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1.1Advertising and promotion: Advertising an art not a science. Effectiveness of which cannot be measuredwith a mathematical or empirical formula some advertisers argue that advertisingefforts go to waste, but every advertiser is keenly interested in measuring or in evaluationof advertising effectiveness. Testing for the effectiveness of advertisement will leadadvertis ement testing must be done either before or after the advertisement has done inthe media. It is of two types, protesting which are done before the advertisement has beenlaunched and one is referred to as cost testing which is done before the advertisement has been launched and one is referred to as cost testing which is done after launching theadvertising campaign. The basic purpose of advertising effectiveness is to avoid costlymistakes, to predict the relativeStrength of alternative strength of alternative advertising strategies and to increasetheir efficiency. In measurement of advertisement effectiveness feedback is always usefuleven if it costs some extra expenditure to the advertiser .The objectives of all business are to makes profits and a merchandising concerncan do that by increasing its sales at remunerative prices. This is possible, if the productis widely polished to be audience the final consumers, channel members and industrialusers and through convincing arguments it is persuaded to buy it. Publicity makes a thingor an idea known to people. It is a general term indicating efforts at mass appeal. As personal stimulation of demand for a product service or business unit by plantingcommercially significant news about it in a published medium or obtaining favorable presentation of it upon video television or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor.On the other hand, advertising denotes a specific attempt to popularize a specific product or service at a certain cost. It is a method of publicity. It always intentionalopenly sponsored by the sponsor and involves certain cost and hence is paid for. It is acommon form of nonpersonal communication about an organization and or its product sidea service etc. that is transmitted to a target audience through a mass medium. Incommon parlance the term publicity and advertising are used synonymously.

What is advertising? The word ‘Advertising’ has its origin from a Latin word ‘Adventure’ which means to turnto. The dictionary meaning of the word is ‘to announce publicity or to give publicconcerned to a specific thing which has been announced by the advertiser publicity inorder to inform and influence them withReread them or pass them on to other. Some magazines have prestige value. Themarketer can cover national or large regional markets at a low cost per contract(per individual reached ). Magazines generally offer high-quality printingof advertisement.Simply stated advertising is the art "says green." Advertising is a general term for and allforms of publicity, from the cry of the street boy selling newspapers to the most celebrateattention attracts device. The object always is to bring to public notice some articles or service, to create a demand to stimulate buying and in general to bring together the manwith something to sell and the man who has means or desires to buy".Advertising has been defined by different experts. Some of 2

the quoted definitions are:According to American Marketing Association “Advertising is any paid form of nonperso nal paid of presentation of ideas goods or services by an identified sponsor”.Indian marketing association has defined advertising as “any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponso r”. Themedium used are print broadcast and direct.Stanton deserves that "Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to agroup a non- personal, oral or visual openly, sponsored message regarding a product,service, or idea. This message called an advertisement is disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by the identified sponsor.5

Advertisement carries:

In business world the terms in mainly used with reference to selling the product of the concern. The advertising, as Jones defines it is "a sort of machine made mass productio n method of selling which supplements the voice and personality of theindividual salesman, such as manufacturing the machine supplements the hands of thecraftsman." It is thus a process of buying/sponsor/identified media space or time in order to promote a product or an idea. From a careful scrutiny of the above definition, thefollowing points emerge:Advertising is a paid form and hence commercial in nature. This any sponsoredcomm unication designed to influence buyer behavior advertising. Advertising is nonpersonal. Unlike personal selling, advertising is done in a nonpersonal manner throughintermediaries or media whatever the form of advertisement (Spoken, written or visual).It is directed at a mass audience and not directed at the individual as in personal selling.Advertising promotes idea, goods and services. Although most advertising is designed tohelp sell goods, it is being used increasingly to further public interest goals. Advertisingis identifiable with its sponsoring authority and advertiser. It discloses or identifies thesource of opinions and ideas. Advertising thus is: 1. Impersonal 2.A communication of ideas. 3. Aimed at mass audience 4.By a paying sponsor. The two forms of mass communi cation that are something confused with advertising or publicity and propaganda. If we eliminate the elements of the "paying sponsor" (The paid requirement)we would have the element of publicity left: For publicity is technically speakin g,advertisement without payment. In a similar manner. If we eliminate the requirement of an "identified sponsor", the resulting communication is propagandistic. It is important for us to emphasize that advertising may involve the communication of ideas or goods of service. We are all aware that advertising attempts to sell goods and services. But we mayoverlook the more important fact that it often sells ideas.



