Genesis Study

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Genesis 1 : 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. American Standard Version In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Darby Bible Translation In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. World English Bible In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Young's Literal Translation In the beginning of God's preparing the heavens and the earth.

If we are to ever understand God's Word then we must understand Genesis, for it is indeed the beginning of everything you are about to read whether it be the Prophets, the Gospels, or Revelation. If we are to understand the resurrection of the Old Covenant and the Life of the New then we must first go to it's origin, which is in Genesis. You will notice that the KJV Bible did not use the plural of heavens, which was not correct, for common sense will tell you that there was a plural of heavens that are made up of the literal and the spiritual. No one can, or should argue that Yashua made the literal planets, and stars, and all the galaxies beyond the Milky Way, for one must believe that he is if we are to receive anything from him. This all boils down to "FAITH" or "TRUST", which God has placed in our hearts proving that he is real to each of us.

We must also understand that this was written to the Jew first, and to the Gentiles later, but we Gentiles must always interpret in light of the Jewish understanding and with their mindset. They wrote using poetic imagery, metaphor, and pictorial language to express spiritual truths. If you do not receive this great truth you will never understand Genesis, or any other scroll of the Bible. With all this said let us continue our study.

In the beginning God created. So in human time how long ago was that? Was it a trillion, billions, or millions of years ago? We will never know, for God is eternal, and time has no meaning, and on top of that Ecclesiastes 3:11 declares that "NO MAN" can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. Well that about sums it up concerning how the planets, and the universe were formed.

Will scientist believe it? No they will continue to dig and study looking for the answers that will never come with theory after theory that they themselves will prove wrong in time, and have. Science books are out dated by the time they are printed, for science has proven their theories wrong before it has had a chance to be changed. God said they cannot know, and I'll just stick with God on that, so how about you?

Personally I don't care about dinosaurs, and prehistoric beasts although I know they existed, or prehistoric man, which science has never proven. How is knowing this going to solve my problems, or dilemmas of today. What has going to the moon done for me, or the billions that live upon the face of the planet, when we don't even know what lives on the ocean floors in depths so deep we cannot access it. We cannot even cure most cancers so what the heck do I care about rocks brought back from the moon. While science chases it tail looking for answers as to how we evolved I will just believe God instead of their non-sense!

It is easy to prove that God is not speaking of just a literal heaven and earth in Genesis 1:1, for he does not create the sun, moon, planets, stars, or anything in the Milky Way until the fourth day. So what heaven is he speaking of if it's not the cosmos? A day is not 24 hours here, and it is also a metaphor of a period of time, or age.

Once again this is the language of imagery concerning Old and New Israel, for they are the "HEAVEN" and the "EARTH" of the Bible. The LAMB, which is Yashua has already been slain from the foundation of the world [ age ]!

What else does the Bible say concerning what was in the mind, thought, or logos, of God that was there from the foundation of the world, or this "AGE"? Let us take a look shall we?

Matthew 13:35 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret "from the foundation of the world". They were kept secret from Israel.

Matthew 25:34 Then shall the King say to them on his right hand, come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you "from the foundation of the world": Again this is speaking to Israel, for Genesis was written to the Jew first!

Luke 11:50 That the blood of all the Prophets, which was shed "from the foundation of the world", may be required of this generation; This proves he was speaking of Israel in the beginning, for it was Israel who shed the innocent blood of the Prophets.

John 17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom you have given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which you have given me: for you loved me "before the foundation of the world". Here Yashua declares that he was before Israel was created.

Ephesians 1:4 According as he has chosen us in him "before the foundation of the world", that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: The Ekklesia was already chosen from the beginning of the "AGE". The world is translated age, and once again is not referring to the cosmos.

Hebrews 4:3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished "from the foundation of the world". Again this is to Israel, and their Law Age.

Hebrews 9:26 For then must he often have suffered since "the foundation of the world": but now once in the end of the world has he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. Yashua suffered once at the end of the "AGE". What "AGE" was that? It was the end of the "LAW AGE". World does not mean cosmos here.

I Peter 1:20 Who truly was foreordained "before the foundation of the world", but was manifest in these last times for you. These last times are speaking of the last times of the "LAW AGE", and this is spoken to Israel.

Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain "from the foundation of the world". Again this world is not cosmos, but the "LAW AGE".

The writer of Genesis was using the language of imagery to tell Israel these great truths that God did create them in the beginning of their creation, as a nation, and a chosen people.

Though scholars attribute Genesis to be written by Moses, we may never know who actually penned it, one thing is certain

however, and that is, it was written many centuries after the flood of Noah's day. All of these verses declare that God had already predestined, foreordained, and determined it from the very beginning of a certain "age". If you translate world as cosmos you will never understand these declarations, and they most certainly will leave you confused, but if you understand world to mean "AGE" then these scriptures will make perfect sense. In Genesis 1:1 God created an age of grace, faith, trust, and he would accomplish this through Israel, and his Ekklesia, for they are "HEAVEN" and "EARTH" in the imagery used here in Genesis.

Genesis 1 : 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved on the face of the waters. Young's Literal Translation the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness is on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the face of the waters,

In Genesis 1:1 we discussed the plural heavens, and the Bible does let us know that there are at least three according to Paul who spoke of the third heaven in II Corinthians 12:2, so this proves that there is a plural of heavens. We know that one is the literal cosmos, and one is the spiritual heaven, or spiritual Israel that we are seated in at this moment, and there is another which awaits the glorified body once we cross over from this life.

Though God did indeed create the natural heaven and earth he also created the spiritual heavens, and Genesis is speaking to us of both, but my focus will primarily be on the spiritual, for it carries the defining interpretations of scripture. God did not see fit to speak of, or to explain how he made the natural cosmos with all the dinosaurs, and the prehistoric life forms that we know existed. He does not say much at all about the existence of other humans though the Bible hints at it, but what he does reveal to us is the blood line of the Messiah starting with the symbol of Adam as we soon shall see.

It is very difficult to understand what God actually meant about the literal earth having no form, but we can make sense of Israel and the Ekklesia not being in existence yet, and having no form. Yashua the Almighty God was a Spirit and he had no form until he thought of making Adam after the form he had in thought in the beginning, for Yashua was not made in the likeness of Adam, but rather Adam was made in the likeness of Yashua.

Romans 5:14 declares that Adam was the figure of him that was to come, for God saw the Lamb slain before he thought of Adam, or anything else.

It is not clear if the literal planet was round, or of what shape it was, or if God simply meant there was no life upon the planet. The Youngs Literal Greek translates that the earth had existed waste and void, so that would mean that most likely it was round and had no life upon it's sphere. Seeing there was no one to witness it we can only guess, and that is what science has really done for the most part. However, God does say a few things regarding it that will perhaps give us a glimpse of his awesome power.

With that in mind there is also another creation of Heaven and Earth, and that happened when he created Israel , and brought them to an age that he had foreordained. There is a foundation of the literal world [cosmos] and there is also a foundation of the spiritual world [age]. I hope that I can prove to you that God is speaking of both, or should I say all three, for the second is made up of two parts.

There is a question we need to answer, and that is was the Lamb slain before the literal foundation of the world [cosmos], or was he slain from the foundation of the spiritual [age] when Israel was first formed as a spiritual heaven and earth? What foundation is God speaking of? Most people have never even given it a thought, yet there really is two foundations with one being literal and the other Spirit. I personally feel it was both, for I feel that Genesis had more to do with the chosen Ekklesia of the Old and the New Covenants than God trying to explain how he created the Milky Way. One thing is for certain that if I do nothing else I will have shown you that there is more to Genesis than just a literal interpretation of creation.

God as a master artist is painting upon the canvas of Genesis a magnificent picture, and you will soon see that God paints an Older and a Younger through out the Word of God. There will be an Older Brother, and a Younger Brother, an Old Man and a New Man, and an Old Creation and a New Creation, and an Older Son and a Younger Son, and he will paint for you an Older Covenant and a Younger Covenant, and I encourage you to look for it through his Word. You will find that man pleased God by faith, or trust in both, and you will see that man found grace in both the Old and the New, and that all roads will lead us to Calvary and back again. You will see that Genesis 1:1, John 1:1, and Revelation 1:1 all agree, and will eventually point you to Calvary.

God also declares to Israel that darkness was on the face of the deep. The word deep is the same word used for the abyss, or the bottomless pit. We know there were no heavenly lights yet, for they were not made until the fourth day, so naturally there would be a literal darkness, but spiritually by using the language of imagery we can see something entirely different. Without God's Spirit to indwell the human heart it is empty, void, and is in complete darkness. We saw that scripture showed us that the blood of the Prophets was shed from the foundation of the world in Luke 11:50, and this would certainly give us a spiritual darkness upon the earth knowing this was in the mind of God from the foundation of the literal earth.

The Bible declares that God was moving on the surface of the waters. Waters, as you soon shall see, are referred to by the Prophets whose words were in the beginning, as nations, or people. In the mind [logos or thought] of God the nations of Israel already existed. Darkness was upon the face of these nations with out God's Spirit, and that is still true until this very day. A people with out God are in complete darkness, and their hearts are a bottomless pit, or abyss that can never be filled except by the presence of God's Spirit which can fill all in all.

Hopefully you can readily see that there are layers to God's Word, as we peel back a layer for you to look at here in Genesis 1. Most of you have read it in a literal sense many times, but now I am asking you to read it once again using the language of imagery, metaphor, and pictorial figurative language, which is much like sign language, as it reveals your Messiah to you, just as Yashua said it would in Luke 24:44.

God is speaking to us of greater things here in the scroll of beginnings that scholars named Genesis.

enesis 1 : 3 And God said, let there be light: and there was light.

Young's Literal Translation and God saith, 'Let light be;' and light is.

II Corinthians 4:6 For God, who said, "Light shall shine out of darkness," is the one who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

Once again we know that God is not speaking of a natural light such as the sun light, for the hosts of the literal heavens will not be formed until the fourth day. Let me remind you once again that the day spoken of here in Genesis is not a 24 hour time period, for a day can represent billions of years, a season, or an undisclosed period of time. Time was ushered in after the fall of man, but here we are looking at an eternal God with whom time has no meaning. Paul said the "LIGHT" that God was speaking into existence was the knowledge of his glory in Yashua. This scripture proves that God was not speaking of a natural or literal light.

God who is called Elohim, which means that he has a plural of attributes, has uttered let there be "LIGHT". What does this mean if he is not referring to the literal sun, moon, and stars? It means it is spiritual.

Once again we see two coming into play, for there is the Natural Heaven and then there is the Spiritual Heaven. When Yahweh declared "let there be light" he was indeed speaking of the Messiah, the Ekklesia, and his Word. You will notice that Paul said to the Corinthians that "Light shall shine futur ] "OUT" of darkness. This statement is about the Ekklesia of God, for the Bible calls the saints of God the children of "LIGHT", and we were called out of the kingdom of darkness. "EK" means called, and "KLESIA" means out of.

Later Catholicism would change the use of the name of the Ekklesia to the word church, which is a pagan word of Germanic origin, which means "KIRKE" or circle. Pagans would gather in a circle and chant while holding hands, and this was called church. As Paul Harvey would say; now you know the rest of the story. This is why I refuse to hold hands in services where they want you to gather around and hold each others hands and pray. We must be very careful not to give Satan access to our lives. We must uncover all pagan practices, and rid ourselves of them as much as we possibly can.

Far too many have read Genesis 1:3 and just assumed that God is speaking of a natural light, and it's just not so, nor is he speaking of a literal day. The Bible is it’s own interpreter, and below are some scriptures that will show you the true spiritual meaning of LIGHT. There are many scriptures that declare that Yashua is the LIGHT, but there are also many scriptures that declare that the believer is also LIGHT.

II Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Yashua. This scripture links the Ekklesia to Genesis 1:3, and it shows that the "light" was knowledge as stated earlier.

Ephesians 5:8 For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you LIGHT in the LORD: This is speaking of the believer, and it clearly links the Ekklesia to Genesis, which was predestined before the foundation of the world. Colossians 1:12-13 Giving thanks unto the Father, which has made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in LIGHT. Who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: His kingdom is a kingdom of LIGHT.

I Thessalonians 5:5 You are all the children of LIGHT, and the children of the DAY: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

I Thessalonians 5:8 But let us, who are of the DAY [ LIGHT ], be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

II Timothy 1:10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Yashua, who has abolished death, and has brought life and immortality to LIGHT [ knowledge ] through the gospel: John 1:4 declares that the life was the LIGHT of men.

Ephesians 1:4 declares that the Ekklesia was chosen before the foundation of the world, and the above scriptures have shown you that the Ekklesia was LIGHT, and that the knowledge of the glory of Elohim that was in Yashua was given to the believer from the foundation. We received those plurality of attributes as saints of LIGHT.

I hope that you can clearly see that when God Elohim said, "let there be light" that he was speaking of every believer, and he was also speaking of Calvary that would make that LIGHT possible not only to Israel, but to each of us as well.

I do not know why the churches of today do not teach these great truths, but I suppose it is due to the fact that they do not see Genesis as a scroll of imagery that reveals not only the Messiah, but the Ekklesia also. You will soon see that Genesis is as much a scroll of imagery, symbols, metaphors, and pictorial language as the Prophets and Revelation.

Genesis 1 : 4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD has not done it? Ecclesiastes 3:10 I have seen the travail [evil], which God has given to the sons of men to be exercised in it. We have established that the LIGHT was Yashua, the Gospel, Calvary , and the Ekklesia of both the Old and the New Covenants, and this verse declares that God “saw” the LIGHT! Yahweh the Elohim of old sees the end from the beginning according to prophets like Isaiah 46:10, and God saw the Prophets, the Law of Moses, Calvary, the LAMB of God, and both Ekklesias, which were the two witnesses unto Israel and the Ekklesia. God saw those two witnesses in the form of Yashua from the very foundation of the world. God saw the ending of one age, and the beginning of another, just as he saw the destruction of the Old World and the beginning of a New one. Yashua as creator of all things according to Paul, as he wrote in Colossians 1:16, was also declared by John 1:3 to be our creator, for Yashua was the Word that made all things, which included the LIGHT. Yashua then divided the LIGHT from Darkness. Yashua created good and evil, and he was all by

himself when he did it, for he did not need any help in establishing his plan of creation. The name of Yashua would be a name that he would reveal in the future, but Yashua was Elohim your creator. For some reason God chose not to reveal his name of Yahweh and Yashua until later, but God saw it from the very foundation of the world. God reveals himself by a name, for the names he will use will define his purpose in the end. The Hebrews of old would name their children to coincide with the event of their birth, or a happening. It was their custom, and they received it from God who changed the name of Abraham, Sarah, and Jacob to declare a promise to future generations. In your Bible studies always look at the name, and try to define it, for you will find that there is a spiritual insight in the name many times, especially if it is a main character in the Word of God. Each son of Jacob whose name was changed to Israel was given a name that foretold of an event and their future as the twelve sons who would make up the twelve nations of Israel . God saw their end from the beginning. Yashua separated the Ekklesia who are his chosen representatives of LIGHT from the Darkness that was upon the face of the abyss, or the deep. God created the evil also for a purpose that he saw from the beginning. What was that purpose? Read Ecclesiastes 3:10 above one more time. It was to try, or exercise the heart of man. Darkness was created so the Ekklesia could be called out of it, and tried by it! I hope you caught what I just said for many miss it. Many do not notice that Yashua called the Light good, but he never said that darkness was good. Pay close attention, or you will miss these great truths that can be easily overlooked by simply one word. You will eventually see a great darkness once again as it covers the nations of Israel at Calvary , for this is all tied together, so follow closely. Did the Spirit of God move upon the face of the abyss, or the great deep at Calvary ? Have you ever asked yourself why there was darkness, as our LORD was suspended on a tree between heaven and earth? He hung there between two covenants, or two worlds [ages] fulfilling his promise to Eve, and also the SEED of Abraham as the “stars of heaven” and the “sands of the earth”. God had even smote Egypt with a thick darkness for three days, before he delivered his Ekklesia of Israel from their bondage in Exodus 10:21, and he did it again in Exodus 14:20 just as they were about to cross the Red Sea. Pay very close attention here for they are types and shadows of things to come, but this was all seen from the very foundation of the world. God saw it on the first day, and said it was good. All of this was first, and it was to the Jew first. If you speed read these articles, and you don’t take your Bible and research all that I am giving you, then you most likely will miss these valuable nuggets of insight. Your future understanding greatly depends on the fact that you see this here in Genesis, for this scroll is the foundation of your future understanding of the Law, the Psalms, the Prophets, the Gospels, and the scroll of Revelation, which reveal to you Yashua. Read Luke 24:44. All that God did, he did it for a divine purpose and will, for his Ekklesia, the people of LIGHT.

Genesis 1 : 5

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. Here we see that God gave the "LIGHT" a name. He called it "DAY". What does all of that have to do with Israel, or you and I today? It is a reasonable question that deserves a reasonable answer so here we go.

We have established that God is not explaining in great detail how he created the Milky Way, the Cosmos, or how he made each atom, or particles of matter, for Ecclesiastes 3:11 rules that out by declaring that man cannot find out the work that God made from the beginning. We have come to realize that God is declaring the spiritual things unto us that he wants us to understand about his plan for mankind, and that he is using the language of imagery to explain it to his chosen people Israel. We Gentiles would reap the benefit of this later when his plan grafts us into the Ekklesia, but never forget that it was to the Jew first. Romans 3:1-2.

Before moving along with our discussion I want to take the time to show you what the Hebrew definitions are of the word "day". The Hebrew enforces what I have said about the creation days not being a 24 hour period, but meaning something entirely different. You need to know this, so I have given you the dictionary illustration.

The word "DAY" used here in Genesis is defined as "YOM".

The Hebrew word yom, in general, represents a period of time — the length of which is determined by its use in the sentence. The word yom comprises several definitions in the Hebrew language — very similar, in fact, to the English word "day." This is important to know, because so many people assume that the very use of this word is confirmation that a Creation Day must be twenty-four hours in length. That belief is clearly not true. Even the conservative reference, Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, acknowledges:

Skeptics have ridiculed the creation story in Genesis because it reports that the creation occurred in six days. But the indefinite meaning of day takes care of this objection.

The Biblical Creation Day is not the 24-hour day that we have come to embrace, but rather a period of time that the Lord recognizes as one of His days.


These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, [Genesis 2:4 KJV]

The Creation Story is continued in the second chapter of Genesis, and ends with the fourth verse, which is a title — or summation — verse. Many scholars recognize the entire fourth verse to be part of the Creation Story.

I have included the King James Version of the entire verse above to demonstrate that the word "day" is found once again. "In the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens" is designated as Genesis 2:4. Many versions of the Bible do not use the word "day" in their translation of this sentence, despite the fact that the Hebrew word yom is included in the

original text.

This verse poses a dilemma for 24-hour Day Creationists, since the entire Creation Week is referenced as a "day." If each Creation Day spanned twenty-four hours, then how can seven such days encompass a 24-hour period? There is simply no logic to this reasoning. I hope I have made this simple for your understanding, and that you caught what scripture said. God called all seven days of creation a "DAY".

However, if the Creation Days are understood to be "Days of God," encompassing various lengths of unspecified time, then the text does appear consistent. In fact, this is the only interpretation that is rational. Consequently, the "Days of God" are best understood as "eras" or "periods of time." This final "day" — which represents the entire Creation Week — is also an unknown length of time. At the very least, the Creation Week — or the final "day" — would have to span a period of time that encompassed all seven days.

Those that want to believe in a literal interpretation of Genesis will find themselves unable to explain this next statement that is made later in Genesis.

GENERATIONS These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, [Genesis 2:4 KJV]

The Hebrew word, toledah, is translated in Genesis 2:4 as "generations." A generation, in Biblical terms, does not possess an exact length of time. Generally, forty years is the time most often associated with a generation, however, it does vary depending on its usage. We may think of a Biblical generation as we still do today, with grandparents comprising one generation, parents comprising another, and the children comprising the youngest generation. However, "generations" is probably best understood as an indefinite time-period.

Whatever length of time a single "generation" may represent, and many scholars would agree that it is unacceptable to reduce its length to seven 24-hour days. In addition, the word used here is not singular but plural indicating that the time spanned two or more generations. Unlike the preceding argument [the final yom], this phrase appears in Genesis 2:4, which is widely accepted as being part of the Creation Story. The use of the word "generations" in this final phrase of the story is one of the more compelling pieces of evidence for long Creation Days.

When one understands that God is using imagery, poetic expression, metaphor, and pictorial language here in Genesis to express a spiritual truth then it becomes much easier to understand. God is not telling us how he created the literal, as much as he is telling us of spiritual things regarding his Ekklesia of the Old and the New. OK, back to our study about the name.

God gave the LIGHT a name, which was DAY, and we know that the DAY was Yashua, and that Yashua had a body of which he was the head, which we know to be the Ekklesia in whom he placed his glorious DAY, which has given us the LIGHT. Can we prove this? Yes indeed we can!

I Corinthians 1:8 Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that you may be blameless "IN" the "day of our LORD Jesus Christ.

II Corinthians

6:2 For he said, I have heard you in a time accepted, and in the "day of salvation" have I succored you: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the "day of salvation".

Isaiah 49:8 Thus said the LORD, in an acceptable time have I heard you, and in a "day of salvation" have I helped you: and I will preserve you, and give you for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages;

Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed to the "day of redemption".

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the "day of Jesus Christ".

Philippians 2:16 Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the "day of Christ", that I have not run in vain, neither labored in vain.

I Thessalonians 5:5 You are all the children of light, and the "children of the day": we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

I Thessalonians 5:8 But let us, who “are of the day”, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

The name of Yashua means Yahweh Salvation, or Yahweh Saviour. His name declared his intentions, and his name declares to us the "day of salvation", or the "day of redemption". Through his name we have been chosen to be apart of the children of the "DAY"! Yashua is the first "DAY" and it is good, for the LORD saw it from the beginning and declared that it was good! We also declare that the name of Yashua is good, and we praise him for creating in us LIGHT that delivered us from the darkness of the abyss! He was indeed the firstfruit of his children who he has also called the "DAY"!

This is why Paul said unto the Jews at Ephesus in Ephesians 1:4-5 that he has chosen us before the foundation of the world, and that we were predestined unto the adoption of children of the "DAY" by Yashua.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.

I am so glad that the "DAY STAR" has risen in our hearts! II Peter 1: 19

Genesis 1 : 6-8 6. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the middle of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Young's Literal Translation 6. And God said, let an expanse be in the midst of the waters, and let it be separating between waters and waters.

Young's Literal Translation 7. And God maketh the expanse, and it separateth between the waters which are under the expanse, and the waters which are above the expanse: and it is so.

Young's Literal Translation 8. And God calleth to the expanse 'Heavens;' and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day second.

The Firmament: The Hebrew Conception. Above the, spherical earth was stretched out the "firmament" (raqia') made on the second day of creation to "divide the waters from the waters" (Genesis 16). To the Hebrews the "firmament" was the apparent void above, in which clouds float and the lights of heaven pursue their appointed paths. The word raqia', by its etymology, suggests an expanse, something stretched, spread or beaten out, as when Isaiah 40:22 that the Lord "stretched out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a tent to dwell in." But the Greek word “stereoma”, by which the Septuagint rendered raqia', gives the meaning of a firm and solid structure, and our translators have carried out this same idea in their English rendering of "firmament."

Question: Does Genesis 1:6 really say that there is a "firmament" or solid structure, like a dome over the earth? Is that what is really implied?

Response: No. In fact, the text is very clear that it isn't referring to a solid object.

The word that is sometimes translated into English as "firmament" is the Hebrew word "raqiya." The word "raqiya" appears nine times in the first chapter of the Bible's book of Genesis. In each of these cases, the "raqiya" is described as something that separates one thing from another, such as the waters below from the clouds above, or the ground below and the stars above.

People sometimes jump to the conclusion that this thing, or layer, that separates one thing from another must be a solid object. And that is faulty reasoning. The fact is, air is what separates the ground beneath our feet and the clouds above our heads. And the fact is, air is not a solid object.

Genesis 1:6 refers to the air that is between the ground and the sky. This is reinforced in Genesis 1:20, when the Bible speaks of birds flying in the "raqiya." Common sense tells us that birds could not fly in a solid structure.

Now that we have defined some key words hopefully we will better understand the second day. We can see the reference here where God did actually create a literal firmament or expansion, but we also know that this has to do with the predestined things of the Spirit.

Since we now know that God is also speaking to us using the language of imagery in Genesis, what do you suppose he is speaking of here in regards to expansion and waters.

Psalms 148:4 Praise Him, highest heavens, And the waters that are above the heavens!

Men have gone to the moon, and they have dwelt in space stations, but none of them have reported seeing water, and our powerful telescopes that see far out into space, nor any of the space crafts sent to Mars or Saturn have recorded any huge bodies of water out there in the heavens. Heavens do not literally praise God, and neither does water, yet Psalms say they do, so how can we reconcile logic, science, and the Bible. Now that we know it is speaking in figurative language used by the Prophets to speak of great spiritual truths it becomes much easier to understand and to explain.

Waters have often represented nations, and so has earth and heavens. Israel has been referred to as each of them at times through out the Prophets. In the very beginning God has separated light from darkness, and he separates the nations of Israel from the other nations upon the planet. He has always separated his righteous people from the wicked, and since we know that the Ekklesia is being spoken of here in Genesis then it stands to reason that God is showing us the division of his heavenly kingdom and the earthly. God has been, and is the expansion that keeps us separated from the things of the world. We cannot eat at the table of the LORD and then eat at the table of devils, nor can we drink from the cup of God, and then drink from the cup of devils. What fellowship has light with darkness, and we are commanded to separate ourselves from the works of darkness.

God is not giving us much information about how he created land, mountains, seas, and atmosphere, but he is loading us down with spiritual insights into the creation of his Ekklesia from the very foundation of the world.

Genesis 1 : 9-10 9. And God said, let the waters under the heaven be gathered together to one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. 10. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

Below are some reference scriptures.

Psalms 95:5 The sea is his, for it was he who made it, and his hands formed the dry land.

Psalms 104:6 You covered it with the deep as with a garment; The waters were standing above the mountains.

Psalms 136:6 To him who spread out the earth above the waters, for his lovingkindness is everlasting;

Jeremiah 5:22 Do you not fear me? declares the LORD. Do you not tremble in my presence, for I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, an eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it.

II Peter 3:5 For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water,

Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.

Paul said an amazing thing that must have been very difficult for most to comprehend down through the ages, especially the middle ages who knew nothing for the most part of protons, neutrons, electrons, or atomic matter. Yet Paul said what modern scientists are now saying in regards to all visible things are made of matter, whether it be a rock or tree.

God does not say how long it took for him to do all these things, and he did not leave man a formula so he could try and duplicate it, but he threw man a tidbit in II Peter 3:5 where he said that the earth was "formed out" of water [ H2O ], and "by water" H2O. Only God could make dry earth from wet water, and man was made from the dust of the earth which came from water, and science tells us that the human body consists of more than half water. Different people have different percentages of their bodies made up of water. Babies have the most, being born at about 78%. By one year of age, that amound drops to about 65%. In adult men, about 60% of their bodies are water. However, fat tissue does not have as much water as lean tissue. In adult women, fat makes up more of the body than men, so they have about 55% of their bodies made of water.

Evolutionists got part of it right when they said that life originated in the sea, for the Bible shows us this same thing doesn't it? It took them hundreds of years to arrive at a conclusion the Bible had been saying for thousands of years. Psalms 95:5 declares that God made the sea, and then formed the dry land. Here is a good example of the Older and the Younger, and you will be hearing me use this expression many times as we proceed with our study of Genesis. God took the Older and changed it into something New, and interestingly enough he used the water of baptism to do the same thing for his Ekklesia. For he brought us "out of" the water, and he changed the Old into the New "by the water". Don't ever let anybody tell you that baptism is not important for your salvation, for they are ignorant of the Word of God, and it's teaching regarding this matter. I can prove, and I will prove baptism using the scroll of Genesis, and you will see the imagery of it through out Genesis.

The waters were standing above the mountains in the beginning, but now the earth is spread out above the waters. Science has learned that land actually does float on the waters, for far beneath the surface there are subterranean seas. God did all of this from the beginning, and you would think that science would trust the Word of God, for they actually prove what the Bible says eventually.

It has long been known that there was abundant water underlying the Sahara Desert, for artesian wells sunk at many points in the great waste, both by the French authorities and by natives, have invariably proved productive. Now, marine life has been found in water drawn from some of these wells—small crabs, fish and shellfish. They are not blind or otherwise abnormally evolved to meet subterranean conditions, as are some of the animals found in Mammoth Cave. But they belong to normal surface species known to inhabit the lakes of Palestine. The excavators are puzzled, but advance the theory that the whole of North Africa is underlain by a subterranean sea, 300 feet beneath the surface, connected by passageways with bodies of water beyond Suez.

Spiritually however, using imagery we can see where God made a people "out of" nations, which in imagery represent seas.

He formed them "out of" the waters of people to make a different chosen people, which using imagery we call "earth", which is the Ekklesia of both ages. God called Abraham "out of" a sea of people, and made him a father of many people of earth. God said that Abraham’s seed would be as the stars in the expanse of heaven, and as the sand of the sea shore, or earth that is above the waters, or other subterranean nations. I hope you are still with me here.

What I am trying to say to all that may read this is that the Ekklesia was indeed there before the foundation was ever laid in the beginning, and we can see it in all that God has done in Genesis, so just look for it in every scripture using the language of imagery to define it. Yahweh, the Master Artist is painting a beautiful portrait for you in the scroll of Genesis that would speak of, and reveal spiritual things to the generations to come.

In closing we see once again where God separates one from the other, as he divides the seas from the dry land, which he now calls earth. In the future you will be shown scriptures where God is referring to Israel as the "earth", and that she as a nation will be sent out into the deep of the seas. This will all begin to make perfect sense to you in time as we move along. No one has ever taught this to my knowledge, except a very rare few since shortly after the time of the apostles, for pagan Catholicism perverted the truth, and vomited their filth into the Protestant movements giving us pagan Christianity, which caused great darkness upon the hearts of man. Don't expect God to reveal these great truths to you if you keep the pagan holidays that God has declared long ago to be an abomination, and a stinch in his nostrils such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, and many more. God is the same, and he has not changed, and if he called it evil then it is evil now.

God is still requiring that we divide, separate, come out of, and be no longer apart of the religious seas out there. I'm telling you the absolute truth whether you want to believe it or not. Prove me wrong if you can, for if I'm wrong you ought to be able to defend your position by the Word of God. Show me where God said that it is all right to celebrate pagan holidays that caused Israel so much grief, and it is causing America more grief than you know right now. The pagan churches of today are even celebrating Halloween for crying out loud, which is one of the most hallowed nights of witches and the occult, then you wonder why there is so much psycological problems in children of pagan Christianity of today. Don't you understand that you open doors of evil when you play around with this seemingly harmless mess.

Coral snakes look beautiful and harmless, but if and when they bite there is not much the doctors can do to save you. Most people don't know they are bit until it's to late, for they don't feel any pain usually until a couple of days later. The antivenom will only work if it's administered right away.

Genesis 1 : 11-13 Part 1 11. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth: and it was so. 12. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 13. And the evening and the morning were the third day. I want to take a slight detour to point out something that Don Hanekamp had pointed out, and I thought I would share this with you, for it confirms a lot of what I am saying, about that God is not focusing our attention on how he created the Cosmos in the beginning, but instead he is having us focus on another

beginning of the Word, the Lamb, the Prophets, and the predestined Ekklesia etc. I went to some scholars to find out if the ancient Hebrew did in fact translate as "In a Beginning" instead of "In the Beginning". With out boring you to tears with an indefinite article, or a definite article of linguistics I just pasted a couple of short articles written by the so called experts on the subjects. Be aware that the Greeks did not use an "A", but instead used a "THE". The Greeks used their closest equivalent, and as is true in all translating some things get muddied or lost in the end result. This is not to say "In The Beginning" is horribly wrong; it is just to say that it can mis-lead one to think of only one creation, when in fact each day was a different time of creation in which we have six. These six creation days were spanned out over long periods of time, and in addition to that we have in the mind of Elohim the creation of the spiritual Ekklesia. Science is well aware of layers of the earth that have life above and below certain layers that show absolutely no life of any kind, and it has blown a huge hole in their evolution theory. It seems as though God created, and then God destroyed, and then God created and destroyed again perhaps many times, and they are baffled, and cannot explain it. Perhaps the Jewish interpretation has held the clue all along, but Catholicism has a history of despising anything Jewish, and unfortunately they gave this attitude to the Protestants as well. In The Beginning - The Bible Unauthorized by H. Moose Edited by David Sternlight, PhD The very first translation of the Torah was in Greek and caused irreparable damage. The Torah was given in one language only. The nuances, subtleties, and implications of the specific words chosen are lost in translation. When one translates, one is forced to choose a specific interpretation that he or she feels best express the meaning of the original words. Alternate meanings or interpretations are discarded. It was this aspect of the translation of the Torah that was most harmful. It gave license for people to begin explaining the Torah as they saw fit, ignoring other relevant and applicable meanings that came from Sinai as well for this reason, a fast was warranted (10th of Teves) to mark this occasion. The real content of the Bible differs greatly from the many erroneous translations that have led to great criticism. In addition the Biblical account of the creation in the original; a correct translation reveals that the real Bible has yet to be understood by the world. Past views of the Bible contain errors ranging from mistaken conceptions to gross libel. Ever-growing numbers take the Bible as a piece of antique literature containing bits of curious information and philosophy characteristic of the childhood of man. It is thought by many to be naive at best. This perversion of the value of the Bible lies entirely with the translations. Instead of the Bible Gd must surely have inspired, the world has fallible translations full of meaningless phrases and discrepancies, well meriting criticism. JUST HOW MANY BEGINNINGS WERE THERE? DANIEL M. BERRY

The first word of the Hebrew Genesis, as traditionally vocalized, means literally: In a beginning. However, tradition has it meaning and translated as: In the beginning. The literal meaning is considered as contradicting reality. Therefore, Rashi, the noted medieval commentator, suggested a syntactic solution that maintains the traditional meaning. However, this syntactic solution, as is shown later, requires a change in the vocalization of the second word of Genesis. This paper argues that we should accept the traditional, Masoretic vocalization along with its literal meaning, and explores the consequences of that literal meaning. A POSSIBLE MISTRANSLATION AND MISUNDERSTANDING. The most commonly given English translation of Genesis 1:1, b’reshit baraelokim et hashamayim v’et ha’aretz, is: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This translation, however, may be wrong. This potential mistranslation is not restricted to English. The same potential mistranslation occurs in every direct translation of the Bible, not only in English, that I have seen and understood. The problem is that the first word, b’reshit, is translated as: In the beginning, with a definite article. If the meaning were, in fact, In the beginning, the first word would have been vocalized slightly differently, with a qamatz vowel underneath the bet, to make the word bareshit. What we have, however, is b’reshit with a shva underneath the bet, meaning In a beginning. Put differently, the vowel underneath the bet is shva, serving as an indefinite article, instead of qamatz serving as a definite article. The Bible, in its traditional written form, has neither vowel signs, punctuation marks, nor paragraph and chapter divisions. 1 JEWISH BIBLE QUARTERLY DANIEL M. BERRY As has already been stated, the vocalization that has been handed down by tradition, and documented in vocalized versions of the Bible, is the one that has the first word spoken and written as b’reshit, with the indefinite article. B’reshit is the vocalization that is used in every synagogue and in every standard and scholarly text of the Hebrew Bible. It is also the reading I have heard in synagogues on Simhiat Torah, the holiday of Rejoicing of the Torah, and on Shabbat B’reshit, the sabbath following Simhiat Torah, when the annual Torah-reading cycle begins anew with chapter one of Genesis. It should be noted that it is not just the translation that may be wrong. It appears, at least today, that even native speakers of Hebrew, in Israel, understand the word b’reshit as meaning in the beginning and are surprised when I point out that it really means in a beginning. Once over the initial surprise, they agree with me. So there you have it in a small language lesson that is once again confirming what I have said about Genesis 1 really being about the Ekklesia more than just the creation of a literal Cosmos of planets.

Genesis 1 : 11-13 Part 2 11. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth: and it was so. 12. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 13. And the evening and the morning were the third day. We have already discussed how that grass, and trees can represent nations, especially Israel. We also know that "SEED" can and often does refer to man with terms such as the "seed" of Abraham etc. It was used to refer to Yashua in Galatians 3:16 when Paul said that Yashua was the "SEED". Yashua was also referred to as the tree of life, tree of knowledge, and the branch etc. The Ekklesia will be known by their fruit, which is found on trees, and we Gentiles are referred to as the wild olive tree. Israel was referred to as the natural olive tree and a fig tree. You can readily see the imagery in seed, trees, and grass etc. Yashua as the fruit tree yielded fruit after his kind [ Ekklesia ], and the seed [Word of God] was in him, and he was on the earth [Israel]. The earth [Israel] brought forth grass [believers] that yielded seed and fruit, and it was good. Perhaps no one has ever explained this to you quite like this, but I hope you clearly see it now for yourselves, for the Ekklesia was indeed there in the mind of God from the very foundation. I know of no one that teaches you to study scripture like this, but you can readily see the gold nuggets that are produced, and what an arsenal of material to preach and to teach from. Also take note that the grass, seed, trees, and the fruit were made before the sun, moon, and stars, and common sense tells you that plants and trees cannot live, or survive with out sun light. God is telling you something important using imagery and metaphor. Why didn't Yashua create the sun on the third day, and then the plant life on the fourth day? It is because he is trying to tell you something important, using imagery and sign language. The seed of God, or the Word is planted in us before the light of his Spirit brings the understanding. Your grand father, grand mother, mother, or aunt may have planted the seed years before God ever exposed it to his light causing it to spring up in your heart that was in darkness prior to God's intervention. God has made us "God Kind", for the Word declares "let this mind be in you that was also in Messiah". He also told his disciples that they may be one even as the Father and I are one. All of this has a metaphor, and figurative interpretation that is overlooked by mainstream religions, as they paddle down their little river in their literal canoe that goes no where. There is some great stuff to be had here in Genesis, and I hope that it has helped you tremendously to see how God has had his Word written in layers, or should I say “in a beginning”.

Pagan Christianity has neglected the real teachers, and thrown them out, or at least held them at arms length never to allow them to share these things that so many are so hungry for. Their loss is your gain, for most of you are truly hungry, and you thirst to know more of God's Word, while pagan Christianity has threatened us, and have made it clear that we are not welcome in their midst. They reject this kind of teaching with a vengeance, for they are not lovers of the truth. They would rather bore you with some latest book that they have found fascinating such as the Purpose Driven Life, rather than teach from the Bible, and Bible Study is being replaced with self help films, organizational hand outs, and they are more concerned with programs than truth. Pastors and teachers through prayer are required to know the heartbeat and pulse of their congregations, as the Spirit of God teaches them to discern what is needed. There will be times that a pastor, or teacher was the only thing that stood between a soul and suicide, or a decision of divorce, and teaching them from a self help book will not save those situations, for faith comes by hearing the Word of God period! It is fine to read these books at home, or in your private time, and they do make some good points, and they may help you make, or save money etc with good advice, but why are laymen trying to teach these things when the Word of God operating with the gifts is the only antidote to sin, and true hope in this life. I spent 33 years in their mess, and if I would have left it up to them to teach me I would still be in Spiritual Dummy 101. I wasted a lot of good years waiting for the so called church to get their act together, and they never did, and they never will, for they are in their box, and will not come out. Judgment has come, and is coming upon them even now, for they refuse to hear what the Spirit has said and is saying. They are “Parrot Saints” who only repeat what they have heard all their life like recorded messages on an answering machine, who cannot think for themselves, and their pastors for the most part will not encourage them to do so, for they are all about control. If you are fortunate enough to have that extremely rare pastor that loves truth, souls, has a passion, and then encourages it then you have a great advantage over 99% of the rest of us.

Genesis 1 :14-17 14. And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light on the earth: and it was so. 16. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light on the earth, Jeremiah 33:20 Thus says the LORD, if you can break my covenant for the day and my covenant for the night, so that day and night will not be at their appointed time,

Jeremiah 33:25 Thus says the LORD, if my covenant for day and night stand not, and the fixed patterns of heaven and earth I have not established.

Job 38:7

When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows his handiwork.

Psalms 50:6 And the heavens declare His righteousness, For God Himself is judge. Selah.

As you can see this is the fourth day, and it is on this day that Yashua creates the lights in the firmament, or expanse of the heaven. Their purpose will be to divide the day from the night, and for signs, seasons, and for days and years. If we are not careful we can overlook some very important things here, for the sun, moon, and stars are created to rule in the verse 16.

So who, or what are the lights in the firmaments? Job, declared that the stars sang, so this in itself tells us that the stars are something else. The Psalmist said that the heavens declare, yet we know they have no literal voice to declare anything, so what, or who do they represent in imagery?

Since our LORD is the MORNING STAR , and he is referred to as the DAY STAR then this means the Ekklesia is stars also, for he is the head, and if the head is a STAR then that means his body is a star, for we are one in him. It is the STARS of the Ekklesia that declare the glory of God just as the MORNING STAR declared the glory of his Father. The Ekklesia declares the righteousness of God, just as Yashua declared the righteousness of his Father. Since Israel and the Ekklesia has been referred to as heaven many times then it would mean that they declare the glory and the righteousness of God.

The Ekklesia shows the world his handiwork, and they give God the glory, for they shall see your good works and glorify God in heaven. Yashua was and is the LIGHT of the world, and so it is that the Ekklesia is now the LIGHT of the world because THE LIGHT dwells in us!

Jeremiah and the above scriptures referred to day and night as covenants. This is imagery, and it shows us there is far more to these scriptures than previously imagined. God made covenants with the sun and the moon. The STAR of the sun rules the day while the moon rules the night. In imagery the sun represents Yashua for the Bible calls him the “SUN” of righteousness in Malachi 4:2.

But to you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.

Isaiah 30:26 The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day the LORD binds up the fracture of his people and heals the bruise he has inflicted. OH what I could teach you hear about the light of seven days, but I must stay with the topic at hand.

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. Here the LIGHT of God is referred to as glory! Yashua was the one who came, and revealed the glory of God as the SUN of righteousness!

The moon is imagery for the Ekklesia, which does not have light, nor can it produce light by itself, but it reflects the light of the SUN [Yashua] for all in the earth to see! God’s people are his reflection!

