Friends Power Point

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,174
  • Pages: 17
My Friends “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” ~Proverbs 18:24

Mary Conley I have known Mary since the 2nd grade. We went to Rockwell Christian School together and were in the same class every year, but we did not actually become friends until the 5th grade. We sat with each other at lunch the very first day of 5th grade and have been friends ever since. Our friendship is important to me because she's been there through all the tough times and the good times in my life for 5 years now, and never want to lose that. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She is about 5’3’’ and she is fourteen years old. She goes to Graystone Day School.



Johnathan Robinson •

Johnathan and I have been friends since Kindergarten. We went to Rockwell Christian School together from Kindergarten all the way through the 9th grade. There are countless memories we share within that time period. We were pretty much “best” friends for a long time. And we still are. And hopefully always will be. He is about 6’2’’ and has dark brown hair and eyes. He is fifteen years old. He goes to Rockwell Christian School.



Dustin Crawford •

I met Dustin at the Wilds one year when my church went. We became friends about 2 years ago. He is currently going to a military school. He's planning on being in the NAVY. He is about 6’3’’ and has brown hair and brown eyes. He is a very very good friend of mine.



Sarah Pope •

I met Sarah at my old school (Rockwell Christian School) when I was in 7th grade and she was in 8th. She was new to are school and did not have any friends. So I started hanging out with her and we have been friends ever since. Are relationship as friends is important to me just because she IS my friend and she has always been there for me. She is 5’2’’ and has blonde curly hair. She is seventeen years old. She goes to Rockwell Christian School.



Elisabeth Faggart •

Elisabeth and I have been friends since I was in the 6th grade and she was in the 7th grade. We also went to Rockwell Christian School together for three years. Now we both go to Graystone Day School. We both met through Sarah Pope. Sarah actually introduced me to Elisabeth and we have been friends ever since then. She is about 5’7’’ and has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is sixteen years old. She goes to Graystone Day School.



Rebekah Faggart •

Rebekah and I have been friends since I was in 6th grade and she was in 7th as well. She is my friend Elisabeth Faggart’s twin sister. I also met her through Sarah and Elisabeth. She goes to Graystone Day School as well. I hope I never lose the special friendship that we both share. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and is about 5’7’’. She is sixteen years old. She goes to Day School.


Anthony Odom •

Anthony and I have been friends since I was in 6th grade and he was in 8th grade. We have went to school together since I was in K-3 but never really talked much. Once we were both in middle school together at Rockwell Christian School we started talking and eating lunch together and we became friends. He is also friends with Elisabeth and Rebekah Faggart. Are friendship is very special to me and we are both planning on going to Pensacola Christian College together and major in missions. So hopefully are friendship will never be lost. He is about 5’6’’ and has brown hair and blue eyes. He is seventeen years old. He goes to Rockwell Christian School.



Molly Corriher •

Molly is a very good friend of mine that I met when I started going to my new church about a year and a half ago, Calvary Baptist Tabernacle. I knew her previously from my old school but we were not actually friends. She goes to Pensacola Christian College now. Its her first year and she is also majoring in nursing/mission just like me and Anthony. I think we will always be friends. She is probably the nicest person someone could ever meet. The person in the picture with her is Cody her boyfriend. He is one of my friends at church also. Molly is about 5’4’’ and has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is seventeen years old. She goes to Pensacola Christian College.



Hunter Roseman •

I also met Hunter at my church. He is the funny/goofy friend. Me and him have been friends for almost a year and a half now but it seems like it has been forever. We always go on visitation and proteens together on Wednesday nights at church, along with Molly and Cody. Hunter loves to hunt and fish and my dad and his dad are like best friends. Are friendship is important to me just simply because I love him as a friend and would never want to loose our friendship. He has brown hair and blue eyes and is 6’1’’. Hunter is seventeen years old. He goes to RCCC.



Katelyn McCubbins •

Katelyn and I first met when she came to my old school in the 7th grade. Then she left in the 8th grade but I started going to her church (Calvary Baptist Tabernacle) and now we are friends again. I see her every Sunday and Wednesday night at Proteens. We also go to the Wilds together and other church activities. She is friends with all the other friends listed above. Katelyn is about 5’8’’ and has dark brown hair and blue eyes. She is fifteen years old. Katelyn is homeschooled.



Adam Appleton •

I have know Adam since Kindergarten. I met him through my friend Jonathan Robinson. They were friends before Johnathan and I were. Me and Adam have been friends since then. He has been there through all of my elementary and middle school years. Adam has brown hair and brown eyes. He is about 5’9’’. He is fifteen years old. He goes to Rockwell Christian School.



Nathan Williams •

I met Nathan when at my first church that I went to (Antioch Baptist Church). I now go to Calvary Baptist Tabernacle but we still are friends. We had a small youth group at my first church and I was the “new kid” so Nathan started talking to me and we became friends. That was when I was 7 and he was 8. He is now 16 years old. He goes to North Stanly High School and has brown hair and brown eyes and is about 6’2’’.



Other Good Friends Youth Group:









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