The success of the organisation is highly dependent on the sales. The organisation has to implement the effective sales promotion to improve the sales to increase profits. Sales promotional activity not only satisfy the organisational goal, it fulfils the customer and helps in acquiring new customers. Building an effective sales promotion strategy helps organisation in acquiring new customers to consume the product. The aim of sales promotion is to introduce a new product in the market. This study attempts to assess the promotional activities of the organisation


1.4 Objectives of the Study

 To have an overview about two wheelers.  To study the Advertising and promotion of Garage work with reference to Phoenix advertising pvt ltd.  To study the consumer perception about the garage work.  To suggest few promotion techniuques to improve the brand awerness amongst consumer.  To study the effectiveness of the promotional activity of Phoenix advertising pvt ltd.  To find out the customer opinion about the garage work.  To find out the promotional practices of Garage work.



Research is a procedure of logical and systematic application of the fundamentals of science to the general and overall questions of a study and scientific technique which provide precise tools, specific procedure and technical rather than philosophical meansfor getting and ordering the data prior to their logical analysis and manipulation.Different type of research designs is available depending upon the nature of research project, availability of able manpower and circumstances

. Type of Research: Descriptive Research ➢ Sample area: The sample area located in Kurla city. ➢ Sample units: Students, costomers, labour. ➢ Sample Methods: convince method. ➢ Sample Size: The sample size Survey is 100 ➢ Research Period: Research work is only carried for 1 months. ➢ Data collection: For the purpose of study. Both primary and secondary data are required. Primary data: we collect primary data are as follow: Servey Questionaries Personal observation Secondary data: We collect secondary data are as follow

panphlets, Newspapers, Internet sources.



Sales promotion is one of the five aspects of the promotional mix. (The other 4 parts of the promotional mix are advertising, personal selling, direct marketing and publicity/public relations.) Media and non-media marketing communication are employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Examples include contests, coupons, freebies, loss leaders, point of purchase displays, premiums, prizes, product samples, and rebates. Sales promotions can be directed at either the customer, sales staff, or distribution channel members (such as retailers). Sales promotions targeted at the consumer are called consumer sales promotions. Sales promotions targeted at retailers and wholesale are called trade sales promotions. Some sale promotions, particularly ones with unusual methods, are considered gimmicks by many. Sales promotion includes several communications activities that attempt to provide added value or incentives to consumers, wholesalers, retailers, or other organizational customers to stimulate immediate sales. These efforts can attempt to stimulate product interest, trial, or purchase. Examples of devices used in sales promotion include coupons, samples, premiums, point-ofpurchase (POP) displays, contests, rebates, and sweepstakes. The review of the scholar are as follows: VV Subha Rao (2017) India has recognized the importance of S&T with the Science Policy Resolution of 1958 and the Technology Policy Statement of 1983. She is concentrating on the development of indigenous technology together with the effective absorption and adaptation of appropriate imported technology. To this end many tax incentives have been given to private sector industry, and other aids to the public sector, to set up R&D units. India has achieved selfreliance in several areas and near self-sufficiency in many other through the promotional measures taken by the government and the active role played by industry. Allen, C. Pharm Med (2016) Reviewing promotional materials for pharmaceutical products is important to help ensure their high quality and allow recipients to be well-informed about benefits and risks. This article provides an overview of control mechanisms that can influence the overall quality of the product combined with practical advice, based on personal US and international experience. US case reports are used to illustrate examples of promotional violations, and the consequences of government enforcement. Nikolaos Georgantzis , Christian Boris Brunner (2016) The term promotional effort refers to all strategies aimed at broadening a firms’ market scope through the establishment if a larger and more loyal consumer basis. Advertising, public relations, sales promotion, personal selling as well as price-related strategies affecting a firm’s sales potential are addressed. Both positive and normative approaches are briefly reviewed, discussing the theoretical and empirical issues studied in the existing literature. A'dillah Mustafa, Intan Nurbaizura Zainuddin, Sufy Rabea Adawiya Idris, and Muhamad Faizal Abd Aziz (2015) The web 2.0 applications such as Facebook and Twitter have been widely used by academic library as a new communication channel to gain the user feedback and insight towards their services and activities. This paper discussed the effectiveness of these two applications; Facebook and Twitter in promoting library services in one academic library with the 7

