Genre Script Edit

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,634
  • Pages: 25
Scene 1 (Split stage: Phillip is in the hospital bed surrounded by flowers and gifts, UL. His mother comes in with a box. Fidalia and her mother in their house, DL.) MOTHER Happy Birthday, son! (Mother sits beside bed) You’re finally sixteen, Philip! I know your dad wanted to be here today, but he promised that he would come by later. ( She hold his hand and becomes teary eyed and sniffs) We did catch those hints you dropped, you know. We knew you wanted a motorcycle for your birthday, and surprise! It’s waiting for you in the garage, sweetie. (she gets teary eyed) We’re all waiting for you, Philip. (she sniffs) I even brought your favorite, fresh blueberries. (she opens the box of blueberries. The doctor comes in with a clipboard.) DOCTOR Mrs. Carter. (she sets the blueberries aside.) MOTHER Is there any news? DOCTOR I’m sorry, there’s been no change. MOTHER No, I’m sure I saw him smile a little bit when I came in. Don’t tell me there’s no change! Philip is getting better! DOCTOR Mrs. Carter, the blow to his head fractured his skull. We have done everything we can for him, but… MOTHER He’s been in a coma for weeks. He can’t stay there forever. DOCTOR There is the possibility that he could wake up, but that happens very rarely after this long a period of unconsciousness. MOTHER So I should just give up? I’m his mother!

DOCTOR Mrs. Carter… MOTHER Why aren’t you doing anything! You’re a doctor! Fix him, please! DOCTOR We are doing everything we can. MOTHER What if Phillip needs more? DOCTOR Wait a moment, his heart rate just increased. (to the hallway) Can I get a nurse in here? MOTHER Is that good?! DOCTOR It’s hard to say. It could be that your son is having a dream. (Mother holds Philips hand) MOTHER Come back, sweetie. Just come back… (Fidalia and her mother are placing flowers by a relic, DL) VIVIAN It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since you left us, dear. FIDALIA (puts an arm around Vivian) I miss him too, Mom, but we’re going to be all right. VIVIAN Of course we are, sweetie. FIDALIA Mom, do you think what he said about the Luminorb was true? Do you think that if it was whole, it really could save a lost soul and restore peace to Craneria? VIVIAN Fidalia, your father was a great man, but, well, he had his head in the clouds a lot. You shouldn’t depend on this old thing to make your life better. You can be anyone you want to be.

FIDALIA But what if he was right? VIVIAN I tried to warn your father about filling your head with those fairy tales of humans driving their “cars” and tales of horses, camels, whales, and dolphins. Now you’re living in a fantasy world! FIDALIA Mom, I loved those stories, but this is about real life! VIVIAN I can’t allow you to go out and pursue some belief your father dreamt up years ago. I won’t! These are dark times, Fidalia! There are too many wicked people in Craneria, and there is no way I’m letting you run off by yourself! FIDALIA Mom! (Vivian storms offstage) (Fidalia places the last flower by the relic) FIDALIA I won’t be alone; I’ll take Jewel with me. (Exits.) (Philip is lying on stage, DR.) PHILIP (wakes up and yawns) Helloooo! Is anyone here?! Why do I smell blueberries? MERCHANT Hail! (Philip jumps and looks over toward the merchant) PHILIP What the…? MERCHANT Ye look weary, stranger. A quick look at me wares might take yer mind off yer troubles. (Philip looks suspiciously at the merchant and takes a few steps back)

MERCHANT No need to be alarmed; I’m simply an old merchant trying to pay me taxes. I’ve got some rare things on sale… (shows the silver sword) PHILIP Can you tell me where- WOW!! (hands Philip the sword) PHILIP Is this…platinum? MERCHANT Ye’ve got a nice eye there, stranger. It’s all yers, boy, just empty your pockets; anything will do. (Philip shuffles through his pockets and pulls out a wrinkly old dollar) PHILIP Here, it’s all I have. (the merchant snatches the dollar from his hands ) MERCHANT (drops accent) Aha! Power over this kingdom will soon be mine! HA HA HA HAAAAAA! PHILIP Power? Its just a dollar… MERCHANT Ahem, right. (regains accent) Uh, thanks for the business, stranger. (walks offstage behind the trees.) (Philip looks at the sword) PHILIP That was… odd… END SCENE 1

