Fulcrum 020509 Election

  • December 2019
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vp social by Amanda Shendruk Fulcrum Staff CONTRARY TO POPULAR belief, the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa’s (SFUO) vp social doesn’t spend all of his or her time partying—just some of it. The executive’s biggest project comes at the beginning of the year with the organization of 101 Week, but following the first-week extravaganza, the position is responsible for the SFUO’s social events program, coordinating events with faculty associations, and making sure that students know the who, what, where, and when of social events on campus.

Alexandre Chaput

Coordinator of the SFUO’s Zoom Productions.


• • •

Jean Guillaume Goals

To make 100 per cent of SFUO events accessible to all students To focus on organizing quality events, not just as many events as possible To restore the Winter Challenge (this year it was the Winter Games) to its original weeklong format To strengthen links between the on-campus clubs, federated bodies, sports services, and student media. This means supporting nonSFUO events and working with media so that more students are aware of coming events

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Fourth-year social work student.

To create events which are inclusive, multicultural, and are relevant to as many students as possible To be in solidarity with students working towards lowering tuition fees To have not only more parties, but better parties To develop an events list on the SFUO webpage where clubs can post activity and event announcements. In this way students can always know what social events are happening on campus

Big idea


Big idea


To ensure that programming structure is solid. Chaput explained there will be no last minute events, only quality events. This also includes encouraging student participation and increasing event visibility on campus.

“I’m here for [students]. I’m going to be listening to what kind of events they want. I’ve already talked to a lot of students about the type of programming they want to see … [I want] to listen to the events that they want, and make them accessible.”

To ensure that all events are inclusive. Guillaume indicated that he feels it is always the same group of people that come to events, but all students should feel like getting involved and everyone should be represented.

“It’s [the students’] campus, so they have to create it they way they want it. Most of the time a lot of people complain, but not a lot of people [get involved]—so we have to give them the opportunity to make the move.”



vp finance by Jessica Sukstorf Fulcrum Staff ESSENTIALLY, THE VP finance is in charge of doling out the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa’s (SFUO) dough. Like the federal finance minister, the vp finance prepares a budget that is presented early in the school year; however, unlike with the feds, there’s no worry about the SFUO dissolving if the budget needs some tweaking. The vp finance also implements the budget, keeps an eye on the undergraduate health plan, and is responsible for the SFUO’s businesses.

Roxanne Dubois

Current SFUO vp finance.

Goals •

• •

To encourage the SFUO businesses on campus to give students a reason to use them, such as offering bartending workshops at 1848 To give students a say in the budget process through consultations To have strong social engagement through implementing sustainability and responsible purchasing policies To push the “OHIP For All” campaign to allow the over four thousand international students on campus to receive health care at the same rate as Ontarians

Maureen Hasinoff

Second-year political science student.

Goals • •

To switch the focus of the SFUO back to students To establish good surplus management so that it can be put to better use, such as offering scholarships to low-income students To create effective [financial] plans with the SFUO’s businesses to help them succeed; for example, getting a full kitchen setup for 1848 so that the SFUO can maximize the use of available space To offer programs that teach students how to properly manage their finances

Big idea


Big idea


To foster social engagement, to be responsible and accountable for the SFUO’s finances, and to advocate issues that are important to students.

“It’s important for the person who takes on the position of vp finance to have strong accountability, transparency, and responsibility when it comes to finances. At the same time it’s important to push for social issues that affect students and that’s why social engagement [is in] my platform.”

To change how the executive approaches and works with students.

“Choose change for the betterment of all students.”




\\ 02.05.09 \\ www.thefulcrum.ca

vp communications

vp student affairs

by Laura Clementson Fulcrum Staff

by Laura Clementson Fulcrum Staff

WHETHER IT’S PREPARING interviews with external media or dealing with Sandy Hill community relations, the vp communications of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) is all about getting the SFUO’s messages out to a diverse public. The position is also responsible for updating and maintaining the SFUO website, managing the SFUO’s brand on campus and externally, and ensuring that all SFUO communications are bilingual.

THE STUDENT FEDERATION of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) vp student affairs assumes a variety of responsibilities, including looking after all of the campus clubs—which include academic, philanthropic, and recreational groups—and the SFUO’s services, including the Pride Centre, International House, and the Women’s Resource Centre, among others. The vp student affairs also chairs the Student Life Services committee.