All though it is common knowledge to every true believer that God created the natural sun, moon, and stars placing them in the natural literal firmament you must also remember, as I have stated previously that this is not the focus of God here in Genesis 1.

I know that this runs counter to everything you have been taught, but just look at what I have shown you here, and look at how simple this really is. I could give you volumes of more scriptures that say the same, but I must keep these articles short, or most will not read them.

Genesis 1 : 18-19 18. And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. 19. And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Matthew 5:45 That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.

Most people never read this verse in Matthew understanding that the sun is speaking of Yashua, for he did indeed rise on the evil and the good through out Israel, and he sent the rain of judgment on the righteous beginning at the house of God [the temple], and he also sent the rain of evil judgment upon the wicked of Israel. Always remember that Yashua spoke in parables, or the language of imagery in mysteries.

Common sense tells us that God causes the natural sun to shine on both the good and the evil, but we must look beyond the obvious to define the imagery.

The LIGHT was to rule over the children of the day, and over those in darkness, and he divided them. Yashua rules [quides] over the Ekklesia, and we are referred to as the children of the day, as we gave scripture in an earlier article to prove that. The Ekklesia has power over the enemy, which were spirits that Yashua called serpents and scorpions in Luke 10:19-20. The Ekklesia as the children of day in imagery does indeed rule over night, or the powers of darkness.

Most people do not catch the subtle hint where God said the EVENING and the MORNING. How come God did not say the night and day were the fourth? God said EVENING and MORNING also in Genesis 1:5, 1:8, 1:13, and 1:19, and we know that there could not have possibly been an evening, or a morning, for the sun, moon, and stars were not yet, unless the literal planet earth and heavenly cosmos were already created in another beginning. “In a beginning” would now indeed make far more sense than “in the beginning”.

We know for a fact that God created the natural, and that he also created the spiritual, but can we prove that they were created at different times. We know prehistoric creatures once roamed upon the face of this literal planet, but we have absolutely no record, or proof that they lived during the time of the creation of Adam, and no doubt Noah, or one of the Prophets would have spoke of them if they had. Actually the proof leans the other way, in that they were long gone by the time God made Adam. It definitely appears that God created in several beginnings, but we can know for sure that he likened his spiritual creations to the use of imagery of the natural. Science says that the planet itself is billion of years old, and quite frankly I don’t have a problem with that at all.

What God created he created with purpose and design, and it did not evolve no matter which beginning we are speaking of whether it was his creation of various life forms called dinosaurs or saber tooth tigers, or whether he was creating a spiritual world complete with angels, Satan, the Lamb, Israel, and the Ekklesia.

You will see that Genesis truly reveals the Lamb, Israel, and his Ekklesia from the creation days, which were imagery of ages. Yes there is a hint of the literal creations of the natural cosmos, but by far you will hopefully see that the emphasis is on the spiritual, foretelling future events from the very foundation of the world far into the future of the destruction of the first world, and then far into the second.

Genesis 1 : 20-21 20. And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. 21. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

As I have already stated; we know and believe that God created the actual literal creatures, fowl, and sea life at some point of a beginning, and it is not for man to know how God did all of these things according to Ecclesiastes 3:11, and it really is impossible to put a time line on that, for it may very well have been billions of years ago, just as science has said. Who cares? What I am concerned with however is how does it apply spiritually to the Ekklesia from the foundation of the world [age]?

We know that fowl and creatures have been used in the Word of God to be imagery for, or represent nations such as the twelve nations of Israel, and the nations of the Gentiles. God labeled two groups of animals though there are thousands of different species upon this planet placing them into two categories of clean and unclean. The clean animals represented his righteous chosen people, and the unclean animals represented the opposite. Read Acts 10:10-16 and Acts 11:3-18. This was the real reason for the dietary laws of the Law of Moses, for they were types and shadows of the nations.

Just as God created every creature, fowl, and sea creature after it’s own kind, which by the way proves evolution to be a theory of error, for animals do not cross breed beyond their own kind, for as far back as we have records species have remained the same after their own kind. Robins do not breed with wood peckers, and bats don’t cross breed with cattle, and neither do ants cross breed with grasshoppers, and even grasshoppers and ants remain with their own kind of grasshopper and ant. They just don’t cross breed keeping their genes the way God intended.

Man has fooled around with God’s process like artificially insemination to a mare with the semen of a donkey and we get a mule, and a mule is about the most stubborn, and unpredictable animal that ever was, and ask any farmer who ever worked with one. Once a mule they cannot breed on their own for they are caught in a world of not being a true species. This is God’s way of preventing such things from happening, but leave it to man to mess with God’s design creating a bunch of problems.

In like manner God forbid his chosen people to intermarry with the Gentiles, and even today he forbids a believer to marry an unbeliever. We must spiritually stay with our own kind. In God’s kingdom, whether natural or spiritual there is perfect order and harmony, and there are lines that are not crossed, for God is precise and exact.

God has put it in the heart of all his creatures to stay with in the guidelines, but man has created nightmare problems by fooling around with the gene pool such as with the killer bees. He has messed with the salmon putting them into the Great Lakes environment, and has created a natural disaster to the natural species of those waters. Like wise believers disobey God, and they marry an unbeliever, and the results are almost always disastrous in a spiritual sense. Stay with your own kind!

If they don’t believe in Yashua you have no business cross breeding that will create a generation of nightmare children who usually are so messed up they are as stubborn as a mule, and they go on to create spiritual environmental hazards! Man has always been arrogant in his heart, and he thinks he knows more than God concerning these things, but some of you know first hand what I am saying, for you learned it the hard way.

Genesis 1 : 22-23 22. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth. 23. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

(h). Species Diversity and Biodiversity Biologists are not completely sure how many different species live on the Earth. Estimates of how many species exist on the Earth range from low of 3 million to high of about 100 million. To date, about 2.1 million species have been classified, primarily in the habitats of the middle latitudes. Most of the unclassified species on this planet are invertebrates. This group of organisms includes insects, spiders, mollusks, sponges, flatworms, starfish, urchins, earthworms, and crustaceans. These species are often difficult to find and identify because of their small size and the fact that they live in habitats that are difficult to explore. In the tropical rain forest, the cataloging of species has been quite limited because of this later reason. Scientists estimate that this single biome may contain 50 to 90% of the Earth's biodiversity.

Many species have gone extinct over the Earth's geologic history. The primary reason for these extinctions is environmental change or biological competition. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, a large number of biologically classified species have gone extinct due to the actions of humans. This includes 83 species of mammals, 113 species of birds, 23 species of amphibians and reptiles, 23 species of fish, about 100 species of invertebrates, and over 350 species of plants. Scientists can only estimate the number of unclassified species that have gone extinct. Using various methods of extrapolation, biologists estimate that in 1991 between 4000 to 50,000 unclassified species became extinct, mainly in the tropics, due to our

activities. This rate of extinction is some 1,000 to 10,000 times greater than the natural rate of species extinction (2 - 10 species per year) prior to the appearance of human beings. The continued extinction of species on this planet by human activities is one of the greatest environmental problems facing humankind.

All of these millions of life forms have one thing in common however, and that is they do not cross breed, but stay with in their own species.

As the Ekklesia we are commanded of God to be fruitful and multiply, for we also are to go into the highways and the byways of the world reaching for hungry souls, teaching the things of God. We are not to compromise, or to crossbreed with the unbelievers, and their defiled doctrines of devils.

The apostles were commanded of God to go through out the heavens and earth, which we know was a type and shadow of Israel, and teach them to observe all the things that Yashua had commanded them. The apostles knew the importance of not crossbreeding the spiritual with the carnal, and you will notice one of the first things they encountered after going to the Gentiles was racism, for the Jews had no dealings with the Gentiles or the Samaritans. The Law of Moses had taught them all of their lives to never marry heathens or Gentiles unless they converted to the Jewish faith having been circumcised and the Mikveh [ baptism ] performed after they denounced their formal life. Even then the Gentile was not treated the same as his Jewish counterpart. As a witness, Israel had failed to reach the world of the Gentiles with the Word of God, for they were to be a light in the Old the same as the Ekklesia in the New, but it seems they could not quit rebelling long enough to evangelize the Gentiles, and instead of standing for righteousness they compromised their faith, and began crossbreeding with heathens, and serving their heathen gods just as God had warned.

Peter had a real problem even after God had given him a vision and told him not to call the Gentiles unclean, and though he went and preached to the Gentiles he made it clear to Cornelius that the Jews were not to have any dealings with him. Paul later had to rebuke Peter for spiritual racism against the Gentiles. It is very true that God did not want Peter crossbreeding with unbelievers, but Peter instead of interpreting the meaning spiritually became carnal with it. God does not see race, color, or gender, and never did, for God only sees his children of light and faith, for he made them all.

Let me say this. If we as the Ekklesia see color in our fellow man then we are not right with God! If we see race we have a huge problem, for God made man period. Man in his arrogance and rebellion set himself up to be better than others, and we see this all the way back in Genesis when Cain became racist against his own brother, and murdered him. The Hebrew nations were not born Hebrews because of their DNA, but they instead became Hebrews through trust and faith in the Most High God of Abraham. Abraham was a Chaldean from a long line of idol worshippers for crying out loud, but God made him a Hebrew, and changed his name to mean a Father of many nations, because he trusted God. God blessed his offspring as the stars of heaven and the sands of the seashore, and those sands and stars are made up of every color. Yashua did not create racism. Man did!

Yashua created division from light and darkness, good and evil, but he never created racism! There is a deadly doctrine called the Nicolatian doctrine, and we find it also in Revelation, and it means to conquer. Nico-conquer Laitians-the people. This is what that word means, and after all is said and done racism is nothing more than this insidious doctrine of Nicolatian. When a person says in their heart that I am better than you they have a Nicolatian spirit. The Nicolatian doctrine led to slavery of many nations, but most importantly it brought in spiritual slavery which is far worse! It is a conquering spirit, and it is in our midst even now in these modern times.

We are to be fruitful and multiply as we plant the seed of God’s word with circumcised foreskins upon our hearts, for he has made us all Jews, for Paul said in Romans 2:29 that he is a Jew which is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart in the Spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men, but of God.

In the Ekklesia there is no color, race, crossbreeding, half breeds, gender, or anything else, for there is only those Jews inwardly, and we are all the children of Abraham the father of trust!

God divided light and darkness, but man under the influence of evil divided mankind.

Genesis 1 : 24 24. And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. 25. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creeps on the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Acts 17:26 and he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,

Deuteronomy 32:8 When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of man, he set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.

Hopefully by now you are seeing the spiritual truths that have come forth from creation “in a beginning”, and how it is all finely wound, within, and without. The actual creation of all things stood for an example to mankind of spiritual things, and this just amazes me. Just as the deaf use sign language to communicate to us and each other, so it is that God’s natural creations also speaks to mankind in the same manner. When I look up at the moon at night it speaks to my heart of a people who reflect the LIGHT of Yashua, and it also speaks to me of Biblical Israel. The twelve planets speak to me of the twelve tribes of Israel that orbit around their center which is the SUN, for life should always orbit around our Most High God, the Sun of Righteousness. When I look at the stars it speaks of the promise made to Abraham, and angels which are ministering spirits unto the Ekklesia. Standing on a beautiful seashore speaks to me of all the nations of Abraham, and also knowing it’s waters also represent nations of people.

When I look at nature, and the beauty found in it I marvel at the wisdom of God. When my son Jason and I hunted together before his passing from this life, I often told him that as he sat in the beauty of the forest that God would preach him a sermon that no preacher on earth could duplicate, and he found that to be an awesome truth. When man will be still, and just watch nature it will amaze you with the wisdom of God, and how he set all things in order, and he put it in the hearts of animals to accomplish his will. I have watched chipmunks scurry about on the forest floor gathering and hiding nuts that have fallen from trees to store up for the winter. How do they know to do that, and how do they remember?

I have watched woodpeckers do the same as they fly down and gather nuts, then fly up into a tree and hide them under the bark for later when the snow would make finding food and insects difficult. How do they know? No wonder Solomon said in Proverbs 6:6, go to the ant thou sluggard and consider her ways, and be wise. Even the tiny ant can teach us of spiritual things, and speak volumes to our hearts, and even the spider should be observed as it was by Solomon who was the wisest man that ever lived until Yashua. Those seemingly little insignificant creatures taught Solomon his great wisdom that people came from far away places to hear.

Today’s modern society do not take the time to smell the roses, nor observe the many sermons that await them in nature, for

many never see anything in life but concrete, and man made light fixtures, and they are the poorer for it.

God made every animal after their own kind, but when it came to man he made all mankind from one man. There truly is no race with God for all came from Adam, and all spiritual kind came form one Spirit who created all things in his marvelous wisdom. Who was Adam, and what was his name? What did Adam represent in Genesis, for we know the second Adam had a name, which was Yashua, but what was the name of the first Adam?

We may never know, but we do know that he represented the crowning achievement of all God’s creations, for all the planets, trees, flowers, animals, etc were made for mankind. They were made to fulfill his physical, and also more importantly his spiritual needs. If you receive nothing else from this article understand that statement that I just made about his spiritual needs.

Psalms 19:1 declares that the heavens declare the glory of God: and his firmament sheweth [continue to show] his handywork.

All that man can see with his natural eyes speaks of the glory of God in the spiritual, and this is how I hopefully was able to show you the Ekklesia in Genesis by the LORD’S help.

Genesis 1 : 26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. Below are some reference scriptures that bring out the true spiritual meaning to the true Ekklesia that was predestined from the foundation. Ephesians 4:24 and that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. These new creatures were seen of God from the foundation of the world. We now have a new beginning, and are a new creation or creatures, for a brand new spiritual world [age]. All of this including Calvary was right there in the very beginning. As a matter of fact there would be no creation, predestination, or foundation if there were no Calvary . The Lamb was "already" slain before any creation, or creature. Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. God prepared all of this in Genesis, and was seen of God in his logos [thought].

Colossians 3:10 and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him. This image was seen from the foundation, and is the true meaning of "us" in Genesis 1:26. The "us" was speaking of the Ekklesia. Perhaps very few scriptures are as misunderstood, and wrongly interpreted as Genesis 1:26. Catholicism declared that the " US " is speaking of a triune Godhead to fit their pagan trinity doctrine. They completely ignore many scriptures that declare that Elohim was alone, and by himself when he created in the beginning. This is so easy to disprove that I have often wondered how Catholicism ever thought that they could have gotten away with such a lie, but I guess if you kill everyone found with the Word of God you can keep that lie under wrap. Catholicism forbid anyone to have the Bible down through the centuries, and burned all Bibles they could lay their hands on, and they murdered upwards of 150 million souls that defied them in their damnable inquisitions. This is common knowledge that even Catholicism doesn't deny, and the Pope apologized to the world in 2000 before the wailing wall in Jerusalem , for their damnable atrocities committed against true believers as though that will some how release them from the guilt. Always remember that Catholicism is not, nor were they ever the true Ekklesia. They gave the world pagan Christianity with their Christmas [Christ Mass], which was all about Tammuz, and had absolutely nothing to do with Yashua. The same is true with Easter, which was all about a pagan fertility goddess who was the mother of Tammuz. Catholicism changed God’s calendar he had given Moses, and named each month and each day of the week after a pagan god, and made it a law that no one could worship any longer on the true Sabbath of the Jews. They demanded idol worship and prayer to the virgin Mary [Mari] who was also a pagan worship symbol. They demanded tithes the apostles declared had been done away with, because Yashua fulfilled them at Pentecost, and because that there was no longer a Temple at Jerusalem , nor did a Levitical Priesthood remain. The Jews never tithed on silver, gold, or precious jewels. Catholicism re-instituted tithing around the fifth to eighth century, so they could build their huge churches complete with fancy art work, with gold and silver objects on the backs of the poverty stricken masses. They called it the church tax. They did it using fear tactics, and threatened the masses with a pagan hell fire teaching that was the Amenti doctrine that the Egyptians believed in, which was their pagan god of the under world. Just hang on, and I will expose it all for you; taking apart things you have been led to believe all your lives, only to find out that the Bible teaches no such thing. There is a reason that God never said any where in Genesis that he created a hell. Ask any scholar that knows his Word and they will all tell you that there is no such word as “HELL”, yet this little three letter word has led to more false teaching than could ever have been imagined. The Latin Vulgate from which it came was a corrupted Codex of Catholicism and is full of errors, and unfortunately for the masses the KJV Bible that we all love and adore was translated using the Latin Vulgate leaving a mess and much confusion.

Scholars from all around the globe met in the late 1800’s around 1895 and corrected over 150,000 spelling and translation errors. They also decided to drop fifteen of the original scrolls of the original KJV of 1611. Catholicism did not drop them, and they are still in the Catholic Bible. Catholicism gave the world a pagan trinity along with many other blasphemous teachings. Scriptures found in the Prophets blow away these false teachings, as they declare God was all alone. Isaiah 37:16 O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwell between the cherubim, you are the God, even you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth: you have made heaven and earth. Isaiah 45:5, 6 Isaiah 45:14,18,21,22. You will find no where the use of the terms “we”, “them”, or “us” here, for Isaiah declared he was alone, and by himself. There has never been, but a Holy One of Israel, but Catholicism gave the world a an unholy three. Isaiah 43:10 just devastates the unholy three by declaring that there was no god formed before, or after Yahweh. Isaiah 45:7-8 tells of what Yahweh did in the beginning, and how using imagery he commanded the heavens to drop down from above, and let the skies POUR DOWN RIGHTEOUSNESS: let the earth open, and LET THEM BRING FORTH SALVATION, and LET RIGHTEOUSNESS SPRING UP TOGETHER: I the LORD have created it. Isaiah just told us what God was really creating in the beginning. God was creating an Ekklesia of salvation and righteousness, and God used the imagery of heavens and earth to represent, or to be figurative of his Ekklesia, which he gave dominion over all. One thing for sure however, is that the word “US” does not mean a trinity, or we have a major contradiction in the Word of God. “US” is simply a royal pronoun for the Ekklesia! The title Elohim also means a plural of attributes, but not a plurality of gods contrary to what pagan Catholicism and her pagan Protestant offspring declare.

Genesis 1 : 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 5:1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day when God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. Matthew 19:4 And he answered and said, have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, Mark 10:6 But from the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. In the above scriptures we see it proven that God was alone, and that the " US " has been misinterpreted by Catholicism, and is still being mis-interpreted by pagan Christianity even today. The very next scripture is their own undoing, for it plainly uses the singular terms he and him. If there would have been three as Catholicism suggests, the terms they and them would have been used. Folks there is only one God, the Holy One of Israel, and Yashua is his name. Isaiah 45:23 declared that every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Yahweh is LORD. Paul declared in Philippians 2:1011 that every knee shall bow, and every tongue will confess that Yashua is Yahweh! Mr. and Mrs. Trinitarian that is checkmate, for those of you who play chess, so why don't you believe the Word of God instead of the pagan teachings of Catholicism and her whoring daughters the Protestants. You must listen to what the Jewish Prophets of old told you, and they never taught Israel that God was a trinity, for it was not until Catholicism that this heathen doctrine evolved. If you won't believe the Bible then read the many encyclopedias that tell you the same thing. Here are just a very few of many references to prove what I am saying. Catholic Encyclopedia Vol. 8 Britannica Encyclopedia 11 TH Edition Vol. 3 pages 365-366 and 368-369 World Book Encyclopedia Vol. 20 page 311 Nicean Council American Encyclopedia Vol T. pages 7270 Triune Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics: James Hastings Vol. 2 page 384 the 1958 Edition How do you ever hope to understand Genesis or Revelation, or any other scroll, if you do not know who your Father is? Titus 2:13 declared that Yashua was the Great God and Saviour, and if the apostles are all telling you that Yashua is the Great God; how come you don't believe it? For those that do not believe their words, they have the spirit of Anti-Christ, and God has sent them strong delusion, for they do not love the truth, and they are anti and rebellious against the Most High God of heaven. God was alone and HE made man in HIS image period! My purpose is not to offend here, but folks you got to get your heads out of the sands of ignorance, and take a long look at where this pagan mess is coming from. God once winked at the ignorance of man, but now he is commanding everyone to repent, and to come out of these whoring doctrines. Acts 17:30.

There are no homosexuals here, for he made them male and female, so homosexuality cannot be in the image of God! The image of God is a healthy image of a husband who is Yashua, and of his marvelous wife the true Ekklesia, and the Word of God always refers to his bride in the feminine sense. I refuse to spend anymore time on this non-sense, for people who try to defend their homosexual lifestyle by the Bible are blind fools, and they are overtaken by an unclean spirit. In the beginning the male and female are type and shadow of Yashua and his Ekklesia, for Romans 5:14 declared that the first Adam was made in the figure of Yashua, who was to come. Read that scripture carefully for it shows you the Ekklesia right there in a beginning with their beloved husband Yashua. Most church members speed read Genesis, and they completely miss this next observation, and a tremendous truth. No where in Genesis 1 does God form man, and make him a natural being from the dust, but declares in Genesis 2:1 that all was finished and then God rested. You are going to love Genesis 2, for there it reveals the forming of man from the dust, but Genesis 1 was about creating him in God’s image. Now stay with me here, and don’t you dare speed read, or you are going to miss the obvious that so many miss. God is a spirit having neither shape or form, and God is invisible. How could God make man in his image, when there is no image and he is invisible? The image of Genesis 1 is obviously not speaking of a natural image, or body, but is speaking of spiritual things. The problem with people is that they assume, and their assumptions cause them to miss what is really being declared. Romans 1:20 declares that the “invisible” things of him from the creation of the world are “clearly seen”, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead [deity]; so that they are without excuse. Paul declares two important things in this verse, and the first is that there is an invisible creation, and there is an understanding by “the things” that are made, which is the natural visible creation. God created man first in his mind which is spirit and is invisible. The Greek defines “invisible” as AORATOS, which means unseen treasures. The Lamb that was slain was there, but it was invisible, and an unseen treasure until Calvary , as well as the the treasured Ekklesia that was indeed made to be in his image and likeness, which is righteousness, holiness, and truth. Before the Ekklesia was ever a natural form it was created spiritually in the mind of God, and the “A BEGINNING” certainly begins to make perfect sense as we begin to see that there was indeed more than one beginning. The Ekklesia was created before it was actually formed.

Genesis 1 : 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Leviticus 26:9 So I will turn toward you and make you fruitful and multiply you, and I will confirm my covenant with you. I hope all of you are having fun as we study Genesis from a completely different perspective, and I hope that you now see just how much parable, imagery, metaphor, pictorial, and figurative language that is being used in Genesis 1. I have had people look in utter amazement with the simple revelation of the LIGHT being the gospel and the Ekklesia being the DAY, as they saw it for the first time. I truly love watching people's excitement, and their visual expressions upon their face, as they receive true revelation from God. Some of the most simple of all revelations are found in Genesis, and they are not being taught to today's audiences, yet these foundational truths will be absolutely critical to their understanding of Calvary, the Gospels, and Revelation. Yashua gave his Ekklesia dominion over the fish of the sea, and he declared to his followers the he would make them fishermen of men. In the very beginning of the Gospel of Mark 1:17 Yashua declared: Come you after me, and I will make you fishers of men. There was a huge sea of humanity that the Ekklesia was going to receive the dominion over, for Yashua said to his followers that I have given you power over all creeping and crawling creatures, such as serpents and scorpions, which we know figuratively represented the evil spirits of the spirit world. Just as God had given man dominion over his natural creation; it was also God's intention to give man dominion over all of his spiritual creations. Since Yashua only came to the House of Israel then the sea where the disciples would be fishing would be Israel. It is very important that you understand this imagery. In all of Yashua's parables where he used the illustration of fish you will find that they represent people or nations, but in most cases it referred to the twelve nations of Israel. You will also find that he is quoting the Prophets such as Jeremiah and Habakkuk. Jeremiah 16:16 Behold, I will send for many fishers, said the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks. Habakkuk 1:14 Why have you made men like the fish of the sea, like creeping things without a ruler over them? Habakkuk 1:15 The Chaldeans bring all of them up with a hook, drag them away with their net, and gather them together in their fishing net. Therefore they rejoice and are glad.

In one of Yashua's parables of Matthew 13:47-49 where he was speaking of his coming in judgment upon Israel he used the metaphor of a fishing net that was let down into the waters, or seas of Israel, and when it was brought up it was full of all kinds of fish, and then he went on to teach his followers how this was going to be like the judgment, where he would separate the bad from the good. Hopefully you can see the Ekklesia once again here in Genesis 1:28, as the Ekklesia is commanded to be fruitful and multiply having dominion over the nations of the world both in the natural sense, and also in the spiritual sense, for Satan was referred to in Yashua's parable of the sower found in Matthew 13:4-19 and Mark 4:4-15, as fowls of the air. The Ekklesia has been given dominion over him, for sin will not have dominion over us. God has shown us the example of separation in Genesis Chapter 1, and you will soon see that Calvary was the greatest divider of all, for Calvary separated light from dark, good from evil, the Old from the New, and just as Yashua declared, it brought division. Calvary in a sense is the great Genesis of the Bible, for as earth orbits the sun so it is that the Ekklesia orbits the SUN of Righteousness. From Calvary the greater LIGHT shown upon all the generations before it, and all that were after which were in darkness. Calvary was in a great sense the very center of the universe! This is why Yashua declared in Revelation that he was the LAMB slain before the foundation of the world. All creation, and all the promises made were linked to Calvary, and I certainly hope you grasp this amazing revelation of truth, for it will forever change the way you study the Word of God. All roads lead to Calvary, whether you are in Genesis or Revelation, and those roads are paved with the language of imagery, metaphor, figurative, and pictorial language. Once you discover the real language that the Bible was written in you will be amazed how it all fits together like a puzzle, and the theme becomes readily apparent.

Genesis 1 : 29-30

29. And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. 30. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creeps on the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

Just as it is true with all creatures of flesh and blood, so it is with herbs, trees, flowers, and all their seeds. They do not crossbreed voluntarily, though man has done so contrary to nature. Left to themselves however, they reproduce after their own kind, or species, and they do not evolve down through the centuries into a totally different species. If we truly believe in God then it goes with out saying that he created all of these things in the natural realm, but how do we relate the above scripture to the spiritual world that he also created.

The Bible declares in many places that the Word of God is likened unto seed, and it even refers to Yashua as the SEED of Abraham, and of David depending on context. The Ekklesia is encouraged to be fruitful, and to produce fruit worthy of repentance. Believers are referred to as trees in parables, and even faith is revealed in the parable of the mustard seed. Israel was referred to as an olive tree, a fig tree, and a grape vine along with many other such references.

Man kind falls into several categories when it comes to the Word of God, for some are milk drinkers, while others have matured to meat eating, while yet others are only Biblical vegetarians eating herbs, grains, and fruit from their spiritual trees. The one thing they all have in common is, all are eating from the Word of God, but their level of understanding differs greatly.

Physicians tell us that we need to eat a well balanced meal in order to remain physically healthy, which includes all of the previously mentioned categories, but they advise us that it is unhealthy to eat only from one food group, which really is just good common sense. In like manner even a well seasoned saint that has the maturity to eat meat should also eat some fruit, nuts, grains, and drink some milk, for our God is certainly a God of balance. The seasoned saint must be able to operate on all levels of faith in order to help those who are growing spiritually, for if we only eat meat they will not be able to follow.

The meat of the Word can kill, and it can choke a young saint to death, and we must use wisdom when dealing with other believers, but my point in Genesis 1:29-30 is this. There is also a spiritual fulfillment of these scriptures. Just as God in a literal sense gave his creation the natural foods, so it is that he has also given his spiritual creation the same. The seed of the Word is planted in the hearts of men, and just like it's natural counterpart it may lie dormant for years until the right conditions prevail upon it causing it to sprout and come forth to produce in due season. Just as there is a hunger of the natural that must be satisfied so it is with the spiritual.

Our LORD hang suspended on a tree in order to provide meat, fruit, and future seed for all generations past and present, for he declared in a parable of John 12:24, except a seed of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die, it brings forth much fruit [food].

That parable revealed God's divine plan to feed his people spiritually, and the imagery of it is revealed in Genesis 1:29-30. The creatures and fowls of Genesis, as we discussed earlier represented the nations, and God revealed to Peter in a sheet let down from heaven in a vision of Acts 10 full of these creatures and fowls, which represented those people. He then told Peter to go and plant the SEED [Word of God] that was able to save the household of Cornelius. These creatures and fowls lived because God had given Peter the food to feed them! Our God always provides for his children the food that will sustain them in the natural, and also in the Spirit.

Genesis 1 : 31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. We have previously discussed how that God saw, and we know that God saw the end from the beginning. He saw the Lamb slain at Calvary, the Prophets, Israel, and the Old and New Covenants along with the victorious Ekklesia of both of those covenants. We have learned that God had made

everything in his mind first giving us his LOGOS [Word] before the foundation of the world, for John 1:1-2 declared: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the same was in the beginning with God. In the beginning was the LOGOS [Thought] etc, and before he literally created he created in thought. We have seen that God is a Spirit having neither shape or form, and we should now understand that when God said let us make man in our image, and in our likeness that he was not speaking of a literal human form, but of an Ekklesia chosen before the foundation of the world, which he pre-ordained and predestined long before the literal sun, moon, and stars. We should also know that all that God created literally was for our spiritual well being, for his creation speaks to us of his glory. Hopefully you can now see that the morning and evening was truly about Yashua and Calvary, for you need a literal sun, moon, and stars to get a literal morning and evening, yet we find God's Word declares that there was a morning and an evening long before he created the planets and the literal hosts of heaven. We have discovered that "YOM" or "DAY" is not referring to a 24 hour period, but it is speaking of a season, time, or an age. Yashua was the SUN of Righteousness, the Moon, and the Bright Morning Star of imagery. God showed us the twelve nations of Israel when he gave us the twelve planets that orbit around the sun complete with twelve months. Genesis is truly more about the creation of God's plan for the Ekklesia than his literal creating power of the natural universe. I hope all of you recognize this, and that it has shed a new light of understanding in your minds concerning the scroll of Genesis. We all should know that Genesis Chapter 1 cannot be measured in actual time, for it perhaps did cover billions of years, and what is that to an eternal God, for we just don't know, and God said it was not for us to know in Ecclesiastes 3:11. However, here is food for thought. If God rested on the seventh day, and he has been resting six thousand years since he made man, then we can safely assume that if the seventh day is at least six thousand years long, then the other six days are at least that long, which would give us a grand total of at least forty eight thousand years. The seventh day alone proves that those days in Genesis was not a 24 hour time period. Today's pagan churches are not teaching Genesis, for they are just simply teaching assumptions, and this is why Evolutionists for the most part tear them a new one in a debate. They are mistaken to think that God is trying to tell them in Genesis how he made the planets and the universe, when he was speaking predominately of spiritual things. God is not giving a blow by blow in detailed account of how he made an eye ball with it's cornea, retina, and pupil with it's massive nerve system to the brain. God said they cannot know, or find out how he did it. Man has figured out some things allowed of God such as DNA, but he has only scratched the surface, and God never revealed in the Bible how he came up with the idea of using DNA! The problem with man is, that when he gets a little knowledge he gets arrogant, and God has chosen the foolish things to confound, or confuse the wise. Yashua is being revealed to you in Genesis the same as he is in Revelation, the Psalms, and in the

Prophets. Remember that all roads lead to Calvary, and they are paved with the language of imagery, types, shadows, metaphors, and figurative pictorial illustrations known as parables.

Genesis 2 : 1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. Deuteronomy 4:19 And beware not to lift up your eyes to heaven and see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, and be drawn away and worship them and serve them, those which the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven. Deuteronomy 17:3 and has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the heavenly host, which I have not commanded, Is it not amazing how that the LORD created such a wonderful and good thing, for the LORD said that it was good, yet man eventually turned it into an evil practice, and calls them gods which are no gods. We know that God created the literal heavens and the literal earth, and we were told that we cannot know about these things, but God has allowed us to know about his plan for the Ekklesia. The Lamb, Calvary , and all things involved are revealed to his babes. God has taken the foolish things to confound the wise of this world. The sixth day [age] has come to a close, and the seventh is beginning, and we are still in the seventh day at this present time. The seventh day is a day of rest, where Yashua said on the tree at Calvary that it is finished. The sixth day in type and shadow can represent the Old Covenant, which dealt with the natural man, but the seventh day deals with the spiritual. The seventh is a holy day, and we are the children of that holy day, because Yashua said it is finished, which by the way are the same words he used back in Genesis 2:1. I hope that you can clearly see that God is using the natural creation to reveal unto you his spiritual creation, and that we are allowed to understand, for Paul said as much in Romans 1:20. Man will never know when God actually created the literal heavens and earth, for I do not doubt that the scientist are right when they say that the planet Earth is billions of years old. Even if science could understand how God created it all, how would that help us, for it would never change our hearts? Knowing that will never feed the hungry, or care for the poor, and it would never change one life for the better. My focus is on the spiritual significance of Genesis, and so should yours, for we cannot know that

which God did from the beginning literally. We cannot explain the reason for the dinosaurs, and other prehistoric creatures, and God has not seen fit to tell us why he made them, or for that matter, how many worlds existed before ADAM. We have evidence that there was life before Adam, but we do not know much about it other than fossil records, and an occasional skeleton find in an archaeological dig site. Adam and Eve were symbolic of the spiritual man kind that would lead us to the Messiah, and they were not necessarily the first humans on the planet as we soon shall see. This we know for absolute certainty, and that is that Calvary existed, along with angels, prophets, disciples, and the Ekklesia, and God had a tremendous plan for the future. Heavens and earth was spiritually about Abraham, Israel and the Ekklesia of which Yashua would rule as the head. He would purchase it with his blood already shed from the foundation of the world. Here is something that should be of great interest to you. If the Lamb was slain from the beginning of the world [AION or Age] then that means that the beginning of the "AGE" was at Calvary! Think on that for a long time, and not every one will be able to grasp the enormity of that statement.

Genesis 2 : 2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. You will note that God ended his work and then he rested. Common sense tells us that God was not weary, tired, or exhausted so he must be speaking to us of something else, and seeing he would not tell us how he made the literal heavens and earth according to Ecclesiastes 3:11, then he must be telling us of things regarding the spiritual creation. No one should ever argue the fact that God made the literal universe, but the language of Genesis 2:2 is obviously speaking of spiritual things, and the Bible reveals this else where. Let us take a look at a few scriptures, and see if we can determine it. Hebrews 4:3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, as I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. Hebrews 4:4 For he has said somewhere concerning the seventh day: "AND GOD RESTED ON THE SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL HIS WORKS"; Hebrews 4:5 And in this place again, if they shall enter into my rest.

Hebrews 4:6 Seeing therefore it remains that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief: Hebrews 4:7 Again, he limits a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, To day if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Hebrews 4:8 For if Yashua had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. Hebrews 4:9 There remains therefore a rest to the people of God. Hebrews 4:10 For the one who has entered his rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from his. Hebrews 4:11 Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same example of disobedience. In reading the above passages from Hebrews Chapter 4 it becomes clear that God was speaking of spiritual things in Genesis 2:2 especially in those two verses of 10-11. God was not saying he needed to rest due to fatigue, but he was speaking of the rest to his Ekklesia that would be apart of a seventh day of rest in the Holy Ghost. Once again we see that Genesis was more about the spiritual things and less about the natural. God will speak to Moses and the nations of Israel reminding them to keep this very important day called the Sabbath, for generations to come, and far into the future of mankind. Why would God make such a big deal out of the seventh day if there were not more to it than meets the natural eye. It obviously represents a very important type and shadow of something extremely important for the ages to come, and we will find that it actually represents Yashua who would become the Sabbath of our inner man. You will eventually see that the seventh day that is called the Sabbath has to do with Calvary for all roads eventually lead there, for with out Calvary there would be no rest of Sabbath. We could make this a very lengthy article by quoting many more passages that would reveal the same thing, but what would be the point? Hebrews has already established it, and seeing I must keep these articles short and to the point, we will stop here.

Genesis 2 : 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. Each of the first six days of creation end with “the evening and the morning” and the one exception is the Seventh Day which has no such closure. We find where God instead sanctified the seventh, which means to set apart for service, or to make different. We also should note that God is "IN" it. We will see

where God will make a law, and give ordinances to Israel concerning this very important event called the Sabbath, for God wants them to understand something very important here, and this is why we need to take a closer look at this in Genesis 2:3. God is definitely not speaking to us here of an ordinary 24 hour day. If you speed read Genesis like far too many do you will miss these great spiritual truths lying just beneath the surface. The evening-followed-by-the-morning sequence at the end of each day may not seem natural today. In our culture, the morning hours begin at midnight. In contrast, each creation day continued through the evening hours, and did not end until dawn, when the next day began. Since the phrase announced the beginning of the evening, we can infer that God only created during the daylight hours. Although it is not explicitly stated here, this may be a case where God set an example for us to follow. We are expected to work during the day and cease from work at dusk. Since societies at that time were largely agrarian, working the land and tending the herds, this was a wise pattern to follow. There are some logistical problems with the standard interpretation of this phrase that may indicate something unconventional is taking place here. When and where does dawn arrive on a planet that is in constant rotation? Where is the reference point on the Earth that experiences the rising sun? At any time during a 24-hour day, the sun is both rising and setting somewhere on our planet. Think about that for a moment will you? As experienced from the barren world of the First Day, without any reference point, it is impossible to differentiate between evening and morning. Both events are occurring simultaneously somewhere on our world. The problem is that these terms can only possess their traditional meanings from a particular location on the Earth. Since no such place is mentioned anywhere in the Creation Story, and the only stated reference point is the entire planet, these terms — as understood by the general reader — are illogical. The entire Earth cannot experience a morning or an evening. This is the most compelling reason that we should abandon the most common and popular definitions of "evening" and "morning" in this story. The word "evening" is not describing the setting of the sun, which is followed by twilight and then darkness. "Morning" is not the introduction of dawn, followed by a rising sun. Neither would make sense in this passage since the world experiences both events simultaneously, all of the time. Since the primary definitions produced illogical results, it is necessary to turn to secondary definitions. "Evening" can be thought of as an end or an ending to a period of creativity, while "morning" can be understood as the beginning of another period of creativity. This lends credence to what the Jewish scholar was teaching about the proper interpretation of “a beginning” instead of “the beginning” as we mentioned earlier in Genesis 1:1. The terms "evening," "morning," and "day" in the creation account are considered by many to be conclusive evidence that the days of creation were 24-hours long. But even in the English language, the words "evening" and "morning" (and possible metaphors) are not limited to specific times in a 24-hour day. Consider such terms as "The dawn of the Roman Empire," "Morning in America ," "Our twilight years," and "The dawn of man." There are many phrases in the English language that contain the words "morning," "dawn," "twilight," and "evening." Many of them, like the examples above, denote the beginning or ending of an unspecified period of time. Their usage is not restricted to a standard 24-hour

day. The Psalms provide us with another example of "morning" and "evening" that need not be taken literally. This particular Psalm is attributed to Moses. Psalms 90:5-6 You sweep men away in the sleep of death; they are like the new grass of the morningthough in the morning it springs up new, by evening it is dry and withered. These verses use the terms "morning" and "evening" to refer to the birth and death of the grass. While the exact length of time that the grass lived is not stated, that time certainly exceeds one traditional Earth day. Remember, the goal of any Biblical translation should be to properly interpret the message of the author. Since the primary or popular definitions failed to produce any coherent message, it is reasonable to search for alternative meanings for the Hebrew words. What I am trying to show you is that Genesis does not really make sense if interpreted literally, but it makes perfect sense when interpreted using the sign language of imagery used by all the prophets. The day is not 24 hours, and morning is not the literal dawn, and evening is not the literal night. It is important that you know this, for most of what you read in God’s Word will be written using this same language of metaphor, pictorial, figurative, and poetic expressions using imagery. God has instructed his people from the very foundation of all things to keep his seventh day, called the Sabbath holy. Later God would give Moses the Ten Commandments and we find keeping the Sabbath as one of them, and it would result in the death of any person among Israel that refused to keep it. Exodus 31:14 The seventh represented something so important to God that if one ignored it he was in great trouble, and later we will see where God even required a Sabbath every seventh year for the soil, and Israel was later captured by the Babylonians, and their Temple of Solomon was destroyed, and they were carried off to Babylon for 70 years, for their refusal to observe and obey it. They had failed to keep a total of 70 Sabbaths, and God saw to it that they were to stay in captivity until every one of those Sabbaths were paid for at one year per Sabbath. We will also find later that God will give the prophet Daniel a vision of another very important Sabbath, and this Sabbath will bring all Israel their Messiah in the 70TH Sabbath. Calvary will take place in the middle of that last Sabbath fulfilling the vision of Daniel. Genesis is saying far more than meets the natural eye, and we need to really think about what God is saying here, for he is speaking to us of greater things. The unknown Prophet who wrote Genesis used imagery to declare great spiritual truths from the very

beginning regarding Yashua, his Ekklesia, and his Word that was contained in two covenants. This was the great secret, and mystery that was kept from the very foundation of the world. Matthew 13:35 and Hebrews 4:3. After all is said and done is not Genesis about the foundation of a great Spiritual Age? Yes indeed it is, and we find several creations there, that reveal unto us great spiritual truths. I hope by now that you are saying Wow! Genesis is not really about the literal creation of the natural cosmos, but it is about the creation of the plan regarding his beloved Ekklesia.

Genesis 2 : 4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heaven. These are births of the heavens and of the earth in their being prepared, in the day of Yahweh Elohim making earth and heavens;

This verse alone destroys the notion that the creation days were 24 hours long, for the writer declared "these are the generations", and a generation is not 24 hours in the literal sense folks, but represents the plural of a greater period of time. We also can see that God now refers to all the creation days as a singular day! Look closely, or you will miss it. The writer said "IN THE DAY" that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens. Also note that the writer switched around the phrase "heaven and earth" to now read "earth and heaven".

It is these subtle things that say so much, but are often over looked by the casual reader. I am trying so hard to get each of you to look for these little sign posts that uncover the great nuggets of truth. I know for the most part no one ever taught us how to study, or how to look for these things in the Word of God, but we must train ourselves to look for them.

