Friday, November 13, 2009

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Turkiewicz scores goals, pipe … p.8

Installation art at FCG… p.5

No progress on talks … p.2

thegazette ... hoping for a resolution since 1906



Across Canada, 13 student unions have started the process to leave Canada’s largest student lobbying group. Western’s graduate students are the latest to circulate a petition. Now all sides are waged in a campaign with the hopes of...


Solidarity $

The Canadian Federation of Students

Graduates pay student fees  to SOGS, of which $7.32 per student goes to CFS


sogs $ $$

Society of Graduate Students

$ $ $ $


$ $$

Such growth has not been without limitations and controversies. In the early 1990s, several students’ unions departed from the organization, creating the Ontario Undergraduate Student Association and Canadian Alliance of Student Associations, of which Western’s undergraduates are a part. Yet this year, in which 13 different students’ unions across Canada have put forward petitions to address their membership in CFS, stands as potentially a defining moment in the history of Canada’s largest student lobbying organization.


—Rick Telfer, president of the Society of Graduate Students at Western

Graduate students at Western $


“A secondary aim of the counter-petition is to raise awareness about the secret agenda of the Conservative party activists who are leading the attack on the Federation.”

The Lobbying Relationship


On Western’s campus, two groups are waged in a tense debate about the lobbying future for graduate students. On one side, some students have expressed dissatisfaction with the operations and lobbying efforts of the Canadian Federation of Students, of which Western’s Society of Graduate Students is a member. A petition to initiate a referendum on continuing membership with the CFS was circulated earlier in September. CFS supporters comprise the opposite side, including the president of SOGS, Rick Telfer, who initiated a counter-petition in October. The dispute comes at a time when 12 other university student unions across the country are engaged in petition campaigns to address their membership with the CFS. For the average student, this is a perplexing debate to untangle. The CFS and its supporters attest to the organization’s diligent lobbying on behalf of students and its various successes throughout almost three decades, ranging from tuition freezes to initiatives on a range of social issues. Its opponents, as cited in articles from various other campus newspapers, have alleged there is internal corruption within the CFS, alongside a lack of transparency.

SOGS and the CFS On Western’s campus, the question of SOGS’ involvement with the CFS started back in September, when former SOGS executive members Dan Dechene and Jonathan Meyer circulated a petition hoping to initiate a membership referendum. As it stands, the national branch of the CFS indicated they have received the petition from Western, though representative David Molenhuis stressed the National Executive had yet to meet to review the petition. At the same time as the original petition was being circulated, a separate petition, which involved current SOGS president Rick Telfer and several other graduate students, was passed around. Telfer explained the second petition aimed to accumulate concrete evidence of graduate students’ interest in remaining in a united student movement. He went on to outline further aims of the petition. “A secondary aim of the counterpetition is to raise awareness about the secret agenda of the Conservative party activists who are leading the attack on the Federation,” Telfer said, adding another aim for the petition would be to allow an opportunity for students to remove themselves from the original petiton since some claimed to have been misled about its initiatives. When questioned, Molenhuis explained he was not aware of a

$ $$ $ $

Gazette Staff

The organization currently known as CFS has a long history stretching back to 1981. Since its beginnings, the organization has grown to encompass hundreds of thousands of students across the country.


By Mike Hayes and Stuart A. Thompson

SOGS gives approximately $36,500 of student fees  to pay CFS fees

CFS CFS drafts policy papers  and government submissions both provincially and nationally

The Government



theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2009

“Miracle” required to avert strike Students to be compensated for loss of service By Meagan Kashty Gazette Staff

Students will have to pull out their running shoes come Monday morning. Amalgamated Transit Union Local 741 has confirmed they will completely withdraw service, as of Monday, Nov. 16. Although the London Transit Commission website noted they will continue to provide a safe, secure and reasonably reliable service, the outlook is bleak. Emily Rowe, president of the University Students’ Council, met with the union president yesterday morning to discuss the strike.

