Garden Of Dreams

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  • Words: 12,288
  • Pages: 63

Garden of Dreams A One-Act Drama by Conrad A. Panganiban

Contact: E-mail: [email protected] version: 03/06/2008 Copyright 2007 conrad panganiban

2 Cast of Characters R.J. Araula:

Early 30’s. Male. Writer. Webhead. Lisa’s husband.

Lisa Enriquez:

Mid-late 20’s. Female. Dancer. Poet. Health Care Provider. Wife and of R.J.

Moon Chui:

Mid-late 20’s. Female. Spiritual. R.J.’s long-time friend and Jasen’s wife.

Jasen Jimenez:

Early 30’s. Male. Hip-hop dancer, R.J.’s college roommate and Moon’s husband.

Doc Taylor:

Mid 50’s. Male. Navy Veteran. Hippie. Owner for the Ma-Yi herbal shop.

Scene Settings 1. Present – Day – Ma-Yi Herbal Shop on 6th Street, San Francisco, CA. Raining. 2. Present – The same day as Scene I – Night. Ma-Yi Herbal Shop 3. 1994 – Dance rehearsal studio at San Francisco State University 4. Present – Night – Ma-Yi Herbal Shop 5. 2001 – Dusk – Rose Garden, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA 6. Present – Night – Ma-Yi Herbal Shop 7. One year before present – Cemetery in Colma, CA 8. Present – Morning after Scene I – Ma-Yi Herbal Shop

1 SCENE I Setting: Set in the Present. It’s daytime right now, and our set is inside the Ma-Yi Herbal Shop on 6th Street, San Francisco, CA. Shelves of jars and square boxes line the walls of the MaYi. There is a desk in the middle of the store with various canisters, weights, and a scale on it. At one side of the stage is the entrance of the store which door has a ringing bell. A bucket for wet umbrellas is near the door. Opposite the entrance of the store hangs a bead curtain just behind the counter. Flyers for community events and reprints of artwork showing provincial life in the Philippines are posted on an open space of a wall. A picture of a woman and child are in a frame standing on a back counter. A grandfather clock in the corner of the room. Sounds of rain can be heard. Enter MOON and R.J. through the shop doors. MOON Thanks for coming with me, R.J. R.J. (talking on his phone and holding an umbrella.) Hold up, Jim. (closes the umbrella and puts it in a bucket near the door.) Jim. I don’t want to hear it right now. Just make sure that the servers are backed up. That last storm took the system down and this weather’s supposed to get worse tonight. (pause) No, I can’t come in right now. (pause) I know that hasn’t stopped me before, but I just can’t today. I’m with a friend. (pause) Yes. I have friends. Just take care of it and I’ll come in early to make sure that the secured files are patched over. And, I need you to be there to reconfig the naming conventions on the Apache server in the back. (pause) I know that tomorrow’s Sunday, but the project needs to be finished. (pause) Then just come in before Church. Okay. Bye. Upset, R.J. fidddles with his phone looking at his text messages. Moon talks to the air above her.

2 MOON Psst. Lisa. He’s talking geek again. Are you here? You said to bring him here. Now what? Lisa! R.J. Who’re you talking to, Moon? MOON No one. Why? Do you see me with a Crackberry? Unlike some people. You promised that you were going to leave that at home. R.J. Leave this? R.J. holds up his Crackberry. MOON (takes his gadget) You don’t need this, especially today. R.J. (grabs it back) Wrong. I need it especially because of today! I swear Moon, you have no respect for others people’s stuff. I’m not in the mood for anything today. I just want to get today over with, and get back to work. MOON looks back up at the space above her. MOON Lisa. I give up. I tried and he’s just getting worse. R.J. Who are you talking to? MOON I said, no one. If you wanna go, go. I know that you’d rather be at work, than with… Forget it. I don’t need you anymore. I’m sorry for thinking that you’d want to be with a friend today. But I see how it is. R.J. Moon.

3 MOON I called to see if you could help me do something important. I wanted to make sure that you were okay too. I’m just trying to be a friend, but noo.. I’m hurting too, R.J. MOON begins to sob. R.J. Moon. I’m sorry. MOON For what? R.J. For everything. Thank you for always being there for me, and I should do the same for you. I’m sorry. MOON And what else? R.J. For yelling at you. MOON And what else? R.J. For… for… MOON For being a sucker! Sorry, I couldn’t help pulling out the guilt trip card. R.J. You suck. MOON I couldn’t resist. I inherited this gift of giving guilt from my mom, and I’m happy to pass it on to you. Where do you think parents learn that from? I swear I think that they offer college courses in guilt-tripology. R.J. Fine. You got me.

4 MOON You know I can’t stay mad at anything. It’s against my spiritual beliefs. Karma will get you everytime. R.J. And, hence you’ve led me to this herbal shop. MOON Not just any herbal shop, a Filipino Herbal shop. Only here in San Francisco. Check this out. (grabs a canister an reads the label.) Mangagamot ng sinok – cure for hiccups. And this. Malabanang – a natural bunion remover. I gotta get that for ma. Ooo lookee, Manitoob – makes your gas smell like roses. R.J. (grabs another canister.) Limutin – erases parts of the memory. MOON I definitely need to get this Manitoob for Jasen. What’d you think R.J.? (pause) R.J.? R.J. Yeah. Sounds good. MOON You didn’t even hear a word I said. R.J. Yeah I did. MOON What’d I say? R.J. You said that you were going to buy something for your mom’s bunions that will make them smell like roses. (pause) Sorry, I just got other things on my mind right now. MOON Right. So, what time is Father Carlos coming over? R.J. Six. He’s coming over with Lisa’s parents.

5 MOON How are they holding up? R.J. What do you think? MOON Yeah. How ‘bout you? R.J. I don’t know. I really don’t. I’ve just been trying to keep busy. MOON Well, you’re doing a good job at it. But I know how you feel. R.J. I know you do. So, how are getting through today? MOON Just remembering I guess. The good times. Like that time when we tricked Lisa into coming to the Rose Garden at Golden Gate Park. Remember? R.J. I wish that I didn’t… MOON What? R.J. I just… I don’t get why we have to make a big deal about days like today. MOON Maybe it’s because we need to celebrate the spirit of how they lived when they were here with us. R.J. Celebrating is the last thing I want to do today. MOON Then, I don’t know, why don’t you try writing again? You know, to get your mind off things instead of always working. I remember when you had so many ideas for new plays, and you wanted all of us to act in them.

6 R.J. That was a long time ago, Moon. If Lisa was still here, maybe. But, I think I’m just going to stick to writing HTML and CSS. MOON W-O-W. Real creative. R.J. I know that you’re trying to help, but… MOON What are friends for? R.J. Well, a friend should be helping you find whatever it is that you’re looking for in here. MOON Thought you’d never ask. It’s written right here. MOON hands him a crumpled up piece of paper. R.J. Roo-moo-ba leaves, and Okatokat stems? Is this for another one of your potions? Remember that last thing you made. How long did it take for your eyebrows to grow back? MOON Those five months went by quick, but I need those for… myyyy babeee! R.J. What? You’re pregnant? MOON Not yet. That’s why I need your help finding these things. R.J. And you think that this ruffage can produce a baby? I hate to break the news to you, but that isn’t how a baby’s made.