Just as there is a natural grave that receives the natural body of the outer man, so it is that there is a spiritual grave that received the spiritual body of the spiritual inner man. However, when Yashua shed his blood he opened, and paid the ultimate price at Calvary, and the spiritual Sheol, or Hades could no longer hold the spiritual inner man, and this is why we see a resurrection of the saints in Matthew 27:52, for Sheol, or Hades was powerless to hold them any longer. Their fleshly natural bodies would never be again, but Yashua had given them their new spiritual glorified bodies of promise. Though the Old Covenant saints had to wait, the New Covenant saints receive theirs at the death of their natural body, for to be absent from this body is to be present with the LORD. We are risen with him through baptism, and we have put on our Yashua as a white garment of righteousness. What I am saying is that Genesis shows us a natural and a spiritual birth, for the word generation can also mean birth, as the Young’s pointed out.

God prepared the heavens and the earth, for the earth and the heavens if that makes sense, and it does when you consider that in imagery the Ekklesia, or “the called out and chosen ones” were called heavens and earth, as you soon shall see, as you study the Prophets. God did in fact create the literal, but he also created the spiritual, and we must never lose sight of this. The natural was created for our spiritual well being, for it is his handiwork that speaks of the greatness of God. God has a divine purpose and a will that was there in the very beginning of all things, and this is hard for the human mind to comprehend.

Genesis 2 : 5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain on the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. In this verse we are made aware of both the natural and the spiritual creations of God. From a spiritual stand point we know that the Word of God often refers to people as plants, herbs, and earth. We also know that rain is often used in a figurative sense, or a metaphor to represent the Spirit of God, and the wind has also been used to represent Spirit. The ground or field has been used in the LORD'S own parable of the sower of seed to represent the heart of man, and he used it in another parable to identify the type of ground representing a firm, or weak foundation of a man's relationship with God. Yashua often referred to seeds in his parables to represent faith, as a grain of a mustard seed, and there are many more examples of which most of you are aware of. As I have stated before; we know that God created, made, and caused all of these things to happen in the literal sense of creation. We may never know how he did it, and how he is able to keep each species of plants from cross breeding with each other, or how he is able to keep all herbs separate in their own species, but he does.

With that said however, how does this scripture relate to us of spiritual things, for Yashua said in John 6:63 that the words that he speaks are Spirit, for he was the Word was he not? The Word was made flesh in John 1:14, and the words, including Genesis that he spoke were the words of his Father. All that he spoke could be taken literally, but to do that would mean the loss of their spiritual meaning.

We need to re-read our Bibles armed with this new understanding of figurative language, and imagery given to us by the Prophets, and in doing so we will come to see the spiritual implications hidden in each verse. It has been said that the Bible is a giant parable from Genesis to Revelation, and there is some merit to that statement, for many have read where David literally slew the giant called Goliath, but how many sermons have you heard where the preacher took that literal story, and related it to each of us in the Spirit, as Goliath represented Satan, or that huge problem you faced in your path that can be slain with the rock that represented Yashua, or the Ekklesia, for Yashua said, upon this ROCK I will build my Ekklesia, and the gates of Hades cannot prevail against it, for death has been spiritually conquered? See my point?

Always look beyond the obvious when studying the Word of God, and ask yourself this question. How does this apply spiritually, and begin to take the plants, trees, grass, vines, vineyards, sun, moon, stars, rivers, waters, mountains, and seas found in scripture, and start plugging them in to a spiritual interpretation, and watch what happens, for you will be amazed at what can be revealed unto you in spiritual sense. The words that he spoke were indeed truth!

Listen to me please, and hear what I am about to say! Any ordinary man, woman, or child can read the Bible, and interpret it literally, but only the child of God can interpret it spiritually, for you must have the Spirit to understand spiritual things. Far too many have read the story of David and Goliath, and understood that this young man slew the giant with a sling and stone, but they have never understood the spiritual implications of it. Far too many churches of today are of a literal mindset, and are blind to the spiritual truths found in every scroll of the Bible, and I would say that some of you have set back, and said wow at some of the verses I have taught you. When someone points it out to you then you see the imagery hidden within the verse, and you may have wondered within yourself; how come I didn't see that? My goal is to teach you how to study the Word of God for yourselves, so you can find your own revelations as you read and study.

We have all seen these pictures that have an image hidden in a picture, and when we look at them at the right angle, or with

concentration, we then can see another image revealed in the painting. God has done the same thing as a master artist, as he has painted his Word in layers, and as you peel back layer after layer more images are revealed to you in his paintings of scripture. God has taken the simple things to confound the wise of this world, and to the carnal mind it seems as foolishness.

It has always been right there under their noses, but they don't see it, for one must have the Spirit to see it, and we must know what to look for. It is similar to being a gold prospector who knows what to look for, or one who looks for diamonds, and to the untrained eye they will look like any other ordinary stone.

The largest gold nugget on record was found in South Carolina being used as a door stop by a family in poverty. It took the trained eye of a visitor to see that rock for what it really was, and the little boy of the house found it in the creek on their property that ran in front of the cabin. They were sitting next to wealth right in front of them, and did not even know it, for they never knew what to look for. How many of you could identify gold, or a diamond in the rough? I would venture to say that not many of us could.

So it is with the Word of God, and I challenge each you to look beyond what you are reading literally, and let God reveal to you the true wealth of his Word that has remained hidden for generations just because they never knew how to study, or how that God had the Prophets to write things in riddles, poetry, metaphors, and parables, which I call the language of imagery.

As saints of God we are about tilling the ground of the hearts of our family, friends, and neighbors, and we are planting the seed of God's Word hoping for an eventual harvest, and this is but one way of defining Genesis 2:5.

Genesis 2 : 6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground. This verse can be a puzzle, for it said that a mist [moisture or water] went up from the earth, and then it said it watered the whole surface of ground. If there was already a mist in the ground [earth], then what would have been the point in watering it, for it would have already been wet? On top of this God is going to make Adam from wet dirt. This is where we need to pay close attention, for God is revealing spiritual things here. What are the spiritual implications of this? Using the language of imagery we can see that water can also represent the Spirit of God, for Yashua called the Holy Spirit living waters. Adam who represents all of mankind will come forth of living water, and it is a scientific fact that the human body is about 60% water, and at birth it is about 90%. We are told of a second Adam, which is Yashua that would also come forth of water, and that water would eventually mist the whole earth bringing forth life in the heart of man. Just as man was formed from the dust, which is watered and became a living soul, so it is that spiritually we are again formed from water through baptism to be made in Yashua's image and likeness. Yashua was baptized [Mikvehed] of John in the Jordan river to fulfill all righteousness. Have you ever wondered why? Yashua was not unclean so he did not have to perform the Jewish Mikveh for cleansing according to the Law of Moses, so why did he do it? You will have to go to Genesis to find the answer,

for it had more to do with the type and shadow of ground and water than one could have imagined, but we are not taught this in the pagan churches of today, for they are blind and cannot see afar off when it comes to God's Word. They know nothing, or very little of the language of imagery, as they try to always interpret in a literal sense. The word "EARTH" is also imagery for Israel, which is, and was the LORD'S chosen Ekklesia. From them would go forth the Word of God unto all the nations, which are represented in imagery by the word "GROUND". This is so easy to prove, for God has many times by the Prophets referred to Israel as ground and earth. He has declared that the ground and earth praise him with a loud voice, and has declared that the earth has a mouth many times in scripture. The literal earth and ground has no eyes, nose, ears, or mouth yet the Bible declares they do, so we can see this is referring to spiritual things. Genesis 2:6 is about ground and water, but it is not just about a literal ground and water. We must look carefully using the pictorial picture to see how this applies to the spiritual man also. Many read this verse, and miss the great truths hidden in a seemingly short verse, which does not appear to be very important at first glance. There is always more to God's Word than meets the natural eye. Later we will see where Satan the old serpent will eat dust for all the seasons [days] of his life in Genesis 3:14. His diet will consist of mankind as he feeds upon the carnal nature of the outer man. The ground suddenly transforms into mankind in the language of imagery here early in Genesis. On the Internet we read so many articles that are very lengthy, and say nothing at all, but I hope to write articles that are very short, and speak volumes. The Internet wearies me with individuals who want to impress us with their much speaking, and they strain at a gnat while swallowing a camel. They get so long winded you end up forgetting the question, and they never come to the point. The Word of God does not have to be that way especially when you know the secret of interpreting using the very simple language of imagery. The Word of God went up out of Israel, as the mist went up out of the earth, and it covered the ground of many nations, peoples, and tongues. They had the Word of God first, and they gave it to the rest of the world as the precious water of life. Yashua was the embodiment of the Two Witnesses of the Word of God, and that SEED was planted in the moist ground of the heart of man to cover the whole world.

GOD’S WORD NEITHER CONTRADICTS NOR LIES The People of God in the Old Testament never believed in an "immortal soul," for like Ezekiel, they knew that: "Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sins, it

[the ‘soul’—Heb: ‘nephesh’] shall die" [Ezek. 18:4 & 20]. And for no other reason than to hear Himself speak [I guess], God repeats it again in verse 20: "The soul [Heb: ‘nephesh’—same ‘nephesh’ that Adam became when he was MADE ALIVE by God, Gen. 2:7].that sins, it [the ‘soul’] shall die…" Maybe God forgot that He had already said the same thing in verse 4, for surely He didn’t repeat this twice in one chapter because it is IMPORTANT or anything! Perhaps God will ask the greatest and leading theologians of pagan Christendom, how it is possible that when God teaches twice in 16 verses, that souls "die," that they teach at the same time that it is, "immortal?" Well, heck, let’s not wait till the White Throne Judgment, let’s ask it now: Christian Theologians of the world: "How is it possible for you to teach that souls are immortal, when God Himself teaches us twice in 16 verses that souls die?" What more does God require of the sinner for his sin, other than "the soul that sins, IT SHALL DIE?" Here is the Scriptural answer: Hebrews 2:2 For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and EVERY transgression and disobedience received [past tense] a JUST RECOMPENSE of reward [Gk: ‘a just retribution’]. Every transgression, disobedience and sin of the past has already "received… a just retribution." How is it then that the pagan church world teaches these sinners must yet be tortured an eternity for their transgressions and disobedience? Why don’t all of you reading this, ask your pastor why he teaches that the "soul (nephesh)" of man is immortal, when God teaches us twice in 16 verses that the "soul [nephesh—the very part of man that is said to be immortal] dies," and therefore cannot possibly be immortal. Let me know what kind of answers you receive. THE RELIGION OF CONTRADICTIONS AND SQUARE CIRCLES I have said for many years that pagan Christendom is a religion of contradictions and square circles. Do you think I jest? Yashua himself acknowledged that He believed the truth of these statements in Ezekiel 18 when he taught Israel:

Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in gehenna . IMMORTAL SOUL? I am now going to show you how to be smarter and more knowledgeable than most theologians in the world [at least in this one little point]. Okay; follow very closely, for we are going to get really really technical for a few minutes: First: Can God "destroy the body?" Well, yes, of course He can, Yashua just said that He "is ABLE." So God "IS able to destroy the body." Now, I believe Yashua. I think that most of you believe him also. But, do orthodox pastors and theologians, believe Yashua? Yes, from all that I know, they do believe Yashua on this point. Next: Can God "destroy the soul?" Well, yes, of course He can, Yashua just said that He "is ABLE." So God "IS able to destroy the soul." Now, I believe Yashua. I think that [some of you] believe Yashua. But, do orthodox pastors and theologians, believe Yashua? No, of course not. How can a soul which they teach is immortal, ever be "destroyed?" Now let’s proceed to some more "technical stuff": In Genesis 2:7 God created humanity in two stages, not three like everyone has been taught: [1] "And the Lord God formed man [Heb: ‘adam, a human being’] of the dust [Heb: ‘aphar, powdered gray, hence clay’] of the ground [Heb: ‘adamah, soil’] [2] "and breathed into his nostrils the breath [Heb: ‘n’shahmah, puff, wind’] of life [Heb: ‘chay, alive, life, living’] and man became [Heb: ‘hayah, exist, be, become, come to pass’] a living [Heb: ‘chay, alive, life, living’] soul [Heb: ‘nephesh, a breathing creature, animal, vitality, mind, mortality’]." Well, there you have it: God’s abbreviated version of how He created humanity. Let me next draw your attention to something that few have ever seen, even though it is right before their eyes in every Bible on earth. I said that God created man in two stages rather than three. I emphasize this because theology teaches that God made man in three stages. Here is their unscriptural version: First God formed the man of the ground, Second God breathed life into the man, and Third God put an immortal soul into the man. If you doubt that this is what they teach, ask your pastor. However, did we read of these fabled three stages of man’s creation in the Scripture quoted above? No, we did not. We read of two things in man’s creation at the hands of God. First God formed the man of the ground, Second God breathed life into the man, and Third God…? God what? There ain’t no

Third. "man became a living soul" is part of stage Two. There is no third stage. God did not "put an immortal soul into the man." Where do we read of such unscriptural nonsense? God didn’t need to do anything after He breathed into him the breathe of life. It was the breath of life from God that caused the man to become a living soul. God didn’t put a soul into Adam; Adam is a living soul. The spirit of man, which God gives to every human, is like a light switch—Switch it ‘on’ and the light glows: Switch it ‘off’ and the light is dark, gone, dead. Put the spirit in the man, and the man is a living soul: take the spirit out of the man, and the man is a dead soul. Do you think that even your children could understand this Scriptural Truth? Perhaps you should teach them, and then they could teach most pastors. The "body" of the deceased is gone forever. In resurrection to immortality, God gives everyone a new spiritual body When God puts your "spirit" [not you soul], but your spirit back into another body at death, as in with a new spiritual body, the same real person [spirit] will live again. God can do this, but man can’t, so fear God. DR. STRONG’S USE OF CONTRADICTIONS AND SQUARE CIRCLES I personally use Dr. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. It is a most helpful book. However, when it comes to the major "damnable heresies" of pagan Christendom, Dr. Strong plays the same game of contradictions and square circles, as do the pastors and theologians. Next, let’s study Strong’s definition of soul in the Hebrew and soul in the Greek: In the Hebrew Scriptures, soul is translated from, H5315 nephesh = neh'-fesh From H5314; properly a breathing creature, that is, animal or (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental): - any, appetite, beast, body, breath, creature, X dead (-ly), desire, X [dis-] contented, X fish, ghost, + greedy, he, heart (-y), (hath, X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy), lust, man, me, mind, mortality, one, own, person, pleasure, (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self, them (your) -selves, + slay, soul, + tablet, they, thing, (X she) will, X would have it. Say, did you catch that one word Dr. Strong used to define the soul—nephesh? He used as a definition of "soul," the word "MORTALITY." How pray tell, can pastors, teachers, and theologians tell us that man’s soul is IMMORTAL, when the very definition of "soul—nephesh" is "MORTAL." Yes, of course, Godly men inspired by God’s Holy Spirit have always known that man is "mortal"—"Shall MORTAL man be more just than God…" [Job 4:17].

And so, what kind of a "living soul" did Adam become? Why a "living [mortal] soul," of course. Maybe that’s why Yashua also stated that "souls" can be "destroyed." We cannot separate the man from his soul in two different parts, as though the soul were something that existed independently of the body. For this reason, when the Bible speaks of "people" dying or being destroyed, it sometimes refers to them as "souls," for the soul is the person. Adam himself was the "living soul." [See: Joshua 10:28,35,37,39]. In the Greek Scriptures, soul is translated from, G5590 psuche = psoo-khay' "From G5594; breath, that is, (by implication) spirit, abstractly or concretely (the animal sentient principle only; thus distinguished on the one hand from G4151, which is the rational and immortal soul; and on the other from G2222, which is mere vitality, even of plants: these terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew [H5315], [H7307] and [H2416]: - heart (+ -ily), life, mind, soul, + us, + you."0 Next notice this statement in Strong’s definition of psuche above: "G4151, which is the rational and IMMORTAL SOUL." Oh really? Just like that? Noticed how casually Dr. Strong just dropped that little gem into his definition of soul. First he confirms the fact that the soul of man is MORTAL, but then quickly asserts that there is, however, another, different Greek word, which really does mean immortal soul, and it is the Greek word # 4151—pnuma. Even though Dr. Strong knew the Hebrew word nephesh meant "mortal," and not "immortal" he nonetheless must be quick to inform us of his own personal heresy, and tell us that although the nephesh/soul of man is mortal, nevertheless man also possesses an "immortal" soul. And in so doing, we must conclude that that [‘mortal’ Job 4:17] man possesses two souls: one mortal and one immortal. Do pagan Christians ever think about all these unscriptural heresies? Of course not. As we learned in the Army—"Ours is not to reason why; ours is but to do or die." So the Greek word #4151 = pnuma, is the "immortal soul?" I would have never guessed: I always thought pnuma meant "spirit." You all know, I hope, that in the King James Version, the words "spirit" and "ghost" are translated from the exact same Greek word "pnuma," don’t you? Well, now you do. Now, get this: pnuma is used in the Greek Scriptures approximately 360 times. And Dr. Strong tells us that this word pnuma is the word for "immortal soul." So just how many times do you think this word is translated "immortal soul" out of the 360 verses which contain the Greek word pnuma?" Oh, go ahead—guess? Three hundred? Two hundred? Fifty? Ten? Three? One? Would you believe not even once? What about the "soul" by itself. How many times is pneuma translated "soul?" Three hundred? Two hundred? Fifty? Ten? Three? One? Would you believe none? That’s right, none. Not once is this word pnuma, which Dr. Strong tells us is the proper word for "immortal soul," actually translated "immortal soul." It is always translated "spirit" [sometimes, ‘ghost’], but never "immortal soul." Nor is it even translated "soul" even without the prefix, "immortal."

The pagan teaching of an "immortal soul," was believed by all nations immediately following the flood, even though there is not a word concerning immortal souls, or suffering in death in all of the Hebrew Scriptures. As a living soul Adam would die, for he sinned, and once sin entered the picture the soul dies. The souls are buried in every cemetery across the planet, for that is it’s judgment for sin, and the natural soul decomposes to never be again, but the spirit of a man never dies, and when the saint is absent from the soul he is present with Yashua his maker and creator who gave him the spirit. I close with Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust [soul or body] return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

Genesis 2 : 8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. We have discussed how most are in error concerning the meaning of soul, and I hope that you are convinced that we have been lied to on so many Biblical topics, because of the influence of pagan Catholicism and her pagan daughters the Protestants. God in type and shadow, or imagery has taken his Ekklesia out of the ground [nations], and has breathed into them his Spirit, and they have become a living spiritual body. We can see that by using imagery we will be able to understand what God is saying to the inner man in regards to Genesis 2:8. God is using the direction of East, and he is using a word called Eden, and it is there he will put the soul that he formed from the dust of the ground. What does all of this mean? Why the direction East? What does the word Eden mean? Let's define these words, and take a look at what the Prophets would say concerning the direction of the East. The East is from where the sun rises to give light upon the earth, and the Word of God refers to Yashua in many places using the direction of East. Yashua is called in Luke 1:78 the "Dayspring" the one through whom light came into the world of Israel from the East. The wise men came from the East, and as you study the Word of God you see the importance of this direction. The tribe of Judah from which our LORD would descend was located on the East side of the Tabernacle. Also in one of the greatest prophecies ever given is found in Numbers 23:7 given by the prophet Balaam concerning the East speaking of the Messiah. Read also Numbers 24:17 about the Star, and now compare it to Matthew 2:2, which tells you this Star is from the East.

Folks pay close attention to these details, for the proper interpretation of God's Word depends upon it. It is no accident that God used the direction of East in Genesis 2:8. Etymology of the Word Eden The origin of the term "Eden", which in Hebrew means "delight", may lie with the Akkadian word edinu, which itself derives from the Sumerian term E.DIN. The Sumerian term means steppe, plain, desert or wilderness, so the connection between the words may be coincidental. This word is known to have been used by the Sumerians to refer to the arid lands west of the Euphrates. Alan Millard has put forward a case for the name deriving from the Semitic stem dn, meaning "abundant, lush"[2]. Most Bible scholars lean toward the later definition of delight, lush, etc.

I found some Jewish people who say that, according to Jewish oral tradition, Hebrew is the language of Eden, and this is what the Jews have always believed. They call it L'shon HaKodesh which means The Holy Language, and there are many references to the special status of Hebrew in the Jewish literature. To give just one example, the Midrash Rabbah, Genesis XXXI:8 says that "Just as the Torah was given in Hebrew, so was the world created with Hebrew". I personally feel this is correct.

The Bible teaches us that it was to the Jew first, so they may very well be right, for God was definitely creating more in the beginning than just a literal planet, and I feel I have proven that beyond any doubt.

I also found one Hebrew who made a statement that just made me stop in my tracks, for he said that Eden was allegorical, and may have well stood for a holy language instead of a literal geographical area. I have been saying all along that Genesis is written in the language of imagery much like Revelation. Before you wave this aside I want you to think about something for a moment OK? The second Adam was Yashua, and what exactly did he restore mankind to? He restored them back to a holy state correct? Yes of course he did, which is symbolic of Eden. Has not this new Eden been a place of a holy language? God created in us a new creature, and placed us in a delightful place, and he has given us a brand new language has he not? Calvary made it possible for God to put man back into the garden Eastward, and he has placed us in a lush place with lots of fruit, which we call the fruit of the Spirit. The Tree of Good and Evil is here also, as well as the Tree of Life. I hope you see my point?

When we begin to put the pieces together of the direction of East, and then we start to take a different view of the meaning of Eden a picture begins to form, which should be causing you think differently about Genesis 2:8. I bet you never thought there was so much in Genesis did you? Well hold on, for the ride is just starting. Like my friend Bob says: Open your mind your brain won’t fall out.

In ancient cultures the serpent was often the symbol of rejuvenation, rebirth, healing as well as service and wisdom. You will soon see why Yashua likened himself unto the serpent that Moses lifted up when he said what he said in John 3:14. Unfortunately the saints of God are not being taught these marvelous things contained in the pages of God’s Word. The truth is, there is a conspiracy in the pagan churches of today to keep the people dumb and stupid, for those evil spirits know that it is the knowing of truth that sets man free. This is exactly what Catholicism did, and unfortunately the Protestants are doing the same thing. They will continue to feed you with a shallow come to Jesus sermon every Sunday morning, along with theatrics, entertainment, and their many programs, which do nothing for the heart, and they do not change anyone.

Genesis 2 : 9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the middle of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Ezekiel 47:12 And by the river on the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine. Psalms 1:3

He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers. Jeremiah 17:8 For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; but its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought, nor cease to yield fruit. I think that Genesis 2 has some great imagery, and there is hardly any better than Genesis 2:9, for Yashua used ground in his parables to describe the heart of man, and the seed, which represents the Word of God is planted in the ground, and from the good ground will come forth life likened unto trees, as we see in the above verses. Yashua in his parables also used the imagery of trees to represent man, or Israel , and the Prophets did the same.

The tree of life, and the tree of good and evil resides in you if you are apart of the Ekklesia, just as the tabernacle, arc of the covenant, seven candlesticks, shew bread, and the altar of incense symbolically reside in you. The tree of life is Yashua, and he has given his good food [manna from heaven, or Word], and he is right in the middle of his Ekklesia. Yashua shows his Ekklesia that which is good and evil, for that tree represents him also. Common sense tells you there is no such thing as a literal tree that possesses knowledge of good and evil, and likewise there is no such thing as a literal tree of life. The words being spoken are Spirit, and must be interpreted as such.

I hope by now that you are beginning to see that Genesis is indeed an allegorical scroll using pictorial imagery, metaphors, and being abundant with figurative meaning. Genesis may not tell you how old the planet is, but it sure will show you the Messiah with his predestined Ekklesia.

Genesis 2 : 10-12 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it was parted, and became into four heads.

Psalms 46:4 There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High.

We have discussed the word Eden to some extent, and have found that it means delightful and lush, and we have found that it also may represent a holy language rather than a literal place. We see in this verse where there is just one river the goes out of, and take note that none are coming in. This one river goes out to water the garden, and since the tree of life, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil is not literal, then what makes us think that this river is literal?

Scripture tells us that Yashua is the river of life that flows out of our inner most being, as John 7:38 describes the Holy Spirit, as well as Revelation. Take special note that the scripture never said the River of Life flows into, but out of the inner most being. He is a mighty flowing river that waters the garden of his Ekklesia, and this water is indeed a living water. If this is speaking of Yashua in Genesis 2:10 then how do we explain the parting of it into four heads. We need to find if scripture shows us four things that came forth from Yashua don’t we? The answer will no doubt lie in the names of the four rivers, for they would be the type and shadows of Yashua’s fulfillment of this. Let us examine the definitions of each of them shall we?

PISON or PISHON, Gen. 2:11. Pison is the first of the four rivers associated with the garden of Eden. Various meanings have been ascribed to the root of this word: current, to increase, multitude, to overflow, or that which makes the flax to grow. One or the other of these physical characteristics was used in naming the stream to distinguish it from its three companion rivers. A long succession of speculations has been offered to attempt to relate the Pison to existing streams, but none are convincing.

First I will ask; did Yashua give his Ekklesia a multitude, and increase, a current, and an overflowing? Yes indeed he did! Was Yashua as pure as gold, and was he good gold? Of course he was!

Archaeologists have looked in vain for these actual rivers, but have had no success in finding them. The flood, earthquakes, and time no doubt destroyed the original river beds of the literal streams, and they exist no longer, plus the names of rivers are often changed after thousands of years, but I don’t care. What we ought to be concerned with is this; what do they represent spiritually to Yashua’s Ekklesia? Can we find our Yashua revealed to us in these passages of scripture, and the answer is a resounding yes!

As I have stated so often; people speed read Genesis blowing right on by the types and shadows found in this wonderful scroll. They almost always interpret in the literal sense instead of reading this magnificent scroll using the language of imagery. I ask you; has anyone ever showed you Yashua from the river Pison? Most likely none of you ever heard of such a thing, but hopefully you see it now.

Genesis 2 : 13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasses the whole land of Ethiopia.

The previous article spoke of Pison, and it circled the land of Havilah. We need to define the word Havilah HAVILAH, Gen. 2:11. Havilah means circle or district, land, or sandy land. The river Pison circled this land. There is no agreement among authorities on its location. Havilah was noted in the Pre-Flood world for its gold, bdellium, and the onyx stone. We are not certain of the meaning of the latter two terms, and many possibilities have been offered. The name Havilah reappears in southern Arabia after the Flood, but there is no reason to associate it with the Pre-Flood land. Two descendants of Noah were named Havilah, and geographical regions were named after one or both of them. All that we have to go on is what Genesis said about it, and the gold, bdellium, and onyx show up in the Tabernacle that Moses was instructed to build. Bdellium only occurs in Genesis 2:12 and is defined, as an aromatic gum like balsam which exuded from a particular tree (Borassus flabelliformis) still found in Arabia, Media, and India. It bears a resemblance in colour to myrrh. Others think the word denotes "pearls," or some precious stone. Many of the Jews who study ancient Hebrew feel it is speaking of pearl, but there is a division among them as to it’s true meaning. Either meaning could still be found in the Tabernacle that God commanded Moses to build, and we can certainly see Yashua in all of this. The multitude Pison compassed, or circled Havilah, the sandy land. I challenge you all to think about the definitons and plug them into how Yashua fulfilled these types and shadows to Israel and the Ekklesia. My job is to point you in the right directions, but I must keep these articles short. With prayer and leg work you will find many things that reveal Yashua unto you in these words, and their definitions. Now let us take a look at another shall we? In Greek mythology, Ethiopia (Aethiopia), was a Phoenician kingdom Conon of Samos, "Narr. 40" stretching from Syria down to the shores of the Red Sea. Not to be confused in any way with the modern country of Ethiopia, it included parts of present-day Israel, Jordan and Egypt. 1.1.2. Gihon River: The Septuagint (LXX) says this river encompassed "Ethiopia." However, the Hebrew name of the land it encompassed was "Cush" and describes an area in Mesopotamia, not Ethiopia (Genesis 10: 6-12). After the Flood, that is where Cush settled and gave his name (Sumerian "Kish") to a city and to the area. Later, the name Cush is found in Ethiopia (Psalms 68: 31; Isaiah 18: 1). GIHON is defined as a bursting forth, stream, or that which arises from the east. By implication it was a swiftly-flowing, impetuous stream. The name reappears long after the Flood for a fountain near Jerusalem where Solomon was taken to be anointed king (I Kings 1:33). Efforts to identify the river Gihon with existing streams have been futile, despite the fact that it circled the land of "Ethiopia," discussed below. Jewish scholars had a few things to say about Genesis 2:10-13 from a spiritual standpoint, which I will only quote a small potion for the sake of time.

AC 107 . Verse 10. And a river went out of Eden, to water the garden, and from thence it was parted, and was into four heads. A "river out of Eden," signifies wisdom from love, for "Eden" is love; "to water the garden," is to bestow intelligence; to be "thence parted into four heads," is a description of intelligence by means of the four rivers, as follows. AC 108 . The most ancient people, when comparing man to a "garden," also compared wisdom, and the things relating to wisdom, to "rivers;" nor did they merely compare them, but actually so called them, for such was their way of speaking. It was the same afterwards in the Prophets, who sometimes compared them, and sometimes called them so. As in Isaiah:58:10-11 Thy light shall arise in darkness, and thy thick darkness shall be as the light of day; and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like an outlet of waters, whose waters lie not.

The writer of Genesis, whoever they may be, is speaking to us of spiritual things, for why would God speak of something that man cannot know from a literal standpoint, which was destroyed in the massive flood, which no doubt would have changed the face of the geographical area in the massive upheaval as the deep broke up.

As always I hope that you find this information interesting, and thought provoking, and that it will stir you to take a deeper look at possibilities that are rarely, if ever discussed among main stream religions of our day, who absolutely refuse to hear anything that the Jews have to say, as though they could not possibly explain these things.

Once again in your studies pay close attention to each word, for God did not put them there to bore you.

Genesis 2 : 14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goes toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

Below are a couple of different translations who refer to the river Hiddekel as the Tigris.

Bible In Basic English And the name of the third river is Tigris, which goes to the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.

There is something that I would like you to think about concerning these rivers, and the question must be asked, as to why these rivers are referred to after a massive flood that would certainly have destroyed them? Who ever is writing the scroll of Genesis is doing so thousands of years after the flood, yet he names each river, and in doing so why would he speak of them to an audience that would have had no clue as to what he was speaking of? Perhaps we have been looking at this through the wrong end of a spiritual telescope, for all that God would have said to man would be relative to all ages, and to their spiritual welfare don’t you think?

God is giving precise directions here such as east of Assyria, and after a flood of Noah’s proportions, there would have been no Assyria, for when the Ark settled on those mountains, those mountains did not have a name until afterwards. I hope I am making sense here, for the mountain ranges of Ararat may not have existed before the flood, but may have very well been

created by that very same flood. Also there is another thing one must look at from very ancient writings that have been found.

In the Middle Eastern versions of the story, the Ark was built near the ancient city of Shurrupak, located south of Babylon on the Euphrates River in what is now Iraq. According to the Book of Genesis, "the ark rested...upon the mountains of Uratu," a mountain chain renamed Ararat in the 4th century A.D. This Ararat mountain chain is on the Iraqi border with Turkey. In The Epic of Gilgamesh, the account is practically identical: "for a fifth day and a sixth day the mountain of Nisir held up the ship and did not let it waver."

Assuming the mountain of Nisir, which is not on any map, and the mountain of Ararat, which retains its ancient name, are one and the same, then the Ark came to rest in present-day Turkey, 500 miles away from Shurrupak. It is a desolate, sparsely populated region rising above the headwaters of the Tigris River. To further define the area, it is approximately 600 miles east of Ankara in volcanic territory halfway between the Black and the Caspian Seas.

The Book of Genesis, however, specified the "mountains of Uratu," not "Mount Ararat." Conceivably this could refer to the twin peaks of Great and Little Ararat. To confuse the issue even further, it could also mean something entirely different.

From a literal standpoint I hope you see my point, for I don’t think it is possible to arrive at an accurate literal interpretation, but one can see spiritual imagery that would relate to every generation since that time. All things written aforetime are written for our learning, and are not meant to confuse, and that would only be possible if it is speaking predominately of spiritual things.

1.1.3. Hiddekel is the Hebrew name of the modern Tigris River, the third river in Eden. Today it is 1150 miles long before it joins the Euphrates. 1.1.4. Hebrew Ephrat is the Euphrates River, meaning "fruitful." With two sources in Armenia, it is 1800 miles long-1000 miles being navigable. It was also called "The Great River" in the Bible (Genesis 15:18; Deuteronomy 1:7; Joshua 1:4; but see Daniel 10:4 where Hidekkel is used of the Tigris). These two rivers give the name to the lands of Mesopotamia, which means "between the rivers.”

There are those Jews who believe that Eden is spiritually symbolic for Jerusalem, and they say that there is an underground river Gihon that flows beneath it today. This is perhaps one of many explanations, and I personally cannot verify the truth of such a statement, but it is something to think about. I personally choose to seek out the spiritual implications found in Genesis, for if one tries to explain these things literally you end up with miles and miles of endless jargle that cannot be unraveled, for science, scholars, and laymen will argue this long after we are gone, and they will never reach any sensible conclusion.

Below are three definitions of the words used in Genesis 2, and I challenge each of you to find out how they reveal Yashua to you, for Yashua is swift, rapid, sharp, and like an arrow able to pierce the heart of man. In addition he is the great river, sweet water, fruitful, flower, and everything else these names suggest.

HIDDEKEL, Gen. 2:14. This name offers an illuminating lesson in ancient spelling among the ancient Middle East nations. The prefix Hid-, often dropped, means activity, rapidity, vehemence. Hence the word means the rapid Tigris. The consonants D-K-L in Hiddekel are the same as the T-G-R of Tigris. Among the various nations this river was the Digla, Diglat, Teger, Tegera, Dekel, Diglath, Diglit. The name now in use among the inhabitants of Mesopotamia is Dijleh. It is easy to see that all these variants come from the same root consonants.

Since the root of the word, Dekel, by itself also means velocity, the prefix with the same meaning adds emphasis in the same way as we would use "very." Hiddekel means to be sharp, hence to flow swiftly, arrow. The name was applied to the stream which fit the description before the Flood. After the Flood the name was applied to the stream we know today, but there is no geographical relationship between the two. In Genesis this stream is described as flowing eastward to Assyria.

ASSYRIA, Gen. 2:14. It is tempting to identify the Tigris flowing eastward to Assyria as the same place names we now know in Mesopotamia. Most commentators do just that. This conclusion, however, simply does not follow. Long after the Flood event we find that Asshur, the second son of Shem, is the source of the name of both the land and the people of Assyria. If this is not sufficient, one can hardly argue that the river Tigris flows eastward to Assyria. The general flow of the river is from north to south. The root meaning of the word is obscure, but it may be associated with the boxwood, and hence refers to a region noted for a certain kind of vegetation associated with a stream. Analogies would be Pine River or Willow Creek today.

EUPHRATES, Gen. 2:14. In Post-Flood times, the Euyphrates was generally known as "the river," "the river of Asia," or "the great river," in sharp contrast to the many short-lived and less important streams known to the ancients. Euphrates is the Greek form of the Hebrew Phrath or Perath. We note again the durability of the basic consonant structure. The PH-R-T in Euphrates is also P-R-T or P-R-TH, also F-R-T as in Ufrutu or Frat. Among the meanings ascribed to the root are sweet waters, long river, fruitful, good to cross over, dispersion, flower, or the good and abounding river. By implication, it was the mightiest of the four. It follows reasonably that the largest, longest, and most important river in Western Asia after the Flood would be named Euphrates. No geographical connection with "the river" before the Flood need be inferred.

Genesis 2 : 15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. Bible in Basic English And the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to do work in it and take care of it. Douay-Rheims Bible And the Lord God took man, and put him into the paradise for pleasure, to dress it, and keep it. . Young's Literal Translation And Jehovah God taketh the man, and causeth him to rest in the garden of Eden, to serve it, and to keep it.

Something that you are going to see very soon has troubled many, and that is in this chapter it appears that God made man first before the animals in contradiction to Genesis 1.

Most speed read Genesis and read right on over top of it, and never catch this difference, for verse 19 will definitely cause you to raise an eye brow. Scholars have long been aware that Genesis has at least two authors, and maybe more with different hand writings, and ink. Many declare that this is proof that the Bible is in error, and while it may be troubling to some, there are explanations that can make sense. Be thinking of this in the next few days, for there are two creation accounts found here, and there is also a difference in the number of animals that get on the Ark of Noah. Compare Genesis 6:19-20 to Genesis 7:2-3.

The one author states that there is to be seven clean and two unclean, and the other author declares that they are to go on board by two. Jewish scholars declare that one story was written by the priests, and the other by the Prophets, and that the priests and the Prophets have had a long standing feud between them, and this is true. Yashua definitely had problems with the priests of his day, as did many of the Prophets who they murdered and stoned, and Yashua said so. It seems the priests were always changing the Word of God to fit their interpretations, and Yashua rebuked them for it.

My job as a good teacher is to bring you the facts even if you do not like them, and sooner or later you will run into someone who is going to make an issue of this, so be prepared to give an answer.

Yahweh now puts the man in Eden, or the delightful place. Why did God call him man instead of Adam? As a matter of fact it does not tell us when God decided to call him Adam, or how that name came about, for we find Adam referred to as the man in this verse, yet just four verses later God calls him Adam just out of the blue. If I have learned anything about God it is this. He never says, or does anything just out of the blue, and neither does he declare something just to be saying it, for he has a very good reason for doing it a certain way, and he always pays close attention to each jot and tittle.

Who was "the man" that Elohim put in the garden of delight to dress and to keep it?

‫אדם‬ (ADM - Adam) We are all familiar with the name "Adam" as found in the book of Genesis, but what does it really mean? Let us begin by looking at its roots. This word/name is a child root derived from the parent ‫ דם‬meaning, "blood". By placing the letter ‫ א‬in front of the parent root, the child root ‫ אדם‬is formed and is related in meaning to ‫[ דם‬blood].

By examing a few other words derived from the child root ‫ אדם‬we can see a common meaning in them all. The Hebrew word ‫[ אדםה‬adamah] is the feminine form of ‫ אדם‬meaning "ground" [see Genesis 2:7]. The word/name ‫[ אדום‬Edom] means "red". Each of these words have the common meaning of "red". Dam is the "red" blood, adamah is the "red" ground, edom is the color "red" and adam is the "red" man. There is one other connection between "adam" and "adamah" as seen in Genesis 2:7 which states that "the adam" was formed out of the "adamah".

In the ancient Hebrew world, a persons name was not simply an identifier but descriptive of one's character. As Adam was formed out of the ground, his name identifies his origins. We know that the second Adam of the Bible had a name, and that name was Yashua, so sense Adam was not his name then what did that title mean? If Adam was not the name of the second Adam, then what was the name of the first Adam? The word Adam then represents something or someone, and would seem to be imagery, or metaphor for something else.

Adam basically means red earth. Adama is earth, "adom" is red and Adam literally means man. They're all spelled the same way in Hebrew but have different pronunciations. Yashua would shed his red blood into the ground, and he sweated in prayer drops of blood onto the ground on the Mount of Olives, so we can see that the ground became red earth, or putting it another way it became Adam. Does the blood in the ground have a voice? The Bible declares that it does in Genesis 4:10, Matthew 23:35, and in Hebrews 12:24.

We as saints have been buried in the red ground, or red earth of baptism as "the man", and his voice speaks of more righteous things than that of Abel. I know I am getting deep here, but hopefully you have stayed with me. When they

brought us up out of the red earth "the man" first Adam became a generation of a second Adam, and Yashua has put us also in an Eden or garden of delight. In this garden [Ekklesia] we also have the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and we are to dress and keep this garden the same as the first Adam, for I am speaking of spiritual things here in types and shadows.

Genesis 5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name "Adam", in the day when they were created.

If he called both of them Adam then we must look closely at what this means, which simply declares that Adam represents something in imagery, and not necessarily a single individual although it could. I hope you see this, for the Bible is indeed written in riddles, poetry, metaphor, and figurative language, for this was the way of the Hebrew Prophets, and the Jewish mind set was accustomed to this way of expression. I cannot emphasize this enough. Adam in a nutshell just represents “mankind”, though it is not wise to limit it to just one meaning.

Genesis 2 : 16-17 16. And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die. Deuteronomy 30:15 See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity; Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, In these two scriptures found in Genesis 2 we enter into a tremendous poetic expression of metaphor, figurative, and pictorial language the same as we have been encountering right along. The "Tree of Knowledge" is a metaphor, and is not to be taken literally. It represents something that is of the spirit realm, and is to be left alone the same as the serpent. There was no actual snake in the garden that spoke to Eve, but it was a metaphor of the evil force called "the serpent". The serpent is not called Satan here, but almost all of today's preachers, laymen, and teachers often refer to the serpent in Genesis as Satan. For whatever reason, if the serpent and Satan are one and the same then Satan has not received his name yet. Man's speedy assumptions have caused tremendous errors in the churches, and we are prone to speed reading the Word of God, and are not carefully studying each verse asking the appropriate questions, and on top of that we fail to understand how the ancient prophets wrote in riddle and metaphor. It was prophesied that Yashua himself would come and utter "dark sayings of old"! Read Psalms 78:2 Genesis has many dark sayings of old, or of the ancient times.

Most of our modern day church interpret everything they read literally, and this has led to some serious doctrinal problems with Scy-Fy doctrines, such as an end time Anti-Christ with a seven year tribulation, which is utter non-sense. Even in modern times many writers use metaphors to relay a message to the reader; such as fables like the tortoise and the hare which revealed a truth that the race is not always won by the swiftest, but by those who are steady and persevere. Many of today's movies like the Lord of the Rings, and the Chronicles of Narnia are prime examples of metaphors that describe the battles between good and evil. I have often wondered if the writers of these movies were Jewish, for this was typical of the ancients to write like this, as anyone who is familiar with the Bible will readily see. Zechariah, Daniel, and others wrote using imagery such as flying scrolls along with weird looking beasts, insects, and a naked woman, which we know to represent something entirely different.The modern day churches are not being taught how to study the Word of God through Jewish eyes, and this has led to serious doctrinal problems within the churches. Even if Genesis 2:16-17 was speaking of a literal garden with a literal tree it would still have to be spiritually interpreted in order for us to receive spiritual blessing and insight regarding truth about what it would represent today. Spiritually it represents the boundaries that God has placed in each of our lives, or lines that we do not cross. There are huge consequences for violating, or crossing theses margins of safety to partake of something that our very own hearts tells us that it is forbidden. If a man partakes of his neighbors wife, and he is intimate with her, this causes certain death, and starts a chain of events that also brings death to a marriage, and to relationships on both sides. It will most likely not result in an immediate physical death, for many have done this and lived for many years afterward, but as sure as the rain falls it will bring death, unless there is true repentance and forgiveness. You will soon see that the death spoken of in Genesis was not speaking of a literal twenty four hour day, for God said in the "day" that you do this you will surely die. Adam lived for several hundred years afterward. It is metaphor and pictorial language that speaks truth to our hearts, as you soon shall see. The two scriptures I have given you from Deuteronomy has far more to do with the spiritual than they do with the natural. Literal heaven and earth cannot speak, hear, or see, yet God said they are a witness against you. Heaven and earth is metaphor for something much greater. Heaven represents the light of God's Word that shines upon the Ekklesia, which is represented by the earth. What I am trying to make you aware of, is that you must look beyond the literal words of scripture to grasp their spiritual meaning, for the Words that he spoke are Spirit.

