God Does Punish And Destroy

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********************************************************************* db: 1RH pt: Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald dt: 07-29-73 at: Moses and Aaron pr: 3 ********************************************************************* The order and prosperity of the kingdom depended upon the good order of the church. And the prosperity, harmony, and order of the church were dependent upon the good order and thorough discipline of families. God punishes the unfaithfulness of parents to whom he has intrusted the duty to maintain the principles of parental government, which lie at the foundation of church discipline, and the prosperity of the nation. ================================================ ********************************************************************* db: 1SP ti: The Spirit of Prophecy Volume One ct: Strange Fire pr: 1 pg: 278 cn: 22 ********************************************************************* When the Israelites committed sin, and God punished them for their transgression,... ================================================================= ********************************************************************* db: 25OT ti: Testimony for the Church, Number 25 pg: 80 pr: 1 ********************************************************************* .... This is regarded of God as the most criminal selfishness and robbery, and is an aggravating sin, which God will surely punish. God never forgets. He does not look upon these things with human eyes and with cold, unfeeling, human judgment. He views things, not from the worldling's standpoint, but from the standpoint of mercy, pity, and infinite love. ================================================================= ********************************************************************* db: 2ST pt: The Signs of the Times dt: 08-04-81 at: God's Justice Vindicated pr: 25 ********************************************************************* Thus the justice of God punished both Abimelech and the Shechemites. This terrible history should teach us the lesson that sin will never go unpunished, and it should impress upon our minds the danger of entering upon the path of disobedience. =================================================================== ********************************************************************* db: 8RH pt: Advent Review and Sabbath Herald dt: 01-03-07 at: Our Need of the Holy Spirit pr: 9 *********************************************************************

There are thousands, yes, millions, within the borders of our own country, who need the enlightenment of the Word of God. Vice and crime are rampant. Even in San Francisco, a city where God has spoken in judgment, the saloons are wide open, notwithstanding the fact that the sure results of the open saloon are well known. Will not God punish for this insult? The temperance work should be revived. ================================================================== ********************************************************************* db: LLM ti: Loma Linda Messages pr: 6 pg: 256 ********************************************************************* The word of God is to be the man of our counsel, and is to guide our experience. The lessons of the Old Testament history, if faithfully studied, will teach us how this can be. Christ, enshrouded in a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, was the guide and the light of the children of Israel, in their wilderness-wandering. Here was an unerring guide. In all their experiences, God was trying to teach them obedience to their heavenly Guide, and faith in His power to deliver them. Their deliverance from affliction in Egypt, and their passage through the Red Sea, revealed to them His power to save. When they rebelled against Him, and went contrary to His will, God punished them. ======================================================= ********************************************************************* db: 1PH ph: PH011 ti: Appeal to the Battle Creek Church pr: 1 pg: 22 cn: 7 ct: Encourage the Self-supporting Workers ********************************************************************* Eld. Fuller has been warned. The warnings given to others condemned him. The sins reproved in others reproved him, and gave him sufficient light how God regarded crimes of such a character as he was committing; yet he would not turn from his evil course. He pursued his fearful, impious work, corrupting the bodies and souls of his flock. Satan had strengthened the lustful passions which this man did not subdue, and engaged them in his cause to lead souls to death. We have no hope of his salvation. While he professed to be keeping the law of God, he was, in a most wanton manner, violating its plain precepts. He has given himself up to the gratification of sensual pleasure. He has sold himself to work wickedness. What will be the wages of such a man? The indignation and wrath of God will punish him for sin. The vengeance of God will be aroused against those whose hellish passions have been concealed under a ministerial cloak. ======================================================== ********************************************************************* db: 1T ti: Testimonies for the Church Volume One cn: 55 ct: Slavery and the War pr: 1 pg: 264 ********************************************************************* God is punishing this nation for the high crime of slavery. He has

the destiny of the nation in His hands. He will punish the South for the sin of slavery, and the North for so long suffering its overreaching and overbearing influence. ============================================================== ********************************************************************* db: 2SP ti: The Spirit of Prophecy Volume Two cn: 10 ct: The Woman of Samaria pr: 2 pg: 143 ********************************************************************* They were forced to believe that God was punishing them for their apostasy. =============================================================== ********************************************************************* db: 5RH pt: Advent Review and Sabbath Herald dt: 03-16-97 at: The Perils of the Last Days pr: 9 ********************************************************************* Man can be exalted only by laying hold of the merits of a crucified and risen Saviour. The finest intellect, the most exalted position, will not secure heaven. Satan had the highest education that could be obtained. This education he received under the greatest of all teachers. When men talk of higher criticism, when they pass their judgment upon the word of God, call their attention to the fact that they have forgotten who was the first and wisest critic. He has had thousands of years of practical experience. He it is who teaches the so-called higher critics of the world today. God will punish all those who, as higher critics, exalt themselves, and criticize God's holy word. ========================================= ========================================= Destroy ********************************************************************* db: 3RH pt: Advent Review and Sabbath Herald dt: 10-23-88 at: The Privilege of God's People pr: 11 ********************************************************************* The fact that unbelief prevails, that iniquity is increasing all around us, should not cause our faith to grow dim, nor our courage to waver. How was it with Enoch in his day? Was a life of holiness more easy then than it is now? Was the world more favorable to a growth in grace? Was the earth less corrupt, when God was forced to destroy its inhabitants for their heaven-defying wickedness? ================================================================= ********************************************************************* db: 17OT ti: Testimony for the Church, No. 17 pg: 192 pr: 1 ********************************************************************* ...... "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy,

which temple ye are." ============================================================= ********************************************************************* db: 1RH pt: Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald dt: 04-12-70 at: Practical Remarks [at the grove meeting in Johnstown, Mich., June, 1869] pr: 16 ********************************************************************* ...They may feel as did those to whom Noah preached warning them that the flood was coming upon the earth. They could laugh and ridicule. They would say, How can God destroy this world that he has made so beautiful? We do not believe it. Nevertheless the waters of the flood came, notwithstanding their unbelief, and they were washed away, and the world was cleansed of its moral pollution. ===================================================== ********************************************************************* db: 3RH pt: Advent Review and Sabbath Herald dt: 05-17-87 at: The Sin of Licentiousness pr: 10 ********************************************************************* It is now the duty of God's commandments keeping people to watch and pray, to search the Scriptures diligently, to hide the word of God in the heart, lest they sin against him in idolatrous thoughts and debasing practices, and thus the church of God become demoralized like the fallen churches whom prophecy represents as being filled with every unclean and hateful bird. With the Hebrews, God's judgment fell upon them at once. A plague immediately broke out. The anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and the plague visited those who were most guilty. But "the wages of sin is death," and for their hidden licentious indulgences God poured upon them his wrath. "If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy." The ringleaders in this demoralizing work, which was so debasing, so corrupting to Israel, so insulting to God, were ordered to be put to death by the hand of public justice, which was the only way to turn the wrath of God from the congregation of Israel. The command came from the Lord, to take the heads of the people who went out of the camp to associate with Moab, and hang them upon before the sun as sacrifices to God's justice, and as a terror to the rest of the people. The command was executed. They were first slain, then their bodies were hung up in sight of all Israel for a terror to the congregation of Israel, that they seeing their leaders and their princes so severely punished for their licentiousness and idolatry, without regard to wealth, or station, or what they had been, might have a deep sense of the abhorrence of God for sin, and a terror of God's wrath against them. And the men who have great light, and to whom one would look for an example, are in the sight of God very great sinners, if they transgress his law or deliberately lower the standard of his law to minister unto lust.

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