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  • Words: 3,196
  • Pages: 18
NARRATIVE The Social Function / Communicative Purpose: To entertain or amuse the readers with fairy tales, actual or vicarious experience. The Generic Structure: Orientation Complication Resolution

: introducing the characters or participants of the story, where it happened, and when it happened. : the conflict or problem arises ( the peak of the problem ). : the solution of the problem.

Reorientatation (optional) : - Ending of the story. - Coda / Moral value ( message of the story). RECOUNT The Social Function: To retell past events chronologically (about someone’s experience). The Generic Structure: Orientation : introducing the characters or participants of the story, where it happened, and when it happened. Events

: chronological sequence of the events.


: - Ending of the story. - There may be some personal comments on the events.

SPOOF The Social Function: To tell events with a twist (unexpected development in the story). The Generic Structure: Orientation : introducing the characters or participants of the story, where it happened, and when it happened. Events

: introducing sequence of the events.


: the humorous, strange, or unexpected ending.

DESCRIPTIVE The Social Function: To describe a particular person, place, animal or thing. The Generic Structure: Identification : identifying the phenomenon to be described. Description

: describing the parts, qualities, or the characteristics of the person, place, animal, thing to be described.

REPORT The Social Function: To describe the way things are / To describe a general person, place, animal, or thing based on the systematic observation. The Generic Structure: General Classification: classifying the fenomenon to be described. Description

: describing the parts, qualities, or the behaviours of the Subject to be described.

PROCEDURE The Social Function: To describe how something is accomplished / done through a sequence of steps. The Generic Structure: Goal : the purpose of doing an activity. Materials (optional)

: what is needed in doing an activity.


: the steps or methods in doing an activity.

Analytical Exposition: The Social Function: To persuade the readers that something is the case. The Generic Structure: Thesis : indicating the writer’s position/opinion about the case. Arguments : developing the main argument or the case. Reiteration : restating the writer’s position/opinion.

Hortatory Exposition: The Social Function: To persuade the readers that something should be or should not be the case. The Generic Structure: Thesis Arguments Recommendation

: indicating the issue concerned. : presenting the reasons for concern, leading to the recommendation. : containing the statements of what should or should not happen.

DISCUSSION The Social Function: To present two points of view about an issue. The Generic Structure: Issue Arguments for

: the topic concerned. : the points of view of the persons who agree with the issue. Argument against : the points of view of the persons who disagree with the Issue. Conclusion or Recommendation: restating, or giving advice / way out about the topic concerned.

NEWS ITEM The Social Function: To inform the readers about the events of the day which are impotant or newsworthy. The Generic Structure: Newsworthy events Background events Source

: the main incidents (telling the events in summary). : the cause of the events, the elaboration of what happened, the persons involved, where the incidents happened, etc. : the comments from the witnesses, participants, or experts on the events.

EXPLANATION The Social Function: To explain the process involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural phenomena. The Generic Structure: General Statement Sequenced explanations

: the phenomena happened in the nature. (introductory paragraph) : the explanations of how or why something occurs.

REVIEW The Social Function: To critisize or review an art work, such as films/movies, music, plays, books, recordings, operas,etc. The Generic Structure: Title / Orientation

: identifying an art work, often by comparing it to others of its kind. Interpretative recount : summerizing the plot or providing an account of how the art work came into being. Evaluation : evaluating the art work and its performance or production. Conclusion or recommendation: summerizing the assessment of the value of the work and making recommendations of how others regard the work.

EXAMPLES Narrative Text Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. She lived with her step mother and her two step ‘jealousy’ sisters. They lived in a big castle. One day, Cinderella’s family was invited to come to the Prince’s birthday party. Unfortunately, Cinderella was forbidden to come the party by her step sisters. Luckily, the fairy god mother came to Cinderella secretly and gave her a beautiful gown. Finally, Cinderella came to the party and danced with the prince. The prince fell in love with Cinderella. Cinderella and the prince married and they lived happily.

Recount Text I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side. At first I thought a tire had gone, but then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matchsticks. The rocks came tumbling across the road and I had to abandon the car. When I got back to town, well, as I said, there wasn’t much left.

Spoof Text One day, there was a man walking in the park. He came across a penguin. Then he saw a policeman and he asked him, “What should I do with this penguin?” The policeman replied, “Take him to the zoo” The next day, the policeman saw the same man in the same park with the penguin. The policeman approached the man and asked, “Why didn’t you bring the penguin to the zoo?” “ I certainly did.”, replied the man. “It was a great idea and he enjoyed it. However, I’m taking him to the movie now.”

