Friday, November 20, 2009

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Also lost to Queen’s … p.8

Graphic novel bike opera … p.5

Response explanations … p.3

thegazette ... uncertain of our futures since 1906

I t ’s tough to write about yourself. No one wants to sound self-absorbed, yet downplaying your strengths isn’t beneficial. The truth is, many post-graduate programs require some form of personal statement –– so it’s good to know what to include, and what to avoid. Step 1: Do your research Find out what sort of essay your application requires. Length, format and criteria regarding its content are all factors you should know. Equally important is doing some in-depth research on the program to which you’re applying. While your person-


al statement is about you, it should also be specifically tailored. Find out about things like the courses offered and whether or not there are placements or internships, and then express within your statement why these aspects of the program fit you.

When writing your personal statement: DO • Read the school’s expectations • Write plainly and professionally • Proofread repeatedly • Discuss concrete experiences DON’T • Restate your entire resumé • Discuss your religious or political beliefs • Use gimmicks or clichés

Step 2: Write it (and re-write it) When writing your statement,

Head to the Student Services website at and click on “My Present” to locate Degree Audit.

By Lauren Pelley refrain from using generalizations and clichés. Don’t say, “I’m a team player” in lieu of explaining your leadership role and specific contributions to a project. In addition, highlight the most pertinent and compelling examples of your successes rather than simply regurgitating your resumé verbatim. Most important, write professionally, but allow your personality to shine through. Step 3: Proofread Proofread, proofread, proofread. It’s crucial. One typo can ruin an otherwise good impression, so read your statement over, show it to your Mom, send a copy to your significant other –– then read it over again. Once it’s submitted, there’s no turning back.


Did you know? If you’re graduating, you can run an online Degree Audit to ensure you have all the courses necessary for your degree. If you’re short a credit, chances are you won’t find out until the end of the year –– and no one wants that surprise! Check out the Degree Audit feature now to be safe.

Part 1: The Basics

Q: What’s the difference between a resumé and a CV? A: While it’s easy to assume that resumés and CVs, a.k.a. curriculum vitaes, are interchangeable documents, there are few key differences. Resumés are short, focused summaries of your skills and experience. Traditionally just one page in length, they highlight major academic and professional accomplishments. CVs, on the other hand, provide an in-depth account of your life –– so include all applicable classes, awards, honours, jobs and extracurricular involvement. There is no limit on their length, so use as much space as needed. Overall, resumés provide a self-promoting snapshot of your experiences, while CVs include comprehensive, detailed background information. Got a question about life after undergrad? E-mail us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

Part 2 Next week Check Tuesday’s paper for med school info

Obtaining a reference letter –– whether for a grad school application or a job opportunity –– is a crucial step to making a good first impression. Yet asking for a reference can be a nervewracking experience. Which professors are best to ask? Is it rude to ask for two, three, or even a dozen letters? For many applicants, it may be a big relief to know there is standard etiquette when it comes to reference letters.

Who should be your reference? Keep in mind a few criteria when deciding who to approach for a reference. Reputation goes a long way, particularly when applying to a post-grad program, so it’s better to ask a fulltime professor than a TA. The professor should also be someone familiar with your work. Asking your first-year politics professor from a 200-person lecture, for instance, might not be the best idea. Consider the following: Did you do well in the professor’s course? Did they personally mark your essays or exams? Did you show up to their class regularly? If the answer to one or more of these is no, you might want to pick a different reference.

How to ask for a reference letter The most important thing when asking for a reference is to do it well in advance. It’s part of a professors job to provide students with references, but they’re busy people –– so it’s good to give them ample notice of at least a month or more before your deadline. Ask for the letter either in person or through a professional, well-written e-mail. Don’t forget to include information about


how m a n y letters you will need and when they will be due.

The crucial step: following up Your job is far from over once you’ve asked for a reference. To make things easier for your professor be sure to provide them with information. Your resumé, personal statement/cover letter, academic history and contact information are crucial. But think of other helpful tidbits, too –– such as portfolio samples if you’re applying to a media program. You also need to let your reference know exactly how to submit the letter, whether by mail or online. Sending e-mails regularly checking on the progress might seem like nagging, but it’s a good way to keep your references informed and remind them of upcoming deadlines.

Saying thank you Professors expect to be asked for references, but that doesn’t mean a warm thank you isn’t required for their effort. A sincere e-mail or inperson thanks is sufficient. Tokens of your appreciation should only be given once the letter is completed, and some professors will not accept gifts due to the appearance of bribery. What often means the most is finding out if their reference paid off –– so drop them a line to say if you got your dream job or acceptance letter.



theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2009

EVENTS CALENDAR Sat, Nov. 21 • Western’s Fall Preview Day When: All day Where: All over campus What: Prospective Western students will have a chance to tour campus and speak to students and staff about the Western experience. • The Fine Print Live Concert — United Way fundraiser When: 6 – 8 p.m. Where: Goodwill Bookstore, 1044 Adelaide St. N What: Come listen to local sixties mod band The Fine Print. Suggested

donation is $5. For more information call: 519-433-2665 Sun, Nov. 22 • Museum of Archaeology – “Christmas in a Longhouse” Aboriginal Art and Craft Sale When: 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Where: Museum of Ontario Archaeology, 1600 Attawandaron Rd. What: First Nations artists demonstrations and sales; offering an opportunity to purchase unique gifts for the holiday season.

Mon, Nov. 23 • Guest Speaker for Humour Writing 2213 When: 12:30 – 2:20 p.m. Where: Talbot College, Rm. 341 What: Gemini award winning comedy actor and writer Brooks Gray will be sharing his insights on humour and how to survive in the world of Canadian comedy. All arts and humanities students welcome. Admission free, but seating is limited. If you have an event you would like to share please send your information to [email protected]

NEWSBRIEFS European slugs invading Canada A rare 10 cm slug native to Europe was recently found in Etobicoke. First discovered by Lisa Bendall and her daughter Emily, the slug had never been previously reported in Ontario. Aleta Karstad is an amateur malacologist — a slug and snail enthusiast. She was the first to receive photos and live samples from the Bendalls. “I was very pleased to see [the slugs] in Toronto,” Karstad said. “I hadn’t seen one since […] it was shipped to me from Victoria, B.C.