SCENE 2 (Philip is wandering in the forest, when he is approached by a beggar) BEGGAR Spare some change, lad? The witch is near and your time is running out. (Philip gives her a quarter) BEGGAR Thank you, young man. PHILIP Ummm, ma’am, can you tell me where I am? BEGGAR To us, this is Craneria. It used to be a happy world, but lately, the skies are as dark as the times. To you, I think, it could be more… PHILIP I’m in…Craneria? BEGGAR That you are. Oh, almost forgot. You’ll probably need this. It holds the power of the dark’s only weakness. (she hands him a medallion) PHILIP I couldn’t… BEGGAR You think I would give it to you if I could spend it? Ha! (Exits.) (Noxess enters and sees the medallion on Philip’s neck) NOXESS Boy! (Philip slowly turns around) NOXESS Does that belong to you? (points at the medallion) PHILIP Um, no?

NOXESS No? PHILIP No. NOXESS Hm. Strange that a strange boy like you would be in possession of a strange thing like that and a strange sword… Strange… (Philip steps away and places his hand on his sword) PHILIP I bought this sword. I think… NOXESS Really? PHILIP Really. NOXESS Hmmm… You aren’t from Craneria. Strange… PHILIP What makes you think that? (Philip grip his sword firmer) (Bell walks on stage) BELL Greetings. (Noxess bows slightly) NOXESS Bell. (Bell looks strangely at Noxess) BELL Who is this? (motions towards Philip) NOXESS

A… strange boy with a… strange medallion. (Bell walks over to Philip and grabs the medallion, then drops it quickly) BELL This is yours? PHILIP Um, yes? (Noxess pulls her aside by her arm.) NOXESS Bell, he’s not from Craneria! (Bell pulls out of her grip and glares at her) BELL How dare you touch me!? Do you think I am as dumb as you? You nearly terrified the boy! NOXESS Did you see his sword? BELL I gave him the sword! I took the form of a merchant and— NOXESS You are so very clever, Bell. HA HA HAAA! Do you think he possesses the Luminorb? BELL Does it look like he does? NOXESS Well, no… (She pulls out a key) (They walk back over to Philip) BELL Please pardon my friend; she isn’t quite all there. May I ask your name? PHILIP I’m Phillip. BELL And I am Bell. Welcome to Craneria.

PHILIP Thanks… (Bell and Noxess exit, Bell leading the way. Upon leaving, Bell not-so-subtly drops a key.) (Philip watches them leave and walks over to the key.) PHILIP Wait! You dropped this… (Wanders off after them) (Fidalia enters with Jewel) JEWEL What’s so important? FIDALIA This. JEWEL The rock. FIDALIA No. This is the Luminorb. My father left it when he died, remember? JEWEL Oh right, the “special” rock. FIDALIA Jewel. JEWEL We’ve been through this before, Fidalia. Your dad thought it could restore peace or whatever. Why the sudden interest? FIDALIA My dad thought that the other half might be hidden somewhere. JEWEL And you don’t know where? FIDALIA Jewel, I can’t just ignore it. I’m sixteen, and I have no future because Craneria’s in such bad shape. If this could help, I have to try!

JEWEL So, let me get this straight; you want me to help you find the other half this relic that may or may not exist anymore, and even if it does, you have no idea where to look? FIDALIA I know, I shouldn’t have tried to drag you in on itJEWEL Fine, I’ll come. FIDALIA Really? JEWEL Fidalia, we’re best friends. I can’t let you run off by yourself. Your mom would kill me. (Fidalia hugs Jewel) FIDALIA Oh, thank you, Jewel! JEWEL Anytime. (they high five and make a butterfly, Fidalia enthusiastically and Jewel reluctantly) FIDALIA and JEWEL Faeries! PHILIP I think I’m back to where I started… (sees Fidalia and Jewel) Can you please help me? JEWEL Who are you? FIDALIA What’s that around your neck? PHILIP Some random old lady gave it to me before I ran into this chick named Bell. FIDALIA Bell? That’s not good… PHILIP Why?

