Gd-pi Iit Delhi & Madras, Iift & Glim

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CAT India Online GD-PI Question Bank Original Questions asked for

IIT Delhi & Madras, IIFT & GLIM during past years.


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IIT Delhi Well, to begin with, the IIT-D interview went smoothly. GD Topic - Mergers - Good or Bad with 12 participants and 4 panelists. Interview The PI went well... 3 panelists - 2 professors and 1 from the industry. As far as I can remember, questions were like: 1. Tell us something about yourself. 2. Do you know a cricketer by the same name as yours? What was his full name & what type of bowler was he? 3. What are your other interests? Music?? What type and who's your favourite artist? 4. What is the difference between Liberalisation and Globalisation? 5. What does privatisation come under - Liberalisation or Globalisation? 6. Who won the Nobel prize for Peace this year? For economics? 7. What is the govt.'s policy on retailing & FDI? Is FDI good for India? 8. Some Qns on why I wanted to leave isro for a corporate career etc etc 9. What other calls I have and which would I prefer? PI was followed by a Psychometric Test (Myers Briggs Test Indicator).

IIT Chennai Source: Posted on T4E Contributor: Amit S Lugun Interview Date: 24-02-2007 Interview Centre: IIT Delhi

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No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 6 Actual Attendance : 5 Group Task: Some natural calamity or disastar has taken place. Being a citizen journalist what will be your action plan. Group Task Duration: 15 min Interview Duration: 15 min No.of panel members:1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Total HR. Madam was frm HR. Tell me about yourself Why MBA? Why joined bank? cross ques on same why gap after studies? Career plans. little bit on family and hobbies.

IIFT Source: Taken from Discussion Forum. Contributor: Sankalp Essay: The topic was “Balance between professional and family life”. It was a very general topic .We got 20 min. to express our views. We got a paper from IIFT people for the write up. Couldn’t think much about the topic. Just stressed on the extremeties of both. Gave examples of Narayana Murthy and Ambanis to support my views. In all it was a very general write up for me. GD: Topic was “RTI Act will hamper the government’s decision making”. There were 10 people in my group with one moderator. It was a peaceful GD, where in the end people came to conclusion as well and were able to suggest some solutions also. Positives: No fish market. Negatives: Some people straight away got biased towards the topic. Personal Interview: Very smooth, no pressure. Seemed to have made up their mind before only. As I ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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entered, I felt was quite nervous. They asked me to take the seat. There were 3 panelists in all. Started to ask about my native place and any specialty for which it is known. Then they shifted to the company I work for. I knew the answers for everything asked, like sales, revenue, share value, MD / Director, latest deals in and out. So, I didn’t face any problem. Since I have been an avid sportsman (have played state-level cricket and captained university football team), they asked me questions on sports -- Dravid or Ganguly… Sacking of Pathan, etc. They also asked me why I wanted to leave my job. I replied that I wish to gain knowledge and come back to contribute in a better manner. In all it was just a general discussion.

Source: Received via e-mail Contributor: C A Sai Vassav Edu. Qualification: B.E. (EEE) Work ex.: 4 months at CTS The GD/PI process for me was on the very first day of IIFT’s schedule in Chennai. So, the amount of knowledge I gathered about the process were very limited, though I got from the online forums. The actual process took about 5-6 hours in total. Step 1: Write up: People were asked to report at 9.30. But It was also mentioned in the call letter that people have to be there 20 minutes in advance. People who came after 9.25 were not allowed to take part in that. The topic was “Role of Technology in Socio-Economic development” Step 2: Group Discussion: The group discussion at IIFT is not a normal process. Once the topic is given, the group will be given 2 minutes to note down the points and then each person is asked to speak on the topic for 90 seconds. This went on in an order i.e. one by one as the Moderator liked to have it that way. So, the people in the trailing end had nearly 15 minutes to think and proceed. The group strength was 12. Topic: 20th Century belonged to oil. 21st century will belong to water. The group was asked to discuss on the topic and in the course of discussion each ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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person is supposed to take the role of a moderator for not more than 3 minutes. So, the actual discussion went on for nearly 36 minutes. And then, there were couple of people who contributed very less in the discussion. They were asked to summarize. Step 3: Interview. (Individual interview) There were two interview panels for the two GD groups. The panelists of Group 1 in the GD were the panelists for the Group 2 in the interview. There were 3 people in the interview. But more could be expected because there were 2 people who went to either of the panel and fired questions at the candidates. Type of Questioning: The group initially tried to stress me by asking a number of questions simultaneously and at a faster pace. Then after some time, they slowed down. List of Questions: 1)Why do you want to do MBA? 2)When did u decide this? 3)Then why Engineering and not Commerce? 4)Are you not clear of your goals? 5)Some questions were asked about the Book which I read recently (which I mentioned it in the CV). 6)What is trade? 7)Difference between bilateral and multilateral trade? 8)What is the difference between marketing and sales? 9)Who is the father of marketing? 10)What is currency devaluation? 11)What all things that it affects? 12)Expansion of SAARC? 13)What is FTA? 14)Do you know any of the FTA and the members of it? 15)Difference between an entrepreneur and a manager? 16)Difference between plan and strategy? 17)Can you relate this particular difference in the context of your job? 18)Why do you want to excel in financial arena? (I wrote this in the CV).