[…] in 2008.” Karstad noted she is not certain what species these slugs are. However, at present, the slug is considered to be closely identified with the species Arion rufus or red slug — a European slug whose colour ranges from black to bright orange. If proven to be of European descent, the question still remains whether these slugs arrived recently or have been here undetected for a long time. After the announcement, Karstad began receiving reports of similar slugs in different parts of Ontario. “The project is becoming quite exciting,” she said. —Aaron Pinto

‘Stache cash for cancer During the month of November, students known as “Mo Bros” are


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growing moustaches to raise awareness for prostate cancer. The moustache is meant raise money and provoke conversation between participants and strangers about prostate cancer and other health issues affecting men. “The event we’re hosting at the end of the month, 100 per cent of the profits are going to Prostate Cancer Canada,” said Lisa Caruso, co-director of the program. In order to participate, one must simply grow a mustache for the whole month of November. Since Movember’s inception in 2004, the charity has raised $51 million globally. A group of MBA students at Ivey joined with students from the business, law and medical programs at Western to grow moustaches and raise money. The Ivey team has collected about $8,000 so far this year. “Our school is second to [University of Toronto]. We’re over $8,000 now raised, without tickets from the fundraiser,” Caruso said. To celebrate their achievement, the “Mo Bros” and “Mo Sistas” are hosting Mo Night Fever — the largest Movember party in London, hosted at Mansion nightclub on Nov. 27. To donate money, please visit


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theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2009

Legal issues hindered USC, admin’s response to strike Replacement buses would conflict with provincial statute By Meagan Kashty

Ontario Municipal Act, 2001, Bylaw 69 pt 2

Gazette Staff

As Amalgamated Transit Union Local 741 enters its fifth day of striking, rumours are flying around campus. University administration and the University Students’ Council are meeting daily in an attempt to find some sort of relief, but the process has left some students unsatisfied. “I know they’re kind of in a jam […] I feel the [Flag and Tag] program is kind of sketchy,” said Daniel Brett, second-year business management and organizational studies student. “It would be great if they could offer a full scale bus service.” “I think frankly they should outsource some metro buses and drivers,” Dan Van Kessel, fourth-year Ivey student, said. The USC has explored the option of a shuttle system, according to USC president Emily Rowe; however, City bylaws prohibited anything to that effect. “[A shuttle] was our top priority, but there’s just no way,” Rowe said. “There’s a bylaw that says if a city [has] a transportation system set up, no one can shadow that service.” As a result, many other transportation alternatives have gone unrealized. “A lot of malls’ and grocery stores’ properties are unionized, so they wouldn’t allow shuttles to stop there,” Rowe explained. “They’re allowing the vans that are available now by the university to stop in certain areas, but if it were a bus service, we absolutely wouldn’t be allowed to stop.” “We knew from day one what we had thought about and put into action was comfortable [for the union],” said Gitta Kulczycki, Western vice-president resources and operations. School bus service, another option explored by the USC, also proved to be a dead end. “We looked into getting any buses we could in case of a strike, and every single option we looked at was impossible,” Rowe said. “The equipment was lacking, and the ATU overall supports any specific union, so getting the drivers was an issue.” Mike Murphy, secretary treasurer of Murphy Bus Lines, confirmed it was not an option for his company, but noted union solidarity played no part in the decision. “We’re under contract to the school board and we don’t have the drivers or the equipment to augment that service — it’s as simple as that,” Murphy said. While the USC and University meet, students are taking matters into their own hands.

(2) A municipality that has the authority to establish, operate and maintain a type of passenger transportation system may, (a) by bylaw provide that no person except the municipality shall establish, operate and maintain all or any part of a passenger transportation system of that type within all of the municipality or that area of the municipality designated in the bylaw Orest Katolyk, manager of bylaw enforcement for the City, noted a growth in the number of bandit cabs because of the strike. “It’s grown because of the strike, but the unique thing is the Internet – there’s so many social networking sites where people are offering rides,” Katolyk noted. James Donnelly, vice-president and chief operating officer for Aboutown Transportation Ltd., acknowledged the increase in bandit cabs. “As far as these cars that are holding themselves out to be ‘for hire,’ […] that is a dangerous thing and […] we do consider [it] something to be infringing on the taxi drivers,” Donnelly said. Katolyk added while websites simply saying they’re driving to Western and offering rides is fine, anyone acting as a taxi without the necessary licensing is infringing on a bylaw. “The whole issue about licensing focuses on public safety and consumer protection,” Katolyk said. “And when we license taxis we license not only the drivers but [also] the vehicles, so we require a safety check be done, we require a driver to have a police check done, we require examination of the driver’s knowledge of the rules of the road and another exam on knowledge of the city of London.” He added the fines for bandit cabs are set by the province and may reach a maximum of $500.

puzzle solution from page 6

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While negotiations continue to take place, students will be subject to the same academic policies. “The associate deans decided there shouldn’t be a blanket accommodation […] It’s one thing if you’re living a five-minute walk from campus or an hour long walk from campus,” John Doerksen, vice-provost academic programs and students, said. “It is because of that wide range of facts that associate deans want to deal with requests for academic accommodation on a caseby-base basis.” Rowe noted students are now entitled to some refunds. “We’ll see if [the union and the London Transit Commission] go back to the negotiating table,” she concluded. — with files from Mike Hayes and Cheryl Stone






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theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2009

thegazette Volume 103, issue 45 “The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” — TOM BODETT

Ryan Hendrick

Carly Conway

Jaela Bernstien


Deputy Editor

Managing Editor

Editor - [email protected] Deputy - [email protected] Managing - [email protected] website at University Community Centre Rm. 263 The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, CANADA. N6A 3K7 Editorial Offices: (519) 661-3580 Advertising Dept.: (519) 661-3579 The Gazette is owned and published by the University Students’ Council.

