Fulcrum 091108

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Letters What about improv? Re: Comedy in the Capital (Arts, Aug. 21) THIS LETTER IS in response to Tina Hassannia’s article “Comedy in the Capital.” I noticed that there was no mention of the fast-growing improv scene in the nation’s capital in her article, especially since the formation of the award-winning troupe Insensitivity Training, which Daniel Harris wrote on in the Fulcrum last year, teams regularly get together and battle it out in addition to having recurring shows. The boys of Insensitivity Training perform a two-hour show, reminiscent of Whose Line is it Anyway? every Sunday night at the Bytown Tavern (292 Elgin St.). It is an absolutely hilarious and interactive show. They also have been known to host workshops, film comedy sketch videos, and won an award for their show Naked Famous People at this summer’s Ottawa Fringe Festival. Made to Measure/Some Assembly Required as well as Crystal Basement and Crush Improv round out Ottawa’s scene. Each team brings a different dynamic to the table and all are very enjoyable to watch. Improv in Ottawa is on the rise, so I feel that it was very important to correct the initial oversight of not including these deserving teams in Tina’s original article. Jessica Rashotte U of O alumna Keeping the ‘Canada’ in Canada’s University I WAS QUITE thrilled to attend [the Sept. 6] football game against York and see our boys on the field completely dominate. Yet I left the game with a bitter taste in my mouth. As a second-year student I have very fond memories of last year’s 101 Week as I attended most events and I had one of the best weeks I have experienced yet in life. There was not a single issue that bothered me with the constant cheers that included every swear possible or the many sexually suggestive moments that occurred. This was all done in fun

and guides judged and knew where our comfort levels were and when to back off. With such fond memories of 101 Week I was excited to see that the football game included all the faculties in 101 Week to help support our team. This is where my excitement was interrupted however by a young woman, who chose to show some leadership by running down in front of the crowd to lead in some of our cheers. Now I am making the assumption she was not a guide, but I may be wrong. I could not tell because of the horrible t-shirt she was wearing. She was wearing quite the patriotic looking Canadian flag on her shirt but with a massive black X drawn through it. On the back of her shirt was the message, “I AM A SEPARATIST! ON OCT. 14 VOTE BLOC QUEBECOIS!” Now it takes a lot for me to get angry, but this display is unacceptable. First off, this is a 101 Week event in which we bring our newest students to show them “Canada’s University”, or so we claim. Now this seems strange to me, having someone running to the front of the crowd wearing a shirt that completely contradicts the message of our proud university. Next we are not even located in the only province that can vote for this political party, so I see no need in why it needed to be worn to a football game. This is a week of celebration of certain individuals starting a new page in life and political beliefs should not be brought into this situation. I am well aware of free-speech laws, but political correctness and free speech only go so far before becoming ridiculous. If a student wants to come celebrate our university by cheering, then by all means do it. This to me seems like it is a slap in the face for the very message our university stands for and proudly uses to encourage new students to join us. I for one would still like us to be known as “Canada’s University” and be proud of it. If you are a student here and promote messages such as this then maybe you should think again what values your school holds. Michael Read Second-year human kinetics student

www.thefulcrum.ca Business Department The Fulcrum, the University of Ottawa’s independent English-language student newpaper, is published by the Fulcrum Publishing Society (FPS) Inc., a not-forprofit corporation whose members consist of all Univeristy of Ottawa students. The Board of Directors (BOD) of the FPS governs all administrative and business actions of the Fulcrum and consists of the following individuals: Ross Prusakowski (President), Andrea Khanjin (Vice-President), Tyler Meredith (Chair), Ramy Sonbl (Vice-President Internal Communications), Peter Raaymakers, Nick TaylorVaisey, and Toby Climie. To contact the Fulcrum’s BOD, contact Ross Prusakowski at (613) 562-5261.

Frank Appleyard Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Sept. 11–17, 2008 Censorship, the SFUO, and the CFS EARLIER THIS WEEK at Fedstock, the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) welcomed first-year students and encouraged them to be involved in student politics. But minutes later these same people told me I had to hide my petition regarding their decision to make the U of O a prospective member of the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), because I had not received their stamp of approval. My petition was simple enough. It stated that the SFUO should have consulted the students of the University of Ottawa before joining them in prospective membership with the CFS, and it demanded that they revisit their decision. One of the members on the SFUO told me that their decision was “all about democracy”. As partial members in the CFS, the SFUO will allow a referendum on full membership. But this referendum itself will cost thousands of dollars from student’s incidental fees. Prospective membership means more than just a referendum—it means that the CFS

Got something to say? Send your letters to [email protected] Letters must be under 400 words unless discussed with the Editor-in-Chief. Drop off letters at 631 King Edward Ave. or e-mail [email protected]. Letters must include your name, telephone number, year, and program of study. Pseudonyms may be used after consultation with the Editor-inChief. We correct spelling and grammar to some extent. The Fulcrum will exercise discretion in printing letters that are deemed racist, homophobic, or sexist. We will not even consider hate literature or libellous material. The Editor-inChief reserves the authority on everything printed herein.

Put your student fees to good use


Amanda Shendruk sheds light on the SFUO’s student services. p. 6–7

p. 3

Jolene Hansell explores your closest bookstore options. p. 5

Popping the Cherry


Peter Henderson takes you inside Ottawa’s revived awards show. p. 10

p. 10

Inari Vaissi Nagy explores documentary films in a post-9/11 world. p. 11

The U of O’s Olympic Athlete


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their own minds about the CFS—all I’m saying is that students should have been consulted about whether we should have become prospective members in the CFS. I thought universities are supposed to be arenas of open dialogue and thoughtful debate; and yet, frosh week activism was met by censorship. If this is what prospective membership in the CFS looks like, I want no part of it. Daniel Gilman Third-year history student


Anna Rocoski interviews Rhys Hill, Olympic kayaker and U of O student. p. 19

Advertising Department

Check out our rate card online. Go to www.thefulcrum.ca and follow the link for “Advertisers”. Multi-market advertisers: Campus Plus: (800) 265-5372 Campus Plus offers one-stop shopping for over 90 Canadian student newspapers.

is welcome on our campus to run their campaigns. Beyond that the CFS will have a direct role in the management and administration of the referendum. This is an organization that has routinely faced serious corruption allegations specifically in regard to student elections and referendums. Whether giving us prospective membership in the CFS is equivalent to promoting democracy is a matter of debate—a debate the students should have a voice in. I encourage students to make up


p. 19

Sports Services quietly introduces women-only gym time. p. 21

Speak like Obama


The art of public speaking is uncovered. p. 14 Dear Di explains the best way to stay connected with a boyfriend via webcam. p. 24

p. 14


Sept. 11–17, 2008

Emma Godmere News Editor [email protected]


Putting prospective membership to use

photo by Frank Appleyard

Ryan Kennery, pictured here at the July 27 meeting of the BOA, plans to introduce three amendments to the CFS constitution and by-laws at the board’s Sept. 14 meeting.

BOA to debate CFS constitutional amendments at next meeting by Emma Godmere Fulcrum Staff THE SEPT. 14 meeting of the Board of Administration (BOA) of the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) can likely expect debate on a set of three by-law and constitutional amendments to be proposed to the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) at their November semi-annual general meeting. Ryan Kennery, a Faculty of Arts representative of the BOA, has put together three potential amendments to

the national student lobby organization’s constitution, aiming to improve their inclusion of bilingualism and aspects of their referendum campaigns. As prospective members of CFS, “[the SFUO gets] a vote, a voice at the table, [and] the ability to affect change,” Kennery said. The first of his proposals includes extending the bilingualism requirements to not only the national chairperson of CFS, but also the national deputy chairperson and the national treasurer. If the executives cannot prove their second-language proficiency five weeks before the general meeting where they would assume their respective roles, according to the proposed amendments, their positions would be declared vacant. “I want to make sure that we hold all elected members on the CFS to the same standard we hold our executive

members,” said Kennery. Kennery’s other two proposals surrounding membership referendums would ensure campaign teams are subject to equal spending limits and seek to change the period of time necessary to pass before a member association can hold a de-federation referendum. As it stands, member associations must wait 24 months after joining before they can potentially hold a vote to leave CFS. “Say the SFUO and its students were to join in March 2009. We could not even legally look at the issue even until March 2011,” Kennery explained. SFUO President Dean Haldenby expressed his support for BOA members proposing changes they would like to see in the makeup of CFS. “I think that that’s a really good thing, and that it’s really positive,”

said Haldenby. “It’s one of the things that I definitely said would be a good thing if we were prospective members—that if we saw weaknesses in certain things, we’d be able to change them.” The concept of jumping right into prospective membership with CFS seems to resonate across the BOA. “I agree with Ryan in that it’s important to have the SFUO be active in this year even before we go to referendum and to take a leadership role [to show] that we’re serious about the organization,” said BOA Faculty of Social Sciences representative Amy Kishek. “I disagree with having them presented sooner [though], just because I’ve seen the timeline,” said Kishek.“The CFS meeting isn’t until the end of November. There’s plenty of time if we address it at the

October 5 meeting and I, personally, would appreciate that, to take more time to look at [the proposed amendments].” Kennery hopes to hold a vote on the motions at the Sept. 14 meeting. To do this, he requires the support of a two-thirds majority of the board to hold the vote, or else it must wait until the October meeting. Since the CFS national executive requires up to six weeks to add subsequent agenda points for their semi-annual general meeting, he intended to present his amendments as soon as possible in order to forward them to CFS in time for the late November meeting. “We [won’t be] sitting in the corner there because we’re the new guys,” Kennery said of the SFUO’s potential as prospective members at this upcoming CFS meeting. “We have the ability to be players.”

U of O supports students’ fight for lower tuition fees Senate permits students to miss class on Nov. 5 day of action by Emma Godmere Fulcrum Staff IN A VOTE that garnered the majority of members’ support, the University of Ottawa’s Senate passed a decision at their Sept. 8 meeting to allow and support students to take part in the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS)-run provincial day of action to lower tuition fees on Nov. 5. U of O President Allan Rock, who chaired the

meeting held at Tabaret Hall, explained that the Senate’s decision would enable students to participate in lobbying activities by asking professors not to schedule exams on Nov. 5 and not to penalize students for missing class if they are marked for attendance. According to the motion, “if an exam or assignment must absolutely be held on Nov. 5, students will be allowed to write a deferred exam. The Senate will take responsibility to inform, by e-mail, all professors, students, and support staff about this motion.” The on-campus organization of the Nov. 5 campaign falls under the responsibility of Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) Campaigns Organizer Michael Cheevers, who was pleased with the gesture of support from the U of O.

“It’s a lot of progress, I think,” said Cheevers, who also holds a seat on the Senate. “Not only that, but to have two administrators, the president and the vp academic actually defending the motion vis-à-vis a student, that’s amazing,” he said. Joseph Wesley Richards II, a newly elected student on the Senate who brought up the issue of the campaign’s validity to Rock and VP Academic Robert Major, and who voted against the motion, expressed that this particular demonstration unfairly receives special treatment over any other cause students may want to lobby for. “We, as a university, should not give preference to one cause or another,” he said via e-mail. “For me, human rights concerns are frankly of greater importance; people’s lives are at risk ver-

sus I have to pay more for my tuition.” At the meeting, Major brought up the 2006 compromise between the Senate and that academic year’s SFUO executive, where students attended the day of action while not cancelling classes altogether, as the SFUO had desired. Major explained that events that classes are cancelled for, such as University of Ottawa Day, which sees local high school students spending the day on campus, come “few and far between”. Richards, however, was firm in contending that students should not be permitted to skip class to take part in the lower tuition lobbying activities. “Simply put, I just believe students must take responsibility for their academic lives,” he said.


If you’re reading this on Thursday, it may already be too late. But don’t worry, we have one every week. Come to the Fulcrum’s staff meetings, Thursdays at 1 p.m. Act now, before it’s too late.

Battle of the bookstores

photo by Martha Pearce

Students line up to purchase their textbooks at Benjamin Books, located at 122 Osgoode St.

Your nearby, neighbourhood textbook-buying options by Jolene Hansell Fulcrum Contributor IT IS AT this time of year, when classes are starting, that students’ wallets get hit the hardest. Many first-year students do not predict the overall cost of course material, nor do they realize the importance of searching to find the cheapest prices. In an attempt to find the best deals for students, the Fulcrum investigated the three closest bookstores to campus: the University Bookstore, the Agora Bookstore, and Benjamin Books. Situated smack in the middle of campus, the University Bookstore on the first floor of the Unicentre is normally the most convenient choice for

students due to its location. While the store stocks all books ordered by professors, the prices of textbooks here are often more expensive than they are at the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO)-run Agora Bookstore. For example, the Basics of Social Research textbook required by second-year students in social sciences is sold for $102.55 at the University Bookstore, while the same textbook is sold for $99.92 at Agora. There is a similar price difference with the General Chemistry textbook required by all first-year chemistry students, costing $123.45 at the Bookstore and $120.85 at Agora. Although the difference in price is only a couple of dollars, students who purchase textbooks worth hundreds of dollars can see that every dollar counts. The most expensive place to buy this particular textbook is Benjamin Books, where the same General Chemistry book costs $131.99. Although the store’s price for text-

books can be a little steeper, Benjamin Books is often the first choice for professors who order course material in English and the social sciences. Some of the classic literature often required for English classes, such as Frankenstein and The Lord of the Rings, is offered at prices ranging from $7.95 to $12. Benjamin Books promotes their more extensive collection of books and higher level of customer service as the reasons why students should choose their location to purchase course material. “It’s the professors who usually choose us, and they choose us usually because we’ve been fairly priced for over 20 years now,” said Mordy Bubis, owner of Benjamin Books. “We provide excellent customer service, and we know what we’re selling, so students get the right information and find it very convenient.” The University Bookstore and Agora also attempt to draw in students by

offering buyback services. The stores will buy course material from students at a lower price than it was purchased at, and re-sell it at a reduced price. Steve Chéné, one of the managers of the University Bookstore, explained that their buyback program “tries best to serve all the students on campus so they can sell their books as much as possible.” Students may be limited if they are looking to purchase a particular edition of a book because the University Bookstore only buys back books that will be used for the upcoming term. Books that can be sold back to the original publishing company are posted online and are specified by edition, meaning the Bookstore will only accept specific versions of a given textbook. Agora, on the other hand, is more accommodating. This year the store launched a consignment service that is dedicated to letting students buy and sell their books on their own terms.