JEWEL Bell is a shape-shifter. You don’t want to trust her. Trust me. PHILIP She seemed nice, maybe you’re thinking of another person? FIDALIA Jewel! The symbol on that key matches the one on the relic! Where did you get that? PHILIP Bell dropped it. I tried to give it back, but I couldn’t find her. FIDALIA You’re from Earth, aren’t you? What’s your name? PHILIP Philip FIDALIA Oh, well, I’m Fidalia, and this is Jewel. JEWEL How did you get here? PHILIP I’m not sure. The last thing I remember, I was riding my bike, and I think I may have fallen off, but then… nothing. FIDALIA Are camels, whales, and dolphins real? PHILIP Yes, they are, but where I come from, faeries aren’t. FIDALIA Well I’m certainly real, and so are you. We’re trying to find the other half of the Luminorb. PHILIP You mean that rock? (Jewel snickers, and Fidalia glares at her) FIDALIA It’s not a rock; it’s the Luminorb. It can restore peace to Craneria.

(Philip looks skeptical) FIDALIA Whatever. We’re looking for the other half, so if you want to come, you can. Who knows, maybe we can find a way to get you home. PHILIP I don’t exactly have anything better to do… (Fidalia and Philip exit; Jewel is grabbed by Noxess, who jumps out from behind a tree.) JEWEL AAA(Noxess covers her mouth) (Bell enters) BELL Am I really that fearsome? How delightful… JEWEL Help(Noxess covers her mouth) NOXESS Answer the question! BELL Where is your faerie friend headed with the stranger? JEWEL Why would I tell you? BELL Surely you would not suspect me of harming them. I am… simply curious? (Jewel glares at her, and Bell sighs) If you want it that way… (nods to Noxess, who draws a dagger) Which wing are you more fond of? JEWEL Do your worst; I’ll never betray her. NOXESS Just answer! (Noxess places dagger to Jewel’s neck)

BELL Where are they going? Just tell me, and I promise I will not harm any of you. (Jewel gulps) JEWEL I don’t know, exactly… NOXESS Not good enough. JEWEL Fidalia said we should try to the east, but that was before we found Philip. That’s all I know, honestly! (Bell removes dagger) BELL Lock her up somewhere comfortable, and then head west to meet me. JEWEL No, you said…! BELL Foolish faerie… (Exits) NOXESS How does a tiny enchanted box sound? JEWEL (Struggling) No! Help! Fidalia! END SCENE 2

Scene 3 Marketplace (Philip and Fidalia walk onstage) PHILIP Hey, we’re finally out of the forest! FIDALIA Oh, I’m sorry, do you have a problem with trees? PHILIP Wow, sorry. Didn’t mean to insult you or anything. FIDALIA I’m sorry. I know you didn’t mean anything by it. I’m just worried about Jewel. PHILIP I-I don’t know? Maybe she wandered off? FIDALIA No she would never—Jewel would have said something. PHILIP (Condescendingly) Well, maybe she chickened out. FIDALIA What’s a chicken? PHILIP The flightless little bird, you can eat, fried or barbequed—doesn’t matter. I mean, maybe she got scared and went back. FIDALIA You don’t know what you’re talking about! Don’t insult my friends, and don’t patronize me! PHILIP I’m not trying to; I just think we should concentrate on finding me a way out of this place. I don’t belong here! FORTUNE TELLER If it’s light you seek, then the answer is just beyond the dark. (Both look at the fortuneteller strangely)

FIDALIA Excuse me? FORTUNE TELLER Your father was a great faerie. He believed in the light but was lost in the dark. (Philip and Fidalia exchange glances) FIDALIA You knew… my father? Wait, how do you know who I am? FORTUNE TELLER I know both you, Fidalia, and you, Philip. I know your past troubles and troubles of the future. (Philip and Fidalia exchange glances) FIDALIA Future…? FORTUNE TELLER I also know a bit about the Luminorb… said to have fallen from the heaven—straight from the sun. (Philip looks at Fidalia; he shrugs and sits) PHILIP How can I escape the dark? (Fidalia sits) FORTUNE TELLER To be free from the dark one must posses both pieces of the Luminorb. Once it is whole, the trapped soul will be freed, returning home with only the memory of a vivid dream. PHILIP So this—this Luminorb, it will take me home? FORTUNE TELLER Yes, and in your freedom, peace will be restored to Craneria. FIDALIA Where can we find the other half?