Source: Posted on T4E Contributor: Kasthala Ravi Kiran Interview Date: 20-01-2007

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Interview Centre: Bangalore No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 11 Actual Attendance : 11 GD Topic: THE RTI Act hampers the decision making initiatives. GD Duration: 60 min Topic for Essay writing: Balance between Professionalism and Family. Group Task Duration: 20 min Interview Duration: 12 min No.of panel members: 3 1. What are the skills that an Entrepreneur must have? 2. What business do you want to start? 3. When would you start a venture? 4. Give me some instances where you displayed leadership skills? 5. Since you are the only fresher in front of this panel, why should we select you? 6. If you got a call from IIFT and IIM which would you choose? 7. How many siblings do you have? what is your sister doing? 8. There are two schools of thought regarding Entrepreneurs, The intrinsic and the knowledge based. Which one do u belong to? 9. What are India's exports in Agriculture? 10. What is tarriff? 11. What is your take on the lowering of tarriffs?

Contributor: Radhika Srinivasan Educational Background: B.Arch (Architecture) Interview Date: 06-02-2007 Interview Centre: Chennai GD: GD Topic: Rapid industrialisation – does it lead to sustainable development? Duration: 40 min. No. of Participants scheduled to attend the GD: 16 ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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Actual Attendance: 16 Interview: Duration: 15 min. No. of panel members: 3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Why MBA Why after architecture What is difference between trade in goods and trade in services What is india’s export What is india’s gdp What is china’s gdp How will mba help after architecture How are you sure that you will sick on to mba nad not go to a different field What do you think of the IIFT building’s architecture?

Source: Posted on T4E Contributor: Amarjit Sihag Interview Date: 09-02-2007 Interview Centre: IIFT No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 10 Actual Attendance : 10 GD Topic: Judicial activism is good for India GD Duration: 60 min Essay Topic: Discuss the imporatnce of Business Ethics.. Essay Duration: 20 min Interview Duration: 25 min No.of panel members: 3 1. First it was regarding my home state .. ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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2. then they picked the word ISRAEL from my talks n started discussing how it came to existence n all 3. then about nuclear policies of world .. mostlyasking about my oppinions 4. then they askedsome basics of electrical engg.

Contributor: _Dilip Vaitheeswaran Interview Date: 06-02-2007 Interview Centre: CHENNAI No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 12 Actual Attendance : 12 GD Topic: Rapid Industrialization and Sustainable Development cannot happen at the same time GD Duration: 45 min (60-90 sec Uninterrupted first, followed by half an hour of open discussion where each of us were to moderate for 2-3 mins. each) Topic for Essay writing: Role of government in economic empowerment of women in India Essay writing Duration: 20 min Interview Duration: 20 min No.of panel members: 4 1. What is your favourite colour and why? (I said black as it looks elegant and stands out) 2. Do you want to join IIFT to stand out or join the rat race? 3. You have written about The Monk who sold his Ferrari the form. Tell me the story. 4. What is your learning from the story? Will you become a recluse to practice the same principles? 5. Why don’t you do your MBA after 4-5 years of experience? Wont you have more focus? 6. Tell me an instance in your life where you have exhibited leadership/team building skills? 7. Give me an instance on life where you faced failure? ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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8. What sports did you play? 9. How can playing football help you be a good manager? 10. I say, in 5 years from now, The India IT industry will vanish, Chinese IT industry will be the only player. What do you say and why? 11. Name some of the advantages that India IT industry has? 12. This English speaking ability in India is being over hyped. Our graduates in India cannot speak English that well. Then where is the advantage we have? 13. How much time will China take to be on par with India in terms of English speaking ability? Will it surpass Indian IT industry after that duration? If not, why? 14. Apart from English speaking ability & cost arbitrage, Indian IT has one more U.S.P? What is it?

Contributor: Gopinath C Interview Date: 06-02-2007 Interview Centre: Chennai No. of participants scheduled to attend GD: 14 Actual Attendance : 14 GD Topic: Rapid industrialisation and sustainable development go together. GD Duration: 50 min Interview Duration: 10 min No.of panel members: 3 1. Why do u want to do want switch from biotech to MBA? 2. Biotech is booming. Why don’t you stay there. 3. Which is the largest biotech company? 4. Largest pharma company? 5. Which sector is very promising? 6. Where do you think pharma companies should concentrate? 7. QqQuestion on Dr. Reddy’s product development capability. 8. Difference between innovation and invention. 9. About my CAT performance. 10. Are you comfortable with Wodehouse’ language (had mentioned him in CV).

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11. Do you know C.D. Gopinath? Want to become like him some day? (had mentioned entrepreneurship in my cv)

GLIM Contributor : Suhasini Educational Background : B.E ( Textile Technology) Completed graduation in (year) : 2005 Interview Date : 18.02.2007 Interview Centre : Chennai GD Topic :People in religious robes are exploiting the vulnerable masses. Duration: (15 min.) NO. OF PARTICIPANTS IN GD : Scheduled :10 Attended :10 INTERVIEW: (Duration : 20 min.,No. of members on panel :2) Q tell me about yourself A……told about myself and added ..….. I want to be in textile consultancy Q What kind of consultancy? A. Basically a consultant's job involves preparing bankable plan for clients; doing industrial research for government an helping them form the policies. Basically involves getting a feel of the client's present situation and his future potential thereby giving required direction to the client. Q. What kind of skill sets are required for a consultant? Q. What is meant by Quota? Q. Why many textile mills are being shut down recently Q. If u have to create a marketing strategy for Jute how will you go about doing it? Q. What is the drawback of Indian textile industry? Q. How important is proximity to raw material source important in deciding a plant location. Q. What is ongoing discussion about SEZ's? Q .What is the issue related to BT cotton. Q. Why you did not go for your M. tech. Q. What do you mean by nano technology? ♥ ΧΑΤ Ινδια Ονλινε

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Q. How do you think education will help a person to understanfd his environment better? ( I had written an essay on "Education – To make the mind think" )


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