Fornication And Church Membership

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comfort cold others - search Many professed Christians have interposed themselves between Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, and the world. In place of diffusing light, peace, hope, and comfort, they diffuse darkness, discouragement, and hopelessness. Every poor, tried soul needs light, needs tender, sympathizing, hopeful words. Every widow needs the comfort of helpful and encouraging words that others can bestow. Orphans who are lent to Christians in trust for God, are too often passed by and neglected, and yet they are bought with a price, and are just as valuable in the sight of God as we are. They may be ragged, uncouth, rough, destitute, cold, and hungry; yet as Gods' property, Christians should have a lively interest in them. They are members of the household of God, for whom Christians are responsible. "Their souls," saith God, "will I require at thy hands." They must be cared for, they must receive special attention. You cannot expend your means in a better way than by opening your doors to make homes for them. When the Lord sees that you are faithful in doing what you can to relieve human misery, he will move upon others to provide means to care for those who need help. Those who enlarge their hearts in this kind of work, do no more than their duty. Christ is our example. He was the Majesty of heaven, yet he did more for our fellow-men than any of us can possibly do. "Ye are laborers together with God." Let not one needless expenditure be made for the gratification of pride and vanity. Put your mites and your larger sums in the bank of heaven, where they will accumulate. Many who have had precious opportunities to wear the yoke of Christ in this most precious line of work, have refused to submit to the yoke. It has not been pleasant to practice unselfishness, and they have neglected to make the cases of the poor and unfortunate their own. They do not heed the injunctions of Christ, and improve every talent that the Lord has given them, co-operating with heavenly intelligences in gathering souls who will serve, honor, and glorify the name of Christ. -ENDothers coldness - search Already the judgments of God are abroad in the land, as seen in storms, in floods, in tempests, in earthquakes, in peril by land and by sea. The great I AM is speaking to those who make void His law. When God's wrath is poured out upon the earth, who will then be able to stand? Now is the time for God's people to show themselves true to principle. When the religion of Christ is most held in contempt, when His law is most despised, then should our zeal be the warmest and our courage and firmness the most unflinching. To stand in defense of truth and righteousness when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the Lord when champions are few--this will be our test. At this time we must gather warmth from the coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, and loyalty from their treason. The nation will be on the side of the great rebel leader. -ENDfornication church - search Compassion and Sympathy, But Also Plain Dealing. I am compelled to deal plainly and rebuke sin, and then I have it in my heart, placed there by the Spirit of Christ, to labor in faith, in tender sympathy and compassion for the erring. I will not let them alone; I will not leave them to become the sport of Satan's temptations. I will not myself act the part of the adversary of souls, as is represented by

Joshua and the Angel. Souls cost the price of my Redeemer's blood. =END= My mind is greatly perplexed over these things, because I cannot harmonize them with the course that is being pursued. I am fearful to sanction sin, and I am fearful to let go of the sinner and make no effort to restore him. I think that if our hearts were more fully imbued with the Spirit of Christ, we should have His melting love, and should work with spiritual power to restore the erring and not leave them under Satan's control. =END= -BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 01 -PG- 242 -TEXT<SI Need of Good Heart Religion. <EI We need good heart religion, that we shall not only reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine, but we shall take the erring in our arms of faith and bear them to the cross of Christ. We must bring them in contact with the sin-pardoning Saviour. -ENDI wish that a great deal let it be on condemnation =END=

we had much more of the Spirit of Christ and less self, and less of human opinions. If we err, the side of mercy rather than on the side of and harsh dealing.--Letter 16, 1887.

-BC- TM -TI- Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers -CN- 16 -CT- Elevate the Standard -PR- 02 -PG- 427 -TEXTCleanse the camp of this moral corruption, if it takes the highest men in the highest positions. God will not be trifled with. Fornication is in our ranks;[* SEE APPENDIX.] I know it, for it has been shown me to be strengthening and extending its pollutions. There is much we will 428 never know; but that which is church responsible and guilty effort to eradicate the evil. there is an accursed thing in -ENDchurch membership - search

revealed makes the unless they show a determined Cleanse the camp, for it.