“He said the only way [the possibility of a strike] would change is if there were a miracle — and he doesn’t believe in miracles,” Rowe said. “It’s safe to say they will be striking on Monday.” During Wednesday’s USC meeting, Rowe and Dan Moulton, vicepresident university affairs, assured council they, in co-operation with the University, are examining all possible options for students. According to Rowe, the contract between the USC and the LTC states if service is withdrawn for more than 72 hours, the commission is required to refund 52 cents to each student per business day. “That money will go back to the

students 100 per cent, whether it be [through] giving them another kind of service, or [refunding it],” Rowe noted. “Fifty-two cents will be much more effective going into the collective whole to help students, as opposed to collecting the money individually.” While some students agonize over the potential walk to school on Monday morning, others will be more adversely affected. “The loss of public transit is devastating to bachelor of education students,” Vince Cifani, USC councillor for the faculty of education, said. “Our elementary and secondary school practicum have begun and with placements stretched as far as the farthest bus route, we are left to our own devices on how to get there.” Cifani added attendance for practicum is non-negotiable, and an absence of three days will result in an immediate fail. Rowe mentioned the USC will continue to meet with the University in order to determine the most appropriate course of action to serve students in the event of a strike. Concerned Londoners will meet this afternoon between 3 and 6 p.m. at Victoria Park to rally in support of an agreement between the union and LTC. —With files from Shreya Tekriwal


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CLARIFICATION A portion of the article “Fear of retaliation discouraging reports of hate crimes” appearing in the Nov. 11 edition of the Gazette should have read as follows: Michelle Boyce, president of Diversity Training Live, echoed this sentiment. She cited a London survey on LGBT health where 27 per cent of respondents had been victims of hate crime. Of the victims, 78 per cent had not reported to police. The Gazette regrets any confusion.

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news ➤ P3

theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2009

Debate gets political

CFS: A Brief History of Operational Successes • 75,000-plus graduate students are members of the Federation’s National Graduate Caucus • 2004: Ontario announces $6.2 billion increase in funding for post-secondary education over six years • 2004 - 2006: Ontario tuition freeze resulting from the Vote Education campaign • 2005: Federal budget amendment allocated $1.5 billion for tuition fee reductions • 2005: Successfully lobbied the federal government to allow international students to work off-campus • 2006: Launch of “Task Force on the Needs of Muslim Students” to gather the experiences and insights of Muslim students on how to make campuses more inclusive and how to challenge Islamophobia • 2007: Launch of classaction lawsuit against Ontario community colleges for collecting prohibited fees, resulting in tighter regulations of university and college ancillary fees protocol • 2008: Federal government established a national system of need-based grants as a result of the “Grants Not Loans” campaign • Only student organization in Canada that is a coalition partner with the Canadian Association of University Teachers



precedent for a counter-petition like the one held at Western. “Within my knowledge of meetings, I haven’t seen [a counter-petition] transpire before so I would say no, I’m not aware of that having arisen either past or present. “With my knowledge of the bylaws […] it’s ultimately the discretion of the National Executive to make whatever decision.” Reforming the Federation On Oct. 15, the Post-Graduate Students’ Society at McGill University, along with six other student unions released a 46-page reformation proposal, claiming there was a “wave of dissent” against some CFS practices. The package included 43 motions to reform the organization, such as releasing the salaries of executives and separating the main body of CFS from CFS-Services, which operates discount cell phone and travel businesses. Ladan Mahabadi, the vice-president of external and governmental affairs for the McGill PGSS, said each motion will be reviewed and discussed separately by CFS. “I’m glad to see the motions were included in the annual general meeting for consideration,” she said of CFS’ reaction. “But I’m also very disappointed in a response that was circulated by the CFS to other local members and supporters that they called the motions a series of false and malicious claims. That they labelled our reform as an internal matter is also disappointing.” Geoff Bardwell, a PhD candidate at Concordia and a former graduate student at Western, said the student population at the university is united against CFS. “The feeling here is not just with graduate students, but with all students, not just limited to the universities,” he said via e-mail. “While there are some people here who support the CFS, they are within the

Six student unions leave CFS and form the another student union: the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA)

Western graduate students begin circulating a petition to leave the CFS late Sept.

