Freedom Issue No. 105

  • May 2020
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ISSUE No.105


The Newspaper of the British National Party


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After a lifetime of service to Britain, it’s our duty to


LDERLY BRITONS who have worked hard all their lives, and in some cases fought for our country, have been abandoned by both the Labour Party and the Tories.

Many are being forced to sell their homes and spend all they have earned and saved for their families, to pay greedy private care homes cashing in on the old and the sick. The ‘Labour’ Government has reneged on its manifesto commitments and betrayed our old folk, leaving them to be ruined and ripped-off at the hands of Margaret Thatcher’s ‘free market’. The breakdown in community and family life, brought about by the self-first culture of the capitalist system introduced by the Tories and adopted by Labour, has meant that more and more old people are being left, frail and alone, to go into care. And because Labour has carried on Thatcher’s privatisation policies, the majority of that care is no longer provided by the State and local councils but by ruthless profiteers out to squeeze the old and sick for every penny they can get. British people who have contributed to our nation for a lifetime deserve the best care and shelter that the nation can provide in their twilight years.

Only the British National Party says that there’s no place for profit when providing such an essential service for our people. We believe it is the duty of the State to provide the standard of care our old folk deserve.


Left at the mercy of the private sector See Page 2

British National Party





To give the BNP immediate help you can donate now by credit and debit card! Call our fundraiser JACKIE GRIFFIN on

08710 500 234


Immigration has devalued the power of your vote

N JUST two years immigration has added one million new voters to the electoral register which has devalued the voting power of the British people. What is worse is that many of these new arrivals into Britain have been allowed to register to vote without any checks as to the legality of them actually being in the country. An analysis of the new electoral register shows the million strong jump in voters which has taken the total number to a record 46 million. Applicants do not have to provide documents proving their identity or even that they are in this country legally. They simply fill in a two-page form including a declaration that all their details are accurate and correct, and hand it in to a local authority. Labour sees immigration as a way of hanging on to power. As hundreds of thousands of its traditional supporters are turning to the British National

Party, it hopes that immigrants who have just arrived into the country will replace them as Labour voters. Every new African, Asian and Eastern European voter diminishes the influence of the British people at election time and with British passports being handed out at the rate of 100,000 every year, that’s 11 every hour, time is running out for the British people to be able to decide their own future. Thankfully the British people have a chance on June 4th to show their disquiet at Labour’s electoral registration scam by voting in their millions for the British National Party.

Give workers a share in the profit of their labour

RITAIN’S economic survival depends on establishing a technology-intensive manufacturing base, protected from globalisation. That’s the core of the British National Party’s plan for rebuilding our economy after decades of Tory and Labour neglect. Globalisation has led to the export of jobs and industries to the Far East and Eastern Europe, and this has brought ruin and unemployment to

JOB SECURITY: Making goods we currently import will help cut unemployment.


T’S the fourth time in the last 200 years that British troops have been deployed in Afghanistan and just like the other three AngloAfghan wars, thousands of British servicemen and women will die and nothing will be achieved. In this latest conflict, which started in 2001, 152 British troops have already lost their lives but that didn’t stop Gordon Brown sending another 900 soldiers to Afghanistan last month. Speaking at the end of the Nato summit in Strasbourg, he said it was necessary for Britain to increase its 8,300-strong troop contingent in an effort to win the

British industries and the communities who depend on them. Just by reducing the number of foreign-made goods coming into Britain, we can ensure that our manufactured goods are, wherever possible, produced in British factories by British workers. This will dramatically cut unemployment and help ensure longterm job security. The BNP believes that British industry, commerce, land and other economic and natural assets belong to the British people and should be managed for the benefit of the nation. A British National Party Government will give workers a share of the profits that their labour generates. This will produce the motivation required to ensure the success of the enterprise they work for. All this is the exact opposite to the global policies of Labour, the Tories and the Lib-Dems which put British workers in the impossible position of competing against sweatshop workers in China and India who are paid less than a pound a day.

war on terror. Another 2,000 British troops on top of this are eventually set to be deployed there to support a US-led military surge aimed at defeating the Taliban. British troops shouldn’t be risking their lives propping up the corrupt government in Afghanistan. They should be back in Britain, guarding our ports and airports to ensure that terrorists can’t get into Britain. Our war on terror should be about keeping the British people safe and to do this our troops should be here, in Britain, not thousands of miles away involved in a civil war in Afghanistan.

FRONTLINE: Terrorism in London.

It’s a disgrace that the care of the elderly is left at the mercy of the private sector P

BARKING, ESSEX: To combat the success of the BNP, Labour have swamped the borough with immigrants to nullify the vote of local people.


Bring our boys home AFGHANISTAN: British troops should be back in Britain keeping our country and our people safe from the terrorists in our midst.

RIVATE care homes pay as little as possible to their staff and make them work long unsociable hours, so it is not surprising that few British people want to work for them. In a protected jobs market, wages would be pushed up and conditions improved so that suitable local staff could be recruited. But in the global economy, the greedy ‘care providers’ just ship in Eastern European or Third World cheap labour to fill the posts. Immigrants who speak little English, aspire to different values and are accustomed to another way of life. Yet private care home bosses put them in charge of looking after our old folk, which is why the news is full of cases of our old being mistreated and neglected. This is what happens when private companies are encouraged to make a profit out of providing care for our elderly. But this system of palming off care

for our old folk on private outfits is coming unstuck as the credit crunch hits. Many of the big private “care providers” are struggling. One of the biggest, Four Seasons, has been dumped by its former owners, the sovereign wealth fund of the Islamic sheikhdom of Qatar. Southern Cross, is also sinking in a sea of debt and Barchester is only being kept afloat by subsidies from the vast wealth amassed from its Irish owners. The Government has acknowledged that the private care home sector is up to its eyes in debt and could collapse in a wave of bankruptcies and closures, putting hundreds of thousands of frail, vulnerable elderly people onto the streets. It is a disgrace that the care of our longest-serving citizens should be left at the mercy of the private sector. Handed over to people who have no scruples about squeezing a profit out of old age.

The care of our elderly should be the responsibility of the communities where they live, and ultimately of the nation, to which they belong. That is why it is the policy of the British National Party to return our care homes to the public sector.

Spend it on our old folk BRITISH RESISTANCE M

British National Party

EMBERSHIP of the European Union costs Britain £60.1 billion per annum and that is a complete waste of money that should be spent providing care for our old folk. Added to this is a £6 billion cost to British business arising from just having to comply with European Union red tape. Over-regulation costs Britain at least £26 billion each and every year, and

then there’s the cost of subsidising French farmers and Spanish fishermen which is a drain of £15.6 billion and £2.5 billion per annum respectively, on British taxpayers. It’s a scandal that while our own farmers and fishermen are being denied the opportunity to provide the food our people need, we are paying for the French to grow the food we could grow and for the Spanish to plunder British waters of our fish.

The website -



BNP councillors battle to save Burnley’s schools


Fed up with taking the blame? . . . then vote British National Party on June 4th.

BNP take second place in Moston

Tories and Lib-Dems beaten in Manchester


HE British National Party pulled off one of its best results of 2009 when it came from nowhere to take second place in Manchester’s Moston by-election, winning a 23.3% vote share and beating both the Tories and the Liberal Democrats. The 815 vote exceeded most expectations and certainly puts BNP chairman Nick Griffin, on course to becoming the British National Party’s first MEP in the North West of England. Nick needs an 8% vote share to win his seat and the small but dedi-

cated band of BNP activists in North Manchester delivered THREE TIMES that level of support. Hardworking British National Party candidate Derek Adams, was very pleased with the result: “We set out our strategy many months ago. We decided from the outset that the number of campaigners that we had at our disposal would be insufficient to support a full canvass of the Moston ward, so we used the same carefully-planned approach which has consistently delivered strong second places in neighbouring north Manchester wards in recent years. “We put out four high quality leaflets and a personal letter to all postal voters. Of course, we know that a full canvassing campaign is highly effective in smaller wards with large numbers of activists available, but not in areas like north Manchester with big wards DEREK ADAMS: We concentrated on putting out quality literature in targeted areas.


Moston Ward

Thursday 9th April 2009

Rita Tavernor (Lab) . ................. 1,353 Derek Adams (BNP) . .............. 815 Timothy Hartley (Lib-Dem) ....... 696 Phil Donohue (Con) . ................ 558 Karl Wardlaw (Green) . ............. 74 BNP Percentage 23.3%

and limited number of activists. “The three main parties swamped the ward with their teams and our activists were always outnumbered. “The full Conservative Party election machine was in action here in a ward it thought it could win, but in the end it was only the British National Party that offered any challenge to Labour. “The abject dismay on the faces of the Tory activists as they watched Cameron’s march on the great northern cities dissolve before their very eyes made all the considerable hard work worthwhile,” Derek told Freedom. The British National Party were contesting the ward for the very first time, so to attract nearly a quarter of the votes cast was a fine effort. The Tory vote crashed by a huge 14%, while Labour’s was down 11%. The night was a disaster too for the media-puffed Green Party which saw its vote share fall by 6%.

