Fortran : Menghitung Konversi Maksimal Dari Suatu Reaksi

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 249
  • Pages: 5
Berikut merupakan Perhitungan Fortran Dengan mengguakan Logika Utama metode Newton Raphson untuk iterasinya,, Dan subrutinenya menggunakan metode Simpsons rule. Kasus yang diberikan adalah untuk menghitung konversi dari reaksi yang dijalankan di reactor batch yang bekerja adiabatic dengan berorder2 AB ra= - dCadt=kCa2 dengan k=A e-ErT

c Septiadhi Wirawan c Tugas Prokom 2 C 07/250925/TK/32472

integer ITER,itermax real*8 dx,tolx,x0,x1,tr,fnol,fp,fm common/simpsonrule/tr logical yadhi

Write(*,*)'silahkan input nilai x0(trial)' read (*,*)x0 write(*,*)'silahkan input nilai tr' read(*,*) tr Write(*,*)'

Septiadhi Wirawan'



Write(*,*)'========================================== ============' Write(*,*)'

Tugas 2 Prokom'


Mencari Konversi reaksi A ke B menggunakan '


Metode Newton Rhapson Featuring Simpson Rule


Write(*,*)'========================================== ============' Write(*,*)' Iterasi



Write(*,*)'========================================== ============'

dx=0.01 Itermax = 99 Iter = 0 Tolx = 0.0001

c Main Program Metode Newton-Rhapson yadhi=.false. while (.not.yadhi)do iter=iter+1 call hitungF (x0,Fnol) call hitungF (x0+dx,fp) calL hitungF (x0-dx,Fm) Faks= (fp-fm)/2/dx x1= x0-Fnol/Faks

if (abs(x1-x0).gt.tolx)then

x0=x1 else xnew=x1 yadhi=.true. iter=itermax+1 end if write(*,*)iter,x1,fnol,fp endwhile

if (x1.GT.1)then write (*,*)'' write(*,*)'Nilai tebakan xcoba tidak memenuhi fungsi' else write(*,*)'' write(*,*)'Konversi setelah t=10 menit adalah','"',xnew,'"' endif end

c Subroutine 1 Metode Simpson Rule subroutine hitungF (xf,F) real*8 xo,Ainteg,tr,zn,zo,znew,xnew,dx,xf,f common/simpsonrule/tr

N=40 xo=0

dx = (xf-xo)/(N) call hitungz(xo,zo) call hitungz(xf,zn) sum=0 do 90 i=1,N-1 xnew=xo+(i)*dx call hitungz(xnew,znew) if((-1)**i.LT.0)THEN z= 4*znew else z= 2*znew end if sum=sum+z 90 continue Sum = Sum+zo+zn Ainteg=sum*dx/3 F=tr-ainteg end

c Subroutine 2 subroutine hitungZ (xf,z) real*8 Cao,Ar,Er,rho,entalpi,cp,tnol,xf,z,k

Ar = 10**6 Er = 5500

Cp = 1 Rho = 1000 Cao = 2 entalpi = (-8000) Tnol = 363

T=Tnol-Cao*Xf*entalpi/rho/Cp k=Ar*exp(-er/t) z=1/k/cao/(1-xf)**2 end

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