Students are able to set their own prices for their used textbooks and receive 80 per cent of the cost the books were originally sold for. Agora’s consignment service accepts both current and older editions of textbooks, giving students more flexibility in getting rid of older books. Students must keep in mind, however, that these services do come at another cost. As part of the student levy for the 2008–09 academic year, fulltime students pay $9.32 per semester to keep the bookstore running. The general overseeing of the Agora Bookstore falls under the responsibility of SFUO VP Finance Roxanne Dubois. “What’s cool about the Agora is that it does give students an option and it has actually given concrete results in terms of saving students’ money,” she said. “It’s great to see the big line-ups [there] because it means more profs are ordering more books at the Agora, which means more students can profit from the [student-run bookstore].”

University of Ottawa

The Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, in collaboration with The Centre for International Policy Studies, presents the following lectures by internationally-acclaimed scholars. Wednesday, September 17, 2008 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Monday, September 29, 2008 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Margaret MacMillan, Warden of St-Antony’s College, University of Oxford will present a lecture entitled Friends or Something Else? China and the West in the 21st century.

Dr. Phillip Bobbitt, Herbert Wechsler Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the Center for National Security at Columbia University will present a lecture entitled Terror and Consent.

Both lectures will take place in Tabaret Hall, Room 112, 550 Cumberland Street, Ottawa

Parking available on campus

For further information on these lectures, please contact [email protected] Les deux conférences seront présentées en anglais. | Both lectures will be presented in English.


Sept. 11, 2008



SFUO services support students by Amanda Shendruk Fulcrum Staff

Foot Patrol

THE STUDENT FEDERATION of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) provides a number of valuable services for undergraduate students on campus. The Fulcrum visited these services and spoke with the people who work there in order to find out how they can assist with your personal and academic needs and enrich your experience at the U of O. Student Appeals Centre You didn’t get the grade you felt you deserved? Your professor is treating you unfairly? Accused of academic fraud? The Student Appeals Centre can speak for you. Student Appeals Centre Coordinator Mireille Gervais indicated that the centre exists as a portal through which students can access and navigate the complex world of the U of O’s administration. “It is there to represent students and advocate on their behalf,” she said. Students who wish to appeal decisions made by the administration, lodge complaints, or receive assistance in navigating the network of administrative processes are encouraged to visit the centre as a starting point. The staff, which is well acquainted with university policies and regulations, offers free support during these often long and complicated processes. The centre also offers guidance in regards to writing effective appeal letters and provides a staff member to accompany students to meetings with administrative committees. The Student Appeals Centre welcomes undergraduate and graduate students, as well as prospective students and alumni. They can be found in room 101 of the Unicentre.

Foot Patrol plays an essential safety role both on- and off-campus. As a joint initiative between the SFUO and Protection Services, the service provides volunteers who will safely walk individuals or groups in the community to their destinations. Anyone within a 45-minute walking radius of campus can request accompaniment. “And that doesn’t mean that a walk has to start or end on campus,” said Matt Ugray, the service’s coordinator. Foot Patrol’s main function is to provide safe escorts, but when not accompanying people, volunteers patrol campus with lights and radios. “It’s all about personal safety,” said Ugray. “We hear stories every year about somebody who has been attacked and the stories are always about somebody who was on their own ... so by having that extra person there, we have safety in numbers and it’s a major deterrent.” If you are interested in having a Foot Patrol volunteer walk you to your destination, contact the service at (613) 562-5800 ext. 7433, or push the yellow button on most campus payphones (it’s free!). The Foot Patrol office is in room 08A of the Unicentre. International House At International House, international and exchange students can socialize, share their experiences, and adjust to life in Canada. “We promote multiculturalism on campus, and we celebrate diversity,” said Liliana Godoy, service coordinator for International House. This is accomplished, she explained, through social activities such as potlucks, movie nights, workshops, and trips to cities within Canada and the United States. The centre isn’t just a

photo by Martha Pearce

Offices for many of the SFUO services can be found in the Unicentre second-floor Terminus. social group, however. This year International and celebrating sexual diversity. House hopes to strengthen its global awareness “The process of coming out to yourself and campaigns by focusing on international stu- coming out to other people can be very intimidents’ issues and rights. dating,” said Evan Hazenburg, service coordinaWhile the majority of people who frequent tor at the Pride Centre. “It’s really helpful to have the service are international or exchange stu- a place where you can come and be yourself with dents, Godoy wants to stress that domestic stu- no pressure.” dents are welcome to attend events and celebrate The centre, which has a strict confidentiality cultural differences. policy, provides both active listening and so“It’s open to anyone and everyone,” she said. cial programming. During the week staff host International House can be found in the Uni- a number of social events, such as discussion centre, room 211E. groups, games, workshops, themed parties, movie nights, and queer-sensitivity training. Pride Centre The SFUO Pride Centre is a safe drop-in centre where students can socialize while discussing

Services continued on p. 7

The Fulcrum is looking for students to join our board of directors. If you have an interest in publishing, finance, or business management, contact Business Manager Ross Prusakowski at [email protected] for eligibility requirements and further information.


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Sept. 11, 2008


photo by Martha Pearce

Services continued from p. 6 The SFUO’s Pride Centre is open to anyone. Undergraduate, graduate, and high school students, as well as members of the community, are encouraged to participate in scheduled events. The Pride Centre can be found in room 215E of the Unicentre. Bilingualism Centre Since September 2007, the Bilingualism Centre has strived to balance the presence of Canada’s two official languages on the University of Ottawa campus. It advocates for adequate representation of both French and English in all aspects of student life and raises awareness about the reality of bilingualism on campus. “We are trying to build a community that is not necessarily bilingual, but that is ready to include the other language, the other cultures,” said Eve Ferreira-Aganier, coordinator of the Bilingualism Centre. The centre offers services to both English- and French-speaking students, including discussion groups, awareness days, music and movie nights, and student linguistic pairings. Ferreira-Aganier said the Bilingualism Centre is open to anyone who believes in creating a respectful university environment. “We want to have an open-minded campus,” she said. “We want to have a campus without discrimination, where everyone can be respected no matter their language.” The Bilingualism Centre is in room 211B of the Unicentre. Bon Appétit! Student Food Bank The mandate of the Bon Appétit! Student Food Bank is simple—to provide food for students in need. Bon Appétit! receives shipments once a week from the Ottawa Food Bank. Students—both graduate and undergraduate—and alumni who are in tight financial situations (or will be in the foreseeable future) may visit the food bank once a month in order to receive a three-day supply of food. As well as providing food, the student food bank also works in conjunction with the Centretown Community Health Centre on an initiative called the Good Food Box, which allows students and community members to order boxes of fruits and vegetables at lower-than-average prices. Patricia Laliberté, a volunteer at the Bon Appétit! Student Food Bank, said the program is not only beneficial for those who receive food portions, but also for those who decide to help out. “It’s good that students help students,” she said. “Students that have it easier can help someone next to them.” The service is located in the basement of the Unicentre, room 0015.


Women’s Resource Centre The Women’s Resource Centre is a place where both women and those who identify as women can receive support. This SFUO service endeavours to develop a comfortable drop-in environment where women can receive active listening and crisis referrals, develop lasting friendships, discuss gender-specific issues, breast-feed in private, or just hang out between classes with a cup of coffee. The centre offers a number of social events throughout the year, including the weekly “stitch ‘n’ bitch” and workshops on zine-making and self-defense. The centre also puts on an annual production of The Vagina Monologues. The centre’s advocacy officer, Sarah McKinnon, said the Women’s Resource Centre plays an essential role at the U of O. “It’s one space, one resource on campus that is just for women, and especially when we still haven’t achieved equality in all senses of the term,” she said. “I think it’s great that we have this place that’s a positive space.” The Women’s Resource Centre can be found in room 220 of the Unicentre.

“We work to increase the inclusion of students with disabilities in student life,” said Virginie Corneau St-Hilaire, the centre’s service coordinator. “Disability is a topic that’s often forgotten,” she said. “A lot of people forget that they’re just students like anyone else and they have a right to participate in student life and we just want to make sure that everyone gets the potential for the same opportunities in their university experience.” In addition to promoting the inclusion of students with disabilities in all aspects of campus life, the centre also helps students find on- and off-campus resources to assist in managing their disabilities. The service can be found in room 211F of the Unicentre. Peer Help Centre The Peer Help Centre is comprised of services aimed at improving both personal and

academic life at the U of O. “We help students that have a hard time adjusting to university life, whether that be with classes or personal [life],” said Mélissa Borduas, Peer Support Phone Line supervisor. The centre offers tutor referrals, peer editing, active listening, a peer support phone line, a youth mentoring program, conversational English and French services, academic workshops, and a resource centre. The tutor referral service is one of the more popular programs the centre offers, said Borduas. She explained that the Peer Support Phone Line has also been a success. Open Monday to Friday from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., students can phone to talk about absolutely anything—from discussing homesickness to inquiring about class locations. If you’re in need of an ear, Borduas encourages students to call the line at (613) 562-5604. The Peer Help Centre is located in room 211D of the Unicentre.

The Centre for Equity and Human Rights Like the Bilingualism Centre, the Centre for Equity and Human Rights is only in its second year. Regardless of age, the service already has a grand vision. Francine Page, the centre’s director, said the role of the centre is “to promote a campus atmosphere where everyone can expect to be respected, where students can live and study unhindered by any discriminatory practices—one that fosters equity, diversity, and inclusion.” Students who are victims of discrimination, harassment, hate crimes, or misconduct issues on campus can visit the Centre for Equity and Human Rights, where they will have a confidential opportunity to share their experiences, receive support, and be informed of their rights and responsibilities. While the centre is not a counselling or legal service, staff can help students develop action plans for the complaint process and are guided through their options. The centre also has a strong educational element. It promotes human rights through speaking engagements, presentations, diversity campaigns, and partnership initiatives. The Centre for Equity and Human Rights is located in the Unicentre, room 211G. Centre for Students with Disabilities The Centre for Students with Disabilities is a service available to undergraduate students who have physical or mental disabilities. The service’s priority is to assist campus organizations in designing events that are accessible to all students.

Sept. 11, 2008



News in brief photo by Joe Howell

U of T strike averted at 11th hour TORONTO (CUP) – UNITED STEELWORKERS (USW) LOCAL 1998 and the University of Toronto’s administration reached a tentative agreement on Sept. 7, only hours before the strike deadline and a day before classes began. Everything is running as it should be, assuming the agreement—the details of which have not been released—is ratified by the same union members who voted by an overwhelming 87 per cent to give their union a strike mandate. Allison Dubarry, president of USW Local 1998, explained the group is “in the process of arraigning a ratifying vote” and that “the university would have found it very difficult to function without our members’ work— we’re everywhere.” Members of USW Local 1998 assist with U of T’s research, fundraising, technical support, administrative duties, and almost anything else not directly related to academics. According to Dubarry, the union

did not want to strike and instead was focused on reaching a deal with the U of T administration. —Joe Howell, Ontario Bureau Chief Federal government reveals new loan repayment plan ST. JOHN’S (CUP) – UNVEILED ON AUG. 15, the federal government’s new strategy for student loans details that repayments be based on the borrower’s income and amount of debt. Starting in 2009, former students in serious financial trouble can use the new plan to wait for up to five years without having to make payments on their loan. After that, the government can request payments of up to 20 per cent of a person’s income. The payback period maxes out at 15 years with the government picking up the slack if 20 per cent over 15 years does not cover the loan. Canadian Federation of Students Newfoundland and Labrador Representative Daniel Smith believes that


Strike closes part of UVic’s student building VICTORIA (CUP) – ON SEPT. 4, 150 unionized student employees of the University of Victoria’s Student Union Building (UVSUB) began a legal strike over wage disputes. The workers were negotiating for a raise that would cost nearly $300,000 over two years. The union’s Bargaining Committee and Acting Union President Michael Ryan noted the cost is not that high in reality, considering the union has not seen “a substantial raise in such a long time [and] we’re just catching up to where we should