Partisan Politics and the CFS Debate Since the first rumblings of petitions on various campuses began to circulate in the early fall, there have been accusations thrown back and forth by both those who would wish to stay with the CFS and those hoping to leave. In many cases, supporters of the CFS have pointed to Conservative party involvement with many defederation movements. The website is a part of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Campus Association. This fact, coupled with numerous reports in the spring of this year regarding Conservative party involvement with

late Sept.

1995 2007

Canadian Alliance of Students Association (CASA) is formed

SOGS president Rick Telfer begins circulating pro-CFS petition early Oct.

— with files from Meagan Kashty, Lauren Pelley and Cheryl Stone

Find extended interviews Read the complete reform package View the CFS campaign victories Join the conversation and read previous CFS articles


CFS membership reaches 65 student unions, invovling 444,000 students

Students at the University of Guelph begin petitioning to leave the CFS

campus conservative groups, have led many to criticize the defederation movement as a partisan attack. In a personal blog post, SOGS president Rick Telfer alluded that the main supporters of the petition to create a referendum have strong Conservative party ties. These views have drawn their own criticisms from individuals seeking to leave the Federation. One such group, comprised mainly of Concordia University students, created a public “Open Letter from the Left,” in an attempt to argue criticism of the Federation does not necessarily require partisan support. Beisan Zubi, one of the signers of the letter and former chief electoral officer at Concordia, explained her hope to see the organization change. “I am extremely progressive,” Zubi said. “I do not identify with any Conservative party ideological slant … I think it’s a diversionary tactic. “Can we be critical of the student movement?” she added. “Can we ask about issues like transparency and accountability and open participation to every member?” Molenhuis expressed his regret at the idea of the debate surrounding the CFS being “hijacked” by partisan arguing. “I don’t like to see partisan politics taking place,” Molenhuis said. “This is a student movement and we should be working towards more accessible, affordable, highquality post-secondary education at all times. “That’s the conversation I’m interested in having — not levying accusations.”

more online at

1993 1994


CFS forms

minority.” Surrounding the issue of the motions was a claim widely reported by campus media, indicating the national office of CFS had sent “cease and desist” letters to CFSQuebec. Molenhuis explained there was a misunderstanding on behalf of CFS-Q with the whole issue. “[CFS bylaws] call for an election process that wasn’t adhered to [with CFS-Q] and now there’s some individuals who are alleging that they represent the Quebec component of the federation as spelled out by [our bylaws],” Molenhuis said. “That’s not the case though, and that’s why we’re in the situation we’re in right now.” The reformation package arrived at CFS’ doorstep just days before Concordia’s student union submitted a petition to hold a referendum assessing their membership in the Federation. According to Mahabadi, the two movements are independent of each other.

Over 20 new student unions join CFS

Concordia University releases reform package, which was supported by other Quebec universities. Oct. 15

THE CFS DEBATE In Their Own Words “Our decision-making body is a democratic one and [member unions] are able to change the structure of the Federation, they’re able to change any of the bylaws or policies of the Federation to make them more accessible […] We’ve done a lot of work to make sure that that happens.” —Dave Molenhuis, CFS National Treasurer

“I have had some recurring questions and criticisms of the CFS that I’ve been dealing with for awhile, and it seemed like nobody was really articulating just how frustrating it is dealing with an organization that sees any voice of reform as a dissident, aggressive posture that must be taken on immediately and squashed in order to maintain some sort of progressive, unified student movement.” —Beisan Zubi, former Concordia Chief Electoral Officer

“To us I think the issue [of holding referendums on continuing membership] is not an ideological one as it’s been labelled. Rather it’s an issue of justice and improving what is the student movement in Canada on a level that has nothing to do with Conservatives, NDPs, Liberals, or any of these labels [...].” —Gregory Johannson, President of (now-defunct) CFS-Q

“It’s the only national student organization in Canada that has, for years, tenaciously fought for ordinary students and their families, and for a vision of post-secondary education that guarantees equality of access for all regardless of socioeconomic background, and regardless of those other vicious social barriers that serve to divide rather than unite us — like homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism, and racism. It’s certainly not a vision favoured by Canada’s ruling elite.”