Special Testimonies to Ministers and Workers. -- No. 3 -PR- 01

-PG- 36 -TEXTMissionary success will be proportionate to whole-hearted, thoroughly consecrated effort. Every departure from true missionary effort, every failure to cherish the missionary spirit, has reacted upon the church, and there has been a decline of spirituality. But every earnest effort that has been made in missionary lines, has brought spiritual health to the church, and has not only increased the membership of the church, but has increased its holy zeal and gladness. =END= -BC- AH -TI- The Adventist Home -CN- 56 -CT- Divorce -PR- 01 -PG- 346 -TEXT<SB Adultery, Divorce, and Church Membership. <EB--In regard to the case of the injured sister, A.G., we would say in reply to the questions of ----- that it is a feature in the cases of most who have been overtaken in sin, as her husband has, that they have no real sense of their villainy. Some, however, do and are restored to the church, but not till they have merited the confidence of the people of God by unqualified confessions and a period of sincere repentance. This case presents difficulties not found in some, and we would add only the following: -END-PC- RH -PT- Advent Review and Sabbath Herald -DT- 01-19-05 -AT- Notes of Travel (The College View Council) -PR- 09 -TEXTThe haphazard work done in the church by speaking to others of errors and mistakes before speaking to the one at fault has been the greatest cause and manifestation of wickedness and defection in the church. Weakness has come to many because they have not taken up their appointed work. God will not accept your gifts, however precious they may be, unless you make a straight path for your feet by following the directions that Christ has given. -END-PC- RH -PT- Advent Review and Sabbath Herald -DT- 01-19-05 -AT- Notes of Travel (The College View Council) -PR- 16 -TEXTWhen this work is done, the disunion existing in the cured, and the cause of God will move forward with power. which you think is wrong, do all in your power to correct it is that separates you from your brother, and plead for

church will be When you see that it. Find out what the unity that

Christ has said should exist in the church. Love as brethren, and do the work appointed you. Then you will know the preciousness of Christ's words, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." -END-PC- RH -PT- Advent Review and Sabbath Herald -DT- 01-19-05 -AT- Notes of Travel (The College View Council) -PR- 17 -TEXTAs you seek for Christ with all your heart, and in faith, that you may reach a higher standard of righteousness, he may reveal to you a duty undone, a stumbling-block that you must remove in order that your brother may be relieved, and that you may advance in the right way. Your brother may be wrong, and you may be wrong; therefore come together as children of the same family. Work as earnestly to make things right as you will wish you had worked in that day when the judgment shall sit, and the books shall be opened, and every man shall be judged according to the deeds done in the body. -END-BC- PH005 -TI- An Appeal for Self-supporting Laborers to Enter Unworked Fields -PR- 04 -PG- 8 -TEXT<SB Unite our Efforts <EB The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work, and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers. 9T 117. -END-BC- Ev -TI- Evangelism -CN- 5 -CT- Organizing for Evangelistic Meetings -PR- 03 -PG- 117 -TEXTInstead of toiling to prepare set rules and regulations, you might better be praying and submitting your own will and your ways to Christ. He is not pleased when you make hard the thing He has made easy. He says, "Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." The Lord Jesus loves His heritage, and if men will not think it their special prerogative to prescribe rules for their fellow laborers, but will bring Christ's rules into their life and copy His lessons, then each will be an example, and not a judge.--<SI Manuscript <EI 44, 1894. -END-