Will I Graduate? It’s not unheard of for students to innocently wrap up their final year, expecting to move on to grad school or a professional career, only to find out too late they are a credit short of graduation. There’s nothing worse than receiving a letter in June, informing you that your summer will be spent getting that forgotten credit, rather than earning money for grad school. How does this happen? Are students being left in the dark about their degree status? Who is to blame? It’s easy to fault Western for not offering students enough guidance. After all, university is a business — students are paying big bucks to get the education they want, and part of that is the guidance and counselling necessary to help them along the way. With the day-to-day stresses of university life — essays, assignments, exams — there is little time left for students to be worrying about their degree statuses. Many students fall prey to tunnel vision — pick classes, complete credits and repeat. The problem is, one simple mistake like missing the fine print could leave a student a credit short of graduation, despite the best of intentions. This is where it would seem logical for the University to step in. While manpower might be limited, why not implement a simple red flag system that would automatically notify students if they were falling short of their requirements for graduation? A yearly e-mail update on the status of their degree could also be helpful. Even now, there are many resources out there to help students better understand their degree requirements and show how close they are to fulfilling them. However, these are often poorly promoted. For example, students can currently log in to Student Services and perform a “degree audit” — a process that will indicate what credits have been finished and what courses remain for completion. This is an informative and helpful system — but how many students know about it? Even the students who do try to book an appointment with their counsellors are likely to be turned off by wait times and scheduling difficulties. However, a large part of the onus falls on the students. After all, there are far too many students taking far too many modules to expect academic counsellors to babysit them. Despite the stressful life of being a student, it’s hardly much to expect students to take responsibility for themselves and at least meet with their counsellors annually to make sure their degree requirements are in order. Ultimately it’s a two-way street — both the University and students should be doing their best to ensure there are no surprises at the end of final year. While, in an ideal world, the officials would make sure all of our i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed — that’s far from reality. The sooner students realize that, the better. Editorials appearing under the ‘opinions’ heading are decided upon by a majority of the editorial board and are written by a member of the editorial board but are not necessarily the expressed opinion of each editorial board member. All other opinions are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the USC, The Gazette, its editors or staff. Letters: Must include the contributor’s name, identification (ie. History II, Dean of Arts) and be submitted to [email protected]. Letters judged by the Editor-In-Chief to be libelous or derogatory will not be published. The Gazette reserves the right to edit letters and submissions and makes no guarantees that a letter will be published. All articles, letters, photographs, graphics, illustrations and cartoons published in The Gazette, both in the newspaper and online versions, are the property of The Gazette. By submitting any such material to The Gazette for publication, you grant to The Gazette a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable license to publish such material in perpetuity in any media, including but not limited to, The Gazette‘s hard copy and online archives. • Please recycle this newspaper •


Students deal without buses Re: “LTC workers to vote on picketing at Gates” Nov. 18, 2009 To the editor: I find it extremely disappointing that both the staff association and the faculty association at Western are calling for an end to the so-called “strike-breaking” shuttle vans organized by Western to help students get to and from campus safely. Why are our staff and faculty choosing to stand alongside our city’s transit drivers rather than our university’s own students? The reason is simple, I presume: unions love to blindly support other unions no matter what. For staff and faculty, a transit strike is probably a minor inconvenience, since most probably have personal vehicles and can afford to pay for parking on a temporary basis. For students, on the other hand, a transit strike can be paralyzing. It can mean walking 45 minutes to and from school in the rain or it can mean young females walking alone in the dark, worried about their personal safety. It can mean paying for a cab — $10 each way — just to make sure you can attend classes. I certainly hope Western continues to operate the shuttle van program, and I further hope the transit union doesn’t decide to picket in protest. It seems naive to me to withdraw services from paying customers and then go to where those customers work, study and live to harass them. —Jason Brown PhD Biology

To the editor: It boggles my mind the faculty association and staff association felt the need to “show solidarity” with the LTC workers by calling the shuttle service — which is

Arts & Entertainment Amber Garratt Nicole Gibillini Maddie Leznoff Sports Daniel Da Silva Grace Davis Arden Zwelling

—Matt Cloutier Science III

To the editor: The editorial on the ATU threats to picket the school is right on. The Western shuttle service would only constitute “strike-breaking” if it were run by the LTC, trying to replace lost service. If Coca-Cola workers were to go on strike, would they picket Pepsi? Or President’s Choice? I doubt it. The shuttle service is probably the only part of the University’s plan that has the capacity to reduce the dangers faced by students walking home at night. If the ATU cares about anyone other than

themselves, they should take student safety into account, which, is a little more important than whether the ATU is the seventh best paid union or first best paid union in Ontario. The UWOFA and UWOSA have embarrassed themselves by supporting such a move. They have lost respect in the eyes of many, and I hope they come to their senses, abandon blind union solidarity and support the school and the students. —Ben Singer Political Science IV

To the editor: I just wanted to thank the University, the Western community and volunteers for making this strike bearable. It’s a really wonderful feeling to look around and see the people of Western come together and support each other in this difficult time. We’ve all got our fingers crossed that this strike will be over by next week but in the meantime I feel like we need to acknowledge and give our appreciation to everyone in the community who has helped out. This week I have really been proud to be a Western student. I think it might be hard for some students to get over feelings of ill will toward bus drivers after the strike is over. A lot of us (myself included) feel like we were targeted and used as a tool for the bus drivers to get what they wanted. I don’t think any of us will forget that treatment any time soon, but I do believe that a lot of positive things came out of the Western community through this. So, I’d like to say thank you one more time.