FORMER DEFENCE MINISTER David Pratt has been selected as the Liberal Party’s candidate for the riding of Ottawa-West Nepean for the Oct. 14 election. Pratt was recommended by the local riding association as the candidate most likely to win and received the national party’s endorsement on Sept. 4. The Liberals’ appointment of a star candidate reflects their determination to win back the Ottawa-West Nepean riding, which they held for 16 years prior to the last election in 2006. Conservative Environment Minister John Baird currently holds the riding. Local Liberal officials had hoped that former Ottawa mayor Bob Chiarelli would run against Baird, but when he declined, the party turned to Pratt. Pratt, a former municipal politician, was the federal Member of Parliament for Nepean-Carleton between 1997 and 2004 and served as defence minister from Dec. 2003 to May 2004 under Prime Minister Paul Martin. Political observers are anticipating a


while the strategy is a “step in the right direction”, the funding would be better used to increase the new federal grant program. Although he says debt is a deterrent to those seeking higher education, Smith believes the more important issue is making post-secondary education more accessible. —Ian MacDonald, The Muse

Sept. 11, 2008

fierce contest between Pratt and Baird. Baird, a high-profile Conservative MP, has been touted in recent Conservative radio ads as someone who “gets things done for Ottawa”. In comments to the Ottawa Citizen, Pratt indicated that he would portray himself as a pragmatic consensus-builder while attacking Baird’s political record and aggressive partisanship. —Steven Ryan OVER 30 SITTING MPS will not be running for re-election on Oct. 14. That number includes three Conservative cabinet ministers: Human Resources and Social Development Minister Monte Solberg, Foreign Affairs Minister David Emerson, and Fisheries and Oceans Minister Loyola Hearn. Solberg was in charge of his ministry during its overhaul of several programs impacting post-secondary education in Canada. The Conservatives’ 2008 budget introduced more grants for students and altered the Canada

be now.” Compared to the other two large universities in B.C., UVSUB’s current lowest-wage bracket is in the midrange. From the management side, Caitlin Meggs, chair of the University of Victoria Students’ Society, argued that they “can’t increase the wage without cutting that money out somewhere else.” The students of the University of Victoria began classes on Sept. 3 and no classes were affected by the strike. However, many services run by the union were closed. In the following weeks, mediated negotiations are expected to continue between the union and the board. —Sam VanSchie, Western Bureau Chief Listeriosis outbreak likely won’t affect students, says doctor ST. JOHN’S (CUP) – MOUNTING CONCERN OVER the recent listeriosis outbreaks need not be cause for alarm for most students, says Dr.

Student Loans Program to create an income-contingent loan repayment plan. It also extended the Registered Education Savings Plan contribution period. After winning the 2006 election for Vancouver-Kingsway as a Liberal, Emerson crossed the floor to take the international trade portfolio as a Conservative. This past May, he took over as minister of foreign affairs after the resignation of disgraced Quebec MP Maxime Bernier. Emerson has recently announced he will be co-chairing the Conservative party campaign for the Oct. 14 election. Hearn retires from his Newfoundland and Labrador riding in the midst of a strong anti-Harper push by Progressive Conservative Premier Danny Williams. Williams is now running an “Anything But Conservative” campaign, while Hearn recently stated that the premier runs a “dictatorship.” Other incumbents not seeking re-election include old political cats such as former NDP leader Alexa McDonough, former prime minister Paul Martin, and current Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons Bill Blaikie. —Carl Meyer

Norman Lee, chief physician at Memorial University. Consuming contaminated products is not fatal for most adults with uncompromised immune systems, but is a danger for the elderly, young children, pregnant women, and anyone with a weakened immune system. A highly contagious bacterial infection, listeriosis has an incubation period between six hours and 90 days. In most cases symptoms will arise within 24 hours, and may include vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, severe headaches, and a persistent fever. The infection may lead to meningitis if left untreated, but may be dealt with using antibiotics. To avoid the bacteria, students should avoid the recently recalled products, wash all produce before consumption and return or throw out any food about which they are uncertain, since refrigeration does not prevent the bacteria from multiplying. For the full list of recalled products, go to inspection.gc.ca. —Ashley Lockyer, The Muse

Staff meetings. Thursdays at 1 p.m. The Fulcrum.


Vote of confidence

Prepare for the fall of democracy, part II

Emma Godmere News Editor LAST WEEK, JUST in case you didn’t get it, I was referring to the autumn season when I titled my column “The fall of democracy”. This week, I am absolutely, positively referring to the crumbling foundation of our free and equal federal governmental system. The CBC announced on Sept. 8 that Green Party leader Elizabeth May has been outright denied an invitation to participate in the televised leaders’ debates planned for Oct. 1 and Oct. 2. Citing three unnamed political parties’ opposition to her inclusion, the consortium of national broadcasters that made the decision said in their press release, “it became clear that if the Green party were included, there would be no leaders’ debate.” While some party leaders have ca-

sually expressed their opposition to their apparent refusal to debate with fully) intelligent debate, the leaders are May’s potential inclusion in the debate, the now more-than-deserving Greens. denying Canadians the opportunity to they were apparently still too frightWhat kind of country is this? Taking witness the statements and arguments ened to formally reveal themselves into account the Green Party’s increase of all five major parties, each of which through this media consortium, and in support from the public, their multi- is recognized by Elections Canada as a obviously remain too scared to come issue platform, and their first Member major party and which receives the reface-to-face with another viable politi- of Parliament representing them in the quired funding and support to deserve House of Commons (before Parlia- that major party status. cal party in televised debate. Some may The statement from argue that if the media group that you open the included CBC/RadioThree of the country’s political parties are too door for one Canada, TVA, CTV, extra party, and Global continued: scared to come face-to-face with another viable you’re open“In the interest of Capolitical party in televised debate. ing the door nadians, the consortium for them all. has determined that it is I disagree. I better to broadcast the debates with the four major party lead- ment was dissolved, of course), there will reiterate what I stated last week: is absolutely no reason why the Greens The Greens have the funds, a signifiers, rather than not at all.” First, the Bloc Québécois shouldn’t should be banned from the debates cant number of candidates, and supbe considered a major party when the and why three other party leaders port from the Canadian public—supGreen Party apparently isn’t allowed to should be so ignorant toward their po- port that has doubled since the 2006 election—and most importantly, a be, either. The Greens are running 306 tential debate participation. candidates across the country to the The leaders of the Conservatives, seat in the House of Commons, which Bloc’s 68 solely in the province of Que- the NDP, and the Bloc are being out- evidently sets them apart from other, bec. Second, there are several groups right cowards when it comes to ac- smaller political parties. The Greens are not giving up on the to blame here—the television net- knowledging that another party will works that no longer have any excuse be running in this race. All three ob- debates just yet. May has announced whatsoever to exclude May from the viously feel threatened by this other her party will lodge an official comdebates, especially since the Greens are reputable option for voters, one that is plaint with the Canadian Radio-telenow represented in the House of Com- gaining momentum across the coun- vision and Telecommunications Commons; and the three partisan parties try. Instead of rising to the challenge mission, and if need be, follow up with who have stooped to a lower level with and respectably facing off in (hope- a court challenge to ensure her place

Sept. 11, 2008

in the debate. I should clarify that while I am clearly campaigning for May’s right to be included in the debate, I am not necessarily promising my vote to the Green party. I won’t say I know who I’ll be voting for on Oct. 14, but I will say this: To the NDP, who confirmed that Jack Layton said he would not attend the debates if May were present; to the Conservatives, whose leader Stephen Harper claimed having “a second Liberal candidate” at the debates is unfair (the Greens and Grits have collaborated on several points for the upcoming election); and to the Bloc Québécois, whose leader Gilles Duceppe apparently considers his party more significant than the Greens: Get off your high, partisan horses. In a federal election, it’s your duty to present yourselves and inform the Canadian public in a fair and equal manner. Threatening to back away from a televised debate, should another party leader show up, only demonstrates how threatened and vulnerable you feel in this election, and that is not something you want to reveal to the Canadian public mere days into the campaign. [email protected] 613-562-5260



Arts & Culture Sept. 11–17, 2008

Peter Henderson Arts & Culture Editor [email protected]


Popping the top off the

Golden Cherry Awards by Peter Henderson Fulcrum Staff OTTAWA’S ARTISTIC REVOLUTION got another boost from this year’s edition of the Golden Cherry Awards, Ottawa’s own Oscars for the arts. More than 200 people attended the four-hour gala event, which included performances by Canadian folk artists Kyrie Kristmanson and Oni the Haitian Sensation. The night was a smash hit, and the diverse crowd at the venue, an old church in the ByWard Market, was lively and boisterous. It was the start of a new tradition of recognizing artistic achievements in Ottawa. This year’s event marks a break with the way the Golden Cherry Awards have been run in previous editions in 2004 and 2005. The voting was preivously open to all members of the public, but this year’s winners were selected by an academy of the artistic elite from Ottawa and the city’s surrounding area. Stefan St. Laurent, one of the organizers of the event, the curator of SAW Gallery, and a member of the voting academy, explained that this new system was initiated to help the lesser-known artists. “We tried to transform the awards this year by creating an academy that voted instead of having the public vote,” he said. “I think it really helped artists we would never have encountered otherwise, so underdogs got nominated, and that’s what we like about these awards—that anybody has a chance of winning.” St. Laurent was the driving force behind the new approach to the awards, which went on hiatus for the last two years to make time for the rethink of the process. “We didn’t have one last year because we wanted to take time to figure out some new plans for the Golden Cherries,” he said. “Obviously the community really wanted a proper awards show to celebrate people in all the disciplines, so we took our time and figured out that having an academy would probably be our best bet.” The venue for this year’s edition of the Golden Cherry Awards was St. Brigid’s Centre for the Arts and Humanities, located at the corner of Cumberland St. and Murray St. The church held its last mass in 2007, but continues on as a community centre. Much of the Catholic iconography remains

Muffler Crunch entertained the crowd with upbeat rock reminiscent of the White Stripes by way of Black Sabbath. in the church, which led to the bizarre sight of several daringly dressed fashionistas drinking beer under a giant, bleeding statue of Jesus. This year’s nominees reflected the diverse and cosmopolitan nature of the Ottawa arts scene. Nomination categories included Artist of the Year, Choreographer of the Year, Most Dedicated Volunteer, Most Arts-friendly Institution, and many others in the fields of theatre, dance, architecture, and design. Established local arts institutions like the National Arts Centre (NAC) and Westfest were nominated alongside newcomers like Festival X and Vision Theatre. St. Laurent made an effort to have the categories and nominees reflect the diversity of the arts scene in Ottawa. “Each year the awards and the nominees change, and we really try to keep up with new categories and things that emerge in the city.”

Jim Thompson receives the award for Craft Artist of the Year.

photos by Ming Wu

Holding the event in a former church led to the bizarre sight of several daringly dressed fashionistas drinking beer under a giant, bleeding statue of Jesus. Winners included SAW Gallery for Arts Organization of the Year, Paul Gessell from the Ottawa Citizen for Critic of the Year, and the production of Macbeth by the English Theatre at the NAC for Production of the Year. The Golden Cherry Awards intend to recognize the work of local artists in Ottawa but they have another goal as well. Many think that the awards are an important step towards national and international recognition of Ottawa as a cultural hub, and will help destroy Ottawa’s undeserved reputation as a city of boring bureaucrats. St. Laurent hopes the Golden Cherries can change public perceptions. “We have a bad reputation on the national scene. People think it’s only bureaucrats that live here, and it’s very much the opposite,” he said. “Ottawa is so vibrant, and these awards are just a small representation of what’s going on here. There’s an incredible boom in the art world in Ottawa right now, and our next step is to take our place on the national and international scene.” Theo Pelmus, the winner of the Performance Artist of the Year award and a recent immigrant to Ottawa, agrees that Ottawa’s uptight reputation does not live up to the reality. “Once you get involved, you see that the arts scene is very vibrant. I lived in Toronto, too, so I can compare it to here. Here you can find really good artists who are more radical instead of the more mainstream stuff from Toronto, and that’s not recognized as much as it deserves to be.” The arts scene in Ottawa is small and tightknit, as opposed to the more sprawling arts communities in Montreal. This is an advantage though, because according to local artists there

is much more cross-pollination between different mediums and performers. Pelmus says that this is one of Ottawa’s great strengths compared to the other cultural centres in Canada. “Here, the artists feed off each other more easily, from artistic medium to artistic medium,” he said. “Once you get in, it’s amazing, you don’t get bored. Because there’s a community, barriers can be broken more easily—it’s not so much institutionalized. Sometimes that can be good, but sometimes that makes freedom not so welcome.” St. Laurent agreed, saying that the Golden Cherries were run this year with an aim toward enhancing that community spirit. “We live in a smaller city, so we connect in much different ways and it’s much easier to meet new people,” he said. “That’s one of the good aspects of this awards show. It brings everyone from all disciplines together, and we don’t always get the chance to do it.” The 2008 edition of the Golden Cherry Awards was a resounding success, and the after-party at Club SAW brought artists from all parts of the Ottawa community together for drinking and dancing amid cutting-edge artwork. St. Laurent thinks that the Golden Cherries just might be the thing to galvanize participation in the Ottawa arts scene, and he thinks the University of Ottawa students shouldn’t be left out. “You’ll only get something from your community if you give something to it. If you don’t make an effort to open your horizons and see things you wouldn’t normally seek out, you’re going to have a boring time in Ottawa. If you feel like you’re part of a community, anything is possible.”