7 MOON I know how a baby’s made, R.J. Don’t you think that Jasen and I haven’t been trying? We even learned the Frog on the Lotus Leaf position where I put my leg... R.J. Agh, Moon! I didn’t need this mental picture of two of my best friends bumping uglies. MOON You wanted to know. R.J. But, I didn’t need to know that. Besides, how do you know that you even need this stuff? It could be Jasen’s downstairs plumbing or what about if it’s your internal incubator that’s causing your non-fertilization? MOON Oh, no you di-int, R.J.! You’ve known me since middle school and you know how well I treat this temple. When was the last time you saw me smoke? Huh? Or do drugs or even eat meat? This body is built by Tai Chi. Pilates. Yoga. I constantly surround myself in happy, peaceful, and pure thoughts by meditation. Observe. R.J finds a canister on the shelf and reads the label. R.J. Okatokat stems – herbal extract for accelerated conception of birth. MOON What?! Give me those you black-licorice-flavored lollipop sucker! R.J. Here. Take it. Lollipop sucker? MOON Sorry for the foul language. It’s just that we’ve been trying to have a baby since we got married. Check this picture out. MOON takes out her cellphone and shows it to R.J.

8 R.J. I swear this better not be no Lotus position pictures of you and Jasen! MOON No silly. You know how your ex-roommate loves to always take pictures. He found this outfit for our baby. R.J. You’re already looking for clothes for a being yet to be? I seriously have to have a talk with him. MOON We like to plan early. And add to that the stress of constantly hearing my mom’s voice, “When are you going to give me a grandchild? Are you trying? Are you sure you’re doing it right?” Eww... you know that you’d understand if... I mean... Shoot. R.J. Moon, don’t worry about it, okay? Let’s just hurry up and get outta here. R.J. hits a bell on the counter. Helloo. Is anybody here? I need to get my friend buntisized! Hello? DOC enters through a bead curtain, puffs of smoke follow him. R.J. and MOON wave the smoke away from their face. DOC Hiya. Sorry to keep you waiting, dude. Dudette. Name is Doc, but you can call me... Doc. How can I be of assistance? R.J. Hey... Doc? We’d like to buy a couple of these stems. DOC And are you looking for the Roomooba leaves too? MOON How’d ya know that?

9 DOC Roomooba leaves is a must if you’re gonna get Okatokat stems. It’s like how the day needs night. Or like how Sonny needs Cher. Or like how Cheech needs Chong. Lemme see… here it is. DOC grabs a gold canister from a shelf behind him, opens the lid and inhales… DOC Ahhhh… I never get tired of this birthing-herb aroma. Smells like the placenta of a gazelle. You lucked out. This is my last batch. So, is there a preference for a boy or for a girl? MOON You could do that too? DOC Shyeah... That’s what the Roomooba leaves are for. Shoot, whatever you want can be found in this store. Like there on that shelf is something for smelly farts. And over there is… MOON Echo. DOC Echo? R.J. Echo? MOON Echo! R.J. What? MOON Echo’s the name I want for a girl. I’ve always loved that name. Echo just has that certain ring to it. I’d like to order a girl, please. DOC One girl coming right up.

10 DOC hits a bell on the counter and he pulls out some leaves and stems and prepares them. R.J. Moon, I got a weird feeling about this guy. I mean, supplying you with leaves and stems is one thing, but playing God is... is crazy! MOON I thought that you didn’t believe in God anymore. R.J. You know what I mean. MOON R.J., you know how much having a baby means to me and Jasen. R.J. I know, but… MOON And more than that... for my mom! R.J. I know, but not like this. Don’t you think you should see a real doctor in a real hospital and not some quack running a hole in the wall pharmacy? DOC Uh, dude. The quack is right here. R.J. Didn’t mean to offend. DOC No offense taken, but my medicine really works if you truly believe in their powers. R.J. Are you serious? MOON I believe! I believe! And I have Presidents Washington, Lincoln, and Franklin believing in them too?

11 DOC You said that you wanted a girl, right? MOON Oh, yeah! R.J. Oh, no! MOON R.J. Do you hear that? R.J. What? MOON Shh... listen... it’s getting louder and louder! Tick tock TICK TOCK! Do you know what that is? Huh? It’s my fricken biological clock! How much, Doc? DOC Two-hundred and twenty-five buckeroonies. MOON Sold! R.J. Hey, Doc. You got anything for “Future psycho bitchy momto-be syndrome?” MOON turns around angrily. R.J. I’m kidding. I’m kidding! R.J. grins big and throws up a Peace Sign, which DOC catches sight of and throws a Peace Sign right back at HIM. DOC Right on! Peace, brotha! Anyways, dudette, here are the instructions on how to prepare these leaves into a tea. Follow them precisely and with a little seed from the daddy, get that oven of yours ready for a little bun. Hmmm... bun. I’m getting hungry. Is there anything I can interest you in, my peace brotha?

12 R.J. I think you know where I stand in all this... craziness! DOC Well, from what I see, it looks like you’re standing in turmoil and confusion about your past, bro. You know, I just might have something that can help out with your heart condition? R.J. Are you a fortuneteller, too? Cuz if you are, then you’d see that there’s nothing wrong with my ticker cuz I go to the gym to pump iron, or run a couple of miles before going into work. So, sorry “Doc” to ruin your prognosis, but there’s nothing wrong with my heart. DOC Then why is it broken? Chimes from the grandfather clock begin ring. R.J. Moon. We gotta go. I still have a lot of things to take care of, remember? And they said it’s gonna rain harder tonight. MOON Right! Thanks, Doc. R.J. Yeah, thanks. Lights fade out.

13 SCENE II It’s now a little after 10pm that same night and we’re back inside the Ma-yi Herbal Shop. DOC is in the store straightening out a couple of items on a shelf. He’s dancing and singing to a song playing on the radio. DOC’s back is towards the door as R.J., with an umbrella in hand enters the store shivering from the cold and the rain. He closes the umbrella and shakes off the water. DOC turns around… DOC Hey! Dude, you’re getting puddles all over the place. R.J. Sorry about that. DOC Do you think I like watching the mud form on the floor? R.J. I said I was sorry. DOC Oooo. Actually, I really like watching mud form on the floor. Look at it. It’s like you got dirt there. And then you got water there. And then when they come together. R.J. You get mud? DOC One of earth’s great mysteries. It also reminds me to sweep up once in a while. Anyways, you can put your umbrella in that bucket over there. R.J. Thanks. I can’t wait for this rain to stop. It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve seen the sun. DOC I don’t. The extra natural H20 really helps the growth of my… uhh... “plants” in the back. Hey, I remember you. R.J. Yeah, I was just in here earlier today with...

14 DOC Echo. R.J. Echo? DOC Yeah. You and your wife wanted a girl named, Echo. R.J. Right. Wrong. I meant, No. That was just my friend, Moon. I’m not married. DOC My bad. I just noticed the wedding ring on your married finger and just assumed. R.J. I’m just... I’m not with anyone right now. DOC I see. So, did your friend want more birthing herbs? R.J. Uh, yeah. She mentioned that she might. DOC goes to get the canister and remembers… DOC Dude. I forgot, you bought the last of my stash of that stuff. No worries, I can always find substitute ingredients for anything in here. You just have to be a little creative. Hmmm… I could use this. And over there, can you get me that box next to that red jar behind you? R.J. Yeah, sure. DOC Salamat. R.J. Your’re welcome. So, I was wondering... how did you know about... well... earlier, when you mentioned something about my... you know.