Descriptive Text I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Brownie. Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not like bones. Everyday it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, Brownie plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight may be because Brownie does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never eats shoes. Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal.

Report Text Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30m in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of fish is vertical) and its has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.

Procedure Text HOW TO MAKE A CHEESE OMELET Ingredients: 1 egg, 50 g cheese, ¼ cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper Utensils: Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, and plate Methods: 1. Crack an egg into bowl 2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth 3. Add milk and whisk well 4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir 5. Heat the oil in a frying pan 6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan 7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns 8. Cook both sides 9. Place on a plate: season with salt and pepper 10.Eat while warm

Analytical Exposition Text Cigarette smokers are said to have a good chance of getting various diseases. But, I think that other people's tobacco smoke seems to increase the chances of non-smokers getting a wide range of cancers. First, although passive smokers inhale less tobacco smoke, the researches point out that the smoke they breathe in is richer in many toxin chemicals. There is, for example, ‘three times as much as benzoapyrene, six times as much toluene and more than 50 times as much dimethylnitrosamine’. Of course these substances will harm our body in the long run. Secondly, the recent research reported that the risk of getting cancers not normally associated with smoking also rose among passive smokers. The risk of leukemia rose 6-8 times and the risk of cervical cancer increased 3-4 times. Thirdly, past studies have found that by product of cigarette smoke such as colnine and thlocyanate, turn up in the blood, urine and saliva of non-smoking adults and children and fetuses that have been exposed to smokers. These substances are the main causes of various cancers. In short, the effect of exposure to the cigarette smoking of others are greater than has been previously suspected. That is why passive smokers have more chances of contracting cancer than people with no such exposure. Hortatory Exposition Text Television has a great influence on our ideas about what is right and wrong about the way we should behave, and about life in general. Sometimes the values and lifestyles that we get from television are in conflict with those that are taught at home and school. Critics on television point out that crime and western programs often appeal to a taste of violence, while many game shows appeal to greed. Many critics also believe that television should be used for socially constructive purposes as well as for entertainment.

Discussion Text In this modern era, technology has developed into such a certain degree that scientists are able to create new forms of life. The debate whether cloning at animals is allowed or not seems never endless. Those who are agree with cloning at animals usually argue that the seed produced from them can be used to everlasting rare species. They also add that cloning has a purpose to produce high quality of seeds. Many species are becoming rare and rare. Scientists are concerned if they don’t do anything to save that species, these animals will be extinct and this means a big loss in the animal kingdom. However, not everyone is excited about cloning at animals. Some people feel that it can have a terrible consequence. For example, if Dinosaurs are cloned, then men will be destroyed. It is clear that the beasts can’t live together with humans. In history, these creatures lived several thousand years before men appeared. Can you imagine these giant killing creatures live in the same era and the same planet with us? As the result of this controversy, people still haven’t got the answer yet for cloning at animals. While some members of scientific community think that the banning of cloning technology will destroy the creativity of science. News Item Text Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 soldiers and contaminated an entire town. Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo–22 near Vladivostok. The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and near by town, but was covered up by officials of the then Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tonnes of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy. A broad of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

Explanation Text Tsunami is a very large sea wave that is generated by a disturbance along the ocean floor. This disturbance can be an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption. A tsunami is undetectable far out in the ocean, but once it reaches shallow water, this fast-traveling water grows very large. Tsunamis occur when a major fault under the ocean floor suddenly slips. The displaced rock pushes water above it like a giant paddle, producing powerful water waves at the ocean surface. The ocean waves spread out from the vicinity of the earthquake source and move across the ocean until they reach the coastline, where their height increases as they reach the continental shelf, the part of the earth’s crust that slopes, or rises, from the ocean floor up to the land. Tsunamis wash ashore with often disastrous effects such as severe flooding, loss of lives due to drowning, and the damage to property. Review Text “Bisa Saja” is chosen as the first single of the album and theme song of BROWNIES, since the lyric reflects the story in the movie. When Hanung Bramantyo (the director) and Dewa Budjana of GIGI were chatting, Budjana expressed his interest in making a soundtrack album. Then, he recommended a few of GIGI songs, which the producer accepted because of the chemistry they created with the movie. Since GIGI can provide a variety of colors to add all kinds of musical nuances to enrich the movie, the producer deemed it unnecessary to find other musicians to complete OST (Original Soundtrack) of BROWNIES. GIGI involved in this album. Budjana demonstrated his skills in playing acoustic guitar in “Cinta Terakhir”. Three other brand new songs: “Dilema”,”Jangan Bilang Pacarku” and “Semua Orang Berhak Mendapat Rasa Bahagia” give supporting nuances to the movie flow as GIGI composed them by imagining how the scenes would look like based on the screenplay. As a result, they‘ve created perfect blend of movie and songs that makes Brownies tastier. It’s always fun to have a piece of brownies in your mouth. But having it in your stereo set is more entertaining. No movie is perfect without musical score and OST of Brownies has proved it excellent.