research university status in Malaysia. This study reported the pilot study of the main research entitled "The effectiveness of Web 2.0 application in promoting library services in Malaysian research university libraries. Dr. Sc. Almira Curri-Mehmeti (2015) Public relations give opportunity to the organization to present its image and personality to its own “public”- users, supporters, sponsors, donors, local community and other public. It is about transferring the message to the public, but that is a twoway street. You must communicate with your public, but at the same time you must give opportunity to the public to communicate easier with you. The real public relations include dialog – you should listen to the others, to see things through their perspective. This elaborate is made with the purpose to be useful for every organization, not for thesensational promotion of its achievements, but to become more critical towards its work. Seeing the organization in the way that the other see it, you can become better and sure that you are giving to your users the best service possible. Terence A. Shimp, J. Craig Andrews (2014) Market-leading Advertising, Promotion and other aspects of integrated marketing communication, 9th Edition discusses all aspects of marketing communications, from time-honoured methods to the newest developments in the field. Delivering the fundamentals, you need, the text focuses on advertising and promotion, including planning, branding, media buying, sales, public relations, and much more. Emerging topics get special attention in this edition, such as the enormous popularity of social media outlets, online and digital practices, viral communications, and personal selling, along with all of their effects on traditional marketing. Martin R. Schlissel (2014) Promotion strategy of the better marketers in the sample emphasizes heavier advertising and more personal selling effort than the competition. Nevertheless, promotion is a major problem for all sample members, in part because of consumer perceptions of high risk in the purchase of services. John Sinclair (2013) Outside of North America and Europe, Latin America is the world region with the longest history and closest engagement with the globalization of the advertising industry. US-based advertising agencies were opening up offices in selected Latin American capitals as early as the 1920s, and Mexicans and Brazilians had their own thriving agencies before World War II. The establishment and growth of radio on a commercial basis in the major countries of the region were decisive in laying the basis for the subsequent commercialization of television, not only as the premium advertising medium, but also as a political and cultural institution which remains uniquely Latin. Ken Kasar (2012) Advertising and sales promotion is a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of advertising. The course explores the social, ethical, and legal issues of advertising, historical influences, strategies, and media decision processes as well as integrated marketing communications. You will gain knowledge of techniques used in current advertising, including print, broadcast, and digital. The text provides an overview of how communication tools can be used to reach target audiences and increase consumer knowledge. Mitch Carson (2011) In the silent salesmen, Carson introduces his proven, simple promotional product strategies that are guaranteed to increase sales and profits. Business owners and marketers will discover step-by-step tips on how to develop and implement a versatile marketing plan that encompasses ready-to-use samples of sales materials paired with unique and memorable promotional products. Combined, these tools will make for an extremely effective (and profitable) marketing message.


Roddy Mullin (2010) Sales promotion is one of the most powerful weapons available to sales and marketing staff, and is used more than any other type of marketing- because it works. Almost 60% of consumers regularly take advantage of some form of sales promotion each month. Packed with practical examples as well as new and updated case studies, the fifth edition details new developments in sales promotion, exploring the ways in which it can be used in conjunction with new media such as interactive TV, web-based advertising and mobile marketing. Sale Promotion also highlight the tried and tested methods that companies use to stay ahead, revealing the winning offers that gain new customers and keep existing ones happy. Frank Kuper (2008) Advertising and sales promotion employs relevant ads, exhibits, and photographs to capture your interest and through its writing style, gives a solid understanding of advertising along with the challenges facing the promotion, advertising, and marketing industries today. Prepare for the high energy excitement of advertising today with the powerful, leading content in, its accompanying supplements, and author-driven learning and teaching support.


1.6 Expected Scope and Outcome of the project:

1.The study will attempt to find out the advantages level of products. 2.The study can help to find out whether the advertisement is reached the target audience. .3.The advertiser can identify the gap of improvement themselves. .4.The study can find out whether the advertisement was educating the customer in right way or not.


1.7 Limitation of the project: Since to Surevey has been conduct to the customers of Kurla market only 

The Period of The study is only 30days.

Its very difficult to cover The entire market.

Most of the customers show hesitations to responds.

Only 100 customers are taken as sample of the study.




2:Company Profile

2.1:About Phoenix Advertising: Founded in 1993, ON Advertising is a marketing and advertising agency with innovation and big creative ideas at its core. For all clients, we take a business-based approach which means we look at the bottom line growth for our clients. We start and execute every assignment with the understanding that there is a tangible business goal to achieve and that our communication strategies must align with the business objectives of our clients. Our analytical approach combined with our outstanding creative team guarantees our clients receive a focused, well-conceived plan to meet their marketing and advertising needs. ON Advertising always engages the most creative and effective use of available resources. Our talented, enthusiastic team brings a diverse set of skills, insight and creativity. We cultivate long-term client relationships while executing projects with integrity and a commitment to excellence and bottom-line results! We do this by building committed relationships between brands, consumers, our clients and ourselves. Advertising Service: It’s in our name. We are ON Advertising. We create, plan and buy advertising locally, nationally and internationally. We determine the optimal inventory mix and budget allocations by channel, then accurately measure reach, frequency and impact. The people you’re trying to connect to are found in many places. To optimize your advertising spend, we map out your ad strategy from a consumer-centric approach. From TV to desktop and mobile to billboards and out-of-home, we put you in front of your consumers.