FORTUNE TELLER Ah, through the trees of the north, while the sun sets in the west, casting the pure shadow of light upon the steps of peace and serenity. (Philip and Fidalia both stare at each other puzzled) FORTUNE TELLER I wish you luck. Until next time, Fidalia. (Fortune Teller exits) PHILIP That was weird… (Noxess is hammering metal at a merchant stand, posing as a blacksmith) FIDALIA East forest… the pure shadow of light… PHILIP What the heck are the steps of peace and serenity? FIDALIA Hey, look! Armor! PHILIP Armor? FIDALIA You might just need it if there is a fight. Excuse me? How much is the armor? (Noxess continues to hit the metal; doesn’t look up at the two.) NOXESS That depends… what do you need it for? (Philip and Fidalia look at each other) PHILIP We shouldn’t. I have a bad feeling about her… FIDALIA She might help us. PHILIP I don’t know…

FIDALIA Ok… we have this. (Shows the Luminorb) We think that the other half might be somewhere in the northern forest. (Noxess stops hitting the metal and looks up at them) NOXESS Is that the Luminorb? My family owns a part of the north forest. There is a place with a symbol like that carved on a rock. FIDALIA Really? Were there steps nearby? NOXESS Yeah, I think there were. I’ll tell you what; you can have the armor for free if you take me with you. I can show you the way to the place I mean. FIDALIA We’ll take it! PHILIP Fidalia! FIDALIA We have to. (Noxess sprinkles something on the armor) FIDALIA We need to go now; there’s no time to lose. NOXESS I have to put out my fire. (Hands Philip the armor) You two go ahead; I’ll catch up in a minute. (Philip and Fidalia exit)(Bell enters) BELL Noxess! Did you find them? NOXESS Yes, I did. BELL Did they have the Luminorb?

NOXESS Only the girl’s half. I gave the boy a suit of enchanted armor, so he will never get past the door. HA HA HA HAAAA! BELL Splendid—wait, what?!?! NOXESS I made it so that he can’t get in. HA HABELL -NO! (pulls out a dagger and holds it to Noxess’s throat) Why? NOXESS I- IBELL You betrayed me! NOXESS I thought it was what you wished. BELL No! You idiot! I wanted him to get the Luminorb so he could hand it to me! NOXESS But-ButBELL That is why I gave him the sword and the key! Why do you think that is? NOXESS I-I don’t know. BELL So he could trust me! NOXESS But, Bell what about Fidalia? He’ll just give the Luminorb to her. BELL I will deal with Fidalia. Now go after them! (Noxess starts to leave) Do not defy me again. (Noxess exits)(Bell watches her leave, then exits.)


Scene 4 (Relic entrance) (Philip, Noxess, and Fidalia enter.) NOXESS This way, we’re almost there. PHILIP Wow… This seems way too easy. FIDALIA Yeah, I agree… NOXESS No need to fear, Craneria will soon have peace again. Go on, Philip. FIDALIA Be careful! (Philip walks up the steps. but he is thrown violently from the steps as he reaches the key toward the door) FIDALIA Philip! PHILIP Ow! FIDALIA Philip, I think the armor is enchanted! (She helps him up)(Noxess becomes nervous) PHILIP I knew you looked familiar; you’re that creepy lady I met at the west forest. You did this! FIDALIA She must be a witch helping Bell! The one who wants to rule Craneria! The one who killed my father! NOXESS What! I – FIDALIA You’ll never control this kingdom! Never!