Dirty tricks from Labour after BNP takes its vote in Moston A


S Derek Adams was clocking up the BNP votes in the Labour stronghold of Moston, Manchester City council were stepping up their bullying tactics against him and his business. Derek’s famous pub, the Ace of Diamonds, has been in existence for almost 160 years but now Labour councillors have slapped a compulsory purchase order on the premises to persecute the owner. And this is just the latest in a long line of dirty tricks from the council which started when Derek first stood for election on behalf of the British National Party. He has been threatened with losing his liquor licence, harassed by council officers and even his customers have been targeted by being issued with council parking tickets late at night. But Derek Adams remains defiant and his fortitude clearly won the respect of voters in Moston. “They will never break my spirit or my resolve. They can take away my business and my home but they will never break my determination to see these people held to account for the destruction of my city and my country,”  he told Freedom.

by Paul McDevitt

URNLEY BNP councillors have opposed from the outset the Labour Government’s Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme in the town. BNP group leader Sharon Wilkinson, has consistently argued in the council chamber that buildings do not educate children and that if it is necessary to replace our school buildings then it should be with more smaller schools built within the communities they are to serve. This would allow children to walk to their schools in their own neighbourhood rather than being transported across the town, adding to the congestion of the school run and leaving a heavy carbon footprint. At a full council meeting on April 8th Sharon Wilkinson once again made an impassioned plea that the ruling Lib-Dem group on Burnley council abandon Labour’s disastrous policy: “Back in November 2006, I warned that Labour’s Building Schools programme was an experiment in forced racial integration rather than an attempt to improve education. “Now in the light of failing schools, falling standards and dwindling pupil numbers can this council now accept that the BSF project has damaged

SHARON WILKINSON: The BNP believes in small local schools for local children. education in Burnley and that this experiment in racial integration just hasn’t been worth the price paid.” But Liberal Democrat council leader Gordon Birtwistle, would have none of it. He reiterated his Party’s support for enforced integration in schools as a priority and was supported on this by the Labour group leader Julie Cooper.

BLAIR’S CHILDREN: Labour’s academy schools programme is about forced integration.

BNP attends the meetings F

OUR Burnley councillors, two from Labour and two from the Liberal Democrats have been criticised for their poor attendance. Labour’s Imtiaz Hussain, of Bank Hall ward, has the worst attendance record, having attended only three out of 10 committees from May 2008 to the end of January 2009. Another Labour councillor, Zahir Ahmed, who represents Daneshouse attended just 1-in-3 council meetings as did Lib-Dem Bernard Hill, who represents Rosegrove. Not much better was Allen Harris, a Liberal Democrat councillor in Brunshaw, who has a 40% attendance rate.

Ahmed was even threatened with the sack after failing to attend a single council meeting in six months. The British National Party’s group leader Sharon Wilkinson, who has a 100% attendance record, told the Lancashire Evening Telegraph: “Our councillors attend meetings. It is what they were elected to do.”

GOOD COUNCIL: The British National Party team in Burnley

Read Land & People’s regular newsletter, The Countrysider which is of interest to environmentalists and farmers. It comes out six times a year. Subscription to The Countrysider is £3 for 6 issues from: Land & People, PO Box 351, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8XN (cheques payable to British Heritage)   



It is Labour that’s out of touch with ordinary people T

ONY Blair’s claim that the Pope is out of step with ordinary Catholics because of his stand against the constant promotion of homosexuality and abortion, in reality shows just how out of touch the Labour Party are with ordinary people. The former Labour leader claimed that the Vatican’s continued opposition to homosexuality was “resisting adapting to modern life”. He said that the Catholic Church should reform itself in a similar way to how he reshaped the Labour Party. How arrogant of a discredited Prime Minister to attack the Pope in this way, and to claim that he knows what’s best for the Catholic Church. During his time in Downing Street Blair presided over the introduction of civil partnerships and lowering the age of consent for homosexuals. He also promoted abortion and even more embryo research.

BNP Chairman Nick Griffin’s Easter Message

Celebrate our Christian heritage with pride


HE indigenous Christian people of the British Isles have been celebrating Easter for centuries. This important festival is a major part of our native culture. It is especially important to celebrate our Christian heritage with pride each Easter and recognise the enormous

POPE BENEDICT XVI: More in touch than the likes of Tony Blair and New Labour.

Silencing the Christian voice


N employee at a Christian homeless charity, whose Patron is the Archbishop of Canterbury, has been suspended for being critical of homosexuality to a work colleague. The suspension highlights the ‘Big Brother’ mentality in today’s politically correct society where there is a concerted effort taking place to silence the Christian voice.

Pope Benedict XVI has made his views very clear. Only last year he said that homosexuality was as big a threat to the future of the human race as the destruction of the rain forests and that it was “an intrinsic moral evil”.  He denounced abortion as the ‘gravest injustice’ and reaffirmed the Catholic Church’s position as the defender of the life of the unborn child.

HOMOSEXUALITY: An intrinsic moral evil that threatens the future of the human race?

Join the Trafalgar Club M

EMBERS of the TRAFALGAR CLUB make a real difference to the British National Party. They pledge a minimum of £15 a month, in return for which they are entered into a regular prize draw, receive occasional special internal bulletins and are entitled to attend the annual Trafalgar Club dinner free of charge. In addition, fully paid up first year members receive a Trafalgar Club tie which carries the first two ‘words’ of Nelson’s semaphore signal before the Battle of Trafalgar - “England Expects”. Ladies receive a personalised organiser file. Second year members receive a fine enamel badge and third year members a specially-designed umbrella.

The Trafalgar Club always welcomes new members.

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to join and receive your payment card

The Secretary, PO Box 598, Worcester WR4 4AS. [email protected]


and positive impact that Christianity has had on our long history. This is even more necessary and poignant considering the rise and growth of radical militant Islam in our country. Just as quickly as our churches are closing down, mosques are opening up and every day thousands of young Muslims are being radicalised by the teachings of fanatical Pakistani mullahs. Rather than resist the worrying spread of this expansionist and alien religion which makes no secret of its desire to destroy Christianity, our church leaders seek to appease it. The three main political parties seem petrified of standing up to the growth of Islam, no doubt worrying over the prospect of losing the Muslim vote if they did. THE CRUSADES: Defending Christian Europe from militant Islam.

n Nick Griffin The sacrifice made in centuries past by untold hundreds of thousands of Europeans of all nationalities to resist the spread of Islam into Christian Europe has been forgotten or is being ignored by today’s politically correct Western politicians. Only the nationalist parties of Europe, such as the British National Party, celebrate the legacy of the Christian heroes such as Richard the Lionheart and Edward I, both English kings who led Crusades. In modern times, the BNP is leading the fight against the Islamification of our country because it’s the only political party that wants to preserve our Christian heritage. Labour, the Tories and the Liberal Democrats are determined to transform Britain into a “multi-faith” and multicultural society - in other words a nation in which the indigenous British people are a minority. The British National Party will never allow our children to become a minority in their own homeland. Just like our Crusader ancestors, we will fight to preserve our Christian culture and heritage.

‘English Churchman’ echoes BNP concerns over the growth of Islam


LETTER from Nick Griffin, the Chairman of the British National Party, has been published in the leading Church of England newspaper, The English Churchman, under the heading “Defending Britain’s Christian Heritage”. In his letter Nick Griffin is critical of the Church of England hierarchy for its appeasement of Islam and failure to uphold Christian views and standards. He also warned that the Church’s de-humanisation of the British National Party will legitimise violent attacks on its members by its opponents. His letter prompted this editorial in the newspaper: “We may be naive (if so, please tell us more) but we have only ever heard slander against the British National Party. Most journalists’ reports simply do not explain why the BNP should be hated, but take it as self-evident.

“On the other hand reporters bend over backwards to appease Mohammedans and Marxists. We should just

REVEREND WEST: Nations should live as nations, each within their own nation.

add that we are not keen on dividing Muslims into moderate and extreme as they are all just two faces of the same thing. Muslims have one creed but say whatever is expedient at the time, true or false, to the furtherance of Islam. In Islam this practise is called taqiyya.”  Nick Griffin’s letter and the warning in the newspaper’s editorial was praised by the Reverend Robert West.  “As a Christian Minister of the Gospel and a member of the British National Party I am proud to support, from a Christian viewpoint, the BNP’s policy on immigration. “Whilst the British National Party is a secular and not a religious party, its views generally agree with the Bible’s own teaching. That is that we are to live as nations, each within their own nation, and not to submit to a ‘resurrection’ of the Babel thesis of one undifferentiated mass under some form of world governance.”

Subscribe to Freedom D

on’t miss out on the news that Gordon Brown and his New Labour cronies at Westminster would rather you didn’t read. Make sure you get Freedom every month by taking out a subscription. Now 16 pages and in a new tabloid format. The rates for 12 issues are: British Isles - £11.95 Air Mail Europe - £19.20 Air Mail America and Africa - £28.80 Air Mail Australia & New Zealand - £31.40 Please make cheques/POs payable to British National Party and send with your name and address to:

Subscriptions, PO Box 17, Amlwch LL68 8AB Pay by credit card

08710 500 238

Freedom is now delivered in a white sleeve within a plastic cover so it arrives on your breakfast table in pristine Condition.





Euro Election 09 08710 500 234

Operation June 4th W

HATEVER the results of the European and County Council Elections on June 4th, the members and supporters of the British National Party have fought a superb campaign. It has been an effort that started back in September of last year when the European Elections warm-up leaflet started to be distributed and there hasn’t been a let up since. Since then Operation June 4th has been in full swing. Every day leaflets have been put out, paper sales have taken place in town centres, election meetings have been held and fundraising dinners organised. The cost of the election has been huge, but our members have met the challenge with tens of thousands of small donations that have taken us to the verge of meeting our £400,000 target. Now we are just £70,000 short of reaching that total, so if you can help with a donation, however small, please fill in the form below or call the telephone number at the top of the page.

Thank you!


What We Stand for

CRIME: A crack-down on crime with many more ‘Bobbies on the Beat’. Much tougher treatment of criminals, including the return of capital punishment for child killers and terrorists. Zero tolerance for drug-dealers and violent thugs. IMMIGRATION: An end to immigration and bogus asylum seekers flooding Britain. Use the £billions wasted in foreign aid to fund ‘Homeward Bound’ schemes to encourage immigrants to return to their land of ethnic origin. INDUSTRY: British ownership and control of British industry and resources, including the mass media. Protection of British jobs and industry by selective exclusion of foreign manufactured goods from the British market.