Advertising Services: 

Digital Ads (YouTube, online display & retargeting, PPC and social media)

Traditional Ads (TV, radio, outdoor, print, direct mail)

Mobile Ads (Geo-fencing, Geo-targeting)

Other Advertising Services + + + + + +

Media Research Media Strategy Media Research Media Strategy Media Planning Media Buying

Vision & Mission: Mission Statement We persevere to provide the best service not only to customers, but also to our retailers at High Street Phoenix. We strive to uphold, and hope to surpass, stringent mall operation policies, and adhere strictly to standard mall operations. We aim to make a customer's visit in our developments hassle free and fun, by providing the best 14

in service. We are pleased to offer a plethora of services to help make a visit to our destinations ‘a day well spent'.

Vision Statement To replicate the Phoenix success story Having pioneered the Consumption Centre concept and successfully executed it at High Street Phoenix, The Phoenix group plans to replicate this model in multiple cities across India. The aim is to create highly productive areas that have the highest returns per square feet. To create a world class company The Phoenix group's vision is to be a world class company in the field of real estate by developing premium destinations called Market City, in prime locations. We are driven by the highest standards of execution and quality, thus providing a firm background and work ethic code that is essential to success.

Company Location: Head Office: Address:

: Phoenix Advertising 604, 6th Floor, Building No 2, Ishaan Arcade, Gokhale Road, NaupadaThane West, Thane – 400602.

Telephone: : +91-22-25405253 Email ID

: [email protected]


2.2:Phoenix Orgnaizational Chart

Branch Manager


Team Leader






3.1: Theoretical background

Brand promotion is the way to inform, remind, persuade convincingly, and influence the consumers to drive their decision towards purchasing the product or service under a brand. Marketing force of a company conducts brand promotion primarily, though the wholesalers and retailers also can do it.

What is Promotion? Promotion is a type of communication between the buyer and the seller. The seller tries to persuade the buyer to purchase their goods or services through promotions. It helps in making the people aware of a product, service or a company. It also helps to improve the public image of a company. This method of marketing may also create interest in the minds of buyers and can also generate loyal customers. It is one of the basic elements of the market mix, which includes the four P’s: price, product, promotion, and place. It is also one of the elements in the promotional mix or promotional mix or promotional plan. These are personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing publicity and may also include event marketing, exhibitions, and trade shows.

Types of Promotion Advertising Advertising means to advertise a product, service or a company with the help of television, radio or social media. It helps in spreading awareness about the company, product or service. Advertising is communicated through various mass media, including traditional media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; and new media such as search results, blogs, social media, websites or text messages. Direct Marketing Direct marketing is a form of advertising where organizations communicate directly to customers through a variety of media including cell phone text messaging, email, websites, online adverts, database marketing, fliers, catalog distribution, promotional letters and targeted television, newspaper and magazine advertisements as well as outdoor advertising. Among practitioners, it is also known as a direct response. Sales Promotion Sales promotion uses both media and non-media marketing communications for a pre-determined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability. Personal Selling The sale of a product depends on the selling of a product. Personal Selling is a method where companies send their agents to the consumer to sell the products personally. Here, the feedback is immediate and they also build a trust with the customer which is very important. Public Relation Public relation or PR is the practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization (such as a business, government agency, or a nonprofit organization) and the public. A successful PR campaign can be really beneficial to the brand of the organization. 18

Why is Brand Promotion Required? Brand promotion is required to − 

Promote information related to features, prices, and special schemes of the brand.

Differentiate the product by convincing the customers about the unique features of the brand.

Create and increase the demand for the product.

Build brand equity.

Stabilize the sales affected by natural, social, or political changes. For example, Nescafe promoted its new brand of 'iced coffee' to increase sales during summer.

Outperform the competitor’s marketing efforts: In a highly competitive market, even a wellestablished brand has to be promoted to retain market share. For example, Coca Cola and Pepsi work to nullify each other's efforts.

Build positive brand image.

Brand Promotion Methods There are various brand promotion methods conducted to keep the brand noticeable − 

Organizing Contests − To attract the consumers, various contests are organized for consumers without having them to purchase the product and giving away gifts or prizes.