We know you have you have opinions and you know we want them. Let’s work together. Send your letters to [email protected]

Section Editors 2009-2010 News Meagan Kashty Abid-Aziz Ladhani Cheryl Stone Shreya Tekriwal Stuart Thompson

at best a minor help and realistically a very small response to the problem of getting to school, a “strike-breaking activity.” A classmate of mine told me he had to leave at 6:30 a.m. to get to class. It took him three hours to walk to school — a sixhour round-trip isn’t an annoyance, it’s psychotic. Forget being able to have a job outside of school, extracurricular activities, volunteering — that time is taken up just by walking. I realize he is on the far end of the spectrum, but if we didn’t have a “reliable” transit service, nobody would live farther than a 30-minute walk. You’ll have to forgive his audacity of trying to save money and expecting an essential service to run. I’d like to see the members of the UWOFA and UWOSA walk home with him and then still call a van service “strike-breaking.” With many profs telling us “how you get to class isn’t my problem,” it’s not only wildly irresponsible of their union to try and shut down a service that provides a safe way home, but it’s the epitome of a dick move.

Senior Mike Hayes Lauren Pelley Opinions Jaclyn Haggarty Photography Laura Barclay Brett Higgs Corey Stanford Graphics Ali Chiu Jesse Tahirali Web Stuart Thompson


Gazette Staff 2009-2010

News - [email protected] Sports - [email protected] A&E - [email protected] Opinions - [email protected] Seniors - [email protected]

Ryan Abreu, Tara Athar, Katherine Atkinson, Erin Baker, Mary Ann Boateng, Jordan Brown, Dylan Clark, Julie-Anne Cleyn, Caitlin Conroy, Sari Rose Conter, Adam Crozier, Angela Easby. Adam Feldman, Mark Filipowich, Allie Fonarev, Jennifer Gautier, Ricki-Lee Gerbrandt, Jeremy Gritten, Elton Hobson, Eliot Hong, Alan Hudes, Aras Kolya, Aaron Korolnek, Jay LaRochelle, Colin Lim, Jared Lindzon, Julia Lovgren, Kevin Melhuish, Paula Meng, Lauren Moore, Ora Morison, Jessie Murdock, Maciej Pawlak, Jonathan Pinkus, Aaron Pinto, Jaymin Proulx, Gennelle Smith, Cali Travis, Jennifer Urbanski, Drew Whitson, Dale Williams, Casey Yetman, Emily Zhou

Gazette Composing Ian Greaves, Manager Maja Anjoli-Bilić, Cheryl Forster Gazette Advertising Alex McKay, Manager Mark Ritchie, Karen Savino, Diana Watson

— Sherry Keddie Psychology IV



Courtesy of David Willekes

UNLIKE ANYTHING YOU’VE EVER SEEN. Le Cyc, a show consisting of hundreds of drawings like these accompanied by music, comes to the Arts Project this Sunday night.

Le Cyc peddles through town UWOpera stages Unusual performance depicts dystopian future mash-up musical By Mark Fillipowich Gazette Staff

Whether due to an influx of science fiction literature or the advancement of technology, there has been a cultural fascination with watchful and oppressive governments. However, few thought experiments are as artistically interesting as Le Cyc, a 70-minute multimedia performance about a dystopian bicyclepowered city. Le Cyc will be performed at the Arts Project Sunday evening. It will be the last showing for some time according to illustrator David Willekes, as the group is going back to the literal and figurative drawing board to create another similarly structured piece. Trying to classify the show is difficult — Willekes calls it a “graphic novel bike opera.” The show consists of 380 drawings on silkscreen painted with coffee and wine, displayed in a series to a seven-piece band that tells the story. “[It’s] almost like you’re watching the comic in a way,” Willekes says. “There are no words on the images — the words come through in the music through the lyrics. The music and the lyrics tell the whole narrative essentially.” The story takes place in the future when there is no source of

Nursing Tip of the Week Life got you down? Feeling like you just can’t get back up?




“[It’s] almost like you’re watching the comic in a way. There are no words on the images — the words come through in the music through the lyrics.” — David Willekes Le Cyc illustrator

The unique project began about two years ago when Willekes and his band, Special Purpose, went on a cross-Canada bicycle trip. “My friend Eihab [Boraie] was actually in Egypt at the time. When he came back he and some of our other friends came up with the idea that with all the peddling we were

doing we could power a city,” Willekes explains. “That was the initial feed for the idea. Eihab and some of our friends wrote some songs based on the idea.” From there, the show developed into a performance piece, and was fully rounded out on the road. London’s Open House Arts Collective (Oh!) is responsible for bringing Le Cyc to the city. “When we first got together as a group we all wanted to bring in as many different art forms as possible,” says Paterson Hodgson, one of Oh!’s organizers. “Theatre, or multimedia, was always something we wanted to get into,” Hodgson says of Le Cyc’s atypical performance. “It just kind of worked out that we wanted to bring them in. It’s a really cool thing and we were able to [find a venue for the show].” Whether the show’s protean approach will prove successful this weekend or its unfocused medium will send it over the handlebars, Le Cyc is a piece so strange and unique at a distance that it begs one to approach it and take a closer look. See Le Cyc this Sunday at the Arts Project. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $6 at the door and the event is all ages. Arts Project is located at 203 Dundas St. Visit for more information.