15 DOC You mean your broken heart? R.J. Shhh... not so loud. Technically no. Hypothetically... maybe. How’d you know? DOC When you work in this place as long as I have, you tend to get a sense of what people need. R.J. Then you probably know that I came back for the Limutin tea mixture. DOC Everyone with a broken heart comes looking for those tea leaves. For someone who doesn’t believe, you look like you know what you want. R.J. I’ve been doing some research and well, at the very least, I believe in the power of Google. DOC Who the hell is Google? R.J. It’s a search engine. (pause) On the internet? DOC Dude. Look around you. Does it look like I use the internet? Do you even see a computer? That stuff will mess with your brain, man. I know this one dude who says that he got trapped in this kind of gnarly web on something called a blob. That sounds like some scary stuff, man. R.J. He might have been talking about a blog. DOC A blog? That sounds even scarier. R.J. Doc, forget the internet! I just need the Limutin tea mixture.

16 DOC Then I’m sorry to disappoint you, man. I don’t sell that mix anymore... but maybe I can interest you in this special happy herb. R.J. Is that what I think it is? DOC It’s a medicinal herb. R.J. As tempting as that is, I’m looking for something a little more permanent. DOC Dude, sorry. Not for sale. R.J. What do you mean it’s not for sale. It’s right here. DOC Open it up. R.J. opens the canister to discover nothing in there. Sorry. I don’t have anymore. R.J. How can you not have anymore? You’ll just have to make more. DOC Believe me, I would if I could, bro. R.J. Well, I don’t believe you, and neither does my little friend. R.J. takes out a handgun. DOC Whoa, dude. I just called you bro. You don’t point a gun at your bro! R.J. I can do whatever I want, I have the gun.

17 DOC But, dude, that gun ain’t gonna solve anything you’re going through. R.J. That’s why it’s pointed at you. DOC Oh. Then I know for sure that it ain’t gonna solve any of my problems. R.J. You said that you could find substitute ingredients for anything in here, right? DOC Who said that? R.J. You did. DOC Oh yeah. Crap! R.J. I don’t want to hurt you, but you’re the only one who can help me. DOC I told you, I can’t do that. Besides, you couldn’t kill me if you tried. Your safety is still on. R.J. What? As R.J. looks at his gun, DOC takes the gun away from R.J. in one swift motion. With his free hand, DOC slaps HIM on the back of the head. DOC Watcha doing with this? This ain’t a toy! You coulda killed yourself… or worse, me. Now, get outta here! R.J. I’m not leaving without that tea. I’d rather you shoot me right here, cuz I don’t have anything to go back to.


DOC Are you always this dramatic or just stupid? You really believe that this tea is going to help you. R.J. It’s the only thing I have left to believe in. DOC I guess you really are this dramatic. Let’s see. I can’t shoot you cuz that’d mean that I have to clean up the blood from the floor and since I barely have time to even sweep up that’s not gonna happen. And I can’t have customers slipping around in your blood or stumble over your dead body. Get me those two canisters on the bottom shelf. R.J. Are you serious? DOC Apparently, not as serious as you are, dude. R.J. Thanks. R.J. extends his hand out to DOC. DOC You wanna shake my hand? R.J. For agreeing to help me. DOC You had a gun pointed at my face and now you wanna shake hands? Forgive me if it takes me a while to get over the image of my funeral and the various types of flora that gets tossed on top of my coffin as it descends into the earth above of what used to be my head until a young punk, and I’m talking about you, came into my store and blew it off. R.J. And I’m the one being dramatic? DOC I have my moments.

19 R.J. If you don’t wanna shake on it, then how can I repay you? DOC For starters, it would help if you never came in here with a gun pointed at me. R.J. I’m sorry about that. I promise that won’t happen again. DOC Good. And number B, you got three-hundred bucks? This stuff is pretty hard to get, dude. R.J. Actually, I didn’t intend to pay for anything when I got in here, because I kinda had the gun. You know? DOC You’re killin’ me, dude. R.J. But I promise that I’ll come back tomorrow and pay you four-hundred dollars. DOC The things I do for stupid kids. Let’s see how smart your Google is. Do you know what else I need to make this work? R.J. I have a picture of her right here. DOC Lemme see this. Hot. R.J. Hey! DOC Well, she is... R.J. Yeah. She was....

20 DOC starts to methodically take out different ingredients and put them on the scale. Various instruments are used to make this medicine work.... R.J. Where’d you learn how to do all that? DOC shhh’s him and gives him a motion of, “I’m working here.” Continues... and stops. DOC And now we wait. It just needs some time to work it’s magic. I was stationed at Subic Bay in the Philippines as an MP there. R.J. Military Police. My dad was in the Navy. DOC Congratulations. As I was about to say, it was there where I met this old man who taught me all this… but the funny thing is that I don’t really remember how I met him. It’s like a haze, but I know that it has to do something with this woman. DOC gets a picture from the back counter and hands it to R.J.. R.J. She’s cute. And who’s the kid? He kinda looks like you. Ding! A bell from a timer sounds. DOC Sounds like it’s ready. If you want this to work, you’ll have to keep remembering why you want to do this and have faith that this will work. R.J. Faith is all I have left. DOC Again with the dramatics. Now, take a sip of this.

21 R.J. Why does it smell like kaka? DOC You astound me with your vocabulary, man. R.J. I was writer. DOC Who did you write for? Fourth graders? Kaka? Just drink it. Just a sip for now. C’mon. Hold your nose if you have to. See that wasn’t so bad. Why you making that face? R.J. Blah! I thought you made this out of tea leaves and it tastes like this? DOC No complaints. Remember, I had to use substitution ingredients. R.J. Yuck. Is there fuzz growing on my tongue? It feels like fuzz… (Yawn) What did you put in here? You better not… my pants better be on when I wake… what’s happening… Lights fade out.

22 SCENE III As R.J. falls under the spell of the tea. The stage is transformed into a dance studio at San Francisco State University. The year is 1994. JASEN and LISA are rehearsing a dance move towards the end of Jocelyn Enriquez’s “I’ve Been Thinking About You”. JASEN There you go, Lisa! That’s what I’m talking about! LISA Thanks for helping me out, Jasen. JASEN No probs. Thank you for hooking me up with that dope song we’re using. LISA Thanks. It’s my cousin, Jocelyn. JASEN I could totally hear this song on the radio, which would be better than listening to (sings) “And Iiiiiiiii, will always love youoooooooo…”! I swear if they keep playing that song over and over on the radio blood will come out of my ears. Is there anything dripping out of them? LISA I can’t see anything in there. JASEN Good. Believe me, I’d rather be listening to your cousin’s song. LISA I’ll let her know that she has a new fan. JASEN You better. So, are you going on tour with her? LISA What do you mean? As one of her back-up dancers? I don’t think I’m good enough, but I’ll definitely let her know about you, if you’re interested.

23 JASEN Shyeah, I’m innerested! But, I think you’re crazy for thinking that you’re not good enough. LISA Hello? I have to get through our dance auditions for the PCN tomorrow before even thinking that I can go on the Filipino Fiesta Summer of 94 Tour with her. JASEN I’m tellin’ you, you’ll do fine... after one more time from the top? LISA Bring it on. JASEN hits the play button and they dance a hip-hop modern routine. Towards the end of the routine, enter R.J. and MOON with their backpacks on. The dance ends with JASEN and LISA holding each other really close. R.J. applauds the both of them... MOON glares. JASEN Thanks guys. Lisa, this is my roommate, R.J. and that’s Moon. R.J., MOON AND LISA Hey. JASEN runs to his bag and pulls out the old school camera – not digital and hands it to R.J. JASEN Oh, pare, can you take a picture of me and Lisa? Our first rehearsal and all. R.J. You and your pictures. Do a pose that dancers do. As R.J. counts from 1 to 3, MOON steps between them and smiles big for the camera. Click and flash.