Election meetings

HEALTH: We will use the vast sums of money now wasted on funding our membership of the European Union for the restoration of an effective national health service and proactive measures to produce a healthier population in the first place. EUROPEAN UNION: British withdrawal from the European Union to restore Britain’s freedom. We will trade with Europe where it benefits Britain, but want no political ties or monetary union.

Fund-raising dinners

EDUCATION: A return to traditional methods of education, with stronger discipline in the classroom and an end to ‘trendy’ teaching methods which have failed our children so badly. ENVIRONMENT: A healthy environment for a healthy people - the protection of our countryside. A ban on greenfield-site house building except in exceptional cases of genuine local need, an end to field trials of GM crops, and the restoration of our 200 mile fishing limit. FAIR PLAY FOR ENGLAND: The setting up of an English Parliament to give England the same right of self-determination within the United Kingdom as enjoyed by Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Town centre paper sales


The British National Party is on the verge of a major breakthrough into mainstream politics. Last year, the BNP achieved another good set of local election results and gained representation on the Greater London Assembly. In June, it’s the European Elections and it is vital that we continue to make progress. But to win against the old gang parties in such a fiercely contested set of elections needs considerable funding and we are appealing for your help as the BNP makes this vital push for power in order to save our country. I enclose a donation to the BNP for £ . . . . . . NAME.................................................................... Tel No................................ ADDRESS.......................................................................................................... .............................................................................. Post Code......................... Cheques/POs payable to British National Party or British Heritage

P.O.Box 14, Welshpool SY21 0WE

Those making donations of £200 or over must be on the UK Electoral Register. Send SAE for receipts for amounts of £25 or under.

GOVERNMENT & COMMUNITY: The establishment of a government that puts British interests first. A return to healthy moral values and policies aimed at strengthening the family and community. Tough penalties for corruption in public life. FREEDOM: An major expansion of freedom and democracy to roll back the erosion of our traditional freedoms and truly reflect the wishes of the people. The introduction of referenda and direct democracy. DEFENCE: An alternative defence strategy based on the principle of armed neutrality. No British blood should be shed in conflicts which do not involve British interests. The restoration of the County Regiment system and the reversal of defence cuts which have weakened our Forces and cost jobs. REMEMBER! It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree with us on every last policy. Like all the other democratic political parties, the British National Party includes some members who disagree with one or two policies. Just ask yourself whether you agree with more of our policies than those of Labour, the Tories and the LibDems. Most people do, which is why we are the fastest growing political party in Britain today.



Righteous anger & political action


HE British National Party believes in telling the truth, even if it is sometimes uncomfortable to hear or offensive to those who would rather bury their heads in the sand than face real problems in our society. But while we often pass quite critical comment on the impact of immigration, multiculturalism and alien religions on the indigenous people of our lands, we have no animosity towards immigrants, their descendants or the followers of non-native religions. Nor do we intend to encourage others to feel such animosity, or believe that


n UNEMPLOYMENT is set to rise to more than three million by 2011 according to new figures released by the Treasury. Ministers also warned that the cost of unemployment benefits was expected to almost double over the next two years, from the current £2 billion spent each year on Jobseeker's Allowance to £3.8 billion. n THE Government  has given more than £6 million to the Tackling Race Inequalities Fund. The fund supports an array of organisations working to increase the civic participation of people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups. n THE Royal Navy has been told by the Foreign Office not to detain Somali pirates attacking shipping. Warships patrolling pirate-infested waters, such as those off the coast of Somalia, have been warned that there is a risk that captured pirates might seek to claim asylum in Britain. n RESIDENTS in Little Harwood in Blackburn are living in fear because of a "new generation" of aggressive youngsters. Gangs of Asian youths have been involved in incidents which the police describe as "outlandish thuggery". A couple, aged 84 and 81, said they had seen many changes during their 41 years in the area, but never before had they been too frightened to leave their own home.

anything we have to say is likely to ‘stir up hatred’ against anyone. In fact, we believe that by providing a peaceful and Constitutional outlet for the anger and the frustration felt by millions of our people over the undemocratic transformation of our country by our political masters, the BNP actually defuses tensions. Where there is ‘hate’ we seek to turn it into righteous anger and political action against the only people who deserve to be hated - the politicians who use our taxes to turn our country into a place where we often feel like strangers in our own land.

Islamic state in 30 years


ABOUR MP Shahid Malik, has predicted that Britain will become an Islamic state with a Muslim Prime Minister within the next thirty years. He made the remarks at the “Global Peace & Unity”conference held at the Excel London centre. In his speech, Malik also said that he was “proud of the achievements of the Muslims of this country since 1997.” Presumably he wasn’t referring to the London tube bombings.

MALIK: Get ready, we’re coming.


Tory pledge on Overseas Aid W

OSBORNE: Typical Tory toff who is out of touch with ordinary people.

ITH the British people facing the most serious financial crisis in recent history, they look to their politicians to manage the public finances in order to safeguard the essential services the nation needs. So when British pensioners are having to cut out meals and turn down their heating in order to save money, they will be surprised to know that despite their difficulties the Tories have promised that one area of public expenditure will be protected from any future spending cuts . . . Overseas Aid! So whilst our old folk are shivering and starving next winter they can comfort themselves with the knowledge that whatever the hard-

ships facing the British people, the Tories will still be spending: n £15 million on promoting gender equality in Uganda. n £100 million on building new roads in Africa. n £150 million on Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe, and n £825 million on India, despite the fact that Indian industrialists now own large portions of British industry. The announcement by Shadow Chancellor George Osborne, was part of a policy initiative to try to win over voters, which just goes to show how out of touch the Tories are with the ordinary British people.

Tesco’s huge profit comes from fleecing shoppers & suppliers


HE economy is in free-fall, 120 small businesses are going bust every week and the dole queues are lengthening daily, but giant supermarket corporation Tesco, has been able to post record profits of £3.13 billion for 2008. It’s the highest profit for any retailer in British history and, despite the credit crunch, up 10% on the year before, taking Tesco’s turnover above a billion pounds worth of goods a week. Tesco has achieved this success by using its vast monopoly buying power to squeeze prices from suppliers. Farmers have been driven close to ruin by Tesco exploitation and in some cases even suicide as they see generations of work on the land ending in bankruptcy and seizure of their farm by the banks. But these lower prices have not been passed on to shoppers - they have simply gone to boost Tesco profits. Tesco has also devastated High Streets across Britain, replacing communities of small family businesses with soulless out-of-town megastores. Labour and Tory alike applaud this abuse of monopoly power and exaction of monopoly rent profit as “the free market in action” when anyone who knows any economics will rec-

LOWER SUPPLY PRICES: Not passed on to the shopper but as a boost to Tesco profits.

ognise it as a classic abuse of the market and distortion of free competition by a monopoly. It is no coincidence that, whilst overall price inflation is now around zero, inflation for the groceries Tesco’s sell is now running at 9.3%, up from 8.7% four weeks ago, as they use the power they gain from taking away choice in where to shop to hike prices and profits. Local councils, Labour, Tory and Lib-Dem alike, have colluded in the Tescoisation of British shopping by weakly granting the corporate giant all the planning permission it needs to cover the countryside in megastores and car parks, whilst leaving the former living hearts of towns and villages to rot as rows of charity shops, all real businesses having been driven to the wall. Only the British National Party pledges to restore choice and community to the shopper, and viable

EU gives foreign criminals the vote in British elections


INCE the Forfeiture Act of 1870 all inmates in Britain’s prisons have been excluded from taking part in elections on the grounds that losing the right to vote is part of their punishment. But now almost 140 years of British tradition and common sense have been overthrown by a combination of Brussels diktat
and Gordon Brown’s desperation to cling on to power. Under pressure from the European Court of Human Rights, the Government has announced that all convicts serving less than four years, including thousands of foreign offenders who New Labour see as potential supporters, should be given the right to vote.
The right to vote is one of the basic freedoms in a democracy.
By their actions criminals forfeit that right and should only


British National Party

be allowed to regain it once they have paid their dues to society by serving their time. Participation in elections requires a spirit of civic responsibility.
Giving criminals the right to vote makes a mockery of our democratic integrity and basic concept of justice.

PRISON EXERCISE: Now it’s the right to vote.


“Tesco has also devastated High Streets across Britain, replacing communities of small family businesses” nnnnnnnnnn

fair prices to our farmers and other small suppliers, by breaking up the Tesco monopoly. The British National Party will return choice to the shopper and businesses to the High Street by working for free choice and fair prices in the council chambers. BNP councillors will oppose planning applications for new out-of-town megastores and will support the cause of small local shops and suppliers.


Britons who have lost their voice


N 10 parliamentary seats at the next General Election, British voters will not be able to decide their own future. That’s because in these Westminster constituencies, Britons are now in the minority and will be out-voted by the majority vote of Black and Asian immigrants.

WASTED VOTE: Any influence held by the remaining British minority will be negated by the new ethnic majority. Within the next five years another seven constituencies will fall, becoming a new version of the old Rotten Boroughs, where the British people have lost their voice in having a say in deciding their future. Here are the 10 Westminster seats with their non-White population: East Ham . ................................. 65.5% Birmingham Ladywood.......... 64.4% Ealing Southall......................... 62.4% Brent North............................... 62.3% West Ham ................................. 55.9% Ilford South............................... 54.9% Brent Central............................ 53.0% Birmingham Hall Green.......... 52.8% Leicester East............................ 52.0% Bethnal Green & Bow.............. 50.4%


n ONE-in-six rapes in Britain last year were committed by foreigners. In Greater London, the worst area affected, migrant workers and illegal immigrants were responsible for up to a third of all sex attacks according to statistics obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. n FOUR men accused of taking part in the 1994 Rwandan genocide won their High Court battle against extradition, and will be allowed to remain in Britain. Vincent Bajinya, who now prefers to call himself Brown, Celestin Ugirashebuja, Emmanuel Nteziryayo and Charles Munyaneza are accused of ethnic cleansing in Rwanda by systematically slaughtering members of the Tutsi tribe. n A NEW £32 million detention centre which will hold 800 illegal immigrants and failed asylum seekers has been earmarked for a site at Bullingdon, near Bicester in Oxfordshire. The Home Office still has to decide whether to proceed with the new centre or build a smaller facility on the site of the existing Yarl's Wood immigration camp in Bedfordshire.