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Gazette Staff

Bored of the bar scene? UWOpera’s Musical Stage Favourites may be the perfect alternative evening entertainment. Performances take place tonight and tomorrow evening at the Paul Davenport Theatre. The production involves roughly 40 undergraduate and graduate students in both on and off-stage roles. UWOpera is a group of faculty and students in the music program that has produced at least two events each year since 1994. Its purpose is to provide a performance opportunity for opera and voice students and to show them how opera is performed professionally. Since its inception, the UWOpera program has quadrupled in size. This fall’s performance is a mash-up of stage favourites, from Cinderella to Macbeth. The performance promises to tempt the audience to sing-along with familiar tunes, including those from West Side Story. The show will also expose listeners to popular opera songs such as Beethoven’s “Fidelio” and Handel’s “Giulio Cesare”.

Many of the students involved are aspiring performers and Musical Stage Favourites represents a component of their course work. Opera performance provides a unique fusion of music, words, dance and costume, giving these students and their audience an opportunity to experience many aspects of performance art at once. Theodore Baerg, director of UWOpera, has been performing professionally for over 30 years. His career took him across North America, Asia and Europe before he decided to teach performance at Western. Baerg cites a desire to share information with students, just as it was shared with him, as his reason for beginning a teaching career. Sophie Roland will direct this week’s performance with Mark Payne acting as music director. Miranda Wickett is the choreographer with Sarah Neiman as the stage manager. Musical Stage Favourites will be performed tonight and tomorrow night at 8 p.m. at the Paul Davenport Theatre. Student tickets are available for $10 in advance at Orchestra London’s box office or by cash at the door. They can also be purchased over the phone at 519-679-8778.

Masonville Place 519-679-4505

L APTOP & C OMPUTER S ERVICE C ENTRE Walk-in Service Same Day Service FREE Diagnoses FREE Advice On-site Repairs

By Ora Morrison

Music Tees Superhero Tees 091120

Over 15% of all university students suffer from some form of depression or anxiety! The key to recovery is to start with small goals and work your way up, lean on supportive people around you, take care of yourself, get regular exercise, and eat a healthy mood-boosting diet which contains many fruits & vegetables. Above all…

energy available other than the power created by the population constantly peddling their bicycles. The city’s leader is determined by a bike race. The city’s champion cyclist, however, eventually abuses his power and another cyclist rises to challenge him.





theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2009

Local band anything but broken after rocky recording Chasing Arcadia debuts new CD after three attempts at hiring a drummer By Maddie Leznoff Gazette Staff

Chasing Arcadia have long anticipated the release of their album Broken, and after a few lineup changes, they are ready for their official release party and concert at Call the Office tonight. The band — currently composed of Darryl McCarty, Stan Clemence, Patrick Hughes and Jeff Wakem — has been compared to groups like Radiohead and Keane due to its dis-

tinct British pop sound. Broken is a fresh start for the band that has finally solidified. Chasing Arcadia actually began with McCarty and Clemence in 2002, and they released a self-titled CD in 2005. The group broke up because of internal problems, but has since regrouped and now includes Hughes on guitar and keyboard and Wakem on drums. The title of their album is reflective of the band’s fresh start. “Broken sounds like a negative

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term. It might seem like our title explores a pretty bleak outlook on the world,” says Hughes, who has been studying music at Western for the past two years. “One of the alternate ways the word gets used is when we say that ‘morning has broken.’ This is a new album, a new band and only the start of [a] new beginning.” It has been a long journey for Chasing Arcadia, one that included trouble finding a drummer. It took the band three tries to find the right one. “Luckily, we hooked up with Wakem, whose drumming is incredibly consistent and direct,” Hughes says. “We were able to rerecord the drums a third time.” Though the recording process didn’t go as smoothly as the band had hoped, they’re happy with the end result. “In the end, the album has taken a lot longer than we thought it was going to, but I think the extra time has allowed us to really refine the CD and weed out any weak moments,” Hughes says. Chasing Arcadia is hoping their

Courtesy of Patrick Hughes

NEW AND IMPROVED. Although Chasing Arcadia has faced some obstacles in the past, they are excited for their new album release tonight. release party and concert tonight at the Call the Office makes all their hard work worthwhile. “In many ways we feel that this show marks the beginning of Chasing Arcadia — at least this version of Chasing Arcadia,” Hughes explains. “We’ve had a lot of great

feedback from people that have heard the material so far, so we are really hoping to have a great crowd.” See Chasing Arcadia and openers The Rest and Josh Geddis tonight at 9 p.m. at Call the Office. Tickets are $5 at the door. Call the Office is located at 216 York St.

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improvement over their earlier efforts. However, it still remains difficult to differentiate the band from the horde of indie rockers the United Kingdom produces every year — The Cribs don’t quite measure up to similar groups like the Arctic Monkeys. The album showcases the talents of The Smiths’ Johnny Marr, who became the band’s guitarist in 2008. Marr has filled the instrumental aspects of The Cribs’ tracks with impressive guitar riffs and well-constructed melodies that are noticeably absent on previous albums. Lyrics remain a problem — in songs like “City of Bugs” and “Hari Kari,” phrases seem randomly thrown together without much thought. Lead singer Ryan Jarman’s voice, though strong, isn’t good enough to draw attention away from the weak lyrics. Ignoring this issue, some tracks are easy to listen to. “We Share the Same Skies” and “Save Our Secrets” are enjoyable, bordering on brilliant. Ignore the Ignorant admittedly has its moments, but ultimately The Cribs still have room to improve.


