Real Iit, Delhi, India.

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  • Words: 6,609
  • Pages: 45
THE “REAL” IITD Based on Life in Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi By Agile Fingers ( Jazba – e – Beikhteaar )

Index 1.

High School— School—“Dream IITD”


Multinational Corporate Adventure. Adventure.


Friends & Relatives


Enter into “IITD Campus”


Taste of “IITD” : Classes begins


2nd Phase of Reality


Hasta La Vista, IITD


I am back, IITD



Dedicated to:

Dukhtar - e - Hind


When a child enters high school and he has interest in Science & Maths, people call him IITD stuff. If he is intelligent, people call him—born to be an IITDian. But most of them do not get into IITD and dreams of IITD linger in their eyes. Some get into IITD and tell stories about them. Some people write novels about it. The IITD is projected as “place with paranormal qualities”. Intelligence in air, professors who can think about anything, students ready to achieve unachievable and what not? It is truth or an organized projection created for the brand enhancement of IITD. Brand IITD is much important than even the truth. This brand IITD is considered easiest way to get US visa and subsequently US citizenship. So, government also tries to enhance (falsely) this IITD brand image. In this free e-book an attempt has been made by the author to bring out the

difference between “Brand IITD” and “IITD illusion”. You can distribute this PDF file freely and can reproduce it any number of times. This e-book is quite useful to the foreign students who are planning to come to Delhi, India at IIT, Delhi for so called studies. I have been a part of IITD environment for last 15 years and know it from various intellectual angles. You can send me your comments at:

[email protected] I am not giving my real name as I am a part of IITD food chain (may be knowledge food chain). My nick is “Agile Fingers” or simply “AF”. But this e-book is based on facts, hidden or vanished or even mutilated but pure facts. AF

Chapter 1 High School— School—“Dream IITD” As a glorious child with good qualities and immense intelligence, I was considered to be IITD stuff. I had natural flavour for maths and science with extra taste for physics. I could answer many tough questions from teachers in no time. High school teachers and my parents used to consider me IITD stuff. I started working or IIT-JEE entrance examination with much of pomp & show. I used to study 7–11 hours a day on regular basis. I was a good sportsman but there was no time for sports for me. I could not find time to see TV on my B/W television. But my motivational factor was dreams of IITD. Anything technical reminded me of my “futuristic dreams” of IITD. I used to take little food as after taking heavy meals I used to feel sleepy. I used to love glitter in

the eyes of my “girl class fellows” and admiration in the expressions on the face of boys when I used to give correct answers to tough challenging questions. I studied and studied for IIT-JEE entrance examination. My XII board examinations were coming near but I was still preparing for IIT-JEE. My board exams went okay and I felt relieved. I again started working for JEE entrance. Some of my friends told me about MIR publisher’s old books. I even studied them well. I was ready for my entrance exam. My JEE entrance exam admit card came. I was excited but confident. My examination centre was in “Tagore Garden” in Delhi. I felt like I knew everything. Just few days before the entrance exam I had sinus problem. I had lot of pain and breathing trouble. Still my motto was with me “I and excellence is inseparable”. The final day came. I woke up in morning and went to the examination center. Lots of my class fellows were there. They








Examination started. Things were going fine. Suddenly light went and the room was very hot. Due to heat, my sinus pain enhanced. I was not able to focus on questions. Students complained to the invigilator. The invigilator could not do anything but still wasted our precious time by telling the status of rural India, where many villages are not having electricity. But somehow the series of four examinations in two days finished. I performed well but not as expected. I slept for few days sometimes cursing examination center and invigilator and sometimes erstwhile DESU and even myself. After that I gave entrance exams of DCE/DIT, PEC Chandigarh and DPMT. Examination days were over. Happy days were back again. I started playing all my favourite indoor and outdoor games. Still I sometimes used to feel gloomy about my IITD entrance examination. Then results came. I got through nearly all entrance exams but my rank in IIT-JEE was very low. I was sure that this rank can not

give me Computer Science or Electronics, as I wanted. After my counseling I finally got branch which was not of my taste. In University of Delhi, I got good rank and I got Computer Engineering (COE). I opted of COE in Delhi University. So my IITD dream was crashed but slight scar remained on my mind. I joined University of Delhi and years passed. I got B.E. from DU with Medal for excellence. Still I was with my craving for excellence and I got job in best multinational company of that time. Many years passed earning money and pressing the buttons of keyboard and computer mouse. I had a meteoric rise in position and salary in my company. Still, there was some degree of hollowness in me about my “Dream IITD”. I felt that first chapter of my “Dream IITD” life is over …………….