Documentary films

in the

post-9/11 world image courtesy THINKFilm

by Inari Vaissi Nagy Fulcrum Contributor

the documentary style. His ideas evolved and helped shape the progress of the French cinema vérité movement of the 1950s and 1960s, DOCUMENTARY FILM IS an often over- a filmmaking style that aimed for immediacy looked genre that has undergone a renaissance and an unfiltered view into the lives of ordiover the last two decades. The genre used to nary people. D.A. Pennebaker’s Bob Dylan be associated with boring films about French- film Don’t Look Back is a popular example of Canadian history or cane toads in Oceania, but this direct, simple style. The French style was it’s now a profitable and political genre that influential in both fiction and non-fiction films, has impacted numerand the lessons ous facets of public and learned through private life. Documenthe works of ditaries have become the rectors like Pierre Sept. 11, 2001 was more than Perrault predominant avenue and for those who want to Gillo Pontecorvo an American tragedy—it was promote socially rewere applied to the start date of a minor sponsible change in the style of the cinematic revolution. our society, and docutraditional documentarians have found mentarians. much to report in the The 1980s saw wake of the American a huge rise in the war on terror. popularity of documentaries, with watershed Sept. 11, 2001 was more than an American films such as Errol Morris’s The Thin Blue Line, tragedy—it was the start date of a minor cin- a 1988 picture that exposed the wrongful conematic revolution. The aftermath of 9/11 and viction of a Texas man for murder and helped the Bush administration’s war on terror have to free him. Though documentaries were always become fertile ground for political filmmakers. an established genre, they were not widely reThe new emphasis on political cinema, with top- leased in theatres until the 1980s, and the lack ics including the civilian impact of the war in of home video before then severely curtailed Iraq, the actions of American politicians, radical their potential viewership. A number of docuIslamism, terrorism, and the extreme Christian mentary film festivals were established around right in the United States, can arguably be said the world, including Paris’s Cinéma du Réel in to be a product of, and reaction to, September 1978 and Toronto’s Hot Docs festival in 1993. 11th and the American reaction to that tragedy. Despite the new sheen on non-fiction film fare, To understand the new wave of post-9/11 however, documentaries were probably not the political films, it is important to know how the first choice for a Friday night rental before the documentary form got started. The Scotland- turn of the century. born founder of the National Film Board of Canada, John Grierson, was instrumental in establishing documentary film as a viable genre during the 1920s and 1930s. His vision of using the relatively new film medium to entertain continued on p. 12 and inform the public marked the beginning of



Sept. 11, 2008



dency towards personal vendettas and conspiracy theories, blatant emotional exploitation, heavy editing occasional dishonesty, and the use of his own from p. 11 image (that smacks of megalomania), Moore has managed to slap America to the Dark Side are films that examine, in the face with enough force to rouse respectively, the American militaryboth Left and Right to a degree that industrial complex and the in-custody mere reasoned argument would probbeating death of an ably never achieve. Afghan taxi driver. His major reThey are two of many leases, 2002’s Bowling non-fiction pictures for Columbine, 2004’s that have sprung from Fahrenheit 9/11 and The new lustre of political activism the post-9/11 and 2007’s Sicko secured post-Iraq invasion and non-fiction films has paved the way budgets between $4environment, and and $9 million; Fahrenfor the success of films like they are both fiercely heit 9/11 is the highestcritical of the way the grossing documentary An Inconvenient Truth. government has adrelease of all time, cashdressed these issues ing in at over $222 milof national security. lion. It is a rambling Other political critique of the Bush addocumentaries retary responses spawned by Moore’s ministration’s policies both before and leased since 2001 deal with other con- controversial films—Fahrenhype 9/11, after September 11th, but it struck a troversial issues: animal rights, labour This Divided State, Manufacturing Dis- chord with the general public. Bowling action, the Israel-Palestine conflict, sent, and the not-so-eloquent Michael for Columbine won the 2003 Oscar for the desperate situations in Darfur, Moore Hates America, to name a few— Best Documentary Feature, and FahrLaos, and Tibet, and, of course, global to get a sense of the galvanizing impact enheit 9/11 snagged the Cannes Film warming. Al Gore’s 2006 film An In- of his work. Festival Palme d’Or in 2004. convenient Truth earned over US$49 Such success is unprecedented in Ever since 1989’s Roger & Me, Moore million in worldwide ticket sales. It has been a contentious force in docu- the realm of documentary filmmakwon two Academy Awards, for Best mentary filmmaking. Despite his ten- ing. Moore’s films—as opposed to

Documentaries continued The current obsession with ‘reality’ in entertainment, with supposed realism, candid honesty, and truth, in all its ugly and shocking and touching glory, is likely partly responsible for the recent rise of the documentary. The desire for gritty non-fiction is perhaps at the heart of the present popularity of documentaries whose subjects range from wheelchair rugby in Murderball to Tupac Shakur in Tupac: Resurrection, as well as historical drama and dramatization in Showtime’s The Tudors and HBO’s Rome, not to mention mockumentaries like Borat and The Office. But what about political documentaries? Why the appearance of bigbudget documentaries with funding in the millions and respectable box office revenues? The American war on terror seems to have reignited the fires of political opposition in the entertainment industry: open dissent and political activism are once again acceptable and profitable. 2005’s Why We Fight and 2007’s Taxi

Documentary and Best Song, and is the fourth highest-grossing documentary film of all time. Four of the five top-grossing documentaries fall under the heading of political cinema, and three of them are the handiwork of one writer/director: Michael Moore. It takes only a quick investigation of the many documen-

earlier low-budget documentaries— were funded by major motion-picture distributors, including Lionsgate and the Weinstein brothers. His movies were not released straight to DVD or in small independent cinemas, but as major theatrical releases. Whatever his more controversial techniques—and Moore has admitted on a number of occasions that entertainment is as much a goal as truth and persuasion—the Moore factor has made documentary film glamorous and mainstream. The new lustre of political activism and non-fiction films has paved the way for the success of films like of An Inconvenient Truth. That the second highest-grossing documentary in history is the family friendly flick about penguin migration, March of the Penguins, released in 2005 and grossing $127 million worldwide, serves to further demonstrate that this renaissance can be attributed as much to the value of entertainment and sentimentalism as to divisive political insight. In the wake of the largest foreign attack on American soil, Moore and his contemporaries continue to strive for the goal set out by Grierson almost nine decades ago: to enlighten—or at least, shake up—the public.

www.thefulcrum.ca, it’s a website.



Sept. 11, 2008


TV’s most popular zip code is back 90210 returns to prime time by Hilary Caton Fulcrum Contributor FANS OF WATCHING the young, rich, and privileged deal with reallife teen drama can get their fix with the highly anticipated series premiere of the new 90210. This spinoff of the hugely popular 90s hit, Beverly Hills, 90210, aired its first episode on Sept. 2 and gave fans of the original series two full hours of hookups, breakups, and dust-ups. It follows the lives of wholesome siblings Annie and Dixon, jock Ethan, popular Naomi, and outcasts Silver and Navid, all of whom attend the same school as the original series, West Beverly Hills High. Buzz has been building around 90210 for many months, with talks of cameo appearances or recurring roles for the original cast. Jennie Garth, an original cast member, plays a more mature version of her character Kelly Taylor, and Shannen Doherty—another original cast member—plays a friend of Kelly’s (though not Doherty’s character on the original show). There were rumours that Tori Spelling, who got her big break on the original show,

was to have a role as a shopkeeper, but the talk quickly faded once Doherty joined the cast. Their personal feud from the earlier series is legendary, and Spelling was rumoured to have demanded the same level of pay for a supporting role as the other original cast members would receive for their larger roles. Just days before the debut of the new 90210, producers of the show announced that they would not allow TV critics to screen the twohour premiere. This prompted discussion in the media that the show would not live up to the massive hype that’s been built around it, and that it would pale in comparison to the original. Despite this speculation about the quality of the show, 90210 still pulled in 5.14 million viewers on its Tuesday night premiere. This was the highest rating in history for a premiere on CW, the network that broadcasts 90210 and the hit show Gossip Girl. Producer Gabe Sachs has seemingly concocted the perfect mix for teen drama: a hint of escapism, a dash of jealousy, the two D’s—drama and drugs—and, of course, the irresistible allure of the lavishly rich lifestyle of the elite living in Beverly Hills. Unfortunately, there is not much originality in this new spin-off. It recycles the main plot of the original,

image courtesy CW network

which was based on a down-to-earth family adjusting to the glamorous life of Beverly Hills. The family in both editions of 90210 consists of one son and daughter, but the twist in the new series is that the son, Dixon, is adopted. Even the popular hangout from the original, The Peach Pit, was revamped and plugged back into the show. Despite the apparent similarities between the original and the spin-

off, the new 90210 has an edgier, more modern appeal. Even if viewers haven’t seen a single episode from the original series, they can still enjoy all the weekly drama that the spinoff has to offer. Those who saw the original series should enjoy the way the original cast members have been woven into the plot. But the question remains: Will there be a place in the hearts of fans

who love Gossip Girl and The Hills for the remake of the show that started it all? Only time will tell for these new teens on the block. If the ratings are any indication, this new 90210 is here to stay. Let’s face it—no one can resist the gossip and drama of the affluent American teenager. Tune in to 90210 Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on Global to watch the drama unfold.

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Sept. 11, 2008



An investigation in experience of p by Sarah Leavitt Fulcrum Staff THERE IS A Jerry Seinfeld joke that goes: “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking ... Death is number two. This means to the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” Seinfeld’s joke may seem a tad over-the-top, but public speaking haunts a majority of the world’s population. According to a 2007 study on speech anxiety published in Communications Research Reports, the number is 70 per cent. Whether it be the president of a company, a math teacher, a consultant, or a student; each must address a crowd at some point in their career. However, public speaking skills are also useful outside of business situations, such as when giving a toast at a wedding or simply addressing your friends. You might not think about it, but the basics of public speaking, from the actual speech writing to the delivery, might seem simple, but overcoming a fear of the audience, mistakes, or yourself on stage, is debilitating for many. Not everybody is the class clown, the outgoing friend who knows everybody, or the genius in class answering questions. Fortunately, there are solutions.

Sifting through historical rhetoric Daniel Mroz, professor of theatre at the U of O, believes the dawn of public communication, if not speaking, can be found as far back as the time of the Neanderthal. “I think that our creation of meaning and trying to communicate it to another person—that oration or expression can be seen as pre-language human communication,” he said. “You’ve got sound, you’ve got movement and you’ve got response.” It was not until 400 BCE, in ancient Greece, that there was any structured thinking regarding the art of speaking. An early mention of rhetoric (the art of speaking and writing effectively) and oratory (the art of public speaking) can be found in Homer’s Iliad. Well-known protagonists such as Achilles and Odysseus were praised and honoured in the tale for their uncanny ability for influential speech-making in front of crowds. It was in Athens only decades later, that public speaking ability reached its full significance with the emergence of the new political system of democracy. Speeches became the medium through which citizens gained political influence. Philosophers such as Plato and his student Aristotle taught through public talks. Most of what we know of them comes from the writings of students who attended their speeches. Perhaps modern day politics serve as a more familiar example of the influence of speech. A political speech can captivate the imagination, start a riot, or fail to inspire any sort of reaction at all. Certain speeches have shaped history. Consider Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963: an inspiration that brought the American civil rights movement to its peak. A speaker with captivating stage presence and eloquent diction can certainly reach celebrity status.



Sept. 11, 2008

Terrorized by words The grasp of anxiety is suffocating; the sudden closing in of the walls and the rapid increase of the heartbeat against the chest can be overwhelming. A 2006 study published in the Southern Communication Journal notes the physiological symptoms of speech anxiety as increased heart rate, trembling, sweating palms, and stomach cramps and pains. These symptoms can be so debilitating that you fail to notice your surroundings and this can affect the delivery of your words. According to the study, the majority of students do not have acute anxiety. The research found that these students can be called “habituators” because they respond to the physiological and psychological symptoms that arise from the anxiety in a positive manner and use it to acclimate into the role of public speaker. They manage their reactions by habituating to them and turning them into useful clues concerning the situation they find themselves in. This is the healthy response that most students take. According to Dr. Diana Koszycki, research director of the Stress and Anxiety Clinical Research Unit at the Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research and professor of psychiatry at the University of Ottawa, it is true that the majority of students are in the middle range, fearing only the couple of minutes or hours before a presentation. However, there are some students whose fear is so overwhelming that it begins to interfere with their choices and daily activities. “People who experience very extreme anxiety to the point where it is very painful for them to give a presentation and they worry days ahead of the presentation or even decide to not take certain courses in order to avoid presentations, have more of what we call a phobia,” Koszycki explained. “This is more extreme than having the normal performance anxiety that everybody might feel before giving a talk.” For the students who are on the extreme end of the performance-anxiety scale, all is not lost. There are various effective ways to reduce speech anxiety. Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises are usually quite helpful with the sudden onset of panic, as long as they are practised on a regular basis. As with most things, one needs to practise in order to gain experience and the more speeches one gives, the more comfortable and at ease they find themselves with doing it. Koszycki also discussed a valuable type of therapy for those with acute performance anxiety. Her research focuses on the way those suffering from speech anxiety seem to constantly put themselves down with negative thoughts, and cognitive therapy can do just that. This therapy involves sessions with a psychologist who guides the patient into more positive thinking. “If you are going into a situation with [negative] thoughts, you are going to feel anxious,” she said. “So one of the things this therapy does is help you look at your thinking, looking at how distorted the thinking might be, [looking at] the correct thinking.”


nt speech

nto the daunting public speaking The toast of the night


Many organizations exist around the globe that aid people in overcoming their speech anxiety. Perhaps the most prominent is Toastmasters International, an organization that has boasted over four million members since 1924. The organization’s mandate, according to their website, (toastmasters.org), is to “help men and women learn the arts of speaking, listening and thinking—vital skills that promote self-actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding and contribute to the betterment of [human]kind.” Ottawa has more than 20 Toastmasters clubs. One such group is the Parliament Hill Toastmasters, who meet every Thursday at the Montgomery Legion at 330 Kent St. Carolyn Tapp, president of the group, believes that the organization is a great place to practise public speaking for a variety of people, including students. “The communication and leadership skills acquired in Toastmasters are directly transferable to the workplace, volunteer organizations [and] school,” she said. “For example, Toastmasters develops impromptu speaking skills which are necessary when you are called upon to give presentations on short notice.” The majority of Toastmasters members joined with one purpose in mind: to become a public speaker. Encouragement is abundant in a situation where most members have anxiety related to public speaking. This common fear makes for a greater level of understanding among members. They are willing and able to help members and guests who come in for advice. Entering the fold is relatively easy with mentors helping you along the way. Once you become a member, Toastmasters has a very structured path to follow. “The first milestone on the [Toastmasters Education program] communication track is the ‘competent communicator.’ That requires 10 speeches and each of these speeches focuses on developing a different skill. For example, you might have a speech that focuses on vocal variety, or gestures, or another one on organizing your speech,” Tapp explained. Toastmasters is just one of the ways to hone your skills or gain confidence in speaking and is one option out of many available to people in the Ottawa area. The U of O has a Public Speaking Development Club which is associated with Toastmasters International. All students are welcome.