Julie Séguin

Michèle Lamarche

Goals •

• •

Current vp communications for the SFUO

To continue increasing the SFUO’s visibility, which includes creating more accessible and more environmentally friendly promotional material for all SFUO services and businesses To expand the SFUO’s network of partners, and to work with the community on many levels To increase advocacy for the presence of bilingualism on campus, as well as other language issues


• •

Current vp communications– francophone for the Students’ Association of the Faculty of Arts

To increase promotion for the SFUO’s services and ensure all services have the resources they need available to them To investigate club systems at other universities and compile a report with possible recommendations to implement within our own club system To work to bring the SFUO’s services to the Roger Guindon campus To improve student spaces, whether acquiring new spaces or making existing spaces more accessible and functional for students

Big idea

Big idea

To see the SFUO collaborating and networking with other groups on campus to see everyone’s campaigns and events succeed.

To increase awareness that the SFUO and its services are available for students and to ensure that services and clubs have the maximum support and resources that can be made available to them.



“There are many, many projects on the go at the moment that are not done and that I want to finish. But there are also [relations] I want to strengthen and work on, internally and externally, and I feel like the best person for the job, having that institutional memory and the experience.”

“I want to make student life on campus as great for everyone else as it has been for me. I want everyone to love this university as much as I do ... I want all students, no matter their reasons for coming to campus everyday, to be proud to be [U of O] students and to know that if they ever need it, the SFUO is there to help and support them during their time at the U of O.”



www.thefulcrum.ca // 02.05.09 //


president by Amanda Shendruk Fulcrum Staff THE PRESIDENT OF the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) is responsible for relations with the U of O administration, the federated bodies and faculty associations, other universities, and any external groups or organizations, including all levels of government. The president chairs the executive and is the face of the SFUO.

Renaud-Philippe Garner Goals •

• • •

2008 SFUO presidential by-election contender

Renaud-Philippe Garner

To change the terms of scholarships so that if marks decline students won’t lose their funding completely; scholarships should drop according to marks, giving students an opportunity to get their scholarships back To have the library open 24 hours for students during exam periods To create an ethics committee that would hold student leaders accountable for their decisions To make funding for clubs proportional; the size of their club and their events should determine their funding

Big idea


Focus on the scholarship and library projects because endeavors like these affect students directly and significantly.

“Students come first. The SFUO has lost its way and most students don’t connect [with] or feel represented by them. [It’s] back to basics.”

Marc Kelly


Marc Kelly

Sixth-year physics student


• • • •

To work towards direct democracy; students should be free to speak at and participate in all meetings and debates To work towards transparency; there should be recordings of all decisions, and the rationale behind those decisions should be accessible to all students To develop a democratic syllabus; students should be able to vote on their syllabus at the beginning of their course To increase student representation on the Board of Governors; one student for every administrator

Big idea


To take power from the administration and give it back to the students.

“Students need to have more control over their own education, and we can do this by taking power away from the administration and giving it back to the student population.”

Tyler Steeves

Seamus Wolfe

[email protected]

photos by Martha Pearce

Tyler Steeves

Fourth-year management student

Seamus Wolfe



• • •

• •

To reconnect with students To get first-year students hooked on the U of O experience at the beginning of the year To foster an open source community where not only the most prominent student groups but everyone has the means to do something meaningful To develop a productive relationship with the university, not a blind allegiance to the administration but rather a desire to work together towards student goals while not causing unnecessary conflicts

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Current SFUO vp university affairs

To build a community by empowering and supporting student groups To ensure student rights by opposing high tuition fees as well as working towards a declaration of student rights and a change in the academic appeals process To fight racism and discrimination on campus To ensure transparency and accountability of the SFUO; general meetings should be held where all students have a vote

Big idea


Big idea


To create a great university experience for all students at the U of O.

“You won’t remember sitting at home doing nothing; you will remember next year.”

Not to start new, expensive projects but complete the ones that are ongoing now and to not make promises to students that can’t be kept.

“It is time that the SFUO really actively outreach to students who are not involved and students who are not seeing all the benefits they can from the student federation.”




\\ 02.05.09 \\ www.thefulcrum.ca

vp university affairs by Jolene Hansell Fulcrum Staff THE MANDATE OF the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa’s (SFUO) vp university affairs is anything but limited. The position is responsible for establishing and maintaining relations with the University of Ottawa’s Board of Governors and creating and running various campus campaigns. The vp university affairs also makes recommendations to the U of O’s Senate, ensures that students have adequate representation on administrative and educational committees, and keeps in contact with off-campus community groups. photos by Martha Pearce

The vp university affairs candidates, left to right: Ted Horton, Sidney Loko, Cameron Montgomery, and Jeremy Stuart.