Chapter 2 Multinational Corporate Adventure My performance in company became slow and the manager was surprised. Some days passes and manager called me to his chamber. He talked to me about tennis, football and even my latest girlfriend. I knew something was not as intended. He felt my discomfort and told me to joint me for evening dinner at a posh hotel in down town. I went to my chamber and started working or just randomly pressing keyboard buttons. My manager was an IITD pass out and was very successful. Somehow he liked me and valued my talent and personality. In evening, I went to the hotel and sat down. I was feeling quite okay. After sometime my Manager came. I was surprised to see that he was with his wife and little daughter with sober eyes. I was surprised because my manager was very professional person and did not like

to mix personal and professional interactions. I stood and greeted all three of them. I was silent for sometime. My manager, Sandeep, just sat silently. Suddenly, his daughter, Gayatri, asked me about admission procedure and entrance examination of IIT, Delhi. I was old head about IITD entrance procedures and Sandeep was even forgetting about numbers of years he spent in IIT, Delhi. We both tried to explain about IIT, Delhi entrance procedure. From then the dinner table was giggling with talks and laughter. We all felt great during and after the dinner. I went home and slept peacefully. I was feeling very relaxed and happy. Next day I went to the office. As usual I took my morning snacks, coffee with some milk and my favourite can of coke. I sat in my cubicle, had my snacks and coffee and kept the coke can on my open rack. I do not smoke so I just took some deep breaths and relaxed. Then I again started programming the dumb box with number crunching capabilities. After few hours

Sandeep came and sat in my cubicle. I was surprised. He was a person with high self respect. He could have called me to his chamber? He could have sent some HR officer in my cubicle? I did not say anything. Unknowingly I offered him coke can. He smiled and said “I and ‘Noori Irani’ admirer, I only take Pepsi”. We both laughed on the comment. But still I was surprised. Then he got up and said “I suppose you will come for a walk with me after lunch”. I nodded. In afternoon, I went for lunch. Sandeep was already there munching his favourite bacon cheese calzone. I also took my vegetable pizza slice and sat with him. He did not talk while taking small bites from his platter. I also munched my so called lunch. In between we talked about quality of food in the food bar. After lunch, we both went for a walk. Sandeep was not a regular smoker. But that day he took a cigarette, lit it and took a long drag. Then he started talking to me. He said and I was listening. Initially he talked about yesterday’s

dinner and light talks about his daughter’s IITD dream and entrance preparation. Then after some time his face was intense and eyes had hardy gaze. He asked me in firm tone, “Jackie, what has happened to you?” You are the best in the industry. You know the unknown. You master puke-able concept in no time. Still, you have lost your fire. Your performance is coming down. Few days back I was finding it difficult to defend you in front of CEO. Tell me what’s in your mind? For you any salary raise, stock options and perks are possible. I will make all that happen. I commit it to you.” Again, Sandeep took a long drag from his still lit cigarette. We again walked some distance. Then I said “I want some degree from IITD”. Sandeep was shocked. He fumbled and started looking at me with lost looks. He said “What? IITD. Jackie, you are better than many senior professors of MIT, USA. Are you mad? A person like you in a place like IITD. It is shit, Man, It is. I have been to IITD and studied

computer science there. It is not worth you. Come on, Man, come to senses”. He stopped for sometime and then we both went to our lavish office. He again said “We will again talk tomorrow”. The day passed. Next, day I went to office took my snacks and coffee. Then I went to my cubicle. Sandeep was waiting for me in my cubicle. I was ready for another discussion. But he said “Are you sure?”. And I said “Yes”. He went away to his chamber. He was quite upset about my, such a, decision. In evening I got a short email from him “You are free, I give you one week to think about your decision. After one week, I will forward your request to CEO”. Then you can collect your final cheque. All the best. Sandeep.” I suddenly felt a surge of hot and cold emotions filling my brain. I felt free but also insecure. I immediately switched off my number cruncher and went away to my home. The feeling was ecstatic. I slept nearly complete

one week or even more. One day door well rang. I opened the door, Sandeep was there with his wife and daughter. He seemed very relaxed just like me. I immediately called them inside. We all sat in my somewhat tidy drawing room. Sandeep took his hand in his Armani coat pocket and gave me some envelope. He said “To a person like you, I felt like giving this final cheque myself”. We all laughed and talked till evening. Then Sandeep said “All the best Jackie, Now let us see who takes IITD degree first”. He was pointing towards Gayatri. We all laughed. After few days, I went to IITD campus to fulfill my cherished desire called “IITD dream”.