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theGazette • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2009

Mustangs squash still perfect Mustangs give up nine Team chasing 27th straight OUA title

point lead, win silver

By Arden Zwelling


Gazette Staff

—With files from Alexandra Pozsonyi

Gazette File Photo

OUA Men’s Squash Standings Matches Played 18 12 18 12 18 12 18

Team Western McGill McMaster Queen’s Waterloo Toronto Brock

Wins 18 9 9 8 8 1 1

Losses 0 3 9 4 10 11 17

Points 18 9 9 8 8 1 1

Mitchell and Conor Trainor. Matthew Barrett converted both Mustang tallies, while Scott Kyle and Zach Pancer responded with trys for the Gaels. “Western got on us early,” Gaels head coach Peter Huigenbos said. “They were well prepared and you could tell they really wanted it.” The Mustangs took a considerable 19-10 lead after fullback Matthew McLeod scored a try early in the second half. It was the first time Queen’s had been down by more than a try since 2007. “Until that point, we hadn’t played comeback rugby for two years. It was a spot that the guys just haven’t been in before,” Huigenbos said. The unfamiliar circumstances hardly bothered the Gaels as they scored three times in the next 10 minutes with a penalty goal from Ryan Kruyne and trys from Patrick Richardson and Chris Barrett to seal the victory. “It would have been easy for the guys to just fold,” Huigenbos said. “I was really proud to watch them rise to the occasion like that.” The Gaels scored most of their points after exploiting Western’s defence with strong counterattacks on Mustang kicks that did not find touch. Roes was unhappy with his team’s kicking game on the day. “We definitely made their fullback Mike Wong look good,” Roes said. “Some of our kicks weren’t great and in some cases our chase wasn’t even existent. A kick’s only as good as its chase and we weren’t really doing either as well as we could.”




Tuesdays - 10:30pm - 1:20am Team W No Mercy Hockey 5 Disasters 3 Hockey Night @ Western 3 Barski Beauties 2 THE SOCIETY 1 Kings 0

L 0 2 2 2 3 5

T 0 0 0 1 1 0

DFLT 0 0 0 0 0 0

Mondays - 8:30pm - 1:20am

PF 24 14 13 11 6 4

PA 6 9 18 11 13 15

PT 10 6 6 5 3 0

PF 19 29 21 9 18 9 8 5

PA 5 15 10 13 20 15 21 19

PT 10 7 7 6 5 3 1 1

Fridays - 12:00pm - 3:50pm Team The White Russians Jets Leyton`s Finest X-Leafs No Jersey Devils Misfits Marginal Contribution The Mighty Dusts

W 5 3 3 3 2 1 0 0

L 0 1 1 2 2 3 4 4

T 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

DFLT 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2

ICE HOCKEY, MENS CONTACT B Sundays - (11:30am-12:30pm) - (9:30pm - 1:20am) Team X-Redwings Clamslammers Western Law The Big Mada Beechys Iceland Chiefs The Flying-V`s Forest Bill

W 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0

L 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DFLT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

PF 14 17 9 11 13 12 8 8

PA 5 9 7 9 14 14 14 20

PT 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0

ICE HOCKEY, MENS NON-CONTACT Sundays - 8:30am - 12:20pm Team 5 Hole Fillers Ivey Elite PASA The Camel Toews The Chiefs Puck You

W 4 3 2 2 2 1

L 0 1 3 3 3 4

T 1 1 0 0 0 0

DFLT 0 0 0 0 0 1

PF 28 15 9 11 9 6

PA 7 10 13 17 17 14

PT 9 7 4 4 4 2

Wednesdays - 8:30pm - 1:20am Team Mothers Against Drunk Drivers Chaz Trae Fanshawe Hockey The Flames The Gentleman The Mighty Dents Prosecutors X-Canadiens Dirty Dan Obiter





4 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 0

0 0 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 5

1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 22 29 14 18 14 13 9 10 3

15 8 15 5 14 14 14 25 29 24

9 9 8 5 5 5 3 2 2 0

Saturdays - 9:30am - 12:50pm Team Swamp Donkeys Jagr Bombs Northern Dynasty 12 Inch Pianists X-Senators The Bulldogs

W 4 4 3 2 2 0

L 1 1 2 3 3 5

T 0 0 0 0 0 0

DFLT 0 1 0 0 0 0

PF 18 23 31 15 17 10


PA 16 8 13 20 28 29

PT 8 8 6 4 4 0

Team Gongshow Yoshi Regina Pounders Shoulda` Beens Whiskey Water Bottles Prom Kings Channel 4 News Team The Broners The Pink Bunnies The Dusty Pucks

W 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0

L 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

DFLT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PF 26 21 12 8 16 15 9 10 10 0

PA 10 6 4 10 10 12 17 20 17 21

PT 8 6 6 6 4 4 3 2 1 0

Thursdays - 10:30pm - 1:20am Team The Free Agents Nashville Sexua Predators Down to Puck Super Toe Drags The Prodigies Varsity Commons

W 4

L 1

T 0

DFLT PF PA PT 0 21 8 8

3 2 1 0 1

0 2 2 2 4

2 1 2 3 0

0 0 0 0 0

19 13 11 11 7

8 16 16 15 19

8 5 4 3 20

ICE HOCKEY, WOMENS COMP Tuesdays - 7:30pm - 10:30pm Team W Puck Bunnies 4 Fanshawe Comp Hockey 4 X-Oilers 3 Beeno 2 Power Rangers 1 Skater Girls 0

L 1 1 1 3 3 5

T 0 0 1 0 1 0

DFLT 0 1 0 0 0 0

PF 16 20 17 22 26 1

PA 4 6 8 11 17 56

PT 8 8 7 4 3 0

PF 18 7 10 14 3 6

PA 1 5 8 18 14 12

PT 8 6 4 4 1 1

ICE HOCKEY, WOMENS REC Mondays - 5:30pm - 8:30pm Team Scissor Me Timbers PMTB X-Canucks Team 1 X-Rangers Team 2 Falcon`s Rec Hockey Fanshawe Rec Hockey

W 4 3 2 2 0 0

L 0 1 2 2 3 3

T 0 0 0 0 1 1

DFLT 0 0 0 0 0 1

INNERTUBE WATERPOLO, COED COMP Tuesdays - 9:00pm - 11:00pm Team The Legends Multiple Scoregasims Tubular Colborne Beached Whales