British National Party

Britain’s MEPs have betrayed our farmers

by Clive Wakely ABOUR, the Tories and the Liberal Democrats have for the last five years been working against British farmers by their support for the European Union’s ruinous Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). CAP is only beneficial to farmers in eastern and southern Europe, and detrimental to the British producer and taxpayer. Britain, unlike most other EU member states, pays far more into European Union coffers than it gets back so it’s wrong that the British taxpayer be required to subsidise European farmers. What makes this worse is that our own farmers often have to compete against imported produce which has been subsidised by the British taxpayer through the mechanism of the CAP. This is a disgrace. All Britain’s MEPs have been well briefed as to how unfair the Common Agricultural Policy is to British producers and taxpayers, yet they have done nothing to restore a level playing field for our farmers. They have sat back and rubber-



stamped a very long list of restrictions and red tape imposed by Brussels on farming in Britain. They have allowed foreign foodstuffs, such as milk, to flood in and put our dairy farmers out of business. Those aren’t the actions of politicians who care about the future of British farming. BNP representatives, when elected to the European Union, will work to dismantle it from within. British National Party MEPs will liaise with other nationalist representatives to

create new political structures and economic systems. This will mean a new start for the British farming industry to make Britain self-sufficient. Red tape will be cut, farm gate prices will reflect the real cost of the food produced and farmers will be left to do what they do best, producing the food that the British people need. No other party will do this, which is why any farmer not voting for British National Party candidates in June, is akin to a turkey voting for Christmas.

Worried about losing his seat


DAIRY FARMS: Our producers have been put out of business by foreign milk imports.

Nationalise the banks Selling off our & help small business donated organs


MALL and family-run businesses face a bleak future because the banks won’t give them the credit they need to keep going. Most just need overdraft facilities so they can pay bills whilst waiting to be paid by their customers. Labour claims it’s helping small businesses and is being tough on the big banks but, in fact, it’s doing the opposite. It has just closed down the Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme and replaced it with a new Enterprise Finance Guarantee Scheme which benefits the banks. Small businesses are also being hit with extra bank charges, lower overdraft limits and higher interest rates. Banks are now demanding that firms deposit the same sum again as they want to borrow, which makes asking for the loan rather pointless! Even businesses known to their bank and thriving for years as safe credit prospects are being hit by these practices and forced to close. When small businesses close down they rarely reappear which means less choice for customers. Big companies just downscale and close branches, but a small business just closes down and the livelihood of its owner and staff goes as well. The Government, thanks to massive taxpayer-funded bank bailouts, now

Sajjad Karim: . . . and so I became a Tory.


FAMILY-RUN FIRM: A nationalised banking system would ensure help was available. owns a majority share in most of the biggest banks, notably Lloyds and the Royal Bank of Scotland. It should be exercising its control of that ownership by issuing low interest loans to small businesses. The British National Party isn’t afraid of public control of what the public already owns, the banks should be nationalised completely and run for the benefit of the British economy, not their fat-cat bosses. The BNP would provide the necessary credit facilities for small and family-run businesses to get back on their feet, as well as making affordable home loans available for British families to live in British homes.

ITAL organs donated by British people have been sold to foreigners in our hospitals whilst Britons die waiting for transplants. In the last two years, fifty hearts, livers and kidneys donated by Britons, have been given to foreign patients in operations for which the hospitals were paid £75,000 each. Over the same period more than a thousand Britons died because they didn’t receive an organ transplant. Under European Union rules, patients can go to any member state to get treatment and that includes organ transplants. The National Health Service is paid for by the British people, not the European Union. It should be putting British people in need of organ transplants, first.

TRANSPLANTS: Put British patients first.

Latest issue out NOW! FSID is the BNP’s monthly DVD video magazine produced by BNPtv.


It features news bulletins, interviews, and film of BNP meetings & activities. To receive the latest issue send

£10.00 (inc post) to: The Secretary, FSID, PO Box 3, Burnley, Lancashire.

(Cheques made payable to FSID)

HEN the  North West’s only Muslim  MEP Sajjad Karim, arranged a meeting about the rise of extremism in Europe, it was thought that he would be focusing on the threat posed by Islam. But the now Conservative MEP, who was elected as a Liberal Democrat but jumped ship when he thought he might lose his seat, was only warning about how in the North West of England, the British National Party is becoming increasingly motivated and mobilised and could win a seat. “The BNP needs only to add 2% to its 6.4% of votes gained in the 2004 elections to rear its ugly head and have Nick Griffin sitting in the European Parliament,” he said. Karim is the first Muslim to be elected into the European Parliament for a British political party and many believe his special interest in preventing the BNP making progress in his North West constituency is more about holding on to his lucrative job in Brussels. Last year he claimed £18,356 on UK travel and office expenses, the most of any North West MEP.


n PROPOSALS contained in the EU's draft discrimination directive could lead to churches being sued if they refuse to give communion, baptism or membership to non-Christians. Religious groups believe the antidiscrimination measures are a back door to homosexuals being able to demand a wedding service in church. n EXPENDITURE on interpreters and translations within the National Health Service for 2008 totalled more than £26 million and that total is steadily rising. The information only came to light after a Freedom of Information request from the British National Party activist, Giuseppe De Santis, who is still waiting on responses from more than half of the NHS Trusts contacted.
 n MORE than a third of knife offences were punished with nothing more than a caution or a fine last year. Figures from the police national computer show that there were 27,644 offences involving the possession of a knife or offensive weapon which resulted in a caution or fine in England and Wales, while just 19% of offenders received a custodial sentence.


Meet our Euro candidates PAGE 8


Leading candidate Nick Griffin needs around 8% of the vote to be elected

NICK GRIFFIN has an honours degree in Law from Downing College, Cambridge. He is fifty years old and married to Jackie, a community nurse, and they have four grown up children. Since being elected to lead the BNP in 1999, he has turned it into the modern, mainstream and moderate party it is today.

n No.1 - Nick Griffin

n No.2 - Martin Wingfield

SIMON DARBY was born in 1964 in West Bromwich. He has an honours degree in Biology and Chemistry. Involved in Nationalist politics since 1989, Simon was one of the first British National Party councillors to be elected when he won Dudley´s Castle & Priory seat in 2003.


Leading candidate Simon Darby needs around 11% of the vote to be elected

n No.1 - Simon Darby

n No.2 - Alby Walker

n No.1 - Tim Rait

n No.2 - Donna Bailey


Leading candidate Robert West needs around 13% of the vote to be elected

n No.2 - Cathy Duffy

CATHY DUFFY has worked in the entertainment, medical, banking and aviation industries. She was one of the leading characters in the LWT series ‘Airline’. Cathy is a councillor on Charnwood Council.

ANDREW BRONS is a retired lecturer in Politics and Law. A veteran British Nationalist, he joined the original British National Party at the age of eighteen in 1965. Now 61, Andrew is a proud father of two grown-up daughters and grandfather of four granddaughters.


Leading candidate Andrew Brons needs around 11% of the vote to be elected

DONNA BAILEY is married with 3 children and lives in Sussex. She runs a Beauty and Holistic Therapy business.

Reverend ROBERT WEST has for the last 16 years represented South Lincolnshire as a district councillor and vicechairman for European Affairs. After serving as an Army officer, Robert lectured in law and history at Nottingham University.

n No.1 - Rev. Robert West

n No.1 - Andrew Brons

n No.2 - Nick Cass

69 British National Party candidates standing in 11 Euro Constituencies

SCOTLAND No.3 Deborah McKnight

SCOTLAND No.4 Roy Jones

SCOTLAND No.5 Max Dunbar

SCOTLAND No.6 Elise Jones

WALES No.3 Clive Bennett

WALES No.4 Kevin Edwards

SOUTH WEST No.3 Adrian Romilly

SOUTH WEST No.4 Sean Twitchin

SOUTH WEST No.5 Lawrence West

SOUTH WEST No.6 Peryn Parsons

EASTERN No.3 Steven McCole

EASTERN No.4 David Fleming

EASTERN No.5 David Lucas

EASTERN No.6 Mark Fuller

EASTERN No.7 Seamus Dunne

NORTH WEST No.3 Steve Greenhalgh

NORTH WEST No.4 Eddy O’Sullivan

NORTH WEST No.5 Jean Purdy

NORTH WEST No.6 Mike Elliott

NORTH WEST No.7 Derek Adams

NORTH WEST No.8 Gary Aronsson

ALBY WALKER is the BNP councillor for the Abbey Green on Stoke-on-Trent city council where he is the Chairman of the Health Scrutiny Committee.

TIM RAIT grew up in the South East of England and now lives in Surrey. His career was in shipping and marine insurance, working both in London and abroad. Tim was the British National Party candidate in last year’s Henley by-election when he made headlines by beating the Labour Party candidate.


Leading candidate Tim Rait needs around 8% of the vote to be elected

MARTIN WINGFIELD is the 58 year-old editor of the British National Party’s newspaper Voice of Freedom.


NICK CASS is a former squash champion who has represented England. He travelled extensively during his time as a squash professional.


MEET OUR EURO CANDIDATES EDDY BUTLER is a graduate in History and Politics from the University of London and lives in Epping. He is the BNP’s election guru and has been behind a string of BNP election victories. Eddy has made two full-length documentaries for BNPtv and cowrote Standardbearers, a series on leading British historical figures.