Chapter 3 Friends & Relatives After going to IITD campus, I looked for Post graduate (PG) academic section. I went there and took form and prospectus of Ph.D admission. I was feeling very free and relaxed. Great and innovative ideas were already in my cranium. Suddenly I saw my uncle, Sulaag, in the campus. I met him with enthusiasm. He had just completed his MBA from IIT, Delhi. I do not know why after getting degree from IIT, Delhi, he had turned into an arrogant snob. Smilingly I told him about my Ph.D from IITD plan. He tried to smile but could not hide his anguish. My family relations with his family were quite bad due to a property dispute. I was not considering that but he was submerged in antagonism. Suddenly he bursted “How dare you think about IITD? You university person cannot even walk on road leading to IITD”. Then

he suddenly went away. I was stunned for sometime. It was a very open expression of hidden family dispute. I felt it like bad omen. I am not superstitious but it was just too much. I sat down on a nearby bench with a thud. My legs were feeling weak. I was feeling some what shaky. I took a cup of coffee and tried to forget the person and the event. I went back to my house. Sometimes I remembered the interaction with my uncle, but I tried to forget it. I spent some days studying the prospectus. The IITD academic system is quite different from University system. The I remembered my another friend who had done Post Graduation from IITD. We were in touch but only on email. We had not met since ages. That day, I went to his house in evening. He was at home. Initially we talked but after hearing my “Dream IITD” plans, he was upset. His talking became rough. He even started talking to me with abrasive gestures like unlikable. I thought what’s wrong? Then we went for walk & he

bursted “You can not take degree from IITD. IITD is beyond your capabilities. By going to IITD, silently, you are competing with me.” I was shattered. Such a bad start to such a tender dream. Like “Al Gore” personality, I tried to look for reasons. I was feeling superstitious but my mind was not accepting anything irrational. I could not sleep that night. I woke up in the morning & went for morning walk in nearest park called “Vivekananda Park”. Rational thoughts started coming to my spine. I started to get reasons. “Now I am not in a Top Multinational Industry, so I am not helpful to anyone. That’s why people are throwing their feeling and grudges at me. Truth came to me like bitterness on my tongue. Are these people my relatives and friends? After some time sun rays filled the sky and rationality filled my mind. Again some days passed. I filled my form and deposited in IITD – Post Graduate Admission Section. Then I waited for “IITD experience…………..”

Chapter 4 Enter into “IITD Campus” One fine day, doorbell rang. I opened the door. Post Man handed over an envelope to me. It was from IIT, Delhi. I opened the envelope to find an interview letter inside. I felt good and started doing old basic stuff for interview for IITD. Earlier, I had to raise my standard. But now I had to bring down my Intellectual standard. I revised old fundamental books. I was quite relaxed. Day before Interview, I slept quite early. I woke up in morning, got ready and went to department office for pre-interview formalities. My all original certificates were checked and I was sent to waiting room outside Interview room. There were around 15-20 aspirants waiting outside the interview hall. I waited silently for my turn. Students were watching me as I looked somewhat older and out of shape. But there was also a shine and numbness of

respect for me. Then Ph.D. aspirants started coming out of the room. Outside they started asking answers to difficult questions asked inside. I knew most of them or even all. In fact I came to IITD, not for so called knowledge, but for fulfilling my “IITD dream”. After some time I went to the Interview room. After many years, I felt like a junior student. As soon as I entered the room, I greeted all the Professors. There were around ten professors. I knew just one of them, as I had heard about him in my company. Rest were alien to me. I looked at all the Professors. My attention got to few of them. One looked very young, just like teenager boy. He looked sharp. They started asking me questions and I could answer all of them but some answers where not as good as they wanted. But still they were surprised. They were astonished to find such a knowledgeable person in aspirants. In end they congratulated me for my admission to Ph.D. Program. I knew it will happen but

still I was very happy and satisfied. Finally I got into “IITD Campus” as student. Classes were to start from end of July. I started to wait for classes with sweet anticipations.