Ted Horton

Current Faculty of Social Sciences representative on the Board of Administration


• • • •

To improve classes by ensuring that different sections of the same class have similar assignments and courseloads To improve campus by campaigning for macro-level issues like lowering tuition fees as well as micro-level issues like improving internet access and food services To improve the community through obtaining a U-Pass, informing students of their rights as tenants, and improving student living conditions To improve SFUO transparency

Sidney Loko

Helped found the West African Youth Association on campus

Goals • • • •

To increase the diversity of the SFUO’s activities and improve representation To ensure equity for all students To guarantee better advocacy on behalf of international students To offer higher quality education by allowing access to cooperative internships

Big idea

Big idea:

To obtain a truly representative SFUO executive that actively seeks the input of students and represents their interests, and according to these interests, improves university life and responds to feedback and criticism from its members.

To guarantee an inclusive SFUO that brings the student community together.



“I’m running because I believe in the representation of all students. Because I have been involved across campus, I believe myself able to represent the diverse needs of our student body—to improve the daily lives of students, ensure a diverse and accessible campus, lobby for post-secondary funding, bring fairer tuition for international and domestic students, and ultimately serve the needs and concerns of students as directed by students.”

“I want to represent all students of the university, including international students. I feel that in the past [the SFUO executive] ... has not been fairly [representative], making most of us think that we are not included in the [SFUO]. I believe that we are, and that [students] can all contribute to a better [SFUO] ... that represents all students.”



Cameron Montgomery Current Faculty of Arts representative on the Board of Administration

Goals • • • •

To take action against substandard student housing and to institute an appeal process for students having trouble with landlords To make under-advertised and under-used student services, such as depression, anxiety, and abuse resources, more available to students To promote bilingualism as well as the culture of First Nations peoples, and take steps to have the university offer a First Nations language class To compile a comprehensive student scholarship guide so students can take advantage of the hundreds of scholarships available to them every year

Big idea To provide the money for students to participate in humanitarian aid projects (through fundraising and community sponsorship) and, in doing so, offer students the opportunity to confront discrimination and intolerance.

Quote: “I am one of those people who moves into a community, and within a week I’m organizing a recycle drive, teaching the neighbourhood kids to skate at the local rink, and shovelling old people’s driveways. It’s just how I roll. I like to be a part of my community and help it grow. I feel that as vice-president of university affairs, I would be in a position to do really good things for the university and its students.”


Jeremy Stuart

Fourth-year political science and history student


• • • •

To work on problems that matter to all students, such as the difficulty of maintaining entrance scholarships To establish two-way communication with students through general assemblies, classroom presentations, and an official blog To put students before politics by running information campaigns To work towards dropping and freezing tuition fees by working with administration and provincial and federal politicians

Big idea To create an educational and inspiring lecture series at the university featuring top politicians, CEOs, artists, and other top professionals.

Quote: “I’m running for the position because I think our student federation needs to focus on students again. Our SFUO does many complicated and worthy things but seems to forget the simple things we lack. [For] example: getting the internet to work across campus, because if Carleton can do it, then so can we. Some may think it is not an issue for the vp university affairs, but internet access affects our education, and you should not need to spend 20 minutes of every hour in the library trying to stay connected to the VPN. The SFUO can work to fix these small problems and, through focusing on students and their small day-to-day problems, I think we can make our university experience much better.”

votestuart.ca www.thefulcrum.ca // 02.05.09 //


BOG - Senate - BOA by Emma Godmere Fulcrum Staff THE HIGHEST GOVERNING body at the University of Ottawa, the Board of Governors (BOG) is responsible for overseeing all major financial and contractual matters of the university, the hiring and promotion of staff, and general governance and administration of the university and campus. There is one undergraduate seat and one graduate seat on the BOG, and the elected students each serve a two-year term. All full- and part-time undergraduate students are eligible to vote in the election of the undergraduate representative to the BOG. Graduate students will vote for their representative at a later date.

Amy Kishek

Casey Rowed


[email protected]

Austin Menyasz

Mohammed Selman


[email protected]

SEVEN SEATS—ONE representing each faculty—are filled by students on the U of O’s Senate. Senators are responsible for overseeing educational policy, approving new courses and programs, dictating admission requirements, handing out honourary degrees, and looking after the scholarship and bursary distribution at the university. Only full-time undergraduate students are eligible to run and vote for candidates.