Leading candidate Eddy Butler needs around 9% of the vote to be elected

n No.1 - Eddy Butler

n No.2 - Emma Colgate

Leading candidate Bob Bailey needs around 11% of the vote to be elected

n No.1 - Bob Bailey

ADAM WALKER is the president of the Solidarity Trade Union. He is a ex-serviceman and also martial arts instructor. A qualified teacher and family man, Adam was hounded out of his job earlier this year because of his membership of the British National Party.

n No.1 - Adam Walker

n No.2 - Peter Mailer

n No.1 - Ennys Hughes

n No.2 - Laurence Reid

n No.1 - Jeremy Wotherspoon n No.2 - Barry Bennett.

LAURENCE REID is a Chartered Engineer and former works manager in the cement industry. He has served in the merchant navy as an officer and also worked in the NHS as a mechanical and electrical engineer.

SOUTH EAST No.6 David Little

SOUTH EAST No.8 Brian Horne

SOUTH EAST No.10 Andy McBride

LONDON No.3 Dennis Pearce

LONDON No.4 Julian Leppert

LONDON No.5 Roberta Woods

LONDON No.6 Chris Forster

LONDON No.7 John Clarke

LONDON No.8 John Evans

EAST MIDS No.3 Peter Jarvis

EAST MIDS No.4 Lewis Allsebrook

EAST MIDS No.5 Kevan Stafford

YORKSHIRE No.3 Chris Beverely

Yorkshire No.4 Marlene Guest

Yorkshire No.5 Paul Harris

YORKSHIRE No.6 Trevor Brown

NORTH EAST No.3 Ken Booth

WEST MIDS No.3 Chris Turner

WEST MIDS No.4 Ken Griffiths

WEST MIDS No.5 Ellie Walker

WEST MIDS No.6 Russell Green

BARRY BENNETT was born in Bournemouth and grew up on a farm near Yeovil where he discovered his passion for rural life. He is a qualified IT and adult education tutor.

GARY RAIKES was an Army Cadet Force instructor from 1992 until 2007 during which time he reached the rank of Regimental Sergeant Major and became a holder of the Queen’s Jubilee medal and the ACF service medal. He is married with a young daughter and is currently renovating a croft in the north east of Scotland.

SCOTLAND Leading candidate Gary Raikes needs around 12% of the vote to be elected

Landlord PETER MAILER is self-employed and works in the Licensed trade. He owns two ‘traditional British pubs’, in North Yorkshire and Northumberland.

JEREMY WOTHERSPOON is 67, has been married for 47 years and lives in Devon. He worked as a sales negotiator representing companies such as Addis Plastics and Canada Dry (UK), before setting up his own successfull business in 1981.


Leading candidate Jeremy Wotherspoon needs 15% of the vote to be elected

SOUTH EAST No.5 Lynne Mozar

ENNYS HUGHES graduated in Law at University College of Wales in Aberystwyth and lectured in both Liverpool and North Wales. She is a community councillor and has stood for the British National Party in the Welsh Assembly elections.


Leading candidate Ennys Hughes needs around 15% of the vote to be elected

SOUTH EAST No.4 Andrew Emerson

MICHAEL BARNBROOK joined the Metropolitan Police Force in 1964 and gained the rank of Inspector before retiring. He then worked for 7 years with Greenwich Council in n No.2 - Michael Barnbrook the Leisure Services Department.


Leading candidate Adam Walker needs around 17% of the vote to be elected

SOUTH EAST No.3 Mark Burke

EMMA COLGATE is a 29 year-old political researcher from Essex. She was elected as a councillor for the BNP in Thurrock in May 2008. BOB BAILEY served for 14 years in the Royal Marines and saw active service in a number of the world’s conflict zones. A graduate in Business Management, Bob is the leader of the BNP opposition group on Barking and Dagenham Council.



n No.1 - Gary Raikes

n No.2 - Charlie Baillie

CHARLIE BAILLIE is the British National Party’s Glasgow Organiser. An electrical contractor of 25 years, he has two grown-up daughters.



Political correctness gone mad


ONNIE Calvin has been a Labour councillor for 28 years, loyally serving the people of Hensingham and Arlecdon on Cumbria County Council. Before that he worked underground as a coal miner in Whitehaven’s Haig Pit, hewing out coal miles out under the Irish Sea to help provide our country’s energy needs. But this stalwart of his community and the nation has fallen foul of political correctness. He has now been suspended from the council and banned from the

council’s offices. Ronnie told his local newspaper: “I was tired and had an aching back after the long journey from my Whitehaven ward to the council offices in Kendal. In the course of a conversation with a colleague I used the old once popular phrase, ‘nigger in the woodpile’, and somebody reported me. I have done my best for the people of Whitehaven and it’s all very sad.” What a shocking way to treat a senior citizen who has given a lifetime of service to his community.

The fate of the Christian Minority


Ronnie Calvin

Women Against Pit Closures

HE Miners’ Strike was Britain’s most bitter industrial dispute of recent times, and it was triggered by the announcement that the South Yorkshire pit of Cortonwood in the Dearne Valley, was to close. On 5th March 1984, the men at the Cortonwood pit walked out and other Yorkshire miners joined them not realising that it would be a year before they returned. As mining communities were often located in remote areas, their isolation created an increased importance in the local community. Women in the mining communities were the homemakers with their lives based around family, home, and children while the men worked in the pit and brought home the wage. But soon after the beginning of the

strike they took a more leading role is the dispute, and this was prompted by a misinformation campaign within the media claiming that wives weren’t supporting the miners over the strike. They set-up community kitchens, held fund-raising events, organised demonstrations and became speakers at rallies, letting people know what the strike was like for themselves, their families and for the communities. They were known as Women Against Pit Closures (WAPC). As well as actively protesting and collecting for the families affected by the strikes, they also produced all sorts of protest memorabilia such as postcards, calendars, badges, t-shirts, banners and also Christmas cards.

WAPC: They let people know what the strike was like for their families and communities.

Christmas was the hardest time of the strike. At Kiveton Colliery in Rotherham the local WAPC provided 558 food parcels. Each miner had a 4lb chicken and everything needed to make breakfast, dinner and tea on Christmas Day. They were helped by the local butchers, bakers, grocers, and farmers who rallied around to support the community. In Brampton, the village where the Cortonwood pit was based, Jackie Keating was involved in WAPC. Her father and husband were both miners and in her book on the strike Counting the Cost, she recalls Christmas 1984: “We saved up bits and pieces over the weeks to make sure the kids weren’t affected by the hard Christmas - and the NUM also gave presents for the miners’ children. “Our children were very young and just remember that Dad was home a lot and they didn’t notice the hard Christmas that year.” Despite the hard work women and men had put into the strike, as financial hardships increasingly took hold miners began to break the strike and return to work. The strike formally ended on 3 March 1985, almost a year after it had begun, with miners returning to work with their heads held high behind their colliery banners alongside the women who had provided them with so much support.


British National Party SMS ALERTS


ET our latest election results, the BNP’s media appearance dates and other BNP news flashes instantly texted to your mobile phone. There is no subscription charge, just text “BNP” to 83300 in order to immediately join the service and “BNP OFF” to the same number to unsubscribe. No text message will cost more than £1.50 and will only be sent out for BNP election results and other important information.

Helpline 08710 500 232

ONE TO ONE: Andrew Marr interviews the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

Nick is promised a slot on the Andrew Marr Show T HE BBC’s flagship political discussion programme, the Andrew Marr Show, has extended an invitation to the British National Party chairman Nick Griffin. In the past, it would have been unheard of for the Corporation to extend such an invitation to the British National Party for an interview by their most high profile political commentator, but as the BNP’s support across the country grows so the BBC

Sally Wood Straight Talking

The unsung heroes of the battle to save our coal mining industry



is having to change its stance. The interview offer came in a letter from Barney Jones, the editor of the Andrew Marr Show, to Jeremy Wotherspoon, the British National Party’s lead candidate in the South West. He wrote: “Should your colleague, the BNP chairman Nick Griffin, get elected to the European Parliament, we would wish to interview him - one to one on the Andrew Marr Show.”

T disappoints me to see our Church involving itself in the political process in an attempt to prevent the British National Party achieving success in the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament. I am reminded of our vicar telling a group of us recently that Christians, in the not too distant future, will become a minority in this land. It was said in such a matter of fact voice one might have thought that he was just announcing the date of the forthcoming church fete.   Does the Church not know what happens to Christians when they become a minority? The worrying record from history is that they tend to get persecuted. Perhaps we need to be reminded of the Armenian genocide in 1915, when the Otterman Government embarked upon the systemic decimation of the Armenian people. The Otterman Empire was  ruled by Turks who  were a martial people practising Islam and they forced the Armenian Christian minority to pay discriminatory taxes and denied them participation in Government. In April 1915 tens of thousands of Armenians were deported from their homes to the Syrian desert. Mass killings accompanied the deportations and the survivors who reached northern Syria were sent further South to die under the scorching sun. It is estimated that a million and a half Armenians perished in total, and an ancient people, who had inhabited the Armenian highlands for three thousand years, lost their historical homeland. On April 24th every year the remaining Armenian communities remember this genocide, and on that day I too, went to my church and sat there in thought and quietly remembered all those Armenian Christians who perished. It’s a slaughter our church leaders have obviously forgotten about, otherwise they wouldn’t be forever promoting Islam as a religion of peace and attacking the British National Party.

April 24th 1915: Hundreds of the leaders of the Armenian Christians were murdered in Istanbul by the Turkish Muslims of the Otterman Government.