Chapter 5 Taste of “IITD” : Classes begins I started buying new shirts and pants to look and feel like student. Days passed. First day in IITD was counseling day. “Director IITD” gave a welcome address and we got ourselves registered as IITD student. I felt proud and satisfied seeing my name and photograph on IITD identity card. From next day, we had classes. My one teacher was Prof. Bhing & another was Prof. R. Kasai. After counseling I thought about meeting both of them. During that time, I met some department students. I asked about both of the Professors. They told me some basic details about both of them. Prof. Bhing was from a remote village of a state in India called (UP) Uttar Pradesh. Prof. R. Kasai was from West Bengal and was settled in Delhi for many years. Prof. Kasai was Post Graduate from a good university from North America.

This bit of information was fine with me. By the way, I called Sandeep and told about both the Professors. He remembered none of them. He was quite happy but somewhat reserved. After the conservation he jokingly said “Why did you get only Bhaiya and Dada in IITD Campus?” I laughed. In India, people from UP are called Bhaiya and people from West Bengal are called Dada. I went to the office of Prof. Bhing. He had judged me during interview. From his face and attitude, I judged him as a money hungry personality. He started praising me–non stop. He was having watering mouth hearing about my fat salary cheque in Multinational Corporate. He shamefully started asking for money for school fees of his two sons and one daughter. He even wanted money for his house hold expenditure. I started feeling ashamed seeing the greed of this Professor. I maintained my normal reactions and told him about my research plan. He told me “I will write thesis for you. This will cost

you around 1 lac Rupees. For some money more I will also recommend your thesis for “Best IITD Thesis”. Every journal paper will cost you around Rs. 10,000/- Rest we will discuss later. I suppose this is not a big amount for a person getting salary in Dollars”. I started feeling lost with this straight forward academic deal. I came outside the office of this Prof. After few minutes, a stout looking man came to me. He said “I am link man of Prof. Bhing and take cash on his behalf. You can talk to me for further details”. It was too much for me for the first day. While going towards the car park of IITD, the link man again said “Prof. Bhing is linked to education mafia of UP. If you tell about this deal to any one, some sharp shooter may come to your house. Then do not blame us”. I was petrified but still maintained relaxed looks. He added “I am, Puttu Sami, also from UP Education Mafia. In UP, during a dacoit raid I killed six people. Due to that, I had to run to Delhi. Guruji told me to join IITD as Ph.D.

scholar till the murder case is closed. Now I have submitted my thesis. It is all because of Guruji that I could finish my doctorate while being a Fugitive”. I was so afraid within myself that after reaching home I was cursing my decision to go to IITD. I puked many times out of frustration. Then I thought, one professor is not IIT, Delhi. Others may be better or at least different. I thought of meeting Prof. R. Kasai next day. Next day I was feeling broken. I went to IITD Campus. First class was of Prof. R. Kasai. I was amazed. He looked like 20 years old lad with smart attitude. I was impressed. His class was marvelous. After the class, I tried to talk to him but he ignored me. Again I tried to start conversation. I said “You teach very well”. He replied “Good for you”. Then he rushed to his office. There was some degree of eccentricity and high headedness in his behaviour. I talked to some students, of the class, about him. This Professor’s intelligence was well respected. I started

moving towards his office. One girl was also going towards that direction. I casually talked to her about Prof. Kasai. Suddenly her looks became full of mischief. She

said “Prof. Kasai is full of



intelligence. He has studied in North America. He is from a very rich family. He requires nothing from his students except………….”. There was a deliberate long pause. I said “Yeah, Except what?” I was expecting answer like dedication, concentration or hard work. I waited. She said “only dips into his students”. She smiled and went away. I felt like fool. What did she mean? Many meanings of her answer came to my mind. Is this “dip” diving deep into concepts of students or something quite carnal and basic? I immediately went to the coffee shop. Had a cup of coffee to relax. Does anything other than money or sex required in IITD? Was Sandeep right in his opinion? Coffee was good & I some how relaxed. I was thinking what to do next? Suddenly Puttu saw me.