24 JASEN You ok, Moon? MOON Of course. MOON starts to dance to try and get Jasen’s attention. Why you askin’? JASEN Just... wondering... R.J. Hey, Jase, why didn’t you call me back? I’ve been paging you 9-1-1 all afternoon. JASEN I’ve been here rehearsing for your PCN. Why, what’s up? R.J. It’s all over the news. O.J. Simpson’s in a Ford Bronco being chased by the cops on the freeway. LISA Shut up. MOON They said that he killed his wife. We were all waiting to see if he was gonna kill himself too. JASEN Well, did he? R.J. Nah, they just nabbed him at his house. JASEN What? I missed all the action… fricken once in a lifetime that you see someone like him get arrested like that. Sounded like hella drama! R.J. That’s why I’ve been paging you, homie. He’s gonna be in prison for life. Speaking of drama, have you practiced your lines? LISA You didn’t tell me you were acting in the show too.


JASEN Just a small part. But R.J.’s the man. He’s writing this year’s Pilipino Culture Night script. R.J. And I unfortunately have to direct him too. So, are you off-book now? JASEN Off-book? MOON No, he hasn’t memorized his lines yet. JASEN Psshhh... what’s there to memorize? I’m a natural. Shoot, I’ve even rehearsed my lines with Moon. Right, Moon? MOON So, that was what all that mumbling was about? JASEN Ting-nan mo, bro. Ahem. Lola, I ran here as fast as I could before you... you... don’t go! There’s still so much I need to learn from you and about our culture which I didn’t realize until I read through your scrapbook of your stories. About the fiestas where you danced the tinikling. Tinikling music starts to play and he begins to dance the tinikling for a few bars. And where you danced the La Jota Cavitena. The music for La Jota Cavitena starts to play and he begins to dance for a few bars. And the dances of the Igorot Suite. Sounds of Kulintangs and Gangsas start he begins to dance the steps to the Igorot suite for a few bars. And finally Singkil. Sounds of Kulintangs and Gangsas begin. Before he starts his dance, he takes a few moments to catch his breath. And then he begins to dance the steps as the Singkil

26 Prince with a sword in hand for a few bars and stops in a grand pose. He unposes, drops his sword and returns to his Lola. I didn’t realize the importance of keeping these traditions alive while at the same time building our own history with our own modern slash urban dancing. Another old school song from 1994 starts up again, possibly Buffy’s song and he starts doing a freestyle routine. He finally stops, takes a breath and returns to Lola. I owe everything to you and my heritage… Ahem. Aheeemmm! Moon, that’s your cue. LOLA/MOON Oh, yeah... Apo. I am glad dat you now realize ebryting dat I tried to teach you about your cultooore and herit age. I lub you berry berry berry berry much. Neber porget dat or me. Now let me snip you one last time? I can now die in peace. JASEN Lola?... Lola?... Why?! Bakit why, God? Take me! Not her. Me! Bakit... bakit labis kitang mahal?!!! ...and scene. Thank you. Thank you. MOON O.A.! JASEN What? MOON I said... Oh, Hey? Do you still need a ride to your job at Happi Bees? JASEN Hoy! I’m a Jollibee... not a happy one! Get that straight, Missy. MOON Whatever. See you later, R.J. Lisa... a pleasure. Jasen, ya coming, cuz I ain’t gonna wait forever.

27 JASEN I’m comin’. I’m comin’. Alright, peace out homie. Lisa, I’ll see you at the auditions tomorrow. MOON grabs JASEN’s wrist and they exit. LISA I guess that’s my cue to get outta here too. LISA gathers her stuff quickly, and seems to be annoyed. R.J. What’s wrong? LISA Nothing. R.J. Was it Moon? She’s just being jealous. She’s had a thing for Jasen for like ever. LISA No, it’s just that... Never mind. Bye. LISA begins to exit. R.J. Hold up. Did I do something wrong? LISA Did you really write out the words that Moon was saying? R.J. Yeah. It’s funnier that way. Moon’s not really good with accents. LISA It just sounded hella fake. R.J. It wasn’t fake. That’s how my lola talks. That’s how all older Filipinos talk. LISA You’re not serious.

28 R.J. No, I’m not serious. I’m trying to be funny. LISA But it’s not. Don’t you think that it’s kinda wrong when young people like us portray Pilipinos with the thick accent and broken English for giggles sake? R.J. I’m not trying to do that. LISA So, it’s not your intention to make people laugh when that accent is used? R.J. Well. LISA All I’m trying to say is that I don’t want people to laugh at the Lola character. When they do, it feels like it’s okay for people to laugh at anyone with an accent. You know? R.J. Jeez so sensitive. LISA No, respectful. R.J. Okay, I never thought of it like that. LISA Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t. I guess in a way, I’m also trying to stick up for my Lola too. R.J. What’d you mean? LISA Well, when she’d take care of me and my brother when we were kids, she told us stories of how people would make fun of her accent when she and my Lolo came to the States after World War 2. My mom told me that they were the ones to tell her not to teach me tagalog either because they didn’t want me to go through the humiliation they must have felt.

29 R.J. My parents didn’t want me to learn cuz they said that it would’ve confused me. What they didn’t know is that I’m just naturally confused. LISA You know, she really worked hard at trying to fit in to this country. Like, she taught me how to dance the jitterbug. And how to say the Pledge of Allegiance. She even taught me how to make an apple pie. It was a trip. Apple pie and diniguan for dinner. R.J. Mmmm… tasty. MOON Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it. R.J. She sounds like a cool person. LISA Yeah. She was. R.J. I’m sorry. LISA Thanks. But, she had a long amazing life. It was nice meeting you, R.J.. R.J. Hey. Since you just basically ripped me a new one with part about the accent, is there anything else that bothered you about what I wrote? LISA I think I’ll quit while I’m ahead. R.J. No. Don’t. I appreciate the feedback. Giving literary critiques is not one of Jasen’s strongest points. LISA Well... don’t you think that what you wrote for him is what all PCNs talk about? There has to be more than that. It’s getting to be, you see one PCN you’ve seen them all.

30 R.J. But, every year each cast is different which makes the vibe totally different. Don’t you think that it’s important that we at least keep our culture alive with these shows? LISA These shows that last over five whole hours. R.J. We have a lot of culture to be proud of. LISA All I’m saying is that I want to know more about your characters and their story than how they “find” their culture. R.J. And all I’m saying is that not all PCN’s are the same. Why else would some of these schools have their Culture Nights going for over ten years… or twenty? If you ask me, that’s something to be really proud of. LISA Then please explain how do these quote-unquote modern slash urban dances weave into Filipino culture? R.J. Those dances are a part of our culture because we are the ones creating them, just like how our culture’s dancers left us dances like the tinikling. Our quote-unquote modern slash urban dancers as you call them, might even someday be seen on MTV. Don’t laugh. Really. Wouldn’t that be wild? Filipino-Americans celebrating our gifts as dancers with the world. Shoot, and when that happens, we’ll transcend the fact that we’re more than dope ass Fil-Ams who dance well, but are seen as amazing artists who contribute to human culture period. And that all started with them being up on stage in a PCN. LISA I stand corrected. I can admit when someone can make me see things in a different light. R.J. Thank you. Just don’t ask me to repeat that, cuz I straight up pulled that out of my crack.