W 5 5 2

L 1 1 4

T 0 0 0

DFLT 0 0 0

PF 129 113 52

PA 61 58 100





53 128

PT 10 10 4

INNERTUBE WATERPOLO, COED COMP Thursdays - 9:00pm - 11:00pm Team We Look Hotter In Our Bathing Suits Than You Team Gregs Fanshawe Waterpolo II





5 5 0

2 0 8

1 1 0

0 0 3

125 68 11 91 39 11 37 146 0

Sundays - 7:00pm - 9:00pm Team The Sea Men and Women Wet Shots To The Head BIG TUNA The SERT armada Super Fun Flying Fish The Better Wilson X-H20 The Squirtle Squad





6 5 4 3 3 2 0 0

0 0 3 4 3 5 2 6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

173 114 123 131 95 101 0 43

73 42 110 137 79 139 40 160

12 10 8 6 6 4 0 0

PA 55 51 56

PT 10 8 8

Tuesdays - 7:00pm - 9:00pm Team Tube-Idites Fanshawe Waterpolo 1 Matzah Balls Better in B.Ed, Amazing in Water Gibbons Polskie Parowki Inna Tube with Wet Balls ENG

W 5 4 4

L 2 2 1

T 0 0 0

DFLT 0 0 1

PF 91 79 74

3 3 3

3 4 4

0 0 0

0 0 1

84 72 6 90 93 6 65 79 6

1 0

5 2

0 0

0 1

48 85 2 0 40 0


L 0 1 2 3 3 5 5 5

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DFLT 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

PF 167 129 137 98 101 67 49 41

PA 56 64 89 103 133 107 111 126

PT 12 10 8 6 6 2 2 2

Thursdays - 7:00pm - 9:00pm Team Have a Splashing Good Day! The Water Dogs The X Presidents Lost at Sea Off Constantly doggie paddlers X-Bubbles Sue Johanson





6 5 5 3 2 2 1 0

0 1 1 3 4 4 5 6

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 1 2 2 2

147 107 121 69 51 64 42 19

36 29 46 78 72 101 120 138

12 10 10 6 4 4 2 0

MEN’S SUPER COMP OVERALL LEADERS Easter, Patrick Camastra, Julian Geoffrey, Taylor Stein, Aaron Dean, Kevin April, Andrew Beavers, Chris McCarron, Glen Oliver, Greg

G 10 3 5 3 2 4 5 3 6

A 5 7 3 5 5 3 2 4 0

P 15 10 8 8 7 7 7 7 6


3 4 4 3 1 5 4

7 3 2 3 5 1 2

10 7 6 6 6 6 6

MEN’S CONTACT B OVERALL LEADERS G 4 2 2 1 4 5 1 4 4 2 1 2 1 4 3

Rollo, Scott Quintos, Aaron Frey, Michael Goertzen, Cameron Austin, Jon Waddell, Allan Waelz, Ryan Newman, Kristopher Maister, Jake Risen, Sam Rosen, Neil Burke, Michael Smith, Marc Garbuz, Michael Walden, Ross

A 2 4 4 4 1 0 3 0 0 2 3 2 3 0 1

P 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4


Sundays - 9:00pm - 11:00pm Team Wet and Ready Squirters Hair By Lori MERMEN Team Badass Elgin 5W 8 Lower Off in the shower

Karpel, Darryl MacDonald, Mike Ferguson, Tyler Haimovitz, Mike Dimitry, Alex Finn, Alex Rosen, Ian

G 6

A 4

P 10

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Ever the humanitarians, the Mustangs men’s squash team was kind enough to put on a squash clinic for a host of other Ontario University Athletics teams this weekend. The team won every single match at the OUA’s West sectional competition at Fanshawe College on Friday and Saturday, not allowing any of their opponents to even muster a point against them. “We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves but we are really excited with how this season is going so far,” Mustangs head coach Jack Fairs said. The Mustangs played Waterloo on Friday, coming away with an easy 6-0 victory over the Warriors, before continuing their strong play the next day, defeating the Brock Badgers and the McMaster Marauders, both 6-0. “They performed in first class fashion,” Fairs said of his team after the tournament. “McMaster is a really strong team and we knew it was going to be a competitive match but our guys came out on top and looked really great.” Kimesh Chetty and Ryan Herden led the way for Western, both winning all of their games 3-0. Chetty was quick to turn the attention from himself to his teammates. “This is an extremely strong team that trains hard and it has paid off,” a modest Chetty said. “We are an OUA powerhouse with nationally ranked players that not only play hard for their school but also play juniors outside of the university circuit.” This year’s squad boasts a healthy crop of rookies looking to make their mark on the team, including Yeshale Chetty, Brett Hill, Varun Prakash, Tashlin Reddy, Andrew Silvestri and Bryan Hong. “We’ve lost nine players off of last year’s team but we’re hardly concerned with the depth of talent on our team this year,” Fairs said. “The rookies are excellent players. They give our team the quality and the standard that we’ve been used to over the years.” This weekend the team travels to Ithaca, New York where they will take on schools from the NCAA, including Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Cornell. “I know they’re fired up to play against that competition,” Fairs said. “We’ll be very competitive but they’re playing top-notch experienced teams. They’re going to have their hands full — no question.” The Mustangs will welcome the challenge, as this year’s OUA competition has been a cakewalk for the squad that currently sits in first place with two times as many points as the second place McGill Redmen. “We’re still going to work hard. Nobody thinks too much about what we’ve done. We’re just looking forward to the future,” Fairs said. “The guys are playing for the enjoyment of the game.” It’s certainly easier to enjoy the game when you do nothing but win. The squash team has won 26 OUA championships in a row, and is currently undefeated through 18 matches this season. “We don’t think about the streak,” Fairs said. “The guys don’t think about it — they just don’t want to be the team that ends it.”