He came to me and told me “Guruji wants to finalize the deal”. I was feeling where is academic in IITD. Seeing my reluctance, he said “Cut the deal now, or you will have to pay for every breath taken in IITD Campus. Guruji makes his students stand for many hours in Delhi summer heat for even one mark. You are not going to survive without paying by money or Dollars“. I was trembling. I started coming for classes regularly. I was continuously chased by Puttu and one another scholar, Hameer Puri, of Prof. Kasai. I talked to Hameer about Prof. Kasai. He told me very categorically that Prof. Kasai wants his scholars to arrange girls for him regularly. When I said about my inability to do so. He smiled and said “Prof may like your ass”. I was shocked Prof. Kasai was Bisexual. In panic I attended IITD for one month. During that time I was continuously chased by Puttu and Hamir. After one month, I had regular nightmares. With so much stress, I knew I could not continue. I took withdrawal from the

semester and decided to join IITD from next semester. During that time, I met some other faculty members. For next semester, I decided to opt for only one course floated by Prof. Jharpoo. Then I started to wait for next semester.

Chapter 6 2nd Phase of Reality During the second semester’s registration day, I was quite unsure and unstable. All sort of questions were filling my mind. I was not able to relax. As soon as I entered IITD Campus, I felt like running from there. I went to registration hall and completed all the formalities. When I came out of Dogra hall, Suddenly I saw Prof. Kasai. He came near to me focusing on my pubis area and said “Are you ready for it?” There were again cocks in my stomach. After that his scholar, Hameer, came & told me in somewhat sympathetic tone. ”Jackie, Prof. Kasai is an expert in cornering scholars by his networked maneuvers. If you do not satisfy him, he well attack you like wolf. He can humiliate you and can spoil your career by failing you. I am leaving IITD Campus, as Prof takes my ass every evening and I hate

the process. Now he is looking for another scholar and he has you in mind.” He went away. I do not know why I did not run away from IITD at that time. May be my faith in my capabilities did not allow me to do so. I stayed; I decided to avoid the building where office of Prof. Kasai was situated. I went to attend the class of Prof. Jharpoo. He used to teach in Bihari Hindi in the class and taught in a way that nothing could be understood. I came out thinking “Is this India’s flagship technical Institute IITD?” Suddenly I saw Puttu coming out of nowhere. I tried to walk away ignoring him. But stopped me and said “Jackie, You are a fool. You took course of Prof. Jharpoo. He is link man of Bihar Mafia in IITD. He will ask for even bigger amounts. Professors know you have fat dollar bank balance. All will extort you like anything. IITD Professors are another form of blood sucking, flesh eating man eater wolves. You are gone, buddy, you are furnished”. I thought of continuing the discussion.

Seeing my willingness to listen further, he added” Prof. Jharpu also uses Black Magic and Tantric procedures on his scholars.” Now I was mad within. He went to nearby laboratory for some work. I thought “earlier money, then sex & then black magic. What a place? “I was getting towards disoriented thought clutter. I decided to continue talking classes of Prof. Jharpoo. I got various messages from Puttu to cut a deal. I ignored all of them. I gave all examinations quite well. I did not feel any need to look for results. In fact, I could have taught many so called faculty members myself. But to my surprise I failed in the subject. I was surprised. I immediately went to Prof. Jharpoo. Puttu was also there. Seeing me they both smiled. Prof. Jharpoo said “Your paper was good but not up to IITD standard”. Both of them then laughed. I went back in embarrassment. Now my status in IITD was like a misfit who can not adapt himself to IITD “Corrupt” environment. But still, I decided to carry on. I was going

towards IITD gate with heavy heart. Suddenly I saw two sons of my relative, Sulaag. I thought how can I avoid them? I started walking with quick steps. But they stopped. I could see blatant hatred in their eyes. The elder son started talking and younger one, Gogoo, kept silent. The elder one, Cashy, talked to me in a tone of confrontation. They were even more direct in their comments. Cashy said “Jackie, In IITD, you are doomed.” They could feel jealousy of property dispute in their tone. I felt defeated for the first time in my life. I quickly walked hiding my tears. From next day, I was feeling like killing myself,






everybody. I felt like mesomaniac. I was so lost that I decided to call my sister who was married and was quite busy in her household work in Australia. I even called my father who was working on India-China Border. They both took next flights and came to my house. Seeing me, they were surprised. They told me how lost I was