31 LISA Your talent is noted. R.J. Oooo. I have talent now? LISA Just a smidge. R.J. I’ll take it. But, you know that you can’t just jump in and say that there’s something wrong with what I wrote and not give a suggestion on how I can fix it. Like, about the stuff I wrote for Jasen that you complained about. LISA Considering that you pulled that last thing about the dancing out of your crack, I don’t think you need my suggestions. You’ll be fine. See ya. R.J. It figures. LISA It figures what? R.J. I just didn’t think that you were one of those people who would complain about something and not be able to step up and try to think up something better or different. But hey. You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. LISA Excuse me. One of those people? R.J. Just complain and complain. LISA All right. I’ll give it a shot. So, let me get this straight, Jasen’s grandmother is on her deathbed, right? R.J. Right. His Lola. LISA Right. And he’s trying to tell her how much she means to him?


R.J. Right. Also, can you add in the dancing stuff since he’s in the Modern Dance segment? LISA You’re not making it easy on me, are you? R.J. Not unless you’re just a complainer. LISA Okay... Lola, I know that you can hear my voice between the ever growing silence between each inhale... and exhale you take. Please listen to my words of praise and thank yous for everything that you have given me. From the time I first heard the stories of how you hid in the hills with your children in tow As strangers invaded our land of golden sunsets and fragrant sampaguitas during the Second World War Protector of my mother and uncle when you moved to a new land of velvet fogged-in mornings and cable cars that went up and down California Street To the one who helped raise me and my brother to know wrong from wrong and right from right to left to right to left and back again the dance steps you taught me from the Jitterbug to the La Jota Caviteña to the Tinikling of bamboo polls that still resonate from my ears to my core click click clap click click CLAP! I snap out of my trance Lola, when I hear your voice call out to me, “Did you eat yet?” And before I could even get out the words to say, “I'm fine, Grandma.” A plate of Rice and Diniguan is placed before me Which is made with the recipe, of not chocolate meat, which we Should Not try to pass off as a euphemism to ignorant Western palettes But made with the special ingredient of Your Love. Because of you I know what love is Because of you I know what strength is Because of you, Grandma I know the importance of taking the time to take in the fragrance of a rose with a single breath

33 LISA (CONT.) To take in the essence of life and how to live it With each Step I Take In Dance In YOUR HONOR Dahil Sa Iyo, Lola Alam ko na kung sino ako Salamat po at Mahal kita R.J. Uh… wow. That was amazing. LISA Thanks. It’s been a while since I did something like that. R.J. So, how come I’ve never seen you around campus or at any of the poetry nights with the Filipino Club? LISA Maybe it’s because you haven’t looked hard enough. R.J. Believe me, I have. It’s just that when I do look, I get the stare right back at me... “Oh, uh uh. You are not looking at me. Cuz if you are, then my boyfriend will beat you into next week. Psshhh... looking at me.” LISA You do that really... well. R.J. As I said, I’ve been looking. But I never found you. LISA Maybe it’s because you haven’t looked at Health For All. R.J. Isn’t that the health clinic over in the SOMA? LISA That’s the one. I volunteer there after class. R.J. So, let me get this straight, you dance... speak mad poetry... and you also work, no volunteer, at a health clinic?


LISA Don’t trip. I’m just Lisa Enriquez from South Sacramento trying to make a difference in the world, like my Lola did for me. Nothing more, nothing less. R.J. Still sounds like a lot to me. But I bet you can’t make a mean mango pie? LISA And how would you make a mango mean? Do you like beat it up or something? LISA begins to throw some punches at the air like a boxer named Manny Pacquiao. LISA “Take that you mango! I’ll give you a black eye! Is that bagoong on your butt or tae cuz your shkairred of me?” R.J. I give up. You’re funny too. LISA At least you didn’t say funny looking. R.J. That you definitely are not. LISA Uh, thanks. Look, maybe I jumped the gun about your story. I haven’t even read it yet. For what it’s worth, I’m sure that the skit you’re writing will be fine and we’ll have a great show. R.J. We’ll have a great show? I thought that little tirade you brought up earlier about PCN’s made you not want to part of this. LISA I want to dance to honor my Lola… but someone changed my mind about the other things too. Besides, I still have to get through the dance auditions tomorrow.

35 R.J. From what I saw, I don’t think you’ll have any problems. Especially with that one move where you do this... Then this move. R.J. attempts a dance move, trips over his own feet and falls down. LISA You okay? R.J. I think that I’ll just stick to writing. LISA Then we’re really in trouble. R.J. Ar-ouch! Dagger right through the heart! LISA Are you always this dramatic? I could definitely see where Jasen gets it from. Look, don’t give up so easy. It’s really simple. You just have to know the basics. C’mon, I’ll show you. R.J. I think I’ve embarrassed myself enough for today. LISA Trust me. It’ll be a hoot. R.J. A hoot? LISA For starters, put your leg here and turn your body like this. R.J. I don’t think that this is physically possible, Miss Gumby. LISA Anything’s possible. Just watch me. Turn your body the other way. Then the legs and then the arms follow. See, a hoot. Now let’s try it with some music.

36 LISA goes over and presses the play button on the cassette player of the boombox. LISA Just let the music start to take over your body. They start to dance, and R.J. begins with the steps that she taught him and continues to get better and they end the dance the same way JASEN and LISA did earlier - close to each other. LISA Uh... we should get outta here. Someone will need this space and I have a class at two. R.J. Uh... yeah. I got class too... at two. Thanks for the lesson. LISA You’re a natural. R.J. Right back at ‘cha. Hey, Lisa. I was wondering if you had any plans after your class. LISA I don’t know. I was just probably gonna catch a bite to eat at the Union or something... Well, I was just after class too, and we happen to kick around some

R.J. sayin’, cuz I’ll be chillin’ at the Union so... if we happen to see each other there be hungry at the same time, maybe we can real story ideas I had for the PCN. LISA

Yeah... maybe. Bye. LISA grabs her stuff and exits, but a single spotlight stays focused on R.J. at the Ma-yi. Time has now shifted back to the present. It’s still at night.

37 SCENE IV R.J. February 23rd, 1994. Her hair was in a ponytail. She was wearing jeans, a red T, and a grey hoodie. Her black lo-top Chuck Taylors had flowers drawn over the logo. No make-up, but she radiated the kind of beauty that no amount of artificial enhancers could even attempt to match. That was the first day we met. That was Lisa. (beat. To Doc.) You know, that was probably the sweetest “maybe” I’ve ever heard in my life. We hooked up for dinner that night at the Union and I really don’t know how she did it, but stories just started flowing out of me. We also laughed a lot too. Lisa made me a better writer... a better person, too. DOC What else is coming back? As R.J. recalls his memories, snapshots appear on a screen behind them. R.J. Everything. Our first official date after the PCN. Spring Break with Jasen and Moon in Hawaii. Graduation. She even made a better mango pie than me. Another thing she learned from her Lola. (beat) Why isn’t this stuff working? These memories are everything that these stupid leaves are supposed to erase. DOC It is working... but it’s you who’s just starting. Bringing back those memories are a part of the process. You will see. Whenever you’re ready, take another drink of this. R.J. hesitantly takes another sip of the tea. DOC You make the goofiest faces, man. You should be getting used to the taste by now.