Once one is accustomed to giving speeches and the sudden moment of nausea has passed, people often try debating to improve their arguments and diction. Debating is, essentially, a professional way of having an argument but it is an effective way of honing one’s public speaking skills and impromptu thinking. Ranjan Agarwal is currently a lawyer in the litigation group at Bennett Jones L.L.P. in Toronto. He graduated from the Joint LL.B./M.A. (in International Affairs) program at the Faculty of Law at the U of O in 2004. Agarwal was the top individual speaker at the 2002 North American debating championship and the 2000 national champion. With his friend Sunil Mathaj in 2003, he became the first non-European to win the Cambridge University intervarsity debating tournament. While at the U of O, Agarwal was president of the English Debating Society and the Canadian University Society for Intercollegiate Debate. Agarwal was not always eloquent with his speech. He struggled through high school because of his quiet demeanour. It wasn’t until Grade 10 that his father suggested he join the debate team. “I was a very shy student and my father encouraged me to try debating, as he thought it would bring out my personality,” Agarwal said. “As it turns out, I really enjoyed both public speaking and talking about national and international issues.” Debating helps people learn to express themselves fully and politely. It is not as free-wheeling as speeches can be because there are rules that have to be followed. Agarwal has it down to a science. “In debating (or in any public speaking), I always try to focus on the rule of three. I always have three arguments, and my arguments are broken down into three parts: headline, explanation and example,” he explained. “This helps my presentation stay focused and I keep within the times. I’m generally a fast talker so I can only do so much, but I always try to take deep breaths and pause between my sentences.”

Wisdom to impart Speech anxiety is common and is not something to be ashamed of. There are ways to alleviate stress and other symptoms. The majority of students passing through university must give a speech or presentation at some point during their degree and it’s better to go at it with a new sense of confidence. That expression can be found in every person and our fears of sounding foolish, insincere, or unintelligent can be relieved. “It’s not a question of taking a shovel and extracting the fear of [a shy person] and after that they’ll be fine,” Mroz explained. “But if you have somebody who is gentle and soft-spoken, you have to find the best way for them to communicate credibly. You don’t want to turn everybody into an aggressive person who is going to be extremely extroverted and communicate in an extremely assertive way. It’s more a matter of finding the appropriate expression for each individual person.” The Student Academic Success Service offers personal counselling on a wide range of problems as well as workshops that focus on stress and anxiety. Check out their website at www.sass.uottawa.ca.


Sept. 11, 2008



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8/12/08 1:21:38 AM

How I became a pirate on the digital sea

Peter Henderson Arts & Culture Editor IT ALL STARTED with a Simpsons reference. In an Internet discussion about an NFL linebacker’s knee, someone said that this may be the first year in which we see a player’s leg fly off in glorious high definition. This is a perfect reference to the Simpsons episode where that exact thing happens, though on the Simpsons the leg belonged to a placekicker. I searched high and low for a clip of said episode, or even the episode itself, but it was nowhere to be found. Imagine my chagrin when I found out there was nowhere on the Internet for legal, free streaming of old Simpsons episodes. If you’re in the United States, they’re freely available on Fox.com, but here in Canada we get the proverbial shaft. The same can be said for episodes of The Office, 30 Rock, or any other quality show that’s not on the Comedy Network. This raises a hugely important question, one that will define the future of broadcasting: Where the hell is the legal alternative for television-watching online? A recent article on HotHardware.com claimed that 20 per cent of all primetime television is now watched online. Considering the lack of legal alternatives available to Canadians, when you extrapolate that statistic across the nation it means that a whole lot of people are turning to illegal online streaming sites for their television fix. These streaming websites are hugely popular, yet the corporate response is to try and shut them down, not replace them with official and legal versions. You’d have to wake up pretty early to pull one over on the Internet nerds who run these illegal sites, because they stay up all night. Instead of fighting a losing battle against these pirates, the major media companies should step in with their own, better

Album reviews

You’ll never eat brunch in this town again

alternatives. Pirate websites are full of broken links, porno pop-ups, and poor-quality videos—surely the movie and television studios can do better. And, to their credit, some of them do—but nowhere outside of the United States. If I want to watch a Simpsons episode from 2002, in this digital age I should be able to do so easily. On-demand television and personal video recorders allow me to do so in my own home, so why is the Internet so different? I realize the challenges of advertising on the Internet, including but not limited to unreliable user statistics and the low price of current banner advertising, but surely this isn’t a problem too big for the army of lawyers and programmers that are employed by every major corporation concerned. I know I’m not alone when I say I wouldn’t mind watching commercials or seeing banner ads if I could watch every show I wanted for free, anytime. ComedyNetwork.ca has hundreds of episodes of dozens of shows available on its website, which is easy to use and predominately ad-supported. It’s easier than visiting some illegal site where half the links don’t work, and it’s what the future of television will be. Unfortunately, the Comedy Network’s model hasn’t been followed by others. NBC has a website with inconsistent functionality that’s not available in Canada. Fox has a slightly better website that’s not available in Canada. You get the idea—what little content there is to be had isn’t even available outside the United States. All the Englishspeaking countries around the world that depend on America’s cultural hegemony for their entertainment are left high and dry. These restrictions are undoubtedly due to different advertising and acting contracts worldwide, but are we to assume the media conglomerates can dominate the world of entertainment yet don’t have enough lawyers to negotiate a contract for Canada or Britain? I doubt it, and until they do, I’ll be watching some illegally streamed television. [email protected] 613-562-5931


The Verve Forth ELEVEN YEARS OF waiting for the Verve’s next album and all we get is cool cover art and disappointment. Forth is overproduced and generic; every song reminds you vaguely of something you’ve heard before. Creativity is lacking throughout the album, even with the lyrics. They don’t inspire, they baffle: “I was blind, couldn’t see / We are one incomplete / I was blind, in the city / Waiting for light wind to be saved”. The instruments are played in a workman-like and un-

inspired manner. As the album progresses the listener begins to wonder how such low-quality songs made the final cut. The only song worth praise is “Noise Epic.” It’s a nostalgic attempt at aping those psychedelic tunes your parents listened to back in the day. Besides that one piece, not one song is memorable—they just encourage sleep. Better to hold on to the glory days of “Bittersweet Symphony” and let this one go. —Livia Nassius


FemBots Calling out ON CALLING OUT, FemBots’ fourth saunter into banality, any hope of perfection is left castrated and dying in the dark. The instruments on the album unite to create a leaden, tired sound and seem like they have sonic rheumatism. The songs become repetitive and lumber along with rudimentary beats, and the vocalist has a reserved voice full of faux-pathos and involuntary cynicism. The lyrics are dull: In “Good Days”, the vocalist states “All you Christian soldiers / You got it wrong / And all you Muslim martyrs

/ You got it wrong / ‘Cause life is good”. Extrapolate that pretentious and pseudo-profound mentality over 49 minutes and you’ll be calling out for a better album. Calling Out is like a shaggyhaired disaster, wearing an inappropriate blazer and sandals, quoting lame nihilist catchphrases. Somehow, FemBots have managed to craft an experience that is tantamount to spending a horrid evening with that exact type of douche bag. Avoid this album. — Danyal Khoral


Ghostkeeper And the Children of the Great Northern Muskeg CALGARY’S GHOSTKEEPER HAS recorded a peculiar gem filled with many small, magic moments: the phantom keyboards in “Lady of the Sky” segue into a carousing guitar and drum romp; the lap steel guitar in the middle of “The Introduction” blasts into a primal groove; all of “Solid Gold”; when drummer Sarah Houle chirps “Don’t dance with boys that like to shake…” in “Afternoon Girl” and

guitarist Shane Ghostkeeper’s gritty vocals take over; and the tongue clacking and acoustic folk-guitar noodling in “The Boxes and the Bottles”. Surrounding the magic moments on And the Children of the Great Northern Muskeg is shaky, inspired blues-rock and candid storytelling—only further proof that Ghostkeeper deserves your ear. —Michael Olender


Mardeen Read Less Minds READ LESS MINDS is a confident, carefully crafted rock album. The four young, poised Cape Bretoners in Mardeen must have studied notorious hooksters Guided By Voices and Weezer because their precise melodic pop songs are textbook alt-pop. The opener, “Kids”, is an anthemic rock track with heroic vocals, glossed guitars, titanic bass, and colossal drums. “Keep On” is similarly mighty, especially in its final climactic scramble. The outright winner, however,

is “Howling”: its pretty, harmonized chorus line is better than anything I’ve heard from Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo in years. But unlike the best albums by Guided by Voice and Weezer, Read Less Minds sounds too calculated, sometimes even formulaic. With the decision to craft a polished, polite record, Mardeen forfeited the spontaneity and looseness that made those bands so special. —Michael Olender

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Sept. 11, 2008



Ga aming evolved Spore gives gamers the power to play god

Cell Stage

by Danyal Khoral Fulcrum Contributor

It all starts here—the player begins WHEN IT COMES to computer games, as a strain of bacteria that, by chance, it seems Will Wright can do no wrong. happens to land on a habitable planet As the founder of the video game com- thanks to a meteor. The gameplay and pany Maxis, Wright is behind the incred- mechanics of this stage are simple, adibly successful Sim series of games from dictive, and rewarding. Users create a the early years single-celled orof SimCity to the ganism that, massive sensation depending on a In Spore, the player can go choice, can be a that is The Sims. In his latest game, carnivore, herfrom being a single-celled Spore, the player or omniorganism living in a drop of bivore, progresses from a vore, eating other water to a galactic god. single-celled orliving things or ganism living in a portions of floatdrop of water to a ing leaves. As the galactic god, concharacter eats, it quering other civilizations and altering gets bigger and receives DNA points. the evolution of other species. Spore is As the player gets more DNA points, a divided into five distinct segments that mating call can be performed. After the give the player almost unlimited free- organism has successfully fornicated dom. How does this free-form approach with another member of its species, to gaming work on a practical level? the player can evolve its simple design

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into something more complex. Add a flagella or a spike to make the creature faster or more dangerous. Once the little organism has evolved and become big enough it sprouts legs, leaves the water, and walks on land. Creature Stage The creature stage opens as the organism begins to walk on land and creates a nest. Depending on how the creature was created, it will interact with its surroundings with the attributes the player gave it. This is where the gameplay starts to become annoying and tedious. The user controls one creation at a time. The goal is to go off into the big world and either kill other species or befriend them with song and dance, all for more evolution points. This simple task is all the player does, and it becomes quite repetitive. As the player finishes quests, the creature’s brain will get bigger, it will make love with other members of its species and, over generations, the user can reshape its appearance and characteristics. Tribal Stage The tribal stage is similar to the crea-

ture stage. Instead of controlling one creature, a player controls a tribe of creatures. This portion is far too simple and quickly becomes repetitive. The gameplay consists of gathering food and fighting with or befriending other tribes with larger, more elaborate, song and dance routines. This is entertaining for brief periods, but seems to be more aimed at more of a casual gamer who would pick this up for minutes at a time. For someone more serious about video games, willing to devote hours at a time, it’s very easy to exhaust the opportunities for fun.

Space Stage

Civilization Stage

The space stage allows the player to visit an endess amount of worlds and interact with both user-generated creatures and creatures developed by the Spore programmers. Players can destroy or befriend developed civilizations or even shape evolving ones. With enough cash, users can even alter or destroy worlds. The player will still need to do some lame missions and resource collection but that’s a minor quibble given the expansiveness of the rest of the gameplay in this stage. The space stage is the best reason to play Spore, and there’s never been a game quite like it.