-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 01 -PG- 248 -TEXT<SI An Enormous Sin. <EI I saw that the seventh commandment has been violated by some who are now held in fellowship by the church. This has brought God's frown upon them. This sin is awful in these last days, but the church [members] have brought God's frown and curse upon them by regarding the sin so lightly. I saw it was an enormous sin and there have not been as vigilant efforts made as there should have been to satisfy the displeasure of God and remove His frown by taking a strict, thorough course with the offender. -END-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 02 -PG- 248 -TEXTIt has had an awful, corrupting influence upon the young. They see how lightly the sin of breaking the seventh commandment is regarded, and the one who commits this horrid sin thinks that all he has to do is to confess that he was wrong and is sorry, and he is then to have all the privileges of the house of God and be held in [the] embrace or fellowship of the church. -END-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 03 -PG- 248 -TEXTThey have thought it was not so great a sin, but have lightly esteemed the breaking of the seventh commandment. This has been sufficient to remove the ark of God from the camp, if there were no other sins to cause the ark to be taken away and weaken Israel. -END-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 04 -PG- 248 -TEXT<SI Suspension From the Church for Adulterers. <EI Those who

break the seventh commandment should be suspended from the church, and not have its fellowship nor the privileges of the house of God. Said the angel, "This is not a sin of ignorance. 249 It is a knowing sin and will receive the awful visitation of God, whether he who commits it be old or young." -END-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 01 -PG- 249 -TEXT<SI High-handed, Deliberate Sinning. <EI Never was this sin regarded by God as being so exceedingly sinful as at the present time. Why? Because God is purifying unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. It is at the very time when God is purifying this peculiar people unto Himself that [unsanctified] individuals step in among us. Notwithstanding the straight truths they have heard--the terrors of the Word of God set before them, and all the blazing truth for these last days calculated to arouse Israel--they sin with a high hand, give way to all the loose passions of the carnal heart, gratify their animal propensities, disgrace the cause of God, and then confess they have sinned and are sorry! -END-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 02 -PG- 249 -TEXTAnd the church receives them and says "Amen" to their prayers and exhortations, which are a stink in the nostrils of God, and cause His wrath to come upon the camp. He will not dwell in their assemblies. Those who move on thus heedlessly, plastering over these sins, will be left to their own ways, to be filled with their own doings. -END-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 03 -PG- 249 -TEXTThose who anciently committed these sins were taken without the camp and stoned to death. Temporal and eternal death was their doom; and because the penalty of stoning to death is abolished, this sin is indulged in beyond measure

and is thought to be a small offense.--Ms 3, 1854. -END-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 04 -PG- 249 -TEXT<SI No Help for This Man. <EI[* THE WHITE ESTATE HAS NO FIRM DOCUMENTATION ON THE NATURE OF E'S TRANSGRESSION, BUT ARTHUR L. WHITE RECALLS HEARING HIS FATHER, W. C. WHITE, REFER TO IT AS A PARTICULARLY REVOLTING CASE OF INCEST.] It is impossible for E to be fellowshiped by the church of God. He has placed himself 250 where he cannot be helped by the church, where he can have no communion with, nor voice in, the church. He has placed himself there in the face of light and truth. He has stubbornly chosen his own course, and refused to listen to reproof. He has followed the inclinations of his corrupt heart, has violated the holy law of God, and has disgraced the cause of present truth. -END-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 01 -PG- 250 -TEXTIf he repents ever so heartily, the church must let his case alone. If he goes to heaven, it must be alone, without the fellowship of the church. A standing rebuke from God and the church must ever rest upon him that the standard of morality be not lowered to the very dust.--1T 215. -END-BC- TSB -TI- Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce. -CN- 9 -CT- Counsels to Church Administrators -PR- 02 -PG- 250 -TEXT<SB 40. A Statement by Ellen and James White <EB[* INASMUCH AS THIS STATEMENT WAS ISSUED JOINTLY BY JAMES AND ELLEN WHITE, IT SEEMS CLEAR THAT THE VIEWS EXPRESSED HAD THE FULL SANCTION OF ELLEN WHITE.] <SI Possibility of Restoration. <EI In regard to the case of the injured Sister A. G., we would say in reply to the questions of J. H. W., that it is a feature in the cases of most who have been overtaken in sin, as her husband has, that they have no