38 SCENE V R.J. again dozes off after taking another sip of the tea. While asleep, the stage transforms into the Rose Garden at Golden Gate Park. This Rose Garden has two areas – one set for MOON and LISA, while the other area is reserved for R.J. and JASEN. The year is 2001 as MOON and LISA enter. Music plays from that year. MOON Hey, Lis... can you smell all the roses around us? MOON begins to “whistle” but since she doesn’t know how, she just blows really loud while making a pucker face. LISA Uh, yeah. I can smell ‘em, Moon. MOON Isn’t it romantic? LISA I guess. MOON And the moon is so full. Look at it. Perfect! MOON takes LISA’s hand and holds it up to the night sky, imagining a ring on LISA’s finger. MOON lets out a little giggle and “whistles” again. LISA Moon. I love you like a sistah and all, but wouldn’t this be like the weirdest talk-show moment if we were cheating on both of our boyfriends with each other? MOON Oh... this? Oh... no... no... Then again, I think that Jasen’s already had that fantasy. But me... and you... like that? Please! I was just saying how perfect the night is cuz of all the flowers, and ooo lookee, Jupiter is perfectly lined up with Sirius, Muldine, and Orius.

39 LISA Okay... speaking of being perfectly lined up, I know that R.J. lined up our dinner reservations at Aqua at Seven so, shouldn’t we get back to meet the guys there. MOON Sure... they’re already... I mean... (whistle) I mean... (whistle) they’ll be all ready when we get there... (whistle) but first help me out by finding the earrings Jasen gave me. I’m sure I dropped them somewhere around here when I took my yoga students here the other day for deep meditation exercises. LISA And would those strange sounds you were just making be a part of those exercises? MOON You mean the whistling? LISA If that’s what you call it? MOON Don’t be silly. We use OOOHHH EEE OOOHHHH… OOOHHH EEE MMMMMM… OOOHHH…. LISA Moon! MOON Oh yeah. The earrings. Well, they’re a special kind of earrings. You know how spaced out I get sometimes... LISA You? Never... MOON I know hard to believe. But just in case I lose them, they beep when you start to whistle. LISA Interesting...

40 As LISA starts to whistle in hope that she’ll find MOON’s earings, lights fade on her side. Lights begin to fade up on R.J. as he enters. He’s breathing really hard and looks like he’s ready to pass out. R.J. Jasen... Jasen... I don’t think I can do this. Enter JASEN carrying a small table and a tablecloth. JASEN puts the table down and places the tablecloth on top. JASEN R.J. Breath. Everything’s gonna be fine. It’ll be perfect! C’mon breathe with me... In... out... in... out... You must focus... concentrate... In... out... wax on... wax off... R.J. Okay, okay, I’m cool now. I just hope that everything works out tonight. JASEN Dude... you’re golden! Don’t worry about a thing. We got your back. But first, help me with this tablecloth. JASEN struggles just to unfold the tablecloth and gets tangled in it. R.J. Wait a minute. Slow down. You’re so gonna choke yourself in this thing. R.J. untangles the mess and both layout the tablecloth over the table. JASEN Done. Whomp! There it is. Tablecloth – perfect. Garden – perfect. And hey, check it out. It’s another sign. Jupiter, Sirius, Muldine, and Orius... lined up... perfect! R.J. You’ve been hanging around Moon way too long.

41 JASEN That’s my girl! Hold up. JASEN takes out a camera. Stand over there. Hold up the candle too. One, two… R.J. Jase, we’ve been friends for how long? JASEN Since that lumpia wrapping party for the filipino club when we were freshmen back in college. Remember when we ran out of filling and we were putting the trail mix in them. R.J. How do you remember that? JASEN I got pictures. R.J. That’s my point, why do you take so many damn pictures? Everywhere we go, there you are with a camera. JASEN I just don’t wanna miss anything. The memories captured on film will still be here long after we’re gone. So, it’s like leaving behind something that says what you did with your life and who you spent it with. R.J. Look at you. All philosophical and stuff. JASEN Plus, I got some good blackmail pictures. Like the picture I got of you looking at Christine Gambito’s cleavage when you didn’t think anyone was looking. R.J. You promised me that you burned that picture. JASEN I did burn it. I burned it on a CD-Rom. What do you care? You have Lisa now, and you have tonight. R.J. Great. Thanks for reminding me. Hey, why don’t you go in this with me?

42 JASEN What’d you mean? Like, tonight? I don’t think so. R.J. Why not? You and Moon have been going together just as long as me and Lisa. JASEN Yeah, but you and her have real jobby-jobs. I’m still strugglin’. Besides, like the moon up there, this is your night to shine all by yourself. R.J. So poetic. JASEN You think? I think I got that from a fortune cookie. I’m tellin’ you, you’ll do fine. R.J. Thanks, cuz I really don’t think I can do this by myself. JASEN Duh? That’s why you got me and Moon. Trust me, you don’t have to worry about a thing except for what you have to do, and hope that she’ll say… R.J. What? What will she say? What if she says… “I don’t think so.” Or, “don’t you think we should think wait a little longer?” Or, “I love you, but only like a Kuya?” JASEN Or maybe she’ll say, Yes. C’mon, don’t be so serious. R.J. But, this is serious. JASEN And you are so ready for this, you just landed that internet gig at that company in the South Bay, right? What’s it called? R.J. Google.

43 JASEN Eh, it could get big one day. And, Lisa’s career is taking off at the hospital. All you need is a house with metal bars, plastic covers on your furniture, 3 kids and a minivan, and boom, instant family. This is just the first official step. R.J. You’re right. Thanks Bro. But you know that it’s you and Moon are next. JASEN We’ll see. Just give me some pointers when the time comes. Speaking of which, where are they? You listening for their signal? R.J. Yeah, but I didn’t think that Moon knows how to whistle. Lights fade out on R.J. and JASEN’s side. Suddenly, a beam from a flashlight hits the floor as lights slowly fade up on LISA. LISA I can’t believe I’m doing this. LISA whistles and hears a beep. She whistles again. Another beep. Whistles twice. 2 beeps. Then she whistles the opening 3 notes of Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and the beep responds with a long tone to complete the musical phrase. LISA Hey, Moon! I think I found your earrings. Moon? R.J. turns the battery-operated candle on and more little lights appear around them. Lights fade up on R.J. He’s holding a walkietalkie that uses Morse code to beep with. R.J. Happy Anniversary, Dear. Music, Maestro.

44 JASEN (Offstage V.O.) Awww yeah. This song is dedicated to R.J. and Lisa celebrating 7 happy years together. With much love from Jasen... MOON (Offstage V.O.) And Moon! You go girl! Woo-woo-woo! R.J. May I have this dance, my lady? LISA Why yes, you certainly may. R.J. And you thought I was kidding about taking that Ballroom class. And dip. I was going to get you some roses, but I thought that wouldn’t be enough for tonight. LISA So you got me a whole rose garden? It’s okay. Dork. I can’t believe that you did all this for me. R.J. Well, it wasn’t just me. Thanks guys! JASEN AND MOON (Offstage) You’re welcome! LISA I can’t believe that seven years have gone by already. Thank you. R.J. Right back at ‘cha. (beat) You know, I just realized that this is how we first met... with us dancing. Lisa, these years with you have been the greatest of my life. We started out as kids in college with no money, and now we’re adults... still with no money... but we’ll get there... and I want to make sure that it’s together.

45 And with that, R.J. begins to sing his question to LISA. DEAR, DO YOU WONDER WHAT IT’D BE LIKE TEN YEARS FROM NOW? CUZ I OFTEN DO THERE, WE WOULD BE TOGETHER YOU AND ME WAKING UP IN EACH OTHER’S ARMS AND IT WOULD BE THE GREATEST DREAM COME TRUE FOR ME IF ONLY YOU’D SAY YES TO R.J. gets down on one knee and opens a box with THE RING. R.J. WILL YOU MARRY ME? LISA shocked just nods her head yes while they embrace. JASEN Dude, what’d she say? LISA gets the walkie talkie off the table. LISA She said, Yes. JASEN AND MOON (O.S.) Whoo-hoo! Yes! MOON (O.S.) Ha! You owe me 10 bucks! “Celebration” by Kool and the Gang is faded in as the Lights fade out. JASEN (V.O.) This is for R.J. and Lisa – the newly engaged couple. See ya at the wedding!

