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SELF-ESTEEM (noun): samopostovanje Definition: a feeling of pride in yourself Synonyms: self-pride, confidence, dignity, morale, narcissism, worth, vanity, selfrespect, self-regard Antonyms: self-deprecation, self-doubt, uncertainty, insecurity MEDIA (noun): mediji Definition: television, radio and newspapers used as a means of communication Synonyms: announcement, communications, correspondence, expression, news MASS MEDIA (noun): masovni mediji, sredstva javnog priopcavanja Definition: the means of communicating with large numbers of people, i.e. newspapers, television and radio Synonyms: media, press, broadcasting, information media GIMMICK (noun): smicalica, trik Definition: something unusual or amusing that is used to attract people's attention (usually to make them buy something) Synonyms: spin, widget, twist, whirl, trick, bend, artifice, aid, concern, deceit, device, method MAGAZINE (noun): časopis Definition: a large thin book with a paper cover that contains news stories, articles, photographs and is sold weekly or monthly. Synonyms: newspaper/paper, the press, the media, broadsheet, tabloid FEMININITY (noun): ženstvenost, slično ženi Definition: qualities that are considered to be typical of women, especially qualities that are gentle, delicate, and pretty. Synonyms: maidenly, womanly Antonyms: masculine, manlike, manly GUIDE (noun): priručnik, vodič, udžbenik Definition: a book or piece of writing that provides information on a particular subject or explains how to do something.

Synonyms: instructions, directions, guidelines, manual, handbook, cookbook DEBATE (verb): raspravljati, polemika, prepirka Definition: Discussion of a particular subject that often continues for a long time and in which people express different opinions. Synonyms: discussion, negotiations, talks, forum MODEL(noun): maneken Definition: to wear clothes at a fashion show or in magazine photographs in order to show them to people. Synonyms: emulate, model yourself on DISORDER (noun): poeremećaj, bolćivost Definition: a mental or physical illness which prevents part of your body from working properly. Synonyms: illness, disease, infection, condition, ailment, complaint SELF-ESTEEM (noun): samopoštovanje Definition: the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and that you deserve to be liked or respected. Synonyms: confidence, self-confidence, assurance/self-assurance, belief in yourself FLAW (noun): mana, nedostatak Definition: a mistake, mark, or weakness that makes something imperfect. Synonyms: fault, defect, problem, trouble, flaw/weakness, be something wrong with/be something the matter with

Billboard- a big sign next to the road that is used to advertise something, hoarding, British English (bilbord)

To lure- to persuade or trick someone into doing something by making it seem attractive or exciting eg. Salesman who lure people into spending large amounts of money (ubijediti, navući) To purchase- to buy something- kupiti, to buy, To buy a car adolescent- a young person who is developing into an adult- adolesent Consumer- someone who buys or uses goods and services-potrošač Brand- a product that a particular company makes, e.g. a new brand of soap- brend To supplement- something that you add to something else to improve it, e.g. I supplement my income by teaching Italian at weekends- dodatak, prilog u časopisu Expound- to explain or talk about something in detail- tumačiti, izlagati

CUSTOMER (noun): klijent, kupac, korisnik, musterija, narucitelj Definition: a person who buys goods or services Synonyms: client, guest, node, clientele, consumer, patron, prospect, purchaser Anonyms: owner MISLEADING (adjective): koji navodi na pogresno misljenje Definition: giving a wrong idea or impression Synonyms: deceptive, delusory, shoddy, dishonest, dishonorable Anonyms: honest, honorable, truthful PERSUADE (verb): nagovoriti, natjerati, uvjeriti Definition: to cause somebody to do something by giving him/her good reasons Synonyms: influence, act upon, work, stimulate, cause, get, make, sway Anonyms: dissuade, deter PURCHASE (verb): kupiti, nabaviti Definition: to buy something Synonyms: get, acquire, leverage, buy, achieve, attain, earn, shop, take, take up, win Anonyms: sell, market, retail, trade in, merchandise, vend, peddle ATTEMPT (verb): pokusati, poduzeti, nastojati Definition: to try to do something that is difficult

Synonyms: aim, push, pursue, strive, seek, undertake, act, move, initiate, set about, undertake, try on, seek, try out, try, sample, render Anonyms: be lazy

REPETITION (noun): ponavljanje, repeticija Definition: doing something again; something that you do or that happens again Synonyms: copy, chant, iteration, relation, encore, recurrence Anonyms: instance TESTIMONY (noun): dokaz, svjedocenje, iskaz Definition: a formal statement that something is true Synonyms: indication, information, statement, affirmation, confirmation, demonstration, evidence, facts, illustration FAR-REACHING (adjective): dalekosezan, koji ima sirok uticaj Definition: having or going to have a great influence on a lot of other things Synonyms: extensive, important, pervasive, wide, sweeping, far-ranging Anonyms: insignificant, narrow, incomprehensible, trivial, unimportant ANOREXIA (noun): anoreksija Definition: a prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite Synonyms: food aversion, loss of appetite, malnutrition, skinniness, starvation, thinness, undernourishment BULIMIA (noun): bulimija Definition: a disorder of eating seen among young women who go on eating binges and then feel guilt and depression and self-condemnation Synonyms: binge-eating syndrome, bingeing, compulsive eating SELF-ESTEEM (noun): samopostovanje Definition: a feeling of pride in yourself

Synonyms: self-pride, confidence, dignity, morale, narcissism, worth, vanity, selfrespect, self-regard Anonyms: self-deprecation, self-doubt, uncertainty, insecurity MEDIA (noun): mediji Definition: television, radio and newspapers used as a means of communication Synonyms: announcement, communications, correspondence, expression, news MASS MEDIA (noun): masovni mediji, sredstva javnog priopcavanja Definition: the means of communicating with large numbers of people, i.e. newspapers, television and radio Synonyms: media, press, broadcasting, information media GIMMICK (noun): smicalica, trik Definition: something unusual or amusing that is used to attract people's attention (usually to make them buy something) Synonyms: spin, widget, twist, whirl, trick, bend, artifice, aid, concern, deceit, device, method

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