When I lived in my country I didn’t use to spend so much time on the computer. 40 · Get it! The European Feeling

Feelings and impressions In general, people look happier there than here. It seems they enjoy life in a different way. I have been living in Europe for 6 months now and I like it. In fact, I would like to stay here for good and just go back to Ecuador on vacation in the summer. However, I miss everything from my country: family, friends, typical food, the beach, people’s happiness and life on the streets. I don’t miss school so much because in IES Baix Camp everybody makes me feel at home.

“Here everybody makes me feel like at home”

Missing Equador with 5 senses

SIGHT sunset and dawn on a Manta beach skyline. TOUCH the touch of small crabs I used to take from the beach sand. SMELL fresh air near the sea, smell of sea salt HEARING waves and seagulls ceviche


(typical dish from Ecuador made with shrimp dressed with lime...)

other cultures INTERVIEW WITH...

Amin Asseffa, 18, a Calabrian student of Moroccan origin Hello! In this interview we want to exchange some opinions with a classmate of ours. He is Amin Asseffa. He is 18, he was born in Italy but his family is from Morocco. We- Amin, we’re working on project with other European partners and now we’re writing a topic about the differences between our culture and other ones and we’d like to interview you about this topic. Where were you born? Amin- I was born here but I’ve been living between Morocco and Italy. We- Are there any similarities between these two countries? Amin- No, not for politics nor traditions. We- Tell us about one main difference in traditions, costumes and habits? Amin- One main difference are wedding ceremonies. In Morocco it lasts seven days! The first day is reserved for the bride‘s family, the second for the husband’s and the third, which begins at 7 pm and ends at dawn, is opened to all the guests. The fifth day husband and wife go on an Egyptian carriage and take a tour along the streets of the city. The sixth day begins at 9 pm and is dedicated to couple’s privacy. Finally, the seventh day all the guests give the couple their gifts. We- And as education system? Amin- The school system is very hard, like the French system, the lessons start at 8 and end at 6 p.m. Students wear uniforms. Religion and physical education are considered the most important subjects. We- How do you spend your free time in Morocco? Do you miss your old habits? What do young people like in your country? Amin- Young people go to pubs and clubs like most young Italians while the elders live closer to our traditions. On Monday we go to the sauna! we often gather celebrating with tambourines and we dance and act ironically real facts and discuss about politics and eventual marriages cause they are brought by parents. Every afternoon at 16:00 we drink our typical tea with mint and on Friday at 11:00 we go to the Mecca and to the cemetery dressed in white. We cook the cous-cous a typical dish, giving two dishes to the Mecca, to beggars and to prisoners. In Italy we try to imitate the Arabic tradition but we do not often meet except on Sundays. I miss the habits I have in Morocco because there we have more opportunities to stay together while in Italy I live in a different way but at the same time when I’m in Morocco I long for Italy.

Free Time in Canada

BY Magdalena Hülsmeyer

In this article I want to report about how free time is spent in Canada. I lived in this country for about five months when I took part in an international high school program. Therefore I stayed there with a host family and closely witnessed everyday life and free time of Canadians.

My host parents were very close to nature and consequently they spent as much time as they could outside. They went for long walks or hikes at the sea, jogged early in the morning or went by bike to work. My host mum had an extraordinary hobby that was hot yoga. There you do yoga in a hot room. It is nothing for everybody but for her it was pure relaxation. Moreover she went to guitar lessons once a week and often sang to her guitar playing at home. That was nice to listen to. I myself did ballroom dancing at my school. It was very entertaining since you moved your body but could also chat with your partner at the same time. I really loved to go there once a week. Furthermore, I played the keyboard at home which my host family made available for me. At the weekends I met my friends and did different activities with them. In school there are offered lots of different sports like basketball, tennis or hockey and almost every student I knew was active in a sports team. I had the feeling that it is very important and also an honour for the students to play for their school in competitions and to ensure that the school appears in a good light by means of a win. To conclude, I can say that free time is a very important part of life in Canada and is very varied. Get it! The European Feeling · 41

Getting to know... A week in the life of a Chinese student By Lixuan Feng, Xiang Zhang and Hatim Lajadar. OPT 3r IES Baix Camp, Catalonia.

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42 · Get it! The European Feeling

Sunday is the only free day for Chinese students. The school is opened for students to go and play ping pong, basketball and volleyball. At home they like watching international basketball matches, Chinese series, Chinese films and the news on TV. Listening to modern Chinese music is also very popular among young people. Here in Spain we have more free time and less homework.