looking? I told them complete story. They both were astonished to hear complete sequence of events. They were thinking that IITD professors will be hearing “State of Art” latest concepts from me. Then many days and sessions of discussions took place. Some points were finalized after brain storming sessions: (A) I must get degree from IITD, (B) I should take one year break from IITD








environment, (C) I should take course of some lady Professor as they thought they are more humane & considerate and (D) Interact with fellow students intensively. After these decisions, I applied for one year leave from IITD. I just tried to forget the complete series of traumatic events and started talking to other students regarding taking course of some lady Professor. Then my sister and father left for their work. Still I had faith in myself and my abilities. I got one year leave and went on to chase my “IITD Dream”………

Chapter 7 Hasta La Vista, IITD During that one year I talked to some people about IITD academic system. I even sometimes talked to some students of various Indian States at IITD Campus. I even tried to contact staff of IITD. Finally I thought of some means to study peacefully in IITD Campus. I saw a spinster faculty member in IITD Campus. She had apparently devoted her life to research. I thought we could be a good research team and do good research. The age difference was so high that I could well be his son. I had feeling that she will have motherly attitude towards me. I discussed about it to other fellow students. But some students were not having very good opinion about having spinster as “supervisor and teacher” at IITD. But personally I thought it will be good for my academic life. I had very good relations with my mother

and sister. So I thought that my talking style, decency and body language is liked by elderly women. So I finalized Prof. Shindi as one teacher and then I was looking for another Lady teacher. After lots of discussion I met another young Prof. D.C. Ross, A lady faculty member. I thought she was having fine knowledge but slightly “Not Fair” attitude and complexion. I noticed that she did not like polished and decent attitude in men or boys. But I wanted to be sure, so I took my time and just thought about how I will continue in IITD. One day Sandeep came to IITD Campus for employing students through “Campus Placement Cell”. He saw me in IITD Campus. Due to my embarrassment, I tried to avoid him, but could not. We talked. Sandeep is a brilliant human being and has perception & understanding usually not seen in such a “Senior Technocrat”. He understood my down slide. But he felt that “IITD Degree or Tissue Paper” has touched my heart and my self-respect and I want it

at any cost. He was absolutely right in his perception of my feelings. In good faith, he tried to help me. He said “I will throw some academic project of “Couple of million” dollars to your department. Your teachers will be “Principal Investigators” of this project. While they jump to grab dollars, you just take their pants off”. We laughed. I did not want to burden Sandeep. In really, my shit is not worth such a costly tissue paper. While going he told me in his distinct style “Gayatri is in XII. At least get IITD degree before her”. We again laughed and he went to car parking area. For some time, I was quite nostalgic. But “IITD Degree” was my decision and I was ready to pay for it by blood or broth. I just spent one year mildly working towards my research plan.

Chapter 8 I am back, IITD After one year, I again went to a Campus which taught me for the first time in my professional and academic career, what real “pride of incompetence is in Indian Academic Institutes”? I decided not to join any formal theory or practical classes and work towards my research. I thought of working with both female faculty members on some research paper. I thought of finalizing one of both as my supervisor. I went to Prof. Shindi to discuss my research plan and related paper. She asked me my research interest I told about some topics. She first told me to contact some other professor but I convinced her that I really wanted to work with her. But somehow, I had feeling that she considers me somewhat dumb. I was not sure about the reason of her this feeling in her attitude. May be she was affected by my “out of

shape” body. I started working and tried to interact with her. But I could not convince her. One after another, she dumped my various research plans. I was not sure about the reason of this attitude. Then I saw that even before my detailed discussion she was ready to dump the proposal. So, I knew, it’s all because of my looks. Oh my GOD, for first time in my life I had met a “looks-crazy” granny academician. I thought of a mild make over. But due to my “out of shape” body, I still looked more or less the same. At this situation, I met her other scholars and talked to them. To come close to them, I had to discuss their girl friends or boy friends. I even told “concocted stories” about my ex-girl friend from “my Hindi films guided” imagination. This narrowed the gap. Some students who had been to “USA institutes” like MIT & Stanford opened up. They told me about still vibrant pelvic sensibilities of Prof. Shindi. I felt like pinching myself. Due to my above average girth, it was not