Genesis 2 : 18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. I Corinthians 11:9 for indeed man was not created for the woman's sake, but woman for the man's sake. In the above verse Elohim is still not calling the man Adam, and perhaps it has something to do with the woman, and his not being alone. When we compare this to the second Adam [Yashua] it also becomes obvious that he was not to be alone, but he took unto himself a bride, and he has assured that bride that they will never be alone. He has placed them in the garden, or his Eden, which is a type and shadow of the Ekklesia, and the woman will be a help unto the man. The Ekklesia is a help unto Yashua her husband, as we reveal his light to the world, for we are epistles read of all men. Just as he was the Word, so it is that we also have become the Word through our marriage unto him. Just as the man and the woman were made naked, so it is that we are shaped in iniquity from our mother’s womb, and we are naked in the eyes of God with no covering for our sin, and he alone is the only one who can cover that nakedness with his garment of righteousness. We had no say about our condition, for we did not choose to be a sinner, for God himself created us as such. I tire of ignoramuses that try to tell me that we have free choice when the Bible clearly teaches no such thing. You are born a sinner, and you do not get a choice, and Yashua plainly told his audience that he chooses them, and not the other way around. As a matter of fact Yashua said that you cannot come unto him unless he draws [drags] you. In order to have free choice you would have to be born sinless, then given the opportunity to choose a sinful life. See my point? I am speaking of spiritual things, and our spiritual condition at birth, and not what color of suit you may choose to wear today. There is no such thing as free choice, and I challenge anyone to disprove that. Free choice is not the same as free will, but that is another matter all together, and perhaps we will teach on that later. The pagan churches of today do not believe those words, and they constantly lay a guilt trip on anyone that doesn't respond to their preaching. If God does not choose them then they are not coming period no matter how hard you preach. Men like the Pharaoh of Egypt, Joseph, and Herod had nothing to say about what they would do, or where they would go, for God had already declared it many years before it came to pass. He also told Peter that Satan desired to sift him as wheat, but Yashua said I have prayed the prayer of faith for you, so how come Yashua did not pray the prayer of faith for Judas who betrayed him, but instead Yashua declared in John 17:12 that the scripture had to be fulfilled. Now you can argue this to the cows come home, but Yashua said what he said, and he does not lie! He had to fulfill all that was written of him, and they had no choice. He even told Peter that he would deny him three times, for the shepherd had to be smitten, so the sheep

would scatter, as recorded in the Prophets. Peter had no choice, and that is a cold hard fact! You came to God, if you are in his true Ekklesia, only because he chose you, and drew you by his Spirit. God does not choose everyone, and that is another fact that most are in denial about. Billions have died that never heard of the name of Yashua, or his Word, and even at this very moment there are many who are dying that have never heard of his name in places like India. God has a purpose and a plan, for all mankind, and just because man does not understand it, that does not mean that it is not so. Paul declared to Timothy that God was the Saviour of "ALL" men, especially of those that believe in I Timothy 4:10. Read it carefully and you will see two groups of people, which are the believers, and that means there is only one group left, which is the unbelievers. God will save them all! Yahweh knew that Adam and Eve would fall, for he knew the end from the beginning. Saints have to get their heads out of the sand, and realize that God has a purpose, a will, and a plan for every man, woman, and child from the very beginning. God even has a purpose, and a plan for each small sparrow, for they cannot fall to the ground with out his knowledge of it. God is in absolute control, and it does not matter if we think he is or not. His ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts, and he will have mercy upon whom he desires. God makes some vessels of honor, and others of dishonor, and they have no say about it, for he does this for his very own purpose. I can absolutely bury anybody in a mountain of scripture that is so foolish to say that God does not do this. People that argue these truths don't believe God, and they feel that they must make an excuse for God, so they can get God off of the hook for sending evil upon mankind. Saints need to take another look at the God of the Bible, and leave the fables of their imaginations alone. God alone chooses, and God alone decides who will and who won't. God knew that the man needed a woman, for it was part of his plan all along, for these two would be types and shadows of things to come in the future of mankind. We must remember that the Lamb was already slain from the very foundation, and they are apart of God’s plan for a future seed of Abraham, and of Yashua. Adam and Eve are the beginning of the seed line that would mark the way that led to Yashua, and his beloved Ekklesia. The Ekklesia was predestined from the foundation of the world, and Paul, and other apostles said so many times. Contrary to popular opinion Adam and Eve may not have been the very first humans upon the planet, for scripture does hint at that, but they were the first in the blood line that led to Yashua, and that is what the story of Genesis is really all about. Yashua hung suspended on the tree at Calvary, and this was foreseen in Genesis, and he was pierced in his side, for this was necessary that he could have a bride taken from his side. There was a reason that he had to be pierced in his side, just as the Prophets prophesied. More on this later. Just as the Ekklesia was made for Yashua, so it is that the woman was made for the man, and every marriage on this planet stands for in type and shadow of Yashua and his bride. Paul went to great lengths to teach this to the Corinthians.

Genesis 2 : 19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them: and whatever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. We all know that God formed every living creature in a literal sense, but how he did it is a mystery, and will remain so, for it is not given to man to know these these things that God made from the literal beginning. Always remember Ecclesiastes 3:11. It is impossible to explain how God made every species of life, and how he placed them in an exact environment that only they can live in. From the deepest part of the ocean unto the highest mountain top we find life, and how they survive is mind boggling, but our God is a wise Spirit, and his foolishness is much wiser than man. When one looks at the millions of life forms upon this planet common sense should tell you that there has to be a God of great wisdom who formed it. It is a mathematical impossibility for it to have evolved on it's own, and the evidence overwhelmingly points to a divine creation. I have listened to the finest minds that science has to offer from both sides of the argument, and scientist who believe in divine creation always make the most sense to me, and I am sure many of you feel the same way. As I have continually pointed out however I do not feel that this is what God is trying to tell us here in Genesis. We have discussed to some extent the metaphor and the pictorial language of the ground, and we have seen where the animals and fowl were divided into two classes of clean and unclean, and from this we have determined from scriptures like Acts 10:11-16 that animals represented a group of people, and in the Biblical case they stood for Jew and Gentile, sinner and saint, and the righteous as opposed to the unrighteous. This is easily proven by many scriptures found both in the Old Covenant and the New. We must always look at each scripture and look for the spiritual types and shadows found with in it. Just as Elohim brought all the creatures he had formed to see what Adam would call them, so it is that the second Adam Yashua has done the same thing, as every man, woman, and child is brought before him to see what he will call them in his Ekklesia. Ephesians 4:8 Therefore it says, "WHEN HE ASCENDED ON HIGH, HE LED CAPTIVE A HOST OF CAPTIVES, AND HE GAVE GIFTS TO MEN." Ephesians 4:11-12 11. And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12. For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Yashua. I Corinthians 12:28 And God has appointed in the Ekklesia, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.

What has Yashua called you since you were brought before him? Each one of you represent a special creature formed of God to work and live in a special environment that only you can do. Yashua has placed his Ekklesia in the garden of delight that he created for them, and he has called each one to be something that can edify the body, which we are all members of. Yashua the second Adam has restored you back to Eden, from which man had fallen, and only he alone could restore man back to their original place by the sacrifice of his own body, and he did this on the tree at Calvary. At Calvary a wonderful event took place as Yashua brought forth out of the dust of the earth the saints of old, as Sheol opened up, and they presented themselves glorified to many in their glorified bodies, as living creatures who experienced the resurrection. Many cannot follow what I am saying here, but for those that do they ought to be saying WOW about now! Yashua has brought forth from the dusty grave of baptism his new glorified saints each time one is buried in his wonderful name, for Paul said in Romans 6:4-5 that we also walk in newness of life, and that if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall also be "IN" the likeness of his resurrection! Calvary brought forth "resurrection" to the Old Covenant saint, but it brought "life" to the New Covenant believer. Yashua declared that he was the "resurrection" and the "life"! Does the Bible ever refer to us as new creatures, or a new man? You bet, and for good reason!

Genesis 2 : 20 20. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. We discussed in the previous article how that the creatures represented man in type and shadow, for the Bible clearly teaches us that the Ekklesia of God was there in the beginning from the very foundation of the world, and the Lamb was already slain. The clean and the unclean, Jew and Gentile, and the chosen were already there in the mind of God who knows the end from the beginning. We have already discussed to some extent about God making a woman for the man, and how that was also a type and shadow of Yashua, and his bride the Ekklesia. The word Ekklesia means Ek {called or chosen} and klesia means {out of}, for Yashua has called us out of darkness. I don’t like to use the word “church” because of the pagan origin, and it was a name given unto us by Catholicism along with many other pagan teachings such as trinity, Easter, the cross of Tammuz, and etc. The word church came from an old Germanic word “Kirke”, which basically means “circle”, and the pagans were known to stand in a circle holding hands while chanting. They would begin to speak in

strange sounds, and utterances to commune with the spirit realm. To this day I do not like to hold hands in a circle and pray, as is the custom in many churches of today for this reason. Once you know and fully understand their origins they lose their appeal very quickly, or at least that is the way it is with me. I personally do not want anything to do with religious paganism if at all possible. Churches of today are opening doors that give Satan access, and those doors were better left alone. Just look at the mess that we find in all of them, and you tell me how they got that way. They gave Satan access some how! Verse 20 does not imply that God was looking for a help meet, and could not find one, and it can sound that way, but that is not what is meant. Believe it or not there are some who argue that this proves that God cannot be all knowing. As is true with so many scriptures the KJV version does a horrible job of translating, but this is not the case with the very early Jewish translations. This is the reason I encourage you to follow up on your own, and search these things out using every translation available. Do not be like the guy who said that if the KJV was good enough for Moses, it was good enough for him. This is not a joke! There is no such thing, as an error free Bible, and that is a fact whether you want to believe that or not. I can prove it beyond any shadow of a doubt and have! The over all message contained in the Bible is infallible, but the words penned by man are not, for there are many mistakes, and wrong words found with in their pages. Here is a case and point. Merriam-Webster clearly points the name Jehovah to its origin of Yahweh. However, since there are no J's in the Hebrew alphabet, Jehovah is obviously a man-made attempt to Americanize Yah-Hovah ... and my problem with this is that Jehovah means Yahweh is ruin, disaster, misfortune and mischief! Even Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible blindly follows this error; if you look up "Jehovah" it will mistakenly tell you that this is the name of the Father while further revealing, through a more diligent study, that Yah refers to Yahweh ... while Hovah, as can be seen via reference number 01943, means ruin, disaster, misfortune and mischief. Therefore, Jehovah means Yahweh is ruin, disaster, misfortune and mischief!

Here is what scholars say about the name or pronunciation Jehovah:

The Jewish Encyclopedia : "Jehovah" -- a mispronunciation of the Hebrew YHWH the name of God. This pronunciation is grammatically impossible. The form 'Jehovah' is a philological impossibility."

The New Jewish Encyclopedia: "It is clear that the word Jehovah is an artificial composite." Encyclopedia Judaica: "the true pronunciation of the tetragrammaton YHWH was never lost. The name was pronounced Yahweh. It was regularly pronounced this way at least until 586 B.C., as is clear from the Lachish Letters written shortly before this date."

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: "JEHOVAH is an erroneous pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton a four lettered name of God, made up of the Hebrew letters Yod He Vav He. The word "JEHOVAH" therefore is a misreading for which there is no warrant and which makes no sense in Hebrew"

Webster's Collegiate Dictionary

: "Jehovah" -- "False reading of the Hebrew YAHWEH."

Encyclopedia Americana : "Jehovah" -- "erroneous form of the name of the God of Israel."

A Dictionary of the Bible by William Smith: "Whatever, therefore, be the true pronunciation of the word, there can be little doubt that it is not Jehovah."

Encyclopedia Britannica : ""The pronunciation 'Jehovah' is an error resulting among Christians from combining the consonants YHWH with the vowels of ADHONAY....The Masoretes who from the 6th to the 10th century worked to reproduce the original text of the Hebrew Bible replaced the vowels of the name YHWH with the vowel signs of Adonai or Elohim. Thus the artificial name Jehovah came into being by mistake."

Webster's Third New International Dictionary: "Jehovah" -- "Intended as a transliteration of Hebrew YAHWEH, the vowel points of Hebrew ADHONAY (my lord) being erroneously substituted for those of YAHWEH; from the fact that in some Hebrew manuscripts the vowel points of ADHONAY (used as a euphemism for YAHWEH) were written under the consonants YHWH of YAHWEH to indicate that ADHONAY was to be substituted in oral reading for YAHWEH. Jehovah is a Christian transliteration of the tetragrammaton long assumed by many Christians to be the authentic reproduction of the Hebrew sacred name for God but now recognized to be a late hybrid form never used by the Jews."

New Catholic Encyclopedia: "Jehovah" -- "false form of the divine name YAHWEH.

The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia: "Jehovah" -- "is an erroneous form of the divine name of the covenant God Israel."

The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible: "Jehovah" --"is an artificial form."

Encyclopedia International: "Jehovah" --"the vowels of one word with the consonants of the other were misread as 'Jehovah.'

Merits Students Encyclopedia: --"is an inaccurate reconstruction of the name of God in the Old Testament."

Encyclopedia Judiacia: "YHWH" -- "When Christian scholars of Europe first began to study Hebrew, they did not understand what this really meant, and they introduced the hybrid name 'Jehovah'...THE TRUE PRONUNCIATION OF THE NAME YHWH WAS NEVER LOST. Several early Greek writers of the Christian church testify that the name was pronounced 'YAHWEH.' This

is confirmed, at least for the vowel of the first syllable of the name, by the shorter form Yah, which is sometimes used in poetry (e.g. Exodus 15:2)... The personal name of God of Israel is written in the Hebrew Bible with the four consonants YHWH and is referred to as the 'Tetragrammaton.' At least until the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E. this name was regularly pronounced with its proper vowels, as is clear from the Lachish Letters, written shortly before that date."

Nelson's Bible Dictionary: "Jehovah" -- "The divine name Yahweh is usually translated Lord in English versions of the Bible, because it became a practice in late Old Testament Judaism not to pronounce the sacred name YHWH, but to say instead "my Lord" (Adonai) - a practice still used today in the synagogue. When the vowels of Adonai were attached to the consonants YHWH in the medieval period, the word Jehovah resulted. Today, many Christians use the word Yahweh, the more original pronunciation, not hesitating to name the divine name since Yashua taught believers to speak in a familiar way to God." Since we are studying Genesis, the scroll of beginnings we might as well begin chopping away at error from the start, for it is important that you know how you got where you’re at, and how to get back where you belong. I can assure you that most, if not all of the pagan churches of today will never tell you, or give you this information. This study is all about finding out the truth. Some will view this as an out right attack upon their beliefs, but that is not my intent, for I am simply trying to give you the facts that scholars well know.

Genesis 2 : 22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her to the man. Man did not originate from woman, but woman from man; I Corinthians 11:8 For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man; In the previous article I showed you that the word "rib" may not mean what you have always been led to believe so I want to hammer on this nail for awhile in this article, and see if we can come to a greater understanding of these verse found in Genesis 2. Now consider the implications of this. God literally divided Adam in half to create a woman for him. This is a much more powerful symbol than merely taking a small bone out of his side. Eve was every bit the man Adam was (pardon the pun), in fact in Gen 1:27 it says "In the image of God He created him, male and female he created them" suggesting complete equality. Eve began, literally, as half of Adam. Even today people sometimes refer to their spouse as their other half or their better half and that seems somehow appropriate. Of course God closed the flesh to restore Adam to wholeness. Though not specifically stated, it is clear God did the same for Eve in the process of fashioning her into a woman. How appropriate the language used in Genesis. The words "bone of my bone" and "flesh of my flesh" take on new significance, and even the expressions are grammatically symmetrical.

The traditional mythical interpretation of Adams rib is of very long standing. We do not know when it first began, but it is clear that the ancient Hebrews did not understand this episode in the way moderns do. When Genesis and Exodus were written, the concept was one of Adams side, not his rib. Remarkably, we have the testimony of a Jewish authority of about 2000 years ago on this issue. Philo Judeaus addressed the subject thus: "The letter of this statement is plain enough; for it is expressed according to the symbol of the part, a half of the whole, each party, the man and the woman, being as sections of nature co-equal for the production of that genus which is called man." (The Works Of Philo, p. 796, Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, Massachusetts,) emphasis mine. How clear. Notice also the Hebrew words usually rendered help meet. This rendering is such an anemic translation for what is being expressed. The expression in Hebrew is azer k'negdo. In every case in the Hebrew Bible the Hebrew word azer means not just assistance, but a significant and substantial kind of help. The purpose of these articles is to help you have a greater understanding of things that we have in the past just glossed over, and never really looked at beyond the immediate words. As Gentiles we are of such a literal mentality that it is often very difficult for us to think in Biblical expression. That is no fault of our own for we have never been taught how to correctly study the Word of God, and never will in most of today’s churches. Most of us are disciplined readers of the Bible, and we really do try to make sense of it, but like the Eunuch of Ethiopia we are at a loss unless some man guide us. The truth is that we are all in this together, for I rely heavily first and foremost upon our LORD to lead and guide me into all truth, and I in addition use Jewish scholars, and other Biblical scholars as well to tell me the true meaning of certain words, and what they meant thousands of years ago. This helps me to piece it altogether, and to make sense of what is being said in scripture. It has always been my desire that you benefit from the many hours of research that I do absolutely free of charge. I believe that it is God’s absolute will that we study his Word, and that we know his voice, and that we be able to answer every man that would ask of us a question concerning his will. Here are but a few examples of the use of the expression help meet. Ezekiel 12:14 Zedekiah had "all those about him to help ( azer) him, all his bands." This is clearly referring to Zedekiah's armed men. Daniel 11:34 The expression "helped with a little help" in this context seems also to refer to military intervention. Isaiah 30:5 This verse refers to seeking help in the form of military protection from the king of Egypt.

All these examples refer to substantial and powerful help or protection, the kind you could get from armed men, not just a little help or hand holding. Continue: Exodus 18:4 "for He (God) was my help." Deuteronomy 33:29 "... The Lord, the shield of thy help" Deuteronomy 33:7 "... Be thou (the Lord) a help to him from his enemies." In these examples, we see an even more powerful type of help from God himself. It is clear that this was not just help, but real deliverance, and there was nothing puny about it. The point is to show that Eve was created as a capable, intelligent, force to be reckoned with. She was every bit as qualified and adept as Adam. This was not simply a "Let me hold the flashlight for you, Honey" kind of help. And the Hebrew word K'negdo is charged with meaning as well. It means more than just suitable. It carries the meaning of opposite. She was an opposite to him. This is literally what you would expect since she was formed from his other half or side. Perhaps it would be better to say she was his complement. The two were made to work and fit together. She was opposite in gender, but opposite in many other ways as well. No man can be married for any length of time without realizing that his wife thinks and behaves in a very different way than he does. She views things very differently, her concerns are quite unlike his. Eve was made to be everything Adam was not. She was his complement. Now Adam was faced with the realization that he was not unique and he was not alone. To find completeness and wholeness he would want to take a wife. This longing for wholeness is a popular theme in our modern love songs. Ultimately she is the key to the meaning of his life and vice versa. "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and cling to his wife and they shall become one flesh." Gen. 2:24. Neither can be complete without the other. So this old story that was once a rather bizarre metaphor, a woman created from a rib, can now be understood to be a powerful, meaningful and beautiful symbol for the most profound relationship in human existence. It is very clear that, in the beginning, God gave woman absolutely equal status with man. Genesis 5: 1-2 which says: "In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created." We notice straightaway that Adam is both male and female, which means that Adam was not simply the first man - the start of the human race. In some strange way, which we shall seek to explain in due course, Adam was both male and female. Someone may suggest, that that means that "Adam" is a general term, like "Man" and refers to the whole human race – both men and women. It is obviously not referring to the creation of one single specific male human being. Perhaps it is dealing with the spiritual creation of Mankind, not the evolution of his physical body at all! Let us look again at the text: "Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, ... "

This means simply that Adam is both male and female. But this is not the end of the story for in fact most of chapters 2 and 3 of Genesis are about Adam. And if Adam is both male and female, what is "Eve"? We have to explain her too. We also have to consider the fact that both Adam and Eve were originally in Paradise, a spiritual realm, not somewhere on Earth. And we must even say why Eve was said to have been made out of one of Adam's ribs, although modern men and women have an equal number of ribs! All these and other problems can only be solved if we accept that Adam and Eve represent the spiritual nature of every individual, rather than a physical man and woman. This story is an allegory, and within it there are many hidden truths. It is not a myth and not a parable either. To use the term 'myth', in the old sense of involving supernatural ideas about natural phenomena, like the myths of the ancient Babylonian gods, or the gods and heroes of ancient Greece, would not be applicable here. Nor would 'Parable' be the right word to use, for Parables usually point out a single truth or group of ideas. An allegory contains a message - a whole string of truths, one truth leading to another, and this is what we find here. We also find such allegories in other parts of Genesis. Hebrew dictionaries list many different meanings for the word 'Adam'. These include: "ground", "red", "ruddy", "man", "parson", "man of low degree", and "generic man". In the Jerusalem Bible (Gen. 5:1,2) 'Generic Man' is their favoured interpretation and refers to both male and female of the human species, but the meaning of the word 'Adam' goes far deeper than anything pertaining just to 'physical man'. We can say this with certainty, because in this part of Genesis we are not talking about the physical world at all. A moment's thought will prove that, for 'the garden eastward in Eden' is usually identified with Paradise, which is elsewhere described as a spiritual realm. (2 Cor. 12. 2 - 4) I gave you all of that to say this. Yashua is both husband and bride, for the scripture clearly teaches you that he is the head of the body. The body is his Ekklesia of which we are apart of, and you cannot separate the head from the body, for you will cease to have a body if you do. When a man takes a wife they become “one”, and they are no longer male and female in the spiritual sense. There is no longer a “they”, but a one single spiritual organism. It could be said spiritually in type and shadow that Yashua as the second Adam is fulfilling both roles of male and female.

Genesis 2 : 23 And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Ephesians 5:28 So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself;

Ephesians 5:29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Yashua also does the Ekklesia,

Genesis 29:14 Laban said to him, surely you are my bone and my flesh, and he stayed with him a month.

If Eve was taken from the bones of Adam why does it say "this is now bone of my bones"?

In Genesis 2:23 the phrase "this is now" is an attempt at a translation of the Hebrew phrase "zot hapa'am." The word "zot" does mean "this" but the word hapa'am is a little more difficult.

This is the word pa'am prefixed by the "ha" meaning "the." The word pa'am is literally a repetitive beat such as from a drum. It can also mean a stroke of time or to repeat something such as seen in Genesis 33:3; "He himself went on before them, bowing himself to the ground seven times (pa'am)." Using this understanding of the word Genesis 2:23 could be translated as "This time is bone from my bones" and is implying that the previous times were not "bone from my bones." Three verses prior to this it states "The man gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for the man there was not found a helper fit for him. Now it is time to give the man a help meet, as we discussed previously.

Adam did not give birth to Eve, for she was "cloned" directly from Adam's self. That is why Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, and it is also logical to assume that neither the man or the woman had a navel. I bet you have never thought of that have you. Why is your navel where it is in the center of your body from side to side and from top to bottom. Our navel perhaps speaks volumes about Genesis, but we have never even considered that man did not originally have one, for he was not made in a womb. Think about it.

Here we see the beginning of something tremendously important that is a definite type and shadow of Yashua and his Ekklesia, for we are bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. We were cloned in baptism, as we put on Yashua, for our unrighteousness was made righteous. We have in a mysterious way become the other side of the second Adam. We were raised from the dust, and we were made a new creature when they brought us up from the grave of baptism. Daniel 12:2 declares that many that sleep in the dust shall awake! We were dead in the dust, and all alone until the other half was formed in us, and we became the woman, or the Ekklesia. Yashua became dust for us, for he went to the grave preparing for us an escape as we came forth unto the new Eden of delight, and we have the hope of new glorified immortal bodies when we lay these down for the last time. By faith we declare that we are bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh knowing that his body is a glorified body, and as he is so shall we be. I wish I had time to expound further on this, for there is some great revelations and insights here, but I must keep these articles short enough so people will read them.

John 1:14 declares that the Word was made flesh, and we as his Ekklesia have that flesh in us! We that receive his Word became bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh! Reading Genesis 2:23 I can see Adam in a type of Yashua who said; this is now my thoughts and WORD, and I shall call her Ekklesia, because she came forth from me! She will assist me in feeding the hungry of the world, for she has my hearts desire, for she came forth from me, and she is my other side! She has my bone, my flesh, my light, and my blood, and she is my clone to the world, for all to admire and see.

Genesis 2 : 24

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall join to his wife: and they shall be one flesh. Matthew 19:5 and said, 'FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH '?


Mark 10:8 AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.

1 Corinthians 6:16 Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, "THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH."


As these scriptures attest the woman is indeed equal to the husband, and vice versa. They become one in marriage, and most people have not a clue as to what this means. They stand before a minister and say I do, and they place a ring on each others finger never knowing what just happened in the moment they said I do. They take a vow before God and his holy angels to love one another, but for the world of today these are words that have no meaning, and the divorce rate of today's generation prove this. Two out of three marriages end in divorce, and most take place within the first five years. A vow no longer means anything to anybody, and even in the pagan churches of today I recently heard that the divorce rate is now higher than in the world. If this is true then they have a major problem.

There are churches where the ex's still attend while married to someone else, for they have no shame, and in many cases there is new children born to these new marriages to further complicate things. They are even encouraged to hold positions in leadership by pastors that ought to know better, and adultery is never discussed, or dealt with. We live in a very sensuous society, and we hear of it all the time where priests, elders, pastors, and congregational members are having an affair, and it is treated less than a serious problem. The problem is you begin to have multiple wives, or husbands in the eyes of God, for Paul made that perfectly clear in I Corinthians 6:16. You may have a piece of paper declaring you as divorced, but what does God say? The truth is most do not care what God says or thinks, for they will do as they so very well please, and then they groan and moan with all the problems that now present themselves with her and his children along with alimony, child support, and a host of other issues.

It is unfortunately the world we live in, and it is what it is, but if people would obey his commands we could avoid so much heartache. The problem I think in most marriages is that one or the other want control, and refuse to treat each other with respect and as equals in the sight of God. I myself in years past just always assumed that the man was to rule his house, but I never stopped to really find out what that actually meant. I have heard men say that I rule this house, and what I say goes, as though they were king and lord over their marriage. Most of those marriages failed, and the ones that didn't were a miserable relationship.

We learned this from our father's who learned it from theirs, yet very few of them actually knew what God desired from them in these regards. Two generations ago women just put up with it, but not this generation, for they are more educated, and influenced it seems, and I cannot say that I blame them although women's lib has taken it to an unhealthy extreme. The man and the woman must find their place in God, and do his will, and there are some bumpy roads along the way, and only God can give us the wisdom to deal with it. This new generation is not a praying, fasting, or a studying generation, and for the most part they even try to boss God around, as though he owes them something. They call it the name and claim it

doctrines peddled by so many TV evangelists along with others of their stripe and ilk. So many of them are exposed for the liars and cheats they are, and their personal lives are a joke, as well as many of the pastors just down the street in any place America.

Many of today's young folks are getting married and living at home with their parents, and this is not pleasing to God, and any parent that allows this is partaking in disobedience to God's Word. I am not talking about certain circumstances such as a sudden unexpected job loss, illness, or their house burned down, and etc, for that is considered a bonafide reason. I am talking about young folks who lay around on dad and mom and will not work, yet they go and get married. They start having kids, and then dear old mom and dad end up raising them. God said leave! Let me say that again. Get their sorry behind out of your house and make them leave! God said a man "shall leave" his father and mother, and be joined to his wife. Folks this has become epidemic in America where the kids are spoiled rotten to the core, and they have no intention of ever cutting the apron strings.

Wild animals have better sense, for they drive off their young when they reach maturity, and when they are able to survive on their own. We as parents need to prepare our children to eventually be able to leave when the time is right. We need to see to it that they get an education with a skill, or a trade that will prepare and support them later in life. You fail your children if you don't persuade them to pay the price that their flesh does not want to pay in going to school, for it is hard work to get a good education, and man by nature wants to put it off. Don't stand for their idleness, for you are the parent, and not their floor mat. Sometimes love must be tough, but it is for their own good.

The Bible teaches us that a wise man leaves his children an inheritance, but in today's society parents are spending it on their children's foolishness long before they ever depart from this life, and in many cases the parents are facing financial hardships, because Junior and Sally can't stay out of trouble. My dad had a rule, and he meant it, for he said if you get yourself into financial trouble or jail committing foolishness then you will get yourself out, and not to bother calling him. He was tough, but my brother Richard and I never went to jail, and we went to work, and always kept a job, and we never laid around on him. It is too bad that most of the old school men are gone, and this world is left with a bunch of pansies that don’t have enough common sense to come in out of the rain let alone raise children.

We also in living for God are required to come out from mother, father, brother, and sister to live for him in many cases. Matthew 19:29 Yashua told his disciples that they must forsake all these things, and this must be read in context, for God is not telling everyone they must do this, but the twelve disciples were chosen for a specific purpose. However, if a parent tries to interfere with your relationship with God then it is time to always go with God. All saints are required to come out from the world and be separate. We must leave it and cling to our husband Yashua.

Genesis 2 : 25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. I am going to quote here from David Guzik’s commentary: Before the fall, Adam and Eve were both naked….and not ashamed. The idea of “nakedness” is far more than mere nudity. It has the sense of being totally open and exposed as a person before God and man. To be naked…..and not ashamed means you have no sin, nothing to be rightly ashamed of. You really can be an “open book” to another person, and when we want to be most

attractive to someone else, we do the most to change our normal appearance. We have the thought, “If I really want to impress this person, I have to fix myself up.” None of this feeling was present with Adam and Eve when they were naked…..and not ashamed. Wow! This is so true. Yet God’s way is for us to be who he created us to be, open and transparent with one another. Not trying to project “a cover” of who we are and keeping parts of ourselves “hidden”. Since the woman was taken from the man why would he be ashamed of his own body? There would be absolutely no reason, for she was indeed bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, and she was literally his other half, so there is no reason for shame. He already knew her, for he knew himself, for they were one and not separate individuals, for they were called Adam. The man was not threatened by his own self, and no doubt looked upon the woman as him self until the fall. It does not appear that individuality was recognized at this point. We must also remember that this is speaking to us in metaphor and imagery of spiritual things, so we must find out the hidden truths in this verse, and how they apply to our learning. We need to look at Yashua at Calvary who hung there on the tree naked. He was sinless and his nudity was exposed to the whole city of Jerusalem who he had declared by the Prophets many times to be his bride or wife. Remember how I have stated that all roads lead to Calvary , and who would have imagined that Genesis 2:25 would point us there? The spiritual Jerusalem that we call the Ekklesia would have looked upon him as their own body, for they understood that they made up the body we call the Ekklesia. He would not have been ashamed to be naked in front of his own wife who was also without sin, for he had restored them back to Eden and the garden of the Spirit realm. The Hebrew word “naked” is not necessarily speaking of nudity as the Gentile mind set has been accustomed to believing, but entails other definitions. The man became a living soul, and that living soul did not have the blood of Yashua to hide his sin, or to forgive him of his natural weakness. You can put your head in the sands of denial all you want, but the man was made by God to fall. God who knows all things, for he knows the end from the beginning had a Lamb slain from the very foundation along with his Ekklesia, which was forgiven. Don’t tell me that Adam was not predestined to fall, for God knew he would, for God made him with that weakness. Now I know some who may read this are so literally minded that they can never be convinced, and for those individuals I cannot be of much good or service, and they will never understand that Genesis is mostly metaphor and imagery the same as Revelation. You must come to an understanding of how the Jewish father’s wrote things, for they were given to riddles and figurative speech. There are many that say Adam had a choice so prove it! If Adam had a choice then why was Yashua already on the tree at Calvary in the thoughts of God? Do you honestly think you have a choice when God has told you that you were shaped in iniquity while in your mother’s womb? Are you going to set there and tell me that we were born with a clean slate, and that somewhere along the way we chose to be a sinner? Give me a break! Adam was made to fail, and God made provision for that in the very beginning. God had a plan and a purpose from the very beginning that involved failure on man’s part. We have learned that Adam was not so much an individual as he was the figurative expression of all

mankind, and it was a label given to the human race, but our Gentile mind sets have never been taught this, for people have read Genesis the same way they read Revelation with a literal interpretation. The second Adam had a name, and Adam was not it! Yashua was the second Adam, and the name second Adam represented something figuratively. There were no literal trees in the garden, and there was not a literal garden either, for they were symbolic for something else in metaphor. What I am trying to show each of you is that Genesis is indeed full of symbolism, and this is how the Jews expressed spiritual truths, which in many ways resembled the mythology of the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans that handed down their own stories from generation to generation. The point is not whether these stories are true or false, but my point to you is that this is how it was done. Modern people still do it to this day using fables, or metaphor to express an idea. Nakedness represented something far more than having no clothes on. The ancients used nakedness to define constellations and zodiacs. The word is arom — the Hebrew word for "nakedness". THE STRANGE PROMINENCE OF NAKEDNESS Nakedness appears everywhere throughout our story. It appears at the beginning, just before the serpent tempts Adam and Eve: and they were both naked, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed.

Why is nakedness so important to this story? Why is humanity's realization of it the one natural consequence of eating from a "Tree of Knowledge"? And why would this realization be so disturbing that it is the only reason man can think of to explain why he is hiding? In order to answer this, we need to realize that, surprisingly, we haven't seen the end of nakedness in this story. It actually makes one more hidden appearance. Believe it or not, there's one more creature in the garden that is naked, and he may hold the key we have been seeking. Can you spot him? A PHANTOM NAKEDNESS If you had trouble identifying the "phantom nakedness" in our story, it may have been because you were reading the story in English. As it happens, most English translations, almost without exception, conceal the missing occurrence of "nakedness". They usually render the telltale verses in something like the following fashion: And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed. Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field... (Genesis, 2:25-3:1). As you read these words, you surely noticed that Adam and Eve were described as unclothed. But you probably did not observe anyone else described the same way. Now trust me on this one — you didn't see it because you were reading the words in English. Try reading the verses now, when we substitute

the Hebrew word for "naked" — arom — in place of its English counterpart: And they were both arom, the man and his wife, and they were not ashamed. Now the serpent was more arom than any beast of the field... (Genesis, 2:25-3:1). The snake is "arom" too? Yes indeed! Well this just puts a whole different spin on things does it not? We will try and deal with this topic in tomorrows article also, but hopefully you are beginning to see that there is far more to this story than meets the naked eye.

Genesis 3 : 1 Was it the woman’s will from the beginning ["free" or otherwise], that she would eat the forbidden fruit? No, it was not. Let’s read it shall we? Now the serpent was more subtle [cunning or naked] than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, yes, God said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, or you will die. We have discovered that the two words “naked” and “cunning” mean the same thing in the Ancient Hebrew, and that really sheds light on things concerning the woman and the man. It is those little words that can mean so much, and we must pay close attention to every word and define them in their original meanings as much as we possibly can. You may attend your local church for a life time and never hear what I am teaching here. We find that the serpent is also naked, and the serpent is a metaphor, figurative, and definitely imagery here in the garden, which we know also to be imagery. Remember God is trying to show us things that are happening in the spirit, and he is not trying to show us how he created the planet, or how he actually made man, for doctors still to this day know very little about the human body. He is trying to show us something about our inner selves here if we will take the time to slow down and listen. The woman was not yet deceived: she was not as yet caused to disobey God. She set the serpent straight by informing him that his statement was not completely true. Notice how the serpent tried to change God’s Word by saying “you shall not eat of every tree”. What a lesson I could teach right here! They could eat of all of the fruit in the garden EXCEPT ONE, but that is not what the serpent said. Eve was okay with that commandment from God, and she got it right, but later we find where she even adds

to what God said. It is man’s nature to mess with God’s Word as you soon shall see. I must stay on track here, so why did she then eat of the forbidden fruit? WHAT CHANGED? Did the woman’s "heart" change? No, she had the same heart she was created with. Did the woman’s "mind" change? Yes it did. Did the woman’s "will" change? Yes, of course it did. Now for the "sixty-four thousand dollar question." WHAT changed the woman’s mind and will? Even though the woman had a deceitful heart, there was something else that CAUSED her to change her mind and her will regarding the forbidden fruit. The Apostle Paul plainly tells us what CAUSED the woman to change her mind and her will. The woman did not "freely" will to sin. Her choice to sin was not "free" from an external cause. IT WAS CAUSED, and when something is CAUSED to happen, it could not have been "free" to NOT HAPPEN. Am I going too fast for anyone? II Corinthians 11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent BEGUILED [Greek: DECEIVED] Eve through his subtlety [craftiness]. Where does anyone see one single word here to the effect that the woman deceived HERSELF, or caused HERSELF to sin, or "freely" willed HERSELF into a different frame of mind WITHOUT A CAUSE? WHAT CAUSED THE WOMAN TO SIN WILLINGLY? Did the woman herself think that she "freely" willed to sin WITHOUT A CAUSE? Genesis 3:13 And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that you have done? And the woman said [Yes, just what did ‘the woman say?’ Did she say that she "freely willed" to commit this sin? Did she say it was her and all her and nothing but her that did this? Or did she say…], The SERPENT BEGUILED ME… [and BECAUSE the serpent beguiled or deceived her, we now have a CAUSE], and I did eat. The Tree in the garden was symbolic, the same as everything else we have read about so far in Genesis. That tree represented something off limits, and we will discuss this in future articles.

Genesis 3 : 2-3 Genesis 2:16 The LORD God commanded the man, saying, from any tree of the garden you may eat freely; Genesis 2:17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die.

2. And the woman said to the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3. But of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, or you will die. Read the above verses of what God actually said, and then read Genesis 3:2-3 to notice how the woman also changed the Word of God by adding to it, which is so typical of the human race. The woman said "we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden". So far so good, for that is what God actually said. Then she said, God has said, "neither shall you touch it", and this is not what God actually said! God declared that they were not to eat of it, but he said nothing about touching it, but this is what man does on his own, and the serpent cannot be blamed for that, for that was the woman’s doing. All the ancient people spoke to the generations which would follow in what is called mythology, and today this would be very similar to the Lord of the Rings novels or movies. The stories of mythology may, or may not be true, but one must realize that this is the way it was done, and the ancient Jews were of no exception. The images of mytholgy can speak a truth or a lie, and it was and is a very good way to communicate a message to others. Man of modern times no longer needs to communicate in this way, for we have books, magazines, TV, radio, computer, phones, cell phones with instant messaging, and a whole battery of technological wonders to communicate to others all around the world in seconds. The serpent represents something other than an actual snake, as we were brain washed into believing with every Bible Story ever read, and in every Sunday school we attended. The serpent is not literal here in Genesis, and I hate to be the one to pop your bubble, but it is a fact. Read Yashua's own words regarding the serpent in Luke 10:17-20 where Yashua referred to Satan as serpents and scorpions. He then went on to tell the seventy disciples that they were not to rejoice that he had given them power over "THESE SPIRITS"! Here in these verses Yashua calls Satan a serpent and scorpion. In some instances, serpents serve as positive symbol with whom it is possible to identify or to sympathize; in other instances, serpents serve as negative symbols, representing opponents or antagonists of figures or principles with which it is possible to identify. Serpents also appear as ambivalent figures, neither wholly positive, nor wholly negative in valence. An example of a serpent used as a positive symbol is Mucalinda, the king of snakes who shielded the Buddha from the elements as the Buddha sat in meditation. An example of a serpent used as a negative symbol is the snake tempting Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, as described in the Book of Genesis. Satan is also referred to as a dragon, scorpion, and other things in scripture. He is a mythological creature that expresses spiritual truths given to us by God about an enemy of resistance who is a spirit

that manifests himself in the face of others, but Satan himself is unseen by the human eye. As I told you before Satan was naked, and he is a liar! Satan was created for such, and he does exactly what God created him to do. Do you really think that Satan was an experiment of God that went bad, when God openly declares that he knows the end from the beginning? Come on get real! The Lamb was already slain in the plan of God before Satan ever was! Pagan Christians are always declaring that God contradicts himself, and they don't even know it! They better be glad that I am not an atheist, for I would tear them a new one in a debate, for I know how to hit them where it hurts, and that is a fact! The LORD even identified himself as unto a serpent in John 3:14, so as one can see the serpent was, and is symbolic. Even Vine's Greek defines serpent as "OPHIS" which expresses the spiritual characteristics as alluded to in scripture. Look up the Hebrew definition and you will find that it is symbolic and is spiritual. Even Paul tells us that Satan is a spirit in II Corinthians 11, and warns how he can appear, as an angel of light! Remember how I showed you that cunningness, subtilty, and nakedness are all the same word in Hebrew. Think about what Paul said for a minute in II Corinthians 11:3 where he declared that I fear, as the serpent deceived Eve through his subtilty [nakedness], so your minds should be corrupted [made naked] from the simplicity. Now think real hard about that statement for awhile will you? The serpent brought nakedness to the woman and the man, for they were clothed with God's righteousness until the woman was deceived. Once the woman was deceived she obviously influenced the man, for the Bible declares he was not deceived! Every body blames Eve, but at least she had an excuse, for she was deceived, but Adam did it knowing full well the consequences! Now why would the man do such a thing on purpose? Folks God had a plan, and that plan had to be fulfilled. God placed the serpent in the garden on purpose! This is all imagery, figurative, and pictorial language that many have defined as mythology. This mythology, if one wants to call it that, is true having great spiritual truths about mankind in general, for the serpent dwells in man, for man represents the garden. If Yashua said in Revelation, that Satan's [serpent] seat is in the Ekklesia, then ask yourself who is the Ekklesia. You are the Ekklesia, and that means Satan dwells in you! This is why Paul said when I would do good "EVIL" is present! Isaiah 45:7 declares that God created "EVIL" and can you guess where he put it? God placed "GOOD" and "EVIL" in the man and the woman right there in the garden, and this is what Adam and Eve really represents. They represented all humanity, and this is why God referred to them both as Adam! Read Genesis 5:2 and let us lay aside our milk and cookies and get down to the meat of the Word, and what it is really declaring. God created "GOOD" and "EVIL", and then put it in the man and the woman, when he made them in his likeness! Don't set there and lie to yourself by saying that God does not know how to do, or bring "EVIL" on man, for he created it! You need to read Amos 3:6 where it declares that the LORD does "EVIL"! Bet no one ever told you

that did they? Talk to Job, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Yashua, and his disciples then tell me if God will not bring "EVIL" upon you! These men were friends of God, and God sent "EVIL" upon them for his purpose and will! Just hang with me for I am about to rock your world big time!

