Fundamentals And Applications Of Nanotechnology (1+1)

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  • Words: 1,111
  • Pages: 32

Applications of nanotechnology in food preservation

Applications of nanotechnology Neutra-ceuticals

Food safety

Nanotechnology in food industry



Nano-nutraceuticals and nano-functional foods • It is defined as the food components that provide demonstrated physiological benefits or reduce the risk of chronic disease, above and beyond their basic nutritional functions. • A functional food is similar to a conventional food. While a nutraceutical is isolated from a food and sold in dosage form; in both cases the active components occur naturally in the food.

Nano capsules • Nanocapsules containing tuna fish oil (a source of omega 3 fatty acids) in “Tip-Top" Up bread.

Nanocochleates • Nanocochleates delivery system protects the food substances from degradation. • Ex.Polyphenols and Resveratrol are the substances present in most food and wine, they get degraded and oxidized when exposed to air. • Nanocochleates solve early oxidation by individually capturing and wrapping them in a phospholipids wrap and maintaining the internal nutrients secure from water and oxygen.

• Bio Delivery Sciences International have developed nanocochleates which are 50nm coiled nanoparticles and can be used to deliver nutrients such as vitamins,lycopene and omega 3 fatty acids more efficiently to the cell, without affecting the colour or taste of food. • The delivery vechicle is made soyphosphatidylserine which is 100% safe.


Nanoclusters • Nanoclusters TM is a nanosize powder that combines with nutritional supplements. • When consumed, it reduces the surface tension of foods and supplements to increase wetness and absorption of nutrients.

Food packaging Consumers demand…. • Food to be fresh for long time, • Packaging materials should be ease for handling, • Safe and healthy to human & environment. Major problem… Determining and developing an effective packing material

Food Packaging contd.. • Using nanoparticle technology, Bayer developed an air tight plastic particle ,it is referred as a new hybrid system. • It is enriched with number of silicate particles. • Due to the nature of the nanoparticles in Bayers new plastic material, it solves the problem occurred in food packaging due to oxygen which spoils fat in meat and which turns them pale.

Food Packaging contd.. • Incorporation of nanoparticles of clay into ethylene – vinyl alcohol copolymer and into a poly(lactic acid)bipolymer increase the barrier properties to oxygen. • Polymer-silicate nanocomposities have improved gas barrier properties, mechanical strength and thermal stability. • Nanoclay-nylon coatings and silicon oxide barriers for glass bottles are used to impede gas diffusion.

Food Packaging contd.. • Researchers demonstrated that nanoparticles with antimicrobial properties such as titanium dioxide,Zincoxide and magnesium oxide as well as a combination of them, once functionalized can be efficient in killing micro-organisms which ensures safe food packaging.

Polymer Nanocomposites • This technology was developed to improve barrier performance pertaining to gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. • It also enhances the barrier performance to UV-rays, as well as adding strength,stiffness,dimensional stability and heat resistance.

• Polymer nanocomposities consist of resins(either thermoset or thermoplastics) that have fillers added with a least one dimension measured in nanometers. • These fillers fall into three categories:  Nanotube Nanoscale oxides and metals  Nanoclays

Carbon Nanotubes •

They are cylinders with nanoscale diameters that can be used in food packaging to improve its mechanical properties.

• It has been recently discovered that they might exhibit powerful antimicrobial effects. •

E coli died immediately as and when it came in direct contact with aggregates of carbon nanotubes.

Nanoclay • Small amounts of well-dispersed natural clay can lead to environmentally friendly and inexpensive plastic composites with improved specialised properties.

Properties • Make plastics less permeable to liquids and gases. • More flame retardant and tougher. • Protects the beverages from the effects of oxygen. • It does not affect the transparency of plastics.

Filtration • Nanofiltration water treatment is a liquid separation membrane technology. • It can perform separation applications such demineralization,colour, removal and desalination.


• Offer cost-effective alternative to commercial reverse osmosis units. • Referred to as membrane softening or membrane water softeners,nanofiltration is an alternative to salt based water softening.

Nanofiltration membrane • It allows the diffusion of certain ionic solutes (such as sodium and chloride), monovalent ions, as well as water. • Large ionic species-divalent & multivalent ions and more complex molecules are retained. • Lower operating pressure with compared with reverse osmosis.


Nanofiltration membrane

Applications for Nanofiltration Desalination of food, dairy and beverage byproducts.

products or

• Partial desalination of whey. • Desalination of dyes and optical brighteners. • Color reduction or manipulation of food products. • Concentration of food, dairy and beverage products or byproducts. • Fermentation byproduct concentration.

Food Safety • We come into contact with millions of bacteria in our daily life. It is found in air we breathe and food we eat. • Organic dyes are the most commonly used boilable to stain bacteria for detection but their fluorescence degrades with time. • Nano crystals have led to new area of research in fluorescent labeling by quantum dots(QD). • Nano bioluminescence helps in easy detection of contaminated food and beverage.

Biosensor technology • Improved biosensor technology may be used to detect gases present in packaged foods as a measure of integrity of the packaging material, compounds released durind food spoilage and the presence of toxins in foods. • The gas sensor of electronic nose (e-nose)are composed of nanoparticles(e.g.Zinc oxide nanowires) whose resistance changes when a certain gas is made to pass over it.

• The finger print pattern derived from sensor is used to determine the type, quality and quantity of the odor. • The advantage of using nanoparticles is that they have improved surface area for better gas adsorption.

Cleaning and Disinfection • Silver itself is known to have antibacterial effects and nanoparticles of silver inhibits growth of E.coli and Staphylococcus aureus. • Surfaces in some refrigerators and food storage containers contain nanoparticles of silver which reportedly prevent growth of pathogen and spoilage of bacteria.

• Silver nanoparticles can be coated on polyurethane(PU)foams by overnight exposure of the foams to nanoparticle solutions. • Repeated washing and air –drying yields uniformly coated PU foam, which can be used as a water filter.

Conclusion • The use of Nanotechnology in food processing make product cheaper, more efficient, safer. • Source of increasing the speed of adaption of this new technology is linked to cost efficiency and population growth. • Nanotechnology has the potential for revolutionizing the ways in which materials and products are created and the range and nature of functionalities that can be accessed.

Presented by… D.Aarthy S.Anandhi Lavanya S.Annapoorani M.Anusha

Reference … • Book : Application of Nanotechnology in Agriculture • Web

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