Formulating Research Problem

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  • Pages: 30

Formulating Research Problem  Review of Related Literature  Conceptual & Theoretical Literature  Synthesis

 Developing Conceptual Model  Theoretical & Conceptual Framework

 Research Problems  Statement of the Problem  Hypothesis

Literature Review  Consists of a collection of pertinent readings, published or unpublished, in local or foreign settings  Provide discussions of facts, principles, trends and practices to which the present study is related

RRL: Purpose  Provide an idea on how extensive studies have been done in specific areas  Give the investigator new or additional knowledge on the topic that s/he intends to pursue or to fill in gaps in the knowledge

RRL: Purpose  Help improve the methods and instruments for the purposed studies, learning from the best practices  Provide a general background for the research  Justify replication of previous studies  Avoid duplication

RRL: Purpose  Confirm, support, or even challenge the findings of other studies  Help build the theoretical or conceptual framework of the proposed study, and  Locate possible sources of other relevant materials by looking at the list of references of previous studies

RRL: Types Conceptual Review  Non-research reference materials written by authorities on the subject which embody experiences, viewpoints and interpretations of the subject of the research study  Sources: encyclopedia, books, commentaries, publications

Conceptual Literature “Motivation and Reward System in Relation to the Clinical Attitude and Behavior of Nurses”  Merit System  Motivation: Intrinsic and Extrinsic  Ranking and Promotion  Salaries and Privileges  Recognition and Rewards

RRL: Types Research Literature  Consists of studies and researches or theses and dissertations, published or unpublished, which have a bearing on the current research

RRL: Types Research Literature  Only research literature which are related in purpose, method, or findings to the current study should be included in the review. The discussion should be in the form of a brief critical analysis of the purposes, method of the study, principal findings, and conclusions.

Research Literature “Motivation and Reward System in Relation to the Clinical Attitude and Behavior of Nurses”  Humanistic Factors  Recognition/Reward for Efficient Performance  Attitudes and Behavior of Nurses in Hospitals

RRL: Sources  Primary Source - Information and data for the review are taken directly from the original research or author of the ref. mat.    

Nursing Literature Theories Ideas from other Sources Empirical Studies

RRL: Sources  Secondary Source - Materials for the review are taken from a researcher/author who cited the original author in his work    

Replications Thesis review Review of Related Research Thesis Critique

RRL: Preparation  Visit the Library and Gather Pertinent Materials for Review  Facts, statistics, findings or previous researchers  Theories, principles and concepts  Methods, techniques & procedures  Opinions, belief or points of view  Perceptions, clinical impressions & interpretations of needs & problems

RRL: Preparation  Organizing the Review  Consolidating ideas from various sources coherently in order to develop a meaningful RRL

RRL: Preparation  Note-taking and Documentation    

Summarizing Quoting Paraphrasing Acknowledging sources of data

 Presenting the Contents of the Review  Take note of the Fallacies in RRL

Example (In-text Citations) The beneficial effects of enteral feeding for stimulating the growth and motility of the gastrointestinal tract and reducing infections and metabolic complications have been reported (Kirby et al., 1995).

Example (In-text Citations) Kirby et al. (1995) reported the beneficial effects of enteral feeding for stimulating the growth and motility of the gastrointestinal tract and for reducing infections and metabolic complications.

Example (In-text Citations) According to Kirby et al. (1995), the beneficial effects of enteral feeding is for stimulating the growth and motility of the gastrointestinal tract and for reducing infections and metabolic complications.

Example (In-text Citations) The beneficial effects of enteral feeding (Kirby et al., 1995) is for stimulating the growth and motility of the gastrointestinal tract and reducing infections and metabolic complications have been reported.

Example (In-text Citations) The beneficial effects of enteral feeding, as reported by Kirby et al. (1995), is stimulating the growth and motility of the gastrointestinal tract and reducing infections and metabolic complications.

Example (In-text Citations) The beneficial effects of enteral feeding have been reported by Kirby et al. (1995). It stimulates the growth and motility of the gastrointestinal tract and reduced the infections and metabolic complications.

Example (In-text Citations) Personal Communication: The beneficial effects of enteral feeding is to stimulates the growth and motility of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces infections and metabolic Complications (Kirby et al., personnal communication, 2009)



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Example (Reference Citations)  Books and Monographs (Single author) Surname, Initials (Year). Title. Publisher, Edition, Year Published Marieb, E. (2006). Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology. C&E Publishing, 2008  Books and Monographs (2 or more authors) Surname, Initials, Surname, Initials (Year). Title. Publisher, Edition, Year Published Manlapaz, E.Z. & Francisco, M.E. (2005). The New Anvil Guide to Research: Paper Writing. Anvil Publishing, 2008

Example (Reference Citations)  Journal (Single/Multiple Author/s) Surname, Initials (Year). Title of Article. Title of Journal, Volume No.(Series No.): Page Number/s Reballos, C.A.F., Bendo, J.P., & Gloriani, L.E. (2007). Toxicity and Subacute Toxicity of Virgin Coconut Oil Among Albino Rats (Rattus sp). Journal of Philippine Science, 154(3): 34 – 41

Example (Reference Citations)  Masteral’s Thesis/Dissertations Surname, Initials (Year). Title of Thesis/Dissertation. Unpublsihed undergraduate/masterate thesis/doctoral dissertation. University Name/College Name. Reballos, C.A.F. (2009). Interactions of Monosodium Glutamate and Vitamins A and C in the Bioavailability of Iron Among Iron-Deficient Anemic Albino Rats. Unpublished masterate thesis. De La Salle University-Dasmariñas.

Example (Reference Citations)  Dictionary Title of Dictionary (Edition).(Year). Place of Publishing: Publisher. Shorter Oxford English dictionary (5th ed.).(2002). New York: Oxford University Press.  Newspapers/Magazines/Periodical Surname, Initials (Date). Title of Article. Name of Magazine/Periodical, Volume, Page Numbers Thomas, E. & Hosenball, M. (2004, May 31). Bush's Mr. Wrong: The Rise and Fall of Chalabi. Newsweek, 143, 22–32.

Example (Reference Citations)  Classroom Lecture Darling, C.W. (2004, April). Images at Work in the Poetry of William Carlos Williams. Outline presented in a classroom lecture at Capital Community College, Hartford, CT.  Electronic and Online Sources UNICEF/UNU/WHO (2001). Iron deficiency anemia: assessment, prevention, and control. WHO/NHD/01.3 Geneva, Switzerland.

Example (Reference Citations)  Book without Author/Editor Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (1961). Springfield, MA: G. & C. Merriam. PAHO/CDC/MOD/UNICEF/INTA (2003) Flour fortification with iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. Regional Meeting Report. Santiago, Chile. FNRI (2002) Recommended energy and nutrient intakes (RENI) Philippines, 2002 Ed. RENI Committee, Task Forces and FNRI-DOST Secretariat Australian Glutamate Information Service (2007) MSG.

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