Script Final Edit

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 560
  • Pages: 6
(BCM301 SOLS User Forum A short Film) by (Renee, Milly and Alison

2nd Draft

CHARACTER DESCRIPTION Renee: Panicked, anxiety Milly: Doesn’t Care, apathetic to the whole process Alison: Doesn’t know what’s going on but still really keento do well. She also doesn’t really get the whole abbreviated text phenomenon INT.

INTERNET FORUM. MORNING. NAY Mil u in here?....... MIL????

Nay is sitting behind a computer and is frantic about the looming deadline for her assignment. MIL Hey hey hey, SOLS went AWOL. Bak now! Milly is at home relaxed, Drinking doing hair NAY I cant get P tation up 4U. H8 Tech! HLP!!! Have you got the flm up yet? MIL Wat flm???? NAY WTF???? THE HWRK! UGBK!!!!!!! MIL Oh Yep, Im on it now. TCP miss. Milly continues to Meander around her room! NAY Chill? IFO we have to be in class in less than halfa. MIL Well Y are’nt you done?


2. NAY UAN playing WOW. I went to Zul’Drak and fought the Dragonblight Dragon. Grr So Much Lag! MIL ?????? NAY Sry. Nvrmind. Where’s Ally MIA? ALLY I’m here. Have you two finished your side of the presentation? I’m done and it turned out rather well, if I don’t say so myself. NAY Yeah Fo Shiz.... MIL My Niz. U R such a dag Nay! LOL NAY LMAO ALLY What I don’t understand. MIL Dnt Worry. I got mst of mine from WIKI, So it should be good! ALLY What? Are you kidding and who is Niz? MIL Quick Q’s. User generated histories? ALLY ....In Direct contrast to history 1.0, where only those with authority had the ability to publish histories. (MORE)

3. ALLY (CONT'D) User generated histories privilege grass-roots ideals and champion the individual’s Contribution to history in the participatory culture of web 2.0. What we see is a rich tapestry of un-interpreted, often schizophrenic historical data emerging. At the same time. NAY WRRS! MIL WRRS! MIL (CONT’D) So basically it’s a mashup between web 2.0 And history 2.0? ALLY More or less... MIL So what’s the end result? ALLY Well, because it’s so persistent, unregulated and un-interpreted, the answers are largely inconclusive. NAY Like our film. MIL LOL! ALLY It tends to generate more questions than it does answers! NAY Like our film. ALLY There is also a permanence to material generated.

4. MIL Do U think any1 will eva watch our film? ALLY Not if you don’t get it up in time! ha. Jks. Lol. Check this out, I’m writing like a 15 year old! Ally is accessing a wikipedia page on sms abbreviations. Ally sees a typo and fixes it ALLY (CONT’D) Did you get an example of a personal collection as an online museum? NAY The Satorialist? Http:// m MIL Awesom. Luv tht, it screams shared authority. NAY And difference of opinion ALLY Are you sure it’s an authoritative source? NAY What does it matter? That’s the whole point of history 2.0. And yep. I evaluated it. ALLY Did any1 mention the “Participative Pedagogy” article! I got the Boyd and Ellison 2007 cov’d. ALLY (CONT’D) I also have done the Rosenzweig 2006 article. OMG! We R so L8! MIL !!!!!!!!!

5. ALLY Quick! Run We’ll meet in the classroom! NAY Hope we’re not the last ones in. We’ll make it up on the fly! MIL Maybe we should Skype our Preso!

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