Genesis 3 : 4 And the serpent said to the woman, you shall not surely die: John 8:44

You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. This translation said that he speaks from his own nature, and I found this to be interesting, but I want you to look at some much better translations that will clear up some things about Satan. These translations declare that Satan has never stood in truth. I keep saying that Satan was created for a specific purpose, and that he is not a creation gone bad, for God does not make mistakes! Now listen to some better translations, and you will see what I mean. Now then, was there ever a time when the Devil was good and not a liar? NO!

John 8:44 Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.

The Greek word for “abode” is defined as HISTEMI, which means to stand, or to make a stand. Yashua never declared that Satan once had truth in him. No where does it say such a thing in the Word of God, and I challenge anyone to show me.

Satan the Devil was a liar “from the beginning.” But didn’t he once “abide IN the truth” before he became Satan? Never.

The phrase, “and abode not in the truth” is proof against any such theory. Someone [Catholicism] suggested that Satan once did stand in the truth, and this verse is telling us that he did not continue standing in the truth. That is not what this phrase is stating. Notice a few other translations of this phrase:

Young’s Literal Translation: “…and in the truth he has not stood….” Green’s Interlinear Greek-English New Testament: “…and he has not stood in the truth…” Emphatic Diaglott Interlinear: “…has not stood in the truth…”

No, Satan the Devil has never stood in the truth. He was a liar and a murderer “from the beginning.” And so we have proof that God created Satan just as he is. In the beginning God created good and evil.

So why was Satan created to do evil? How about letting the Word of God tell you?

Ecclesiastes 1:13 And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this sore travail has God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith .

What a horrible translation! My King James has three superior numbers in this one verse indicating three different words in the margin. Especially the last phrase:

“…this sore travail has God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.” What pray tell does that mean? One of the most all-encompassing and profound verses in all Scripture, and most translations butcher it beyond understanding.


“A thankless task God has appointed for men to be busied about.” JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY:

“…it is a sore task that God has given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.” NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION:

“What a heavy burden God has laid on men!” YOUNG’S LITERAL TRANSLATION: “ It is a sad travail God has given to the son of man to be humbled by it.”

This is really an important verse; we have got to get it right. Young’s Translation gets a little closer to the truth than the KJV or the previous three references. He got the humbled part right. But what is all this “sad travail,” “heavy burden,” “thankless task,” business all about? It is not that difficult if we will just look at the Hebrew words:

Ecclesiastes 1:13 from the King James:

First, the word “this” may be better translated “it,” as some have done.

But far, far more important than all, the word “sore” should be translated “EVIL” as almost none have done. It is the Hebrew word ra which always means “EVIL,” and is translated as “evil” in hundreds and hundreds of other verses. Why not in this verse? The few times that ra is translated “sore” in the KJV, it ALWAYS means “evil” as in “evil sickness” or “evil troubles.”

The word “travail” in the KJV is not out of line with the Hebrew, but is nebulous and not easily understood by most. It would better be translated as “employment” or “experience.”

And we have already seen from other versions that the KJV “exercised” is better translated “humbled” as Young’s and Concordant has done.

Here then is a proper translation of this most profound verse:

“It is an experience of evil Elohim has given to the sons of humanity to humble them by it” (Concorant Old Testament).

Now we can easily understand what is being said in this verse.

This “experience of evil” is not the purpose or goal of human existence, but this is indeed the process by which God is bringing his Sons and Daughters into glory! Most translations have hidden the true meaning of this verse of Scripture. The translations just couldn’t believe that God would do such a thing. They see it all around them. They see it in thousands of scriptures, but they just could not bring themselves to come right out and say it, as God obviously has stated in the original Hebrew of this verse.

It is an EXPERIENCE of EVIL that God has given to the sons of humanity to HUMBLE them by it.

And to this agrees the rest of Scripture:

Ecclesiastes 2:23 For all his days are SORROWS, and his travail [experience] grief.

There is a part of man that will never stand in truth folks. In Romans 8:7 the Bible teaches us that the carnal man is not subject unto the law of God and neither indeed can be. The serpent nature of man resists God, and cannot be subject unto him. Why? Because God made you that way, and no matter how hard you try, fast, pray, or study there will always be that serpent side of you that will never be subject to God. The pagan church world teaches that you have a choice over this evil, and that you can control this evil side of yourself. They are liars for only God can help you!

God will send evil into your life knowing you will lose the battle, but he does it to try your hearts. God already knows that there is no good thing in our hearts, but the problem is we don’t! None of them can control it, and if they will be honest with themselves they very well know it, for you would be perfect if you could. Paul spoke of it as a war within his body, and he found himself doing things he did not want to do, so are you going to set there an act like you have a handle on this when Paul didn’t?

Satan’s seat is within us, and we must resist his influence with God’s help; that the thoughts that he puts within our mind will flee. The woman already had the evil nature of the serpent, which was cunning, or naked, and God knew she would fail, for he made her to fail! Do you really think that your God is so small that he did not know? The problem is you have a pagan world out there that does not believe what God said!

Now listen to what Paul said here in Romans 8:20 and you will soon see that you have no choice regarding this.

For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who has subjected the same in hope,

That kind of said it all didn’t it? You and I were made subject to vanity, and we kick and scream against it to no avail. You have no say about any of it folks, and this is why we pray, and have trust that his righteous blood has cleansed us from all of our iniquities, weaknesses, and short comings. Faith and trust is our only antidote to sin, and the vanity it brings, and it gives us the victory over the serpent nature that dwells with in each of us. We can’t earn victory by good works, for there is no good thing that dwells in the heart of man!

Romans 7:18 Paul declares there is no good thing that dwells in the flesh.

The flesh is from the dust and to the dust it returns, and this is what the serpent feeds upon. He feeds upon your outer man! Paul said when I would do good that “EVIL” is present! The Ekklesia has to stop beating themselves up for the things that happens to them in the flesh, and we must realize that this is what Calvary was all about. A man cannot save himself, for he is blind and naked of spiritual things from birth, and he needs a Saviour, for he cannot direct his steps, and we are easily influenced! The heart of man is deceitful above all things, and who can know it? How can you have a choice when you cannot know your heart?

Any one of us would have done the same thing that the woman did in the garden, for it is in us to disobey. We were shaped, or formed in iniquity in our mother’s womb to do evil! We must try and do our best, because we love him, but it is by faith and trust that we really please him, and not by how well we do with works, for man has proven that he cannot keep the Law of God by nature. Catholicism along with her Protestant daughters have laid weights upon us that we could never carry, and they could not carry those weights either! Yashua himself, speaking of his flesh told the disciples that they should not call him good, for he was tempted by it like every human on the earth. His own flesh was an enemy to be dealt with, and he fought against it to the day they crucified him.

He did what we could not do, and he overcame his flesh, and was the acceptable sacrifice for “ALL” men. He defeated Satan, the old serpent, and he pointed men to the Father that dwelt within his flesh. Yashua never said that his flesh was good, and for good reason! His flesh resisted the will of God just like ours, but he never succumbed to the evil desires that tempted him. He instead pointed us to the Father.

Genesis 3 : 5 For God does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. The word day is referring to a time, season, or age, and we have already discussed this. Hopefully you know by now this is not referring to a twenty four hour period. We are speaking of spiritual things here, and it is spiritual eyes that are being referred to as being opened. Satan lied, for their eyes would be darkened, for the eye is the light of the body [soul], and Yashua said so, but they never knew how great that darkness would be. Read Matthew 6:21-24 and then read carefully what Yashua said about serving two masters. Eve did

not know it, but she was about to serve another master, and he was the master of darkness, and she unleashed evil she never imagined. Below is an example of what would happen to them, and Satan conveniently left out a few important details. Isaiah 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. This is speaking of the king of Babylon who was listening to the serpent nature of his heart, which is full of deception and evil, and just look at the horrible judgment of darkness that came upon him. Ezekiel 28:2 Son of man, say to the leader of Tyre, thus says the Lord GOD, because your heart is lifted up and you have said, I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods in the heart of the seas; yet you are a man and not God, although you make your heart like the heart of God. This is speaking of the king of Tyre who is also listening to his own heart, and look once again at the judgment of darkness that is brought upon him. Those scriptures above are not speaking about Satan, and Lucifer never was, or ever will be the name of Satan. This is another error that has gotten into the Ekklesia that needs to be exposed for what it is. A lie! What Satan failed to tell the woman was that she would not have the power to do anything about this new found knowledge. The real lie that was told was that Satan convinced the woman that God was with holding some good thing from her, as though God was not being honest, and had not completely leveled with her. Satan managed to shake her complete trust in God her maker with this lie, and we still experience this kind of deception even unto this day, for we often hear Satan’s voice with in us trying to convince us that God is not who he said he was. He wants to be your master, and have you obey his voice instead of the voice of Yashua. Many fail to believe, and they are convinced of Satan that God will not be there for them, in their darkest hour even though God has promised to never leave or forsake us. Always remember what Yashua said when he declared that man cannot serve two masters. I am absolutely disgusted with preachers who from behind their pulpits openly declare that we must pray to, and ask God to be with us. I bet you all have heard it, and did not recognize it as the voice of Satan. They walk up on the platform, or stand in front of the congregation, and then they ask everyone to bow their heads and pray that God will come, and be with them this morning or evening depending on the time of service. We must all realize that Satan dwells in us as an evil force, and he can use us to say things that are not true. Our enemy is cunning, and even though you may be trying to do the right thing he can slip a thought into your mind that is not true, and this is where you had better really know the Word of God. Another lie that is often told is that we need to pray through to God, as though God is some where else. God has declared that he hears the voice of his sheep period! These are spiritual sounding slogans that are nothing more than lies that Satan is using to undermine trust and faith in God. I have heard well meaning preachers declare that they prayed for hours until they finally broke through to God, or that

God finally showed up. I don’t have to pray for hours to get God’s attention, for trusting in God declares I know he heard me when I opened my mouth the first time. Too many are living on feelings and emotions, and these will fail you every time, for they are not of faith. I do not have to groan and moan for hours in order to finally reach God who was way off some where taking care of God business. Get rid of that Pentecostal non-sense, for you are not Pentecostal if you are his true Ekklesia with his apostolic message! Leave it to man to get caught up in labels, as though some how that makes you more spiritual. Satan gave you those labels and they are not of God! Quit calling yourselves religious labels, and stop identifying your selves with the works of man, and start identifying yourself with Yashua. Let his light shine through you to all that are around. It is a lie that we must do this, or do that in order to get God to show up. They even sing songs that further imply and insinuate that God is some place else, and if I can just hold on a little while longer, God will be there on time. What utter disgusting non-sense! Here is a news flash for you! You can’t hold on if God is not in you! The flesh will say things that sound like truth, and there are many roads that look like "the way" unto the carnal man, but Yashua said my sheep know my voice. When they imply that Yashua is not there, and that he is somewhere else; this is not a statement of faith, and do not expect God to do anything in that unbelieving environment. It is not the voice of God! Yashua said I will “NEVER” leave you, so please tell me what are you doing by asking God to come and be with us? If you are a minister, elder, or saint, and you have been guilty of this, stop and repent of it, for it is not a statement that will produce an atmosphere of trust and faith. How can miracles, signs, and wonders, ever happen if we do not believe Yashua is there. I used to do it myself, for I heard the leaders doing it until the Holy Ghost corrected me, and showed me that Satan was using me unknowingly to spread doubt by insinuating that God was not there. Unbelief is evil, and Satan is the master of deception, for he was created by God for this very purpose. Israel was cut off for their unbelief, and Paul warned Gentiles in Romans 11:20-21 that they also can be cut off for unbelief. Eve was cut off for her unbelief, and her unbelief later influenced Adam causing him to be cut off also. Unbelief is the one thing that will separate you from God, for it spreads like a vicious cancer, contaminating the hearts of those around you. God despises unbelief, and it is impossible to please him with out faith, which is trust!

Genesis 3 : 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also to her husband with her; and he did eat.

I Timothy 2:14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. James 1:14 But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. James 1:15 Then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death. 1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.

What the above scriptures prove is that Eve already had lust. When God made her this condition was a part of her, and was not something that she later acquired. Yashua’s flesh also had lust, and he fought against it the same as his brethren, for Hebrews 2:18 and Hebrews 4:15 declare this truth unto us. Yashua suffered being tempted, and was tempted in “ALL” points as we are. This is why Yashua asked the disciples the question; “why do you call me good” in Matthew 19:17.

Catholicism with their pagan mentality took the flesh of Yashua, and has declared it to be a god, and a second person in their damnable trinity. They declare the flesh of Yashua to be god the son. Does anyone else see a problem here? If Yashua declared in the flesh he was not good, but only the Father in heaven then why did Catholicism do such a thing. Yashua’s flesh had to die, and that flesh was at war with Yashua every moment of each day just like you and I. You will never understand the Godhead if you do not understand the truth about his flesh, which had an ungodly nature like all flesh. Unlike Eve, Yashua never succumbed to the temptation of his flesh. If you do not understand the struggle against his flesh then you need to study this until you do, for there was no good thing in his flesh the same as ours.


What was the first historically recorded choice of the woman? We read of the woman Eve that: "…she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat…" [Genesis 3:6]. But was this the first choice and the first sin attributed to Eve? No, it was not the first. It was not even the second, or the third choice. It is generally taught that Adam and Eve were spiritually perfect immediately after their creation, seeing that it says, "And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good" [Genesis 1:31]. Never mind the fact that even poisonous snakes were also "very good." Of course everything God made was "good." It was, in fact, even "perfect"—perfect, that is, for the purpose for which it was created. But did our first parents have perfect and good spiritual character of heart when God completed them? Absolutely not! Far from it! They were as carnal-minded as any two people who have ever lived.

The Scriptures show us that Eve committed every known category of sin there is, before she ever ate of the forbidden fruit. This one should knock your socks off. It knocked my socks off when I first discovered it. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS ARE NOT SPIRITUAL! It is believed by most that the Ten Commandments, if followed by everyone, would eliminate all of the problems of the world. Did you know that it is possible to keep “ALL” of the ten commandments without having the spirit of God, or without being spiritually converted? It is true. Here are the commandments: You shall have none other gods before Me, You shall not make you any graven image…," You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain…," Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it…," Honor your father and your mother…," You shall not kill [murder], Neither shall you commit adultery, Neither shall you steal Neither shall you bear false witness against your neighbor, Neither shall you covet… Yes, even unaided by the Holy Spirit of God it is possible to keep these commandments of God. And the proof of this is simple: The penalty for breaking any of these commandments was death, and yet, most in Israel were not stoned to death for breaking these commandments. All of these commandments are referred to as "carnal commandments" in the New Testament [Hebrews 7:16]. They do not require a converted spiritual heart to keep and obey. There was ONE commandment, however, that was of a spiritual nature. It had to do with the desires and inclination of the heart. It was the tenth commandment: "Neither shall you desire [covet] your neighbor’s wife… house… field… manservant… maidservant… ox… ass… or any thing that is your neighbor’s" [Deuteronomy 5:7-21]. However, was anyone ever stoned in ancient Israel for coveting any thing that belonged to his neighbor? No. Never. One could "covet" anything he wanted all day long, just so long as he didn’t

break any of the other nine commandments! One could "covet" his neighbor’s wife, just as long as he did not commit adultery with her—for that he would be stoned to death. One could "covet" his neighbor’s ox, just so long as he did not steal it—for that he would be stoned to death. Oh "coveting" was a sin all right, but since it cannot be detected by man unless it eventuates into stealing or the like, no penalty was enforced on such an one. However, to Paul, it was this commandment that proved to him that his heart was not right with God even though he performed all the visible and outward duties of the law: "…for I had not known [Greek: ‘would not have known’] lust, except the law had said, "You shall not covet" [Romans 7:7]. So lusting and coveting that which is not legal, is a sin, but it carried no penalty in Ancient Israel. But before a man ever steals, or ever commits adultery with another man’s wife, he first covets, and that is a sin and the precursor to additional sins. But is it man's will that does the coveting? Can the will of man, will NOT to covet? Is man's "will" the problem? No, it is NOT. SIN BEGINS IN THE HEART Man’s mind is not the birthplace of sin. And certainly man’s will is not the originator of sin. God did NOT say: "O that there were such a WILL in them..." [Deuteronomy 5:29]. If we will just believe, our Lord tells us plainly where sin originates: "And Jesus said, Are you [all of you] also yet without understanding? Do not you yet understand, that whatsoever enters in at the mouth goes into the belly, and is cast out into the draught? But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth FROM THE HEART; and they defile the man. For out of THE HEART proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashed hands defiles not a man [Matthew 15:16-20]. Need I remind any that all of the above thoughts and deeds are sin?

So what pray tell does all this stuff have to do with Eve’s sin in the garden? A lot—everything. The Apostle John classifies all sins into just three categories under one heading. LOVE NOT THE WORLD—THREE CATEGORIES OF SIN Love NOT the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father IS NOT IN HIM. For [for means ‘because’] ALL that is in the world, 1. the lust of the FLESH, 2. the lust of the EYES, 3. and the pride of LIFE, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust thereof: but he that does the will of God abides for ever [I John 2:15-17]. Notice that "…ALL that is in the world…"—all the sins of the world, have their origin in one of these three categories of sin that proceeds "out of THE HEART." Not out of the "will" or out of the "mind," but "out of THE HEART." The "will" and the "mind" are subject to the "heart," and not the other way around. The heart is not subject to the will, neither is the heart subject to the mind, but rather both of these are subject to the birthplace of all human functions—the HEART! Simply and unarguably, Yashua states as a fact, that all evil thoughts and sins proceed OUT OF THE HEART. Now, with all that said, let’s prove once and for all that Eve and Adam were (1) NOT spiritually perfect in any way shape or form, BEFORE they actually ate of the forbidden fruit, and (2) neither did they sin and then partake of the forbidden fruit through the operation of something called "free will." "And when the woman saw that the tree was GOOD FOR FOOD… Gen.esis 3:6: "…lust of the FLESH…" (I John 2:15) and that it was PLEASANT TO THE EYES… Genesis 3:6: "…lust of the EYES…" (I John 2:15)

and a tree to be DESIRED TO MAKE ONE WISE Genesis 3:6: "…the PRIDE OF LIFE" (I John 2;15) Eve committed EVERY CATEGORY OF SIN THERE IS IN THE WORLD, before… BEFORE she actually ate of the forbidden fruit. If the woman did not already possess these three things in her heart, then what would have been the point of warning them not to eat of the forbidden? ALL of Eve’s evil thoughts of pride, vanity, lust, greed, disobedience, and finally thievery proceeded NOT from Eve’s supposed "free will," but rather from out of her HEART. And the only reason these sins could come out of her heart is because THEY WERE ALREADY IN THERE FROM THE BEGINNING. BEFORE the woman actually ate of the forbidden fruit, she committed every category of sin in the world. And need I remind us that we were also, ALL IN ADAM, before he ate of the tree [I Corinthians 15:22]. Will we deny our own eyes and the Scriptures we have just read? The Psalmist declared that he was shaped us in iniquity in our mother's womb. Read Psalms 51:5 and Isaiah 48:8, and these are just two of many.

Genesis 3 : 7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. Isaiah 47:3

Your nakedness will be uncovered, your shame also will be exposed; I will take vengeance and will not spare a man. Lamentations 1:8 Jerusalem sinned greatly, therefore she has become an unclean thing. All who honored her despise her because they have seen her nakedness; even she herself groans and turns away. The previous verse stated that the woman gave to the man the forbidden fruit, and he ate of it also. Remember one thing, and that is they both are called Adam! Genesis 5:2 confirms this, and it ought to cause us to take a closer look at what really happened here. The imagery here is that man struggles with in himself, just as we continue to do even today. There are two halves in each of us, and one of them is

spiritual and the other is the carnal. We can refer to the evil nature as our other half, the same as the man referred to the woman as his other half, for she was taken from his other side. We all have that other side, and it is that side that persuades us to do things we should not. Paul referred to it as good and evil that fight within his temple of flesh. We all have our Adam and Eve with in! There is a question that no one seems to hardly ever ask, so I will ask it. Don’t you find it more than a coincidence that the serpent only appeared in the scene at the tree of knowledge of good and evil? We find no mention of the serpent until this scene in Genesis 3, and the serpent is suddenly engaged in a conversation with the woman. The serpent was naked also, and up to this point it does not appear that he had done anything wrong, and it certainly does not appear that he thought this thing through, for he receives a curse also, and a very bad one at that. Though the Bible does not say, I wonder if he was also blind to his nakedness. If he knew he would receive this curse do you think he would have lied? These questions are rarely asked, or discussed, and in all of my years of attending services I have never heard a minister address this subject. One thing is for sure, and that is God knew all about it, and he had personally designed it be as it was.

As stated earlier we are looking at a lot of types, shadows and figurative language that we find through out the Word of God. As I mentioned in an earlier article; even the pagan nations handed down their myths and fables using imagery, and we call it mythology today. Imagery was used to hand down both truth and lies to the generations that followed. The ancient Hebrews spoke the truth to their descendants using this same approach to hand down their oral traditions until someone finally wrote them down thousands of years later. The Jewish people were chosen of God thousands of years after the flood to be entrusted with his Word, and they kept it, as they handed it down even unto Gentiles, for this was God’s plan also. Who kept the record before they were called Hebrews? Genesis was written thousands of years later after the end of Noah’s world, and most likely was either written by him, or one of his descendants, but we may never know. Some believe Moses wrote it, but it cannot be proven, and it does not really matter, but scholars do tell us that there are two creation stories written by two different authors, and there is good evidence of this.

When we take the other scrolls of the Bible, and look at the topic of nakedness we find that it always exposes shame and brings judgment, as evidenced in just two of many scriptures I quoted at the start of this article. Isaiah and Jeremiah no doubt were quoting truths they had learned from this very scene in Genesis. We need to stay focused on this spiritual truth concerning nakedness, for this is the most important thing in all of this. We find our Yashua suspended on tree naked as he took our shame and judgment upon himself. He who knew no shame endured our shame though he despised it.

Hebrews 12:2 Looking to Yashua the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the tree, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Revelation 3:18 counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich; and white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness do not appear; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.

Yashua had to cloth his Ekklesia the same as he clothed Adam and Eve, which are types, shadows, and metaphors. Man’s attempt to cloth himself is inadequate, as shown in the story of Adam and Eve who tried to hide behind fig leaves. We do not know who thought of the idea to use fig leaves, but if they did make a literal covering of those leaves they would very soon regret it. What are the fig leaves figurative of?

Did you know that fig leaves are toxic? Well they are, and they can cause skin irritation much like poison ivy. If ingested they can make you very sick, but usually not life threatening. Workers who pick figs must protect their skin, or their skin will break out in a severe rash.

I think we know now why God replaced them with animal skins, if the fig leaves of Genesis 3 are the same as the figs of today, and this was a literal scenario. The genital area is not the place that you want to get something like poison ivy, or in

this case poisonous fig leaves, that will cause severe itching. So in imagery it looks as though Adam and Eve covered themselves with poison, which would be a type and shadow of irritating sin.

One thing we know for sure is that poisonous fig leaves are associated with man’s attempt to cover himself, and we know that man cannot do this, for God only can cover our nakedness of sin. God has placed a garment of righteousness upon us to cover our nakedness, for God has always made provision for man.

Genesis 3 : 8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Deuteronomy 23:14

Since the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you and to defeat your enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy; and he must not see anything indecent among you, or he will turn away from you. Job 31:33 Have I covered my transgressions like Adam, by hiding my iniquity in my bosom, In the previous article I told you the fig leaves were poisonous, but did you also know that fig leaves have been used in pagan worship for centuries before Israel was a nation? Fig trees were used in the worship of the goddess Juno along with other pagan deities. Man has always tried since the time of Adam to cover himself with a false religion to replace the truth of God! The writer of Genesis knew full well what those fig leaves represented, for pagan worship had abounded for centuries prior to his writing it. He used that symbol to speak to the children of Israel who would be reading this story for generations to come about the danger of substituting a lie for truth. The Bible defines pagan as anyone that adds or takes away from his Word, or substitutes their own belief just as the doctrine of Balaam demands. Have you ever wondered why Yashua cursed the fig tree in the gospel on which he found no fruit? He was God, and he certainly could just as easily have spoken unto it to produce fruit, but instead he cursed it. He used the fig tree to represent Israel by the Prophets, and Israel was heavily into pagan worship, so this may explain among other things why he cursed that fig tree. Yashua could very well have been showing Israel his power over this pagan goddess Juno that was worshiped by Rome, and all the kingdoms before. Yashua was definitely making a point, for the time for figs was not yet. The reason the fig tree did not have figs was because they were not in season, so it would seem as unusual

for the LORD to curse it before it had a chance to produce in season. Mark 11:13 plainly tells us that the time of figs was not yet, and Yashua being God knew that he would not find figs on that fig tree at this time of the year. So why did he curse it, for the fig tree could not help that it was too early to have figs? The next few verses hold the clue, because Yashua enters the temple at Jerusalem, and look at the wicked nakedness he finds there. They took the Law of Moses, and the words of the Prophets, and reduced them to paganism just like these modern day pagan churches on every street corner are doing today. They had covered the holy Word of God with poisonous fig leaves of pagan worship! On their return the next morning the disciples saw this fig tree all withered and dead from the roots in Mark 11:20, and this was symbolic of what was going to happen to Israel in just one forty year generation when Titus arrives to destroy them for their wickedness. Their fig tree would definitely dry up from the root, for John the Baptist had declared in Matthew 3:10 that the axe was laid to the root of the tree. God has always wanted to walk among his people, and we find contrary to popular preaching that the garden was not the last time that God walked in the midst of them. I have heard many preachers declare that God no longer walked among his people, because of the fall of man in the garden of Eden. They are in serious error, for God walked and talked with Job, Abraham, Moses, and his people Israel. He did it again in the gospels, as Yashua had a very intimate walk in the garden of Israel and spoke to them in their midst. He covered the nakedness of many that heard his voice, and he clothed them in righteousness. God never declared that he would never speak to them, or walk with them again. I really have a hard time understanding a preacher’s mind set who would declare such a thing. Yashua even spoke to Adam and Eve in the garden after they had fallen so that in it’s self proves my point. God has always sought out, and spoken to the hungry heart, the righteous, or those that he has chosen, and as a matter of fact if those preachers were right then none of us could be saved. God has to speak to you to save you! As his saints we were once hidden among the nations [trees], and God came calling our names in the cool of the evening in types and shadows. God spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus in Acts 9, and he later spent intimate time in the wilderness receiving instruction from the LORD, so God is definitely still speaking to his chosen vessels. God desires to speak to each and every one of us, but the clergy who are under the influence of Catholicism will not teach you this, and in many cases stand in the way of it. I challenge each and every one of you to ask God to speak to you and see what happens. God wants to tell you things that the world will never hear, and God wants to walk in you never leaving or forsaking you. He walked among Israel, and dwelt in their midst in the tabernacle, but he dwells in us for we now are his tabernacle. The problem among far too many today is that they live for God with lip service, but their hearts are far from him. They go through the motions of habit, and they comfort themselves with the repetitiveness of religion, but they have never heard God personally speak to them. They say they love Yashua, but will not study, or give the time to be intimate with him. The relationship of the pagan influenced church world today is a one sided relationship period, where those individuals only get serious when something really bad happens. Most of their marriages would fail if they only gave their spouses the time they give God, for a husband

or wife would never stand for it, yet they think God ought to be pleased that they give him maybe two hours of their time at their local church down the street. Even then they day dream about something else, and can’t wait for the sermon to be over. Most people that claim to love Yashua are as fake as a three dollar bill. Yashua said that his sheep know his voice, and they are known of him, and he speaks to his children. The serpent has long been a symbol that has stood for many things in paganism, the occult, pagan Christianity, and the Ekklesia. The symbol of the serpent has represented both good and evil depending on how it was interpreted. Time would fail me to discuss the serpent in depth, and what it actually stands for, but in keeping it simple I have shared some things regarding the serpent being symbolic. Not only was it symbolic in ancient Judaism, but it is also symbolic in pagan religions around the world today. You should do your own studies on the serpent in early civilizations, and what they believed about it.

Genesis 3 : 9 And the LORD God called to Adam, and said to him, where are you? Genesis 4:9 And the LORD said to Cain, Where is Abel your brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?

Genesis 18:21 I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me, and if not, I will know.

Why did God paint a picture here that insinuated that he did not know about these things?

It would appear just by reading these verses that God does not know all things, for it seems as though God does not know where they are hidden in this game of hide and seek. God also asked Cain a similar question, when he asked, where is your brother Abel as if he did not know. We know that God knows all things, and he truly knows the end from the beginning, so just what is God doing here? Atheist have declared that this is proof that the Christian god is a hoax of man made tradition, and what these ignoramuses do not know, and fail to recognize is how God has used certain language before bringing judgment.

Just before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah he declared to Abraham that he was going to see if all that he had heard was true, as though he did not already know. Abraham knew exactly what God meant for he began to bargain for souls. Abraham knew that God was going to judge and completely destroy Sodom. There are key expressions used in the Word of God prior to judgment that you need to be aware of, and this is one of those expressions. Another is the sun being darkened and the moon turning to blood. If God sent a prophet with those words you were in deep trouble. We need to be aware of this, and how our Father speaks to us concerning judgment.

God was not surprised, or shocked that the man and the woman had eaten of the forbidden fruit. God was right there at the tree, and he heard every single word that the serpent and the woman had said, for God is every where, and there is no place

that he is not. Psalms 139:7-10 declares that there is not any place that you will not find God. Obviously God had the writer of Genesis write these verses the way he did for a reason. Remember that the garden, the tree, the fruit, the serpent, and the woman are not necessarily literal, but are metaphors, figurative, and a pictorial language that express spiritual truth, and they reveal unto man his nature, and his condition.

Here is a tid bit for you that will hopefully make you think, for Paul said that the god of this “world” in II Corinthians 4:4 has blinded the minds of them that are lost. Yashua referred to the prince of this “world” as Satan, and in Ecclesiastes 3:11 God declared that he has set the world in the heart of man! Obviously God is not speaking of the cosmos here if the “world” is in the heart of man. This gives new meaning to the words of Yashua when he said out of the heart comes forth murder, adultery, etc.

Also be aware that no where in the Word of God is Satan referred to as an angel, but is referred to as the “god” of this world. Look and see for yourselves, for we have just assumed he was, but an assumption is not a fact. His name is definitely not Lucifer, and this is an error taught by many of today’s religious establishments! So who, or what is Satan, and where does he reside? These questions and many more we will answer as we move along in our study.

Yashua had much to say about the children of this “world” and he even called those Pharisees children of Satan! If you are ever going to understand why you battle the things you do, then you need to understand your enemy and where he resides. There are two natures that dwell in you, so can you figure out what or who they are? I can almost guarantee you that no one has ever told you this, for they all portray Satan and even our LORD as being far removed and external of man. If there is no place that God is not, then that means God was present at every murder that was ever committed, and it also means that God was in the murderer, for he is in all of us, and there has never been a time that he was not. It also means he was in the person being murdered. The only reason we live and breath is because God is there, and has been from our mother’s womb, and he formed man in iniquity in that womb. Getting heavy is it not?

I keep saying it, hoping that all who read this has seen how God has written much of his Word using imagery, metaphor, and figurative language in order to communicate with man in a way that is familiar to him. It is like the sign language used by the deaf among us today. It is not to be interpreted literally here in Genesis 3:9, for if we do so the Word of God does indeed contradict Psalms 139 along with many other scriptures. The Word of God is full of contradictions when one tries to interpret it literally, and you need to be aware of this. The Word of God does not contradict, but you need to know how it is written!

I am giving you the secrets and the keys to understanding what is written so you do not have to be like 95% of all church members who openly admit they cannot make sense of the Word of God in any translation! They have never been given the keys, or taught how the Bible was actually written. There are places in the Word of God where a literal king had a literal kingdom, and literal historical battles were fought, but even there we must read the spiritual lesson it declares to us. There are a few places where there is the literal genealogy of descendants, and the literal measurements of the construction of the tabernacle, but once again there are spiritual implications to be learned even from this. All things were written for our learning! I hope you all see my point. The Bible is in fact a scroll of history, but it is also a scroll of imagery so we need to be aware of this.

Shame that is brought to us by sin has caused all of us to hide from God in the past. Yet this shame was a direct result of God within us convicting our hearts. I remember avoiding any church, or any conversation about God, for in my heart I knew I was not living right. God had to be there in your heart in order to convict you did he not? Like Adam and Eve we all were trying to hide in our own ways from God, behind some tree of excuse. The trees of Genesis that they hid among were symbols of man’s excuses, and of man himself, for the Bible has referred to men as trees many times, and they represented his knowing in his heart that he was naked with sin. I could say so much here, but hopefully you will put it together for yourselves, for I must keep these articles short.

Genesis 3 : 10 And he said, I heard your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. Exodus 20:18

All the people perceived the thunder and the lightning flashes and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood at a distance. Exodus 20:19 Then they said to Moses, speak to us yourself and we will listen; but let not God speak to us, or we will die. Deuteronomy 5:25 Now then why should we die? For this great fire will consume us; if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any longer, then we will die. As evidenced in the above scriptures man is frightened of the voice of God, and the man hid himself, because he was afraid. You should notice that it did not say that the woman was afraid, for only the man speaks. She may have been frightened also, but for some reason the scripture does not bare that out. Perhaps however because she was deceived she did not have a proper fear, but Adam we know was not deceived, for he did it willingly, and perhaps this is why we find him speaking from hiding. Before we move on let us take one more look at the serpent, and some Hebrew definitions about the word serpent. But for the figurative language of these verses no one would have thought of referring the third chapter of Genesis to a snake; no more than he does when reading the third chapter from the end of Revelation 20:2. Indeed, the explanation added there, that the "old serpent" is the Devil and Satan, would immediately lead one to connect the word "old" with the earlier and former mention of the serpent in Genesis 3, and the fact that it was Satan himself who tempted "the second man", "the last Adam", would force the conclusion that no other than Satan the serpent could have been the tempter of "the first man Adam".

The Hebrew word rendered "serpent" in Genesis 3:1 is Nachash (from the root Nachash, to shine, and means a shinning one. Hence, in Chaldee it means brass or copper, because of its shining. Hence also, the word Nehushtan, a piece of brass, in 2Kings 18:4.

Now think about the brazen serpent that Moses lifted up in the wilderness, for it represented judgment. No doubt that the serpent Moses lifted up was shining, and we know Yashua shined brightly at Calvary. Now compare that to Yashua who was lifted up as a brazen serpent of judgment against the sinful flesh of men which is ruled by the god of this world. Yashua is a burning shining one, for our God is a consuming fire, and he has baptized every believer with fire just as John the Baptist declared. John declared in Revelation that his eyes were a flaming fire, and in the parable of the rich man this man lifted up his eyes in this flame of fire. That fire was Yashua who is a consuming fire that purifies all it touches causing it to shine.

In the same way Saraph, in Isaiah 6:2,6, means a burning one, and, because the serpents mentioned in Numbers 21 were burning, in the poison of their bite, they were called Saraphim, or Seraphs. These serpents were of God, and he sent them among the children of Israel in judgment. God has manifested himself in the Old Covenant as a serpent, and the Numbers 21 proves it.

But when the LORD said unto Moses, "Make thee a fiery serpent" in Numbers 21:8, he said, "make thee a Saraph", and, in obeying this command, we read in verse 9, "Moses made a Nachash of brass". Nachash is thus used as being interchangeable with Saraph.

Now, if Saraph is used of a serpent because its bite was burning, and is also used of a celestial or spirit-being, or a burning one, why should not Nachas be used of a serpent because its appearance was shining, and be also used of a celestial or spirit-being [a shining one]? Paul warned the Corinthians in II Corinthians 11:14 of a shining messenger of light that was deception. This is all figurative and metaphor.

I said all of that to once again enforce the idea of the language of imagery, metaphor, pictorial, and the figurative.

Man has always hid when the judgment of brass is about to fall upon them. We read in many places where Israel will cry out to the rocks, and say fall on us and hide us from his face. Once man understands and sees that nothing can be hid from God, there is that sudden realization that he is naked, and that all the intents of his heart, which has the world in there, for God put it there according to Ecclesiastes 3:11. It is clearly seen of God, for God created it. Man then is afraid unless he has reached the place where he does not fear the Word of God, and has completely given himself over to the other side of the evil nature that resides in his fleshly temple. There are those who are reprobate concerning the faith, but that is another study in it’s self.

When Satan is spoken of as a "serpent", it is the figure Hypocatastasis or Implication; it no more means a snake than it does when Dan is so called in Genesis 49:17; or an animal when Nero is called a "lion", or when Herod is called a "fox" [Luke 13:32]; or when Judah is called "a lion's whelp". It is the same figure when "doctrine" is called "leaven" in Matthew 16:6. It shows that something much more genuine and truer to truth is intended. If a figure of speech is thus employed, it is for the purpose of expressing the truth more impressively ; and is intended to be a figure of something much more genuine than the letter of the word.

The true Ekklesia hear the voice of God in the spiritual garden of Eden, and they do not fear it, for they long to hear it speak to them. God has covered our spiritual nakedness with a robe of righteousness, and we do not try and hide when he speaks to us, for his voice is a marvelous comfort. God has written his voice, or Word upon our hearts, and God is apart of us for his Spirit dwells with us at all times. The second man “Adam” replaced, restored, and finished what the first “Adam” could not, and had failed to do. We look upon and embrace him as the healer and giver of life, yet the wicked look upon him with great fear of his judgment. The Ekklesia knows that judgment began at the House of God in Israel, and their house was completely destroyed, but we the saints know where God has made his new house, and we understand that our bodies are the House of God and Paul declared it.

Man was afraid and hid from God’s judgment under the Old Covenant Age, but God has given the Ekklesia of the New Covenant peace, and he has told us not to be afraid, for God has not given us the spirit of fear. Yashua declared that it is finished from the tree of his crucifixion, and he has given his people a new and better way.

Genesis 3 : 11

And he said, who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded you that you should not eat? Yashua asked the question to the man in Genesis 3:11, and it does not appear that the serpent told Adam he was naked. It seems that once the forbidden fruit was eaten their mind was indeed open to know good and evil. They had never tasted of, or knew evil until the act of disobedience, for they had no way of comparing good from evil, but all of that has now changed, as their innocence vanished. We have already discussed how that God knew the end from the beginning, and God is not implying that he did not know that they had eaten of the forbidden fruit. This is all imagery here that represents something spiritual. The writer of Genesis called the tree, The Tree of Knowledge, but in reality it was the Tree of Death, for God had commanded them not to eat of it, but man is rebellious by nature, and is easily deceived. The Tree of Death brought Adam and Eve, which represents the spiritual, a spiritual death. God had warned them that in the “day” they ate of it they would surely die, yet they lived naturally for several hundred years. It is obvious that God was speaking to them of a spiritual death. Both trees as well as the garden was imagery, and represented things of the spirit. What is often overlooked in Genesis is the hunger. God had given the man and the woman the feeling of hunger in the garden. If they would have not had the feeling of hunger they would have never ate of the fruit in the first place. God told them of all the trees you may freely eat, so we see that man needed to eat, and like today we look for something to eat when we hunger. Connected to the feeling of hunger is the lust of the flesh, and you need to think on that awhile. Before Eve thought about anything else the Bible reveals that the first thing she thought of was that it was good for food! It is just human nature to have a whole garden of food, but want the one thing she was not supposed to have. Let us take a look at something very similar in Hosea 9:3 which declares: They shall not dwell in the LORD’S land: but Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and they shall eat unclean things in Assyria. In this verse we can see that unclean things are forbidden fruit, and Ephraim is God’s chosen who he made to be a witness in the earth, but they instead do exactly what Adam and Eve had done in the partaking of fruit that is off limits. The Tree of Death in type and shadow represented the unclean, and that is not to say that it literally was unclean, but anything God forbids is unclean to the inner man. The animals of the Old Covenant, which were called unclean were forbidden fruit to Israel. What made them unclean was that God said do not eat them, but later he tells Peter to slay and eat, because the Law Age was done away with at Calvary. What made an animal clean or unclean was whether God changed the label or not. Pork was not on the menu for Israel until after the Law Age, and then all things could be eaten, for Paul said in Romans 14:14 that there is nothing unclean of itself! These things represented disobedience, and disobedience is called sin in the eyes of the LORD. The Tree of Death was symbolic of the forbidden unclean, which in partaking of this disobedience to this commandment brought death.

The end result is the same, which is judgment, and that judgment requires them to leave the Promise Land that flowed with milk and honey, where the blessing of God was upon them. Disobedience always requires judgment, and eventually leads to sorrows and spiritual death. All that remained in Egypt was their false gods and bondage, and the same was true in Assyria. Judgment requires that you leave!