Promotion on Social Media − When the brand is promoted on social media, it is not perceived as “aggressively trying to sell”, rather as being able to communicate at a more personal level.

Product Giveaways − This strategy is used for promoting edibles, toiletries, foods, etc., where a small sample is given away to the consumers for free trial.

Point-of-Sale Promotion − These items are placed near the checkout counter in the store and are often purchased by consumers on impulse as they wait to be checked out.

Customer Referral Incentive Programs − This is a way to bring new customers with the help of the existing customers by offering some incentives to the existing customers.

Causes and Charity − Some percent of the amount after selling the product is donated for a cause or charity thereby promoting the product. Charity and cause are the reasons which induce the feelings of helping in the customers.


Promotional Gifts − It is giving away of gifts which the customers can practically use, such as caps, key chains, pens, etc. This helps the brand to always remain with the customers and creates an emotional attachment.

Customer Appreciation − It is organized with the objective of not selling the product or service. It is a way of creating a fond memory attached with the brand. It includes organizing in-store refreshment events with the offer of food treats of pizza, burger, beverages, etc. It is an effective way to bring new potential customers.

Role of Brand Ambassadors and Celebrities Another way of promoting brands is by employing a brand ambassador. A brand ambassador is a person who embodies the brand, influences the customers, creates brand awareness and a specific brand image, and generates sales opportunities. Brand Ambassador A brand ambassador usually represents only one brand at a time. The employing company considers the brand ambassador as a face of the company that speaks of the brand in their own words and boosts the positive image in the minds of consumers. The looks, talents, status, achievements, and reputation of a brand ambassador is useful for influencing large audience of consumers. In 2003, India’s largest chocolate brand, Cadbury went into worm controversy. To regain the consumer’s confidence, Cadbury contracted the Bollywood superstar Mr. Amitabh Bachchan for brand promotion. During his campaign, Cadbury not only restored the trust of consumers but also experienced boost in the sales of its flagship product Cadbury Dairy Milk (CDM). Celebrities Celebrity branding is nothing but using celebrities to promote the brand. The celebrities are featured in both electronic and print media ads. They appear at brand launches, corporate events for social responsibility, and other such events. Celebrity brand endorsers are different from brand ambassadors as the former are not employed by the company as the latter. The popularity, fame, and charisma of the celebrities is useful in brand promotion. Celebrities can endorse multiple brands at the same time unlike brand ambassadors. Similarly, a company can have multiple celebrities to promote its brand.

Online Brand Promotions Online brand promotion comes with the challenge of integrating the marketing mix (putting the right product, at the right price, at the right time) with the multi-channel, multi-device digital marketing. 20

Online brand promotion leverages the power of Internet to present the brand to worldwide audience. But it is a kind of double-edged sword as whatever good a brand has can reach globally so does the brand’s weaknesses. There are various ways to promote a brand online. Such as 

Publishing articles, news, spreading business links throughout the web, channeling the promotional schemes and ads towards the target audience, creating and updating the blogs and the forums.

Creating and sharing videos, audios, and pictures of the brand on top ranking websites such as YouTube.

Creating the company’s business account on leading social networking websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and promoting the brand by gaining new followers.

Engaging in social gaming such as Zynga, Kongregate, etc., under the name of t

Importance of Brand Promotion Brand promotion is beneficial to business houses, consumers and the society. Benefits to Business Houses : Brand promotion is useful to both large and small firms. It enables a business firm to face competition in the market. It reminds the faithful customers I that the brand has served them well over the years and they have no better choice in the market. Brand promotion helps business firms to maintain their existing sales and to increase their market share. Benefits to Consumers : Brand promotion provides information regarding quality, uses, price and availability of the branded product. Such information helps consumers in making a choice from a wide range of competing brands. They have greater freedom of choice and dishonest traders cannot exploit them. Brand promotion saves valuable time and energy of consumers as they are well informed before making purchases. With the help of brand promotion consumers can maintain their standards of living and good life styles. Benefits to Society : Brand promotion activities facilitate mass production which leads to economies of scale and lower costs. As a result, more and more people can use branded products. Brand promotion also creates employment opportunities for a large number of persons.

Techniques of Brand Promotion Brand promotion comprises all tools of marketing communication. Five tools or methods are available through which marketers can communicate with the buyers. These tools of brand promotion are given below. 1. Advertising: Advertising is a convenient and economical method of brand promotion though it lacks personal touch. 2. Personal Selling: This is a very flexible and two-way communication. It makes actual sale and provides immediate feedback. However, it is quite luxurious and time consuming. Advertising is better than personal selling for creating brand awareness.