Note: The explanations of the above examples of the texts are available in the CD, in the form of POWER POINT. Exercises: Read the following texts, mention the types of the texts. analyse the ganeric structure, then make up 5 questions with their answers based on the texts! Text 1 SINGAPORE : A supervisor was jailed for two months for repeatedly striking his Indonesian maid on the head and back with a television remote control, news reports said on Thursday. Muhammad Shafiq Woon Abdullah admitted in Singapore court. He physically abused the woman on several occasions between June and October 2002, The Straits Times said. The magistrate’s court heard that Shafiq, 31 ; began striking Winarti, 22, about a month after she started working for him. He hit in her on the head with the TV set’s remote control because he was unhappy with her work. On one occasion ,he punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming. S.S.Dhilton, Shafiq’s lawyer, said his client had become mad when he saw his daughter’s face covered as she laid in bed. He said his client thought the maid put the child in danger – DPA. 1. The type of the text: .............................................. 2. The Generic Structure:

3. Questions: 1.





Text 2 A newspaper is a paper printed and sold to the public usually daily or weekly. It contains news, notice, advertisements, etc. A large daily newspaper contains a variety of information. It gives information about foreign, national, and local affairs. Newspaper writers reports developments in sports, society, finance, science, religion, education, and agriculture. The editor is a person who is responsible for the publishing of the newspapers. He decides what should be printed, corrects mistakes, and decides how the material should be arranged. A newspaper editor

sometimes writes articles which are called editorials. He gives his opinion about the news in the editorial. The news department gathers and edits the news. The head of the news department is the managing editor. Under him are the city editor, news editor, telegraph or wire editor and chiefs of the various departments or sections. The main source of income for most newspaper is commercial advertising. Therefore, advertising usually fills about 50 up to 70 percent of a newspapers space. 1. The type of the text: ............................................. 2. The Generic Structure:

3. Questions: 1.





Text 3 Mangroves are trees that live at or near the water’s edge in protected marine habitats. Mangroves have special roots that enable them to thrive in brackish water (brackish water is salty, but not as salty as sea water). There are several features that all species of mangrove trees have in common. They are tolerance to the conditions of high soil salinity,









submergence in water or soil. They are also reproductive by means of specialized seeds called seedlings.

Now that we have discussed the various features which all mangroves share. Let’s take a closer look at several mangrove species found all over the world. They are Red Mangroves, Black Mangroves, White Mangroves, and many others. Some species are very close to a large fresh water source (such as a river). Some prefer areas that are sheltered from waves. Some species closer to the shore have their roots covered with sea water. Other species grow on dry land, but are still part of the ecosystem. 1. The type of the text: ............................................. 2. The Generic Structure:

3. Questions: 1.





Text 4


New York is the biggest city in the U.S. It is located in Southeastern New York state. New York is composed of five boroughs: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Of course, everyone knows about Manhattan, the 23 square mile island that is home to the most famous buildings in the land. Getting around New York in a car is not recommended. Find a good hotel and leave the car there for the duration of your stay. Then pick up one of MTA's various Metrocard pass, which at $4 for 1 day or $17 for 7 days is a bargain. Everywhere you want to go can be reached by the extensive subway system, although it may take some time to understand the system. The subway has been cleaned up in recent years, and it is very safe to ride - certainly safer than trying to negotiate Manhattan streets during rush hour. New York is a very big city, with literally hundreds of different neighborhoods. Manhattan itself is home to Battery Park, the Financial District, Soho, Greenwich Village, Tribeca, Midtown, Broadway, Harlem, Central Park, Times Square, and many other famous areas. Each of these districts is worth visiting, and each can easily take a day, but for most roadtrippers, only a few days are available. Unlike most cities, which you can research upon arrival, you should do some planning before you reach New York - you don't want to waste a minute here. Unique museums, quiet parks, incredible views, world-class restaurants - all are within a few minutes no matter where you are.

1. The type of the text: ............................................ 2. The Generic Structure of the text:

3. Questions: 1.





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