2008 Two universities leave the CFS and the University of Ottawa rejoins

—Blog post by Rick Telfer

2009 Thirteen universities hold petitions to leave the CFS

Students at Concordia submit a petition to leave the CFS with signatures from 13.7 per cent of students Oct. 19

The CFS ➤ A timeline in brief puzzle solution from page 6



theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2009

thegazette Volume 103, issue 41 If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. —DEREK BOK

Ryan Hendrick

Carly Conway

Jaela Bernstien


Deputy Editor

Managing Editor

Editor - [email protected] Deputy - [email protected] Managing - [email protected] website at University Community Centre Rm. 263 The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, CANADA. N6A 3K7 Editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580 Advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579 The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students’ Council.

Epidemic of Ignorance Emily Rowe is not seen around campus because she’s busy — lobbying for you. The Gazette’s editorials are supposed to be biased — they’re opinions. People wore poppies this week because it was Remembrance Day— it’s an annual event. These facts should be common knowledge to the average “well-educated” Western student, but they’re not. A skim through the Gazette’s opinions section or a glance at everyone’s favourite Facebook group — “Overheard at UWO” — will reveal a quickly spreading disease at Western — ignorance. London is infamous for its Western Bubble — a phenomenon causing students to lose touch with all aspects of reality beyond the doors of Club Weldon and Tim Horton’s lineups. While they might not admit it, campuses everywhere are filled with uninformed students. There’s no excuse for ignorance, especially with the advancements of technology. University Students’ Council minutes can be read online at the click of a button; events occurring overseas are updated and read live on Twitter; our ability to send and receive information is ever-expanding. But if anything, people seem less informed than ever. Tools like Facebook and Twitter are more apt to spread misinformation than truth, with modern technology providing a soapbox to anyone who has two marbles rolling around upstairs. Add people’s reluctance to research their opinions together with the rapid speed of communication and you have the perfect formula for an epidemic of ignorance. Part of the onus also falls on governments and associations who should be doing their best to reach out and inform constituents. That said, it’s also up to individuals to seek out knowledge and bring themselves up to speed on all issues — from student politics to bus strikes. Ultimately the responsibility lies with both parties to spread truth and education. But why at an academic institution, where people are supposedly pursuing enlightenment, is there such a plague of misinformation? In actuality, students are no more ignorant than the average citizen — they’re simply louder. They often make the mistake of assuming that with a degree comes the need to share your opinion on all issues —informed or not. Take, for example, the general student attitude towards the bus strike. Many are quick to criticize the City or the USC for not doing more to intervene — but how many of those same people have actually contacted their council representative or ward councillor for more information? There’s nothing wrong with being ignorant, after all, it’s impossible to be informed on every subject. The problem arises when people publicly voice their uninformed opinions, or worse, criticisms. If you choose to live under the sheltered rock of academia — fine. But please keep it to yourself. Editorials appearing under the ‘opinions’ heading are decided upon by a majority of the editorial board and are written by a member of the editorial board but are not necessarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member. All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors or staff. Letters: Must include the contributor’s name, identification (ie. History II, Dean of Arts) and be submitted to [email protected]. Letters judged by the Editor-In-Chief to be libelous or derogatory will not be published. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters and submissions and makes no guarantees that a letter will be published. All articles, letters, photographs, graphics, illustrations and cartoons published in The Gazette, both in the newspaper and online versions, are the property of The Gazette. By submitting any such material to The Gazette for publication, you grant to The Gazette a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable license to publish such material in perpetuity in any media, including but not limited to, The Gazette‘s hard copy and online archives. • Please recycle this newspaper •