3. Sales Promotion: It consists of short-term incentives used to attract customers and make immediate sale of the brand. It is a type of non-personal selling that supports advertising. In addition to making immediate sales, it helps to clear overdue stocks and attract new buyers. But it yields short-term results and cannot create brand loyalty. 4. Publicity: Publicity refers to the non-personal stimulation of demand for a brand by placing commercially significant news about it or its owner in a published medium or obtaining a favorable presentation of it upon radio, television or stage that is not directly paid by the sponsor. Reliance World Cup Cricket Tournament, ITC Sangeet Sammelan are examples of publicity. These events were covered by mass media and the public images of these enterprises were enhanced. News releases, feature articles, press conference, letters to the editor, radio and TV presentations are various forms of publicity. High credibility, mass appeal, more details inexpensive and timeliness are the main merits of publicity. However, the marketer has little control over publicity.

5. Packaging: A properly designed package enhances the value of the product and gives it a distinct identity. It also helps to build the image of the firm. These days, firms are using innovative packaging to establish a competitive edge for their brands. Customers are willing to pay higher for the convenience, appearance, dependability and prestige of packages.

Role of Promotions Promotion is the voice of your company which send out your brand’s message loud and clear to the audience. Various media platforms can be used to promote your company and brand. They include television, radio, shopping outlets, billboards, magazines, and social media.

Various promotional strategies can be used to promote and market your business depending on the goals, objectives and priorities of your company. Without marketing promotions, your brand or service would not be able to garner the attention of the pre-occupied customers.

Benefits Promoting your brand will help you in many different ways: Increase brand awareness Provide appropriate information Increase Customer Traffic Build sales and profits Not only these but promotions will also help your company to introduce products easily in the everso-competitive market.

1) Increasing brand awareness – Promotions help in creating brand awareness. With the help of various media like the television, billboards, radio or local newspaper news, you can spread across information about your brand and company, which helps people to find out more about you and look into your products and make purchases.


2) Segment Identification – If your promotional and marketing strategy is loosely structured, it might not be successful in targeting the “right” audiences. Having a full-proof and well-thought-out promotional strategy and marketing plan can help you identify different segments of consumers in the market and offer suitable solutions for your clients.

3) Increasing customer traffic – Also, promotion helps in helps in increasing customer traffic. The more you promote your brand, the more will the customers know about you and your company and the more will they be interested in your products. Promotion can be done even by giving out free samples which works wonders for customers! They try your product and ultimately, come to you and make purchases. While promotional strategies are very much important, marketers and businesses must take into account a few aspects in their marketing mix plan. It is essential that businesses make use of the right media tool to target their customers. These days, when social media is the most effective tool on the online platform, promotional strategies need to extend beyond radio, television and print.

7 marketing and promotion tactics to get your content discovered It’s no secret a well-executed content marketing campaign can deliver a solid return on investment. According to Demand Metric, content marketing generates three times more leads than most outbound marketing strategies at 62 percent less cost. As marketers pad their budgets with more money to invest in content marketing this year, one strategy that often gets overlooked is content promotion. According to a survey by the Content Marketing Institute, 55 percent of B2B marketers were not even sure what a successful content marketing campaign looked like! Content without promotion is like link building without links or creating a landing page without a call to action. That’s why promotion should take equal focus with creation. Let’s look at seven tried-and-true content promotion strategies that will drive traffic to your content and website.

1. Paid social promotion Paid social promotion can be one of the most precise strategies available to market your content to people who are interested in and most likely to engage with your content. For example, by using Facebook’s Audience Insights, businesses can segment audience lists by select boundaries, such as demographics, psychographics and intent. This allows marketers to create audience segments that are more in line with their brand and specific topics of content on their website. There are several benefits of paid social promotion:


Increase website traffic with relevant visitors. Generate more conversions by marketing to people with high purchasing intent. Familiarize users with your brand. Even advertising content over native or display ads can help to increase brand recall for customers who come across your website in future searches. Only now, they’ll think of your brand as a bit of an authority because they’re already familiar with your brand. Paying to promote your content over advertising channels is a good way to cut through the noise and the competition. Paid promotion is also an excellent strategy to target users who have interacted with your website or blog in the past month. Remarketing not only increases your chance of reclaiming a missed conversion, but it also helps to foster brand loyalty by providing them useful content based on their past consumption. Before undergoing a paid promotion strategy, it’s key to have your goals outlined. These can include increasing readership for your content or generating more conversions on your website. With these in mind, you can quantify the impact of these strategies and assess their success.