We have laid the ground work that shows that God put with in the man and the woman the necessary ingredients that would cause them to fall, for as I previously stated they already had the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. The serpent did not give her those things, for she already had them! This may be hard for some of you to receive, but the plan and purpose of God depended upon the man and the woman disobeying his command. The Lamb had already been slain, and the Ekklesia of the Old and New Covenants already existed in the mind [logos] of God. It is very important that we lay down our preconceived ideas, and quit blaming Eve for all our sin. This was the plan of God! It was the plan of God all along to curse man, and the serpent, for God had a plan of division, as we soon shall see. God’s ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts, and Isaiah 55:8-9 said so right after God declared by Isaiah 45:7 that he made peace and created evil. Why? Why would God do such a thing? He had a plan for man that involved his heart being tried, or exercised with evil and travail, which are the same word in Hebrew. Read Ecclesiastes 1:13, 2:23 and 8:6. So many declare that God is unfair, and how could he do such a thing? We are so far from God in many cases that we do not know how our Father has established things. Job did none of those things, for he understood that you don’t just receive good things from the LORD, but you also receive evil! The answer is very simple. Because he is God! Read Romans 9:20-23, and you will find that it is not about man, and never was, but it is about God making known the riches of his glory. Paul asked those people “who are you to reply against God”? If you do not receive what I am telling you here you will never understand life, and all the sorrow in it. Satan did not invent evil God did! God sends evil to you and not Satan! Wake up and smell the coffee folks, for God is in absolute control of all the evil that has come to exercise your heart! Satan does not create evil, but God created Satan!!! He only does what God tells him to do period! That is Bible and it is a fact whether you want to believe it or not. God created him with a desire to sift souls as wheat. This is reality, and unfortunately most people cannot handle reality, for they would rather stick their heads in the proverbial sands while pretending this is not real, hoping it will all just go away! They would rather set around and criticize God than face the truth of God’s purpose and divine will just like those people that Paul rebuked in Romans 9:20-23. God did not make this a perfect world for perfect people, or else we would not need the Ekklesia! God made it that way, and not Man!

Genesis 3 : 12 And the man said, the woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. Job 31:33

Have I covered my transgressions like Adam, by hiding my iniquity in my bosom, The word “bosom” in the Hebrew basically means a place of refuge, hidden shelter, a hidden place, or a hiding place. It also refers to the inward parts of a man as speaking of the inner spiritual part. It is not referring to a literal bosom, for the scripture often referred to it as Abraham’s bosom, which the Jews refer to as a safe shelter, or refuge after death. Once again we see that Adam hid his iniquity in his inner parts hoping that his iniquity would be safe from anyone ever finding out, especially God. Job declares that Adam hid his iniquity in his inner parts, where as Genesis stated that he hid behind poisonous fig leaves. It ought to become obvious that what I have been telling you for so long about the figurative, metaphor, and pictorial language is true. Job let you know that those leaves were not just literal leaves, but were symbolic of something entirely different. I stated a very important fact about hunger in the previous article being the reason she took of the forbidden fruit. I want you to notice something about the “second Adam” Yashua when he went up into the mountain for forty days, and was very hungry. When Satan knew that he was very hungry he made him the same offer he made Eve which is also called Adam in scripture, for God called “their” name Adam in Genesis 5:2. What did Satan offer Yashua? The fruit he tempted the LORD with was bread made from stones! Well let us read the scriptures shall we, and then we will compare this to what he offered the woman? Matthew 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, we have Abraham to our father: for I say to you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham. Matthew 4:3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, if you be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread Luke 19:40 And he answered and said to them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. Exodus 28:21 And the stones shall be with the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet; every one with his name shall they be according to the twelve tribes. Also read from verses 10-22 of this chapter to fully understand these stones on the priest’s garments.

Habakkuk 2:11 Surely the stone will cry out from the wall, and the rafter will answer it from the framework Literal stones do not speak, or worship! What do you suppose those stones represented in the language of imagery that Satan used to tempt the LORD. The LORD declared that the stones would cry out in Luke 19:40 when the Pharisees wanted Yashua to rebuke the multitudes, so tell me what was Yashua really declaring to the Pharisees, Lawyers, and Scribes when he said that these stones would cry out? By now you ought to know that Yashua was not speaking of literal rocks, but was speaking of figurative spiritual things, for with out a parable, or dark saying he did not speak to the Pharisees. He was speaking of all Israel, for Israel was represented by stones. Hopefully we will cover this in more detail, but for now let us take a look at the serpent tempting Yashua, and see if he is offering him the same thing that was offered to Eve shall we? Matthew 4:2-10 is the account of the temptation of Yashua, and we find him very hungry, and the first thing the serpent brings to the table is food. Eve saw that the fruit was good for food, so here we see the serpent following the same line of temptation with food, which was the lust of the flesh. Next the serpent took Yashua to a high place on a pinnacle [the highest part] of the temple at Jerusalem and tempted him with the lust of the eye, for the serpent said if he would “cast himself down” that the angels had been given charge concerning him. In every day language the serpent was telling him to show off, and the religious leaders and all Israel will all follow you. Always remember that Yashua only came to the House of Israel. Pride will always declare to others around you “look what I can do”. The lust of the eye will make things look pleasant to look upon the same as it did Eve. All the LORD had to do was show off his power, and there would have been no rocks thrown at him from those wicked rebels called the Pharisees who were leading Israel to destruction. Next we find the serpent for the third time take Yashua to a very high mountain and tempt him with the pride of life by giving him all the kingdoms of the world [age], and they were his to give, for Yashua said himself that Satan was the god of this world. All Yashua had to do was listen to the serpent’s advice and his flesh would not have to endure any hardship. Yashua knew better for he knew the serpent was a liar, and that this is not what would happen. The serpent wanted Yashua to worship him by obeying him. Worship is not about singing, praising, or dancing although they are used to express our love to Yashua, but real worship is about obedience. Yashua said if you love me keep my commandments. Now that is true worship that is condensed into two laws. Yashua said to love the LORD with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself, and on these two you can hang all his Word! The temptation of Yashua the second Adam was really the same as the first Adam, for the three things of the world were there to tempt both of them, which is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. In prayer our LORD struggled with these three temptations that are common to man even unto this

modern day. The serpent who was feeding on his flesh also feeds on us every day trying to tempt us to give in to our desires, and worship our flesh. It is a raging battle within that rages night and day to give in, give up, and worship the things of the world. The serpent used Job’s wife to try and talk him into giving up and just die. I am sure there are many who will read this in time that are at the point of just giving up to death, for it seems easier than the huge painful problem they face. The first Adam listened to his wife and died, but thankfully the second Adam would not bargain! Israel was Yashua's wife in case your wondering, and the Prophets declared this over and over. Eve gave him the forbidden, and he did eat of it knowingly not being deceived, and he died that day a spiritual death, and brought to mankind an age of death and suffering. Again this is all imagery to reveal to us the heart of man in relation to Yashua. Our Yashua refused to eat of the forbidden and he gave us life.

Genesis 3 : 13 And the LORD God said to the woman, what is this that you have done? And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. 2 Corinthians 11:3

But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Yashua. 1 Timothy 2:14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. I could spend a lot of time teaching on how it is human nature to blame everyone else, for our trouble, but that is what you hear, and will continue to hear in the every day church down on the corner. I am not interested in teaching who pointed a finger at who, and all that shallow mess. If you want that, then go get you a Children’s Bible Story Book and have at it. I want to teach you what God really said in these scriptures, and how it really applies to the heart of man. We need to discover ourselves, and how we were really made, and find out what really dwells in these temples of clay, and what causes us to do the things we do.

The woman stated a fact, and no where does it imply she was trying to shift the blame. People have always assumed this, but under close examination of scripture she just states the way it was. The serpent deceived me and I ate period. She told the truth, and we do not find her pleading, or begging for mercy. We do not even know, or find if she even understood what it was to die, for as far as we can tell she had never saw anything die before.

The human nature wants to find a way around God, and it is always adding or subtracting from what God actually said, as we observed earlier where Eve had already added to the commands of God. The serpent did not have much success misquoting the Word of God with Eve, but he did appeal to her with the lie that she would be as gods. Today we call that humanism, denominational-ism, and pure old organization, where men decide that they know best in how to direct their

own, or another person’s steps, when the Bible declares that it is not in man to direct his own steps. In a way they proclaim to be god! The Bible declares in Jeremiah 17:9 that the heart is deceitful “above all things”, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

We need to do as Yashua said, and get the beam out of our own eye before trying to remove a splinter from someone else.

Eve was deceived, because she may have thought she knew her heart, and she probably did not recognize that it was so desperately wicked, for God had made her that way. God had given Adam and Eve a heart that already had the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life. He had set the world in their hearts just as Ecclesiastes 3:11 declared. Never under estimate your heart, for many have, and they have done appalling things that afterward with much regret they said they could not believe they had done such a thing. They spend hours trying to figure out why they behaved in such a way, never fully understanding that God gave them a heart in their mother’s womb that is full of iniquity.

Just because you go to your local house of worship, and pray two hours, and study the Bible for another two hours, then fast two days a week, it will not change the evil potential that dwells in you. Paul did more of that than us all, yet he declared that when he would do good evil was present! You need to get this, and understand it, for evil is not leaving, because God himself put it there to exercise your heart, and I do not care how much you go to your church, or how much you pray. There is no magic solution to make it disappear.

Folks this life in the Ekklesia of God is a journey of faith, and you will “never” be justified in the sight of God with anything other than FAITH or TRUST! With out TRUST it is “IMPOSSIBLE” to please God. You need to say “IMPOSSIBLE” until it sinks in once and for all. FAITH is the only thing that will save you from your wickedness period! Faith is the only thing that can make the impossible possible. Man is determined that he can earn his way into God’s presence with works alone, for this is the deception of Catholicism and the Protestants of today.

God is still asking man the same question that he asked in the garden. Where are you? God knows the end from the beginning, and he knows where everyone is at any given moment of the day, but what is so often missed is that God is asking man if he knows where he is at? Where are you right now at this moment with God? Are you hiding behind the poisonous fig leaves of religion? Are you determined to believe Satan, and declare that you are a god, and that you alone know what is best for your life? Are you declaring that you know your heart, and that you alone can direct your foot steps? If so then welcome to the world’s religion, for that is what religion is all about in taking power you cannot handle, and it is forbidden for you to partake of. You can call it humanism, or what ever else you desire, but that is what you are doing in a nut shell.

No matter what you may try it will never destroy that old serpent nature within every one of us, for only FAITH can give us liberty from it until we lay this old fleshly body down with the world in it’s heart that is so desperately wicked. Paul knew what he was talking about in Romans 8:26 when he said the Spirit of God helps our infirmities, for we do not know what to pray for. By the way prayer is not moaning and crying for three hours. By FAITH, when I open my mouth to speak to God I know that he hears me! I do not have to pray through! I only have to pray to! I pray to the one who dwells within me just like Yashua did! He will never leave me, nor forsake me and I trust him, and I never have to ask him to come, and be with me like I hear in so many religious services I attend.

Yashua knew what the woman taken in adultery had done, and he asked her for her benefit and not his. He did the same thing with the Samaritan woman at the well in the gospels. God knows all things, and he is still asking man to this very day “what is this you have done”? We all have done a great job at messing up our lives haven’t we?

Genesis 3 : 14 And the LORD God said to the serpent, because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; on your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life: Wow! What a curse, but what does all this mean in metaphor, and figurative language? Below are a couple of verses that use this same imagery of eating dust, and they shed light on how we should interpret this language of imagery to make sense of it. Focus on eating, or the licking of the dust that is used in a figurative sense to express a spiritual meaning that can be understood. Psalm 72:9

Let the nomads of the desert bow before him, and his enemies lick the dust. Isaiah 49:23 And kings shall be your nursing fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers: they shall bow down to you with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of your feet; and you shall know that I am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me. Isaiah 65:25 The wolf and the lamb will graze together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox; and dust will be the serpent's food. They will do no evil or harm in all my holy mountain, says the LORD. Micah 7:17 They will lick the dust like a serpent, like reptiles of the earth. They will come trembling out of their fortresses; to the LORD our God they will come in dread and they will be afraid before you. God was not saying that the serpent would literally eat dust, but was speaking in metaphors concerning man, for man was taken from the dust. Simply put the serpent would devour the flesh, or the carnal nature of man, for this is what the spirit of the enemy feeds upon. The serpent still is as much apart of man as he ever was, and this is why we struggle against the evil that dwells with in these fleshly temples on a daily basis. Futurist doctrine teaches us that Isaiah 65:25 is speaking of a future one thousand years somewhere in our modern day, when in fact it is saying nothing of the sort. They declare it to be regarding the millennial reign of a thousand years. The only problem with that belief is, there is no such word as millennial, and the Greek word “Chiloi” can represent many thousands. “Chiloi” is symbolic, or metaphor for an age that has nothing to do with a future thousand years. Yashua gave you the “Chiloi”, or age of peace, as he reigns upon the throne of David in your hearts. The wolf, lamb, ox, and lion are imagery for the ensigns of the tribes of Israel the same as the four beasts of Revelation 4. The animal

ensigns are now in the true Ekklesia of Yashua, for he has brought all twelve nations along with their banners and ensigns under one ensign, for now a Jew is one who is one inwardly. Romans 2:29. All these animals represent a people that will dwell safely in the Ekklesia of Yashua. Isaiah 65:24 identifies these people as the Ekklesia, and these modern day fear mongers are teaching this passage to fit into their seven year tribulation theory, along with their Anti-Christ complete with a new temple with God approved animal sacrifices once again. This is utter and total non-sense! Yashua died once for all sin, and how dare they say that God will once again approve of animal blood therefore making the blood of Yashua useless. Paul has declared that the blood of bulls and goats can “NEVER” take away sin! They want you to believe that the Old Covenant will return, complete with the Law of Moses, and that it is going to make a come back! They are liars who teach such blasphemous non-sense! The Old Covenant is finished, done away, taken away, disannulled, yet these blaspheming fear mongers who are under the serpent’s influence want you to discard what Paul said in Hebrews 10:4-9! Enough said! Eating or licking dust is another expression of imagery that is associated with judgment all through the Word of God, as I have shown you in the scriptures above. Satan the serpent is not literally crawling on his belly slithering around from town to town, but he instead dwells in the Ekklesia, which is you and I, and this is why you and I along with every other saint that has ever lived have the battles raging with in us against the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of life. The serpent is feeding upon our flesh, and that is why Paul said there is no good thing in my flesh, for our flesh opposes, resists, and hates the things of God. This curse resides in man for all the days of his life, for we will never be free of this until we lay this old fleshly body down to receive our new glorified body, and then and only then will we be free of the serpent’s influence. For now we must not be ignorant of Satan’s devices, and we are in the battle to resist him, and his evil influence over us. Satan had hindered Paul the apostle once and again in I Thessalonians 2:18 using other men to accomplish this, for Satan appears in the face of men to do his will the same as God uses men to accomplish his. Paul reveals to us the Satan that hindered him in Galatians 5:3-9 to be men who were trying to influence the Galatians with false doctrine. He asked them: You did run well: who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth? Our LORD is a masterful artist who is painting a beautiful picture of the inner man in Genesis, and through this amazing pictorial picture he is showing us where the serpent really dwells with the curse to feed upon our outer man to try our hearts. Satan is not a red devil with a pitch fork having a forked tail with two horns some where on the outside trying to get in. The serpent represents the evil nature that is lurking in all of us, and his voice is always opposing the voice of truth. This voice accuses us daily, and bombards us continually with anti-God thoughts, and it is a real pain to deal with, but Paul declared in Romans that there is a hope of eternal deliverance, and that this wretched man will be delivered!

Genesis 3 : 15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. The word enmity means to have an opposing hatred, or to stand against. I want you to notice that there are two seeds mentioned here in this verse. There is the “SEED” of the serpent, and then there is the “SEED” of the woman. These two “SEEDS” will oppose each other with a bitter hatred. The word “SEED” here is simply representing doctrine, or word. The one is false, and the other is true. The woman represents the Ekklesia of God, which has the “SEED” of truth. Simple is it not? These two seeds will oppose one another from this moment forward even unto our modern day. Every man has these two seeds dwelling inside, and the battle rages for supremacy in the human heart. Yashua spoke of his “SEED” in the parable of the sower, and he declared to his disciples that the “SEED” was the Word of God. This was referring to the good “SEED”. However the Prophets inform us of a bad “SEED”, so let us take a look at a few scriptures that reveal this bad “SEED” shall we? The “SEED” is that which produces and is produced, or that which begets and is begotten; and as the Jewish Ekklesia is here spoken of, this is infidelity. In Isaiah, in reference to the Jewish Ekklesia in its perverted state, it is called a "seed of evil doers," a "seed of adultery," a "seed of falsehood". Isaiah 1:4 Woe to the sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a “SEED” of evil doers, sons that are destroyers; they have forsaken Jehovah, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel, they have estranged themselves backward. Isaiah 57:3-4 Draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer. Are ye not children of transgression, a “SEED” of falsehood? Galatians 3:16 Now to Abraham and his “SEED” were the promises made. He did not say, and to seeds, as of many; but as of one, and to your “SEED”, which is Yashua. This promise was speaking of the Ekklesia right here in Genesis 3:15, for Calvary would fulfill this promise made to the woman, and from her would come forth the “SEED” that would oppose Satan, and crush his head, or authority! It is the same with the other figures used in verses 14 and 15, "on your belly shall you go". This figure

means infinitely more than the literal belly of the flesh and blood; just as the words "heel" and "head" do in verse 15. It paints for the eyes of our mind the picture of Satan's ultimate humiliation; for prostration was ever the most eloquent sign of subjection. When it is said "our belly cleaves unto the ground" [Psalm 44:25], it denotes such a prolonged prostration and such a depth of submission as could never be conveyed or expressed in literal words. So with the other prophecy, "dust shall you eat". This is not true to the letter, or to fact, but it is all the more true to truth. It tells of constant continuous disappointment, failure, and mortification; as when deceitful ways are spoken of as feeding on deceitful food, which is "sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth shall be filled with gravel" [Proverbs 20:17]. This does not mean literal "gravel", but something far more disagreeable. It means disappointment so great that it would gladly be exchanged for the literal "gravel". So when Christians are rebuked for "biting and devouring one another" [Galatians 3:14-15], something more heart-breaking is meant than the literal words used in the figure. I hope that I am being understood here, for I feel it is extremely important that you look beyond the temptation to interpret these passages literally. When "his enemies shall lick the dust" [Psalm 72:9] they will not do it on their knees with their literal tongues; but they will be so prostrated and so utterly defeated, that no words could literally depict their overthrow and subjugation. If a serpent was afterward called a nachash, it was because it was more shining than any other creature; and if it became known as "wise", it was not because of its own innate positive knowledge, but of its wisdom in hiding away from all observation; and because of its association with one of the names of Satan [that old serpent] who "beguiled Eve". Satan is only wise in the ways of deceit and seduction, and he is wise in how he is able to hide like a serpent camouflaged in the leaves waiting for his unsuspecting prey. The scripture teaches in Matthew 10:16 to be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves! One last scripture in closing this article is found in Malachi 4:3, which declares: And you shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes [dust] under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, says the LORD of hosts. The Ekklesia of God has the power to tread on serpents and scorpions the same as the 70 disciples of Luke 19-20. Serpents and scorpions are identified in verse 20 as spirits, and if the snake handling churches of the south understood this, many of them would be alive today instead of being bitten by a rattlesnake and in the grave. This is a very good example of people who do not know how to interpret the Word of God using the language of imagery, metaphor, and figurative interpretation. Not having the ability to understand the Jewish language of imagery can get you literally killed.

Genesis 3 : 16

  To the woman he said, I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in sorrow you shall bring forth children; and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.   As we can see God himself curses the woman, and it is the LORD that greatly multiplies her sorrow, and in that sorrow she shall bring forth children, which is very painful. The second part of the curse reveals that she will no longer be equal to the man for she will desire to have a husband. This is why young women and old a like desire to marry to be comforted, and to bring forth children. The third part of the curse is that the man will now guide her, and many women have a real problem with this, and rightly so, for it is after all a curse. A curse is not something that makes you want to jump for joy, for a curse is not a pleasant thing.   Even in today's society we see women fighting to be on equal footing with the women's liberation movement, which by the way is anti- God. Paul in I Corinthians makes it very clear that this curse is still in effect.   I Corinthians 14:34 The women are to keep silent in the assemblies; for they are not permitted to speak, but are to subject themselves, just as the Law also says. Paul makes it very clear that the women is not to teach by speaking in the Corinthian assembly. This has to do with teaching and usurping authority that was not given to them by God.   I Timothy 2:11-15 Paul speaks in very strong language to Timothy about the woman's place in the Ekklesia. This is all because of the curse, which was not designed to make the woman feel good, but she is told once again to learn in silence with "all" subjection. She is not to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, because of the curse of God upon the woman, for Paul declares that Adam was first formed, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was in transgression.   The reason that the pagan churches, and the world is in such a mess today in the marriage department is because many women are in open rebellion to God, and the divorce rates are staggering. Women are trying to throw off the chains of the curse, and it will not happen, because God himself has cursed the woman. Joyce Myers and these other so called women preachers are a stench in the nostrils of God, and are in open rebellion, for they have no Bible to excuse their behavior. Man with his jellyfish backbone and yellow spine will not stand up, and neither declare what God has ordained to be so in Genesis 3, for he is no longer the guide that God said he was to be. I have not got to the man yet, but you will soon see that his curse is also very unpleasant, and he to tries to rebell from under it.   We have a society of women who are not going to be keepers of the home, and as a result of their rebellion you have children in gangs in every major city, and juvenile delinquency is epidemic among the world's youth. Men cannot find a good job to support their families, because of rebellious women who are fighting to climb the corporate ladders of success in the job market. Here in America this was almost unheard of until after World War II, for it seems as the women found themselves working in the

factories to make ammunitions, guns, and bombers it gave them a taste of rebellion. During the war years, and those immediately following, unfaithfulness became epidemic among the women of America. Many men came home after the war to find their wife pregnant, or with another man's child, and from 1948 to the present divorce has been on a steep incline.   Women hate the curse of God, and rightly so, for after all it is a curse, but when you rebel against God there will be no good thing come of it.   From the perspective of the Ekklesia we represent the bride, and we to must be in subjection to our husband Yashua as he guides us as a faithful husband. The Ekklesia has also brought forth her children in sorrow as persecution has been severe against the bride of Yashua. Sorrow has been greatly multiplied to the Ekklesia of God, for they have been despised by the world and persecuted by being fed to lions, burned alive, and many other horrible tortures. The world hates us, because it first hated him. The world has now gotten into the Ekklesia of God, and we are now seeing rebellion to the Word of God on a grand scale. The rebellious pagan churches of today think that they can order Yashua around like some hen pecked husband with their name it and claim it doctrines, and this also is a stench in the nostrils of God.   Most spineless preachers are fearful to teach about the curse of the woman, because they know the rebellious mess of today will take their husbands and go elsewhere, for the women of today lead their spineless husbands around by an invisible ring in their nose. The pagan mess of today has no power, because it is in open rebellion to God so the preachers of today like Benny Hinn, and the such like have deceived the masses of today into thinking that they are doing miracles, signs, and wonders. They are frauds, and hidden cameras have revealed them for who they are, which is a rebellious, lying, money hungry, and power crazed leeches.   There is no Bible for women preachers, and anybody that knows the Word of God knows it, and do you think that God is going to look the other way, because an organizational board voted to allow it? Women like Joyce Meyers, Katherine Kulman, along with many others have led the women of today's pagan establishments down the road of open rebellion. It was a very rare thing to hear of a woman preacher before the 1940's, and it really has only came into prevalence in the last 30 years, so we can see that it is a relatively new thing to have women preachers. God was very clear when he said let every elder, pastor, and deacon be the HUSBAND of one wife, and well spoken of in his community. It is not a question of whether a woman can or cannot, but rather that God has set up his authority structure, and has instructed them not to!   They defy the curse of Genesis that still is in effect, and the woman has brought much sorrow upon the man because of it.

Genesis 3 : 17-19   17. And to Adam he said, because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree, of which I commanded you, saying, you shall not eat of it: cursed is the ground for your sake; in sorrow shall you eat of it all the days of your life; 18. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to you; and you shall eat the herb of the field; 19. In the sweat of your face shall you eat bread, till you return to the ground; for out of it were you taken: for dust you are, and to dust shall you return.   Because Adam listened to the voice of his wife God himself curses the man, and we can see that Adam faces some very hard curses in his upcoming days upon the earth. Adam was not deceived, but he did listen to the voice of his wife, and because he did life is about to get very miserable for him. He to will receive sorrow, and in order to grow food he will have to battle a relentless fight against the weeds and thorns to get it. Farmers even to this day spend millions if not billions every year on herbicides that kill weeds so they can raise a crop. Any of you that has a little garden plot behind the house knows the work that is required to battle the weeds from taking over. God cursed the ground for his disobedience, and that curse is also still in effect.   The man Adam will sweat with hard labor to raise enough food to survive, and this has been a challenge in almost every nation, and every society since that time. The Native American people of these United States faced sorrow many times as some years were leaner than others, and many of them starved to death, especially if the winter was long and cruel. Those that lived near the water could supplement their diet with smoked fish, and others with buffalo, but those that depended mainly on the ground saw some very hard times. America has been a blessed nation, for in these modern times we do not hear of famine, but that could very well be fixing to change if this country continues on the road of rebellion and wickedness.   Adam now faces the great curse of a spiritual death, and he would now know the sorrow of saying good-bye to a loved one in natural death. Adam receives the curse of both deaths, and all the sorrow associated with it.   Jacob cried out when he thought Joseph was dead that he would go down to the grave in sorrow. His grieving was so severe that his sons feared for his health and began to fill guilty for what they had done in selling Joseph to the Ishmaelites. There is no greater rip in a man's soul than to lose a child to death, but this is the curse that has been laid upon all man kind. Adam is now very much aware of the curse for his disobedience, and God's judgment is severe, for he must return to dust eventually. This curse is also still in effect upon all man kind even in this modern day. His curse involved death, wars, plagues, diseases, famine, and weather, which would now be a threat to his very existence upon the earth. The curse of death would come in many shapes and forms, and none of them would be pleasant. Most all of man kind fear death, and they try to prolong their days as much as possible by avoiding it, but death is not to be avoided, for it comes to one and all.   Funeral homes and cemeteries never lack for business, and most all of us have some form of life insurance to pay for our departure sometime in the future. The curse of death is very much in effect the same as the curse upon the woman, and no amount of trying on your part will keep you from returning to the dust. All the crying in the world will not stop death to this outer man we call flesh, for God has sent evil into Adam's life to exercise his heart by it, and that evil has been passed on to every generation since then.   Adam would now face evil that perhaps he never could have imagined, for God has cursed man kind, and God is sending a steady supply of it to every man upon the planet, and none are exempt from it. It seems as though God takes pleasure in bruising the flesh of man with evil, and the Prophet Isaiah declared in 53:10 speaking of the flesh of Yashua that it pleased God to bruise him! We need to lay down our preconceived ideas of a God that would never send evil upon you, and we need to grow up and learn some important things about God! The curse of Adam was all about evil that God himself would send

upon him.   The woman not only received her own curse, but she would also have to partake of this curse also, for it would seem that she received a double portion of the curse for being deceived. Adam had failed to guide her, and in his doing so the woman receives horrible punishment as well as himself. Adam was not deceived so he could have refused the forbidden fruit I suppose, for we will never know what would have happened if he had refused it. God however knew the end from the beginning, and Adam did what God knew he would do. The plan of God is now working perfectly for man has fallen, and the Lamb that is already slain from the foundation is in place, and the need for a Saviour is now met and made manifest in the mind of God.   If you read these verses closely you will also see that our LORD received these curses, for he also had a crown of thorns put upon his head. The ground which was imagery of Israel was cursed, and it was Israel who brought forth thorns to meet the Messiah. The gospel of Luke declared that our LORD sweated as it were great drops of blood on the ground of Israel while praying on the Mount of Olives while in the garden in Luke 22:44. Yashua would also taste of death, and go to Sheol, so hopefully you can see the types and shadows here in these passages regarding Yashua.   Seeing that man is now the head of the woman, and since they have become one in marriage the curse of death is shared equally by both. Paul made this abundantly clear in I Corinthians 11:3 where he would have us to know that head of the woman is the man. We may not like it, but that is the curse, and that is the way it is. In regards to the Ekklesia we as the woman have received spiritual life, but we must all face our natural death, for Yashua did not remove that curse from off of man kind.

Genesis 3 : 20   And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.   We have read where they have received their curses, and though much more could be said about this, we must move on in order to keep it short. It is interesting to note however, that Adam does not call the woman Eve until after they receive their curse. Adam gave her this name because she was the mother of all living, so what does this mean? Is this saying she is the mother of all animals, fowls, fishes, and creeping things? Is this insinuating that she gave birth to all these things? Of course not. So what is meant by the expression that she is the mother of all living? Let's find out shall we? For those of you who do not seriously study your Bible this next scripture will absolutely make no sense, and yet it is the answer to the perplexing questions above. The casual reader will never link these two scriptures together, but for those that do you will see the answer immediately. Galatians 4:26 declares that Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the "MOTHER" of us all! Jerusalem above is your Eve, and we the Ekklesia are the New Jerusalem, which is from above! This is speaking of spiritual things. The only way that Genesis 3:20 will ever make any sense to you, is to realize that it is speaking of spiritual things using the language of imagery. Eve is not necessarily an individual, but is a name that represents something, which in this case represents the Ekklesia of Yashua, which is indeed the mother of all living, for we are alive in him and him alone. Eve received the promise, and not Adam concerning that God would put enmity between her seed and the serpent's seed. Her "SEED" would be the "SEED" of promise, and this "SEED" would live. Calvary would make this promise to the woman possible, and Calvary was already there in the mind of God in his "LOGOS" thought or Word. Genesis 3:20 is not speaking of animals, beasts, or fowls, and it is not speaking of the human race in general, but it is

speaking of the spiritual race that would come from her womb, in which we find Yashua as a descendant in her linage, and it will be him that brings the enmity between the two seeds of Genesis. There are two types, or allegories here with Adam, which is the first, or the OLDER, and Eve is the younger, or the New. The promise was given to the younger the same as the promise is given to those of the New Covenant as opposed to those that never received the promise of the OLD! I am hoping you know enough of the Word of God to put this together and say Wow! Far too many people just read right over what God is actually declaring in Genesis. They read where Adam called his wife's name Eve, and they never look beyond that, and they read right over the great truths staring them right in the face. One might say they cannot see the forest for the trees. I encourage each of you to look beyond the obvious in your study of the Bible. We all need someone like the Eunuch of Ethiopia who was hungry to know what the Bible said, and God sent him a Philip in Acts 8:26-40. The eunuch said to Philip how can I understand unless some man guide me, and Philip began guiding him in the scripture. These articles have been about helping people know what to look for, and what questions to ask, and they encourage you to slow down in order to prevent you from reading quickly over the golden nuggets of revelation that lie just beneath the surface. However, there is one condition of heart we must all have, and that is a hunger for the things of God. If you truly love Yashua you will know and hunger for his voice, for he said my sheep know my voice, and his voice is his Word. People naturally make time for everything else in this world, but seem to find it difficult to find time for God's Word, and there is a very good reason for all of this. It becomes difficult for God to speak to anyone who cannot recognize him when he does, and the serpent is counting on this! The three things that plagued Adam and Eve, who represent spiritual man kind, will also plague each of us if we do not study to know the Word of God, for it is the only antidote to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. This is what caused Eve to be deceived, and these three are a great threat and danger to all of us, our families, our friends, and fellow saints. Do not expect growth and revelation from your Saviour if you will not give him the time of day, for this is to those that hunger and thirst, and there are no exceptions to this rule. God has made man absolute promises that he will keep, for God cannot lie! If you ask you will receive, and he has instructed us all to ask for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, and we are told to desire them more than anything else.

Genesis 3 : 21   To Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.   In order to cover man's nakedness the LORD could have made them clothes from cotton, linen, or wool, for he could just as well have done this instead of killing an innocent animal, for after all he was the Almighty God. Obviously it was not their literal, or physical nakedness he was concerned with was it? Something else is going on here that we need to take a very close look at.

What happened next in this verse set in motion a requirement that would transcend thousands of years unto Calvary, for the shedding of blood would be required to cover the sin of man kind. Yahweh had to slay an animal in order to make animal skins that would cover man's nakedness in type and shadow, and though the Bible does not state specifically, which animal he slew, the Word of God will reveal to you in scripture later that it would have been a Lamb in keeping those types and shadows. From that moment man kind obviously learned from God how to to offer a sacrifice that was acceptable.

Once again we must read this verse using the language of imagery in order to fully comprehend what is happening here. If you make the mistake of just reading this scripture literally you will be able to quote it like so many do, but will have no clue as to what it really means. There is a huge difference in memorizing scripture, and understanding it, for there are many who can quote it by the chapters, and though it may sound impressive it does not mean squat!

God set in motion a requirement that would require man to be covered, and this in turn would require blood sacrifice. The Law of Moses dealt with the issue of sin by requiring that a tabernacle be built and over laid with animal skins. Blood was shed in order to cover the tabernacle from the outside world, and in addition to this, and on a daily basis in order to have God's favor upon his people the shedding of blood was done for many centuries until Yashua brought an end to it once and for all. By the shedding of his own blood his sacrifice now covers us with a blood that speaks of better things than that of Abel, and the blood of lambs, bulls, and goats. Paul declared to the Hebrews of his day found in Hebrews 10:4 that it was "not possible" that their blood should take away sins. Remember the words "NOT POSSIBLE".

It is for this very reason that I vehemently oppose this damnable futurist doctrine that declares that the Jews are going to build a third temple in Jerusalem sometime in the near future, and that God will accept animal sacrifices once again! This is a LIE of the highest order. Yashua died ONCE for all sin period! The pagan churches of today has made this false teaching one of their foundation stones in their teaching of prophecy. God will NEVER accept another animal sacrifice ever, and I challenge every one of these ministers of Satan who teach such things to prove it by scripture! They are calling Yashua and Paul a liar! What part of "DONE AWAY", "A CHANGE OF THE LAW", or "DISANNULLING OF THE COMMANDMENT" do they not understand?

Yashua built the third temple, which is a spiritual temple, and he sets upon the throne of David, which is a spiritual throne as KING of all Kings and LORD of all Lords. We are now at this very moment seated with him in the heavenly places just as Ephesians 2:6 declared. Yashua made it clear to his disciples, and also to Pilate that his kingdom was not of this world.

There is also another type and shadow in Genesis 3:21, which is in context along with the curse that they had just received, and it is found in Hebrews 11:37.

They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in "sheepskins" and "goatskins"; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; Another example is John the Baptist who came out of the wilderness to Israel as a forerunner before Yashua, and he was wearing camel skins, and he to lost his life for the preaching the good news that Messiah had come.

Not only was the woman cursed in the literal sense, but it would appear that her "SEED" would also be cursed in the spiritual sense to, for they would see severe evil while wearing skins. The holy Prophets, Yashua, the Apostles, and the Ekklesia would see the irony in those skins. Adam and Eve probably never imagined the complete significance of those skins, and what they truly represented, nor perhaps how they would effect their spiritual offspring. It was almost as though God placed a flashing neon sign upon the man and the woman that said persecute me when he placed those skins upon them in Genesis 3:21.  

Genesis 3 : 22   And the LORD God said, behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest

he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:   Young's Literal Translation And Jehovah God saith, 'Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age   Young's Literal Greek translates an easier to understand meaning of "man was as" one of us, "as to the knowledge of good and evil". The KJV does a less than ideal job of translating here, and the scripture is not saying that the man and the woman have become God. It is simply saying that man kind now has the knowledge of good and evil.   This is a rather lengthy scripture with several topics of which we have already discussed, so I won't spend much time on them. Man has partook of the Tree of Knowledge, and now Yahweh is concerned that man may also partake of the Tree of Life, and eat of it's fruit. The would forever is a translation error as I have discussed before that is found in the corrupted Latin Vulgate from which the KJV was poorly translated, but the literal Greek translation got it right. The word "AION" means age and not forever. This is so easily proved by it's use found in other scriptures, and if you have any questions regarding it you should get your Bible dictionaries out and check it for yourselves.   I hope that all of you are not confused about the use of the word "US", for it is not implying some pagan trinity as taught by Catholicism, and it is not referring to angels as taught by others either. It is a prophetic utterance referring to the Lamb already slain from the foundation of the world and his Ekklesia. Catholicism along with all her Protestant daughters that declare this to be speaking of trinity contradict the Word of God, for Isaiah is the death nail to such non-sense when Yahweh declared that he was alone when he stretched forth the heavens, and that he was all by himself when he created all things. No wonder the atheist kicks their behind in a debate making them look like the pagan believers they are. The Bible never taught such a thing, and when you build on another foundation it is easily shaken and brought down, for all to see.   Isaiah 45:5-6, 14, 18, 21, 22, and 23 just blows the pagan trinity doctrine to bits, and declares that at the name of Yashua every knee will bow and tongue will confess, as also declares Philippians 2:9-10. Will Catholicism believe these scriptures? No they would rather keep their idolatry! You think they might believe the words of Malachi 2:10 where he said that ONE GOD has created us! No they would rather stay pagan, but what about you? They that are on the LORD'S side stand over here, and leave that pagan mess alone! Yashua is your Great God, Creator, and Saviour, so what is so hard about believing what the scripture declares? Colossians 1:16-18 tells us that Yashua is your God that created all things even unto the Ekklesia of which he is the head. They do not have one single scripture that uses the words trinity, triune, three persons, god the son, or any such like, yet the pagan church world of today, and of centuries past declare all of this to be true, yet it is a satanic lie!   The "US" is imagery for what is in the mind of God, or his "LOGOS", for John 1:1 tells us that the Word "LOGOS=THOUGHT" was in the beginning, and was with God. A "THOUGHT" is not a person! We use royal pronouns all the time when you say things like "we" will see you tomorrow, yet you were alone and by yourself when you said it. God's Word does not contradict, and if God said he is by himself, then he was and is by himself. God saw the end from the beginning, and he saw the form he would use to be the Messiah, and he made Adam according to that image just as Paul said in Romans 5:14, for Adam was the figure, or the likeness of Yashua. I hope by now you are seeing that God is not speaking of just literal things here in Genesis, but he is speaking of spiritual things that will transcend far into the future.   We have determined that the Tree of Knowledge was indeed imagery, metaphor, and a spiritual allegory, and the same is true for the Tree of Life.   Yashua was, and is the Tree of Life, and in the plan of God it was not time for man kind to partake of the Gospel of Yashua, for there was a precise order that had to be followed, and the promise of eternal life would not be possible until Yashua was born of a virgin fulfilling all things declared by the Prophets. Types and shadows had to be in place, and this was far into the future as reckoned by man's days. God's THOUGHT would take thousands of years according to his precise planning and

fulfillment's. Yashua is an exact and precise God that knows exactly what he is doing whether man believes it or not. This is why the scripture declares that the Old Covenant saints died in the faith having never received the promise. The promise was always in the plan of God, for it was in his THOUGHT from the very beginning.

Hebrews 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.   Yashua had promised them, and he kept his promises, but they had to wait for a little while until Messiah was crucified, and only then were they resurrected in Matthew 27:52-53. God always keeps his promises!

Genesis 3 : 23   Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from from where he was taken.   Young's Literal Translation Jehovah God sendeth him forth from the garden of Eden to serve the ground from which he hath been taken; New American Standard Bible (©1995) therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden, to cultivate the ground from which he was taken. GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995) So the LORD God sent the man out of the Garden of Eden to farm the ground from which the man had been formed.   Please take note that the man will now till the ground "from" where he was taken. The man was formed from the ground, and to the ground he would return, so this is letting us know that the ground from where Adam was taken was "outside" of the garden. Genesis 2:8 tells us that Elohim placed the man after he made him "from" the ground in a garden Eastward. Does this mean that God made man in the West, and then moved him to the East? It would seem so, and now God is going to place him back to where he originated from. Also remember that our LORD came from the tribe of Judah, which was east.   There are many types and shadows here that even I have yet to uncover, for it seems as though man ended up where he started. He started as ground, and was set in the garden in a very high place spiritually, and then sin has sent him back from the garden to the ground of his origin. It seems that man started in death, and now he must return to it.   Remember when I told you that God formed man with three things of the world, for God set the world in the man's heart? The ground held the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. God formed man with good and evil already dwelling in the ground. I understand that most cannot follow me here, for most do not understand how the Jews wrote using figurative language to express spiritual truths. There are just some things that cannot be explained to those who do not, or will not study. There are others that have very hungry hearts, but they have never left the milk of the Word, and I cannot help them either, for what they need is time to grow, and they eventually will come to a place where this will all make sense. However, for those of you that can receive it, this will change your whole perspective of looking at the things of God, and will open the unseen doors of understanding in a much deeper layer. Many of you have begun to interpret the symbols, and are now seeing things you never knew existed beyond the literal interpretation for the very first time, and that is so wonderful to know.  

God formed man in weakness and man fell from the garden, and now the Lamb that was slain from the very beginning comes into play as a future promise to establish fallen man kind back to that place in the garden. This was all in the plan of God that he saw before it ever came to pass, and do not ever forget that Yashua knew the end from the beginning.   Now man must serve the weakness from where he originated from! Man kind originated from an imperfect ground that was saturated with lust and pride, although it was perfect for the accomplishment of God's will far into the future. It was perfect, for the future plan, purpose, and will of God revealed to us that although we are not perfect as individuals the plan was perfect! I hope you follow me here, for God intentionally did some things that seemed imperfect in order to fulfill his perfection. I hope this makes sense to you. Once again God knew all things from the beginning!   Man was formed from the ground which is the corrupted matter of all living things that have died. Every dinosaur, insect, leaf, tree, and all plant matter decays to form what is called compost, or ground. How many millions or billions of years did it take to make the soil of the ground? We may never know, but did you know that when you plant in your gardens that you are digging in the remains of other life forms including humans and animals that have once lived upon this planet? Their death makes it possible for you to grow life from a "SEED"!   God told the serpent of another kind of "SEED", which was a spiritual "SEED", and that he would put enmity between his "SEED" and that "SEED". The first Adam had to go back as a "SEED" to the ground that was cursed with death, and the second Adam, which was Yashua also had to be buried as a "SEED" in that same ground bringing forth the blessing of life! Because of this, we as the "SEED" [Ekklesia of God] have been put back into the garden of Eden, and we now once again set in those heavenly places.   The outer shell that protects this "SEED" is what the serpent feeds upon, for his curse was that he must eat ground all the days of his life! There are two parts of a "SEED" both in the natural and the spiritual that we call the inner and the outer part. Once the hard outer casing of a seed is broken down then the tender inner part can then be released of this outer casing to produce life. The serpent's purpose is to break down, or soften the outer shell so the inner can be released and come forth! I bet no one ever told you this did they? Every word of it is true, and if you do not believe me read I Corinthians 15:35-57, for Paul said the same thing about the "SEED".   Yashua speaking to his disciples declared in John 12:24 that except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abides alone: but if it die it brings forth much harvest.   If you look closely at Genesis 3:23 you can see the hope of the resurrection. Once it is taken in the light of the rest of God's Word you can see there had to be a curse before there could be a blessing. The curse was given first, and then the blessing showing us once again the type and shadow of the Elder and the Younger with the younger receiving the blessing pointing the way to Calvary.