46 SCENE VI “Celebration” is heard spanning time from 2001 forward to the present. It’s now almost midnight and DOC has the radio on that’s playing the same song. He’s shaking his groove thang to the beat. DOC Celebrate good times, c’mon... da-da-da-da da-da-da-da c’mon! R.J. Can you turn that off? DOC Sure. You have something against Mr. Kool and his gang? R.J. No... just nothing to celebrate. How long was I out? DOC I’d say about 15 minutes. R.J That’s it? Feels like years. Three years to be exact. (Rubbing the back of his head) Why does it feel like someone just hit me in the back of the head with a two-byfour? DOC That’s supposed to be the easy part. How much are you still remembering? R.J. All of it. It’s like I’m in this dream, but everything feels so real. I could still smell the flowers. See her smile. Feel her touch. It was the night that I proposed to Lisa. (beat) Look, how much more do I have to take of this to finish what I came here for. DOC Chill, dude. Not much longer. All you need to do is finish the rest of this and it’ll be over. Just rest a bit. You’ll need to save your energy for the final stage. R.J. It was a perfect, you know?

47 DOC What was? R.J. The day we got married. We had the ceremony at the same garden where we got engaged. I didn’t want that day to end. DOC Then why do you want to forget all that? R.J. Cuz it’d be easier. DOC What would? R.J. Everything. Watching TV. Sleeping. Breathing. Every time I do anything, even the smallest things, I think of her and wind up wishing that she were still here to share those moments with. I’d do anything to get rid of this indescribable pain that’s in here. So, when Moon brought me here and I read what was on that canister, I had to find out if you could help me. Help me to figure out how to live again. DOC By completely erasing her from your memory? R.J. You make it sound so simple. DOC I’m not saying that it’s easy, Dude, but if this is the path you wanna choose... R.J. Doc, it’s the only path I know. Counseling... drugs... alcohol... I’ve done all that. I don’t even know how I made it through this year. There have been times when I didn’t even want to. DOC And, what would killing yourself accomplish?

48 R.J. I’d be with them right now. I wouldn’t have to keep asking God what did I do to deserve this? What did they do? I wish I could let her know how much I miss her. DOC I’m sure that she knows. R.J. How could she? She’s dead. Lisa died giving birth to our daughter. That was my family. My life. I could have had them back if Jasen didn’t find me on the bathroom floor. DOC Are you blaming them for saving your life? If you ask me, you’re lucky to have friends like them because you’re still here. R.J. Lucky me. DOC You’re right. Lucky you. You’re still lucky because at least you still have memories of what it was to be in love. Of what it’s like to find the person that you were meant to be with. A lot of people should be so lucky. R.J. Doc, I appreciate this little pep talk, but... I’ve had a very long day and I’ve come too far to turn back now. I just want it over. DOC I can’t let you go through with this. Before DOC has a chance to take the cup of tea away, R.J. takes the last gulp of it. R.J. Too late…

49 SCENE VII Birds fly over the green hills of a cemetery in Colma. R.J., JASEN, and MOON are at Lisa’s grave. They are dressed in black. The year is 2006. JASEN R.J., whenever you’re ready. Everyone’s at the restaurant. We’re going to head on over there to make sure that everything’s cool. Moon drove, so I’ll just go with her and you can take my car. Is that cool with you? R.J.? R.J. Yeah. That’s cool. Hey, guys. Thanks. MOON Love you. R.J. Right back at... Love you, too. Just give me a few minutes over here, ‘kay? JASEN For you, anything. R.J. Thanks. As JASEN and MOON exit, R.J. takes out a rose and places it on the raw earth over LISA’s casket. R.J. Hey. It’s been a crazy day. This is from the garden where we... Lis, why’d you have to go? We were supposed to be a family. We were supposed to grow old together. LISA, dressed in all white, enters from behind him. R.J. turns around and faces her. Music fades in and they both start dancing in Contemporary Style – a story about love and loss and eventually moving on. R.J. I swear this better not be a dream, and if it is, please don’t wake me up. Don’t leave me again.


LISA I won’t leave you... and I never will. But this isn’t real. R.J. I don’t care... as long as you’re here. Right now. This is what matters. LISA R.J., listen to me. I miss you more than anything, and I don’t want this to end too, but this is only real in your dreams. I know that this whole thing doesn’t make any sense right now, but I’m not going to blow this chance for you or for us. R.J. What do you mean this isn’t real? I’m here; you’re here... talking to each other. LISA I saw you at the hospital, after Moon and Jasen found you... I felt the pain you were in, and it hurt so much that I couldn’t help you. Don’t you realize that you still have the chance to live out your dreams. R.J. But my dreams died when you did. LISA You were always the dramatic one. Look, I know that’s how you feel, but that’s why I’m here... in your dreams. To let you know that I will always be here. We had the chance to help you and make you realize that. R.J. What do you mean by we? LISA We meaning... me... and the Doc. R.J. The Doc at the shop? How? Is he part of this whole dream too? LISA No. He’s real, but he was granted the gift to help people with God’s ingredients. Which reminds me, give this to him.

51 Lisa gives a small folded note to R.J. R.J. What is this? A love letter? LISA Yes, but not from me. It’s a little something to jog his memory. Could you thank Moon for me too? R.J. For what? LISA For bringing you to see the Doc. R.J. How’d you do that? LISA Through a dream... like this. R.J. I just figured that she was on one of her Yoga fasting things and got delusional again. LISA Not that time... it was me. R.J. If you visited her, then why didn’t you… LISA R.J. You weren’t ready. Every time I wanted to visit you, so much of your pain and anger kept me out... until now. I don’t have much time, but I need to tell you that I’m okay. I know that’s something you wanted to know. R.J. Then you’d also know that I’m always asking, why? Why’d you have to go? LISA It was just my time. But, it’s not yours... not yet. R.J. Why, do you know what happens to me?

52 LISA I’m dead, but I’m not God. But I do know that you’re here for a reason as everybody on earth is. You just have to put your faith and trust that you are. R.J. Faith in what? God? Where was he when I begged him to save you while you were at the hospital? Where was He when I held our baby and you in my arms for the last time? I can’t ever forgive Him for taking you away from me. LISA Is that why you left in the middle of the Rosary tonight? R.J. Praying isn’t going to help you come back. LISA Yes it did. That’s why I’m here. I heard the prayers. I heard them from our friends. From my parents. Even from Moon. R.J. How? She’s not even Catholic. LISA But she believes in a higher being. And that Higher being heard all they’re prayers and He brought me to you. The ringing tones of a grandfather clock begin to echo in the air. LISA I have to go, now. There’s another visit I have to make. R.J. What’d you mean? You just got here. LISA I know, but you’ll understand why... soon. I promise. R.J. Lisa, I’m not ready to let go of you. LISA I know why you came to see Doc, but I don’t want you to forget what we had together. Those moments are still as precious to me as they are for you.