real sense of their villainy. Some, however, do, and are restored to the church, but not till they have merited the confidence of the people of God by unqualified confessions, and a period of sincere repentance. This case presents difficulties not found in some, and we would add only the following: -END-BC- TSA -TI- Testimonies to Southern Africa -CN- 10 -CT- A Second Letter of Counsel to a Missionary in Africa -PR- 01 -PG- 90 -TEXTThe covenant of agreement in church membership is that each member will walk in the footsteps of Christ, that all will take His yoke upon them, and learn of Him who is meek and lowly of heart. Doing this, "Ye shall," saith the dear Saviour, "find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Those who wear Christ's yoke will draw together. They will cultivate sympathy and forbearance, and in holy emulation will strive to show to others the tender sympathy and love of which they feel such great need themselves. He who is weak and inexperienced, although he is weak, may be strengthened by the more hopeful and by those of mature experience. Although the least of all, he is a stone that must shine in the building. He is a vital member of the organized body, united to Christ, the living head, and through Christ identified with all the excellencies of Christ's character so that the Saviour is not ashamed to call him brother. -END-PC- RH -PT- Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald -DT- 06-03-84 -AT- Love Among Brethren (Gen. Conf., Nov. 15, 1883) -PR- 13 -TEXTChurch-membership will not guarantee us Heaven. We must abide in Christ, and his love must abide in us. We must every day make advancement in the formation of symmetrical character. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect." As God is perfect in his sphere, so are we required to be perfect in ours. There is a great work before us individually to reach this high standard, and some have scarcely learned their a b c's in the school of Christ. Our attainments will be just in accordance with the efforts we make, our character just what we choose to make it; for through the divine aid promised us, we can overcome. Jesus knows our frame; "he remembereth that we are dust." In pitying tenderness, he will give us the help and strength we need. -END-PC-PT-DT-AT-PR-

ST The Signs of the Times 07-27-88 A Vital Connection with Christ 03

-TEXTFaith is that mysterious and mighty principle that attracts the soul of man to God. As the sapless branch is united to the living vine, so we must be connected with Christ. There are two kinds of connection between the branches and the vine stock. One is visible, but superficial. The other is invisible and vital. So there is an apparent union, a membership with the church, and a profession of religion, which, though in itself good, is too often unaccompanied by saving faith in Jesus or living obedience to the commandments of God. The branches that are connected with Christ, the living vine, will make it manifest by bearing much fruit in good works to the glory of God. But the branches which have nothing but an apparent union, will be fruitless. As the branch cannot possibly bring forth fruit without a vital connection with the parent stock, so the Christian can be fruitful in good works only as union with Christ is made and preserved. The ruin of those who are not connected with Christ, is as complete as though they had no name to live; for they are dead. Christ compares them to lifeless branches that are gathered and burned in the fire. "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit." -END-BC- PH086 -TI- Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church -PR- 02 -PG- 22 -TEXTThe sin of these last days is upon the professed people of God. Through selfishness, love of pleasure, and love of dress, they deny the Christ that their church-membership says that they are following. I thank God that Jesus Christ knows every impulse in the heart of the believer. Many profess to be children of God, who do not follow Christ. Their frivolity, their cheap conversation, their want of high-toned piety, their low aims, mislead others, who would pursue a different course were it not for the example of these deceptive characters; those who do not love Christ or do his will, but simply follow their own imaginations. -END-BC- PH086 -TI- Special Testimony to Battle Creek Church -PR- 03 -PG- 22 -TEXTJesus is acquainted with every heart that is humble, meek, and lowly. These have trials and -23make mistakes, but they are broken-hearted because they grieve the Saviour, who loved them and died for them. They come humbly to his feet; they fight his battles. In meekness and lowliness of heart they seek to do good to others. They seek to advance the cause of truth, in good

and earnest endeavor. -END-

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