Genesis 3 : 24 Part 1   So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.   My next statement I will not be able to prove with a scripture that will openly declare it, but I feel nonetheless that it is an accurate statement due to the types and shadows of God's Word. At worst it will

be a very strong possibility, as I have said in the past articles that the name Adam was symbolic of fallen man, and the Bible states that God called the man and the woman both Adam in Genesis 5:2. I asked at one point the question of his name, and I pointed out the fact that the second Adam had a name, which was Yashua. I then said this would imply that the first Adam had a name also. I strongly feel that the name of the first Adam was also Joshua, Yashua, or Jesus depending on which translation you prefer. The English equivalent of his Hebrew name is Joshua. Yashua is pronounced Joshua.   My focus has not been so much upon the literal being, as much as it has been upon his spiritual representation, but who ever this man was he brings to the arena of God's Word a tremendous imagery, metaphor, and pictorial language that gives us a marvelous insight into the future leading us to the second Adam of the gospels and his Ekklesia. He is in every way just as important to scripture as Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Joshua, for they to were types and shadows of the Messiah. Here is but one example.   God used a man called Joshua to lead the nations of Israel out of the wilderness of unbelief and sin after Moses died. In type and shadow God used another Joshua with the same Hebrew name to deliver the nations of Israel from their spiritual wilderness of sin and unbelief! There are no coincidences in the Word of God! Moses went upon the mountain for forty days and Yashua went upon the mountain for forty days. Moses was in great danger as a baby, and Yashua's life was in great danger as a baby. I hope you see my point for we can do this all day long.   The first Adam [Joshua] has fallen and he is driven out of the garden, and God now places a Cherubim in the east to keep man from entering the garden.   Where is "east of the garden? From Genesis 2:14, we find that the Garden of Eden was in the vicinity of the Euphrates River. Halley's Bible Handbook quotes an interesting ancient Babylonian inscription that shows that the garden was near Eridu, twelve miles south of Ur, where Abraham came from. The inscription said, Near Eridu was a garden, in which was a mysterious Sacred Tree, a Tree of Life, planted by the gods, whose roots were deep, while its branches reached to heaven, protected by guardian spirits, and no man enters. In Revelation 22:2, we find that the tree of life truly did reach Heaven. It is now in Heaven. It may come as a surprise, but east of the Garden of Eden can be anywhere between Earth and Heaven, which rises in our eastern sky.   What is a Cherubim?   Cherub: cher'ub, n. [Hebrew, k@ruwb], (phonic ker-oob') [Keruv]. -- of uncertain derivation. Origin possibly metathesis of the letters for chariot; the figure of a winged creature of depicting beings of celestial origin; a symbol of the guardian of the tree of life in Biblical Eden; a place in Babylon. pl. Cherubim. Also see, Seraphim.   The Hebrew word Cherubim is the plural of Cherub. And contrary to popular mythology, Cherubim are

not angels, enigmatic demigods, or the beautifully winged and scantily clad chubby children of Hebrew tradition. Despite what we've so often seen in illustrations, the fact is, you will never read in scripture of an angel or a messenger of God with wings. These well known images are not products of sound exegesis, but rather of imagination, conjecture, and mythology.   A Cherub is a symbolic figure representing certain characteristics of the Glory of God. These winged beings depicted in scripture reveal to us Spiritual truths pictured in objects, symbols and imagery. The diverse attributes of these creatures are representative of some aspect of the likeness of the Glory of the LORD God himself. In other words, it is a pictorial similitude, or portrayal, of his divine inherent characteristics.   Cherubim can also refer to a serpent, dragon, or zodiac creatures. Whatever the true meaning of Cerubim, we know that it is symbolic, and the writer of Genesis is trying to tell the reader something very important spiritually.   We will see the Cherubim in our future study of the Bible in the tabernacle where there were unseen guardian spirits that would kill anyone who dared try to approach God through the entrance of the Holy of Holies. They were in the art work on the curtains and there were two of gold facing each other on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant.   The sword has always represented judgment and the Word of God, and we will find the sword in almost every Prophet and in the Scroll of Revelation. The two edged sword is symbolic of the Old and New Covenants, and is also symbolic of Yashua, which is the two covenants, two witnesses, or WORD made flesh. As the Word Yashua declared that he was the door, or the entrance into eternal life, and scripture reveals to us that he is also the Tree of Life. Yashua is the flaming guard, or the keeper of the door that prevents anyone from entering unless they come by him, and he is turning every way to keep out the unclean and impure of heart. Yashua reveals this to us in a parable recorded by John, and his disciples of the gospels.   John 10:1-9 really could have been a story right out of Genesis with Yashua being the the Cherubim with the flaming sword standing guard to the holy entrance. God has always guarded his entrance against the thieves, robbers, and the wicked, and we find this in the Old Covenant tabernacle as well. The unclean fallen nature of man could not just walk into the presence of a Holy God with out the appropriate sacrifice.   The second Adam Yashua made it possible for us to enter boldly into his presence and make our petitions known. We still must enter through the entrance, and Yashua knows those that are his, for his blood has been applied to their lives, and we have been cleansed of all our unrighteousness.

Genesis 3 : 24 Part 2   We have discussed some great things in the first three chapters of Genesis, and I hope that you have found these discussions to be enlightening, as well as informative. Chapter three is especially a great chapter, and I would say if there was a main theme to this chapter it would have to be the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life, or one could say that it dealt simply with trees.   Our LORD and Saviour who was the "WORD" made flesh would hang and die on a TREE many thousands of years later from the Genesis scenario of chapter three, and one could certainly say that upon that tree was the completeness of good, evil, and life. For all of the evil committed against our LORD, there would be a knowledge of how that evil brought forth good, and ultimately eternal life. Even to this very day God uses the evil that was meant for our hurt, and means it for our good. These two trees symbolically dwell in the Ekklesia, and we have this knowledge, and we have eternal life.   Below I have pasted a few lines of an article posted by a Jewish scholar, and I thought what he had to say was very interesting for he said that the rollers that hold a scroll of the Torah was referred to as the Tree of Life.   Bereshit (Genesis) 3:24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.   The "rollers" that hold a Torah scroll are known by Jews, as the "Tree of Life". The tree of life is also known as Torah:   Mishlei (Proverbs) 3:13-20 Blessed is the man who finds wisdom ( The Living Torah), the man who gains understanding, For she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant ways, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her; those who lay hold of her will be blessed. By wisdom HaShem laid the earth's foundations, by understanding he set the heavens in place; By his knowledge the deeps were divided, and the clouds let drop the dew.   We can now understand why the following is recited when the Torah scroll is returned to the ark:  

“Return O HaShem, to the myriads of Israel's families. Arise HaShem to Your resting place, You and Your mighty ark. Clothe Your priests with righteousness. May those who have experienced Your faithful love shout for joy. For the sake of Your servant David, don't delay the return of Your Messiah.”  

“I give you good instruction; do not forsake My Torah. A "Tree of Life" it is for those who take hold of it, and blessed are the ones who support it. It's ways are ways of pleasantness, and all it's paths are peace. Long life is in it’s right hand, in it's left are riches and honor. HaShem was pleased for the sake of His righteousness, to render the Torah great and glorious.”

  This prayer clearly portrays the Torah as the "tree of life". This tree is mentioned a couple of times in the book of Mishlei (Proverbs) as pertaining to Mashiach. This tree still exists!   The Midrash Rabbah also indicates that the Tree of Life is Torah:   Though this Hebrew scholar probably does not believe that Yashua has already come he still in fact reveals something beautiful by long held sacred beliefs of the Jewish people.   Yashua as a scroll hung on the tree! The tree would represent in this case the roller, upon which our LORD who represented both the Old and New Covenants. That roller at Calvary would hold all the scrolls from Genesis to Revelation!   In Hebraic thinking, when one accepts the teachings of Torah, it is said to "become a person's flesh and blood"! Therefore, to fully accept the teachings of Yashua, is to partake of his "flesh and blood" - which is the Torah. Wow!   As Yashua Himself said: John 6:51-59 - I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me. This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever. To eat of his flesh was to eat of the Tree of Life! Now you can understand what Yashua really meant from the Hebrew perspective when he said these things. Always remember that Yashua came "only" to the House of Israel! Gentiles were grafted in, but it was always to the Jew first! Gentiles were grafted in to a TREE and Paul said so. Was it a literal tree? Of course not, but it was symbolic of a spiritual tree of which the TREE was Yashua! There is so much I could teach you in these passages, but I must move on and keep it short.

Genesis 4 : 1   And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bore Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.   The woman gave birth to a man, so what does this mean? She never gave birth to the "promise", but

she gave birth to a "man"! I want you to remember something very important right here OK? Cain is the "Older" and we will be hammering this nail again and again in upcoming articles. Remember how I said that Adam was the Older, and Eve was the Younger who received the promise? You will see time and again how God gives the blessing to the younger.   Once again I remind you not to speed read this verse literally moving on to the next verse completely missing some very important foundation stones about Bible truths and humanity that you need to understand.   The first Yashua knew his wife the Ekklesia and the result was an offspring that was prone to failure and curse. The second Yashua knew his wife the Ekklesia, and the result was an offspring of triumph and blessing! The Older had failed, but the Younger had succeeded, and you will see this so many times in the Word of God where the Younger receives the blessing! God chose the younger Abel over the elder, perhaps sparking a rage of jealousy on Cain's part, for God had respect unto Abel's sacrifice.   Since the word man is translated Adam then the woman declared I have gotten an Adam from the LORD. Why would she have said such a thing? It is because she knew that there would be a second Adam that would restore them to their original place in the garden! The woman had no way of knowing perhaps that this promise was to be fulfilled thousands of years later, and perhaps she had not yet even knew the true meaning of time, for time was also a new concept to her.   The word Cain is defined as "possession" and Tubal-Cain is defined as a worldly possession, and possessed of confusion.   Below is a definition and some geneaology I thought you would find interesting.   RakefetCain qayin (Hebrew) [from qayin spear] In the Bible, the son of Adam and Eve, and a tiller of the ground. This allegory signifies that "Yahweh-Cain, the male part of Adam the dual man, having separated himself from Eve, creates in her ' Abel,' the first natural woman, and sheds the Virgin blood" (SD 2:388). Cain and Abel represent the third root-race or the "Separating Hermaphrodite" (SD 2:134). Again "beginning with Cain, the first murderer, every fifth man in his line of descent is a murderer. . . . In the Talmud this genealogy is given complete, and thirteen murderers range themselves in line below the name of Cain. This is no coincidence. Siva is the Destroyer, but he is also the Regenerator. Cain is a murderer, but he is also the creator of nations, and an inventor" (IU 2:447-8). In Biblical genealogy, the line of Cain is Enoch, Irad, Mehujael, Methusael, and Lemech, whose sons were Jubal, Jabal, and Tubal-cain; the line of Seth, the third son of Adam and Eve, is Enos (Enoch), Cainan, Mehalaleel, Jarad (or Irad), Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah (Genesis 4-5). Blavatsky calls it "fruitless [to] attempt to disconnect the genealogies of Cain and of Seth, or to conceal the identity of names under a different spelling. . . . all these are symbols (Kabalistically) of solar and lunar years, of astronomical periods, and of physiological (phallic) functions, just as in any other pagan symbolical creed" (SD 2:391n).   I found some of that to be quite interesting, and I hope you did to.

Genesis 4 : 2   And she again bore his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.   Here we see two brothers and they both have their gifts. The older is what we would call a farmer today, and the younger is what we would call a rancher. Cain had the gift of making crops grow in the soil, and Abel had the gift of working with sheep. Every man born of woman has a gift of some sort whether it be a musical talent, carpentry, a chef, a mason, or a host of many other gifts that they excel above the rest to a much higher degree of proficiency.   These two brothers were no different, but as always we are encouraged to look beyond the obvious story found here in Genesis to see the imagery represented in the Spirit realm. We will begin with defining the name of Abel.   A decomposition of the translation "Abel" to the English language yields: "AB", meaning "source" in Hebrew, and "EL" meaning "God". Thus Abel is often taken to mean "source of God" (breath), or vapor.   The story of Cain and Abel is an allegory of the movement of certain departments of the soul or consciousness. The name Cain as previously discussed means "possession." This refers directly to that part of human consciousness which strives to acquire and possess selfishly. Cain was a tiller of the soil, which shows that he is of the earthly domain, or of the world.   The name Abel means "breath or vapor," which places Abel in the air or spiritual realm, or of the heaven. The two are brothers, are closely related in the consciousness. Abel will represent the spiritual while Cain represents the flesh. Paul would call Abel the "creature" and Cain "the flesh". Right here in Genesis 4:2 we are seeing the make up of future man kind, for our flesh will rise up and fight our spirit, and Paul spoke of this internal struggle of good and evil that took place with in himself. There is a Cain and Abel with in every one of us, and do they ever fight against each other! God is showing us some great spiritual truths about ourselves through this story here in Genesis, and I know each of us can relate to this, for we all have this struggle with in us every day. I do not know about you, but sometimes it looks as though the Cain in my life is winning more than I would like to admit.   Paul told us of another two brothers in Galatians 4:28-29 speaking of the Older brother Ishmael in regards to his Younger brother Isaac, but once again the younger received the blessing and was persecuted by the Older. Paul linked them in allegory, or figurative language to be likened unto the Old

Covenant, as opposed to the New. Paul tells us in Galatians 4:24 that one led to bondage while the other was free. He used two brothers to illustrate these truths to us, and so it is that the writer of Genesis is doing the same thing. There is far more to Genesis 4:2 than just a literal story of two brothers.   That which is of the flesh is first, and then that which is of the Spirit, for Paul makes this clear once again to the Corinthians.   I Corinthians 15:46-47 Young's Literal Translation but that which is spiritual is not first, but that which was natural, afterwards that which is spiritual.

The first man came from the dust of the earth; the second man came from heaven.

Genesis 4 : 3   And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.   It is interesting that the writer used the word that is the English equivalent of process, for I often say that we are all in a process in living with God. The writer gives no indication of just how much time we are speaking of here, and he does not fill us in on the minor or major details of these two men's childhood, or their growing up into manhood. He uses a term that will become all to familiar with Bible students, which is the expression "it came to pass". If the writer told us everything about everything then we would have a scroll so large that it would not be useful, for even John said if all the scrolls were written that should be written the world could not hold them. God in his wisdom had the writers of the Bible condense it down to the very basic truth, and the Jews passed on a lot of their stories and history from generation to generation orally. God had told Moses to have the children of Israel to speak to their children when they go out in the morning and again at their coming in at evening of the things of God.   Much of what we learn from the Jews that have unlocked a lot of mysteries of scripture are oral traditions handed down through the centuries, like the seven seals found in Revelation 5:1, which I would never have understood had it not been for the oral tradition of the Jews, which taught that a deed to a house was sealed with seven seals until the mortgage was paid off. Yashua paid the sin mortgage [debt] upon the House of Israel, and he alone had the authority to open the seven seals. This information was not written down, but it was common knowledge to the Jew of that time period when John wrote the scroll of Revelation.  

Our story continues in Genesis 4:3 after the passing of time that Cain brought an offering unto the LORD, and he brought the fruit of the ground. Cain had the gift of a farmer, and I would say that he brought his pride and joy of the finest looking fruit you ever saw. The Bible does not say what he brought in detail, so we can only guess at best.   Here is one thing that you most likely have never heard, and that is that the Bible does not say this was his first offering unto the LORD. Most of us have assumed it was, but that cannot be proven, for he may have offered a pleasing sacrifice many times before, but we will probably never know for sure. However, with that said it would stand to reason that Adam would have instructed his sons in the proper way of sacrifice, and from all accounts God was still speaking to man here in Genesis, for the story gives no indication that Cain was surprised to hear from God. God himself, no doubt would have given man instruction regarding something as important as sacrifice, for he did so with Abraham, Isaac, Moses, and even Yashua, and God is always the same.   There are three major points to consider in this narrative. First, both men decided to bring offerings at a set time of the year — on a particular day. The phrase “in process of time,” in Hebrew, means “at the end of days.” It often signified the end of the agricultural year [1 Kings 17:7] and was near the beginning of Autumn, which we will later see was the time of Yashua's actual birth. Recall that the Israelites were required to appear three times in the year at the temple [Exodus 23:14–17]. One of these occasions was “at the end of the year” [verse 16]. This was the Feast of Tabernacles.   Cain brought token offerings of his crops “at the end of days.” This shows the brothers must have appeared before God at a precise time near the Autumn of the year. This means they must have been told by God when to bring them.   Second, they also must have been told where to bring them because they “brought” their offerings to one altar.   Third, they were no doubt told what to bring. God would hardly have been angry with Cain unless he brought offerings not sanctioned by God.   This is similar to what happened with the later Israelites in regard to the temple. They were told when, where, and what to bring to the temple. All sacrificial offerings could only be presented at the sanctuary. Under no circumstances was any other location allowed [Deuteronomy 16:5–6, 11, 16]. With Cain and Abel, the same factors are in evidence.   Sacrifice always involves symbolism, and each calculated motion represents something that applies to the Spirit realm. The sacrifice of a lamb represented Yashua, but it is not clear as to whether the person making that sacrifice fully understood this concept. Why Cain brought an offering of the ground knowing that God had cursed it is unclear, but God obviously knew that he knew better. God wanted a sacrifice that represented blessing and not cursing, for our God is a very precise God, and things must be done in a proper manner.

  I am sick of hearing people tell me that it doesn't matter, and if there is anything that enrages me more, it is this slimy, lying, and compromising spirit of some gutless wonder with no spine or spiritual backbone standing in front of me declaring that it doesn't really matter. They are ignorant and obviously have never really read the Word of God, and they do not know, or have a clue about the God of the Bible, for he is extremely precise and very exact in all things! As a matter of fact our God is so precise that he warns his children that if they add anything to his Word, or if they take anything away from it that he will curse them with a curse! He has warned man in II John 1:10-11 not to receive an individual into your house who does not bring the proper doctrine, and neither bid him God speed! God declares that if you do so then you are partaker of this individuals evil deeds! I would say that this is getting very precise how about you? God is looking for some real women and men with the backbone of Abel in this modern day so how about it? The pagan church world out there are playing dangerous games, and they no more pay attention to this warning than the wind.   Don't you be deceived, for we have a Cain mentality church on every corner with a "it doesn't matter" attitude that are offering up a sacrifice of the cursed ground. They are offering up the serpent's food to Yashua with a take it or leave attitude. We ought to be outraged in the Spirit about this, but most are ignorant and blind, for they do not know the Word of God well enough, and most will never take the time to learn, and they are convinced that their opinions, or the opinions of their pastors will see them through when they stand to face a very precise judge. There will be far too many who cry out when they stand in judgment LORD LORD, and they will hear Yashua say depart from me you worker of iniquity.   I know this is a parable, and I know that it is symbolism of judgment. There will always be judgment to face, but the serpent nature of man refuses to believe it, and loves being deceived by the not so precise doctrines of man made religion, and they are headed to the purging Lake of Fire where the brimstone of God awaits their arrival. What ever the Lake of Fire represents in purifying symbolism it is not going to be a pleasant place for those that go there for the ages. Either you will go through the fire on this side of life, or you can go through it on the other. Most people do not want to be precise in this life, for they know it brings persecution and hatred toward them, so they would much rather compromise. There definitely are, and will be fiery trials in this life that purifies the saints of God, and they do torment us for our own good, and our outer man with the serpent nature wants no part of it. Our outer man hates the brimstone of God that is constantly purifying and whitening our garments, but we must endure it for an age or season.   Paul said if God spared not Israel that we Gentiles need to beware unless he spare us not either. Israel was cast into a horrible fire when Titus destroyed them in 70 AD, and just look at what happened to them as a people, for not wanting to be precise and exact in the offering up of the proper sacrifice. I really feel that the churches of America are about to face the same judgment that they never would have imagined possible just a few years ago, for we see this nation at this moment preparing to go against all that is holy and righteous. I do not believe in fear tactics, for I only deal with the facts to the best of my ability. I am just giving you the obvious facts that you can see for yourselves.    

Remember these words when I told you that they must disarm the American people, and you are going to see perhaps an all out effort to ban firearms the same as they have done in Europe and Australia, for we now have a House and Senate that will most likely rule against the Second Amendment. You have a Supreme Court that wants to judge according to New Age Law while ignoring our Constitution. We almost lost our Second Amendment right by just one vote just recently, and I can almost guarantee you that this administration will see to it that there will be another vote after some appointments are made with judges who must have a radical agenda to even be considered for the position. They are coming folks, but will you believe it?   The nature of man with his carnal mind is not subject unto God and neither indeed can be, and it will always try to get away with just offering the fruit of the cursed ground, but God will never accept it, and the same warning he gave Cain is lying at our door today ready to devour all who would dare dismiss the exactness of God.

Genesis 4 : 4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect to Abel and to his offering:   1 Samuel 15:22 Samuel said, "Has the LORD as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.   Hebrews 11:4 By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained the testimony that he was righteous, God testifying about his gifts, and through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks.   We have determined the name of Abel to represent the things of the Spirit as breath or vapor, and we can see that Abel brings the appropriate sacrifice of a lamb, which is a firstborn. God obviously had instructed man about the procedure of a correct sacrifice, for here we see that Abel knew the importance of the lamb being a firstborn, which we know represents Yashua in type and shadow. The work of Calvary is evident in this scripture in a figurative way, and it is revealing our Messiah unto all who would later read this writing.   Paul gives us some insight to the real problem of Cain in his letter to the Hebrews, when he declared that Abel obtained a testimony that he was righteous by faith.   True faith always produces the right fruit of obedience, as Samuel declared to Saul in the above scripture. Cain's problem was his heart, for Yashua said that it was out of the heart that the sin and problems of man arises. Doubt and unbelief produces disobedience from the heart. With out faith it is "impossible" to please God, for it is faith that will cause man to do that which is right even when no one is looking. Faith is easy to see in the children of obedience, but when I hear a so called and self proclaiming saint say that it "does not matter" I know right then what is in their heart.   Yashua said that our mouth speaks of what is truly in the heart, and it does not take very long to know the fruit in another person's life if you will just listen. Yashua declared that we will know them by their fruit. He did not say that they would not have fruit, but he let us know that it would be unacceptable fruit. The pagan mentality of today is still trying to offer up to

God the cursed fruit of the ground, which is symbolic of the world, and all that the carnal man stands for. There is no good thing that can come from the carnal mind, for it is a cursed ground that the serpent feeds upon.   We will see animal sacrifice become very visible later in scripture under the Law of Moses in regards to the nations of Israel, but here in Genesis long before there was literal nations of Israel we see that God required sacrifice, and it had to be done properly, and if it was not then sin lay at the door with curses following. There was obviously a LAW in Genesis to mankind, and they obviously had the ten commandments of God though it is not as visible as it will be in the Law of Moses, which we will find in the next world after the flood of Noah's day. God required repentance even here in Genesis 4.   However, as it was true then so it is now, for you can offer up all the sacrifices you want, but if they are not done in faith then they are useless and unacceptable. They are nothing more than cursed sacrifices, which God will refuse. It has always been, and will always continue to be about faith! Faith is the only condition of our hearts that will please God, and it always produces acceptable fruit.   Faith never says I think, but instead declares that God said! The problem with our pagan church world is that "they think" it does not matter" concerning what God actually said. Yashua said to be baptized and they say that baptism is not important, and has nothing to do with salvation. See my point? This is just one of the hundreds of things that they ignore, because some hero of their doctrinal belief said "it does not matter". To bad they have chosen a hero of unbelief with no faith, for faith knows better. Faith always motivates obedience, so we can see that Cain's problem was really a faith issue. Faith will always be the issue!   It does really matter, for God is very precise, exact, and he is a God of order, which requires that things but done exactly as he said, and true faith will see to it that God's requirements are obeyed.

Genesis 4 : 5   But to Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.   Isaiah 3:9 The expression of their faces bears witness against them, And they display their sin like Sodom; They do not even conceal it. Woe to them! For they have brought evil on themselves.   Jude 1:11 Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.   We have discussed the unacceptable sacrifice of the fruit of the ground, and what it represents figuratively, but there is more to this story that we do not find in Genesis, but Jude gives us a little more insight into Cain's problem. Now that we have determined by scripture that the source of all problems has to do with faith, and faith will cause man to obey, and will cause him to do the right works that are required of God.   Jude declares that there was an error committed, and that it had to do with pay, or riches. Jude said, that the way of Cain, which in Hebrew, means "possession", had to do with "pay". His way had to do with pay! He goes on to say that he rushed headlong into error! There are six gods mentioned in Daniel 5:23 that man has embraced while disobeying God in order to praise them. They are the gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, and stone, and it seems man will readily jeopardize his, or

her relationship with God in order to possess them. The gods of this world represent power, and man loves to have power over his fellow man. If you have riches you do indeed have power in this world, and even in the pagan church arena the rich and well to do saints are treated much differently than their poorer counter parts. The disciples had to deal with this problem even in the early Ekklesia of their day, and it still has not gone away.   The Bible declares that the love of money [power] is the root of all evil. Evil power starts out as a root going deep into every fiber of a man's carnal being. Once this root of evil springs forth it is a destroyer of man! The erroneous doctrine of Cain is alive and well in today's pagan influenced churches, for most are all about money and power. They preach doctrines of name it and claim it while demanding tithes contrary to what God's Word said; causing all who obey them to commit error! They bring their evil fruit, and claim that God is well pleased with them when in reality they are a stench in the nostrils of God. Balaam and Korah both loved the doctrine of Cain's error, and Balaam's love for money. The desire of power got Balaam into deep trouble that cost him his natural life, for he just could not seem to separate himself from the wicked king Balak while giving advice to the wicked king in the ways of how to cause Israel to stumble. He loved the power and prestige of setting with the powerful more than the will of God.   We now can see that Cain's offering was only an outward sign of a much deeper problem involving his heart. The writer goes on to say that Cain's countenance fell, for he was very angry. Our face reveal our emotions, and we cannot hide them from each other let alone hide them from God who knows everything that is in our hearts. Saints who cannot have what they want, or cannot get their own way are just like natural children having temper fits at God, and I see this in the face of every denomination, as they set with arms folded declaring that their way is the way.   Here is a news flash for each of you, and to all who may eventually read this. None of us in the last several hundred years have had the absolute truth taught to us as was taught by the disciples! None! Not one! So get rid of this I am saved and you are lost philosophy! The first thing we all need to be saved from is this blasted non-sense and pathetic religious mess taught today! Do not set there and lie to yourselves saying O but I have all the truth. No you do not and Catholicism along with her whoring Protestant daughters have seen to that! I wish I could say that I have all the truth, but I am like most of you out there digging through the rubble of religion looking for a genuine artifact of truth that the apostles actually taught. When I find those nuggets I always pass them on to you, for I want you to know the truth as well. We have uncovered many facts that upset many, but some of you have rejoiced in the light of what God is showing to us on a daily basis.   Many preachers are out there beating up on women and men declaring that it is their fault if they end up lost when they themselves are so far off the mark from what Yashua actually taught that it is pathetic. Yashua said get the beam out of your own eye before trying to remove a splinter from someone Else's. I would like for them to explain to me how it is our fault when for hundreds of years we have been denied the absolute truth? Most of us do not have a problem with what God said, but we do have a problem with what man says God said! All I can say is this. If our being saved or lost depends upon us doing exactly as the disciples said then we are hopelessly lost, for man has chopped, hacked, changed, added, and has given us a religious gauntlet to run through with all manner of opposition and resistance that does not even resemble what the disciples taught. We are being branded saved or lost according to their brand of doctrine and I am not buying into any of it! Faith in God is our only hope, for man made religions have hopelessly confused the world.   We have not been taught the truth! Listen to me and hear what I am saying, for all that we have been told has been contaminated, adulterated, altered, changed, and that includes the written Word of God, for Catholicism has seen to that! Get your head out of the religious sands and start listening for God to instruct you in his leading, and of his guiding you into all of his truth! I am sick to my stomach of sleazy religious pagan salesman telling me they have the truth, yet they have added and taken away at will from the Word that we do have. I am a studious man, and I stand appalled at what history has taught us about how man changed the Word of God on purpose, and murdered anyone who dared defy them. They added pagan holidays and doctrines that go unchallenged to this very day. Some errors found are just human error, but many were intentional and on purpose. Words were changed to give Catholicism and the clergy the power and the control over the ignorant masses. Most will not believe what I have just said, but it is the truth, and if most of them would get up off their lazy rears and study, it is easy to validate and to prove.   Doing some things, or a lot of things right is not enough, for Cain did a lot of things right, for he came at the appropriate

time to give an offering, and he came to the right altar, which was used by Abel also, so this was not the problem. The problem however, was that he came with a heart that was very different than that of his brother Abel. He wanted to serve God, but it had to be in his own way. He had to have the power that was not his to have. People do not like to be told they are wrong, and they usually get very angry with anyone who will dare point out their errors, for this is human nature, so what we have today is a bunch of religious Cains with lines drawn, and a do not cross sign written upon their angry hearts.   The sin of Cain is indeed among us to this very day, and I hope you can clearly see it for what it is. Man does not want God to be in control with his power. Man wants to do it his way, for he loves the power that deceives the human heart.  

Genesis 4 : 6-7   6. And the LORD said to Cain, why are you wroth, and why is your countenance fallen? 7. If you do well, shall you not be accepted, and if you do not well, sin lies at the door? And to you shall be his desire, and you shall rule over him.   World English Bible Yahweh said to Cain, why are you angry? Why has the expression of your face fallen? New American Standard Bible (©1995) If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it. GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995) If you do well, won't you be accepted? But if you don't do well, sin is lying outside your door ready to attack. It wants to control you, but you must master it.   Here is one more translation that kind of said it best.   If you do good, will there not be special privilege? And if you do not do good, sin is crouching at the door. It lusts after you, but you can dominate it.   The KJV has made it very difficult to understand the true meaning of what God said at times, and in verse 7 this another good example of this, so I gave you a few translations that will hopefully help you understand it much better. The KJV has made it very hard to interpret the true meaning of this scripture, and has left many who read it clueless, for it does not make sense where it said "you shall rule over him". Properly translated it makes perfect sense.   God tells Cain you master it! Cain must take some responsibility just like Paul declared to the Romans.   Romans 6:12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts, Romans 6:16 Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness?   God may not have given man free-choice in his ability to choose whether he is a sinner or not, or whether he is called, drawn, or chosen, but he has obviously given man a will to fight against evil in his conscious. God placed good and evil in

the heart of man, and those two fight against each other every day with the conscience right in the middle of this battle. Man kind all over the face of the earth have a conscious that tells them it is wrong to murder, lie, steal, rape, and the such like, and if they do not obey that conscious, which can be influenced by good and evil, and if it only listens to the evil then the spirit of the enemy can take control of many areas of your life. This is how the enemy gains access to so many hearts. This is where addictions come from, and today we have an epidemic of addicts in our modern societies of the world, and I am not just speaking of drug addictions either. We have food addicts, sex addicts, pedophiles, fetishes of all types, alcoholics, nicotine addicts, serial killers, serial rapists, and would you believe religious addicts? These all happen because man refuses to master this same condition that had gotten Cain into so much trouble with a curse.   The Prophets said this also in regards to sin, and the countenance in the scriptures below.   Numbers 32:23 But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out.   Job 11:14 If iniquity is in your hand, put it far away, and do not let wickedness dwell in your tents; Job 11:15 Then, indeed, you could lift up your face without moral defect, and you would be steadfast and not fear.   God saw the moral defect in Cain, and he warned Cain of the horrible consequences that lay right by the door of his heart. This is why we need Yashua to be the doorkeeper of our hearts, for man does not know his own heart. Yashua will keep those things in their place, and only he alone can do it. This is why there had to be a Calvary in the plan of God, for man was hopelessly lost on his own. Man proved even under the Law of Moses that his heart could not keep the Law, and Israel failed miserably in the keeping of that Law. Acts 15:10 declared: Now therfore why tempt you God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers, nor we were able to bear.   So was God shocked that Cain's heart was in this state or condition? No! God knew the end from the beginning, and there had to be two groups of people with one being called the sons of men, and the other the sons of God. This to was all in the plan of God, as the Older will battle the Younger down through the ages. It had to start some where, and God knew exactly when and where it should start. The separation of the just and the unjust was about to get under way here in this chapter of Genesis. The story of Cain is beginning to reveal the first Anti-God spirit. Man by nature has an Anti-God nature, which this modern day world refers to as Anti-Christ. The spirit of Anti-Christ that John warns the Ekklesia about will make a lot more sense to you once you begin to see that this spirit has been around for a very long time since Genesis.   I want you take notice of something right here, for this is very important in your future understanding of scripture. No where does God warn Cain of a place called "HELL" where he will burn forever and ever. If there was to be such a place don't you think right now would have been a good place to have warned Cain about it, for what Cain is about to do is one of the worst crimes committed against another fellow human? Cain was already a sinner, and God had not been punishing him any more than the curse that he had already placed upon man in the garden. That curse was being dealt with by the acceptable sacrifice offered up here in Genesis by Abel. By faith one day they would receive the promise made to the fathers of the Old Covenant. Remember that God has said nothing of an eternal hell hole to Adam, Eve, Abel, or Cain that will burn with eternal fire, and there is a very good reason for it!   "HELL" was and is a Catholic invented doctrine, which began with a man by the name of Dante Alighieri around the early 1300's along with Pope Gregory's fifth century made up doctrines of the seven deadliest sins, and later the seven heavenly virtues, which is taught to this day. There is absolutely no Bible for any of this false teaching, but the pagan influenced church world of today embraces these teachings and many more like them as truth. Please Google what I just told you, and do your own research on these men to confirm what I just told you. It is the historical truth, which Catholicism does not deny. Always remember that Catholics believe the Pope is infallible, and that he has the authority to change, add, or take away from the written word of the apostles.   Far too many are addicted to their religions while ignoring truth doing what they have heard all their lives. They choose to

believe what has been portrayed unto them by TV, family, and especially tradition; never questioning it's origin. Every man and woman upon this planet has the blessing and the cursing standing before them just as Cain, and sin lies at the door of their hearts.   What God did show Cain that day was that before him stood two things, and they were blessing and cursing. He showed Cain two roads that his heart could travel on.   Cain could either travel the Anti-God road, or he could do that which was right.

Genesis 4 : 8   And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. American Standard Version And Cain told Abel his brother. And it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.   Details are very sketchy to say the least in this verse, but some of the other translations say that Cain told Abel. So what did Cain tell him? Perhaps Cain told Abel how that God had no respect for his offering, and perhaps Abel did try to talk some sense into his brother which enraged him further, but we may never know. I think common sense would tell us that we would have tried to talk to our own brothers or sisters if this was the case in our own families, because normally we love them enough to try. I'm sure Abel would have tried to encourage him to take God's advice. We must remember that Cain was very angry with God, and not with Abel, for it was God who rejected his offering. I think there is a valuable lesson to be learned here from people who are very angry with God, for they can become extremely dangerous. The Bible teaches us to lay hands suddenly on no man. In doing so we may get more than we bargained for.   Matthew 23:35 so that upon you may fall the guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. Luke 11:51 from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the house of God; yes, I tell you, it shall be charged against this generation.' I John 3:12 not as Cain, who was of the evil one and slew his brother. And for what reason did he slay him? Because his deeds were evil, and his brother's were righteous. Jude 1:11 Woe to them! For they have gone the way of Cain, and for pay they have rushed headlong into the error of Balaam, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.   I want you notice in the above scriptures that Cain slew Abel because his deeds were evil. It does not say that his sacrifice was evil, but that his deeds were evil. It is not clear if these verses are telling us that Abel was also killed between the altar and the house of God, for Genesis gives us no indication that a temple had been built, but it is very possible. I thought it interesting that the writers included Abel among those described between the temple and altar.   However, when all is said and done the Older brother persecuted and murdered the Younger giving us a type and shadow of the flesh persecuting the spirit along with the Old Covenant believers persecuting the New Covenant saints. It was the believers of the Law of Moses that gave Yashua along with his disciples, and the Ekklesia such a hard time. The Cain doctrine of then and today will always rise up, and try to slay the truth. Here in America we are protected by the laws of the

land, and our constitution gives us the right to practice the freedom of religion, but this still does not protect us against character assassination, and the verbal attacks by the pagan religious establishments among us. This may soon change however as we see the winds shifting and changing to socialism. Many of us have already been thrown out of these so called churches, and have been threatened that we will be arrested if we show up on the premises just for trying to show them that they are teaching in error. The churches of today only have a conditional love and don't you ever forget it.   God's love is unconditional, but these lying snakes of today will only love you with a selfish love, and only then if they can control you. Individuals like me are despised for I cannot be controlled by them, and I will never submit to their lying nonsense. I am hoping that you all feel the same. There are perhaps a few good preachers out there who are not like most, or among them, and if you are fortunate enough to have a real genuine pastor then you had better thank the God of heaven for them, for your's is truly a rare thing.

Genesis 4 : 9   And the LORD said to Cain, where is Abel your brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?   Once again this is not insinuating that God does not know where Abel is, for this is written to bring to light the spiritual truths in this story that God wants us to learn. God is revealing unto us just how bad the condition of Cain's heart really was.   Cain is so wroth, or so angry at God that he cops an attitude toward the Almighty, which was not a very wise thing to do. Cain has murdered once and no doubt would do so again, for his killing of Abel has obviously not calmed down the rage that is in his heart.   There are many people even in this modern society who are very angry with God, and they blame God for the tragedies and bad events that have happened in their lives and their world, as though God owed them an exception to the rule. They go through this life extremely bitter, and want to be alone, and often isolate themselves from others. They often take it out on those around them, for they feel they must strike out at someone, but their real problem is really with God.   Extreme bitterness has been shown to effect our physical and mental health not to mention our spiritual health. Bitterness is extremely dangerous to our spiritual welfare, and the Bible warns us of the root that can establish itself in our hearts. Bitterness is the defiled spiritual fruit of the ground, and God saw the bitterness of Cain, and this is why God had no respect for his sacrifice, for his bitterness defiled him.   Hebrews 12:15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any "root" of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;  

Please read Romans 3:12-18, but I will only quote verses 14 and 18, which said; whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness, and there is no fear of God before their eyes. Once again the root of bitterness defiles you.   This is why Paul warned the Ephesians about the fruit of bitterness, and he warned them that the fruit of bitterness and wrath must be put away from them, among many other things in Ephesians 4:31.   Cain's root of bitterness caused him to have no fear before his eyes, and do we really think we can do better if we allow the same? As precious saints we need to strive to put away all bitterness and wrath, and this is why we must build up our defenses by praying with a lot of study of our God's Word, for it is the only root killer I know of that will help us to be our brother's keeper as God intended. Marriages are not working because of bitterness that has been allowed to creep in because the spiritual garden of their heart have been neglected, and these awful roots that have taken hold in the ground of their heart. This is why the Prophet said plow up the hardened ground of you heart!   With out fear Cain lies to God as though God would not know what he did to his brother, and unfortunately there are many even to this day that feel as though God does not see the wickedness in their heart. The serpent no doubt had influenced Cain though the Bible does not reveal that to us even though we now see that the serpent is really the other nature that is a part of our make up. The serpent was a murderer from the beginning so it was that serpent nature that influenced Cain to murder his brother. Cain in his arrogance asked God a very stupid question. Am I my brothers keeper? Let us take a look at the word "keeper" shall we?   KEEPER is defined as, shamar (shaw-mar'), which means to hedge about as with thorns, i.e. guard; generally, to protect, attend to, etc.   As an older brother under normal circumstances Cain should have protected his brother, and his brother Abel obviously loved and trusted him, and probably never would have imagined that Cain would do such a thing to him. We see in Cain an arrogance as he manifests an attitude about something that love should have caused him to do normally, but Cain loved his possessions and his doctrine of error more than human life it seems. He should have loved, protected, and attended to his brother, but sin hardened and blinded his heart to doing the right thing. It seems as though Cain convinced himself that God would not see what he had done, and people live their lives today as though God does not see or require judgment. This is the result of bitterness that finds it's way into the human heart, for it will destroy relationships with those around you.   The Cain churches of today have the same attitude toward anyone who would dare not agree with them, and Catholicism murdered to the tune of about 150 million souls just because Catholicism and her whoring Protestant daughters hated the truth of God, and in their arrogance they still defy him. Instead of loving the lambs of God they butchered them in their damnable inquisitions of which the Pope publicly apologized for in the year 2000 before the Wailing Wall at Jerusalem. I guess he figured that would right all the evil done by his blood thirsty empire with all their bitterness and hatred for the real truth.

  It seems as though God was giving Cain a chance to confess his sin, or admit his guilt, but he would not even do that. He could have repented, and asked for mercy, yet Cain does none of these things. It seems as though Cain has no intention of even admitting that he did evil with his murderous act. At least the Pope admitted they did it, but not Cain! You never hear how that Martin Luther and John Calvin murdered, and burned at the stake those who dared oppose them, for it seems that it is a forgotten chapter of history.   Every one needs to read the original Fox's Book of Martyrs to be reminded of the price that has been paid. Do not read the modern watered down version sold today that some how seems to be afraid to tell it like it really was. Go find the original Fox's Book of Martyrs and read it, and you will see what bitterness and wrath has done!