Demise of a role model

JENSEN Button’s achievement of winning the two opening Grand Prix of the new season has received muted coverage in the media. “Cloud remains over Button’s back to back wins,” was one headline, and “Button wins tyre battle but rain reduces triumph,” is another. I’m sure if Lewis Hamilton had just won two races on the trot, the headlines would have been very different. I can just  picture the coverage, no praise would have been too lavish. The media’s report of Lewis Hamilton’s disqualification in the Australian Grand Prix was also true to form. Lewis Hamilton is euphemistically described as just ‘misleading the officials’ when in actual fact he lied. When the lie was uncovered by the officials through listening to radio conversations he had with the McLaren team, he used the excuse that he was just following orders. That’s the kind of defence a child uses. I remember using it when I was young and being told that if someone told me to jump off a cliff would I do it? The fact is that Lewis Hamilton has been used as a role model because he is Black, even mentioned in my Church during a sermon. It’s the first time that I can remember a sportsperson receiving such accolades from the pulpit; but now his halo has been tarnished. The media must be devastated that another of its role models has fallen from his pedestal, and that it is being forced to sing the praises of yet another white racing driver. ACHIEVEMENT: There was muted media coverage of Jenson Button’s two Grand Prix victories.



BNP councillors get things done A

FTER spending the morning leafleting in Marsden ward, the dedicated team of activists working for Pendle BNP stayed on to clear litter from a grass verge next to a main road. Local residents had told the ward’s BNP councillor Brian Parker, that the verge was becoming a blight on the neighbourhood, so Brian and his team went into action. It was very rewarding for the hardworking clean-up team when people stopped to congratulate them on their efforts. “The BNP is the only party that gets things done,” was the verdict of one passer-by.

Working hard for the community in Debden


PPING Forest British National Party councillor Pat Richardson, is well known nationally because she breaks the media’s stereotype of a BNP member. Pat is Jewish, and that fact silences our opponents at a stroke when they come out with all their usual smears on the Party. And Pat is just as well known locally, where she works tirelessly as the councillor for Loughton Broadway along with another BNP councillor, Sue Clapp. Debden Day is the annual celebration day of Debden and the Lough-

ton Broadway community. It’s a great family occasion with fancy dress competitions, music, stalls, a fair and many other treats for visitors. The event is organised by the Loughton Broadway Town Centre Partnership, a non profit making charity, and it is on this committee that the two BNP councillors have worked tirelessly throughout the year to make Debden Day a big success. Back in 2000 the county council said that they wouldn’t charge to close the road. Last year it charged the partnership £250, a cost that was met by the traders. Then this year the

DEBDEN DAY: It’s a great occasion for all the family. (Insert: BNP councillor Sue Clapp.)

TIRELESS WORKER: BNP’s Pat Richardson. council wanted to hike the charge by 400% to £995 which would have effectively sounded the death knell for Debden Day. But the committee refused to be beaten and after much lobbying the council backed down and even apologised to the organisers for the distress their actions had caused.

Plaid councillor joins the BNP A

Plaid Cymru county council candidate and councillor for Llandybie, Meirion Bowen, has joined the British National Party. Mr Bowen is now the second BNP councillor on Llandybie Council, joining Kevin Edwards who represents Penygroes. The loss of a councillor is an embarrassment to Plaid coming after MP for Carmarthen East & Dinefwr, Adam Price, alarmed at collapsing support for Plaid in his constituency, claimed that voters in Carmarthenshire would not be swayed by the BNP. But the new British National Party

councillor said that Price is out of touch with reality and that Plaid turned its back on the people of Wales when it dropped the Cymru. Talks between BNP officials and disillusioned Plaid members and councillors in areas of South Wales from Ammanford to Abergavenny have highlighted the disillusionment felt by many Welsh people living in South East Wales, now they have a Muslim representing Plaid in the Welsh Assembly. Brian Mahoney, the leader of the BNP in Wales, told Freedom: “It was the final straw for many Plaid

FINAL STRAW: A Muslim march led by Plaid’s AM Mohammed Ashgar, through the centre of Newport to a Welsh chapel that has been converted into a mosque.

MEIRION BOWEN: Plaid are out of touch with the Welsh people. supporters when their elected representative AM Mohammed Ashgar, led a Muslim march through the Welsh city of Newport to a former Welsh chapel that is now a mosque. It is symptomatic of the phoney nationalists in Plaid that their change of direction ignores the needs of Welsh people and puts the interests of other nationalities first.”





COMMENT The Voice of

ISSUE No.105

Freedom The Newspaper of the British National Party

EDITOR: Martin Wingfield Contributors:

Steve Johnson, Tina Wingfield

[email protected]

For our National Identity and our Independence 


HE BRITISH National Party BRITISH RESISTANCE is fighting the European elections on our pledge to withdraw Britain from the European Union. Setting Britain free from Brussels is vital if we are to save the British British National Par t y nation and its people. BNP policies are based on putting ordinary British people first, in terms of jobs and a decent standard of living and in having a say in the running of their own lives and communities. We oppose the European Union because it stops us doing what needs to be done to protect the livelihood and welfare of the British people. As long as we are in the European Union, implementing our “British jobs for British workers” policy will be impossible. As long as we are in the European Union we can’t protect British industries like fishing and manufacturing. As long as we are in the European Union we can’t control immigration and other fundamental aspects of British life. Thanks to Labour and the Tories, these policy areas that are vital to the welfare of our nation are no longer under the control of the British people. The decision making power has been given away to Brussels in order to promote the global economy that both these discredited political parties serve. Central to the BNP’s ideology is the principle that ordinary people should have as much say as possible over their lives. That means the principle of subsidiarity - that governance and power should be devolved to the smallest, most local, most community-based unit possible. In many areas that means local communities or regions, or failing that the component peoples of the British Isles, England, Scotland, Wales and Ulster. To achieve this we must resist any further power being taken away from our people and given to the European Union. Britain is still an historic, cohesive and ancient nation comprised of people sharing that historic unity and common identity. We are powerful enough to defend that unity and identity against the forces of internationalism and globalisation which threaten our economic welfare. The British National Party is the only party campaigning to take Britain out of the European Union because membership of it undermines our national identity and independence. 


Freedom The Voice of

ISSUE No.105

The Newspaper of the British National Party

Freedom sells at 60p 10 copies 25 copies 50 copies 100 copies 150 copies

£3.50 £9.00 £18.00 £35.00 £52.00

+ £4.00 p&p + £5.50 p&p + £10.00 p&p + £12.00 p&p + £15.00 p&p

Groups and Branches please call

07815 146 712 Cheques/POs payable to British Heritage,

The Secretary, PO Box 598, Worcester WR4 4AS. [email protected]

MEETING THE PEOPLE: In the run-up to the European and County Council elections, the British National Party has been out and about meeting the voters by setting up town centre stalls, like this one in Keswick, where copies of Freedom were sold and leaflets given out.


Letters to the Editor

Business interests


IVEN that most of our present economic problems have been caused by globalisation - which basically translates into exporting jobs  and importing migrants - I think many people will be confused as to why our politicians are still so against protectionism. I believe the main reason for this is the ‘special relationship’ that they have with big business. Politicians are always networking and never miss an opportunity to lend a sympathetic ear to big businesses. This would explain why Brown & Co are so eager to bail out the banks, yet seem prepared to let ordinary people lose their jobs and have their homes repossessed. The publication of the business interests of past and present cabinet ministers could well shed light on why this happens. The recent expose of MP’s expenses has revealed the greed and the readiness to bend the rules of those at Westminster. A business interest expose could stir a similar public outcry.  Peter Brown, Birmingham.

Now it’s a Polish lobby


HE free newspaper, the Polish Express, which is handed out in many British cities where there is a large Polish community, has FOUR pages in its latest issue telling its readers not to vote for the British National Party on June 4th.  How dare a newspaper which is targeted at a foreigner readership try to influence the results of a British election. Its attack on the British National Party is deliberately interfering with OUR political process. It seems that Polish migrant workers are being mobilised, just  like Muslim immigrants are, in order to dictate the future for the British people.  Michael James, Hillingdon.

It’s a mystery to me


ONGRATULATIONS to Derek Adams on his excellent 815 vote in the Moston by-election. But where on earth did the 1,353 Labour votes come from? I know that 20% of voters in Moston are from immigrant communities and Labour harvested those votes. But who else in their right mind could possibly vote Labour? Larry Quinn, Bury.

Shocking treatment


HAT a shocking indictment of the Labour Government by its treatment of Sappers Mark Quinsey, 23, of Birmingham, and Patrick Azimkar, 21, of London, the two soldiers murdered in Antirm by dissident Republicans.  The bodies of the soldiers were flown home without ceremony, just shipped back to the mainland as freight. Distressed colleagues were told that the soldiers were not allowed to have a ramp service because of “political reasons”. Apparently the Government didn’t want anything to suggest that The Troubles had started up again. This is shocking treatment. These soldiers were shot dead in uniform by terrorists and they should be treated in exactly the same way as if they had been killed in Afghanistan. S. Moore, Belfast.

Scrap tax on pensions


ENJOY reading Freedom, it’s a breath of fresh air compared to all the national newspapers. May I suggest that the British National Party introduces a section in its policy for pensioners that they shouldn’t pay any tax on their pensions. I have lots of friends that are senior citizens and all of them ask the same thing. “We have already paid our taxes, in each and every wage packet we have earned, so why should we have to pay more tax on our most important savings, our pension?” It’s a good question. Brian Saxby, email.

Eyes of the Party


WOULD like Freedom readers to be our eyes all over the country to ensure that the BNP’s European Election address is delivered to every household. Our opponents in the postal service will be doing their best to disrupt the distribution of our leaflets, but they will be deterred if they know that there is a network of Freedom readers watching them closely. If Royal Mail managers know that their postmen are being watched, and that legal action will be taken to prosecute any person tampering with BNP leaflets, this could help ensure that complete delivery takes place. Trevor Agnew, Darlington.


[email protected]

Tackling knife crime


ORIS Johnson’s ‘Time for Action’ plan will do little to curb the spate of teenage violence and killings in London. While steps need to be taken to offer employment training for young offenders, and to find them jobs, this in itself is not going to stop violent crime and the carrying of knives. We need to make these youths think about the personal consequences of breaking the law by carrying a knife. The only effective means of so doing is by deterring them with a mandatory custodial sentence. Unfortunately, we are today reaping the bitter fruits of a lost generation, spawned in a climate of post-war liberalism, lacking in respect for authority, lacking in a sense of national identity and individual purpose and lacking in moral values. That is why the British National Party believes that only a radical re-assertion of the traditional, non politically correct values of firm discipline, moral guidance and the fostering of self-reliance will retrieve our youth from this downwards spiral into crime and self-destruction. Surely this approach is just common sense? Richard Barnbrook, AM, London.