NOXESS Bell! (Noxess runs toward Fidalia) FIDALIA Philip! No! Stop her! (Philip draws his sword) NOXESS Very clever, you monster! (She runs toward Fidalia) FIDALIA Philip!!!!!!!!!! (Philip impulsively stabs her though the chest, and he is shocked at what he’s done) NOXESS Bell!!!!!!!! (Noxess crumbles to the ground)(Philip is shaking) PHILIP Oh no! What have I done! FIDALIA You did the right thing. She was going to kill us! PHILIP But I killed her! FIDALIA You saved me! Come on, we have to get you out of this armor! (Philip stares at her blankly) FIDALIA So you can get the Luminorb… (Philip stares at her blankly)

FIDALIA Oh, come on. (They exit)(Bell enters) BELL Another day, another dead minion… (She begins to drag the body) BELL I’m sorry, Noxess, I would have preferred no violence, but you brought this on yourself. (PHILIP and FIDALIA enter) PHILIP Bell? FIDALIA What are you doing here you— BELL You! You made this innocent boy kill my good friend! How could you be so heartless? Philip, do not worry; I do not blame you for this tragedy. FIDALIA Philip? Philip, please, tell me you don’t know her. PHILIP Not really, but she does seem to be the most sane person here. BELL Thank you, my dear. FIDALIA Philip, believe me, she is bad news… BELL Philip, I am no such thing. Now, the Luminorb is just behind that door. You know what you have to do. PHILIP I hope this works… (Philip walks up the steps and offstage)

FIDALIA I don’t know what you’re up to, but you stay away from Philip. BELL We are all friends here, Fidalia. (Philip walks out with the other half of the Luminorb) PHILIP I have it!!!!! Now what do I do, Bell? (Bell snatches Fidalia’s half from her) BELL Hand it here; I’ll combine them and restore peace. FIDALIA No, Philip, don’t listen to her! BELL Shut it, faerie! Philip, I’ll get you home. PHILIP Ummm… FIDALIA Don’t do it. Listen to me! BELL So you can have him kill again? Philip there are wicked people in Craneria, some (Looks at Fidalia) might seem nice at first. Think about it. She promised to help get you home, but then her friend disappeared, she convinced you to take cursed armor, and then she forced you to kill my friend. FIDALIA What? That’s not true! BELL She obviously wants the Luminorb for herself; she had you tricked this whole time. She saw you in the woods and took advantage of you. FIDALIA Philip, please, don’t… BELL She is a devious one, Philip. Hand me the Luminorb.

(A knock is heard from a box covered in leaves.) JEWEL Help!!!!!!! (Everyone is startled) BELL Hand me the Luminorb. (Philip cuts the lock with the platinum sword and opens, Jewel comes out) JEWEL Philip!!!! (He helps her out) BELL Hand me the Luminorb now!!!! JEWEL Philip, don’t!!! PHILIP You did this to Jewel! But… How! (Bell changes from kind to malicious) BELL I shape-shifted a few times along the way. You should have listened to your friend while you had the chance. Your only way out now is to give me the Luminorb and beg for your pathetic life. FIDALIA I told you, she’s a shape-shifter and the most evil person in Craneria. (Philip draws his sword vengefully, then yells and drops it as if the sword has shocked him) BELL Foolish boy. You cannot attack one so powerful as me with a weapon I have touched.

PHILIP You were the merchant! You gave me the sword! BELL And now I will rule Craneria! (In Philip’s shock she takes the pieces from him) (She combines them!!!) BELL HA HA HA HAAAAA! FIDALIA and JEWEL Nooooo!!!!! PHILIP Wait… (Philip takes the medallion from his pocket) PHILIP The dark’s only weakness… BELL Craneria is mine!!! PHILIP Think again! (Philip takes the medallion and points it toward Bell)(The light is blinding) BELL AH!!!! (Bell falls to the ground, covering her face) PHILIP Light is more powerful than dark, you know. (Bell reveals her face a revolting ugly face her true face)(Fidalia, Philip and Jewel draw back) BELL No! My powers…. I’ve lost my powers… (Philip picks up the Luminorb pieces)

PHILIP I guess this will be good-bye. FIDALIA Thank you, Phillip. JEWEL You know you can always come back. PHILIP Thanks, I will. FIDALIA My father dreamed of this day and it’s finally come. I’ll miss you, Philip. PHILIP Until next time… (Philip combines the Luminorb. Light fills the room) (Doctor sitting at desk UL) DOCTOR (Reading aloud while writing) The patient suddenly awoke from his comatose state after 23 days. We can find no medical cause for this sudden change, but his vitals stabilized quickly, and he was released from care the next day. Recommend CAT scan in six months to check for long-term damage, but no permanent effects are anticipated. END SCENE 4

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