Too few Remember Re “Lest we forget — Western Remembers” Nov. 11, 2009 The fact that so few Canadians plan on attending a remembrance ceremony is absolutely disgusting. Twenty per cent of Canadians? That’s it? Don’t the millions of men and women who have died, and continue to die, for our country deserve more than that? They didn’t give up 20 per cent of their life; they gave it all. They risk their lives daily so that we may continue to be free, say what we want, do what we want, wear what we want and be protected by our government. The very least they deserve is for all Canadians to spend 20 minutes remembering their enormous sacrifices. In the time it takes to drink a coffee and read the paper, millions of lives could be honoured. Let’s hope this happens more in the years to come. —Lauren Lessard Medicine III

Answer for midterm woes Re: “Midterms cause more frustration” Nov. 5, 2009 To the editor: There is an alternative to having to skip regularly scheduled lectures/labs/tutorials for out-of-class midterms; here is an excerpt from the Academic and Scholarship Policy: “The department/faculty shall ensure that all conflicts with previously scheduled classes or tests are resolved, either by rescheduling the tests, or by offering

Section Editors 2009-2010 News Meagan Kashty Abid-Aziz Ladhani Cheryl Stone Shreya Tekriwal Stuart Thompson Arts & Entertainment Amber Garratt Nicole Gibillini Maddie Leznoff Sports Daniel Da Silva Grace Davis Arden Zwelling

Senior Mike Hayes Lauren Pelley Opinions Jaclyn Haggarty Photography Laura Barclay Brett Higgs Corey Stanford Graphics Ali Chiu Jesse Tahirali Web Stuart Thompson

an equivalent test at another time for those students who have declared a conflict prior to the test in accordance with policy as set by the department.” This implies that a regularly scheduled class takes precedence over a test or an exam for another course scheduled outside of regular class time, and the instructor/department wishing to hold the test must accommodate the affected students as long as they have declared the conflict. I hope this helps clear some of Ms. Beatty’s frustrations. —Peter Ko PhD candidate, Chemistry

Lessons in bus etiquette Re “Transit workers set Nov. 16 strike date” Nov. 5, 2009 To the editor: By now, students are probably aware of the imminent strike looming over London. By now, most bus riders have realized that suddenly there is a little less room to breathe on the buses. But by now, I would have expected students to understand your bag on the seat beside you means one less person can get to class on time. Next week, we will have no bus service for who knows how long. In the meantime, however, it’s important to sacrifice some of your personal bubble. This includes moving all the way to the back of the bus to let others squeeze on. It means taking off your bag and putting it on the floor so you’re not inadvertently knocking everyone over. Please don’t take up three seats when you don’t need to. If you want to sit in the aisle seat, wait for someone to sit in the window seat first. We all met the academic requirements for a university education, so why is it we lack common sense? —Erin Haertel

Drama is back from the dead Re: “Chekhov plays come to life in Conron Hall,” Nov. 5 2009 To the editor: I would like to correct a claim made in the article previewing the department of English’s annual fall production for 2009. The article commends the cast and crew for keeping the spirit of theatre alive, “despite the lack of an official drama program.” While the department of English abolished its drama program more than 10 years ago, we have recently introduced a number of ways by which students can develop their interests in theatre. The cast and crew of the annual fall production have the option of counting their contribution on or behind the stage as an academic credit. Further, students who participate in the annual fall production may go on to take two university-level half courses that the department of English offers in partnership with the Stratford Shakespeare Festival. These courses form the core of the new certificate in theatre arts, which was approved by Senate earlier this year and has already attracted considerable interest from students who are looking toward a career in the dramatic arts, or to count “drama” as a teachable in their applications to B.Ed. programs. The spirit of live theatre is indeed very much alive at Western, and the department of English will continue to foster it in the future. —Christopher Keep Chair of undergraduate studies Department of English

Don’t be fooled. I still want more letters.