Falling sales


HE reason that the sales of local and regional newspapers are falling and titles are going to the wall, is that they no longer connect with the people on the streets, their real readership. Local people see how newspapers report some items and not others, how they pick and choose their news reports which all seem to follow the Government’s “Common Cause”. The smears against the British National Party are a case in point. It is just propaganda for the Labour Party in an effort to stem the tide of its traditional voter turning to the BNP in considerable numbers. Whilst newspapers carry on in this manner, they will keep losing sales and eventually the jobs of their staff will be lost. When this happens you can guarantee that those who have brought about this state of affairs won’t lift a finger to help. John Waller, email.



British National Party loses one of its finest

by Adrian Marsden T IS with great regret that I have to announce the death of Bradford BNP stalwart Clifford Cockayne, following a brave fight against heart and lung disease. Clifford, aged 76, was a regular at West Yorkshire meetings in recent years and stood as a local election candidate for Bradford City Council on a number of occasions. In 2006 he fought the Thornton and Allerton ward coming second just 189 votes short of taking the seat from the Tories with 1354 votes. In 2007  he was second again, this time with 1011 votes. In 2008 he stood for election in the Wibsey ward and came third behind the Tories and Labour with 595 votes, but he beat the Lib-Dem candidate and polled more votes than the combined vote-share of the phoney nationalist fringe groups UKIP and


the English Democrats. Clifford and his partner Jenny Sampson, another brave BNP candidate in numerous Bradford elections, formed a formidable team to take on our opponents and this was seen to great effect when Clifford was libelled by the anti-BNP newspaper the Bradford Telegraph and Argus. The paper was forced to publicly apologise and pay compensation of £500 to a charity of the BNP’s choice after falsely smearing Clifford in an article about a local election count in the city. It claimed he had a verbal altercation with the Labour candidate even though

GREAT MEMORIES: Clifford and Jenny celebrating their victory over a lying media with the cheque for £500 from the Telegraph & Argus to the MacMillan Nurses Charity.



THE British National Party is organised into campaigning local branches, groups and Contacts across the UK. These are divided by region, branches are in bold type, groups in plain and Contacts in italics. To Contact any of these, get in touch with the region. Where there is no Contact listed, or if there’s no group in your area and you would like details of how to start a new group, please write to: Administration Support at PO Box 2004, Bristol BS99 1WG or telephone 07974 094449. EASTERN: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZU Tel: 01992 631677. Email: [email protected] Basildon, Billericay, Brentwood, Broxbourne, Castle Point, Colchester, Dacorum, East Herts, East Norfolk, East Suffolk, Epping Forest, Fenland, Hertsmere, Luton & South Bedfordshire,, Maldon & Braintree, Mid Essex, North East Essex, North Bedfordshire, North Herts & Stevenage, Peterborough & Fenland, Rochford, South Cambridgeshire, Southend, Suffolk, Thurrock, Welwyn & Hatfield, West Herts, West Norfolk. EAST MIDLANDS: PO Box 8816, Coalville LE67 0BR Tel: 07795 000676. Email: [email protected] Ashfield, Bassetlaw, Bolsover, Boston, Holbeach & Spalding, Corby, Broxtowe, Charnwood, Derby, East LIndsey, Erewash, Kettering, Leicester, Lincoln North, Lincoln South, Lincolnshire Coastal, Melton Mowbray & Rutland, Newark & Sherwood, North Kesteven, North West Leicestershire, Northants, Nottingham, South Derbyshire, South Kesteven, Wellingborough, West LIndsey.

Clifford was not even at the count. The entire story had been made up just to smear the BNP. Clifford and Jenny fought back and issued a legal letter of demand against the newspaper. A few weeks later the Telegraph and Argus admitted guilt, published a full retraction and paid the agreed £500 compensation to the MacMillan Nurses Charity, which had been nominated by Clifford as the beneficiary of the damages claim. Clifford will be greatly missed by his colleagues, friends and more importantly his family. Our thoughts are with Jenny at this desperately sad time. She nursed Clifford through the last painful months both at home and later in hospital.

Join the BNP today! MEMBERSHIP FEES Gold Membership £60.00

Standard Membership £30.00 Family Membership £40.00

Senior Citizen/Unwaged/Student £15.00

BY TELEPHONE: Call 08710 500 236 Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm with your credit card. BY INTERNET: Log on to and follow the links. BY POST: Fill in the form below and send it to The Secretary, PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA.

LONDON: PO Box 287, Waltham Cross EN8 8ZU Tel: 01992 631677. Email: [email protected] Barking and Dagenham, Barnet, Brent & Harrow, Bexley, Bromley & Lewisham, Croydon & Sutton, East London, Enfield & Haringey, Greenwich, Havering, Redbridge & Waltham Forest, Richmond & Kingston, Wandsworth & Merton. MID-WEST: PO Box 3206, Corsham, Wiltshire SN13 0WU Tel: 0117 947 5931. Email: [email protected] Banes, Bristol & North Somerset, Calne & Chippenham, Gloucester & Tewkesbury, Mendip & North East Somerset, Sedgemoor & South Somerset, Swindon, Warminster, Wiltshire. NORTH-EAST: PO Box 1132, Newcastle NE994YT Tel: 07957 777521. Email: [email protected] Blyth Valley, Darlington, Easington, Hartlepool, North West Durham, Sedgefield & Wear Valley, South Tyneside, Stockton-on-Tees, Sunderland, Sunderland South, Teesside, Tyneside. NORTH-WEST: PO Box 53, South Shore, Blackpool FY4 1FS Tel: 07719 030757. Email: [email protected] Allerdale, Alsager, Barrow & South Lakeland, Blackburn & Darwen, Blackpool, Bolton, Burnley, Bury, Carlisle, Copeland, Hyndburn, Isle of Man, Lancaster & Preston, Liverpool, Manchester North, Manchester South, Oldham, Pendle, Rossendale & Rochdale, Salford, St Helens, Stockport, Tameside, Trafford, Vale Royale, Warrington & Halton, Wigan, Wirral. SCOTLAND: PO Box 11815, Turriff AB53 8WB Tel: 07526 125894 E-mail: [email protected] Highlands & Islands, North-East, Central, Lothians, Mid Scotland & Fife, South, Glasgow & West. SOUTH-EAST: PO Box 4114, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 9GF Tel: 07926-831-855. Email: [email protected] Abingdon, Arun, Chichester & Worthing, Aylesbury Vale, Basingstoke, Bracknell & Wokingham, Brighton & Hove, Crawley & Horsham, Dover, Elmbridge, Farnborough, Folkestone, Hart, Hastings, Bexhill & Rother, Havant, High Wycombe, Hythe, Maidstone, Medway, New Forest, Oxfordshire, Portsmouth & Fareham, Reading, Reigate & Banstead, Slough, Southampton, Spelthorne, Thanet & East Kent, Tonbridge Wells, Waverley, West Berkshire, West Kent, Wokingham. SOUTH-WEST: PO Box 351, Torquay, Devon TQ2 8XN Tel: 0117 947 5921. Email: [email protected] Bridport, Cornwall, Dorset, Exeter, Devon North & West, Plymouth, South Devon, South Hams. ULSTER: Email: [email protected] Tel: 07788 526 487 Coleraine, Co. Down, Co Londonderry, Co. Antrim, Co Tyrone, Co. Armagh, Co. Fermanagh. WALES: PO Box 293, Cardiff CF24 0NP Tel: 0845 - 4764162. Email: [email protected] Anglesey, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Carmarthenshire, Conwy, Denbighshire & Flintshire, South Wales, Swansea, Vale of Glamorgan, Wrexham. WEST MIDLANDS: PO Box 598, Worcester WR4 4AS Tel: 07077 820271. Email: [email protected] Birmingham East, Birmingham North, Birmingham South, Black Country, Burton-on-Trent, Cannock Chase, Coventry, Herefordshire, Lichfield, Newcastle-under-Lyme, North Shropshire, North Warwickshire, Nuneaton & Bedworth, Rugby, Shrewsbury, Solihull, South Shropshire & Bridgnorth, Staffordshire Moorlands, Stratford-on-Avon, Stoke-onTrent, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Worcestershire. YORKSHIRE:  PO Box 20, Halifax HX1 9JT Tel: 07926 324331. Email: [email protected] Barnsley, Bradford, Bridlington, Craven, Doncaster, Halifax, Harrogate & District, Hull, Kirklees North, Kirklees South (Huddersfield), Leeds, Rotherham, Scarborough, Scunthorpe, Selby, Sheffield, Wakefield, York.




BNP needs a 1.6% increase on 2004 vote to win North West seat

The long & the short of the Cumbria County Council Elections


HE NORTH WEST Regional Council meeting in Wigan on 7th April was the best attended and most productive meeting ever held by the region’s officials. The individual unit reports, even summarised to the bare minimum, took two hours to complete and it was very uplifting to hear, in rapid succession, dozens of BNP organisers giving their reports detailing the

Tina Wingfield, a BNP candidate in Allerdale, meets the Millom candidate Craig Eaton.

activities of their respective groups. Work is being done from the north of Cumbria right down throughout the five counties to the south of Cheshire on a daily basis. At the meeting Clive Jefferson was appointed the new North West Regional Organiser with his brief to concentrate solely on preparing the Party for the fast approaching European Elections.

In 2004, the British National Party was just 1.6% short of winning a seat in the European Parliament. Over the past five years the BNP has not only grown considerably, but is now much more organised and professional in its campaigning and on June 4th the European Election result in the North West will show how much this progress has registered with the public.