R.J. But life would be easier… LISA Life’s not supposed to be easy. And if you did want to erase me from your memory, then it’d be like I never existed. I might as well be… dead. R.J. But you are. LISA If you want to get technical about it. But if you got rid of all the times that we shared together, then you’d be killing a part of yourself too. The part that I fell in love with. The guy who stumbled over his feet the first time we met, but learned to love dance because he wanted to share something I loved. The person who fumbles his speech when he gets nervous, but writes the most beautiful words even if he has to pull them out of his crack. R.J. Yeah, but that was because every step I took in dance, every word I wrote that came from my soul was for you. LISA If you really believe that, then don’t let that gift you have die with me. Keep writing. Keep dancing. Keep living. Those are things to really live for. And not just work, okay? And eventually you’ll find someone to share this life with. R.J. I can never do that to you, Lisa. LISA Then do it for me… and you need to do it for yourself, too. R.J. But I don’t know how? LISA Don’t worry about that. I’ll be there to help guide you. Everything’s going to be all right. It’ll be a hoot. R.J. A hoot.


LISA From the first day we met, I’ve always told you the truth. So, trust me. Don’t forget, I’ll be right here. Always. R.J. I miss you. LISA (reassuringly) I know.

55 SCENE VIII The lights fade out and fade back in as a loud bass pattern emanates from a car outside the Ma-Yi Herbal Shop. This journey of memories that R.J. has taken to the past and back has now reached the morning. The ever growing decibels of the bass wakes HIM up. R.J. What the hell? Where the hell? DOC enters through the bead curtain and moves toward the door. DOC Damn kids with their boom boom music. What the hell happened to real music made by real instruments? Morning, sleepyhead. R.J. What happened? DOC You took one sip of that tea I whipped up for ya and poof, off you went into la-la land. R.J. Oh my God, that’s right! I went here to forget, but I can’t forget! I have to remember. That’s what I promised her. DOC First you begged me to help you forget her, mind you with a gun pointed at my face, and now you’re begging me to not forget her? R.J. Yes! DOC Forget who? R.J. Lisa. My wife. My soul mate. You have to undo what happened last night. DOC Seems like you didn’t forget a thing.


R.J. I didn’t? I didn’t. DOC Chill dude. The stuff I gave you wasn’t supposed to erase a person from your memory. It was supposed to bring back the memories that your soul ain’t able to forget. R.J. How’d you know to give me that instead of real thing. DOC Because I’d never wish that on anyone. See this picture of this woman and this kid. I don’t remember a thing about them… except for this. DOC hands him a newspaper clipping from behind the picture. R.J. Emily Taylor and Benito Taylor Jr. of San Francisco were killed Thursday, May 10th, 2000 when their car… their car was struck by a drunk driver on the corner of DeHaro and Market Streets. They leave behind their husband and father, Benito Sr. DOC All I have left are those pictures on the wall, that article and his birth certificate. I’d give anything to get back those memories in those photos. And I have to live with myself for making that mistake of taking that Limutin mixture for the rest of my life. The least I can do is to make sure that no one else makes the same mistake I did. So, what did she tell you before you woke up? R.J. How’d you know? DOC Just cuz a body dies doesn’t mean that a spirit leaves too. She’s still around and when you’re ready, they come to visit you in the most awesomest place you can think of... in your dreams. R.J. Whoa.


DOC So... R.J. Right. She told me that she was okay and to never forget the times we shared. She also said that she’d always be here. (R.J. indicates his heart.) DOC And there she’ll always be. R.J. What’s this? R.J. pulls out the letter Lisa gave him in the dream. DOC What is that? R.J. She said to give this to you. DOC Now I know I’m smoking too many of my plants. People in your dreams aren’t supposed to give you real things, dude. R.J. I didn’t write this. R.J.’s cell phone rings and R.J. gives the letter to DOC which he starts to read. R.J. Hey, Moon. What’s up? MOON What’s up with me? What’s up with you? You left in the middle of the Prayers last night? Jasen tried to find you but your car was gone. R.J. Yeah. I just needed some air. Sorry.

58 MOON That’s what we figured. Just as long as you’re safe. Where’d you go? R.J. Long story. But thanks. I’m fine. MOON Good. We were worried. Hey, do you got a sec? R.J. Yeah. MOON There’s something I need to talk to you about. But, if it’s it too early to talk then I can call back. But I really have to tell you something, so it might be hard not to tell you right now, but if you just woke up then I’d understand ‘cuz what I got to tell you is really important and you’d need to be fully awake to understand everything that I have to say to you. Well? R.J. I’m awake. Jeez, did you have one or two lumps of speed in your coffee? MOON Hello? Body. Temple. Remember? I just told you this. How am I gonna tell you anything if you don’t remember things? Huh? R.J. Moon! I remember what you told me. Now, what were you going to tell me? MOON Oh, yeah. I just saw Lisa right before I woke up. R.J. You what? MOON Lisa visited me. I was dreaming about the garden where you guys got married, and then I heard these chimes and she came out of nowhere. It was way trippy and I was kinda freaked out at first, but as she came closer, she had this smile... this kinda “at peace” look, you know?

59 R.J. Yeah… I do. MOON Well, first, she thanked me for bringing you to that herbal shop yesterday… and then she said something else… R.J Well? What was it? MOON She said that Echo will be a beautiful baby girl. R.J. Get outta here! MOON I’m SO outta here! R.J. That’s great news! What did Jasen say about it? MOON I haven’t told him yet. R.J. What? Why not? MOON Well, he’s pretty tired from last night. After I made that tea that we got from the store, we spent the rest of the night getting his seed into my oven. R.J. Ah, Moon?!!! TMI! TMI! Too much information! MOON Well, you asked. Frog on the Lotus Leaf I tell ya! Anyways, after Lisa told me about Echo, and after I started crying because of these new hormones and stuff, I asked her if she had a message for you. R.J. Lemme guess. She said to tell me to never forget about her, and that she wanted me to move on with my life.

60 MOON Yeah. How’d you know? Were you in that garden with us? Cuz that’s kinda stalkerish… even for a dream. R.J. Not exactly. Hey, you wanna get together to talk about it? MOON Duh? Yeah! Lemme wake up Jasen and we’ll meet you at Francisca’s Coffee and Juice in an hour? R.J. Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you there. Bye. (to Doc) Looks like that tea you made for Moon works fast. She told me that Lisa told her that she’s gonna have a baby girl. (pause) Doc? DOC Echo? R.J. Echo. So, what’s in that note? DOC It’s a recipe for something I’ve never seen before. It’s supposed to bring back my memories of Emily and B.J. My family. R.J. That’s great! DOC There’s even a message at the bottom of this. DOC hands R.J. the letter. R.J. “We can’t wait to visit you, Pa.” I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know what to believe. DOC I think they just want us to believe in love. R.J. extends his hand out to DOC to shake his hand.

61 R.J. Thanks for bringing Lisa back, even if it was only for just one night. DOC shakes R.J’s hand. DOC It’s I who want to thank you for doing the same for me. Bro. R.J. You got it, bro. DOC But don’t think of it as just one night. People don’t die when you keep them in your thoughts and in your heart. Which reminds me... DOC retrieves the picture of Lisa that R.J. gave him earlier. DOC I think you’ll be needing this. She’s a keeper. R.J. Yeah. Yeah, she is. R.J.’s phone rings again. Hey Jim. Hey, I’m sorry about yesterday. Don’t worry about coming in today. Just, enjoy today with you’re family. Yeah. I’ll just see you tomorrow. Bye. R.J. opens the door and is blinded by the brightness of the new day. DOC Whoa Dude! Looks like a brand new day out there. R.J. It sure looks like it. Thanks, Doc. I’ll see you around. DOC I look forward to it. R.J. exits into the warm glow of the morning light. THE END

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