Send your thoughts to [email protected]

Physics IV


Gazette Staff 2009-2010

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Ryan Abreu, Tara Athar, Katherine Atkinson, Erin Baker, Mary Ann Boateng, Jordan Brown, Dylan Clark, Julie-Anne Cleyn, Caitlin Conroy, Sari Rose Conter, Adam Crozier, Angela Easby. Adam Feldman, Mark Filipowich, Allie Fonarev, Jennifer Gautier, Ricki-Lee Gerbrandt, Jeremy Gritten, Elton Hobson, Eliot Hong, Alan Hudes, Aras Kolya, Aaron Korolnek, Jay LaRochelle, Colin Lim, Jared Lindzon, Julia Lovgren, Kevin Melhuish, Paula Meng, Lauren Moore, Ora Morison, Jessie Murdock, Maciej Pawlak, Jonathan Pinkus, Jaymin Proulx, Gennelle Smith, Cali Travis, Jennifer Urbanski, Dale Williams, Casey Yetman, Emily Zhou

Gazette Composing Ian Greaves, Manager Maja Anjoli-Bilić, Cheryl Forster Gazette Advertising Alex McKay, Manager Mark Ritchie, Karen Savino, Diana Watson


ArtsEntertainment Colonial Elegance mixes multimedia and humour Unorthodox exhibit shows “there’s nothing elegant about colonialism” By Lauren Moore Gazette Staff

Gazette File Photo

OPEN FOR INTERPRETATION. Quebec artists Carl Bouchard and Martin Dufrasne transformed the Forest City Gallery into a space that explores themes of colonialism.

Forest City Gallery is avoiding convention with Colonial Elegance. Created by Quebec artists, Carl Bouchard and Martin Dufrasne, the exhibit challenges paradigms of colonialism. They explore relationships by using a variety of materials and presentation forms, from photographs to 3D pieces. “The show is called Colonial Elegance, and everyone knows that there is nothing elegant about colonialism. They’re confronting your view of the exotic,” Forest City Gallery director Jason Schiedel says. Spectators are greeted by an overwhelming number of featured works upon entering the gallery. The display serves a distinct purpose — “Everything that you see has been totally tailored. There’s not a surface here that hasn’t been considered,” he says. Scheidel praises the metamorphosis accomplished by Bouchard and Dufrasne. “They’ve been terrific guests, completely transforming the gallery into a different experience than we’ve ever had here before,” he says. Colonial Elegance heavily relies on photographs to communicate

the artists’ message of breaking preestablished conventions. “The photographic works you see are about relationships, of friendship at many different types of duals,” Dufrasne explains. The themes that range from friendship to rivalry and lust are all presented with a comedic influence.

It’s always about “consideration of the total experience. It’s almost cinematic.

— Jason Schiedel, Forest City Gallery director

“We wanted our work to be more humorous, to have a kind of twist and to be more theatrical,” Dufrasne says. The installation uses unorthodox media. For example, a wooden fence bound by gold chains in the middle of the gallery serves to conduct traffic as well as demonstrate a feminine twist on colonialism. “This material, this culture, it’s

also a cliché or an archetype of men’s work,” Dufrasne remarks. The mixture of harsh and soft lighting in the exhibit generates a semi-theatrical experience. The unique arrangement of the artwork ensures the spectator will be occupied throughout their entire visit. “It’s always about consideration of the total experience. It’s almost cinematic,” Schiedel says. As one of the founding artist-run centres in Canada, Forest City Gallery is constantly looking for alternative approaches in its presentation of artwork. “You get to do painting shows and sculpting shows, but installation is a very different kind of approach,” Schiedel says. By featuring diverse Canadian artists, the gallery hopes to provide unique artistic cultural perspectives to the London community. Colonial Elegance is an experience — with coloured walls and seemingly incoherent displays, Forest City Gallery fosters an environment that allows viewers to explore issues of colonialism from an unusual perspective. Colonial Elegance will be on display until Dec. 4 at Forest City Gallery. The gallery is located at 258 Richmond St. Hours are TuesdaySaturday 12-5 p.m.