The civilization stage continues the simplistic trend of the earlier stages, with the same benefits and drawbacks. It deals with cities instead of villages and the goal is to gather resources, and fight, religiously convert, or buy other cities. Everything in the city is customizable. As the player collects more resources, more money is earned to create units to manipulate as desired. There is no real challenge here. Eventually, the creature’s city earns enough cash to create a customizable spaceship, and the gameplay becomes fun again.

Spore’s gameplay isn’t consistently engaging, but it’s such an ambitious undertaking that its shortcomings are forgiveable. The idea of creating a game in which the player truly becomes a god is almost hubristic, but Maxis has made a reasonable attempt at it. In spite of the boring and repetitive gameplay at some stages, the game still looks and sounds great despite the occasional visual bugs. As a package, Spore will keep people busy for a long time if players are creative and don’t mind slogging through the early portions.


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Sept. 11, 2008

image courtesy EA Games



David McClelland Sports Editor [email protected]

Sept. 11–17, 2008

An Olympian in our midst

by Anna Rocoski Fulcrum Contributor THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa is lucky enough to call an Olympic athlete one of its own. Fourth-year student Rhys Hill competed for Canada at the 2008 Beijing Games in the K-4 1000 m kayaking event, which features four-person kayaks. Hill’s team finished ninth in the 10-team final. The Beijing Games were Hill’s first Olympic experience. To get there, he had to work his way through bantam, national, junior and senior international kayaking events and is determined to continue working hard to push his way to the top of more international events, including future Olympics and the World Cup of canoeing and kayaking. In addition to training for multiple international events, Hill is currently studying human resource management at the U of O, and hopes to eventually earn a degree in business. Fulcrum: What got you into kayaking instead of a mainstream sport like soccer or hockey?


Hill: I just started when I was about 10 years old. It was a summer camp and you would go kayaking from 9–12 in the morning and it was just fun for me to do as a kid. I went with my sister for the first year and every weekend there were local regattas, and we would go to those. I just started racing there and liked it. How many hours a week do you train? [I train at] 10 paddling sessions a week. This is when we are on the water in the summer in Florida. Each one of these sessions is about an hour-and-a-half to two hours and then we do races and stuff three to four times a week. It averages out to be 20 to 25 hours a week in total. During our short off-season we still train about the same [amount] just doing other sports such as crosscountry skiing. How does competing in the K-4 1000 compare to kayaking solo? It’s a different feel. What you’re trying to do is be perfectly synchronized with the other four guys in the boat.

Rhys Hill finished ninth in the K-4 1000 kayaking event at the Beijing Games. So we’re moving our legs like crazy and we’re paddling at 120 strokes per minute but when you’re in a single, you’re just kind of doing your own thing. Do you find it difficult to balance your university studies with being a

Men’s rugby splits series with NCAA opponent

competitive kayaker?

three months [to train].

I don’t get to go to school that much because paddling comes first right now—well it did in the last couple years. I would take a few classes in the fall and no classes in the winter because I would go to Florida for two to

What was your most memorable moment at the Beijing Olympics?

by Mike Gribbon Fulcrum Contributor THE UNIVERSITY OF Ottawa men’s rugby team battled the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division One Syracuse Hammerheads on Sept. 7. The clubs played two back-to-back matches, sending out their starting squads (A-side) for one game, and backups (B-side) for the second at Matt Anthony Field. Syracuse and Ottawa split the victories. In the A-side match, the Gees came out strong and dominated the first half, scoring early and often to build a 24-5 lead at halftime. Although they looked to continue that success in the second half of the game and further dominate the Hammerheads, the lead began to diminish as Syracuse changed their strategy on offence and were noticeably more

refined in their play. Syracuse was able to capitalize on a near-complete meltdown by the Gee-Gees, and multiple penalties led to two Ottawa players being yellow-carded. Playing one man down due to penalty trouble, the Gees could do little more than watch as Syracuse chipped away at the massive lead. Gee-Gees head coach Stewart Robinson believed discipline was the primary issue in the lackluster effort of the second half. “We lacked attention, and were in cruise control. We gave up penalties and began to lose discipline, heart, and communication. I think the players thought that they had already won the game,” said Robinson.

Rugby continued on p. 22

Hill continued on p. 22

Will Gee-Gees fans take the bait?

photo by Frank Appleyard

The Gee-Gees battle their way down the field against the Syracuse Hammerheads.

photo by Frank Appleyard

image courtesy Sports Services

by Hilary Caton Fulcrum Contributor THE GEE-GEES REWARDS program is the latest promotional plan to surface from the University of Ottawa’s Sports Services, designed to give students greater incentive to attend Gee-Gees home games and other events at the university. The program is geared toward getting U of O students excited about athletics, and supporting their classmates and friends in what they love to do most—play sports. However, the rewards program is by no means limited to Gee-Gees games. Sports Services has teamed up with Community Life Service (CLS) to include their events like the Art Walk to take part in the rewards program. The program has even been taken a step further by working with the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) to branch out into to all ar-

eas of student events, encouraging students to attend multiple events on campus. But, what is this program exactly? In a nutshell, whenever U of O students attend a GeeGees game or a CLS event they can have their student card scanned, which in turn earns them points and eligibility to win various prizes, up to a grand prize worth more than $2,000. Each game and event rewards students with different levels of points. “It is a program designed to reward fans that have been attending games, and provide incentive for other students to attend as well,” said Sports Services’ Assistant Director of Communications and Marketing Julie Tam, who created the program.

Rewards continued on p. 20

Rewards continued from p. 19 Although many students are unaware of this program until they actually attend a game, Tam is banking on word of mouth to make the program a success. “Once students hear about it, we’re hoping to see more of them attending more games, and expand the Gee-Gees fan base,” she explained. Tam was enthusiastic about what the program may achieve: “More

Gee-Gees pride! We want students to be proud to be a Gee-Gee, whether you’re participating in the sport or cheering them on.” It’s not a secret that game attendance has been poor in recent years, but Sports Services hopes the program will change that and give the U of O’s athletes a well-deserved fan base. “Getting more people out to games enhances the playing environment for our athletes, so that they feel we value their contribution to the university and the effort they put into being a student as well as an athlete,” said Tam. While the SFUO has yet to for-

malize their role within the GeeGees Rewards program, President Dean Haldenby said he would like to become more involved with it, and hoped it would be a success. “We’ve been working to try and get more people out to events, and I hope that this does work,” said Haldenby. “Unfortunately we weren’t able to coordinate with them on it in time for 101 Week, but we’re looking at getting involved with it and seeing where [it goes].” “We want to increase school spirit and thank the fans that have been coming out and showing their sup-

port at games and events, and provide an incentive for more people to come out and show their support,” said Tam confidently of the program’s motives. It remains to be seen whether students will take the bait or not, but the results should soon be visible in the stands at Gee-Gees games. For more information about the new Gee-Gees Rewards program including a complete list of events at which points will be awarded, as well as to register for the program, visit primesgeegees.ca.

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Sept. 11, 2008

8/28/08 9:56:24 AM

sudoku answers from p. 24


Sacobie cruises into record books Offence rips past Lions for 71-3 victory by David McClelland Fulcrum Staff

photo by Frank Appleyard

Gee-Gees quarterback Josh Sacobie completed 13 of 16 passes, and threw his 67th career touchdown pass—an OUA record.

FIFTH-YEAR QUARTERBACK Josh Sacobie only needed half the game to move into first place on the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) list of career touchdown passes as the University of Ottawa men’s football team crushed the York University Lions 71-3 on Sept. 6 at Frank Clair Stadium. Sacobie, who made way at halftime for backup quarterback Brad Sinopoli, entered the game with 64 touchdown passes, one behind the OUA record set by Wilfrid Laurier University’s Bill Kubas between 1990 and 1994. It didn’t take long for Sacobie to equal that mark, finding fifth-year receiver Ivan Birungi for an 80-yard bomb only 58 seconds into the game. Shortly after a 42-yard rush by running back Davie Mason gave the Gee-Gees a 14-0 lead, Sacobie connected with receiver Ezra Millington to move into sole possession of first place on the career touchdown pass list. The Gees would score three more touchdowns in the half—including Sacobie’s 67th career touchdown

pass—and two field goals from rookie kicker Matt Falvo—giving the GeeGees a 48-0 lead at halftime. “I actually didn’t know about [the record] until a week ago, when someone wrote about it,” said a humble Sacobie following the game. “A record like that, it’s something you truly have to enjoy with all the receivers [and offensive linemen] that helped you.”

“I’m not a numbers chaser, I’m a Vanier Cup chaser.”

Josh Sacobie Gee-Gees quarterback

With third-year quarterback Sinopoli in to complete the game for Ottawa, the Gee-Gees did not let up. The Gees scored two more touchdowns on passes from Sinopoli as well as a trio of field goals, one by Falvo and two by fellow rookie Luigi De Lellis in the fourth quarter. Sacobie expressed no hard feelings towards his teammate for replacing him in the second half. “I think [Sinopoli] would start on any team in Canada, he’s a heck of a player,” he said selflessly, attempting to put the team before his own records. “I’m not a numbers chaser, I’m a Vanier Cup chaser.” Gee-Gees head coach Denis Piché

was happy with his team’s performance, especially in light of the disappointing 35-31 loss to the University of Western Ontario Mustangs on Sept. 1. “We wanted to improve ourselves as a team [from last week], and we did that today,” said Piché. “On top of that, we even got a chance to play all the young guys.” Piché was not too surprised by the large margin of victory. “We expect to win every week,” he said. “If we do what we’re supposed to do, we can do a lot of things. We like to say ‘We’re going to a track meet’ because we have lots of athletes here, and we saw a track meet today.” Second-year defensive back MarcAndre St-Hilaire, who replaced Millington following a first-quarter injury, spoke highly of his team’s play. “We don’t stop playing,” said StHilaire, who received two touchdown passes from Sinopoli in the second half, “even if we’re winning by a lot.” The win evens the Gee-Gees record at 1-1, while York falls to 0-2. The GeeGees, who are now in a four-way tie for second place in the OUA, will next play on Sept. 13, when they visit the McMaster University Marauders in Hamilton. The game is will be broadcast at 7 p.m. on the Score.


Sorry, come again another time Women-only times introduced at U of O fitness facilities by David McClelland Fulcrum Staff ON SEPT. 9, women-only gym time was introduced at the University of Ottawa, with the Montpetit Fitness Centre closed to men 7–8:30 a.m. The Tuesday morning women-only session is one of two such weekly sessions at the Montpetit facility, with the other occurring every Friday during the same time slot. Similarly, a women-only lane-swim time has been set aside on Wednesday mornings 10–11 a.m. Colin Timm, assistant director of programs and services at Sports Services, stressed that the program was being implemented on a pilot basis, and that it would be evaluated through user feedback throughout the year. “What we really looked at was … how can we provide easy access into an environment that normally can be quite intimidating for women?” said Timm. “Some individuals expressed a desire to be in an environment where they didn’t feel like they were being gawked at, or … they didn’t feel intimidated about moving into a cycle that’s already existing at the gym.” Men will be able to work out at the Sports Complex’s Health and Lifestyle Centre during the women-only times, added Timm. Pam Hrick, president of the Student Federa-


tion of the University of Ottawa (SFUO) during the 2007–08 academic year, was part of a group of student leaders who lobbied Sports Services to introduce these times at the gym. “I’m glad to see that Sports Services is finally implementing this, and I think it’s something that a lot of women will be very pleased to hear about,” said Hrick, who noted that women of various religious faiths, such as Muslims, as well as transgendered students would particularly welcome the opportunity for their own gym time. Sarah McKinnon, advocacy officer for the SFUO’s Women’s Resource Centre, was also enthusiastic about the new initiative. “Unfortunately, we were advocating [for] 10 hours [a week], and it’s only three, but it’s a start and it’s definitely something that we welcome,” said McKinnon. Both McKinnon and Hrick welcomed the new hours as an important step forward for women on campus. “I think women can sometimes feel intimidated and not feel comfortable at the gym, so it’s definitely a space for them,” said McKinnon. “It’s a step towards creating more space on campus where women feel comfortable and welcomed.” “Every student at the university pays for [the gym], and some women or women-identified people don’t feel comfortable taking advantage of these services they don’t have a choice but to pay for,” said Hrick. “So now, with this move, this is opening up these facilities for which these students pay to feel comfortable usingg them.” —with files from Frank Appleyard

Sept. 11, 2008





continued from p. 19

continued from p. 19

In the final moment of the game, with the score 32-29 for Syracuse, it appeared that Ottawa had scored a dramatic, game-winning try but the referee ruled the play had been pushed out of bounds. The match ended with the score 32-29 in favour of the Hammerheads. The second match, immediately following the first, featured the Bside teams. Veterans Barret Karam and Ryan Jones led the younger of the U of O teams onto the field where they avenged the earlier defeat of the A-side with a commanding 34-7 win. The Garnet and Grey stepped up their in front of fans and A-side teammates and demonstrated plenty of heart. “We got off to a good start in the first half and kept the pressure coming throughout the second half. It was an improved follow-up to the first game. We were more disciplined, took [fewer] penalties and didn’t give them

a chance to capitalize,” said Karam, who played a strong game highlighted by solid tackles and lengthy support runs for the Gees. The Man of the Match award was handed out to Jones for scoring a try and leading the young squad. Further standouts were DeMeyer Lottering with aggressive runs and great lineout catches and Patrick Sinclair with excellent defensive tackling and two goal-line tackles. Gee-Gees captain Chris Seyler took Man of the Match honours for his role in the A-side game for scoring two tries after splitting his brow early in the contest. An additional player of note was Mackenzie Conacher, who demonstrated great defensive determination with tackles and defensive steals. The Gee-Gees next play on Sept. 21, when they will face the McGill Redmen at Matt Anthony Field.