Genesis 4 : 10   And he said, what have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries to me from the ground.   The above scripture would never make sense trying to use just a literal interpretation, for common sense tells us that blood does not have a natural human voice. God is revealing something of great importance in the spiritual realm to us, and it has to do with defilement and judgment.   To make sense of this scripture, and in order to have a clearer understanding of the voice we must allow the Word of God to reveal the true meaning with it's usage in other passages found in the rest of the scrolls. Even animal blood had a spiritual voice in the law of sacrifice even though it was only temporary.   There is a known principle of judgment found in the Law in of Moses that we find also in Revelation concerning vengeance. Here are some of those scriptures that will hopefully help you understand the imagery of the voice crying out from the ground. When innocent blood was shed, God said that the land, or the ground was defiled and polluted   Numbers 35:33 So you shall not pollute the land in which you are; for blood pollutes the land and no expiation can be made for the land for the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it. This principle of this judgment was found in Genesis 4, for Cain had defiled the ground.   Deuteronomy 21:1-9 If a slain person is found lying in the open country in the land which the LORD your God gives you to possess, and it is not known who has struck him, they had to do what God said in order to put away the guilt of innocent blood. God had warned his people that they would be removed and destroyed from their land if they allowed innocent blood to be shed among them. This

was a very serious law that was to be seriously enforced. Now you know why Titus came in 70 AD after they shed the innocent blood of Yashua, his Prophets, and the Ekklesia. The land of Israel was now polluted to over flowing with defilement and had to be cleansed.   Hebrews 12:24 and to Yashua, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel. We are not speaking of natural speaking here, but it is speaking of spiritual things. Abel's blood demanded judgment of death, and harsh punishment, but our Messiah shed his blood which spoke of life, blessing, assurance and promise to those that would believe, but it brought a horrible cursing to those that did not.   Yashua's blood flowed upon the ground of Israel from Pilate's judgment hall all the way to the crucifixion site, and once there he bled to death as his innocent blood saturated the ground beneath the tree upon which he hung.   Revelation 6:9 When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained;   Revelation 6:10 and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?   Even in Revelation we see this Law of God about to be enforced, for the shedding of innocent blood requires judgment even here.   It is important that you grab onto to this, and that you understand this Law, for it will play a huge part in your understanding of the Prophets, the Gospels and Revelation. You will not understand what is meant by the Days of Vengeance, or the meaning of the Abomination that makes Desolate. Once you understand this concept Genesis takes on whole different meaning as it sets the stage for the future of man kind.

Genesis 4 : 11 And now are you cursed from the earth, which has opened her mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand; Genesis 3:14 The LORD God said to the serpent, because you have done this, "cursed" are you more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field; on your belly you will go, and dust you will eat all the days of your life;

Deuteronomy 28:15 But it shall come about, if you do not obey the LORD your God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes with which I charge you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you: Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, CURSED IS EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY ALL THINGS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW, TO PERFORM THEM. Our future understanding of God, and his Word will depend on whether or not we grasp the nature of these truths. God is speaking of spiritual things here, and we must disengage from our literal mentality of interpretation, and look beyond the obvious literal words to grasp their true meaning. What did all of this mean to Israel to whom it was given, and what does all of this mean to the Ekklesia of even today? This is a question that we must try to answer if we are to understand future readings of the Word of God. First we know that literally speaking the earth does not have a mouth, and that Abel's blood was not literally held in Cain's hand. The hand represented power to the Jew, and Cain had the power in his hand to take the life of his brother Abel and he did so. What this is saying is that the innocent blood is upon his hand, and sometimes they used the expression upon his head. The head and the hand represented authority, and in this passage we see this power defiled and abused to commit evil. The earth is referred to as "her" yet we know that the earth is not literally a female so what is the writer saying to us using this figurative language of imagery? This can get deep, but what you are seeing here is the Ekklesia, and I will try to keep it very simple by leaving it at that. The Ekklesia of God from the Prophets, Old Covenant believers until now have always had a mouth that spoke of righteousness. The Ekklesia of God has been covered by the righteous blood of Yashua, which did indeed speak of greater things than Abel, for the LORD speaks through his chosen people. Notice how the writer said; YOU ARE CURSED "FROM" the EARTH. How is this even remotely possible if Cain lives for several hundred years upon this planet. The only acceptable explanation is that God was not speaking of this literal planet earth! Symbolically the EARTH represented something else just like I have been pointing out right along about the metaphor, poetic, and figurative language used by our LORD and his Prophets. What God was saying in a nutshell is that Cain is cursed from receiving spiritual blessings among the accepted Ekklesia of his day. Cain must now leave the temple of blessing where the acceptable altar stood and wander in spiritual blindness. The temple and the altar is the earth of symbolism from which Cain will no longer have access, as we soon shall see in the next few upcoming verses. With out true repentance Cain would only defile the altar where God had said they were to bring their sacrifice, and just as his father and mother had been driven out of the garden for disobedience, so it is that we see Cain being driven even farther into the outer darkness of unbelief. The light of God was always near the temple and the altar, for this is where God's presence has always

been among his chosen. Cain is now cursed from it, and nothing he will do will ever be accepted of God, for Cain is now an enemy of the Most High. There remained no repentance for Cain who has become our first reprobate on record. The reprobate Older would now persecute the blessed Younger, and a definite separation, or enmity has occurred in scripture between the Seed of the righteous and the Seed of the wicked.

Genesis 4 : 12   When you till the ground, it shall not from now on yield to you her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shall you be in the earth.   GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995) When you farm the ground, it will no longer yield its best for you. You will be a fugitive, a wanderer on the earth. From this passage of scripture if taken literally we are made aware that Cain has lost his gift of farming. Before when he had planted his crops there must have been an enormous harvest with excellent fruit. However, it seems as though now he must wander to gather enough food to eat. He will obviously find enough food to survive by wandering from place to place, but he will not see again a season of plenty harvest. As we continue reading about Cain we are made aware that this is not entirely the case. We know that Cain literally did well enough to build a city and name it after his son Enoch. He obviously had plenty to eat in the literal sense so this curse must be pertaining to something else. Obviously it has more to do with the spiritual than it has to do with the carnal. Using the language of the Prophets, which is imagery, figurative and metaphor I think you will readily see what the curse was really all about.   There are many that teach today that once a person is given a gift from God that it cannot be taken away, but right here in Genesis we find that God does indeed take away the gift he has given unto Cain. There have been far too many preachers and saints that had many gifts, and they were very effective at one time using these gifts for the kingdom of God, but now they no longer have those abilities. Many are stripped of their peace, joy, and spiritual blessings, and in many ways they are just the same as Cain wandering in the spiritual land of Nod stripped of their former abilities. You do not play games with God, and you will do it God's way exactly as he has said, or you will find your selves driven out from his presence into judgment. The pagan church world of today act as though it does not matter what they do, or how they interpret what God said just like the Cain of old.   There are far too many people today who are fugitives and wanderers in the religious circles of our modern pagan influenced church society. You will never be able to convince them of their errors, and like Cain they will not listen to reason, for it will either be their way or no way at all. I personally know many people who are at the same religious level in terms of growth that they were thirty years ago. They have not advanced one inch spiritually! They still talk about the same old non-sense, and their mentality is exactly as it was way back then as they circle their mountain of unbelief over and over just as Israel had done in the wilderness. In many cases their personal lives and children are an absolute mess, because they could not feed them spiritually.   They are determined to serve God according to their interpretations, and far too many are parrot saints who only repeat what their pastors have told them never checking out if what they have been told is biblical or not. They are so shallow when it comes to the Word of God that I cannot even have a simple Bible discussion of any depth with them. They have a Jesus saves and come to Jesus mentality and that is sadly it. They cannot even explain who Jesus is or was, and they have not a clue about whom the Bible was written to. They read every new pagan Christian book that hits the shelf, but will not give the Bible the time of day, and their conversation is about the latest prophecy book, or The Purpose Driven Life. If they read

the Bible they would know about prophecy, and what God's purpose for your life is, and they would not need to read some other book to tell them that, but they would rather let someone else to their interpretation for them and pay them to do it. They are too lazy to get up off their sorry behind and check things out for themselves, and I speak this to their shame.   The Word of God will never produce for them, for they are like Cain who think they can serve God any way they want. They are giving money to these TV LIARS, because they told them they need to plant a thousand dollar seed, and they will reap a harvest of money, or pay their tithes and God will financially bless you. LIARS! Everyone of them are con men, but because you have the attitude of Cain the earth no longer produces for you, and you sit around wondering why you are not getting any returns on your thousand dollars worth of seed, or your ten percent. You have been had because spiritually your ground will never produce, and you will just wander and be a vagabond when it comes to the things of God.   God's Word is the good ground, and when things are done right it will produce abundantly for you year after year, but do not think that God will bless you with a spiritual harvest with an attitude of Cain. Sin lies at the door and this is why the pagan influenced churches of today are infested with adultery, fornication, porn, divorce, greed, and a host of you name it problems. Why is the pagan churches of today in such a mess? Come on and get real! You know in your hearts as well as I do the problem! They have done what Cain did, and they are cursed, and the Bible no longer produces for them. You do not add or take away from what God has said, but they sit there instead in their unbelief, as they chant their creeds of denomination, and are furious with any one who would dare reject their teaching!   Spiritually you can end up exactly like Cain in the spiritual Israel of today being driven out from the Ekklesia of God's holy presence.

Genesis 4 : 13   And Cain said to the LORD, my punishment is greater than I can bear.   We have discussed his punishment, which was a curse that took away his gift as a highly successful farmer, and Cain finds himself now a wanderer. He is also going to be a fugitive. God said that Cain was going to be a wanderer, so let's take a look at the use of this word found in scripture, and let us see if we can get a clearer picture of the spiritual emphasis of it's use here in Genesis. The words fugitive and wanderer when used in this type of context represent judgment and curse.   I Timothy 5:13 And with they learn to be idle, "wandering" about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.   Jude 13 Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame: "wandering" stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever [the ages].   Below are a couple of other translations that will better help you understand what Jude actually said. The expression blackest darkness does not make very good sense to modern day readers.

  Weymouth New Testament wild waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, for whom is reserved dense darkness of age-long duration. Young's Literal Translation wild waves of a sea, foaming out their own shames; stars going astray, to whom the gloom of the darkness to the age hath been kept.   A new "age" has begun for Cain, and it will be an age of darkness filled with fear, which is the result of unbelief, for the light of God will no longer be in his presence. Cain's unbelief has caused him to be sent away from God, for his refusal to repent, and for his refusal to listen to his voice. If Cain would have repented for his violate act like David did, and would have listened to his voice, then God would have no doubt shown mercy unto him, but Cain's heart was full of bitterness caused by unbelief.   Cain is still so arrogant that he tells God that his punishment is greater than he can bear. He refuses to even acknowledge that the LORD'S judgment is just, and that he is getting what he deserves. Now he will be a fugitive fleeing from every shadow of fear, as his heart now finds no comfort, and he constantly must worry about some one trying to slay him. There are other peoples out there in the wilderness that will be strangers to him that will kill him if they find him, or why else would he have worried about it?   Cain is not alone where he will be going. I am not going to discuss these other people, or who they were, or where they came from, but you need to take note of this for this once again re-enforces that Adam and Eve were the beginning of the spiritual race of man kind from whom Yashua would descend, and not necessarily the first two individuals of all man kind. There is much being said about some things, and very little being said about others. Many things that were common knowledge to everyone of that time is not common knowledge today, and this is why we set wondering about such things today. The Jews must have known who these other people were, and the writer did not see the need to fill in those blanks.   Now follow me closely here, for we are about to discuss a topic that is greatly misunderstood, and right here is the place to start our discussion about it. The topic is "HELL" that is taught by almost all of today's pagan churches that claim that Cain is now kicking and screaming in a devil's "HELL" forever and ever. No where did God mention, or warn Cain that his punishment would be forever and ever in a horrible eternal fire did he? Read it for yourself and see if you can find any mention, or warning to Cain about such a place. What did God say Cain's punishment would be for his horrible crime of murder? The pagan world has chopped, changed, added, and taken away at will from the Word of God inserting their own doctrines and man made beliefs, as you soon shall see.   When God the great Elohim created all things in the beginning, he never mentioned that he created an eternal hell hole full of brimstone and fire for the purpose of tormenting souls who would not obey him, or that would never have the opportunity to hear about him or his Word. Why? We need to answer this for all future understanding of promises made to man kind from God will not make much sense if we do not get this right.   God knows all things right? From the beginning even to the very end right? Then this declaration alone declares that God knew from the foundation of the world that man would do wickedly just like Cain right? The Lamb of God was already slain from the foundation so this really nails down the fact that God knew "ALL" things about "ALL" things, and how men and women would do wickedly. As a matter of fact God created man to do just that! I can hear some of you now as you say Raymond has lost his mind, and Ole' what blasphemy! Prove me wrong then if you can. I have volumes of scripture that back up what I just said, and they are not taken out of context either.   God has set the world in mans heart, and has shapen him in iniquity while in his mothers womb. God made man with out the ability to direct his own steps, nor does he know what is in his heart. God made man to be blind spiritually, and unless the hand of God opens our eyes of understanding we will set in darkness until he does. His Spirit must help our infirmity for

we are utterly helpless not knowing what to even ask for in prayer. God made us to be lost! God made us a sinner! No choice! No say about any of it!   Now, do you want to learn the Bible or not, or would you rather set on pagan pews with your heads in the religious sands of ignorance? It is up to you, for God is showing you his plan, his purpose, and his will for all man kind right here in Genesis, so will you listen to his Word, or are you continue to turn a blind eye, and keep on doing what you been doing, and getting the same old results? These articles are for those who are sick and tired of the same old teaching year after year, and never really learning nothing about God, or his Word. These articles are for those of you who have grown weary of repetition, formality, and tradition.   Now once more we need to know that God said nothing about "HELL", and surely if there was such a place he would have let Cain know. As a matter of fact he would have let Adam and Eve know of such a horrible place if such a place existed don't you think? No where in the entire Old Covenant is man warned of such a place, so you need to ask yourself why? The way the modern pagan churches of today preach "HELL" you would think it would be found all through the Old Covenant, but it is not! Many of you who read this will be shocked to know that you have been spiritually bamboozled, and have been taught in error about "HELL", which the KJV scholars committed grave error for translating from the highly corrupted Latin Vulgate of Catholicism.   The "HELL" of Catholicism is a pagan doctrine of Egypt known as AMENTI, and was brought into their doctrine of beliefs the same as Easter, Christmas, Trinity, Purgatory, and Lint, along with many more pagan traditions they observe and teach as fact. It is high time for all of you to listen up, and learn what Catholicism along with her whoring Protestant offspring has done to pagan Christianity. There is no such place as "HELL"! Let me say that one more time. There is no such place as "HELL"! What you have been told does not always equate to truth. We have heard there are little green men on Mars, but that does not make it so.   Now do you want to learn or not? If not have a good life, and delete all further articles not wasting my time or yours. I am through with trying to reason with ignorant people who do not want to learn. If you do then get your Bible, and seat your self in a comfortable chair and hang on, as we find out what God actually said.  

Genesis 4 : 14   Behold, you have driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from your face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that finds me shall slay me.   If we did not understand the language of figurative imagery this verse would make no sense at all, for as I stated earlier the earth does not have a literal face, and neither does God, for God is a Spirit having neither sex, shape, or form. This verse also reveals to us that the earth could represent the face of God, for Cain is driven from the "face". This is where a good Hebrew concordance comes in handy, for many of these words are not the same, yet the KJV scholars used the word "earth" to represent the Hebrew word in English, which often times is not the best choice to convey the true intent or meaning of scripture.   They also did the same thing with the word "HELL" by putting it in every place where the word Sheol,

Hades, Gehenna, Geber, or Tartarus was used. The words Grave, Sheol, and Hades etc, eludes to something entirely different than the Catholic "HELL" of pagan tradition. The true meaning and intent of scripture is then lost because of these types of errors. This is very poor scholarly work to say the least, and they knew better. You must remember the powerful influence of Catholicism in Europe during the 1600's to the present. These scholars were not going to stick their necks out very far, even though King James had defied the Catholic Churches ban on the Bible to the common people. They had just burned Tyndale at the stake just a few years earlier for trying to give the common people a Bible to read.   He under took a tremendous endeavor of translating the Bible out of not only the Hebrew, but also the Greek, Aramaic, Latin, and other languages as well, yet they gave this man virtually no credit for any of it, and they changed a lot of what he had translated, and history has proven that Tyndale had done a much better job of it. Never under estimate the corruption of Catholicism and her damnable pagan doctrines with her lust for power and control.   If Cain and Abel were the only two sons of Adam and Eve then where do all these other people come from? There is no record that Cain or Abel were married, or had children before the murder, and once Seth is born the Bible said that "men" began to call upon the LORD. This once again confirms what I have said about Adam and Eve being the beginning of the blood line of the Messiah, and not the first two humans upon the planet. Though the Bible does not come right out and say it we find that it eludes to it all over the place here in Genesis. Do not forget about the article that brought to light the several beginnings of Genesis.   We discussed yesterday about Cain being a fugitive and a vagabond [wanderer], so I will not touch on this in this article.   The "face" of God is symbolic for his Word, and is often times referred to as his "countenance". I would suggest that you take your concordance and research the use of these words in scripture to better understand the true meaning of the word "face" and "countenance". This is not to be interpreted literally, but figuratively, and by now you should know this.

Genesis 4 : 15   And the LORD said to him, Therefore whoever slays Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark on Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.   Have you ever wondered about who the "whoever" were that is mentioned here in this passage. Once again the writer is eluding to another group of people here, and they obviously are not kinfolk, for Cain is afraid of them. Another thing you should note is that whoever these people are they are prone to killing, for the LORD warns them of sevenfold judgment.

  We will see that the nations of Israel in the future, because of their Cain nature of bitter disobedience and rebellion are also driven out from the garden of the promise land to dwell among strangers where there will be no acceptable altar with no spiritual blessings, for they are cursed seven times just as Yahweh had Moses warn them. Yahweh had an invisible mark placed upon the foreheads of the wicked of Israel in Ezekiel. Read chapters 8 and 9 about this mark that was placed upon those that were weeping for Tammuz, and were worshiping the sun, which had to do with Nimrod and Estar, from which we get the pagan holidays of Easter and Christmas. We also find that Yahweh places a mark upon them in Revelation, which seals them for destruction. This is a spiritual mark of rejection, and it is imagery and a figurative language.   Israel was driven out from the presence of God with a mark upon them to live among a strange people who spoke with strange tongues who were void of the Word of God. They went into captivity to be destroyed and to be consumed by the Gentile nations, as the Bible and history declares. Israel was assimilated into the world of Gentiles, and this was their judgment for their abominations and their wicked behavior.   We see the same exact thing happening to Cain here in Genesis, as he goes to walk as a vagabond void of God's blessings among a strange people, and Cain no doubt has very good reason to fear, for fear is a product of unbelief. Cain's problem was the same problem that his mother had, which was the problem of unbelief, which is the root of all problems known to man kind. Unbelief in what God said causes rebellion, disobedience, bitterness, abomination, murder, because all of these things come from the heart, which is effected by the root of unbelief. The unbelieving heart is marked, and it can be seen and recognized with a spiritual eye, for we will know them by their fruit. The fruit of a person's life is his mark to the Ekklesia of God, but the heathen does not see the mark on another heathen. This mark is only visible to those that are in the Spirit Kingdom of God.   God has warned that he will send strong delusion [a mark] to those that do not love the truth. Read II Thessalonians 2:11-12 where Paul warns them of God placing a mark of strong delusion so strong that they will believe a lie and be damned to judgment.   People who believe in this garbage and non-sense of "The Left Behind Series", which is the false doctrine of the Futurist taught by almost all of today's pagan influenced churches, who are in grave error when they teach that a person left behind will have a second chance if they refuse to take the mark and die in the seven year tribulation. This is a very good example of where they do not believe what scripture plainly teaches when it states that God himself will send them strong delusion, and if God sends you strong delusion then that is the final curtain for you, for you will never believe the truth from that moment until the grave, for you are now a marked reprobate. Man thinks that he can some how have a stronger will than God I suppose, and he figures he will some how be able to shake off this delusion. That my friends is what I call strong delusion! It is just wishful thinking on man's part, but it is not reality or the truth.   Once God places his mark of delusional rejection upon you, as he did with Cain then you are spiritually dead, as the curse of God destroys you from that moment forward.

Genesis 4 : 16   And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelled in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.   Cain, with all of his anger, bitterness, rebellion, and his Anti-Yahweh attitude is forced out of the LORD'S presence.   The pagan influenced churches of today are Cain to the core, and this is the reason that people cannot feel the genuine presence of the LORD. They are nothing more than spiritual chop shops that are filled with rebellion to what God has actually said, and no one is going to tell them any thing that they do not want to hear. Most all of them are cursed, and the only thing that is felt is the anointing of strong delusion, as they teach, preach, and believe many things that have been added and taken away from God's Word.   Don't you be fooled by what you have felt in their worship services, for the anointing of God is very real to help them preach and teach a lie to deceive. You really do have to know the Word of God, or you will be taken in by these prophets. I can hear some of you now as you argue that God would never do such a thing. If you are so shallow in the things of God then you do not need to be reading these articles, for you are ignorant of the Most High God and his doings, and you know nothing of spiritual reality. My purpose is not to offend, but these are the facts whether you like it or not.   God is not playing games, for he created Satan for this purpose, and he is an anointed professional of deception. Yashua himself will indeed put a lying spirit in the mouth of the prophets of Satan to deceive, and to bring you strong delusion if you rebel against the truth. What part of II Thessalonians 2:10-11 do you not understand?   If you cannot understand Paul in Thessalonians maybe you can understand this about the God of heaven. You need to read I Kings 22:1-23, and pay close attention to verses 20-23.   I Kings 22:20-23 20. And the LORD said, Who shall persuade Ahab, that he may go up and fall at Ramoth-gilead? And one said on this manner, and another said on that manner. 21. And there came forth a spirit, and stood before the LORD, and said, I will persuade him. 22. And the LORD said to him, how will you do it? And he said, I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he said, You shall persuade him, and prevail also: go forth, and do so.

23. Now therefore, behold, the LORD has put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these your prophets, and the LORD has spoken evil concerning you.   Well there you have it! Will you believe it now?   The LORD God Yahweh put a lying spirit in the mouth of the prophets. It is high time that we get off of our spiritual bottles, and take a good look at the God of the Bible, and see him in a light that has never been shown to us by the pagan religious environments of today.   I want you to notice just how powerful this anointing was in verse 24 of this same chapter. I Kings 22:24 But Zedekiah the son of Chenaanah went near, and smote Micaiah on the cheek, and said, which way went the Spirit of the LORD from me to speak to you?   Chenaanah was so convinced that he had the real anointing that he was was ready to fight for it. This ought to show you the reason that many wars that have been fought in the name of religion.   Cain is now reprobate with strong delusion, for the sin that was lying at the door of his heart has overtaken him, and now he will be a spiritual wanderer void of the true spiritual blessings of God. Sin is also lying at the doors of our hearts, and we to had better heed the Voice of God, or we will also end up in a spiritual land of Nod.   Cain goes into a place called the land of Nod, so what does this mean? What ever or where ever the land of Nod is we find that it is out side of the presence of God, so the people that live there, of whom Cain is afraid, are also outside of the presence of God.   The word "NOD" is defined to mean: Nod" ( ‫ )נוד‬is the Hebrew root of the verb "to wander" (‫ )לנדוד‬and is possibly an etymological etiology intended to explain the peripatetic lifestyle of Cain and his descendants, the Cainites. ‫וֹד‬, nod, pronounced "node", rhyming with "code" and "toad"), which means "wandering".   Here once again we see how a name is associated with an event, which was the practice and custom of the ancient Hebrews, and many other cultures.   Cain, whose name means "possession" finds himself possessing the world instead of spiritual blessings, and the serpent is the god of this world, for Yashua said so. Now just as God had said; we see the curse upon him, as he now will be a wanderer, and Cain goes to the land of wandering. Does anyone else see the spiritual and figurative implications of this? Kind of hard not to is it not?  

I want you to notice something very important about how that "Nod" is located on the east side of Eden. Now listen carefully or you will miss the type and shadow found here in this verse found in Genesis.   I want to say some things here that require that you really know something about the tabernacle to understand. The brazen altar found in the tabernacle of God was on the east side. There were two types of offerings brought to the tabernacle that fit into two categories. You will also see two gifts operating here, for Abel had the gift of a shepherd and Cain had the gift of farming. One offering was the offerings of the animals, and the other was an offering of the fruits of the ground that were brought to the tabernacle and it's altar. The brazen altar was located on the "EAST" side of the tabernacle. The Hebrews have long known of Genesis and the spiritual implications of this story of Cain and Abel regarding their tabernacle, and later their temple as instructed by the Law of Moses.   Hopefully you can now walk through the door of understanding that I am leaving open here, and that you can see the figurative meaning of all this. Study it carefully for there are no coincidences in the Word of God, and as I have said, and as I will continue to say that the Bible is a Jewish book, and you must have a Jewish mind set to properly understand it. They were the masters of writing spiritual truths while hiding them in parables.

Genesis 4 : 17   And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bore Enoch: and he built a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.   This passage of scripture has led to many a debate, for no where in scripture does it actually say that Cain found his wife in the land of Nod. It just simply states that Cain knew his wife. So did the writer forget to mention that he was already married before the murder, and before God cursed him? The writer did not fill in the blanks between verse 16 and verse 17. All that we have to go on is Jewish tradition here, so I am reluctant to make an issue out of this one way or the other, although I tend to lean toward the land of Nod, for the Bible does not mention a lot of things of detail, as I have stated earlier. It is assumed that he took a wife in the land of wandering, and figuratively I can see a pagan church represented in his wife, for Cain as her head is cursed, so this would mean that she is cursed as his body, for they became one through marriage and she is cursed also. If Cain did find his wife in the land of Nod then we know she was outside of the presence of God, for this is where Cain is. Where Cain is going there are people, and that is all we really need to know. There is no indication found in scripture that Cain and his wife had any children prior to this.   As far as we know Enoch is their first child together, and Cain builds and names a city after his son.   This passage of scripture proves something else that I have been declaring, and that is this; the curse

was a spiritual curse, for common sense would tell you that he would have had enough to eat in order to stay in one place long enough to build a city, for that would take a very long time. So the curse upon Cain of being a wanderer and a vagabond had to have been a spiritual curse, and not to be interpreted literally.   This was his spiritual punishment for his crime, and his unrepentant heart, and no where did God ever say that at his natural death his soul would go to burn forever and ever in a fiery hell. I challenge one and all to prove it, and you need to know that they cannot do it. Man has been declaring that God did this and that when God said no such thing. Folks we need to get our Bible straight, and stop listening to these doctrines of tradition that have been handed down as fact for centuries. No where does God say such a thing, yet I have heard preachers that ought to know better take Genesis 4:24 and say that God was going to make hell seven times hotter for anyone who avenged against Lamech. This is positively utter non-sense! Catholicism gave us the seven deadly sins with nine levels of hell, and all one needs to do is study up on your history.   The Enoch of Cain is not the same as the Enoch of Jared who was a descendant of Seth, and here once again we have the older and the younger, and we can see many types and shadows here. The cursed have their Enoch and the righteous have theirs. Here is just one example. There is a cursed Enoch church in our world today, which is pagan, and there is a righteous Enoch Ekklesia which is righteous and they love the truth. Hopefully you see my point.   The first Enoch was the second from Adam, and the other Enoch was the seventh. The number seven is no coincidence, and it is a good bet that no one ever pointed this out to you. The Word of God warns us that Satan will always counterfeit the righteous, for he has his Enochs out there just preaching up a storm, and they sure do look and sound real, but they will always be a number two and not a seven! They may build churches the size of a small city and name it after themselves, or their sons, but that does not mean the true anointing of God is upon them. The false anointing that God himself puts upon them will and can build empires worth billions. The TV evangelists of our day are proof of it.   The name Enoch of Genesis 4:17 means: initiation or consecration. ENOCH From the Hebrew name ‫חנוֹך‬ ֲ (Chanokh) which meant "dedicated". In Genesis in the Old Covenant this was the name of both the son of Cain and the father of Methuselah, and the supposed author of the apocryphal Books of Enoch.   Satan has his Enochs that are just as dedicated to deception as the LORD'S are to righteous truth.

Genesis 4 : 18-24 Part 1   18. And to Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech.

19. And Lamech took to him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. 20. And Adah bore Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle. 21. And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ. 22. And Zillah, she also bore Tubalcain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubalcain was Naamah. 23. And Lamech said to his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. 24. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.   Below is verse 24 from another translation, which correctly translate seventy times seven giving us the total of four hundred and ninety.   24. Douay-Rheims Bible Sevenfold vengeance shall be taken for Cain: but for Lamech seventy times sevenfold.

  Here we see the the sons of Cain, and surprisingly the list is very short ending with Lamech. Lamech had two wives and he fathered Jabal and Tubal-cain, and he also fathered a daughter named Naamah, but for some reason the LORD had the writer stop right there after these descendants from the loins of Cain, which completes SEVEN generations at the birth of Tubal-cain. Only the men are counted for a generation. We will see the number seven many times in our studies even in the genealogies so look for it.   We have determined from a previous article that the name of Enoch meant dedicated, initiation, and consecration. Below I am giving you the ancient Hebrew meaning of all of these names and what they mean, and hopefully you will find this very interesting. See if you can determine some valuable spiritual insight using these names in a figurative sense, and how they would apply to the Ekklesia. God is revealing many things here to us so let's see if we can figure it out.   18. Irad [Wild donkey]" was brought forth to "Hhanokh [Dedicated]" and "Irad [Wild donkey]" had brought forth "Mehhuya'el [Who proclaims El]" and "Mehhuya'el [Who proclaims El]" had brought forth "Metusha'el [His death asks]" and "Metusha'el [His death asks]" had brought forth "Lamekh [Powerful]", 19 and "Lamekh [Powerful]" took to him two women, the title of the one is "Adah [Ornament]" and the title of the second is "Tsilah [Shadow]", 20 and "Adah [Ornament]" brought forth "Yaval [Watercourse]", he existed as father of tent and livestock settlers, 21 and the title of his brother is "Yuval [Creek]", he existed as father of all of the ones seizing hold of the harp and reed-pipe, 22 and "Tsilah [Shadow]" also had brought forth "Tuval-Qayin [Flow of acquiring]" a sharpener of all of the ones scratching of bronze and iron and the sister of "Tuval-Qayin [Flow of acquiring]" is "Na'amah [Sweet]", 23 and "Lamekh [Powerful]" said to his women, "Adah [Ornament]" and "Tsilah [Shadow]", listen to my voice, women of "Lamekh [Powerful]", give an ear to my speech, given that I killed a man for my bruise and a boy for my striped bruise, 24 given that "Qayin [Acquired]" will be avenged sevenfold then "Lamekh [Powerful]" seventy and seven,   We are going to spend some time on these verses, and the meaning of these names used in type and shadow, especially the use of the expression seventy times seven, for Yashua used this expression also when speaking to his disciples about forgiveness in the gospels. This expression is linked to the seventy weeks of Daniel and the Days of Vengeance upon Israel, and will prove to be a foundation stone in scripture regarding an expression of judgment.

Genesis 4 : 18-24 Part 2 18. Irad [Wild donkey]" was brought forth to "Hhanokh [Dedicated]" and "Irad [Wild donkey]" had brought forth "Mehhuya'el [Who proclaims El]" and "Mehhuya'el [Who proclaims El]" had brought forth "Metusha'el [His death asks]" and "Metusha'el [His death asks]" had brought forth "Lamekh [Powerful]", 19 and "Lamekh [Powerful]" took to him two women, the title of the one is "Adah [Ornament]" and the title of the second is "Tsilah [Shadow]", 20 and "Adah [Ornament]" brought forth "Yaval [Watercourse]", he existed as father of tent and livestock settlers, 21 and the title of his brother is "Yuval [Creek]", he existed as father of all of the ones seizing hold of the harp and reed-pipe, 22 and "Tsilah [Shadow]" also had brought forth "Tuval-Qayin [Flow of acquiring]" a sharpener of all of the ones scratching of bronze and iron and the sister of "Tuval-Qayin [Flow of acquiring]" is "Na'amah [Sweet]", 23 and "Lamekh [Powerful]" said to his women, "Adah [Ornament]" and "Tsilah [Shadow]", listen to my voice, women of "Lamekh [Powerful]", give an ear to my speech, given that I killed a man for my bruise and a boy for my striped bruise, 24 given that "Qayin [Acquired]" will be avenged sevenfold then "Lamekh [Powerful]" seventy and seven, I want to continue to discuss just a few of the spiritual elements of these passages that we addressed in yesterdays article, and try to reveal perhaps just a few of the types and shadows hidden among them. I will only do verse 18, for the sake of time just to show you that there is more to this than just so and so begat so and so. Israel was in symbolism a "wild donkey" who came forth from a linage that was "dedicated" to rebellion and disobedience, and from Israel, the "wild donkey" there came forth John the Baptist who proclaimed Elohim or God in the flesh to this wicked "wild donkey". Yashua's "death asked" all to believe in him, for this was his dedicated purpose for the "wild donkey" Israel. The "wild donkey" put to death Yashua who was El in the flesh, and the result of the "wild donkeys" actions brought forth "power". The power had two wives, which were the Old and New Covenant brides etc. See if you can figure out what "Yaval" and Tuval-Qayin represented. The answer will amaze you! I truly hope you see my point of how so many things are hidden in the riddles, or parables of scripture, for our God is just simply amazing at hiding these great spiritual truths right under the nose of the so called wise of this world. God saw to it that certain people were born to fulfill the types and shadows of his great spiritual truths that would speak to us thousands of years later. It is a fact that these people actually lived, and they most likely never knew that their literal lives would fulfill a type or shadow of something far greater. This is simply amazing! "ALL" things written aforetime were written for our learning, and he has revealed them to his babes! These passages fill the heart of the true Ekklesia with comfort, peace, patience, and hope just as the scripture declares. Matthew 18:22 Jesus said to him, I say not to you, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven. GOD'S WORD® Translatio n (©1995) Jesus answered him, I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy times seven. As stated earlier we find the number 490 in Genesis 4:24, and we find that Yashua used this same number when answering Peter's question about how often he should forgive his brother that would sin against him. Folks this is no accident, and by now, as good Bible students we should know that there are no coincidences with God. God is giving his people a glimpse of Israel's future who have sinned repeatedly down through the many centuries of time right here in Genesis long before there was ever a Israel. It would take Israel 490 years to fill up their cup of iniquity, and at that time the Messiah will arrive just prior to the Day of Judgment. God had forgiven Israel seventy times seven, for these are years that could be measured from the Prophets. The prophet Daniel declared when they were to begin, and then he declared their ending with the arrival of the Messiah! The number 490 has to do with judgment as you soon shall see. As I have said before; you will never understand the Gospels or Revelation, unless you understand Genesis. You are not going to find these truths in your prophecy books for $19.95 that

line the shelves of your local book store, for they do nothing, but muddy the streams of understanding.

Genesis 4 : 18-24 Part 3   If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.   There is an unchanging principle of God that we must learn, which will be invaluable to our understanding of the judgment of God. It will later become known as the Days of Vengeance, or the Day of the LORD. That principle involves the shedding of innocent blood with in the borders of God's presence.   God demands in his Word that if innocent blood is shed, then the land must be cleansed, and the offenders driven out. You will also learn that God uses the four horseman of judgment with one of them being the judgment of being removed, scattered, or driven out from the face of the land. We see that Cain has been driven out because he polluted the land with the shedding of the innocent blood of Abel, so please pay close attention here.   God had warned Israel of the consequences of committing abominations, and we find these consequences even in Genesis. In Leviticus 18:25-30 we read of the consequences that will happen to Israel, and to the stranger who would dare commit such abominations. Yahweh declared through Moses, that if the land was defiled it would vomit them out, and later the LORD said the land would spue [spew or spit with force] them out!   Israel was warned just like Cain that if they did evil in the shedding of innocent blood, then sin lay at the door, and they would be driven out from God's presence, which dwelt in the promised land, for that is where God's tabernacle stood.   Numbers 35:33-34 is a warning to Israel not to defile, or pollute the land by shedding blood, for God declares that the blood defiles the land, and he declares that the land "cannot" be cleansed of that blood, except by the blood of him that shed it. This is why the nations of Israel were destroyed in 70 AD by the rod of Yashua in the hand of Titus. Remember this warning, and you will see what really happens in your future reading of the Word of God. Only then will the writings of the Prophets and of Revelation make sense to you.   Deuteronomy 27:24-25 and 32:43 declares that God will avenge the blood of his servants and that he will bring upon them a curse and "vengeance".   Do not speed read these scriptures for I am laying for you the foundation stones of the reason for Titus and the final judgment of the nations of Israel in 70 AD from right here in Genesis 4:24. This all is leading to Calvary where our LORD was murdered in the flesh, and his innocent blood was shed in the land of Israel, which demanded the consequences. The darkness settled upon the defiled and polluted land of Israel that day, as their cup of iniquity over flowed, and preparation was made by the God of Abraham to vomit those wicked people out of the promised land once and for all. You will come to know the true meaning of the expression "wicked generation" that our LORD called those wicked men of Israel, for their hearts were as the heart of Cain filled with murder etc.   Daniel's seventy weeks of seventy times seven, or the 490 years will make absolutely no sense to you unless you understand the curse of the shedding of innocent blood.   We see that the name of Lamech means "powerful", so let us take a close look at the pattern of type and shadow. Lamech declares to his two wives that he had no choice but to kill this man who was determined to kill him, and he goes on to say that if anyone should kill him for defending himself that they would be cursed 490 times, for shedding his innocent blood. Lamech no doubt knew of this law or principle even then.   Yashua was also "powerful", for he has all power in heaven and earth, so we can see that Lamech can represent Yashua in type and shadow who had two wives also called the Old and New Covenant brides. With out getting to involved here you hopefully will see God's judgment of 490 years shine through these passages.  

When they murdered the humanity of Yashua the 490 years was only three and one half years from being fulfilled or complete!   Yashua was murdered and his innocent blood was shed defiling the land in the middle of the last week of those seventy weeks just as Daniel clearly stated in Daniel 9:24-27. These seventy weeks are to be upon the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem, and these seventy weeks have absolutely nothing to do with our modern time, or the Gentile people.   Yashua only came to the house of Israel, and he fulfilled all seven things in verse 24 at Calvary. Yashua confirmed or completed the covenant in the middle of the last week, and he caused the Law of Moses with the all the animal sacrifices, and the grain offerings, and the drink offerings to cease. There would be no further need of them now, for he fulfilled every offering found in the Law of Moses once and for all time.   The next thing that Daniel said the Messiah the Prince would do was to make desolate the place of sacrifice and oblations, which meant the destruction of the temple and the city of Jerusalem. This happened just as Daniel had said, and later Yashua would declare it as well! Yashua told them to look for the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel. The Abomination of Desolation was the armies of Titus as revealed by Luke 21:20.   The disciples spent the last three and one half years of the final week preaching the good news to only Israel until the stoning of Steven, and then the seventy weeks were completed, and only then did they go to Samaria as instructed by Yashua, and a few years later they went to the Gentiles in Acts 10.   Those seventy weeks were determined upon the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem, and now they were complete or finished. This is why our LORD cried out from the tree "IT IS FINISHED"! Yashua finished the transgression!   Yashua would pour out his wrath upon them just one forty year generation after Calvary just as he had declared to his disciples and the people. The crucifixion took place around 30 AD and Titus completely destroyed the people and their city along with the temple in 70 AD, which if you do the math was exactly forty years just as Yashua had said. Now you know why Yashua kept referring to "this generation shall not pass" until all be fulfilled.   Who would have thought that the LORD would have been speaking of this in Genesis 4:24?   Truly our God does indeed know the end from the beginning.

Genesis 4 : 25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, has appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew. Genesis 5:3 When Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth. The above verses should be studied carefully, for they are dealing with an appointment. What does this mean, and what is the writer saying here in these verses? There is the obvious meaning that the woman conceived and gave birth to another son, but this was not just any son; this was a special son. Seth was appointed to be the lineage that would bring forth Yashua the Messiah! This "SEED" would lead man kind to their Messiah the Saviour of the world who would save all men from their inherited sin that resulted from the fall of his earthly father, which is referred to as the fall of the first Adam, or the fall of man. The righteous "SEED" will always prevail even though it is persecuted, hated, murdered, and withstood by the enemy, for God will always raise up another and another, as we shall witness in his Word. The serpent may have thought he succeeded by influencing Cain to kill his righteous brother Abel, but he soon found out that Abel was not the end of the story, or the

plan of God. God always had and still has a plan! Adam became the "father" of a "son" in his own likeness. These are familiar sounding terms are they not? We read earlier where God said; let us make man in our own image and likeness. Seth was indeed in his father's likeness, for Seth was born with the curse that had become the image of his father Adam. Though Seth would indeed be the father of the spiritual "SEED" that would come many generations in the future he was unfortunately born in his father's likeness and condition of having the curse, and of being a sinner by nature. The name Seth is defined in Hebrew to mean: "placed:" or "appointed". I have said on occasion that the Bible is also one huge parable in addition to being a literal history book, and I think you will find this to be true, as your study matures. I hope that you can grasp the truth of there being an Older and a Younger in the Word of God, for you will see it many times. The Older will usually be weak and unable to be what the Younger becomes. Nothing will be more evident than the use of a name in scripture. Always try and define what the name meant in scripture, for the name will open doors to your understanding. The meaning of a name I suppose could be termed as a parable in many ways. Let me explain. We have an older name of Lamech, which means powerful, but Older Lamech was unable to be what his name implied, as the first Lamech, but Yashua was able to be the Younger Lamech that was all "powerful". The first Adam was not able to be what the second Adam was. The Older Moses could not be what his name really implied, but the second Younger Moses could, nor could the Older Joshua [Jesus] be what the second Joshua [Jesus] was. The Older paled in comparison to the Younger. I hope you can see the point I am trying to make here. The Older was made in the likeness of the curse, sin, and failure, but the second was made in the likeness of all that is righteous and holy, and he had the power to accomplish it. Genesis by all accounts could just as well have been called the Book of Revelation, for it to reveals Yashua your Saviour in so many ways that time would fail me to show you what I see, let alone all that I do not. Every time I read it I am shown something else to reveal my Master to me, as I peel back the layers of it's hidden truths that reveal him to me. The best I can do is hopefully crack open those doors, so that you can enter the room that holds the secrets hidden with in the Bible. You must see these things for yourselves, and God will perhaps show you things behind those doors that even I do not see. I highly encourage you to knock upon those doors seeking with all you heart those things that speak to you of our LORD, just as he said in Luke 24:25-27, 44,45. It is the words written in the Law, the Psalms, and the Prophets that reveal Yashua to you. If you are to understand the last four scrolls written of the Old Covenant, which are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and many feel that Revelation is the fifth, then you must really understand that which was written before them.

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