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theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2009


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raising children after the untimely passing of his wife, Katy. With a sixyear-old (McAnulty) and a teenager from a past marriage (MacKay), Joe struggles with discipline and house chores — two foreign tasks to the “away-on-business” father. After Joe finds his son doing cannonballs into a local motel’s bathtub, he is confronted with the question that changes their family dynamic forever — “Can I do it again, Daddy? Can I?” The three words “just say yes” become an integral part of daily life for the Warrs, where balloon fights and soccer in the house are daily occurrences. After years of fast-paced action movies, Owen falls comfortably into the role of Joe and delivers a heartwarming performance some critics have called Oscar-worthy. However, six-year-old McAnulty gave the A-lister a run for his money, as he perfectly complemented Owen. The newcomer was charming on-screen as the rambunctious son. The Boys are Back will take you from deep belly laughs to heartfelt tears that will surely require an obscene amount of tissues — it’s not often a movie so candidly taps at your funny bone while also hitting the emotional nail on its head. Directed by Academy Award nominee Hicks, the film has been featured at the Toronto International Film Festival and London Film Festival. The Boys are Back is now being screened in participating theatres on limited release, and will show at London’s Hyland Cinema. The Boys are Back makes its London debut today at Hyland Cinema. Visit for showtimes.

sports ➤ P7

theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2009

Mustangs chase three-peat Gazette Staff

Mustangs quarterback Michael Faulds and his Queen’s counterpart Dan Brannagan aren’t brothers but their rivalry is almost sibling-like. “We have a mutual respect for each other,” Faulds said. “We always get pretty excited to play each other — we’ve done that quite a bit over the past five years.” The two QBs were neck and neck for the Canadian Interuniversity Sport all-time passing mark until the final week of the season when Faulds edged Brannagan by 97 yards. A week prior Brannagan’s Gaels defeated the Mustangs 27-26 in a game that was considered by many to be an instant classic. Now, two days after Faulds was chosen as the Ontario University Athletics MVP over Brannagan, the two will face off once again, in the 102nd playing of the Yates Cup this Saturday in Kingston. The two QBs have been on a collision course all season with this Saturday bringing an end to a university career for one of them. For Mustangs head coach Greg Marshall, there is no debate about who’s had a better run. “Michael Faulds will play in his fourth Yates Cup this Saturday and it probably would have been five if he hadn’t broken his hand in his second season,” Marshall explained. “No knock to Brannagan, but this is his first Yates Cup.” The Mustangs will need more than just consistent play behind centre to beat Queen’s on Saturday. The last time these two teams met, the Gaels escaped with a one-point victory on a Blaise Morrison touchdown with 13 seconds

remaining in the game. The Mustangs defence shouldered much of the blame for the last-second defeat. “For most of the game our defence played well,” Marshall said of his team. “On that last drive we made some mistakes and gave them an easy score at the end. But for the most part I feel like our defence did a good job.” Faulds agreed with his coach, asserting the responsibility lies on his offence to capitalize on red zone opportunities and score points. “Our defence took a lot of the blame for that loss against Queen’s the first time but there’s so many points offensively that we left off the board,” he said. “Our defence played really well against Guelph and Laurier in the playoffs. They’re pretty eager to face Queen’s again.” Nagging injuries to Faulds and running back Nathan Riva could pose a challenge to the Mustangs offence as they chase their thirdstraight Yates Cup championship. Both players were visibly limping in the Mustangs semifinal victory over Laurier last Saturday. “[My knee] is hanging in there. Only three more weeks — that’s all that matters,” Faulds said of his injury. “At this time of year when you’re playing in the playoffs, everyone is banged up. It’s just a matter of how you fight through it and how you can deal with it.” Marshall downplayed Riva’s injuries, saying reports that Riva was playing hurt have been exaggerated. The sophomore back has paced the Mustang offence throughout the post-season, putting up 450 rushing yards in the Mustangs two playoff games. However, Marshall said he would not be relying too heavily on his