2. Targeted sharing Facebook is no longer the business to consumer (B2C) marketing giant it once was; after its last algorithm update, it limited organic reach for business posts on the platform. One way to reach more people over social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram is through targeted sharing. Targeted sharing is essentially tagging someone in a post in hopes that they will share your content with their audience. Here are some ways to do that: Link to people in the snippet who would be interested in your article. Link to sources featured in the article directly in the snippet. Directly engage industry peers with a question or point of debate in the snippet to curate conversation over a topic. Twitter’s advanced search tool allows you to find people in your niche who are close to you geographically, using certain hashtags and more: Instagram recently introduced a “follow” hashtag that allows users to viewcontent in their newsfeed using a certain hashtag. This has opened up an entirely new platform for businesses to reach more customers over Instagram who are already interested in your industr

3. Use videos over social media


Another proven method to cut through the noise on social media channels is to include videos in your content. The statistics around video marketing are truly staggering: 

Google states that half of internet users “search for a video related to a product or service before visiting a store.”

Views on sponsored videos on Facebook increased 258 percent between June 2016 and June 2017.

From my experience, including a video on a landing page can significantly increase your conversion rate. In my opinion, the demand for video content over social media far outpaces the demand for written content. Video can also be more engaging than written content. A compounding or viral video is the definition of a gift that keeps on giving. Of course, there’s always a caveat. Hosting a long, informative video on your content can discourage click-throughs to your landing page, especially if it’s used to promote written content. I suggest posting a teaser video, an eye-catching image or a graphics interchange format (GIF) in your content to entice users to navigate to the landing page.

4. Influencer marketing I believe influencer marketing is one of the most underutilized tools in our industry. Influencer marketing is powerful in theory. Not only will influencer shares expose your content to a new audience, it confers credibility in the eyes of that audience. According to a study from MuseFind, 92 percent of people trust influencers more than advertisements or celebrities. There are many ways to approach this strategy: You can reach out to influencers directly in your industry to share your content or engage in a promotion partnership. Consider using tools like Followerwonk and Intellifluence to find active influencers in your industry to reach out to. You can also mention an influencer within your content or link to them in a social media snippet to attract their attention. This increases the likelihood that they will share your content to promote their own brand. In turn, this increases your content’s quantity of shares and link opportunities.


5. Content syndication Content syndication is not new to search engine optimization (SEO), but it’s not often the focus of many content marketing strategies. Content syndication is a great strategy to instantly expand your audience reach with little effort. Do your research before identifying a site for syndication. Ask about their analytics to see what their visitor traffic is like and monitor keywords to identify the topics of discussion being held. If you decide to syndicate content on sites like LinkedIn, Medium or community forums, it’s best to be picky. Only share your best content. If you do participate in a content community, understand that half of your responsibility is also sharing other people’s content to remain an active member. This will help establish relationships across your industry for potential link opportunities and shares.

6. Link building Link building remains one of Google’s three most important ranking factors when determining organic rank. It is a good idea to increase your content’s reach and visibility by improving its organic backlink signals. It’s important to remember that link building needs to be strategic when promoting a specific webpage. I wouldn’t put a lot of effort into building links to a topical blog post, evergreen content or webpages that serve a valuable function in your website’s information and sales funnel. Here are just a few basic link-building strategies to promote content to a wider audience: 

Guest post on authoritative publications with a contextual link back to your content.

Engage in broken link building using manual outreach to offer more value to existing content.

Email industry thought leaders about a piece of your content that would be valuable to their future research.

Ironically, the best link-building strategy out there is to craft high-quality content that people organically link back to on their own. Of course, this requires promotion for people to find this content in the first place, but hopefully, you’ll get some ideas from this post to help with that.

7. Personalized email marketing Email marketing is a great way to market to customers who are already interested in your brand. Email marketing has the benefit of increasing customer retention while also delivering shares and links right to your content.


Not everyone on your email marketing list will jump at the chance to read your next blog post. Here are some basic strategies to increase email engagement: Design an e-newsletter to promote recent posts to your blog or showcase your most viral content for the month. Segment subscriber lists based on their interaction with your site. Personalize emails to include the name of the recipient, as well as pertinent information related to their engagement on your site. Include interactive content, such as a fun GIF or video, to make emails stand out and warm up subscribers to future emails. Conduct split testing on headlines and messages and measure their impact.


3.2 Data Analysis & Interpretation

Based on survey conducted the Data was analyzed on various parameters which included:

Q.1) Do you have Two Wheelers?