School life in England & Holland There are many differences between schools in England and Holland. School rules To start with in England you have to wear a uniform! You haven’t only got one uniform, but you’ve also got a uniform for P.E aswell. What you have to wear depends on which school you go to, but I had to wear a green t-shirt with the school logo on, a green and black rugby shirt (only when you have to play rugby of course), black shorts with the school logo on and green and black football socks. There were also rules about make-up, accessories and hairstyles. You weren’t allowed to wear any make-up, you had to wear stud earrings and you weren’t allowed to die your hair. If you ignored any of these rules you’d get lunchtime detention or you’d be sent home. In Holland you don’t have to wear a uniform, you’re allowed to wear make-up, you’re allowed to wear whatever kinds of accessories you want and you’re allowed to die your hair any colour you want. In my opinion schools in England are generally much stricter than in Holland, but the normal rules are pretty much the same. Sports The sports in both countries are pretty much the same only you’ve got much more after school sports/activities where you can go to. In England you’ve got a school football team, a school rugby team, a school volleyball team, a school cheerleading team etc.. Whereas in Holland you haven’t got that at all. Tests Also in England you don’t have very many tests you have to revise for. In Holland you have to have a good report to be able to go over to the next year, but in England you go to the next year anyway. I didn’t have to do that much homework and I only revised for the tests which we had at the end of every semester. In Holland I spend about 2/3hours doing homework everyday so I had much more free time living in England. Opinion If I had to choose between living in Holland and England I would probably choose for England because I don’t mind having to wear a uniform, I liked the afterschool activities and I didn’t have to do so much homework.

other cultures Est-ce difficile de communiquer? Non, parce que la langue ressemble un peu au français. Ce n’est pas difficile d’apprendre la langue catalan. Est-ce que pendant votre temps libre vous téléphonez à votre famille ou à vos camarades de votre pays ? Oui de temps en temps je les appelle pour parler et avoir des nouvelles.

Ici en Espagne je n’ai pas de temps libre parce que j’ai toujours quelque chose à faire.


French students interview ElHadji, a student from Senegal who has just arrived in Reus, Catalonia, Spain Avez-vous plus de temps libre en Espagne que dans votre pays? Non au Sénégal j’avais plus de temps qu’ici en Espagne. Que faisiez-vous dans votre pays pendant vos moments de temps libre? Au Sénégal pendant mon temps libre je restais à la maison pour apprendre à lire quelques livres ou partir au terrain pour jouer au foot.

Que pensez-vous de l’organisation des temps libre en Espagne en comparaison avec votre pays? Hufffffff ! Ici en Espagne je n’ai pas de temps libre parce que j’ai toujours quelque chose à faire. Je pense que j’avais plus de temps libre dans mon pays pour faire mes activités. Éprouvez-vous un manque dans vos hobbies depuis que vous habitez l’Espagne ? En avez-vous de nouveaux? Oui j’ai beaucoup de choses qui me manquent de mon pays, les amis les sorties les matchs de foot ett… Oui plus ou moins parce que je joue au foot dans une équipe qui a beaucoup de personnes

Est-ce que le sport est une activité importante pour les Espagnols par rapport à votre pays? En faites-vous maintenant? Pour le sport je pense que les habitants de mon pays l’aime beaucoup plus que les espagnols .Si, je joue au foot dans une équipe qui s’appelle Mas Pellicer. Est-ce que vous sortez avec vos nouveaux amis Espagnols? Bon en ce moment je n’ai pas encore d’amie espagnole. Mais je pense que j’en aurai une. Prenez-vous le temps de visiter l’Espagne? En ce moment je n’ai pas de temps pour visiter ce pays mais je vais le faire.

ElHadji with his cousins when he was a child. Get it! The European Feeling · 43

Role Playing Games

Live another life Many people see Role Playing Games as an obscure, closed activity. Just appropriate for “different” people. They even think that they are harmful and violent. This article lets you see the truth behind all lies. « Comme tu es bizarre, tu joues aux jeux de rôles ! » « Les jeux de rôles sont dangereux,. Ils rendent les gens violents » « Bahh ; ;les jeux de rôles ..celui qui les a inventés était fou » Ce sont les commentaires les plus fréquents que nous entendons sur les jeux de rôles. Il y a plus de gens que l’on ne croit qui pensent ainsi. Ils les voient comme une activité occulte, renfermée sur ellemême, violente et qui transforme l e s individus. Pourquoi les gens pensent-ils cela ? Pourquoi les jeux de rôles ont-ils une si mauvaise image ? Qui les a inventés ? Toutes ces données, quand elles sont méconnues, font croire aux gens toutes sortes de mensonges et confortent la mauvaise réputation des jeux de rôles. Ce petit article va nous aider à comprendre ce qu’ils sont. Qu’est-ce que les jeux de rôles ? Ces jeux sont une sorte de jeu de plateau, qui propose une histoire dirigée par un maître, et où les personnages interprétés par les joueurs prenant part. Le maître présente le scénario et les joueurs 44 · Get it! The European Feeling