ground game this Saturday. “We have to be like our defence and not be predictable,” Marshall said. “With our offence, I believe that we’re balanced and I think that we can run the football if we need to and we can throw the football if we need to.” For Faulds and Brannagan, the game will mean the end of a fiveyear rivalry. “We had a great game earlier this year. It came down to the last drive and we’re expecting it to be similar this game. It’s going to be a tough battle,” Faulds said.


Rated PG

SNEAK PREVIEW Thur, Nov. 19th


By Arden Zwelling


MORE ONLINE Chat live with fans and sports editors during the Gazette’s live blog. YATES CUP

Western vs Queen’s only at

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W 4 4 3 2 3 3 2 1 0 0

L 0 1 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 5

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Sundays - 4:00 - 11:00pm

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L 0 0

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ON DECK: Yates Cup coverage... Tuesday

Turkiewicz snipes the Pipe By Grace Davis Gazette Staff

After scoring three goals in men’s hockey’s weekend sweep against York and Waterloo, right-winger Keaton Turkiewicz snatched this week’s Purple Pipe for his outstanding play. After an impressive playoff performance in his first year at Western last season, Turkiewicz, a former OHL player, has seven goals and four assists this season. Turkiewicz took some time to sit down with the Gazette to discuss offence, the Memorial Cup and keeping things loose with the team. How long have you been playing hockey and why did you start? I’ve been playing since I was four or five. My dad got me into it; he played professional hockey, and growing up in Brantford, hockey was always around. What can we expect to see from the team this year? We have a lot of returning guys. Losing in the national final game was probably the hardest thing our team had to go through, and we knew we would have a lot of work to do. We know how hard it was in the playoffs. We had a couple of big wins but it could’ve gone either

way, so we know it’s not going to be a shoe-in to get to nationals again. In terms of style of play, what will Western be known for? It’s got to be offence. We have a lot of guys that can put the puck in the net; even our defence is going to be putting up numbers. We’re going to be a wide-open team, moving the puck and using our speed to play smart hockey. What was it like playing in the OHL? It was awesome. I started up in Sudbury then got traded to the west [division] in Windsor then went east to Belleville, so I was all over and met a bunch of awesome guys along the way. In the last year, we made it to the Memorial Cup. We had an awesome team that year. Which NHL player do you respect the most and why? My favourite player is probably Wendel Clark. I’ve always been a Leafs fan, and he was a captain there. He put the puck in the net and he fought and he was just a tough guy. He just had a big heart and I admire that. Favourite hockey memory? Definitely scoring the overtime goal in the Memorial Cup in Kitchener two years ago. The hockey team travels quite a bit.

What does the team normally do to stay entertained? At restaurants we’ll play little games like sneaking around the tables and putting butter or condiments on someone’s shoe to keep the guys on their toes. We usually go after the new guys on the team. We’ll always get a couple of laughs but nothing too harmful happens. When we went to nationals last year, guys [who] left their rooms open might’ve gotten their beds flipped apart. When you go out, are you normally the wingman or the pilot, and what is your best pickup line/strategy? Neither right now because I have a girlfriend. I’m not really one for pickup lines but I guess I would just scout out the situation and play it from there. Maybe try to get them out on the dance floor and loosen up the shoulders. Who’s the clown on the team? We have a bunch of funny guys in their own ways. Our captain, Luc Martin, is pretty funny. He’s always trying to throw out clever one-liners that sometimes are, sometimes aren’t — but he’s pretty good. Kyle Lamb is always pretty good for a story. He’s always got something up his sleeve. Whether the stories are true or not, I don’t know, but he’s always got something to say.

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