Telfer School of Management (1 available seat)

Faculty of Arts (1 available seat)

Kyle Simunovic

Eric Datars

Melanie Book

[email protected]


Faculty of Medicine (1 available seat)

Andrei Huranchyk

Michael Cheevers



Andrew Boozary

Aaron Kozak

[email protected]

Faculty of Science (1 available seat) Alexandre Bevington

[email protected]

Faculty of Social Sciences (1 available seat)



Julie Levionnois

Mike Fancie

[email protected]


Landry Ntwari

Mohammed Selman

Khadeejat Momoh


[email protected]

[email protected]

Naveen Silva

Landry Ntwari

[email protected]


[email protected]

If you’re reading this, you have the attention to detail we need in our proofreaders. Come to 631 King Edward on Tuesday evenings to keep the Fulcrum error-free.

Faculty of Health Sciences (1 available seat) Shamin Mohamed, Jr.

Dominic Villeneuve

Khadeejat Momoh


[email protected]

Faculty of Law (1 available seat) Bruno Gélinas-Faucher brunoelection.com

THE BOARD OF Administration (BOA) is the governing body of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) and is made up of 25 seats, divided proportionately among faculties according to the student population. BOA directors do not need to be bilingual to run and hold a seat, and are obligated to attend monthly meetings.

Faculty of Arts (5 available seats)

Faculty of Health Sciences (3 available seats)

Scott Bedard

Osama Berrada


[email protected]

[email protected]

Sarah Jayne King

Dominique Blouin

Laura Rashotte


[email protected]

[email protected]

Stephanie Marentette

Melanie Book

Kyle Ryc




Ivy O

Miatta Gorvie miatta.ca

Cameron Gray

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Danika Brisson votedanika.blogspot.ca

Michael Cheevers Amy Hammett

Khadijah Kanji


[email protected]

Robert Prazeres bobpraz.ca

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\\ 02.05.09 \\ www.thefulcrum.ca

Faculty of Science (3 available seats)

Katherine Sullivan

Matt Alteen

[email protected]

[email protected]

Alexandre Bevington abevington.ca

Liliana Godoy-Smirnova [email protected]

Arthur Dennis Stark

Richard Mah

[email protected]


Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section (1 available seat)

Jim Rae [email protected]

Veronica Santos [email protected]

Mohammed Selman [email protected]

Faculty of Education (1 available seat)

Faculty of Social Sciences (6 available seats)

Myriam Bérubé

Aminka Belvitt

[email protected]


Faculty of Engineering (1 available seat)

votekyle.ca cjsymons.blogspot.com

Faculty of Medicine (1 available seat) Marie-Eve Bérubé


Faculty of Law, Common Law Section (2 available seats)

Kyle Simunovic CJ Symons


FrontierCollegeiscommittedtodiversityintheworkplace.Allinterested individualsareencouragedtoapply.Formoredetails Bruno Gélinas-Faucher onthepositionsaboveorforvolunteeringopportunities,visitourwebsite. brunoelection.com



Telfer School of Management (2 available seats)

Danah Beseiso [email protected]

Iain Brannigan vote-brannigan.blogspot.com

Brandon Bay

Peter Flynn

[email protected]


[email protected]

referenda Bon Appétit! Food Bank SINCE 2006, THE Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) has been providing students, alumni, and employees of the university with the Bon Appétit! food bank, where those in need of food for any reason are eligible for a three day emergency supply of food once a month from Bon Appétit!. Bon Appétit! is helped by donations from the community and a current levy of 25 cents per full-time and part-time student, per semester. With this funding alone, Bon Appétit! has served over 7,000 items to almost 500 people so far this academic year. The service is looking for a levy increase of 75 cents for full-time students and 25 cents for part-time students. Bon Appétit! Yes committee representative Scott Pritchett noted the neglect the food bank has received relative to other SFUO services. “As of now, all other SFUO services are receiving $1 while Bon Appétit! gives constantly to our community, and we are the lowest funded of all services,” he said. There is no registered No committee for this referendum question. —Catherine McIntyre Millennium Villages THE MILLENNIUM VILLAGES project is a United Nations (UN) initiative in which University of Ottawa students would donate money to help a rural sub-Saharan African community in extreme poverty. The project supports UN Millennium Development goals—global targets for reducing extreme poverty and hunger by half, as well as improving education, health, gender equality, and environmental sustainability by 2015. U of O undergraduate students would be the first post-secondary students to engage in such a project, helping approximately 5,000 people. If passed, the Millennium Villages project would add $6 to the student levy for all full- and part-time students. Nadine Lemoine, Yes committee member for the Millennium Villages initiative, explained the importance of the project. “This is the University of Ottawa’s opportunity to take global student leadership on the issue of extreme poverty and show that we believe that we are all equal,” she said. There is no official No committee for the Millennium Villages referendum question. —Katie DeClerq