No.of respondence








No of people using two wheelers

30% Yes No 70%


According to servey we have found 70% customers have two wheelers and 30% customers didn’t have a two wheeler.


Q.2) Which bike do you have?


No.of respondance


Hero Moto TVS Honda Bajaj others

45 5 20 20 10

45% 5% 20% 20% 10%

percentage of people using diffrnt bikes 5%20%20% 45%

hero moto TVS Honda bajaj others


Interpretation: After servay most of the customers using hero moto bikes.


Q.3): Are you do servicing of your bike?


No.of respondence

Yes No Total

100 _ 100

No Of respondence 0



Interpretation: According to servey all peoples doing service of their bikes.


Q.4) How much do you spend money on your bike servicing?

Particular 100-600 600-1000 1000-1500

No of respondence 50 35 15

percentage 50% 35% 15%




600-1000 1000-1500


Interpretation: According to servey 50% people 100-600 spend money on there bike servicing.


Q.5) Are you aware about Garage works?



YES NO Total

40% 60% 100%

People aware about garage works

40% 60%

Interpretation: According to servey mostly peoples didn’t aware about garage works.


Q.6) Do you like offer of garage works?


No.of respondence

YES NO Total

100 100

Like garage works offer 0

YES NO 100%

Interpretation: According to servey all peoples like offer of garage works.


3.3 Findings

 From the above study 70% peoples have own two wheelers.  From the study most of the people have Honda moto bike.  From the above study all peoples do servicing of there bike.  From the above study 50% peoples 100-600 spent money for there bike servicing.  From the study all peoples like garage works offers.


3.4 Recommendations Phoenix advertising have improve its promotional platforms to improve to reach the new customer. Phoenix advertising is well known in the center thane city, they have to reach all over Mumbai for a better sales and profits. Garage works have to keep the promises to its customer at the time of delivery. phoenix should train their sales executives properly with adequate knowledge and skill to handle customers. Garage works should keep their commitment to promise at the time of delivery and fulfill the customer expectation. Garage works should enhance a quality goods for its customer at the time of service and delivery. Garage works should maintain its decorum and principle for its customer to enhance the best quality and best service. Phoenix advertising sales force should be reliable to its customer to withheld them from changing their brand or dealers. Abra motors will have improve it advertising mode and improve its strategy to attract new customers. garage works should improve it efficiency and growth to with stand in the market. The growth of phoenix is completely depend on the sales of the garage work. The company should focus on the sales by fulfilling the customer’s needs. garage works should have good and sufficient customer relationship management to its customers. Customer relationship management should solve the following queries and serve at the best for its customers. The company should make sure that they give more importance to improve the quality and service for its both existing and new customer. garage works should maintain its goodwill to reach the customer. The company should create good will among its customers to withstand the competitors and other dealers. Goodwill is very important for every organization to retain its customer from shifting of brand. It is very important for Abra motors to create a goodwill among the customer.


3.4 CONCULSION It is the concluded that sales promotion is important to improve the sales of the company and to reach new customers. Each and every organization should have a good strategic plan for their promotion to withstand in the market with huge competition. The discounts and loyalty program in the company will improve the sales by attracting new customers. The best sales promotion will help the company to fulfil the organizational objectives. The sales promotion is must to improve their sales in every organizations. The sales is monitored based on the promotional activities practiced by the organization, the company should have better promotional activities practiced in the organization to estimate the sales. Therefore, the sales promotion plays a vital role in the organization to fulfil the organizational goals and objectives. The company should frame the best strategic plan to meet the competition in the market and fulfil the customer needs. Many authors has proved that the sales promotion is the key that helps the company to achieve the sales. According to Philp Austin said that “sales promotion is a force that attracts humans to consume the products” This explains that how sales promotion influences the customer to buy a product.









Qualification: 1. Do you have two wheeler? (A)Yes

(B) No

2. Which bike do you have? (A )Hero motors


( C) Bajaj

(D) Others

3. Are you do servicing of your bikes? (A)Yes

(B) No

4. How much do you spend money on your bike servicing? (A)100-600 (B)600-1000 ( C) 1000-1500 5. Are you aware about Garage works? (A)Yes 6.

(B) No

Do you like offer of garage works? (A)Yes

(B) No

7. Probebly in year how many times do you service of your bike? (A)3


( C) 5



8. Are you do door to door service of your bike? (A)Yes


9. Are you satisfied about our servics? (A)Yes

(B) No

10. How much will you give rating on our service? (A)2

(B) 3

(c ) 4

(D) 5



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