interviennent dans les dialogues ou en lançant les dés afin de déterminer les actions à entreprendre (par exemple escalader un mur). En même temps, le maître est aussi arbitre et conducteur de l’aventure. Le jeu se joue sur une table avec des jetons, des dés et des miniatures qui sont juste un support pour

l’imagination qui nourrit l’aventure. Chaque jeu a son propre environnement et ses propres lois. Ils structurent le jeu et indiquent comment les caractères des personnages sont créés, comment se déroule le jeu et comment les actions vont être déterminées et résolues. Beaucoup de manuels introduisent une certaine atmosphère. L’atmosphère n’est que le « monde » thématique où nous allons jouer. Comme dans les films où nous avons des histoires fantastiques, de la science-fiction, de l’horreur etc… L’atmosphère sera utilisée pour répondre aux questions sur le « monde

» où évoluent les personnages : si il y a une étape magique, technologique, des épreuves etc. Nous connaissons tous l’atmosphère créée par J.R.R. Tolkien dans « Le seigneur des anneaux”, un monde fantastique appelé « Middle-Earth ». Tous ces éléments servent à jouer et voyager en imagination au travers de nos personnages et de leurs aventures. Le jeu Les jeux de rôles ont souvent desrègles. Dans le cas de « Donjons et dragons » (un des premiers jeux créé par Gary Gygax et Dave Arneson en 1974) nous en sommes au 3ème. Les règles nous aident à diriger le jeu, mais qui le dirigera ? C’est le rôle du maître de jeu, qui devra aussi chercher des joueurs acceptant de participer à l’aventure. Dès que nous avons le matériel (dés,

Role Playing Games Rodrigo and Ramiro, students, talking to the game master, Albert Ramos, to decide on strategies to win the battle. Below, Dungeons & Dragons’ player’s manual.

►►Arguments pour les jeux de rôles

►►Ils développent l’imagination et la créativité ►►Ils développent l’esprit d’équipe. ►►Ce sont des jeux de société (une bonne façon de passer un moment avec des amis).. ►►Ils vous font oublier la réalité et vivre une autre vie (être le personnage principal d’un film avec vos amis).

miniatures, plateau), un maître et des joueurs, le jeu peut commencer. En général les jeux se déroulent dans un endroit où il y a liberté de mouvement, généralement le domicile du maître ou d’un joueur.. Tout le monde s’assoit à une table. Quand nous avons tout ce qu’il nous faut, nous pouvons commencer à définir les personnages qui, en fonction du scénario, seront chevalier du temple, pilote de l’espace ou elfe magicien. Une fois que nous avons la feuille nous commençons la partie, où notre passé sera créé, c’est à dire tout ce que nous avons vécu avant le jeu. Le maître définit également le lieu et l’époque. Le rôle du maître est très important car il doit expliquer, décrire et établir les dialogues de l’histoire. Dans l’histoire nous pouvons trouver différents moments : combat, non-combat et interprétation. Les

deux premiers et surtout le combat sont ceux où le plus de règles sont appliquées, alors que dans l’interprétation nous exploitons nos personnages. Les moments de noncombat sont ceux où les règles sont appliquées mais il n’y a pas d’action hostile, par exemple escalader un mur. Les jeux de rôles durent en général 4 heures et quand le jeu finit le maître résume la partie et donne à chacun ses bénéfices (expérience, point d’adresse, équipe etc..)

ALBERT RAMOS IES Baix Camp,CATALONIA Get it! The European Feeling · 45



What you need: some stoppers, a coloured chalk (or a red brick) How to you play: make a track on the ground, you must draw a starting line and arriving one.The players must put their stoppers on the starting line and then taking turns, hit them with the pointer finger and the middle finger keeping the hand on the ground. If the stopper goes off the track, the player looses his turn and he must start again.The game lasts for at least 3 turns and the first stopper that reaches the arriving line wins.


what you need: some corks, a plastic bottle (such as a detergent bottle), a coloured chalk (or a red brick ) to draw a target on the ground How to play: preparing schioppetto is easy, you need to replace the plastic bottle with a cork On the ground draw a target, creating a series of concentric circles marking them with different scores. The central circle is worth 100 points, then 75, 50 and the outermost of all 25 points. You choose a line from which you operate the schioppetto. How? Jumping on the bottle positioned in the direction of the target. The player, who gets the highest score in 3 shots, is the winner ! don’t forget a note-book and pen to mark the score.

46 · Get it! The European Feeling


what you need:at least 5 players and a large square playground. Before playing mark 4 corners with a jar or chalk. how to play: each player stands at the corner (canton), the fifth is in the centre of the square. At the start the players exchange places with each other as fast as possible while the player in the centre must try to win a corner momentarily left empty! The player, who loses the place or the player, who fails to conquer the others ‘corner takes the centre place.

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