Aboriginal Counselling Resource Elder Service IF THIS REFERENDUM passes, the Aboriginal Counselling Resource Elder Service (ACRES) would offer a counselling service to First Nations students at a price of $1 per full-time student per semester and 50 cents per part-time student per semester. President of the Aboriginal Law Students Association and Yes committee member Dennis Stark has seen at least five Aboriginal students withdraw from their law programs at the U of O in the last year. With access to elders who understand their unique situations and can provide appropriate guidance, he believes Aboriginal students will be more likely to stick with their studies and graduate. “By voting yes to the ACRES referendum question, all U of O students can ... show a strong commitment to support Aboriginal students on their journey to academic success and eventual graduation while being proactive partners in the reconciliation efforts between Aboriginals and all Canadians,” said Stark. The Student Academic Success Service currently operates an Aboriginal Resource Centre that offers several services to Aboriginal students, including a visiting elders program. ACRES, however, would be geared toward and sustained by students and designed by Aboriginal peoples. While there are currently about 140 Aboriginal students at the U of O and 600 students in the Aboriginal Studies program, Stark explained that ACRES will be open to all students. There is no official No committee for the ACRES referendum question. —Des Fisher

Should students vote in favour of the SmokeFree Campus referendum, the U of O will join several other Canadian universities with the same ban in effect. In 2003, Dalhousie University became the first Canadian campus to implement the regulation, with Brock and Lakehead following shortly after. There is no registered No committee for the Smoke-Free Campus question. —Kristyn Filip Banning the sale of tobacco in SFUO businesses ORIGINATING FROM THE Smoke-Free Campus efforts of Ryan Kennery and Sarah Burke and supported by over 1,500 students who signed the petition last fall, this referendum question proposes a ban on selling tobacco in SFUO businesses. Burke has yet to receive any negative feedback regarding her campaign, but she refuses to jump to conclusions. “There is going to be opposition; it’s just not officially registered,” she said. Currently, the Pivik is the only SFUO business that sells tobacco products. If this referendum passes, the Pivik would have to stop selling such products once their contract with tobacco companies is over and no other businesses could begin selling tobacco. For Burke, money is not the real issue; she believes that student values should be placed before profits. “We should be taking a stand on these issues. It’s about making sure our voices are heard,” Burke stated. —Aaron Kozak

Student Life Services THE STUDENT LIFE Services (SLS) referendum question will ask students to allow all 10 SFUO student services to be classified as student life services, allowing them all access to the SLS emergency fund. The SLS emergency fund is a pool of money that only some of the 10 SFUO student life services—including International House, the Peer Help Centre, the Pride Centre, Foot Patrol, and the Centre for Students with Disabilities—currently have access to. If the referendum question passes, all 10 services will be able to draw from the fund. “Basically it’s a little bit of extra money in addition to the budget that the services have that they don’t necessarily use, but can if there is an unforeseen expense that was not budgeted back in the summer,” said Issa. The fund is used for unexpected expenses such as new office equipment or renovations. The fund draws its money from pre-existing student levies. For example, undergraduate students pay a $1.50 annual levy to International House; however, the service only uses $1 and the additional 50 cents are put into the SLS emergency fund. “[If the referendum passes] students will not be charged anything more than what they already pay,” explained Issa. “It would allow the SFUO to use [students’] money more effectively so in the future we wouldn’t have to charge students more if certain services, say, wanted to expand their mandate a little bit more.” —Amanda Shendruk

Smoke-Free Campus THE SMOKE-FREE CAMPUS campaign, started in October by Communications Students’ Association executives Sarah Burke and Ryan Kennery, calls for students to support the ban of smoking on campus except in designated outdoor areas. The U of O’s current smoking regulations state that smoking is not allowed within nine metres of building entrances; however, the rule often goes unenforced. Yes committee volunteer Tapas Kulkarni indicated that the proposal in this referendum has received generally positive reviews, some from students who are smokers themselves. “Many students say that they do not know where they are allowed to smoke on campus and that having designated smoking areas would clarify this for them,” said Kulkarni.

Friday afternoon journalism workshops The Fulcrum is hosting free weekly workshops for students hoping to learn the craft of print journalism.

Feb. 6 - Arts criticism All workshops begin at 1 p.m. and take place at 631 King Edward Ave. No registration required. All are welcome to attend. www.thefulcrum.ca // 02.05.09 //


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