possible for me even if I tried hard. With time, Prof. Shindi’s interest in me vanished and she even started mildly avoiding and humiliating me. She even told me categorically to do research in an extremely out dated topic left in between by one of her scholar who went for USA. My even best of the proposals were given to other scholars. Then I saw her guiding female scholar very mildly even on much simpler topics and even in topic which she rejected in my case. I had to do a bit of ‘Sherlock Holmes’ style work & found out that Prof. Shindi is and undercover feminist & supports feminist attitude with high octane fuel. She also supports boys & men who support feminist matriarchic society. So she had immense pleasure in humiliating “other type or Manuwadi” Hindu Men. I felt so bad. First Money, then Sex, then Black Magic and Now feminist movement supporters. Does any one is interested in “science & technology in “IIT, Delhi”? My answer was “No body”.

But I was that “Nobody”. I felt like being chest deep in a muddy swamp, but not ready to swim away and not able to run away. I did not say anything to Prof. Shindi & continued my work on a left over topic of no consequence in my career. Then I went to Prof. D.C. Ross. Her name sounded of European origin but she was not even a proper urban Indian. When I went to her for discussion, she looked very rough and indecent in her language. Her body movements while talking were very suggestive of I do not know what? As I started talking to her, she pretended to be busy. After some time, she called a taxi and told me to continue my rest of the discussion in taxi. We both sat on back seat. Taxi went to some distance. I started talking. While listening her body got loose and her legs opened. My words started mixing up. She loved it. Then she lightly told me “The driver will not look back. He is a regular. I want nothing verbal, but only Seminal Contributions”. There was a twisted smile

on her face. After listening this I was “Really” mad & opened the door and jumped out. The car was approaching traffic signal so I was minimally hurt. The car did not stop & she did not even look back. I was completely broken, to pieces, within. I went home & kept silent for many hours & could not react. Was this my “IITD Dream”? I did not tell anyone about this event. I never had such an image of an Indian Woman. Now, I understood; when IITD Director used to say “Expect the Un-Expectable in IITD environment”; what did he mean? Now I am working under Prof. Shindi on a left over topic required by none. Gayatri had passed out of IITD (Computer Science), last year. Now, Sandeep does not talk to me as he thinks I may ask for career oriented favours. My other friends & relatives also avoid me— Was it “IITD dream” OR “IITD Nightmare”? Only GOD Knows it.

Whosoever reads this nearly real story, should pray for me and wish me all the best in my life. This story is “Caution Mark” to foreign students who are coming to India for so called Academic Pursuits. I do not want any foreign student to suffer in “IITD” in particular and “Indian Academic System “in general, the way I did. GOD BLESS YOU, GOD BLESS America, GOD BLESS Europe


Chapter 9 Conclusion After such a disaster, I was a defeated person. I usually thought “Why me”? Due to this situation, I lost my friends, companions and even so called relatives. Relative who used to call me, just for a summer or winter training in MNC company, even stopped calling me for social get-togethers. Some relatives threw their grudges at me by saying “A person like you should buy some girl as your wife. Otherwise no girl will marry you”. I felt, I should have died long before. A life turned into misery. By seeing my situation, my mother died a very silent and slow death. After all, her Lion was killed & mutilated by a pack of Intellectual wolves. Some colleagues started saying “MNC giants only know to wrangle with tongue. Their dick is not an “IITD Stuff”. Listening bad words became my daily routine. I have seen that my situation

was not uncommon in IITD environment. Even some Professors (Apparently considerate) know about it. There are suicides in IITD Campus. Reason usually given by academicians is that students were not fit to bear the academic excellence required in IITD environment. In fact, ills of academic fraternity are covered by these statements. I call them “Academic Murders”. But just to avoid media glare, the students who are exploited by Academic wolves are failed in their examinations and thrown out of IITD Campus. Sometimes, someone who complains to parents or local guardians are tormented further and finally termed as lunatics having false imaginations. I know one person who was thrown out in this manner and later developed stress induced immune disorder. He was crippled for life. His brother and mother, died a painful death seeing him suffering. When I talk about such things to my fellow humane beings, they








representation of “Indian Academic System” where you are not raised but thrown down deep in drain. “Run to America while you can” Or “Indian Intellectual Wolves” will eat your legs.

Take me home, oh GOD, Take me Home


The End

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