Besides the racing, it would be the opening and closing ceremonies. The closing ceremonies we got to see more, because during the opening the athletes did not make an entrance into the stadium until the end. There was something like 90,000 people in the stadium and 4 billion people watching. They all watched the Canadian athletes walk in. How did it feel to represent Canada with so many people watching? It was like a dream come true. All summer it was kind of hard to believe that I was actually going to get to the Olympics and then when we got to walk in to the Opening Ceremonies, it felt like … the real deal. It was incredible walking into there. Is paddling in Beijing different from kayaking in Canada? It was a pretty big shocker when we

first got there, because it was really hot and there was a fog mixed with pollution. At [first] it was difficult but we got used to it pretty quickly. It was good, though, because by the time we had to race the fog or pollution all cleared up. The first time I paddled it was really hard to breathe. You can usually see to the end of the 2 km runs and you could only see about 400m ahead. What are the feelings you get when you go through the motions of a race? It all depends how the race is going so far. If I look around and there is no one is in sight it can be pretty exciting, especially if we feel we can get to the finish line at that same pace. If we find ourselves at the back of the pack then it’s a different story. We need to keep ourselves motivated throughout the whole race, even when we

are completely exhausted and out of touch with the leaders. Each race is going to hurt like hell, but how you did in that race can determine how much you actually feel it afterwards. Winning definitely takes some of the pain away. There’s no greater feeling than that of putting together a great race. If there is one thing you would want students at the U of O to know about the Olympics, what would it be? There are a lot of sports out there and everyone can find one that they are good at and if they really want to excel at it they just have to keep trying as hard as they can. They will get good at it and they could eventually go to the Olympics. It was an incredible experience for me to race there and worth every sacrifice I had to make to get there.

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Sept. 11, 2008


Lighting the lamp

Finally, a step in the right direction

David McClelland Sports Editor FOR WHAT SEEMS like untold ages, sports editors past and present have bemoaned the lack of fan support at Gee-Gees games while wishing that Sports Services would do more to promote our athletes. It seemed as though nothing was ever done—until now. With the recent announcement of the Gee-Gees Rewards program, Sports Services is taking a bold step in the right direction towards generating fan support, and moving beyond simply standing by and letting the clearly unacceptable status quo of recent years continue. Gee-Gees Rewards provides incentive for new fans to attend games, and does it with a slick logo, website, and promotional campaign. The basis of the program is to build fan support, and reward loyal GeeGees fans who will receive points on

Another argument in favour of re- gram is an initial success, then the their student card for every home game they attend. The most commit- ward points is the glaring fact that Sports Services staff can’t simply rest ted of fans will be awarded prizes when right now, students are not attending on their laurels, hoping that the inithey reach a certain number of points, Gee-Gees games, and the rewards sys- tial attendance increases will magias well as entered in grand prize draws tem will hopefully change that. Look- cally continue. No, the secret to makwith increasingly valuable rewards. ing at the empty stands at Frank Clair ing Gee-Gees games truly successful, Students will also receive points for Stadium, or looking at the consistently well-attended events is to continue attending events held by the Student low attendance numbers in Canadian to actively promote our varsity teams throughout the year. Federation of the These do not have to University of Ottawa The idea and goals of the Gee-Gees be expensive or elaboand Community Life rate campaigns. There Services. Rewards program are should be extensive Some, of course, postering before sigmight see this as a nowhere near shallow. nificant regular season bribe, replacing fan games for example, loyalty with a prize system designed to entice uninterested Interunivesity Sports box scores, it is instead of just for one-off events like students. If you ask me though, the evident that the U of O has a problem. the Capital Hoops Classic. Regularly idea and goals of this program are no- This program could act as a gateway, setting up tables with information and enticing students out to games, but Gee-Gees merchandise in high traffic where near shallow. For one thing, this sort of program ultimately hooking them on the thrill areas around campus would be anis in no way unique to the Gee-Gees of seeing such high-calibre athlet- other way to increase the visibility of or even university sports—teams at all ics played at their own university. Of varsity sports. Sports that are already levels of play run all sorts of promo- course, whether or not this will work popular, like men’s basketball and tional campaigns to entice fans out to ultimately depends on if the prizes are men’s football, should be promoted games, from small community teams worth the effort, and if Sports Services even further: conduct presentations in minor leagues, all the way up to the can successfully get the word out about for first-year classes, let students know what’s out there, and above all, keep National Hockey League and Major the program. League Baseball. The Ottawa Senators, It’s important to remember that this them informed. In the end, what matters most is getfor example, run a points promotion should only be the first step if Sports in conjunction with MasterCard, and Services truly wants to increase the ting people out to games and supportwhile the details may differ, it’s nice to number of fans in the stands at home ing the home side. Greater numbers of see Sports Services finally catching on. game. If the Gee-Gees Rewards pro- fans make for more spirited crowds.

Having large crowds at home games requires Sports Services to build a sporting culture at the university, something we here at the Fulcrum are more than willing to support. We may never reach the fierce level of fan dedication seen at American universities, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to try. [email protected] 613-562-5931

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Sept. 11, 2008



Distractions Dear Di

Dear Di, It’s been a week at this school and already I miss my boyfriend way too much. He moved away to Bishop’s University and he sounds like he’s having a great time. I don’t want him to forget about me and I want him to remember that my body is better than any Bishop’s girl’s. I was thinking of getting a webcam and stripping for him, but I’m not totally sure that it’s the best way to go. What do you think? —Cam We Play Later?

Dear CWPL, There are too many webcam strip teases on Pornhub that start off with, “This is for you, Jeremy.” You see, boys are awful. There’s a chance that if you two break up, your boyfriend will put up videos of you teasing as so-called “revenge”. Now, I think that stripping and dancing suggestively on camera is a great way to keep the fire in both your loins burning and keep the emotional connection strong, but getting naked on webcams isn’t about love— it’s about trust. If you’re going to go through with the webcam connection, make sure you trust your boyfriend to keep any files he might save to himself (you don’t want him showing them to friends) and judge whether or not he could be spiteful after a breakup. If you even have the slightest doubt, don’t get the cam. But if you do trust him, go ahead and enjoy. From one woman to another: Just in case, get him to get a webcam as well, for your enjoyment. Coax him into masturbating on-screen for you and save a file of him jacking off. That’s great leverage if he ever turns out to be a blackmailing jerk. Enjoy! Love, Di

Sept. 11–17, 2008

If you have a question for Di, e-mail [email protected].

Dear Di, It feels like I’m pissing razorblades and my testicles are swollen! I got wasted and slept with a lovely young lady on Wednesday after the pub crawl, and over the weekend I’ve been in pain and I think something is up. E-mail me back ASAP. —Save My Cock Dear SMC, This is easy: Get tested. What do I always tell you kids? During oral, vaginal, and anal sex, always wear a condom and know how to use one correctly (read the instructions on the box!). With oral on women, use a dental dam and hold it firmly in place while exploring. Listen, it sounds like you’ve got symptoms of chlamydia. According to Health Canada, infection rates of the sexually transmitted infection have been rising steadily since 1997, suggesting that a lot of kids are not using condoms, just like you. It’s known as the ‘silent disease’, as more than 50 per cent of infected males and 70 per cent of infected females have no symptoms and no clue they have the disease. Transmitted through vaginal, anal, and oral sex, it can scar your urethra and can make you sterile. (For women, untreated chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, and its effects can scar the fallopian tubes and cause infertility, among other things.) All you have to do is take a urine test. If you test positive, there is an effective single-dose antibiotic treatment available. The University of Ottawa’s Health Services Clinic is located at 100 Marie Curie Pr. (call 613-564-3950 for an appointment), and students can visit the Health Services Resource Centre in room 203 of the Unicentre to learn more about STIs. Love, Di

Sarah Leavitt Features Editor [email protected]


Thryllabus Thursday, Sept. 11 Taxi to the Dark Side. 7 p.m. ByTowne Cinema. 325 Rideau St. $7 advance. $10 at the door. All proceeds go to NOWAR-PAIX and the Justice for Mohamed Harket Committee.

Friday, Sept. 12 Magazine issue launch: Guerilla #17. 7 p.m. Enriched Bread Artists Studios. 951 Gladstone Ave. Free. Musical evening with stories. Fundraiser for Walk For Justice. 8 p.m. Umi Café. 610 Somerset St. Pay what you can.

Saturday, Sept. 13 Ecology Ottawa hosts Unplugged BBQ. 2-5 p.m. Central Park. 19 Clemow Ave. Donations. Women’s hockey: Ottawa vs. Jr. Sens Inter. AA. 2:30 p.m. Sports Complex. Free.

Sunday, Sept. 14 Women’s soccer: Ottawa vs. Ryerson. 3 p.m. Sports Complex. $4 for students.

Monday, Sept. 15

Think Things by Jocelyn Robitaille


Divergence Movie Night presents The Year of Paper. 7 p.m. Club SAW. 67 Nicholas St. Free.

Tuesday, Sept 16. Seminar: U of O faculty of Medicine discusses stem cell research. 7:30 p.m. Library and Archives Canada, Room A. 395 Wellington St. Free. Reserve at [email protected].

Wednesday, Sept. 17. Part-time job fair. 12 p.m. UCU Terminus. Free. The World According to Monsanto. 4 p.m. Alumni Auditorium. Free.

Hearsay by Jordan Moffat

sudoku answers on p. 20



The sport of boxing is invincible

THE OPENING SEQUENCE of Martin Scorcese’s Raging Bull almost makes me cry. Strings swell while a hooded Robert DeNiro portrays famed boxer Jake LaMotta, hopping around in slow motion in preparation for a bout in the hazy boxing ring. A flashbulb pops, LaMotta pummels air, the nimble strings soar higher. Sure, the film follows the epic rise and fall of LaMotta due to his taking a fall in exchange for a quick payday, but the spirit of a tremendous fighter shines through, even in 2008. When boxers enter the stadium there is an aura of respect. The fighters meet in the ring, the referee explains what’s legal, the competitors touch gloves, and the fight begins. There is a certain nobility to boxing; there is remarkable strength, footwork, and personal style and strategy that require intense practice. Boxing is not just a glorified fist fight—there is more skill and finesse than a schoolyard brawl. The intention to inflict serious injury is there, but there is also sportsmanship and mutual respect. The sport is practiced all around the world, and amateur boxing is an Olympic event. Now, this writer will admit that professional boxing bouts are motivated by money—fighters compete for huge sums, promoters charge to watch, and spectators often bet on the outcome. Regardless, professional boxing has created some of the most memorable sporting moments and personalities of all time. Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson became some of the sporting world’s most electric, quotable celebrities. Watching their fights on YouTube is mesmerizing. These men were human weapons. In 1999, Ali was crowned “Sportsman of the Century” by Sports Illustrated and the BBC. The argument that boxing is currently in a freefall can be made. As it relies heavily on name recognition, this writer suspects that it’s a transition period for the sport—boxing is looking for its next star.