Despite twice holding ninepoint leads, the Mustangs could not put the stingy Gaels away. “A lot of our guys feel that we controlled our destiny in that game,” Roes said. “A couple little lapses and some strong defence by Queen’s in the final five minutes of the game was the difference.” The Gaels defence had to be stout as the Mustangs threw everything they had at the Gaels line, trying to win the game in the dying minutes. The Mustangs chose to rumble the ball directly at the Gaels defence with their forward pack, instead of sending the ball out wide and trying to run a play with their backs. “We wanted to try to grind it in with our forwards,” Mitchell said. “It may have been predictable and we could have used some decisiveness in attack. At the end of the day we made a choice — they don’t always work out.” Roes supported his squad’s decision making late in the game. “Hindsight is always perfect — when you’re looking back at it maybe we should have spun it wide,” Roes said. “I don’t want to question the decisions the guys made. We just couldn’t get it across and that’s it.” The end of the season sees the Mustangs lose many of the key players who helped engineer their recent string of success. The team has won three OUA silver and two bronze medals over the past five years. “I’ve made some of my best friends on this team — leaving this team is tough,” Mitchell said. “I’d rather be an alumni here than playing anywhere else.”

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Rookie swimmer takes home Pipe 17-year-old blowing stiff OUA competition out of the water By Grace Davis Gazette Staff

In a dominant 101-47 win over the University of Toronto on Friday by Western’s women’s swim team, firstyear science student Jennifer Trung won the women’s 100m backstroke final in 1:03.48, a gold in the women’s 200m medley relay and finished second in the 200m backstroke. Trung’s impressive time of 1:03.48 would have placed her in the final at last year’s Canadian Interuniversity Sport championships. Because of her outstanding performance, the 17-year-old was awarded with this week’s Purple Pipe. Trung took some time out of her day to sit down with the Gazette to discuss being a rookie, waking up at 4:40 a.m. and Wendy’s Frosties. How long have you been swimming competitively and why did you start? Since age 11 I think. My mom put me in ‘cause she was scared I was going to drown I think. She thought it was good exercise and it was just a fun thing to do. What’s it like being a rookie for Western? Initiation? The girls are really nice and friendly. I get along with them pretty well. It was intimidating meeting new people and being a rookie, but initiation wasn’t that bad. We had fun team bonding activities at the beginning of the season. What does the team do to prepare for meets? Apparently we have pasta parties before our meets. I guess we load up on carbs. To get into racing mode we do a lot more short sprints and stuff that mimics the race, so we work on our turns going to the wall and stuff like that. We practice our race strategy too. How often do you practice? There are different groups. I

think I’m training nine times a week right now. On a Saturday we do a lot practicing and weights, so we’re there for hours. We do doubles [train twice a day] a lot. I don’t mind training. Sometimes in the morning it’s hard to get going, but for the most part it helps me with school stress and I feel better after practice. What’s the atmosphere like on the team this year? It’s really competitive. Because we have such a big rookie year, all of the girls are competing to get on the [Ontaro University Athletics] team, and there’s only 18 spots. I think it’s good that it’s competitive ‘cause it brings out the best in all of us. Being only 17 and competing against people that are several years older than you, how did it feel to win female swimmer of the meet last weekend against U of T? I never really thought about it. I don’t know, I think swimming is different than most sports in the sense that most girls mature fairly early. They stop growing around 17, so age doesn’t have as much as a factor as it may for guys. The difference between a guy who’s 17 and a guy who’s 20 is huge. At nationals you’re still competing with adults because it’s open, so I’ve done it before. I don’t really notice age among girls. It’s a very mental sport though so age helps in that sense. We train a lot, and unfortunately you can’t do well in the sport unless you train as much as everyone else, which is a lot. So attending practices and focusing can be challenging mentally, and then it’s also a very challenging sport when you’re racing. Any athletic role models? Not really. I’m not a huge fan of Michael Phelps. There are definitely people I look up to though. Ryan Lochtey, but that’s not based on his swimming; it’s just ‘cause he’s good looking so it doesn’t really count

Laura Barclay/Gazette

(laughs). Is your diet similar to Michael Phelps’? Okay, I do not eat as much as him. I’ve had coaches tell me I should eat healthy, and I try to, but for the most part I just eat whatever I want. So if I want a Wendy’s Frosty, I’ll have a Frosty. I figure I’ll burn it off…or at least that’s the excuse that I use. I just kind of eat whatever I want; whatever makes me happy. Describe a typical day in the life of

a varsity swimmer. It’s not really that interesting. We wake up to go to practice in the morning at around 4:40. Our practices are at 5:30. We train for about two hours, then go to classes, then a lot of the time in the afternoons we go back and practice for another two hours, do some homework, then go to bed. Who’s the class clown on the team? As a rookie I don’t really know most of the guys. A lot of the guys are really funny but I don’t really

know them, so they’ll be telling a joke and I’m like laughing in the background. It’s really awkward actually. I think everyone’s pretty funny on the team, no major standouts. What are your goals for this year? I don’t like thinking about things too far away. I’m the type of person that takes it one day at a time. Some people are like “Jen are you going to be in the Olympics?” and I always say I’m just focusing on this year, what’s happening right now.

Mustangs fall to Queen’s in finals Gaels win first title since 2001 By Arden Zwelling Gazette Staff

Brett Higgs/Gazette

In rugby, sometimes a few lucky bounces is all it takes. The Queen’s Gaels won their first Ontario University Athletics men’s rugby title since 2001 on Saturday, after a 23-19 come-from-behind victory over the Western Mustangs. It was the second time this season the Gaels narrowly escaped with a victory against Western after

they beat the Mustangs 13-12 at Western’s Homecoming in October. “Five points separated us in the whole season and that’s really just a couple bounces here and there,” Mustangs head coach Tony Roes said. “It really could have gone either way.” The Mustangs went into halftime on Saturday with a 14-10 lead after first-half tries from Marcus PLEASE SEE MUSTANGS P7

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