Solid showing in first BNP outing in Erewash

MARK BAILEY: Promising 11.5% vote share. N the very day that the latest YouGov opinion poll had the Tories with a huge 17% lead, the Labour Party pulled off a major shock when it overturned a 250 Conservative majority to win the Derby Road West ward for Erewash District Council. The Labour Party vote was up by 7% while the Conservative vote was down by 14%. The Liberal Democrat vote was also down, by 5%.


The British National Party had never fought the ward before so to attract 11.5% was a very solid first performance and a vast improvement on the 2.6% polled at the General Election in 2005 for the Erewash seat. There was no local BNP group in the area so the campaign rested in the main on the efforts of Mark Bailey and a handful of hard-working local activists who put out three leaflets. On the Saturday before polling day help arrived in the form of four of the East Mids European Election candidates, who spent the day campaigning. For the Euro poll, the East Midlands region needs a 13% vote share so the result in Erewash keeps the British National Party in with a fighting chance.

READY FOR JUNE 4TH: Leading European Election candidate for the North West region, Nick Griffin, with his team of organisers.

Key by-election in Salford just two weeks before D-Day

EREWASH DISTRICT COUNCIL Dervy Road West Ward Thursday 23rd April 2009

Keri Andrews (Lab) ............... Elaine Davenport-Eright (Con) Ian Neil (Lib-Dem)................. Mark Bailey (BNP)................ BNP Percentage: 11.5%


696 584 301 205

GARY TUMULTY: Outside Salford’s working class movement library.

EAST MIDS EURO TEAM: Kevan Stafford, Cathy Duffy, Lewis Allesbrook, & Peter Jarvis.

Advertise in Freedom ADVERTISING RATES: 5 cms x 1 Column = £15.00 a month 10 cms x 1 Column = £30.00 a month 5 cms x 2 Columns = £30.00 a month 10 cms x 2 Columns = £60.00 a month DISCOUNTS:

An advert placed for 3 months will have a discount of 10% An advert placed for 6 months will have a discount of 20%


An advertisement of 10cms x 2 Columns for 6 months would cost £360.00 less £72.00 = £288.00 Please select the advertising option you require and send your copy together with a cheque made payable to the

‘British National Party’ to: Freedom Adverts, P.O.Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA.

For any further enquiries please email [email protected]

HERE’S a crucial by-election being contested in Salford, where polling day falls just two weeks before the all-important European Elections. On Thursday 21st May, Gary Tumulty will be the British National Party’s candidate in the city’s Irwell Riverside Ward where the Party will be keen to achieve a vote share of between 8 to 12% in order to keep on target for winning a seat in the European Parliament for the North West on June 4th. Irwell Riverside is a Labour strong-

hold and the by-election has been called following the death of James Hulmes, a Labour councillor and former Mayor of Salford. Back in May 2008, Anthony Healey was the ward’s BNP candidate and he polled a very respectable 13.4%  coming fourth behind the three main parties. This time around Gary Tumulty will be working hard to hold on to that vote and gain ground on both the Conservative and Lib-Dem candidates who finished just 100 votes ahead when the ward was last fought.

Eastern region is well prepared for June 4th poll T

HE last regional council meeting before European Elections showed just how far the Eastern region has come since June 2004 when  there were  just eight active units which fielded 16 local election candidates. Under the leadership of Eddy Butler, the region now has twenty four active units and  will be fielding around seventy candidates for the county council elections. The rapid growth of the region means there is now too much work for a single organiser, which led Eddy to announce the appointment of three sub-regional organisers: Emma Colgate in Essex, David Fleming covering East Anglia, and Steve McCole taking on Hertford and Bedfordshire. The meeting covered all aspects of the election campaign for June 4th, and the thirty two unit officials pres-

3 TIMES IN SIZE: There are now 24 BNP units in the Eastern Region, compared to 8 in 2004. prepared for targeted leafleting and ent from across the Eastern region paper sales to maximise our vote. are now prepared to do their bit On top of this there will be a billto make this the most professional board and newspaper advertising campaign ever run. campaign along with visits by the Target seats were selected for the Party’s now famous ‘Truth Truck’. County Council Elections and plans




Preparation for dealing with the hostile media

Leaflets to attract new mem bers


training seminar run by Eddy Butler and Emma Colgate for British National Party election officials took place in Dagenham on Sunday April 5th. Over fifty officials attended the five hour course which covered dealing with the media. British National Party candidates are often targeted by hostile journalists desperate to try to portray the BNP in a bad light. The professionally run course covered many situations, questions and pitfalls, that a candidate or their agent could find themselves in during an interview. “This training has been invaluable and will improve our performance in front of the camera,” was the verdict of one BNP official present. The training seminar goes to show just how seriously the BNP are





PREPARATION: Eddy Butler explains the best method of dealing with a hostile media. and are one step ahead of what taking this year’s elections and the is required as the British National level of support and training those Party continues its quite spectacular representing the Party will receive. growth,” Eddy told Freedom. “We mean business this time around

THE SUN SHINES ON THE RIGHTEOUS: It was a lovely morning for the BNP’s Britain is Full demo outside Lunar House.

Demo outside Britain’s ‘Trojan Horse’ in Croydon


N Saturday April 4th around 50 members of the British National Party staged a “Britain Is Full” demonstration outside the Home Office’s Border Agency HQ Lunar House in Croydon. Lunar House is the Trojan Horse

which facilitates asylum seekers and refugees entering Britain. The protest received an overwhelmingly positive response with scores of passing drivers, including those of double-decker buses, beeping their horns, and giving

the ‘thumbs up’ sign. A small group of ‘anti-BNP and proimmigration’ demonstrators turned up, led by none other than Andrew Pelling, the Conservative MP for the Croydon Central constituency which includes Lunar House.







Weekend of action along the Yorkshire Coast


BNP weekend of action took place in April along the coast of Yorkshire.

Stalls were manned in Filey and Driffield and mass leafleting was carried out in towns and villages from Filey, Hunmanby, Speeton, Osgodby and Cayton right up to Whitby in the north. Andrew Brons, lead Yorkshire BNP candidate in the European Elections on 4th June, said: “I would like to thank all the activists who turned up to help out with this thoroughly enjoyable weekend of activity. It was all very productive with many members of the public coming STALL IN FILEY: Chris Beverley (2nd left) selling copies of Freedom in the high street.

Send us your branch and election news [email protected]

Remember a photograph makes for a better report

forward to pledge their support on June 4th. “I am working hard to ensure that this region will for the first time ever have an MEP that will stand up to the Eurocrats in Brussels and put local people first.”    The campaign’s co-ordinator Chris Beverley, told Freedom: “Altogether about 10,000 leaflets were distributed over the course of the weekend, and vast numbers of people were spoken to at our stalls or on the doorsteps. “We will continue to work tirelessly over the coming weeks and months to try and make sure that we win here in Yorkshire, and activities such as this one will clearly help to move things in the right direction.”


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Copeland looking for the best ‘British jobs for British workers’ BNP vote in Cumbria . . . again! Get your new leaflets today WHITEHAVEN: There’s a friendly face at the BNP stall in the centre of town.


OPELAND & District British National Party were out in Whitehaven at the beginning of April, meeting the local people

and discussing local issues. There was a very friendly reception for the activists at  the stall in the town centre and for those out leaf-

leting a nearby housing estate. Throughout the morning people approached the stall, asking how to join while others took away leaflets to give to friends and family. In a recent Cumbria County Council by-election in the Kells district of Whitehaven, the British National Party polled over 40% of the vote and cut a Labour majority of over 1,000 votes to just 16 votes. Back in 2004, the last time that the European Elections were contested, Copeland returned the highest British National Party vote in Cumbria and local BNP campaigners are looking to produce a similar performance this time around.

l A4 (top) £15 per 1000 A5 (this one) £10 per 1000

The St George’s Day parade that Labour tried to ban

WEST BROMWICH: Thousands of people turned the streets into a sea of red and white in Britain’s biggest St George’s Day parade.


T WAS the march that the Labourrun Sandwell Council didn’t want to take place. It thought that it had pulled the plug on the parade when it withdrew the funding for the event needed to secure the insurance and road marshals to make the parade legal. When this failed, it organised its own rival, multi-cultural,

fun day to take place just 24 hours earlier and told people not to attend the St George’s day parade. But Labour’s bullyboy tactics were ignored and over 20,000 people turned our for the 2 mile parade through West Bromwich, the biggest of its kind in the country and THREE TIMES the size of the crowd at the

NICK GRIFFIN: Just enjoying the special day for the people of England.

council’s politically correct ‘fun day’ in Dartmouth Park. It was against all the odds, that the Stone Cross St George Association, which is made up of local people, managed to raise the £15,000 needed for the march to take place - a victory for the English in their own country. Young children with their faces painted white and red walked alongside pensioners proudly waving their St George’s flags. Bill Archer sang Land of Hope And Glory and West Bromwich poet Sean Gould, reminded us all why we love England with its steak and kidney pies, gardens, dogs and football. There were boos and jeers for Sandwell Labour Party when Trevor Collins, of the Stone Cross St George Association, told the crowd of the underhand tactics used by the council to try to stop the march. Nick Griffin, the Chairman of the British National Party, joined the parade and said that he was delighted to be able to celebrate this famous English festival. He told the local newspaper: “When you consider the pressure the organisers were put under by the Labour Party, the massive turnout shows that the British people are no longer prepared to be bullied.”

Keep up to date with all the latest BNP news with the

British National Party Information Line

0906 553 2245 The line is updated every day and calls cost £1.00 per minute

Printed and promoted by and on behalf of the British National Party, PO Box 107, Wigton, Cumbria CA7 0YA.

Call Alwyn Deacon on 07815 146 712

PASS IT ON Now that you have found out the truth about the British National Party please give this newspaper to a friend or neighbour so that they can have their eyes opened too.

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