25 Counterpoint

Sept. 11–17, 2008

Michael Olender Executive Editor [email protected]

Mixed martial arts will suckerpunch boxing very, very soon

The supposed decline of professional boxing has made room for the emergence of mixed martial arts (MMA) and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), something more animalistic and less interesting. UFC and its brand of mixed martial arts is brutal and sensationalistic. The fireworks, the cage, and the bizarre headlocks and takedowns are reminiscent of the spectacles of World Wrestling Entertainment, with President Dana White acting as a more egoistic Vince McMahon. Consider the event: In a corner, one man is sitting on another man’s stom-

MIXED MARTIAL ARTS (MMA) fighting is the next big thing. MMA tournaments have become big business in the last few years and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) has quickly grown into a media empire. MMA fighting is superior to its predecessor—boxing—in every way, and the surge in popularity MMA is receiving is proof that it’s far more entertaining. Boxing is a simple sport, requiring only the perfection of known techniques in order to excel. MMA is so much more: a mixture of styles

ach and mechanically punching him in the face, the sound of the blows echoing throughout the room. That is not how men fight. Republican presidential hopeful John McCain was sent a tape of the first UFC bouts and called it “human cockfighting”. He was so disturbed that he led a campaign to completely ban it from the United States, leading the UFC to reform their rules. In Canada, MMA events are legal only in Alberta and Quebec, suggesting repulsion. The cherry on top is the comically transparent reality-TV show-like interviews between fights. The UFC shamelessly uses glitz to cover up the abhorrence of the competition. The UFC will never be a highly respected sports organization. It will never create venerated champions like boxing has and will. It will remain a sensation, and nothing more than a passing fad. No respectable actor would ever waste his or her time portraying a UFC fighter. —Michael Olender

both ancient and modern, Eastern and Western. Karate experts square off against judo masters, American boxers square off against Brazilian jiujitsu practitioners, and the strengths and weaknesses of each technique are put on full display. Because of this mixture of styles, almost anything can happen in a fight. It can be a high-kicking, counter-punching melee of epic proportions or it can be a highly technical ground match, devoted to the exploration of the chess-like strategies of wrestling and grappling. An MMA match can even be a straight-up boxing match, though the boring and outdated boxing style is particularly ill suited to ultimate fighting. The administration of boxing and ultimate fighting reveals another area in which boxing is clearly inferior. New boxers, especially those considered camera-friendly, often have their records padded with fights against aging, easily beatable fighters known as “tomato cans”. Not so in ultimate fighting. Brock Lesnar, a huge star in World

Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and a former NCAA-champion wrestler, entered the UFC with a pre-packaged audience of millions of viewers. Had the UFC set him up against a tomato can or two, he would surely have become one of the most popular fighters for the franchise. However, the UFC put Lesnar up against just the kind of fighter who could beat him: an experienced and tough former UFC champion, Frank Mir. Lesnar lost the fight and the UFC gained credibility—the organization doesn’t care who you are, all it cares about is your skills. Compare that to the trash-talking world of professional boxing, where name recognition is everything. Mike Tyson still made millions fighting long after his prime, but Brock Lesnar has to prove his worth as an MMA fighter time and time again. Boxing’s long history is also overshadowed by the influence of organized crime. Don King, the audacious manager of some of the greatest names in boxing from Muhammad Ali to Evander Holyfield, spent four years in prison for shooting two men—one who tried to rob him and another who owed him money. Richie Melito Jr., a young fighter from New York, had his reputation destroyed when it was revealed that more than a dozen of his 25 fights had been fixed, including one on the undercard of a nationally televised event. Even Olympic boxing is not free from scandal. Rudel Obreja, a Romanian Olympic technical judge and vice-president of the Amateur International Boxing Association (AIBA), was embroiled in scandal this year after he was accused of manipulating the selections for Olympic judging panels. He countered this allegation at a press conference where he claimed that top-ranking boxing officials were involved in fight-fixing and bribery. He has since been suspended from his position in the AIBA, and his accusations have been strenuously denied by top officials. Boxing has been reduced to a shadow of its former self through criminal influence. MMA is faster, more diverse, and scandal-free. And really, if you can’t be sure the outcome isn’t fixed, why watch the match at all? MMA wins this round by a knockout. —Peter Henderson

Pitting boxing against mixed martial arts illustration by Curt Van De Ligt

HECKLES: We’re not in Kansas anymore

Seriously, everyone, we were never in Kansas. Stop it. by David McClelland Fulcrum Staff

WHILE ON AN OC Transpo bus travelling towards Campus station, those who are aware of their surroundings may be momentarily startled hearing the bus driver announce the next stop as “Ottawa University”. There are two possibilities: One, the bus you are on is the 95 Orleans via Kansas, or the bus driver is under the illusion that he or she is, in fact, in Kansas. Ottawa University—as everyone knows—is a small Baptist university specializing in liberal arts education, and located in the small town of Ottawa, Kansas (population 12,597).

What’s strange, though, is that many people here in Ottawa, Ontario, including students, members of the public, and even some employees of the University of Ottawa consistently say “Ottawa U”, seemingly believing that they are actually attending Ottawa University in east-central Kansas. Perhaps the constant references I hear to “Ottawa U” come from the fact that people are simply confused. Maybe they really do believe they are in Kansas. After all, the fertile agricultural land found in the Ottawa Valley certainly looks like it could be Kansas, but surely the Gatineau Hills are a giveaway that we’re in Ontario. One would think that Gatineau itself should clue people in, as neighbouring Missouri has a population with a French ancestry of just 3.5 per cent. It wouldn’t make sense that people are simply getting the name of our

What’s got your goat? Why did you have a goat in the first place? Write for HECKLES. [email protected]


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Sept. 11, 2008

school wrong, would it? I mean, you don’t hear people talking about “British Columbia University” or “Toronto U”, do you? Whatever the reason, I would advise anyone who is unsure of which part of North America he or she currently inhabits to answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions: 1. Does the city you live in have just over 1,000,000 inhabitants, not just over 10,000? 2. Is your university sports team called the Gee-Gees, not the Braves? 3. Have you ever noticed copious numbers of francophones on your university campus?

4. Is the Parliament of Canada within a 15-minute walk of your university campus? If you answered “yes” to one or more of those questions, then you are attending the University of Ottawa, and should correct your pronunciation of the school’s name accordingly. If you didn’t answer “yes” to any questions, then you actually are in Kansas attending Ottawa University—and evidently you’re part of a vastly expanded Fulcrum readership. Students are invited to send 400 words on what makes their blood boil to [email protected].

Mailing it in on Nov. 5 Portman a few years ago, and hooray, everybody knows the rhyme and is ready to start missing the point. The SFUO, taking their lead from the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), is planning to take part in a province-wide rally on Nov. 5, coincidentally Guy Fawkes Day (the day Guy Fawkes was caught in the basement with a whole bunch of explosives, ending the plot). They’re going to march to protest high tuition fees. Well, good. Tuition is expensive and action must be taken, right? So why not evoke the concept of blowing Parliament the fuck up and killing everyone inside! It makes no sense and is in bad taste to suggest you’re going to kill everyone in the Parliament buildings in a massive, fiery explosion. Why do I have to explain this? You may say that the SFUO is not doing that, that they just think it’s a catchy line that they heard in a movie and thought it would be a cool way to get students to remember the date of the rally. Well, sorry. That rhyme refers to traitors killing their leaders to get their way, something I quite hope is not advocated by the SFUO, the CFS, or anybody involved. I maintain that hyperbole, drum circles, and excessive dancing are crippling protest as a form of expression. Do you know what the people in charge think when you vaguely suggest you’re going to blow them up, then show up, play drums, dance a lot, and leave? They think you’re full of shit, illustration by Martha Pearce and they do what they want anyway. I maintain that 500 quietly standing in business suits holding banners Remember, remember the fifth of November, people will trump 4,000 hemp-clad, dreadlocked, mud-soaked Gunpowder, treason twentysomethings dancing wildly to the sound of way too many djembes. and plot. The people in charge are used to protests and they conI see no reason the sider them commonplace. They aren’t impressed anymore. gunpowder, treason They even plan around them as a matter of routine. So on Nov. 5, if you want the people who run the provShould ever be forgot… ince to hear you, clog their mailroom. Seriously, on Nov. 5, buy a stamp, and mail them a letter saying tuition is too by Dave Atkinson high and that you think they should help you. If every perFulcrum Contributor son that marches mails a letter, they will take note of it, beTHE STUDENT FEDERATION of the University of Ot- cause their secretary will be buried under a massive pile of tawa (SFUO), more specifically the Campaigns Commit- angry letters. Leaders drive by protests daily; protesters are tee led by VP University Affairs Seamus Wolfe and Cam- no more remarkable than the lawn to these people. Having paigns Coordinator Michael Cheevers, have used the first to drag four bags of letters to the recycling bin will be reline of this rhyme to rally student support for a provincial membered a lot more than a rhyme from a movie you saw day of action against high tuition fees. I assume because it that had several sword fights. If you want the people in charge to remember the fifth sounds cool. The alternative is a bit strange, you see. of November, make it the day they drove past a big proThat rhyme is about a bunch of guys who wanted to kill the political leaders of Britain because they were Protes- test as usual, then got into the office and got no work tant. Seriously, that is what it’s about—look it up. It refers done because they had to sort through a metric tonne to Guy Fawkes, a Catholic revolutionary who decided to of letters. blow up the Houses of Parliament in London in 1605. This story was used by Alan Moore in his dystopian graphic Send your letters to: novel V for Vendetta, which was a commentary on Thatch- John Milloy erism. A nice, fictional story to show the future that Moore Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities saw coming to pass if Britain kept electing people like 900 Bay St., 3rd Flr, Mowat Blk Margaret Thatcher. They made a movie with a bald Natalie Toronto ON M7A 1L2




Raging against work-out machines since 1942. Volume 69 - Issue 4 Sept. 11–17, 2008 phone: (613) 562-5261 fax: (613) 562-5259 631 King Edward Ave., Ottawa, ON K1N6N5 [email protected] www.thefulcrum.ca Recycle this paper or we’ll blast your quads.

Staff Frank ‘deltoids’ Appleyard Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Ben ‘biceps’ Myers Production Manager [email protected] Michael ‘triceps’ Olender Executive Editor [email protected] Martha ‘pectoralis’ Pearce Art Director [email protected] Emma ‘abdominal’ Godmere News Editor [email protected] Peter ‘latissimus’ Henderson Arts & Culture Editor [email protected] David ‘dorsi’ McClelland Sports Editor [email protected] Sarah ‘flexor’ Leavitt Features Editor [email protected] Danielle ‘rhomboids’ Blab Laurel ‘quadriceps’ Hogan Copy Editors Amanda ‘hamstrings’ Shendruk Associate News Editor [email protected] James ‘gastrocnemius’ Edwards Webmaster [email protected] Jessica ‘soleus’ Sukstorf Volunteer & Visibility Coordinator [email protected] Deidre ‘gluteus’ Butters Advertising Representative [email protected] Ross ‘trapezius’ Prusakowski Business Manager [email protected]

This issue of the Fulcrum was powered by turbines using steam generated by heated debate.

Sept. 11–17, 2008

Frank Appleyard Editor-in-Chief [email protected]

No penises allowed

THE WOMEN-ONLY (emphasis courtesy of Sports Services) gym and pool times revealed on the Sports Services website on Sept. 5 are a highly contentious issue around the Fulcrum offices. So much so that work on the issue that you’re currently reading came to a complete halt while the editors debated both the angle this editorial should take and the extent to which it should offer suggestions or condemn the pilot project outright. My opinion, not shared by some members of the editorial board, is that the women-only fitness time is sexist to both men and women at worst and poorly explained (and thought out) by Sports Services at best. In a reply to an e-mail I personally sent to Sports Services, Colin Timm, assistant director of programs and services, explained in the vaguest of terms that the pilot project was meant to better serve the clients of the U of O, while evading the explanation that I specifically requested. He dodged my question: What is this really about? My first guess: There has been a recent string of sexually inappropriate conduct in the weight rooms. If so, couldn’t this issue be better addressed through an awareness campaign à la the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa (SFUO)-adopted safe streets initiative Take Back the Night? That initiative didn’t aim to ban penises from certain areas of campus after dark and call it a “pilot project.” Instead, the issue was addressed intelligently, by bringing the issue—the right of both men and women to feel safe on campus at all times—to public light and raise awareness of a problem that does not discriminate between genders. The objective is to make the campus safer while not demonizing men. In the case of the fitness centre, a safer environment could mean having a better-trained staff. People who are both aware of the signs of inappropriate conduct, gestures, or looks, and able to discern it from other gym-appropriate activities, and call protection or speak with the offender if necessary. Let’s face it, both men and women often go to the gym to meet people they may be interested in starting a relationship with. Other than the tight pants or gym shorts, Montpetit is no different from any other gathering place on campus in this way. Never mind the fact that the first case of same-sex sexual harassment throws the pilot project’s means of accomplishing its ill-defined objective out the window. By banning men from both the


illustration by Devin A. Beauregard

Montpetit fitness centre and pool for certain periods without consultation from the student body at large—not just the SFUO—Sports Services has effectively silenced discussion on a serious issue and, for lack of a better explanation at this time, labeled all men as potential serial sexually inappropriate perpetrators. That’s a label and a stigma that I don’t deserve to carry. This issue goes far beyond three hours of gym time each week. It’s about the fight for true equality—a cause I believe all well-intentioned and open-minded activists strive for—especially on university campuses, where male students are becoming a minority. Until Sports Services publicly and explicitly states its reason for this measure, and creates both time and a forum for all students to debate this issue, there is no mandate for this measure and thus no need for a trial period. Although most men, I suspect, don’t mind this measure, it certainly does set a precedent for all sorts of discrimination. My second guess: Religious reasons

prevent some women from working out or swimming in proximity to men. That’s acceptable, but then why not label the time as a period in which the facilities are to be used exclusively by Muslim women or others with similar beliefs regarding gender separation? Then all people sharing those beliefs can congregate at the same time in an atmosphere that is the most comfortable for them, and there will be no question as to why men are not around. In the case of the gym, such a time should not take away from regular gym hours, much like Sports Services has ensured with the women-only swim program that is being implemented concurrently. My third guess: Women are self conscious, and this dedicated time will help them begin their fitness regime in a non-judgmental atmosphere. News flash: Men are selfconscious too, and a woman is just as likely to comment on your big butt or belly as a man, and it hurts just as much. We are all bombarded with un-

realistic images from both the media and our peers that tell us to develop our abs, glutes, and biceps rather than our brains. If you want to work out in an atmosphere that is truly nonjudgmental, go running with a friend or buy a set of weights and work out on your own until you have the confidence and strength to lift a 15-pound weight in the presence of others. No matter how you slice it, the source of self-confidence is within. Finally, I must admit that this is perhaps the most fearful I have ever been while writing an article. Fearful of what supporters of this gym and pool time may say. Will I be labeled as a misogynist, sexist, or a bigot? But I realize both opponents and supporters of this measure have the same goals in mind: defy sexist definitions, cast off labels, and create a society that does not judge a person based on their gender. Don’t let this sort of sexism start here. —Ben Myers Production Manager

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